5 Simple Steps to a Quieter PC 430
~*77*~ writes "Silencing a computer can be a costly endeavor, but taking a few relatively inexpensive steps can have a drastic impact on the noise produced by the common computer system. Before starting on any sound reduction upgrades, analyzing a system to pinpoint the areas in need of the most attention will help determine the best course of action and the best way to spend any money."
step 1. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:step 2 (Score:4, Funny)
Re:step 2 (Score:2, Funny)
Re:step 2 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:step 1. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:There is no step 2 (Score:5, Interesting)
BTW, you didn't even have to RTFA, you just had to RTF summary. I can't get to the article, but the summary says the steps are inexpensive, which leads me to believe that you don't have to spend loads of money.
One more thing: I am not a Dell fanboy, but Macs are expensive.
Re:There is no step 2 (Score:3, Informative)
I apologize for being somewhat offtopic and hope I don't get modded into oblivion. At work my desktop is a Dimension 4600c. This is the absolute loudest machine I've ever heard. I know judging this is subjective, but when I do something CPU intensive the fan goes through five phases starting at
Re:There is no step 2 (Score:5, Interesting)
We have various racks of Dell desktop machines at work. When you turn the whole lot on at the power supply, it creates a gale that blows papers in adjacent rooms, as all 16 computers startup with their fans set to maximum.
At another building, we have 16 server-style (big, lockable, etc.) dell machines. It's only marginally below the legal limits for noise that people are allowed to work in.
Another similar installation (PCs, not Dells) was found to be "okay if you stood at least 4 meters away" in terms of harmful volume of noise.
My home PC (zalman flower-CPU, new PSU, etc.) ranges from "annoying" (most of the time) to "people think you've left the hoover on" when it detects that it's too hot.
So yeah, if Macs are better than that, I might get one. Dell sure as hell isn't the answer.
Why do you say "Macs are expensive" when they supply not only the cheapest decent computer around, but the iMac which (after all the initial PC puffery) was found to be cheaper than building a similarly-specc'd PC, and the G4 which is so much cheaper than equivalent PCs that they built a cluster supercomputer out of them. And this is comparing them to the price of Dells, of all computers?!?
Re:There is no step 2 (Score:4, Funny)
4070.00 - Alien dual 64bit 2.4gig w/ 1gig ram
3369.00 - Apple dual 64bit 2.5gig w/ 1gig ram
4989.00 - Alien dual 64bit 2.4gig w/ 4gig ram
4269.00 - Apple dual 64bit 2.5gig w/ 4gig ram
Re:There is no step 2 (Score:2, Informative)
Re:There is no step 2 (Score:3, Informative)
put the crack pipe *down* (Score:3, Interesting)
Read what you just said.
There is *NO SUCH THING* as a "dell fanboy", for the very simple reason that noone actually *likes* dells.
Dell is like walmart. You hate the place, but keep going back due to the lower price.
Of course, when you compare a similarly decked out system, they aren't really cheaper than macs--especially once you factor in the longer service life of a mac.
hawk, typing away on one of the university dells he hates
#6 (Score:3, Funny)
Re:#6 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:#6 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:#6 (Score:5, Funny)
"how do I quieten down all those cars and busses and trucks?"
Re:#6 (Score:3, Funny)
Cool, but... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Cool, but... (Score:5, Informative)
Try plugging something in constant use into it that draws a little bit of current, like your nearby clock or lava lamp.
Re:Cool, but... (Score:5, Interesting)
Can you put it in another room and run a cable, maybe even install a dedicated wall plug? You could even put in a two-socket wall plug, put a blanking plate on the second and mount a serial port on it to hook up to the UPS. If you wanted to go nuts that is!
24-hour periodic squeek...anybody know?? (Score:2)
Re:24-hour periodic squeek...anybody know?? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Cool, but... (Score:5, Informative)
If it is an APC BE725BB and the sound is a hissing sound, then it is a defect (not safety related, just annoying), and you can get it exchanged. [apc.com]
Three more methods (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Three more methods (Score:5, Funny)
Only 1 component needed to make it quiet (Score:5, Funny)
1) Sledgehammer
This information brought to you by Giggling Marlin.
My Roommate had it all wrong. (Score:2, Funny)
After reading up the latest in water cooling, and quiet fans he decided to buy a 14" box fan...
Sadly, that was quieter. Now I can show him the correct way to quiet his PC.
One Itty Bitty Article (Score:5, Informative)
Silent PC Sites (Score:5, Informative)
Some hardware review sites are dedicated to cooling equipment. One of them is Pimp My Rig [pimp-my-rig.com].
Personally, I replaced my Intel stock fan with the Thermalright XP-90 + Panaflo 92mm L1A. [paraz.com]
My steps towards a quieter system (Score:5, Informative)
1. Installed the BeQuiet sound elimination kit for Chieftec [www.gtek.se]
2. Got a better CPU fan [www.gtek.se]
3. Installed four Zalman 12dB(A) fans [www.gtek.se] in the chassi.
4. Enjoy the sound of nothing.
Re:My steps towards a quieter system (Score:2)
Re:My steps towards a quieter system (Score:2)
Re:My steps towards a quieter system (Score:4, Informative)
Re:My steps towards a quieter system (Score:5, Funny)
I just put toothpicks in the PSU, video card and CPU fans, now my computer is now dead sil
I only buy Seagate Hard Drives (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I only buy Seagate Hard Drives (Score:5, Informative)
What you say might have been true for the very old Barracudas, but it's sadly no longer the case.
Re:I only buy Seagate Hard Drives (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I only buy Seagate Hard Drives (Score:2)
Very very old barracudas are noisy as hell (I've got a few 4 GB 7200 RPM SCSI Barracudas)
Re:I only buy Seagate Hard Drives (Score:4, Informative)
Not according to storagereview.com [storagereview.com]. While the Samsung is quieter, I don't think 0.3 dB qualifies as "quite a bit louder". And that is the only drive quieter than the Seagate.
Re: (Score:2)
Step 1 (Score:5, Funny)
Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:5, Interesting)
I have a case that killed a drive every few months until I twigged and replaced the PSU with an antec 350W. If the power rails are 'dirty' with fluctuating voltage, they can slowly kill a drive. This is a known problem with cheap PSU's, and it can be cheaper to spend a bit more on a quality supply than keep swapping drives.
Re:Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:4, Informative)
Especially since he smoked one when he first put it in.
Go ahead and run over to this place. [extremeoverclocking.com] It's a good guide for testing your PSU.
If you don't have a multi-meter go get one. If you are going to use it only rarely don't worry about spending any real cash. (Though chances are if you start using it you may never stop.... it's addictive)
Re:Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:2)
Your string of "bad luck" indicates a problem with either woefully inadequate cooling (like choking the drive), or very dirty power. Check where you're mounting these drives, get some HD coolers, and invest in a good PSU. Are you using any molex splitters to get to the HDs? Splitters half the impedance, and some PSUs just can't handle that reliably.
I'm personally running an Enermax 465W and the voltages have been very stable.. running a 250GB Maxtor drive.
Re:Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:2)
so it doesn't really matter if you use a splitter or put them all on seperate lines. hard drives don't draw enough amps for the wiresize to be a concern either.
Re:Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:2)
Dual 12V rail PSUs are available however
Re:Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:3, Informative)
Maybe it's not a problem.
An easy danger sign to read occurrs when there is an active load on the system. (HD spinning up, cdrom spinning up, more processor usage) Whatever the activity, if you start using more amperage from the power supply and you can hear your static rate fans drop in speed... your PSU is probably over drawn.
Re:Ummm... what about the HDs? (Score:3, Informative)
Seagate has the lowest failure rate of any drive mfg I've come across. Maxtor has the highest. This is empirical evidence gathered from the repair of hundreds, possibly thousands of PCs.
I just replaced my IBM DeathStar with a Seagate Barracuda.
Quiet PCs... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Quiet PCs... (Score:5, Funny)
Damn music buffs... (Score:2)
Because you listen to loud music. I never listen to any music at all and consider any noise a distraction. With my homemade liquid cooling system and an LCD monitor I can hear nothing at all from the computer, which reduces the ambient noise to nearly zero. Living in a quiet neighbourhood (no idiots with loud stereos next door!), having a good heat pump (though wishing for a radiant floor heater instead), and a silent computer, can create
Just one big advert for BigBruin.com/geeks.com (Score:4, Informative)
noisy PSUs (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:noisy PSUs (Score:2)
Re:noisy PSUs (Score:2)
There are quieter PSUs out there.
Re:noisy PSUs (Score:2)
Duh (Score:4, Insightful)
No shit, I tought my mousepad was making the noise. How is this article nerd? Show me the nerd stuff! Show me how I can use new discoverys in quantum physics to cool my processor with just a few atoms of plutonium and a few household items.
Re:Duh (Score:2)
Moving the computer in the closet. (Score:2)
And I live in Montreal, so heat generated in a closed closet would not be that much of a problem since my appartement is always cool, except for the hottest days of summers (I would then let the door open). But in winter, my computer is on 24/7 and it
Worked for me (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyway invested in two 5 meter kvm cables and a switch and voila. INSTANT dead silence.
Only problem is CD's but I only need them for games and nocd patches are the best.
As for heat. It is a large closet with bare concrete walls and a high ceiling. During the peak of summer it gets uncomfortable at head lvl but the PC's are on the ground and kept cool by just having some big fans blowing directly across the motherboard.
Frankly it is the easiest method of silencing and the most effective. Just don't do it with earlier windows versions as you will get insane from the constant hard resets. Oh and to be fair from the hard resets when you are working on a new kernel config.
Re:Better yet... (Score:3, Informative)
Actually, you can cet sound via USB, for example the Sound Blaster Extigy
Link to newegg [newegg.com]
Here are my 4 easy steps... (Score:5, Funny)
2. Get posted on
3. Get slashdotted
4. Comp is effectively silenced and reduced to a smoking pile of scrap metal
Man, *that* was easy!
Re:Here are my 4 easy steps... (Score:2)
summary (Score:3, Funny)
So, the summary is... (Score:5, Funny)
The next article will discuss how to increase visibility in your office environment... by adding a lamp! Who knew?
cpu fan speed control (Score:2, Informative)
More elaborate and practical advise (Score:4, Informative)
Avoid the fanless PSUs (Score:2, Informative)
A point to which I can personally attest -- I bought the Antec fanless power supply, and it failed within 30 days.
Power supply (Score:2)
1 simple step (Score:2)
Requisite server joke (Score:5, Informative)
Seriously, though, system noise can be reduced pretty easily.
1) Get a heavy case. I was always surprised at the fact that my ex-girlfriend's Aluminum case was much noisier than my steel case, given that I have many more things in my case. Thicker materials (obviously) cut down on noise levels.
2) Get a good PSU. Besides the stability and reliability increase, it pretty much stands to reason that Random-Taiwan-Tech isn't going to be terribly concerned with the sound levels on a $35 PSU if it adds to the cost at all. Antec produces some cool thermal-sensing PSUs that will throttle PSU fan speed based on thermal levles. They also have special fan-only molexes that allow them to do the same thing to any other fans in the case.
3) Switch to the biggest fans you can. It takes fewer RPMs on an 80mm or 120mm fan for it to move the same amount of air as a 60mm fan. This goes for case fans AND CPU fans. Zalman makes some intriguing CPU cooling solutions that separate the fan from the heatsink, and thus use huge, slow, quiet fans. If you want to get fancy, rewire the fans so they operate on 7V or 5V input.
4) Never ever buy a mainboard with a fan on the northbridge. I absolutely hate this design concept. For one, the fans are very small and thus usually noisy. But most importantly, these things are the cheapest designs available, as the mobo manufacturers aren't looking to add major costs to their product. Consequently, they fail much more quickly than many other things. If you're lucky, they'll just up and stop spinning. If you're unlucky, they'll continue spinning, but with a strange squeek or hum as they march toward death. The counterpart to this is your videocard. If you're not planning on gaming, look at one of the lower-end videocards that use a heatsink only.
5) Cut down on vibration. Hard drives are kind of noisy, yes. In my experience, though, it's really the vibrations that contribute to the noise levels. Try to wedge some thin rubber washers between the HDD and the case when you're screwing it in. Some newer case designs actually use a system like this by default, and the noise level reduction is quite impressive.
Outside of these five is when you start getting into specialty areas: Putting noise-absorbing material in the case, using large heat-pipe coolers in place of fans on your video card, moving the computer to a closet and running long cables, etc. Honestly, though, if you follow the above recommendations, you should get something quiet enough that you don't need to worry.
Re:Requisite server joke (Score:2)
avoid Aluminum for quiet pc's (Score:3, Interesting)
Indeed, as said on silentpcreview, there is no reason to by aluminium, except for weight reasons:
http://www.silentpcreview.com/article75-page2.html [silentpcreview.com]
The Aluminum Myth - Some favor aluminum cases, citing an ability to better cool components mounted within. This is a myth. No heat producing component benefit in any significant way from being inside
Laptops? (Score:2)
Re:Laptops? (Score:2)
You'll be hard pressed to find quieter laptops with similar performance.
If you don't like OS X, you can stick Linux on there.
While it's true the first gen Tibooks had hair-dryer-loud fans, the newer Albooks have near silent fans that only come on when the temp is high.
The iBooks have a fan, but in 2 years I've never heard it come on. The G3 only puts out 6 watts at 900Mhz - ideal for cool running. I've only worked with a few G4 iBooks, but these have also been very quiet in my e
Damn intellitxt! (Score:2, Interesting)
Might as well add the list of ones I already block to stop IntelliTxt -
devshed.us.intellitx t
experts.us.inte llitxt.com
g2.us.intell itxt.com
itxt.vibrant media.com
Re:Damn intellitxt! (Score:2)
Use a PocketPC (Score:3, Interesting)
AOpen cases (Score:2)
Sound-proof case (Score:2)
It's not completely silent but it is a fair bit quieter, and it comes with a built in dust filter so it keeps the inside nice and clean too.
If you want quiet try a CF to IDE adapter (Score:2)
I recently bought a Compact Flash to IDE adapter and just having your PC on without two whirring hard drives certainly reduces the noise level.
Yes I know the life of a CF is limited and the capacity is still very small too, isn't the biggest one 4GB? You can get dual CF to IDE devices, so a max of 8GB is possible.
A Nano ITX system w
Re:If you want quiet try a CF to IDE adapter (Score:2)
having your PC on without two whirring hard drives certainly reduces the noise level.
Not very much actually. I'm using a mini-ITX fanless board (including fanless DC power spply) with a regular IDE in some places. Unless the disk is very old, you won't notice much difference anyway. You could use a 2.5" laptop disk that is even quieter, though some of them generate nasty clicks from time to time.
why not look at the source of the problem-the heat (Score:3, Interesting)
Using fanless systems (Score:2)
I'm using VIA EPIA 5000 boards with Eden (Via C3) processors. Completely fanless. Add to this a fanless 12 V DC-DC ATX Converter and a AC-DC 12 V 60W fanless or 100W (with a small fan that's nearly 100% silent) brick transformer and you're set.
Such fanless systems are the most silent (and cost effective) solution, if you don't need raw horsepower. It is even more silent if you run it diskless off a NFS server; but attaching a 2.5" or regular HDD won't add much to the noise, unless the disk were *very* old
Yawn (Score:2)
a) can't tell the difference;
b) are in an environment with a fair amount of ambient noise;
c) own a single, typically underpowered system that's used only occasionally; or
d) don't care.
Personally, I'm sensitive to distraction and live in an area where birds chirping is usually the loudest sound to be heard. That said, I don't believe there is anything one can do to a silence a computer. Mitigate excessive noise, b
Re:Yawn (Score:2)
The solution, if there is one, is either a server room (work remotely)
Yes, indeed. But you'll still need a silent X-term or a diskless fanless workstation on your desk. Or a set of two KVM switches with fiber, Ethernet or RF link inbetween to connect your monitor, keyboard and mouse to the server in the basement or server room :)
Quiet Linux PC - just 3 steps (Score:2, Interesting)
1. Use a motherboard with BIOS controlled fan speed controller that controls the speed of fans based on built in temperature sensors. Example - Intel's PERL line of motherboards. Bonus is that this board controls the fans both in Linux and XP. Nice to see the fan speeds going up and down using gkrellm.
2. Install a quiet running hard drive... such as those from Seagate or Samsung.
3. (Optional) Use a quiet CPU heat sink fan such as the Zalman 7000 series.
In Three Steps (Score:2)
1. Buy a Mac Mini
2. Plug it in
3. There is no step three. There's no step three.
ample ventilation != good ventilation (Score:3, Informative)
Case and point: (no pun intended): I have a Dell inspiron from a year or two ago that has one fan and a molded plastic insert. It is essentially silent at 2.6GHz when playing WarCraft. Just before buying the dell I spent a fortune on a silent supply, funky fans, zallman heatsink and an aluminim chasssis, and with the exact same component configuration as the dell, it is easily 5x louder (subjectively) playing the same game.
based on this, and experience in a chipset validation lab, i think it is smarter to buy an intelligently designed OEM system if you truly want a quiet PC.
Sound of Silence (Score:3, Funny)
Hello iMac, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
My PC, noisy fans ring in my brain
And still remain
Outside the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
And tried to hear who's on the phone
Despite the frequencies of heat exhaust
I closed my door to try to mute and damp
When my ears were stabbed by the sound of a bearing fail
there lies the tale...
the fan was seized, and silent.
--- shut-up! I'll stop! I'll stop!
The expensive way to silence a case (Score:4, Informative)
End result? Nearly silent. Quieter than my thinkpad laptop which doesn't make much noise. I still want a quieter power supply fan though I'm reasonably satisfied with the one I have. Basically anything rated at over 20db is too loud by my standards. Yes, many people will tell you you can hear it and that's true if you are 10+ feet away or have damaged hearing from too much loud music.
Obviously if you want a machine with super high performance, you may need better cooling that I do and better cooling usually equals more noise. My machine is a linux file/print server so I'm not looking for maximal performance, though I do have a SCSI drive system in it. Make sure you keep the air pathways clear if you use the fans I recommend because they don't blow a lot of air. Don't block any ventilation though you can use air filters if you feel the need. Every so often get a can of compressed air and blow out any dust in the system which will help with the cooling.
I've looked into the "silent PC" issue . . . (Score:5, Interesting)
1. "Silent PC" Is Not a Fetish.
There are practical reasons why some of us demand silence from a computer. The one that drives me is the fact that I use my computer(s) to record audio. Short of building a separate room to house the computer (which causes insane problems with ventilation, video/kb/mouse cables, etc.), you simply have to get it silent for a professional-quality recording. Another reason is home theater, which I believe was mentioned in the article. I really don't understand why people who couldn't care less how much noise their computer emits (like people who run server rooms) continually post in these threads. We silent freaks are aware there are lots of people who have no reason to care about dBs. That's why it's so hard to find parts to build a truly silent PC. I don't give a flip about overclocking - do I go around posting "you overclockers are kooky" in every thread on overclocking on Ars or Tom's or Anand's? Jeez.
2. Fans Equal Noise. Period.
There is no way around this. If you have fans anywhere in your computer, your computer will not be silent. It may be marginally quieter with some fans than others, but fans move air around and turn on a shaft, and both of those things are impossible to silence. Quieten, yes. Silence, no. And I have tried a number of supposedly "quiet PC" fans, including CPU fans. Rheostats are commonly put forward as a solution to the noise problem. They're not, at least for me, because turning fans down with a rheostat is only feasible when the computer is not working hard. But even single-channel audio recording is processor-intensive, and when you add effects processing or additional channels, booyah! Turn down the fans to the point where they are quiet enough for audio recording and you will lock up due to heat, and I am speaking from experience here. Moreover, turned-down fans are still not silent, and quiet enough is still not professional-quality. The same would be true for a home theater installation - encoding/decoding makes heat. The same is true for mobo-automated fan turndown. It turns straight up right when the computer needs to be quiet, for the same reason. (One post mentioned that the Mac iServe has three virtually-silent fans. If this is true, I would love to get ahold of such fans without paying $4K for an iServe. But every other product I've heard described as "virtually silent" -- e.g., power supplies -- always made noise. Fan noise. Because fans equal noise. So I'm skeptical. The Mac Mini was mentioned also, but is insufficient in processing power/ram to run my studio.) Also, contrary to the article, more fans at a slower speed are not quieter. Theoretically, perhaps, but not to the real human ear.
3. "Quiet Cases" Are Useless.
This applies both to cases made of heavy material specifically designed to be quiet, and insulation foam that you paste inside the case. Tried em, dumped em. I should have recognized in advance that heavier and/or insulated cases substantially decrease heat dissipation through the case, which means -- that's right -- more and faster FANS, and fans equal noise. Anything you gain by putting your computer guts in an insulated fortress, you will lose by the whining RPMs tacked onto your CPU and vidcard fans, and incidentally, your kewl mobo-controlled or power-supply controlled fans will crank up to high RPMs as well. It's worse than a wash - it's actually noisier. Learned it the hard way.
4. Most Water-cooling Is Probably Useless.
I say "probably" because I h
Re:Shuttle... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Shuttle... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Step 1: Buy a Mac (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Step 1: Buy a Mac (Score:5, Informative)
I finally received my XServe (2x2.3) and set it up Friday. It is dead quiet. So quiet, in fact, that I had to temporarily shut down the Dell PowerEdge 4600 just to hear it. Still not satisfied, I slid off the top panel for visible proof the fans were running. I spotted only three fans, but the software reports 8 up and running within normal ranges.
For now, I'll trust the blowers tab on Apple's Server Monitor software.
Re:Step 1: Buy a Mac (Score:2)
My sons both bought 2.5 G5's with 6800 ultra cards. One of them brought his G5 home during Christmas break and I couldn't help but think it was noisy compared to my Athlon-64. The video card makes quite a bit of noise as did mine until I swapped the fan for a waterblock. I've got a waterblock on both the cpu and the video card and a psu with a 120 mm fan. My PC may not be as pretty a rig as the G5, but it is a lot quieter.
Re:forgot harddrives (Score:3, Insightful)
Accure? [reference.com]
Re:Do it in one step... (Score:2)