A 2nd Core to Keep Windows Chugging Along? 659
Eh-Wire writes "Almost every hardware junkie I know would give most anything to take a spin in the new dual core hot rods from Dell or one of the custom system builders. But what if you actually needed that second core to run your anti-virus, spyware detection software and firewall just to get a little gaming or Internet surfing done on the first core. Would that really be a good reason to bring home a shiny new machine? I can think of a couple of different things I could use a second core for but running an iron lung on it just to keep the machine chugging along just isn't one of them. Curiously enough, PCMag thinks that's a perfectly good reason."
Yeah... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Interesting)
That's funny. I have a dual processor machine and the one thing I love about them is related to what you said: a misbehaving app that consumes 100% CPU does not make the machine unusable, because the UI can run on the other (which I promptly use to send a SIGKILL). You do not also feel those 100% bursts that some apps do.
Sure, if a two threaded app does that, you're screwed. Then again, an app that misbehaves like that will probably be erased ASAP (programmers that do that should be ahot).
All in all, dual processors (and dual cores I guess) make very "smooth" machines.
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Funny)
You're right! And I wasted another 5 seconds reading your meaningless reply, and yet another 20 seconds writing this meaningless reply, in response to your meaningless reply (which clearly took you several minutes to come up with)! ! When will it all end?!?!
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Funny)
Programmer: "Why? Why? Muahahha.... BECAUSE I CAN."
Using more resources than necessary to complete a task doesn't demonstrate any sort of talent.
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Funny)
You should optimize the time of your optimization so that you optimize the effects of that optimization. Optimizing at an inopportune opportunity will result in an unoptimized optimization. Just remember to use your optimization optimizer to find the best opportunity to optimize!
It's trivial, really. Hierarchial optimization is like SO basic. Don't forget to optimize your optimization optimizer! There's nothing more embarrassing than missing the optimum opportunity to optimize your code because your optimization optimizer took too long to execute!
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Insightful)
Once upon a time when the fastest desktops were 25MHz, a 486DX-25 would run WordPerfect 5.1 incredibly fast. Mind bendingly fast. Almost too fast, in that there were those looking for ways to share all that performance with multiple users. If you booted up a 486DX-25 today and ran WordPerfect 5.1 on it you would probably wonder how people got anything done on a machine so slow. The machine didn't change, but our perception of performance did
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Insightful)
You make an interesting point, but there is a problem with your logic.
How do you explain the contributions of modern software, in particular powerpoint to:
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Yeah... (Score:4, Interesting)
attacking flash for being useless is like attacking tv for being useless. 90%or so, of the time you are right, but to someone else it's quite important.
I think soap operas are not worth the tape they are recorded on, some people can't live without them. personally I feel most websites would benefit by having little to no advanced formatting, much less flash as, for the most part, I am looking for the information in the page rather than the joy of lookng at it. and I definitely agree that flash should not be used as a place where information should be searchable or bookmarkable.
That said, for those who wish to make pretty moving pictures for their website, flash makes it very easy to create. bearing in mind that the flash is there to attract a different sort of person than you. By all means, avoid that site, or advertiser. there is a flash ad on this site that has a couple of horn blasts, and If I ever meet the marketing manager who thought that was a good idea, I will blast an airhorn in their ear.)
dhtml and css, though possibly more proper, are not easy by comparison, if they were, something like google maps would have arrived sooner.
as for another counter example, I was recently introduced to someone from ben and jerry's, who created thishttp://www.benandjerrys.com/fun_stuff/cow_to_
we who tend to treat the web like an encyclopaedia will rue this, but we are a regrettably small minority. tv has annoying commercials, now movies do, and so will follow, or lead, the web.
one can only hope that there are more instances of things that are really good, (like school house rock) than really bad.
Re:Yeah... (Score:4, Insightful)
Mini USA Web Site [miniusa.com].
To see the example of Flash where it really added value, click on the models menu and select one of the models. Then pick interior features and there's a very nice thing where you can click on aspects of the interior and read about each feature. You could do this in DHTML as well as Flash but it would be a browser compatibility nightmare.
Of course the lack of any way to link within the content so I could show you what I like directly is a major bummer and a huge disadvantage of the all-Flash approach
Re:Yeah... (Score:5, Interesting)
For all the claims of "Techno luddite" he isn't talking about that scale. If word processors want to add AI to do predictive work (markov chain type prediction ala itap) that is FINE with me, but enough with the translucent flyaways -- it isn't so terrible to have them, but allow us to disable them.
The problem is not when I fire up word/ooo/staroffice, the problem is when I fire them up when I have 123123 other things running -- if they ran like they were on a 300 mhz celeron [i.e. conservative with resources] the system wouldn't bog down when I'm trying to add a note to some documentation.
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Interesting)
I agree that a word processor should not need much CPU power but I think websites should need even less as they usually do practically nothing and the best websites have practically no frills.
You can create decent looking websites without Flash. I might argue that you cannot create a decent website with Flash.
Re:Yeah... (Score:4, Informative)
See CSS Zen Garden [csszengarden.com] for proof of that...
(and for the web illiterates out there: there are no tables in CSSZG, and the only thing that changes between two designs is the stylesheet associated with the page, the HTML file doesn't change anywhere but where it links the aforementioned stylesheets)
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Informative)
Flashblock automatically replaces all flash elements with an icon you can click on to start the flash.
This means I don't have to universally block flash, but I won't have any flash crap wasting my time unless I specifically request it.
Adblock is still useful to remove other offending items, but I don't end up blocking every flash item I see anymore.
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Informative)
Adblock already has that functionality on its own.
Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:3, Insightful)
If you want to use Wordperfect 5.1, go for it. But I like a word processor to do a little more for me now a days, and that includes all the nifty things OpenOffice and Microsoft Office can do for me.
Maybe you don't write system documentation or work with complicated spreadsheets, but I do, and I welcome the feature rich applications available today.
Stop spreading your FUD. You don't need a 2Ghz machine to run a word processor. A 350Mhz Pentium II will run Open/Microsoft Office just fine, assuming you
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:3, Interesting)
What was said was not FUD. FUD is what you try to instill in another's mind if you want to discourage them from choosing a competitor's product or service or point of view, even.
The original comment was about proper, concise coding. That doesn't happen often because programmers typically build upon older legacy code because there's no time, money or organizational will to start from scratch.
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:3, Interesting)
Considering the speed limit on the freeway I take to work every day is 75mph... yes, I do need a car that can go above 65.
Also, running a car at its top speed isn't good for the engine. Running a processor at its top speed doesn't really affect it one way or another.
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:3, Insightful)
The P166 came out around 1995, and Office 97 in 1997, that's 2 years lead time. The Pentium 500 came out in 1999, and Office 2003 in 2003 - that's four years lead time.
Considering those numbers, I still don't see where all this bloat is being factored in. Office 2003 has a smoother looking interface and it sports a shit load more tools, features, and UI enhancements over Office 1997 that I can see why it requires a more powerful machine.
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:5, Informative)
As for spreadsheets, I see them more as a rapid prototyping tool (if even that). When I want to get anything done that involves large lists of data, I write a Perl script to do the job. Mind you, Perl is a lot more powerful than spreadsheet programs, and it, too, takes a lot less system resources than any given contemporary spreadsheet program.
Of course, every (wo)man has his/her own preferences, and I don't write this to encourage everyone to use emacs/LaTeX/perl, but rather to spread the fact that you don't need even a 350 MHz PII or even 64 MBs of RAM to be productive, and that it is most certainly program design that makes Open/Microsoft Office take much more resources than really necessary. While you may not need a 2 GHz machine like the GP said, you do certainly need a lot more because of the fancy GUIs and stuff.
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:3, Interesting)
Only problem is, to do, say, seven calculations per row (simple ones, like "=B2-C2" and "=LEFT(D4, 10)" ) on an external spre
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:5, Insightful)
Why does every coder that writes a Windows app think it has to run at sartup?
The only things that should ever run at startup, in the background, are: AV, mobo, video, sound, and anti spyware. Anything else is a waste of resources.
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:3, Interesting)
I've installed a lot of software that insists on putting something in startup. Network tools that want to put a menu in the systray, adobe software (like photoshop) that puts all this Adobe stuff in startup, and even a video encoder I have (a very nice one too) drops something in startup. Most of the media players do it, too.
It's not necessary, for the most part. While some applications have an option to turn
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:4, Informative)
Rather than bitching, why not spend a little time figuring it out? It's pretty obvious, if you think about it. Here we go. First, choose the Tools menu, because Tools always contains configuration menu options. Next, choose Customize under tools, because Customize in is where you customize menus and toolbars in Office applications (and many other Microsoft apps as well). Click over to the Options tab, because you're looking for options (the other two, Toolbars and Commands, are obviously not what you want). Looky there! I see a checkbox for "Always show full menus"! I wonder what that could do?
Yes, it's "buried", but it's buried in a logical place if you're familiar with Office products. (disclaimer: The above steps are for Word 2003. They may be different on older versions, but probably not.)
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:5, Insightful)
I think it's also worth mentioning that one DOES need to learn to use software. It's really strange that people think the computer should know exactly what they need, display it on the screen, and nothing else.
And when they want to change something, they shouldn't need to learn to do it.
What happened there? Everything in life takes some learning, and software is certainly no exception.
Re:Bloat? What do you know about bloat? (Score:5, Insightful)
As far as I can tell, it's a problem that was created from both sides. Users are always lazy (for anything and everything -- for instance, if you didn't have to pass a test to get a driver's license, nobody would ever take driving lessons and learn how to drive properly), but the industry is just as much to blame for humoring such beliefs. For example, this menu-hiding functionality was spawned directly from the belief that, "The user shouldn't need to learn how to use the software." Menu items that a user never uses, or uses rarely, will get hidden in an attempt to simplify the interface (hide functionality from users that don't use that functionality). Of course, it then pisses off the user the one or two times they do need to use that hidden functionality. I wonder how often this causes a user to believe that the software can't do what they want (when it really can, but the option is hidden), so they switch to a different application? Probably not a big problem with Word or Excel, but if TurboTax hid the option to itemize how many people do you think would switch over to TaxCut? (obligatory tax-related example, given the time of year)
In my opinion, this mind set needs to change. If you don't know how to work on your car, and you don't want to learn, then you go pay a mechanic to do it for you. The same thing should apply to softare. If you don't know how to user Word and you don't want to learn, you should be able to pay someone to do what you need. If you're too cheap to pay, then you'd better be willing to learn.
On a related topic, we geeks need to stop doing free tech support for friends and family simply because we're the people they know who "know computers". If you must help your friends and family with their computer problems, charge them money. Even better, you should refuse to help unless they've exhausted all their options. Otherwise, they'll never learn and just keep coming back every time they get a popup window they don't understand. It's the age old, "Teach a man to fish," problem.
so you're a web designer, huh? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Informative)
Sounds like something that could actually get .net apps running in the near vicinity of fast, as opposed to downright hang-dog slow.
As I've seen over the years, the more CPU(s) you throw at developers (myself included) the mo
Using up all resources can be good ... (Score:3, Insightful)
Using up all resources can be good, for example games will eventually want all of both cores. The second will have extra eye candy. For example extra smoke and dust particles in a racing game. Yes, that example was stolen
Re:Yeah... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Yeah... (Score:3, Funny)
The 1st link (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The 1st link (Score:3, Informative)
Content-Type: text/html
; charset=ISO-8859-1
That line, although valid, though not be two lines. The line break is throwing Firefox off.
Why don't we (Score:3, Funny)
Who wants to waste all that power running virus software? I don't get it.
Re:Why don't we (Score:3, Funny)
Although, if virus writers would limit their CPU usage to just the second core, thus freeing up the first one, maybe people would stop bugging me about their system running so slowly.
Wait for the PPC (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Wait for the PPC (Score:3, Informative)
Wonder what Tiger would be like on a dual core processor......
Re:Wait for the PPC (Score:3, Informative)
Last I checked, Intel systems share a bus to memory. That means you do NOT get extra bandwidth to memory for each additional CPU. You do on AMD systems though.
That aside, however, there are loads in which dual core with shared cache would be TREMENDOUSLY better than a dual CPU setup would be.
Here's an example:
Run the network stack on one core, run the consumer app
Re:Wait for the PPC (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Wait for the PPC (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Wait for the PPC (Score:3, Interesting)
Also, why the hell should a browser be using a video cards features? It's a browser. It should display webpages to w3c spec in a reasonably fast, secure, and easy to use manner. I don't see how having it rely on a vid
Re:Wait for the PPC (Score:3, Insightful)
It dosn't need to use the gpu , it does because it can and only good has come from it.
x.org supports composite rendering and Projects such as cairo are bringing this to the FreeDesktop world and all the eye candy that comes with it , simple reason is that you can get the eyecandy with far less strain than without a gpu.
Plus in the mac world most macs now have the ability to do this comfertably so there is no reaso
people make jokes about it but (Score:3, Interesting)
Insane.. 244watts under full load. Should be interesting to see amd's numbers in this regard.. (which should be out very soon, the release date is the 21st IIRC.) This would be an expensive upgrade if you choose Intel's dual-module chip. You'll need a new motherboard & a pretty hefty power supply.
Re:people make jokes about it but (Score:5, Informative)
Spyware (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Spyware (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Spyware (Score:3, Funny)
You mean you can use computers to do useful work?
Huh. I guess you really do learn something new every day!
Uh... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Uh... (Score:3, Insightful)
Consider the second core with all those anti-malware apps running on them to be "protection money" that you spent to run whatever programs you actually wanted to do stuff with. Is it really justifiable to spend money on a proprietary OS for the privilege of opening yourself to all those attacks just so you can get a little w
Actually I think this is an excellent idea (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Actually I think this is an excellent idea (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, because it's that much better to waste it to run spyware and viruses instead.
You know your operating system sucks when... (Score:4, Insightful)
Good god. More seriously, just seeing people put ideas like that out makes me cringe, not because it's not necessary but because it seems to me that thinking like that will only lead companies like Microsoft to dedicate the second core to nothing but fixing problems that shouldn't be there in the first place. I suppose it's inevitable, though. Programming, especially of the bad, lazy or bloated variety, always seems to expand to fill and tax whatever hardware is available to it.
Re:You know your operating system sucks when... (Score:3, Interesting)
I have been heavily researching the construction of a dual Opteron box to become the main server in my house. The main reason I want two procs is so that I have enough power to run several virtual machines using the Xen Virtual Machine Monitor. THIS is what a dual core processor should be used for. If the CPU is powerful enough and you are a bit of a cheapskate, you could even use the second core to be a low end 3D accelerator for games using some kind of open source driv
Re:You know your operating system sucks when... (Score:3, Insightful)
PCMag thinks that's a perfectly good reason
Because PCMag is staffed entirely by corrupt idiots who are paid not to point out to their similarly idiotic readers that with the tiniest bit of intelligence and due diligence anti-virus/anti-spyware software is completely unnecessary, even in Windows. The story blurb also mentions firewalls, but that's stupid; it doesn't take up any extra CPU time in any real way.
On top of all this, as others have also pointed out, anti-virus/spyware software is often
Re:You know your operating system sucks when... (Score:3, Insightful)
Linux desktop foo-foo isn't far behind.
Isn't far behind? As much as I like linux, or unices in general, desktop inefficiency is actually worse under linux than under windows. I like linux as a naked, barebones system to run my computationally expensive stuff - very efficient at that. But if you go to desktops - KDE or gnome are way worse than windows in my humble opin
MultiProcessING vs. MultiProcessOR (Score:3, Informative)
A decent operating system can run multiple processes at once efficiently on the main processor (and if it's got multiprocessor support, either with discrete processor chips or just multiple cores, it can do a reasonable job of spreading the load.) Doing the job right includes managing the caches of user programs and user data and the caches of system-utility programs and data, and the right way to do that is to use an operatin
come on... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:come on... (Score:3, Informative)
That was my thought when I saw the first mention of using the second core for a virus scan. However, a little later in the article, the author devotes a par
Re:come on... (Score:3, Insightful)
...what? (Score:5, Insightful)
Amazing revelation: dual core processors can do two things at the same time?! You must be kidding me. Any properly threaded application can take advantage of dual cores--there's no need to dream up scenarios where someone could be *gasp* doing multiple things at once.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but I'm confused as to why this is newsworthy.
Re:...what? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:...what? (Score:5, Insightful)
People think we're joking about Windows... (Score:3, Interesting)
What's worse, though, is the people who think that kind of fug is inevitable and somehow desirable, and don't believe that other systems are less messed up.
People *are* forced (Score:3, Insightful)
We're a small ISV. Most of our clients use Windows (certainly not because it provides a "damn good out of the box experience", it most definintely doesn't, half of our clients' machines are so screwed up with spyware that they often can't even use them anymore, half of our support calls are related to spyware in some way. They use XP because they honestly and literally don't know any better, it's absolutely the only thing they know about, it just 'comes with the computer when they buy it', and 'everyone els
Clearly this is where things are heading (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't do PC's anymore outside of work where we have everyone clamped down pretty tight so I had kind of lost touch with how bad it really was out there. Last week I had one of my users bring in his PC that was locking up on him and doing the usual "strange stuff" that users talk about. I really never did get around to trying to fix anything though.
I sat in awe as the thing, with no programs open and nobody touching it spent most of the day fighting it's own little virus/spyware battle. Between Symantec and the (easily) half a dozen anti-spyware programs he had installed the computer sent a constant stream of pop-up windows coming at me warning me about assorted files and registry keys it thought suspicious and busily scanning it's ass off.
I wondered how he got any work done on the thing with it spending so much in the way of resources on "self defense". This is the answer in Windows world, they're going to eventually sell you a PC that's really two in one with the first one dedicated to just running the OS and all this crap you have to buy to keep from being bent over by the virus writers and the other virus writers who create spyware/adware.
Dead homies (Score:5, Funny)
Download the windows 2nd Core patch here (Score:4, Funny)
Hits the nail on the head (Score:5, Insightful)
Now, we all know that most of our processes are input bound, not compute bound. They spend the vast majority of their time waiting for user input. Game are an exception: they both continually process changing data and wait for user input (that's why they are such good benchmarks). Most everything else, however, is input bound. However, many of the processes that run in the background are compute bound, input has little effect on them.
Now in my mind the best way to use a second core is to a) lump all your input bound processes on one core, and your background compute bound processes on the other (like anti-virus, firewall, maybe music, etc.) or b) run compute bound processes on each at the same time (game on one, factor large prime numbers on the other). Either way, there is almost no point in placing seperating the input bound processes between the two cores. This means that unless you are clever about how you divide the work, you aren't going to get much out of it.
Way of the future? (Score:5, Insightful)
I think the point is that it's not really a choice between clock speed and parallelism. You may still have a choice at the moment, but don't expect that to continue. Developers will have to start learning to deal with parallelism if they don't want to fall off the performance curve. I expect we'll start seeing methods, tools, languages and libraries to help developers manage it easily while avoid the common dangers of deadlock and inconsistency. There's some interesting research in the area and we may start seeing some of that find its way into production systems. And of course once developers start adopting parallelism, consumers will in turn begin to see the benefits of it.
In some ways its an obvious message if you look at supercomputers. No one's running serial code on petahertz machines! They're all just systems with large numbers of fairly pedestrian processors with custom fast, low-latency interconnects. As always, this is just the natural trickling down of that to the desktop level.
What a load of hypocritical garbage, (Score:4, Informative)
In fact, Windows XP SP1 with AVG *and* a software firewall ran office and home apps faster on my old C433/256 than Mandrake 9.2 *or* FreeBSD 4.3 with no A/V or firewall. But, since I dare say so on Slashdot, I'm either a liar or a paid Microsoft shill.
Re:What a load of hypocritical garbage, (Score:3, Interesting)
Ahem, my setup is a Cube 450Mhz, running the latest OS, and I'm looking forward to upgrading to Tiger.
Of course I *want* a faster machine, but to be honest, I don't *need* it. I do video, CAD, graphics, pictures, music, telephony and of course a lot of other things.
And no, it won't run Doom III very well. But I knew when I bought it five years ago, that it wasn't a gaming machine (although I've logged quite a few hours of Quak
What about I/O? (Score:4, Insightful)
What the PC Mag writer neglected -- or was oblivous to -- is the fact that those other processes occupying the second (or hereafter known as "wasted") core use a hell of a lot of I/O. A virus scanner scans everything going into the secondary storage. Sure, you have effectively two processors, but that doesn't do you any good if one of those processes is constantly scanning stuff on the hard drive. You're not going to be able to run Norton and Half-Life at the same time, no matter how fast the processor.
The point is that you shouldn't have to have all of those I/O bandwidth-hogging "crutches" (such as virus scanners, spyware scanners and the like) stealing your machine's I/O bandwidth. The title of this article has it right: you already do need a more powerful machine just to keep Windows "chugging" along.
The sump pump approach to security (Score:3, Interesting)
Intel Marketoids (Score:3, Insightful)
Amd is releasing at 2.4 (Their fastest) as well as a 2.6 and 2.8 dual core within weeks of their first announcement. So they will just be faster and dual core so um sweet!
Re:Intel Marketoids (Score:3, Interesting)
In fact doing builds of LibTomCrypt I had to enable HT and only then would I get build times similar to my AMD64
So it takes an extra Ghz and HT to get close (well without HT it takes roughly +7 seconds or so) to and AMD64....
SMP (Score:3, Interesting)
SMP makes a massive difference on a system - if your workloads benefit. Mine do - I spend a lot of time compiling things, and the compiling (on the right codebase) tends to scale in an almost linear way with number of CPUs. Not only does SMP make this vastly faster, but it leaves your system so much more responsive that it's hard to believe.
Even if dual core CPUs have only half the benefits (I imagine the Intel ones will, given their memory bandwidth needs) I'd still be really tempted. The power consumption is a nasty issue though.
AV is also disc (Score:3, Insightful)
The slowing effect of protection stuff is as much diskaccess, the growing size of binaries (ever entered a directory with a few 100MB self extracting
The main problem with protection stuff is that nowadays people seem to develop software to be able to run stand-alone on todays hardware. People that run a bit more, or use yesterdays computer are left in the cold.
However it is pretty much also the customers fault. They buy the new versions while pretty much nothing changed except the versionnumber, a new desktop theme, and something to make it up to date with buzzwords. (wifi/xml).
Stick to your old versions of aviri as long as the signatures are still on. Kill the firewall, it is useless anyway if you are patched correctly. I know that the avg user is paranoid and thinks every FW event is a threat averted, but in reality they are just a few scanning bots and nutters.
I'm only lukewarm to security (do my patches every so and so many months, and use the oldest still support McAfee engine), and no firewall, while I'm in a totally open university net. Despite that I had more dataloss and trouble from protection software than from actual malware.
Oh, and btw, if you reinstall your Windows, PLEASE disconnect the network, and install the SPs and a select few (worm) hotfixes from CD. Half of the hacked machines are hacked during install, not use.
Why a second CPU is good (Score:3, Interesting)
Idiocy (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Best protection against random internet assault (Score:5, Insightful)
You can buy a router, and it is a really good idea, but most users will still click "yes" on whatever dialogue pops up on the screen. Your average user doesn't know what a "binary" is...
It might I think if you did devote a second core purely to spyware/virus/babysitting it would only reduce the problem but not remove it.
smarter PC usage is the answer, not more hardware...
Re:Dual Core? How about dual proc... (Score:3, Informative)
Instead you will pay the usual price for the motherboard, and around $80 more than the cost of a single CPU.
Intel and AMD need to sell the dual core CPU's cheap to get them in the market fast, so that all those lazy programmers will actually take advantage of the new hardware out there.
Re:Cheaper to buy 2 single-core computers (Score:3, Interesting)
You will only be paying ~$80 more for the dual core CPU, and the usual price for the motherboard.
But if you're the kind of dumbass who buys crappy Dell systems filled with their borderline functional generic parts, with tremendous price markups, then maybe you deserve to be separated from your money.
Re:Of course, what they DON'T mention... (Score:4, Insightful)
Microsoft said 6 months or so ago that one socket = one CPU. Other software vendors that license based on CPU did the same
XP Home will take one physical CPU
Similarly, XP Pro will make full use of two sockets
Loose some of your hate for windows, and you might just get to take advantage of all this tasty new technology.
Re:Oh it's all going to hell... (Score:3, Informative)
My ARM based router running linux works like that - we are there and have been for years. General purpose systems are a different story, and need to initialise the latest kitchen sink attachment on boot. Your one second boot machine is possible now - just don't expect it to be cheap or have a mechanical disk drive.
The OS needs to do stuff
Re:Oh it's all going to hell... (Score:5, Informative)
The traditional UNIX startup model calls for a lot of tasks to be fired off at boot time, one after the other. Whether you use init scripts or rc scripts or whatever, the model is the same.
In Panther, we created a fairly sophisticated system for firing off these tasks in parallel instead of serially. The net result was a decrease in cold-start times of about 100%.
Now we've got launchd. The idea now is that instead of making the user wait for a bunch of services to start, we let launchd fire them both in parallel and asynchronously.
I don't want to get extremely specific here for reasons I hope are obvious, but on modern (i.e., dual-G5) hardware, the time from the end of power-on tests and the initialization of Open Firmware to the menu bar and dock appearing and the system accepting user input is as little as four seconds.
Four seconds to cold-boot the operating system.
Pretty impressive, no? All it takes is a willingness to look at the traditional way of doing things, recognize massive stupidity, and correct it.
Re:Oh it's all going to hell... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Yet another lame anti windows story. (Score:3, Informative)
Sounds I/O bound to me. Extra RAM will make more of a difference than dual cores, since you avoid paging as much stuff.
Now if the stupid app is recalculating everything just because it got window focus... hmm, I'd call that a crappy application.
Re:Yet another lame anti windows story. (Score:3, Informative)
Windows XP is multi-threaded.
Hey, look! I'm replying twice to the same post!
What you likely mean is that Windows XP Professional (as well as Windows 2000 Professional) can "see" a second processor and make use of it. XP Home and the regular Windows 2000 cannot do this.
"Multi-threading" refers to the individual application's ability to execute more than one instruction at a time if it has access to two processors. AutoCAD (from what I understand) cannot do this. Microstation, 3D Studio and Photoshop
Re:Yet another lame anti windows story. (Score:3, Insightful)
When the grandparent mentioned a 10 minute delay in switching from ACAD to ArcMap running on the same computer, and implies that the delay mostly disappeared when he was on a hyperthreaded system, I had one thought:
The "slow" system was slow due to lack of memory (and perhaps due to slower drive access speed for virtual memory).
For two systems where the only major difference is a hyperthreaded CPU on one machine, I wouldn't expect a 10 minute switching time to mostly disappear.