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12GB CompactFlash Cards Coming Soon 254

Anonymous Photographer writes "As Digital Photography Review reports, Pretec will release a 12 Gigabyte CompactFlash card by the end of the year... for just $14,900. Of course, you could save $14,300 by purchasing three Creative Labs Nomad MuVo 4 GB MP3 players and removing the Hitachi 4 GB microdrives to get the same amount of CompactFlash storage. Heck, I'll do the CF removal for you, at the low price of only $10,000. Think of the money you'll save." And for those seeking a different sort of windfall, VL writes "With MuVo 2 shells going on the cheap now, now is as good a time as any to pick one up and installing your own Compact Flash card to get it running again."
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12GB CompactFlash Cards Coming Soon

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  • Ummm (Score:4, Insightful)

    by MikeXpop ( 614167 ) <mike&redcrowbar,com> on Saturday May 29, 2004 @07:58PM (#9287221) Journal
    Except the ones in MP3 players are Compact Flash compatible hard drives, not flash drives.
    • Re:Ummm (Score:3, Insightful)

      I don't know what distinction you're trying to draw, but the Hitachi Microdrive in a Muvo2 will run just fine in a Compact Flash digital camera and will provide you with 4GB of storage.
  • by Exiler ( 589908 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:02PM (#9287245)
    Really, I know there are a few niche applications for that much space in compact flash, but where's the real market for these? Aren't most pros still using film, making the ammount of people willing to spend that much money on a CF card even smaller?
    • Well, I'd love these to come down in price. Flash is *nice*.

      Here I'm going to try to set up a router with no moving parts at all. VIA motherboard with no CPU or power supply fans, no floppies, no CD drives (after install). Just a 512MB flash card in a CF-IDE adapter, with a small Debian install on it.

      That should be the first computer I have to be completely silent.
      • VIA motherboard with no CPU or power supply fans, ...

        English needs parentheses. Upon reading this, my first thought was "maybe it will be completely silent, but it won't be doing much without a CPU."
      • "That should be the first computer I have to be completely silent."

        I've had silent computers for YEARS.

        Commodore 64
        Commodore 128
        Mac Plus
        Palm IIIx
    • by Stevyn ( 691306 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:11PM (#9287295)
      Media photographers are going digital. When you're posting photos to a news paper or news website from the field it becomes a lot cheaper. The news photographers in Iraq use satellites to send the photos back. But 12gb? I don't know that's a lot. I'd shy away from it because then you can get lazy and not upload the pictures as often as you normally would and run the chance of losing them all.

      Keep in mind though, a few years ago 40gb of computer storage space seemed like too much. Storage has always had that. When new drives come out people say "who needs that?" but then later on it becomes "I need more!"
    • by xmas2003 ( 739875 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:12PM (#9287306) Homepage
      I'd suggest that many (perhaps most) pro's have converted to Digital and the trend is increasing. Digicam's (eespecially pro ones) can generate a LOT of data VERY fast - I "had" to go over to a friend who had a Canon Mark II - this is a $4,000 8MP digicam that will shoot 8 frames/second ... with a frame burst of 40 frames ... in RAW mode. Lets just say it was REALLY cool to hold that shutter button down!

      Check out this interesting article on Sports Illustrated digital workflow [] to see how the pros do it and how much data was generated ... with the last generation of digicams!

      Having said all that, that is one heck of a price-premium for this 12 GByte card, so I'd take it as just a bleading edge product, but you'll continue to see larger/faster (BTW, faster is REALLY important to the pro's because you want to be able to drain the digicam memory buffer) cards coming down the pipe for cheaper ... and they will be used! ;-)

    • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:14PM (#9287317) Journal
      Virtually all professional news photographers use digital cameras. Being able to use a laptop and a mobile phone to create and send instant contact sheets to show your editor which photos he has to pick from is far more convenient than heading for the nearest development lab.

      I think you'll find that most pros (at least most of those who have to worry about things like deadlines) have embraced digital photography, and for reasons beyond picture quality. That's not to say that picture quality is an issue with the high-end cameras that these guys are using, only to reiterate that it's the convenience and flexibility that going digital affords them that are the overwhelming reasons why most pros have abandoned film cameras.
    • pros and digital (Score:5, Interesting)

      by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:20PM (#9287346)
      Aren't most pros still using film, making the ammount of people willing to spend that much money on a CF card even smaller?

      You are joking, right?

      Any pro who hasn't gone digital by now is pretty much out of business and never will be in business again. Customers vastly prefer digital in most cases. Pros who claim they're faster/better with film are outright lying to save their own skins; digital offers instant previewing of composition, exposure, and focus (btw, don't buy a digital camera without a histogram mode in the review function!) Even in the studio, medium format and large format digital backs (one such company is Leaf, another is Capture1) are getting more and more common, with astounding image quality. Given how much MF/LF film costs, studio photographers LOVE digital backs.

      When a 512MB card will hold 60+ 6+mp compressed RAW images (ie, straight from the CCD, no processing, far better than JPEG) and costs under $150, it pays for itself almost overnight...especially since you can't, with film, sit during a second or two's downtime and flip through what you've taken and blow away anything that's obviously not going to cut it. With film, you can't send the image across the world within minutes- with digital, it's pretty damn easy, as long as you have some internet connection (many photojournalist types have unlimited-transfer GSM phone accounts, just to be able to transfer images to the service bureau, although less time-sensitive stuff is done via fedex, either the CD-Rs or the memory cards themselves. Yes you can fedex film, but a)the photographer knows what's on it already, and b)within 10 seconds of it arriving via fedex you can be editing the images in photoshop- film, you've gotta wait at least an hour before you've got negatives).

      This 12GB card isn't for photographers, I can virtually guarantee- they won't buy it, ignoring the absurd pricing. Many don't use anything larger than 1GB cards, for the simple reason that they don't want to put all their eggs in one basket- if a card fails, gets lost, stepped on, or accidentally erased, well...I'd rather have that be 1/4 of my shoot than ALL of my shoot.

      • by ennuiner ( 144711 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @09:43PM (#9287640) Homepage
        I think you need to define what you mean by "pro." Certainly most photojournalists and news photographers are using high-end digital SLRs, but there are plenty of portrait photographers (above the level of a Sears Portrait Studio) still working with film-based medium-format cameras. And art photographers, which you may not regard as "pros," work with a variety of cameras, from crude pinhole cameras to expensive single-plate box cameras. Moreover, much art photography still involves chemical processes in the darkroom.
      • So then, how long till we see cameras with CF RAID?
        You are saying the demand is there...
        • by Zocalo ( 252965 )
          Already here - it's called the Leaf/Valeo [] (and yes, that is an iPAQ hanging off the side). It uses a 10GB CF magazine anyway, whether it's actually a RAID or not I've not been able to ascertain.
      • Customers vastly prefer digital in most cases. Pros who claim they're faster/better with film are outright lying to save their own skins; digital offers instant previewing of composition, exposure, and focus (btw, don't buy a digital camera without a histogram mode in the review function!)

        I think you're overstating the value of digital. The photographer needs to work with whatever he's most comfortable with. On most jobs, prints or transparencies need to be delivered anyway because its so difficult to

        • On most jobs, prints or transparencies need to be delivered anyway because its so difficult to set up a consistent digital workflow.

          I wonder how long that will be true. Some service bureaus have already gone all-digital, and "camera ready" has really become "scanner ready".
      • Limits of digital... (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Nazmun ( 590998 )

        Even a ten mp camera's picture isn't amazing if you really want to blow it up. An analogue camera's film stores MUCH more in terms of actual details. Digital camera's have come a LONG way and you can make some pretty big pictures (small-medium poster size with 10mp--which is just about the max) but if your making anything that is about the size of a large poster or bigger you have no choice but analogue.

        The only pro's that can effectively use digital are those that deal with newspaper or full mag
        • by strider_starslayer ( 730294 ) on Sunday May 30, 2004 @05:07AM (#9288749)
          See the following site

          Cannon beats 35mm []
          It puts 10 MP (specifically a cannon, which may be important, as lense and CCD design do have profound effects on the digital camera) as being the superior to 35mm film in every possible catagory, hence a 20 MP camera like this one fujifilm camera []> would outperform a 70mm film in every possible catagory

          With the added benifits of digital (being able to review the pictures, delete unnessassary photoes, send photos without the need to scan over the internet, one step adding photoes to photo editing software, cheaper cost of prints, no development costs; no one who has enough money to buy a good digital camera should be using a non-digital; The only remanining reasons are cost (because you allready own 70mm photo equipment, which is not cheap to replace), inability, and lazyness; But the cost issue is mostly a misnomer- Even though a 20MP digital costs a lot; the savings from not having to make extera prints to make sure that the client likes it, or having to piss off clients with prints they don't like and the development costs on those prints (assuming you do photography professionally, but why else would you have a 20mp camera or 70mm film camera?) will pay for itself soon enough.

          The only people who should not have digital cameras RIGHT NOW, are, ironically, home users- who can get a good 35mm for $200, but would need to pay $700 for a good ~10MP digital camera, the difference of $500 would pay for a LOT of photo development!
        • by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Sunday May 30, 2004 @09:44AM (#9289262)
          Even a ten mp camera's picture isn't amazing if you really want to blow it up.[snip]you can make some pretty big pictures (small-medium poster size with 10mp--which is just about the max

          Funny. I did an 18x20 print (pro lab, not inkjet) for a friend of a cropped photo off a 6.3mp Canon 10D.

          It's gorgeous, and you're talking out of your ass, my friend.

    • Space program (Score:5, Insightful)

      by SilentChris ( 452960 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:21PM (#9287351) Homepage
      Considering the space program essentially used flash memory to store just about everything on the Mars missions, I imagine they're a prime candidate. They'd have to wait for cards that are radiation and durability tested, which may take years.

      Hard drives are a liability in space: one more gizmo that can fall apart from vibration, not to mention dust. Flash memory is far more reliable.

      • You're right. These are probably for embedded applications like space and defense (missle guidance systems, etc.). You could be right about dust, but I think if dust is an issue for a hard drive, there's bigger problems going on with the spacecraft.
    • Me? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by TheRaven64 ( 641858 )
      In a few years, once they've sold enough of them to cover their R&D expense and are able to sell them at a much lower price. An hour of DV footage is 9GB. A typical mini-DV tape stores an hour. One of these would fit over an hour of footage while still being smaller and taking less power than a tape. In addition, it would be random access, so I would be able to delete takes that were no good easily to reclaim free space. The biggest advantage would be copying the footage to my G7 (the computer I wi
  • by rice_burners_suck ( 243660 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:05PM (#9287259)
    Heh. You can laugh all you want about the price, but wait until some 19 megapixel camera appears that requires about a gig or so per photo, and there will be photographers waiting outsite the camera store an hour before opening so they can get their hands on one, and I mean quick.

    And even if that doesn't happen, I'm sure the price will come down a LOT in the coming months, so even if the thing costs about a grand or two, a lot of pros will buy this if it saves them time while on a shoot.

    And seriously, if you think this is expensive, I know a photographer who drives his junky van around to photo shoots with over $100,000 of professional equipment in the van, and that's only what he'll need on this shoot. In his shop, he probably has over a million dollars worth of photography equipment. This money doesn't grow on trees. It's what he's acquired throughout his professional career, by doing what he loves to do.

    Funniest thing: I asked him where he got the money for all this. He said: If you want to have this much worth of equipment, not just in photography but in anything, all you have to do is focus only on that area and find every way possible to become as good at it as you can, and then to improve the field in every creative way you can imagine.

    • by dfghjk ( 711126 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:27PM (#9287387)
      It'll be a long time before there's a 100x increase in file sizes in digital cameras. Kodak's 14MP cameras produce RAW images that are closer to 10MB each.

      Clearly this product is meant for photographers who don't pay for their own equipment.
    • by torinth ( 216077 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @09:22PM (#9287561) Homepage
      I love geeks and gadget freaks. For the most part, you can be a great and successful professional photographer without relying on $100,000 of equipment. In fact, you can get away with about $4000 for a good camera, flash, lens, reflector, and some storage.

      Of course, if you like gadgets, there's a world of stuff out there for you. It's all too easy to turn the art of photography into a geek's paradise of analysis, formulas, and techniques. But I guess that kind of flexibility is just the beauty of the medium.
      • by Concerned Onlooker ( 473481 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @11:52PM (#9288054) Homepage Journal
        I couldn't decide whether to mod you up or reply. Reply won. Sorry.

        $4000 seems a little low in some respects, especially if you want to be digital. However, the guy that replied to you stating that a single lens would be $4000 is a little off base. You don't have to have the fastest, most low dispersion lenses to start with. It all depends on the kind of photography you want to do. I have friends that shoot professionally, and believe it or not they sometimes use plastic toy cameras. Of course, this is the exception, but it does show that creative endeavors (commercial ones at that) don't have to cost a fortune. And, you can have all the gear in the catalog and stil be a crappy shooter.

        Tech is an answer to a technical problem, not a creative one.

        From what I've seen photographers can be (mostly) divided into those who love the gadgets and know how to compute the hyperfocal distance and those who have an idea of what kind of image they want to create. By far, those in the latter category produce the most interesting stuff.

        • Dead on, and that's pretty much what I was saying.

          Like I replied in the other thread, I'm speaking from the experience of living with a very successful wedding and portrait photographer for the last three years. Her current workflow involves a D100 ($1500), an SB800 flash ($800), a few 1GB CF cards ($750), two lenses worth about $300, and a $70 reflector. Granted, the lenses only go to F/4, but it isn't that hard to pull off a good number of shots with that. And upgrading to a ~28-300mm lens with F/2.4
    • Heh. You can laugh all you want about the price, but wait until some 19 megapixel camera appears that requires about a gig or so per photo,

      19 megapixels is only 57 MB (assuming 8 bits per channel). You'd need ~323 megapixels per photo to fill a gig. Large numbers of photos seems like more likely use than copiously large photos somehow.
  • by aussersterne ( 212916 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:05PM (#9287265) Homepage
    Thing is, even though microdrives are rugged (I have several and have never had a problem with them), they are still filled with moving parts.

    A lot of pro photographers are in really tough assignment areas (i.e. war zones, etc.) with digital gear like Nikon or Canon's professional offerings... These cameras can run $4-8k easily and are ruggedized, waterproof, dustproof, etc. If you're going to be hopping through ditches and onto freight trucks and getting your gear submerged in mud and water every five minutes, there might be a distinct advantage to storage with no moving parts...
    • Those photographers don't need the huge capacity though. They take moderate resolution images and generally shoot JPG. The current 2GB flash cards hold a lot of those images already.
    • If you're going to be hopping through ditches and onto freight trucks and getting your gear submerged in mud and water every five minutes, there might be a distinct advantage to storage with no moving parts...

      On a side note, just think that Fox News bought a Hummer (a 1st generation one) to take into Iraq when they drove in there with the U.S. military. When the time came to ditch the equipment, they left that vehicle right there in the desert, and didn't give it a second thought. When you're in business,

    • If people keep using that argument (i.e. memory cards are more expensive than hard disks), then they will be. I'd bet that memory can be produced faster and in greater quantities than hard disks, but the memory prices will remain higher as long as the demand and volume produced remain low.
    • by Large Green Mallard ( 31462 ) <> on Sunday May 30, 2004 @03:11AM (#9288560) Homepage ro.htm []

      Bill Biggart and Bill Biggart's Microdrive had the World Trade Center fall on them. The Microdrive was recoverable. Bill wasn't. This little story allayed any fears I had about Microdrives.
  • Speed factor? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Maljin Jolt ( 746064 )
    Considering relatively very slow write speed of current flash memories technology, 12G CF is simply not worth any price.

    And yes, I use CF cards with PDA, notebook and desktop machine.
    • Re:Speed factor? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Mikey-San ( 582838 )
      You're obviously not a professional photographer.

      It's a simple equation:

      value = capacity + speed + reliability

      Compared to mechanical storage (oh shit, head crash! there goes my latest $10,000 shoot), high-capacity CF is worth what, to non-pros, looks to be ridiculously high prices. CF might not be as fast as a 15,000-RPM SCSI drive, but Lexar's 2-gig CF cards write at 4.8 MB KB/sec. That ain't too damn bad when you can store two gigs of data on your roll. (Lexar sells larger sizes, but that's the one tha
      • Compared to mechanical storage (oh shit, head crash! there goes my latest $10,000 shoot), high-capacity CF is worth what, to non-pros, looks to be ridiculously high prices

        How often do heads crash? If it is rare, it would probably still be cheaper to use disk, and if you do have a crash on your $10k shoot, send the disk to a data recovery service. Sure, those are expensive, but I think even they are cheap compared to this huge flash drive.

  • by johnthorensen ( 539527 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:06PM (#9287273)
    There's a huge difference between Hitachi Microdrives and a quality CF card - speed! Professional Digital SLR cameras such as those made by Nikon and Canon are able to shoot very large frames at a pretty stiff frame rate. A professional photographer would quickly be frustrated at the time it takes to write such frames to a Microdrive, making them next to worthless.

    As for the 12GB capacity, I can also see these being used in the recent crop of micro-size digital video cameras.

    • by Andy Smith ( 55346 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:27PM (#9287384)
      Oh really? :-)

      I use a Canon 1D for sports photography (4Mb files @ 8fps in 16 shot bursts) so I require fast write times, and I use microdrives.

      Microdrive write times are fractionally slower than solid state storage but they are also half the price.

      Microdrives being more fragile than solid state cards is a much bigger issue than the write times. Some pros won't touch microdrives because of the perceived vulnerability to shock damage but for most practical purposes the write times aren't an issue.

      Also you should consider that some cameras don't write to storage at the fastest possible speeds. For example, my 1D can write 16*4Mb files in the same time that the new 1D Mk II can write 20*8Mb files to a card of the same speed. All this talk of write speeds is somewhat irrelevant when you realise that even some of the high-end cameras don't write at the maximum speed.
      • It's true that as long as you are keeping shots within the buffer space of the camera (can be up to 40 shots or more), you're OK. Once you overflow that buffer though, you're subjected to the speed difference between solid-state and the Microdrive. There's also about a 4-second spin-up time for the Microdrive - that's a real pain in the ass when you want a quick look at the shots you just took.

        Also, one also shouldn't overlook some of the other potential drawbacks of Microdrives - such as incompatibilit
  • Compact Flash speed (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SCHecklerX ( 229973 ) <> on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:07PM (#9287283) Homepage
    Somewhat on topic...

    I have an old toshiba libretto that I'm running linux on. It is only capable of 64MB of ram, so obviously utilizes swap a bit, especially when running firefox.

    I've noticed that CF cards tend to be slower than the hard drive, so using CF as swap doesn't seem like it would help.

    Are there any memory type PCMCIA cards that can be used either as extra system memory or as swap space? The caveat, of course, is that it would have to be faster than the hard drive is with normal swap.

  • Bla Bla (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:08PM (#9287287)
    Of course, you could save $14,300 by purchasing three Creative Labs Nomad MuVo 4 GB MP3 players and removing the Hitachi 4 GB microdrives to get the same amount of CompactFlash storage.

    Or of course you could also save $9,320 by buying three of their 4GB CF cards.

    Obviously the 12GB card is not targetted at folks who don't mind swapping their CF cards.

    What's amazing is how they are able to continuously increase the physical density at a rate that exceeds (= faster) than Moore's law. It will be interesting to see what happens to reliability figures.
    • Re:Bla Bla (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Pidder ( 736678 )
      What's amazing is how they are able to continuously increase the physical density at a rate that exceeds (= faster) than Moore's law. It will be interesting to see what happens to reliability figures.

      Since when has Moore's law anything to do with compact flash cards?

      • Re:Bla Bla (Score:2, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward
        It's Moore's law so it gets applied to Moore and Moore things. =P
      • I don't know if this works on flash, but I think it's one transistor/bit for memory (plus overhead for other stuff). It's climbing MUCH faster than Moore's Law.
  • by leviathanap ( 783802 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:15PM (#9287324) Homepage
    ...and go with this []. That is, unless you just NEED a FlashDrive...
  • Good Write up, But as you mentioned that user can buy 3 Nomad Muvo by spending $600 (Or less). I noticed prices for $256 CF are around $20 (Posted today on Remember these CompactFlash Cards used to be around $100 just couple of years ago. I bought mine for $68 or so last year. So its good to have 12 GB CF, but as of now I dont see big utility. Pocket size MP3 players with 20GB Storage for $200 have virtually diminished the need for a common man to spend so much on this. I am
  • Much better idea: plug this [] into the iPod you already have. You get between 15 and 40 GB of storage for $110.
  • by ResQuad ( 243184 ) <{slashdot} {at} {}> on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:25PM (#9287368) Homepage
    I just got a Nikon D70. 12 Gigs, would do me for about 3,500+ pictures at max quality.

    Thats crazy number of pictures, hell, I have harddrives that are smaller than that CF card.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:26PM (#9287381)
    Everybody thinks this is a waste of space. But just you wait until those Holo cameras the doc used on Voyager go on sale. Then we will see who thinks 12GB is too much. Same thing went for my 10GB Hard Drive I got several years ago....never thought I would need more space.

    The technology comes first, they we wait for it's applications. Same thing goes for that smelling device in an article earlier which seems pretty useless to most now.
    • what is said, is that not only does everyone KNOW the reference to a prop used in a now cancelled sci-fi show, but that the comment was modded +5, Insightful.

      Slashdot just gives me warm geek fuzzies sometimes...
  • Expensive today... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by nurb432 ( 527695 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @08:28PM (#9287389) Homepage Journal
    But tomrrow it will be cheaper, and drive down the costs of smaller CF card..

    This is a good thing for all, even those that dont have the cash for a 12gb card...
    • But tomrrow it will be cheaper, and drive down the costs of smaller CF card..

      This is a good thing for all, even those that dont have the cash for a 12gb card...

      Meaning: another round of trickle-down electronics for everyone!
  • What's wrong with 6*2GB @$148ea = 12GB @$900 []?
  • ever wonder why pro photographers want "Sandisk highspeed" yeah it is becasue they want to be able to snap photos like crazy and not have to wait for the photo to be saved.
    • before you pro photographers spend lots of extra cash on CF cards, you may want to check the speed of the CF slot IN YOUR CAMERA.

      For example, I believe the Canon Digital Rebel's CF slot can only write or read at 1x or 2x. So buying a 40x card doesn't help you when you're taking pictures.

      It does however help you when you take the card out of the camera, and plug it into a usb2 card reader on your computer to get the 1.5gb+ of photos off...
  • Why 12 gigs? Thats not for pro's!

    This is about as far from true as possible, everyone is thinking of sports events and such like that. What about the pro photographers that arent in such accessable areas. Nature Photography anyone? How about some animals? Longer trips into the wilderness?

    Now I am not agreeing that 12 gigs is needed for most anyone, but for thoes that go out on longer trips, out of cell ranger or where laptops are too heavy to cary with (backpacking, canoeing?), this is perfect. Its
    • Image vaults are now available today for about $300. They contain a harddrive (often on the order of 30 gigs) and a cardreader. They're about the size of an mp3 player. Just plug your card in and dump the images. Some of them can even burn a CD.

      here are several reviews of many varieties []
    • And what sort of battery is going to last you long enough to take all those shots on your long outtings? Since you're going to have to be swapping batteries like crazy, why can't you swap CF cards too?
      • you only have to swap batteries if you leave the backlit display on like a noob, turn it off and use the viewfinder, you will get a HUGE improvement in battery life (appx 180 photos on one set of batteries for me) when the preview display is on the camera has to run the display and the focus motors *Constantly* rather than for a few moments for each picture
  • Future Shock (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Decaff ( 42676 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @10:40PM (#9287818)
    It seems only a few years ago I was using Psion Organisers with 16 kilobyte memory packs.

    OK, so it was nearly 20 years ago.

    In 20 years time, if technology continues at the same pace, what will we be doing with petabyte drives?
  • by larryg ( 74117 ) on Saturday May 29, 2004 @11:50PM (#9288045) CF devices - they are ATA only disks as of this point folks.

    Not a rumor...I received two of the new-spec units on Friday.

    For those that didn't get one of the "tube-packed" models, you are S-O-L (that would include me, unfortunately).

    New-style packaging, with a close up of the Creative disclaimer on the back:
  • Hitachi Drives... (Score:3, Informative)

    by OneFix ( 18661 ) on Sunday May 30, 2004 @01:09AM (#9288300)
    Watch on these, I see from some other posts that the new units don't even have the CF drives in them...

    However, that's not what I was going to mention...

    Look at this image [] from one of the linked articles...

    The Hitachi drives are CF Type II, not Type I...Most consumer and even some "prosumer" digital cameras only take CF Type I cards. This is also the big difference between the 12GB CF card and the 4GB drives...

    The article isn't really clear, but from the picture in the article, it looks like it will be a CF Type I device....

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
