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ASUS Barebones: Multimedia Even Sans Hard Drive 331

technomegalomaniac writes "This new stylish barebones combo from ASUS (case+motherboard) is going to outdo Apple in 'the way it looks matters' department. Customizable to your heart content, no OS included (obviously, since you need to buy your own hard drive). Comes with 'Instant On' software that lets you play CDs, DVDs and MP3s without entering the primary OS thus bypassing the long boot process. Definitely a living room toy." Doesn't beat Apple hardware in my eyes, but still looks like a nifty box.
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ASUS Barebones: Multimedia Even Sans Hard Drive

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  • by SparksMcGee ( 812424 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:01AM (#11156482)
    who looks at that and thinks "damn that's fugly"
    • by Bill_Royle ( 639563 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:07AM (#11156503)
      It was bound to happen sooner or later: an LCARS system had sex with a clock radio!
      • You mean (Score:3, Interesting)

        by JavaRob ( 28971 )
        ...a *car battery* had sex with a clock radio. That's the lineage I see. Some clunking noises, a blare of static-filled AM talk radio, a drip of battery acid... and a few QA iterations later the creature was born.

        The ivory one must look nicer though, right? I only saw a thumbnail of it before I closed the window.
        • It is not to sit on your desk, it is to augment your home theatre and replace your DVD player / PVR / MP3 player.

          As such, I think it looks quite similar to every other hi-fi device I won - black, with a colored LED-ish LCD panel.

          A white or ivory pansy mac-like system would not be going anywhere near my home theatre.
          • As such, I think it looks quite similar to every other hi-fi device I won - black, with a colored LED-ish LCD panel.

            And cubical? How in Hell's name am I supposed to fit that thing in my entertainment rack? It's twice as high as my DVD player. It looks absolutely ridiculous. Then again, since it doesn't have to even be in the same room as my entertainment system I guess it doesn't matter. But then why try to make it look like a "hi-fi" device? It's so confusing. Is it a bad looking computer or an en

          • by JavaRob ( 28971 )
            black, with a colored LED-ish LCD panel

            Some unfortunate news for you -- even if you found a way to make it fit nicely on your shelf (the strange shape and that puffy handle aren't helping on this one...), black is not an option.

            That's "Starry Blue".
      • I was thinking more of a digital car stereo had sex with a vacuum cleaner.
      • I realized where I've seen the design before: those crappy radio coolers [jeepworld.com] that are on a lot of department store endcaps at this time of year.
      • Reminds me of Knight Rider.
        Specifically the episode where K.I.T.T was turned into a portable TV [8ung.at].

    • Might actually be good for a dorm room, where space is limited. I do wonder how functional the built in stuff is, though.
    • Yeah. Maybe if it was white. And had a nifty little LCD interface. And had firewire. And a click/scroll wheel. Wait....that sounds like an iPod. Nevermind...
    • by UniverseIsADoughnut ( 170909 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:53AM (#11156683)
      This has been around for a while, and I think everyone but the person who submitted this would agree it's hideous. This thing has been getting called ugly for a long time now.
    • No... when I read the blurb I though I was going to see something sleek, slim-desktop and black brushed-metal. Something that *LOOKS* like it belongs near my Harman-Kardon receiver, not something that looks like it belongs to be stacked on top of one of those tiny dorm fridges...

      220W power supply? What the hell is that good for nowadays? And this beats a good-looking HTPC case and an EPIA how?
    • who looks at that and thinks "damn that's fugly"

      No no no. When the Imacs were first introduced... when in LA they had the big poster with John Lennon and Yoko Ono waking up in bed with a rainbow of imacs logo titled "think different." I could just imagine John Lennon's balloon saying, "piece of crypto fascist Bourgeois crap" and Yoko Ono saying, "I kind of like it". That is fugly.

      This new Asus barebones on the other hand is only as ugly as that plastic tool box [campingworld.com] by Black and Decker. I understand wher
    • Yup! I can see where there might be some who like it's appearance.

      Personally I think it's a completely different approach to design than Apple. It's Dark.

    • by asr_man ( 620632 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @09:28AM (#11158021)

      Looks like a 24-pack Bud that was shrink wrapped in a garbage bag.
      I wouldn't dare leave it in the living room for fear someone would take it out with the trash.

  • Outdoing Apple?? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by ValiantSoul ( 801152 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:01AM (#11156483)
    How do the looks of this thing outdo Apple's?
    This thing is just a black box with a handle and a color LCD display. Compare that to the current and previous iMacs.
    • Well, if you'd like to simplify this device into a 'box with a handle and a color LCD', you could do just the same for the iMac... Obviously, looks are subjective; it doesn't matter what the submiter thinks so you, nor what you think to him.
    • by JanneM ( 7445 )
      Well, the blodless semi-transparent white is getting a bit long in the tooth to be honest. The benefit of basic black is that it never really gets old.

    • "Compare that to the current and previous iMacs."

      The "flower" iMac was hideous. *shrug* I'm not a big fan of the current model either (the form factor makes sense for an iPod, not for a whole computer). The original iMac, though, was incredible.
    • Re:Outdoing Apple?? (Score:4, Informative)

      by identity0 ( 77976 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @06:15AM (#11157228) Journal
      I agree. That thing looks really ugly.

      What I don't get is why Sony doesn't get more press on Slashdot, except for their robots and PS2. Among the PC manufacturers, they are the most stylish, and are probobly the most innovative in terms of design. They also are closer to achieving the "digital hub" than Apple, to boot. Too bad their best stuff is relased only in Japan.

      Check out some of their kickass designs:

      http://www.vaio.sony.co.jp/Products/VGX-X90P/ [sony.co.jp] - The Type X models, a PC media server with P4/3.6 Ghz, 1920x1080 TV display, 6 simultanious channel TV tuner, 1TB storage (127 hours of high-quality Mpegs), remote control, DVD recorder, network video server, and remote control.

      http://www.vaio.sony.co.jp/Products/VGC-M50B/ [sony.co.jp] - Type M model, a PC that can be used as a TV or a standalone stereo with its keyboard folded.

      Couple of nice notebook designs:
      http://www.dynamism.com/x505/main.shtml [dynamism.com]
      http://www.dynamism.com/u101/main.shtml [dynamism.com]
    • This thing is just a black box with a handle and a color LCD display. Compare that to the current and previous iMacs.

      I think iMac has been a pretty mixed bag. I think the gumdrop iMac was done pretty nicely. The pile-of-rice iMac was a little too extreme looking for many people. And I find the current iMac ugly--with its huge bezel, it just looks like a low-end LCD screen, even though it actually manages to squeeze a computer in there.

      As for this thing, I think the handle does it in. Without the hand
  • So I am not sure it looks speacilly nice, as it basically looks like your average stereo. Ofcourse compared to some horrors cases...
  • Gaming system? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by rhennigan ( 833589 )
    From the article:
    The S1-P112 is a pure gaming system tailored for those who enjoy playing the latest 3D titles.

    I hope this thing packs a decent power supply, unlike most barebone systems if its going to be running a recent video card. That has been the only thing so far that has kept me off of these things. I find one I like and realize that the 240w PS just isn't gonna cut it with my Geforce 6800.
    • Re:Gaming system? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Atrax ( 249401 )
      I'd be worried about cooling if you crammed more wattage in, especially since my current rig has a tendency to overheat even with two extra fans + an external fan blowing onto the case.

      Climate thing possibly (summer in Sydney)

  • Hmm (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Turn-X Alphonse ( 789240 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:05AM (#11156492) Journal
    Is it me or does that look strikingly similar to a gamecube?
  • by clf8 ( 93379 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:07AM (#11156498)
    But really, what's up with that handle? And, if you're going to make a system made for the living room, why not make something with the appropriate dimensions. And without a handle sticking out the top, making it harder to fit into a space or stack something on it.
    • by Atrax ( 249401 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:13AM (#11156527) Homepage Journal
      I bought a desktop case with a handle only to realise at a later date that "duh, when do I carry this damn thing?".

      to date (6 months later) I've carried it once from the shop to my house, then once from my old house to my new house, a grand total of, ooooh, 200m.

      And you just can't put stuff on top. I've got nowhere to keep my remote control t-rex [bottomdollar.com] now!

      So yeah, I agree. The handle is quite an annoyance.
      • Personally, i'm always too afraid the handle will break off and leave my iMac looking messed up to even use the handle.
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • True. if your iMac is beyond help (as mine was) it's possible to take it off somewhere open and swing it round and round and round on that handle.

            No I didn't end up hammer-throwing it across the park, but I figured it was a decent experiment in the strength of the thing. Disclaimer: don't do this with a healthy iMac, just in case.
  • S-Presso? (Score:5, Funny)

    by mOoZik ( 698544 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:10AM (#11156513) Homepage
    So it makes coffee, too? Take that, Apple!

    • Mr. Coffee (Score:2, Funny)

      by thrill12 ( 711899 )
      Foul quote:

      HELMET: I don't see Planet Druidia. Where is it?

      SANDURZ: We don't have visual contact yet, sir, but we have it on the radar screen. Shall I punch it up for you?

      HELMET: Na, nevermind. I'll do it myself.

      SANDURZ: Very good, sir.

      HELMET: What's the matter with this thing? What's all that churning and bubbling? You call that a radar screen.

      SANDURZ: No, sir. We call it, "Mr. Coffee." Care for some?

      HELMET: Yes! I always have coffee when I watch radar. You know that.
  • by qualico ( 731143 )
    220w power supply? enough to power the front display.
    Intel integration.
    Graphics shared memory.

    Its a step in the right direction, but that's not going to be a conversation piece to brag about.
    Dam ugly.

    Now if you want to compete with Apple, make the case transparent.

    Anyone have prices of this yet?
    Its not in the Canadian channels yet.

    • Anyone have prices of this yet?

      Price is the thing I was looking for as well. I tried half a dozen retailer on ASUS' list and on not one could I find the system listed.

      Oh, and I don't like the handler either. The suggestion to build it to stack with TV components is a good one. Ye olde slimline desktop would be perfect. Mix that with a nice big hard drive and MythTV and you have a system.

      Now, if there was only TV worth watching.

      • by qualico ( 731143 ) <.worldcouchsurfer. .at. .gmail.com.> on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:31AM (#11156594) Journal
        MythTV is a great suggestion.

        Some guys are using the Intel Integrated motherboards with no problem, although I don't think they are using the graphics part.

        Here is a better case in that case.

        Also, http://www.byopvr.com/ has dome good case suggestions.

        PC Alchemy has some nice stuff like this:
        http://www.pcalchemy.com/images/silverstone /lc06/l c06-black.jpg

        Now thats something to brag about.
    • It looks like it's going to cost around $250USD, according to Froogle, anyway.
      • Didn't think to Froogle...I Googled and eBayed though.

        $250 is a bit much for something that looks like it came from a toy store.

        Now if you bundle that package into this
        http://www.pcalchemy.com/product_reviews_inf o.php/ products_id/92/reviews_id/23
        I'm buying!

        HTPC cases rock.

    • Its not in the Canadian channels yet.

      Yes it is.

      • Thanks for the links, thought someone must have them somewhere. Asus is usually slow to get into Canada.

        INTERESTING though, I did not see the P111s, with the fancy front display panel, on those links.

        Presumably, that is what the high tech geek will desire.
  • Am I the only one that thinks it looks like a microwave? Though, with a name like that, it should be an expresso maker.

    On the other hand, is it digitally signed? If not, how can I trust it?
  • by aardwolf204 ( 630780 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:16AM (#11156541)
    Am I the only one that thinks the form factor should look more like a component cd player, or receiver. This doesnt mesh with my current stack o hardware in my living room.

    Come to think of it, my DVD player plays DVDs, MP3, and CDs and has no hard drive. Throw in a network card and we're really cooking.

    And I'm not so sure this thing would give apple a run for its money in the aesthetics department. The U2 ipod looks more pleasing.
    • I thought that way back when, when the Reg reviewed The Hush Silent ATX Box [theregister.co.uk] that it would be a good fit on top of a lot of people's stereo "stack" on top of the reciever and amps and what-have-you. Too bad the darn thing is pretty expensive. But I guess if your stack is that stacked (I am noticably missing my audiophile card here) then money really shouldn't be a problem for a computer case that fits the stack and matches, and is silent to boot.
    • > Come to think of it, my DVD player plays DVDs, MP3, and CDs and has no hard drive. Throw in a network card and we're really cooking.

      You may be on to something there. Make a front end unit for the living room that's basicly a DVD player that also lets you use the desktop off of your main computer.

      If you build in an X client or something it'll give you access to the media on your computer. It'd probably be a little high latency to play games off of, but it'd work fine for video or websurfing. Pack
    • There are several DVD players with network (fixed or wireless) and with (optional) harddrive that can do this, plus also play Divx and Xvid, for example some of these [kiss-technology.com]. The later generations support more and more options, e.g. GMC and qpel.
  • by lithium100 ( 624098 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:17AM (#11156545) Homepage
    MSI make something similar and have a few different models. MSI's look better I think but functionally they're very similar.

    Here's the link [msi.com.tw]
  • by loyukfai ( 837795 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:17AM (#11156546)
    How do they call it? Slashadvertisement? Slashvertisement? Slashdotadvertsiisfjlasjflasjflas...

    I remember several notebooks have such functions long before (Maybe not DVD playing...)... It's a nice product but does it deserve a frontpage slot?
  • What the...? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by aero2600-5 ( 797736 )
    Am I the only person that hears 'barebones combo' and pictures a full/mid-tower with motherboard and power supply? (Looks something like this [xl-pc.com])

  • by bedok77 ( 728311 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:29AM (#11156591)
    The colour of the lights remind me of 80's electronics.. or Kitt.
    • It is the first move away from silver stuff. Design always moves in cycles. Look at 20s ads and see how much they resemble flash print ads from now. And don't get me started on the minimalist movement. It's all rehash, and this just paves the way back to silly, flashy, colory 80s industrial design. Bleh!

  • by msimm ( 580077 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:38AM (#11156624) Homepage
    Clock-radio. Its not even in the Apple ballpark (and I'm a PC user!).

    Whats the deal with PC manufacturers anyway? Its like the technology equivalent of the comb-over. Is it really that hard to design smart, elegant hardware? Beige boxes are great for business, but hasn't Apple already proven theres a market for aesthetics?

    Did I already mention that its ugly as hell?
  • Gimick (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pikakilla ( 775788 )
    It sounds like a gimick to me. The case is nice, but paying 240 for the case plus paying for the cpu + memory + hdd + graphics + decent soundcard isnt worth it. Unless you have decent parts lying around, it is better to hook up your computer (or a slower, silent comp with a good soundcard) to your sound system and put a remote on it.
  • Haven't industrial designers figured this out yet? Integrated handles stink (especially ones styled like this one). The thing doesn't seem to be intended as a portable device - why make a handle such a prominent part of the design?

    With the bulge on the top of the case this unit will need additional shelf height, and prohibits stacking with other electronics.

    this design: piss poor.
  • I like ASUS (Score:3, Interesting)

    by klui ( 457783 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:41AM (#11156638)
    I have an A7V classic that's been upgraded to a 2.2GHz Athlon XP-M. Quite reliable and far from obsolete.

    But frankly, the S-presso has a long way to go if you think they're going to outdo Apple in "the way it looks matters department." It's too bad the G4 Cube never took off. That is what I would consider a living room toy. Minimalist and elegant. In contrast, the S-presso from the pictures looks like it is encased in cheap plastic made for a 5-year-old. Its shape doesn't look like it will complement components in a home-entertainment rack. If I had one of these puppies, it would probably be sitting behind a chair.
    • Re:I like ASUS (Score:3, Informative)

      by Queer Boy ( 451309 )

      It's too bad the G4 Cube never took off. That is what I would consider a living room toy.

      Mine's in my living room connected to my Wega. They didn't take off because they were priced VERY close to a G4 tower at launch. People don't forgive Apple when they make a mistake, even if they correct it (lowered the price A LOT). I didn't care, the thing is modern art and I figured I had a chance at owning the next Colour Classic (I was right). I used it for 3 years until something better finally came out: the

  • No seriously though everytime a PC maker does a box that doesn't look like a beige/black tower with a slab of colored plastic on the front people go "OMG it's better than Apple". It's not, Alienware and Shuttle makes better looking hardware than this Azus thing, it's not that it's not of any interest but apart from a good candidate for Win Media Center this thing isn't the Peru.
  • Pentium 4 only (Score:3, Interesting)

    by steveha ( 103154 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:50AM (#11156669) Homepage
    If I'm going to have something like this in my living room, I want it to be quiet. That means I want it to be cool. But this thing has a Pentium 4 motherboard.

    I'd really rather have a 90nm Athlon64, with "Cool n Quiet". And whatever 3D chipset has the best performance/heat ratio. (Probably an ATI chipset... too bad the drivers suck in Linux. Are there any nVidia chipsets that can run Doom 3 but don't also heat your room?)

    A PowerPC chip would also be good. Hey, Apple -- you ought to make a living-room Mac.

  • As Jeff Foxworthy the country comedian might say, you might be a redneck if you think the Asus S-presso Deluxe (S1-P111) looks better than Apple's industrial design!

    You don't happen to have one of these [walmart.com] do you?

  • by farrellj ( 563 ) * on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:55AM (#11156687) Homepage Journal
    According to an article here:

    http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=19922 [theinquirer.net]

    It's instant-on software is an embed version of Linux! Supercool! I want one!

    And street pricing seems to be about $250 for it...so it's cheap! Now that's just a bare-bones system, but still, you could have a nice PVR for under $600 USD!


  • by panurge ( 573432 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @02:59AM (#11156702)
    This thing needs either a P-M or an AMD64 DTR. It does not need socket 478. Why equip it with the most unsuitable processor for its intended application - a mistake, of course, that Apple would never make.
  • S1-P111 (Score:5, Funny)

    by telstar ( 236404 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @03:01AM (#11156706)
    S1-P111. It needs a few more 1's before I'd consider it buyable.
    Seriously ... Who the fuck comes up with model numbers? Did these retards pay somebody to come up with S1-P111?
  • Anyone else think the case's name, SPresso, is a dig at the old Cappucino PC? [cappuccinopc.com]?
  • Because, as they keep telling us, "naked PCs" encourage piracy, terrorism, spread avian flu and deprive Bill Gates of another heated driveway for his Porsche 959.
  • How are you supposed to put anything on top of this thing?

    Anybody know how much? I bet it's pricey.
  • by Wakkow ( 52585 ) *
    I personally think MSI's product [msicomputer.com] line [msicomputer.com] looks better.
  • While I think this is a great idea, I always find these "innovations" are a couple of years behind as soon as they're launched.

    Two years ago I would have loved one of these. Today, I expect my HTPC to play DivX/XVid, and stream from a network server as well. DVDs? That's old school!

    And embedded also means it probably can't be upgraded all that easily to add these features; it'll mean buying version 2 in a year's time, by which time my requiremens will have moved on...

    That said, while I don't consider
  • If you really want to get a PC for your livingroom, consider building your own and fitting it to PC cases like these [arisetec.com].

    Then install Linux and MythTV [mythtv.org] software. MythTV really rocks! It can act as a DVD jukebox (you can rip your DVDs and store them on the HD), music jukebox, video recorder etc. and it has some really nice features like automatic commercial skipping. Definitely worth checking!
  • It looks like a cheap stereo-set! All those flashing lights! I like Apple because they look clean and uncluttered. If I wanted something similar in x86-world, I would look here [hushtechnologies.net].

    really: form follows function. Say no to flashing lights!
  • I might buy one (Score:3, Interesting)

    by aztektum ( 170569 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2004 @04:40AM (#11156987)
    just to rip that touch panel out Unless someone knows where I can get a similar screen for less than the case?
  • by jonr ( 1130 )
    I think I'll stick with Shuttle designs...
  • Gingerbread motherboard [mediatinker.com] to dip in your (e)SPresso case!

One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.
