Homemade Mecha Walks in Japan 349
EtherAlchemist writes "Sakakibara Kikai has pictures and even a movie of their Land Walker robot (Babelfish translation here) which appears to work. Powered by a 250cc gas engine and armed with several guns (including 2 that fire Nerf-like balls) it stands at a little over 3 meters. What makes this one interesting is that it is actually armed and it is piloted instead of being an exo-skeleton. Makes me wonder if the creators of shows like Robotech or comics/RPGs like Battletech have any kind of licensening rights on appearance. I'd like to see a Warhammer..."
Of Course (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Of Course (Score:2, Funny)
Metal Gear! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Of Course (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Of Course (Score:3, Insightful)
Thank god we have all these "idiots" willing to risk their lives to protect you, huh?
Re:Of Course (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Of Course (Score:5, Interesting)
Contrast to Robot Wars with wedges slamming each other (which I find to be quite monotonous and repetitive after the first few times), I believe that the path the Japanese are taking -- bipedal robots which are more versatile -- will benefit mankind in terms of usefulness and application. Heck, even the Japanese version of Robot Wars is much more entertaining to watch, with the robots going through various attack patterns. Check it out here [impress.co.jp]
Re:Of Course (Score:5, Interesting)
A few years ago when the dotcom crash blew apart our industry I nervously accepted a position in Japan and headed out here not really knowing what to expect. I can honestly say its the best decision I ever made. I've never regretted it for a single day. I'd recommend it to anyone.
Re:Of Course (Score:2)
Re:Of Course (Score:2)
Terminator (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Terminator (Score:4, Funny)
Okay, that's it. If anybody asks me if I've seen John Connor, I'm pointing in your direction.
What the heck? (Score:5, Funny)
I'm actually quite impressed though, but I'd like to see a shot of it actually walking around and such.
Re:What the heck? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:What the heck? (Score:2)
Re:What the heck? (Score:2, Insightful)
I want one (Score:2, Funny)
Re:I want one (Score:3, Funny)
(all you amputees can bite me)
Bot vs Bot (Score:4, Funny)
Clearly they'd never be used against real people.
Right... (Score:2, Insightful)
Just like the UAVs were just going to take pictures, right?
Cool but bad idea (Score:2, Insightful)
I dunno 'bout you (Score:4, Funny)
Seriously, it's awesome to see two amazing robotic inventions like these - maybe Asimov's vision of a robot-filled future isn't so far off...
PS I just can't wait till RoboSharks and Rooba's start mating... Land Shark!
Robot-filled future (Score:3, Funny)
maybe Asimov's vision of a robot-filled future isn't so far off...
Sounds like a brave new world.
Pretty cool .. (Score:5, Informative)
In case of a late-night Slashdotting, I've got a copy of the movie stashed temporarily: robo movie [toast442.org]
Re:Pretty cool .. (Score:3, Funny)
I triple-dog-dare-you to point a gun at it!
Coral Mirror (Score:2)
Re:Pretty cool .. (Score:2)
They're going to need something that can pick itself up again if someone rams it with a car and knocks it over.
Still, future defence bots are going to be big money...
not homemade, but... (Score:5, Interesting)
More info can be found here [toyota.co.jp].
Re:Pretty cool .. (Score:5, Insightful)
It moves along on wheels under the feet - think roller-skates. Also, think of how a large, mainly top-heavy (I'll bet the legs' only function is as ballast) thing scooting along ... on roller-skates. It is unstable. :(
Neat, but ... well, if you're going to build something like this, why not at least have it walk or do something more useful with the legs than provide ballast? Also, a gyro might help with this thing's drunken swagger.
It's not that it's terrible ... but I think it doesn't even perform up to the same bar that has been set by exoskeleton systems.
Re:Pretty cool .. (Score:2)
Re:Yes, think R2D2 crossed with Tanya Harding (Score:5, Interesting)
Of course it is possible that the legs are not actually driven and are only made to look like they're the source of motive power, but that would be quite sad...
Sweet (Score:3, Funny)
Laser eyes, baby, laser eyes.
I love technology.
Bad ass. (Score:2)
Re:Bad ass. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Bad ass. (Score:2)
Walking? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Walking? (Score:2)
And the Pilot? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And the Pilot? (Score:5, Funny)
Of course, if this will lead to hot mysterious blue-haired girls with red eyes, then I'm all the more for it
Re:And the Pilot? (Score:2)
I wouldn't say "Walked" (Score:3, Funny)
Although this machine is really cool, It is kind of pointless to put guns on it (implying a military purpose) when enemy fighters could escape the contraption by simply fleeing over say, a parking block or curb.
Re:I wouldn't say "Walked" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I wouldn't say "Walked" (Score:4, Funny)
Exterminate!!! Exterminate!!!
Re:I wouldn't say "Walked" (Score:2)
They wouldn't either.
On the landwalker page [sakakibara-kikai.co.jp] they list the method of locomotion as "two-legged shuffling." And you can see wheels on the soles of the feet in the diagram.
The headline should be Homemade Mecha Rollerskates in Japan.
Homemade mecha in Oregon (Score:5, Funny)
Here's the costume I made to carry my son for Halloween:
http://hallert.net/mech/mechcostume.htm [hallert.net]
Here's a video of it in motion:
http://hallert.net/mech/WalkingTheMech.wmv [hallert.net]
Re:Homemade mecha in Oregon (Score:3, Funny)
Just because... (Score:5, Insightful)
This may sound like a troll, but I don't mean it that way:
Just because in this day and age people can sue other people for just about any reason, doesn't mean that everything needs to be turned into a legal issue.
If I was a member of this mecha's development team and I read this, I'd seriously be wondering whether inclusion on slashdot was really such a good thing after all.
Re:Just because... (Score:3, Funny)
Not Likely (Score:3, Informative)
Corporations may a bit more, but it's just not a litigious society.
Re:Just because... (Score:2)
Just because in this day and age people can sue other people for just about any reason
The only country having such a legal "culture" where you sue others for even futile things seems to be the US though.
Re:Just because... (Score:3, Insightful)
Really? Lawyers advocating legal measures? That's as strange as geeks advocating technical measures, HR/"people people" advocating discussion and negogiation, etc.
People tend to advocate courses of action that
a) they are familiar and comfortable with
b) will make them money
But don't forget, behind almost every sleazy, greedy lawyer is a sleazy, greedy client...
One word (Score:3, Funny)
Re:One word (Score:3, Insightful)
Mirror of the Video (Score:3, Informative)
Oh Babelfish... (Score:2, Funny)
So this mech is equipped with a asbestos gun. Great.
Re:Oh Babelfish... (Score:2)
The Japanese word for cancer is gun.
The Japanese word for gun in gun.
But you wernt wondering... were you.
Re:Oh Babelfish... (Score:2, Informative)
Has anyone else noticed....? (Score:4, Funny)
Now might be a good time to get out the old Playstation and start practising against the apparently immeninent take over bid...
Walking... or sliding (Score:2)
What amuses me is it looks like it's sliding on the cement ground, rather than walking with their legs.
Watch out for that breeze! (Score:4, Informative)
Looks like it uses wheels in the feet to move around (interesting that it can pivot without having to reposition the feet). That design decision reduces the types of terrain available to traversing, though.
Reminds me a lot of the Mini Cooper "robot" [r50rd.co.uk]. I'd be suprised if the Land Walker were fake, though... it's just too imperfect.
I love the progress of science. I want a real Steel Battalion vertical tank! [teamxbox.com] (awesome game, btw)
Re:Watch out for that breeze! (Score:3, Funny)
a car and an uzi = much more useful for settling disputes
Reason why it shuffles and doesn't walk (Score:5, Informative)
video mirror... (Score:2, Informative)
Sakakibara Kikai (Score:4, Funny)
For Great Justice! (Score:2, Funny)
Looks Like (Score:2, Interesting)
Waddling Overlords (Score:5, Funny)
Do the Shuffle (Score:5, Informative)
Now this is a walker: http://www.plustech.fi/Walking1.html [plustech.fi]
Video: http://www.plustech.fi/WalkingVideo.html [plustech.fi]
Yes, it has more than 2 legs, but at least they come off the ground and wouldn't be stopped dead in it's tracks by a speed bump.
The walker reference probably came from it's gait, it looks like an old man in slippers while pushing a walker in front of him.
Re:Do the Shuffle (Score:4, Informative)
The problem is that we do not have any mechanical systems that can move rapid enough and accurate enough to mimic biped standing walking and running, espically in a 12 ton mecha form. as soon as someone invents that then your desire would come true in the form of forestry and construction equipment. They would KILL for a machine with the agility of a biped and the speed of a wheeled vehicle.
the human legs are insanely accurate and fast devices, performing tons of micro adjustments every second. Look at a master of karate, he/she can kick so fast it looks like a blur yet stop their foot 1 inch from your face. computer technology is fast enough to handle that processing but there is no high strength mechanical actuation systems that can.
and honestly mechanical systems are still very much primitive with only small advances because there has been no need for high speed, high strength, high acuracy yet.
it's the ED-209! (Score:3, Funny)
Sweet (Score:2)
How soon till we get the homebrew kit, how much will it cost, and when can they fly?
But seriously, this is really cool. And somehow I always had a gut feeling that true mecha would be created not by the military with their massive budgets, but by home tinkerers, who might not have the best materials and equipment, but still manage to cobble together something that works, and more importantly, something that
Wouldn't call that walking... (Score:2)
I want to see real Atlas-class mechs (Score:2)
Lift foot.
Lightly position foot on tank.
Shift weight on foot.
Note audible Shzplat-a-*poof*.
Lift foot.
Take two steps back.
Observe 60-Ton flat metal plate.
Then again I never exactly got the math of the weight thing figured out. A modern MBT (think M1) weighs in around the 60 Ton ballpark, whereas an Atlas which dwarfs it quite considerably (enough to quite literally smudge it by stepping on it) said "100 Ton". Maybe I forgot to
Sadly, unlikely to ever happen (Score:5, Informative)
Sadly, there's a few reasons why we're unlikely to ever see 'mechs striding the landscape:
1) Vulnerability. Modern anti-armour weapons, especially guns, are insanely powerful. The 120mm gun in the M1A2, when equipped with the latest APFSDS ammo, has a muzzle velocity of over 1800 m/s, and a penatrative capacity of 960mm of Rolled Homogeneous armour - yes, nearly a full metre of solid steel. 1 cubic metre of steel weighs roughly 17,000 lbs
Tanks get away from this by using armour that has greater protection capacity at thinner thicknesses, and heavily armouring only the portions of the tank likely to see fire - the turret, and the front of the tank. Tank commanders are heavily trained to use terrain and situational awareness to keep the armour pointed at the enemy. The punishments for getting caught "tracks up to the world" or "broadsides" were severe (although not as severe as what the enemy could dish out)
Ideally, the only part of the tank visible to the enemy at any given point in time is the gun muzzle and the front of the turret.
Effectively, the armour on the turret is worth about 800-900mm of RHA, and the glacis is between 500-600mm. The sides, top, and rear are much, much less - and the way that you generate those high effective thicknesses is through the use of super-dense materials like depleted uranium - lighter than the equivelent resistive thickness of steel, but still not exactly light.
Your Atlas, even if the front arcs are more heavily armoured than the rear, stands so much taller than a tank that concealment and the use of terrain will be much tougher, if not impossible. That means that the forward arcs will have to be *at least* as well armoured as the turret of an M1, and it has a MUCH larger surface area to cover. That's going to weigh a LOT more than 100 tons.
2) Mobility: Given the massive weight of the chassis (dictated by the armour it needs to carry) and the high ground pressure (dictated by the bipedal form factor) this thing is going to tear up terrain like nobodies' business. Tanks, with low ground pressure and (typically) rubber-padded tracks, still rip the shit out of roadways and open country. Your Atlas is going to be far, far worse. It will be difficult to move any number of them from place to place without transforming the roadway into an untraversable morass, and bridges will be right out of the question.
Even assuming ideal conditions, mobility is still going to suffer. In a world dominated by line-of-sight projectile weapons, the proper place for a biped is on his stomach - or squatting. Soldiers walk and run, yes - but only for short distances. A quick burst of speed to the next position of cover, and then dive on your face.
I doubt your Atlas will dive more than once.
There are other reasons... but the basic problem is one of scale. Bipeds do not scale well past a certain size.
Analog system (Score:2, Insightful)
no breakthrough here, move along.. (Score:2)
It's very cool looking and all but not very practical. I own a Bobcat 732 skid steer front end loader and I can tell you this, you can flip that puppy pretty easy. And this thing, no way you would get me up there like the driver in the video.. If this things eats shit, the driver is pretty much mush.
And the 250cc engine? Big deal, my Bobcat has a small V4 gas engine in it, not much bigger than a motorcycle engine. 250cc is nothing to just move and aluminu
It's a render.. (Score:2)
Compfused.com's video link! (Score:2)
Robotech vehicles (Score:3, Interesting)
The Veritech looks almost like an F-15. Would it be useful for a military force to have these transformable aircraft? could it be done?
Re:Robotech vehicles (Score:4, Insightful)
When you actually look objectively at what a "Mech" would require, engineeringwise, and how it would pose risks to the human pilot, you realize how it will never become a reality, no matter how much R&D is spent.
When you watch an anime battle with Mecha you see a lot of instances of these things doing hairpin turns and falling to the ground and bouncing around in a jarring fashion. Even today jet pilots can not pull certain maneuvers without blacking out from the G-forces. The kinds of things you see in anime would kill a human pilot instantly without some kind of magical inertial dampener technology. You'd be lucky if you walked away with just a case of whiplash.
Secondly, we just don't have materials strong enough to build one of these. The joints especially are problematic. There is a real limit to how big these can be without being ultra fragile. If one of these were to fall over, not only would you need help to pick it up, but you'd probably also have to repair it.
Third, power supply. All those motors need energy. How long do you think it will run off an internal battery or some noisy gas engine?
I think it's great to try, but just because it LOOKS like something out of anime doesn't mean it's going to be anything close to as functional, and like I said, even if you could magically produce something that could perform like anime, without those intertial dampenders you REALLY wouldn't want to play around with it.
Re:Robotech vehicles (Score:5, Insightful)
Military vehicle designers have a name for big round blobs sitting on top of stilts. They call it 'a target'. There is a reason that both the Abram's tank and the Hummer are wide flat vehicles. You get the carrying capacity, and if a shell explodes nearby there is less chance of flipping the vehicle. The typical 'mech' design would be easily toppled and rendered useless with a simple hand tossed grenade, and that big round blob provide lots of area to absorb the blast.
Re:Robotech vehicles (Score:3, Insightful)
On the other hand, it would be much easier for a robot like this to play hide-and-seek in mountainous areas, then instantly take off with a quick jump in the air and transform to an aircraft. It would also be possible to hide it inside mountain curves.
It's a robot-shaped car (Score:2)
From the movie, I just have one question... (Score:2)
It's a modern miracle! (Score:3, Funny)
Robotech and battletech can sue (Score:2)
the imperial walkers from empire strikes back(1983), Macross
Mazingger Z from 1972
Mechs - BAH! (Score:3, Funny)
While all of you mech fanatics are rolling around on the ground like a octegenarian with a busted hip, I'll be safe and sound in my tank, busy putting you out of your misery.
Re:But... (Score:2)
Run Linux? It can barely walk slowly!
Re:But... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:But... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:But... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:But... (Score:2)
hey, whats this button do?
Another Mirror (Score:2)
I figured I'd give the new Our Media [ourmedia.org] site a try and added this movie.
The file is located here [ourmedia.org] but doesn't show up until after some sort of waiting period. I have no idea how long it will take, or if it will even show up. Maybe somebody can post if/when it does.
Yes, the title is a little dramatic, but that's the evil overlord talking.
Re:Another Mirror (Score:4, Informative)
Here's a direct link to the movie [archive.org].
"Warhammer"? (Score:3, Informative)
You mean a Destroid Tomahawk [macrossroleplay.org], yes? The original mecha that FASA ripped off to make the Warhammer? There's a reason why no one has seen a Warhammer in a while....
Um, besides the fact that mecha don't actually exist.
Um, except that they do now, apparently.
Re:"Warhammer"? (Score:2)
Now make one a car can ram into and not tip over and I'll be impressed.
Re:"Warhammer"? (Score:2)
Re:"Warhammer"? (Score:2)
Re:"Warhammer"? (Score:3, Informative)
Unfortunately the company they licensed them was a licensee themselves, and it turned out they didn't have the right to offer a sublicense to begin with. Oops.
Anyway, FASA might have actually had a chance in court, but they didn't have the finances to fight Harmony Gold (a much larger company).
Re:American Efforts - MPS (Score:2)