NYT: The New Breed of Gaming Laptops Get Serious 312
securitas writes "The New York Times' Seth Schiesel writes about hardcore gamers and the growing trend toward high-performance gaming laptops. Traditional enterprise computer manufacturers like Dell and HP are entering the gaming markets dominated by VoodooPC and Alienware, with the specialty high-end PC makers going the other way and breaking into corporate markets. There are some accompanying graphics and quotes from hardcore gamers about the Alienware Area 51m, Dell Inspiron XPS, and VoodooPC Envy m:750."
Desktop... (Score:4, Funny)
i will game only on the desktop.
i will game less than 20 hours per day.
i will go outside and feel the sun.
i will not game on LCD...evar.
i will not play games i cannot stop.
i will game only from the desktop.
Re:Desktop... (Score:2)
Re:Desktop... (Score:4, Insightful)
Can't imagine the temperature issue of a graphics card inside a laptop.
Has_Life = False (Score:5, Funny)
The Alienware model is lauded by "Daniel P. Martin, 15, High school sophomore". He crows, "My computer would be going at, like, a frame a second right now".
Like, Danny, how are your grades this year?
Dell's Inspiron inspired "Tori K. Beverly, 16, High school junior" to gush "It's easier to take to parties."
Yeah, the screen hinge is probably great for crushing tabs of X.
But this one takes the cake: "Matt A. Hendershot, 21, unemployed says of the VoodooPC, "I'll trade you my Mustang for it. I'm serious".
I'm serious too, Matt... you need to turn off the computer in your parents' basement and get a freakin' job.
And lose the hat. Jeez.
Re:Has_Life = False (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Has_Life = False (Score:5, Funny)
(goodbye, URL!)
Re:Has_Life = False (Score:2)
You are quite right! In fact, I'm taking off early today to make a weekend run out of town [craterofdi...tepark.com] with the kids, for exactly the reasons you cited. Have you been talking to my therapist?
Mods: the parent's -1, Troll mod is Unfair. Give it +1, Psychic.
I don't know... (Score:5, Insightful)
But How often do you need to be in that kind of situation to buy a gaming laptop? I have a desktop PC specifically for gaming (among other things) and a laptop for remote work in the library. Is the high latency/low brightness/low color quality of the laptop screens really a good idea for gaming?
I don't know, I always keep my laptop strictly for work and my desktop for everything else. I don't know anyone who would seriously game on their laptop.
Re:I don't know... (Score:5, Insightful)
LAN parties (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:LAN parties (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:LAN parties (Score:2, Funny)
You'd still carry your CRT in your arms, of course.
Re:LAN parties (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I don't know... (Score:4, Interesting)
I know 2 people with laptops used for nothing but gaming, and they're both the kind of guy that would, stereotypically, be said to have a life. They go out, they visit friends, they party, they don't want to geek about at home playing XBox or their PC. So they have a gaming laptop.
Having survived the 1980s it looks like the gaming laptop as I've seen it used has the place of a ghettoblaster... not everyone has them but those who do share with friends when they're out... It's just one more part of the entertainment for them.
(me, I'm a nerd. I don't game and I get off on coding. until coding is entertaining at parties I guess I'm out of luck
Dode! Check out my BUTT! (Score:3, Troll)
What's not changing is that it's still a sad waste of time. Next time you see some slackers doods at the mall with their pants down around their knees showin' off their name brand panties while talkin' about the new "gaming laptop" daddy bought them, why don't you think about all the tech jobs going to India, a place where people take education a bit more seriously.
Re:I don't know... (Score:5, Interesting)
On this laptop I can play Enemy Territory with no problems. The display is excellent and even seems clearer then my NEC MultiSync CRT. The laptop has a Radeon 9000 (64mb) which can handle RtCW:ET with no problems (and the new Linux ATi drivers are very good).
Using a USB mouse, there is not much difference in gaming on a laptop then the desktop. The big plus is that there is a lot less to lug around to a LAN party.
I haven't tried new games like UT2004 on it, and will admit I'm afraid to due it being underpowered for a game like that, but overall they do make decent gaming platforms.
But there is no way I'm paying $3000+ for one!!
Re:I don't know... (Score:5, Informative)
Low Brightness? Not a problem, unless I'm outside with the sun in my face or on the screen.
Low color quality? Good enough for me, I can't see the difference in my games versus a CRT, I've ditched the CRTs altogether, but then again, I'm not addicted to having 350,203,234,234^10 colors either. (Yes, I'm exaggerating)
We seriously game on our laptops because they're mobile, powerful and capable. Sure, we have slightly longer load times, but mine (eMachines 6805) gets ~3 hours normally, 1-1 1/2 gaming. And that's with a Desktop Replacement designed laptop.
Re:I don't know... (Score:5, Insightful)
I parked it on my desktop for another 9 months and then sold it on Ebay. Got a little more than half of what I paid for it, but that was still enough to buy a decent desktop machine from Dell and a 20 inch monitor.
The only time I really missed it is on plane flights, but whats the point of buying a laptop that only leaves your desk twice a year?...
The laptop I buy has to wieght less than 5lbs, have more than 5hrs battery time (without an extra battery) and have kickass specs. So maybe in 2010...
Re:I don't know... (Score:2)
Oh, and for those wondering, it's a Gateway something or another purchased new in October with a P4 2.8GHz, 512 MB RAM, and 15" screen. It's a thing of beauty. ^_^
Sometimes you don't have a choice (Score:4, Informative)
It seems like a dirty cost-cutting measure, but there is one large advantage. My largest CS lab had 8 people in it. This meant the TA was able to provide individual assistance easily. My Microprocessors lab was a different story. To perform well you needed an oscilloscope. Scopes were limited, so the lab sections had about 25-30 students per section. I was often in the lab for 45 minutes before the TA could get around to checking my prelab so I could start on the lab itself. (Often the prelab involved a circuit you would tear apart during the lab, so working ahead was out of the question).
Anyway, I haven't been able to play the newer games for a year or so now. I even have problems with older games like Quake III. Due to the financial strains of the university and the internships I'm doing, a new desktop is a luxury I cannot afford. I would have loved the choice of a performance laptop when I was looking for one.
Plus, a laptop is sometimes more convenient. In the small kitchen of our dorm, four of my friends had a small LAN party at one table using their laptops and a switch. This would not have been possible with their desktops, as they would have had no room. Playing from the rooms was unacceptable; the network seemed designed to thwart gaming. So there are a few reasons people want to game from a laptop. Some people do not have the luxury of a desktop AND a laptop, and must use a laptop for both work and play.
Re:I don't know... (Score:3, Interesting)
The same reasoning was why I went with the 8200 (with 64mb video ram) a year and a half later when I bought the second one.
Why did I choose Laptops? Because both times I was preparing to be
They need to be easily upgradeable. (Score:5, Insightful)
We really need a common standard for laptop video cards.
Re:They need to be easily upgradeable. (Score:5, Informative)
agreed (Score:2)
No Guys! I mean upgradeable between makes! :) (Score:2)
Re:No Guys! I mean upgradeable between makes! :) (Score:2)
Re:They need to be easily upgradeable. (Score:2)
Re:They need to be easily upgradeable. (Score:2)
But you are still stuck with the CPU, which is fine since (I think) 3Ghz is plenty for a few more years. Just make sure you also have room to upgrade the memory, but even 1Gig will keep you for a while
I'm running 1.4Ghz on my desktop and am still happy with it, only just now starting to think about upgrading.
More than just a few years- (Score:2, Insightful)
You could have a Porsche and Rick Mears will still own you with a
Re:They need to be easily upgradeable. (Score:3, Interesting)
But I'm sure the laptop manufacturers love this idea... hey, replace that $2000 laptop every 12 months... It's cool! Everyone's doing it!
(see, even if them underemployed folks can afford it, so can you...
I think these companies market the _image_ of the laptop more than the laptop itself. Kind of like those Apple laptops---they just look so cool and everyone looks in your direction when you open one
show me the upgrades!! (Score:2)
So, my stance on laptop upgrade cards is "show me the upgrades!". Even buying from a large company didn't assure me future improvements, and I wonder if that isn't part of a company's business plan - why actuall get around to selling the upgrade when you can sell a new laptop?
Homer quote (Score:5, Funny)
That's the first thing I thought of when I read the 17 year-old's quote of the Dell.
eMachines too... (Score:5, Informative)
However, let me tell you...my m6805 laptop is wonderful.
AMD Athlon64 3000+ (1.8GHz)
512DDR2700 (can upgrade to max of 2x1GB, one of which voids warranty, buried in case)
60GB 4200RPM (Probably upgrade to faster HD soon, this is the only downside)
ATI Radeon 9600 Mobile 64MB (9600 standard, same speeds, only 64MB)
15.4" Widescreen
10/100 LAN
This thing works just as well as my desktop almost, except for load times. That's got an Athlon 2800+ with 512MB and a 9600XT. Halo I just have to turn down like one more setting on the laptop.
I'm honestly contemplating selling my desktop and upgrading my laptop more, it's that powerful.
Plus, the warranty is great. Battery died two days ago (don't know why, totally failed) I called it in shortly after that, and they overnighted it for free to me. So 24 hour turnaround on battery replacement.
Re:eMachines too... (Score:2)
Hmmm... I'd prefer, you know, the battery to *not* fail and have crappy customer support than a failed battery and great customer support.
Re:eMachines too... (Score:2)
So, Im not suprised that a battery fails. Everyone has a battery that fails. He got the good support around it, tho.
Don't you think its very cool that they even were good enough to replace it?!
Re:eMachines too... (Score:3, Insightful)
I recently replaced the battery on my brother's PowerBook. Apple's supposedly top-notch hardware failing less than six months from purchase.
Shit happens. And then is when you wish for good support. (My international warranty was honored, but had to wait weeks while they imported the battery)
Re:eMachines too... (Score:5, Interesting)
Ok, so I still like to rant, but eMachines has seen the light. Maybe. When I worked for them he would have gotten his battery via regular parcel post or UPS ground, and God only know how long that takes.
Bulletproof hardware will likely always cost large piles of money. Great, heaping, has their own ZIP code piles of cash. That's fine and dandy if you're NASA and are putting machines on some other planet with exactly one semi-redundant backup. Most of the rest of us must make trade offs. If reliability is slighted for cost's sake, then some kind of replacement system is necessary.
If it is necessary, why not do it right? How much extra does good customer support need to cost? In my example case, replacing the guy's drive overnight could have been as easy as setting a single flag on the ticket and having a pile of "ship this out on the next plane" stickers at the fufillment center.
Legendary customer support will always cost big money. If you want multi-lingual engineers that have taken sacred vows and can offer prayer, holy communion, teach yoga or sacrifice chickens for your machine, then it's coing to cost you.
I accept the fact that stuff will fail. Crappy customer support doesn't have to be, and good customer support doesn't have to be expensive.
It sounds like e-Machines is getting it. Now we can top calling buyers "eWhores." Perhaps "eMildlySluttyAfterTwoBeers." Really, I'm happy about the change.
thats comical (Score:5, Insightful)
Shane M. Kluskowski, 16, leaned over the row of empty caffeine drink bottles that separated him from Victor and said that he was washing dishes 20 hours a week at a nearby diner to pay off his own $2,100 laptop.
"It's the best investment ever," Shane declared. "I am going to keep it for the rest of my life, probably, because I won't be able to afford another one."
Thats what I said about my 266mhz K6 laptop I bought in 1998....
I think every geek felt that way once, when the world was shiny and new.
Maybe I'm bitter... (Score:4, Insightful)
but if I were a teen today I don't think my parents would buy me a $3199 laptop for playing games. linky [nytimes.com]
Yeah, this is probably off-topic... (Hey, you kids! Get off my lawn! Meshugganah brats... *grumble*)
PS If your kid is saying "It works as good as a normal computer" perhaps games shouldn't be a priority. I'm just sayin'.
Recommend (Score:5, Informative)
But for those that need me to come by and install a USB mouse for them I suggest, Alienware, hell yea it cost more... but worth every penny if you can't/won't/don't want to build your own rig...
Save *big* money, try a Sager instead. (Score:3, Informative)
kicks the pants off of any Alienware notebook and costs several hundreds (if not a thousand) less.
Though the gpu is not upgradeable, at least you have the option of not paying the Microsoft tax if you want to use one of the Linux Flavors.
Warning!!! (Score:5, Funny)
aren't most gamers upgrade junkies? (Score:2)
Why not spend the money on a tricked out mini-itx and find a decent LCD monitor with a small footprint?
Re:aren't most gamers upgrade junkies? (Score:2)
Re:aren't most gamers upgrade junkies? (Score:2)
I think they are decent (Score:2)
Re:aren't most gamers upgrade junkies? (Score:2)
Re:aren't most gamers upgrade junkies? (Score:2)
You need one of these..
Dell 2001FP 20.1" LCD Monitor [dell.com]
1600x1200 / 16ms response / 400:1 contrast / DVI / $900
Hell, get 2 of them and send me one...
Re:aren't most gamers upgrade junkies? (Score:2)
Or a Jeep of a Jeep !
Google for google ?
Problem is still motion blur (Score:4, Interesting)
That being said, is there any hope that OLED's will alleviate the motion blur problem? Because right now, as far as gaming / DVD viewing, I'm not giving up my CRT.
RTA re: motion blur (Score:2)
It would be nice to have a definition of
That VoodooPC Envy m:750... (Score:5, Informative)
Are they easily upgraded? (Score:2, Insightful)
Which of course leads to my other rant: I wish they would design PCs so the average joe could upgrade them without having to open the case. Aside f
Re:Are they easily upgraded? (Score:3, Interesting)
Have you looked at a laptop recently? My HP Pavilion has three removable covers in the base; one for the hard drive, one for memory, one for the video card. All it takes to upgrade any of the three is a small screwdriver to remove the single screw and removing the plastic cover. Piece of cake.
powerbook gamer (Score:2)
Hands down best laptop is ... (Score:3, Interesting)
These laptops kick ASS. Ive had an m6805 since launch and I fucking love it. First, the display is like sex on LCD. The keyboard has a great feel to it, better then some crap desktop keyboards Ive been on. Obviously, you can't game with a touchpad but it works just fine in RTSes. With the 4 USB ports, pluging in a nice optical mouse is no big deal.
This machine rocks. When I use AutoGK I normally get 24+FPS on my encodes to XviD. I can play UT2k4, BF:Nam, Far Cry and more on my "ATI(R) RADEON(TM) 9600 Discrete Graphics with built in 64MB Video RAM." 802.11g means Im killing your ass naked while in bed.
But its an eMachines? Well, before 2002 I would have stopped at the name too. However, being a true tech gadget nerd, I don't let a brand name determine my picks. I let the features and #s speak for themselves. I did a review [elrosewood.com] back when I got it and I still love it love it love it. AND FOR UNDER $1500! I received $250 in rebates and spent $189 on the 3 year warrenty.
Speaking of which, that was the final straw that sold me this thing. Dell, HP, Compaq, WHATEVER -- Laptops BREAK. Maybe the screen, maybe the hard drive, modem, network card, etc. Something is BOUND to happen to a portable system in normal day to day use no matter WHO makes it. This laptop is VERY sturdy so I don't worry about that. However, I know that taking it to class and going from full to E on the battery day in and day out is going to cause some loss of charge on that thing. Guess what? My battery is covered. So is my screen, hard drive, modem, network card, etc. All for $189. The only warrenty that comes close is HP's and according to the fine print, you even install a program that wasn't there OEM, you are in technical violation. It is also considerably more expensive.
If you want a kick ASS laptop, then seriously, pick this bad boy up.
Re:Hands down best laptop is ... (Score:3, Interesting)
Went back to return the warranty from BB, the manager said 'oh, the warranty covers more than whats listed' I said, write it down.
So now I have it covered including:
1 pixel
Battery for 3 years
Anything normally covered by eMachines is now covered by BB...(Glad that manager was kinda dumb/really nice)
I had the battery fail 3 days ago, sadly. Called it in, they overnighted a replacement to me. Let's see you beat that for wa
Ads? (Score:2, Funny)
Seriously though, I don't much of a difference in price to warrant this kind of purchase, it's still twice the cost of an equally (or better) equipped desktop. I don't go to LAN parties, so I guess spending that kind of money on a laptop is out of the question. Buy a desktop and use the rest of that money to take a girl on a date. Enjoy.
Re:Hands down best laptop is ... (Score:2)
Mine's well over a year-old, and they didn't have 802.11g when it came out, but I don't have access to any 802.11g anyway, so I don't really miss it. It does have 10/100/1000 ethernet, though.
I've also got it hooked up to an external 1600x1200 LCD via DVI as a second head. That doesn't seem to be an
Re:Fake plastic trees (Score:4, Insightful)
Methinks slashdot needs to be more careful about who gets moderated up in these discussions.
I absolutely agree. Posts such as yours should never be moderated this high. Just because someone is clearly impressed with a laptop that they've purchased (one that I am considering purchasing, as well) does not mean that they were paid by the laptop manufacturer to advertise it.
Of course if parent poster is not guilty, let them prove it.
Ever heard this expression: "innocent until proven guilty"? It's quite a popular phrase, and I think it very well applies in this case. The burden of proof is on you, so if you're going to accuse someone of astroturfing you better have some real proof. Show a connection between rosewood and eMachines, especially considering the number of "Insighful" and "Interesting" posts in his post history.
heavy and thick (Score:2)
Voodoo has one (I think it was the 460) that was great on paper with the exception of missing bluetooth and having questionable battery life..
Re:heavy and thick (Score:3, Informative)
Less than an inch thick, some come with 64MB VRam, most have battery life of 4 hours + (higher end with better batteries are 9 hr +).
Eh... (Score:3, Interesting)
What I think would be a much more viable market is pizzabox formfactor computers. Towers are too bulky to lug arround, and laptops are too limited, but something in a pizzabox format (a la Mac LC II / III or sun sparcs) would be more portable without sacrificing much in the way of expandability or upgrades
Re:Eh... (Score:2)
Re:Eh... (Score:2)
Re:Eh... (Score:2)
Anyone think of battery life? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Anyone think of battery life? (Score:3, Interesting)
It is for me. My laptop doesn't leave the house. I can do work while sitting on the couch, instead of sitting in my office. I can take it outside for a smoke break.
99% of the time I'm on the computer, I'm on the internet. If I'm close enough to an access point, odds are good I'm close enough to a power outlet.
My laptop spends a majority of its time plugged into the wall next to the couch. You couldn't rep
Pentium IV in a laptop. What a brilliant idea. (Score:5, Interesting)
You do realize that they can go for all of an hour before needing to be recharged?
How about that the systems aren't really "laptops" at all, unless you like your pants melting to your medium-rare flesh.
The Athlon64 is a better gaming chip and allows for decent battery life (3+ hours) because of "Cool'n'quiet". In the Intel camp, the Pentium-M is an extremely capable processor and uses even less power than the Athlon64. IBM and VoodooPC both have Pentium-M laptops with game-worthy video capabilities.
What's next? Dual Xeon laptops with a car battery backpack accessory?
Re:Pentium IV in a laptop. What a brilliant idea. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Pentium IV in a laptop. What a brilliant idea. (Score:2)
Think "portable desktop" not laptop (Score:4, Interesting)
The fully featured camp really wants a desktop with a laptop-style form factor. It's easily portable, but not necessarily "highly mobile". Battery life, size and weight are all traded for power, peripherals and screen size.
The super-portable camp wants something that's convenient to take anywhere without being a burden. Size, weight and battery life are more important than power, peripherals and screen size.
We got a bunch of Dell X300s in the other day, and they've taken kind of an interesting path -- they all come with these docking stations that attack to the laptop in the same footprint; it just makes the laptop thicker, and provides a place for the DVD/CDRW, extra ports, extra battery, etc. Otherwise you can remove the laptop from this and have a thinner, lighter, more portable device.
A clever extension on this idea would be a very small laptop (say 800x600 screen) with no peripherals except USB2/LAN ports that slotted into a "full size" laptop and gained the usual ports/bays AND a larger screen.
Will this stimulate upgradability of laptops? (Score:4, Insightful)
Many personal users, especially gamers, have held the opposing view - buying the best machine that their cash can buy and supporting the machine themselves. Many machines have been given new leases of life through CPU, memory, sound- and graphics- card upgrades. Desktop PCs architecture is incredibly open.
I wonder if the manufacturers will cater to this new breeed of laptop buyers. Will we see upgradable graphics cards? How about an upgradeable motherboard? Will there eventually be a range of components from different manufacturers that could be used to build a completely custom laptop?
I guess that it's time for a new standard. Desktop PCs have had the AT and ATX standards to help ensure physical interoperability between components. Newer standards (FlexATX, MicroATX etc) have helped spawn smaller desktops.
AFAIK, no such standard exists for laptops. Yet.
For Alienwares, do your research (Score:5, Interesting)
One of my friends spent $2600 on that Alienware and my other one spent $1999 on the equivalent Sager. Both of them ended up having problems after a year because the Sager has a badly designed cooling system.
The bottom line is, Alienware doesn't even pick good models to resell at high prices. I wouldn't trust their notebook. They need to find shitty manufacturers who will let them resell their notebook for a profit by putting a rubberized stupid-looking cover on the top of the LCD screen.
Not to mention that when I bought an Alienware desktop (this was like 5 years ago--that computer definitely didn't last me for life, kiddo), AW was a small company that actually had real tech support (i.e. my GeForce overheated and died, and when I called them they overnighted me a new one, no charge). Nowadays, they are just like every other tech support troupe--probably based out of India, but if not, just as bad.
Stay away... and please do your research.
The following is the explanation of laptops. (Score:3, Informative)
In fact, that alienware laptop wasn't Sager's. It was Clevo's. Clevo is the name of a laptop manufacturer, probably the biggest one there is. Dell, HP, Compaq, IBM*, Sager, Alienware, Voodoo, and others all buy from clevo, stick in ram, a hard drive, and a logo and then sell for profit. Sager's model was cheaper than AW's because it was not as well known
Apple and IBM* are the only major companies who make their own laptops.
Shared Memory on onboard video cards? (Score:2)
Is there a reason that the cards don't come with their own separate memory?
this almost proves (Score:2)
(yes I know about the accessories to make the PS2 portable. not the same.)
Gaming laptops, too early (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Gaming laptops, too early (Score:2)
Convenience vs. Necessity (Score:2)
I don't know many people who NEED to take their games with them, as laptops are generally meant for portable work.. start putting hardcore gaming technology and you're gonna be paying out the ass for
Re:Convenience vs. Necessity (Score:3, Insightful)
For you it may not make sense. For some people who have high disposable incomes but not much living space (like those in NYC), a high power laptop capable of gaming is a fantastic option. Saving $1500 is nothing compared to not having a huge desk (with a massive 21" CRT and a huge tower) eating up a huge chunk of your space. Since you're going to buy a $2000 laptop anyway, adding another $1000 to ma
You dont need top of the range to play. (Score:2, Insightful)
Maximum PC (Score:4, Insightful)
My name is Shane M. Kluskowski, I have NO LIFE! (Score:3, Funny)
"It's the best investment ever," Shane declared. "I am going to keep it for the rest of my life, probably, because I won't be able to afford another one."
Jesus. What more can be said! Except the second he unpacked it, it was only worth $900 or less... Especially with all that teen goo stuck to keyboard.
Something small to game on- why not a Shuttle SFF? (Score:5, Informative)
Powernotebooks.com (Score:2)
Check out the Sager 8890 Specs [powernotebooks.com] and then rethink alienware and dell.
I have the Sager NP5680 P4 2.8GHz with the ATI Radeon 9600 with 128MB DDR... and it cost around $1800.. (thanks to work for picking up the check)
Check out the 17" laptops for around $1500. Nice!
Synchronicity (Score:2)
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:2)
Oh and btw - doesn't laptop use on planes cause problems with navigation equipment? Or is it just during take-off and landing that its problematic?
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:3, Interesting)
Laptop use is not problematic except in the sense that if there is a rough landing (or aborted takeoff), they don't want to get sued when your laptop smashes into the seat in front of you and breaks its LCD, or when your gadget gets thrown into your face and breaks your nose. As a result, they ask you to turn off and stow any electronic devices during takeoff/l
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:2)
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:2)
I don't know how many times I've heard over the years, ``I only have a PC for games.'' Similarly, I know a lot of people who spend a *lot* of money on gaming machines, who really have no use for them outside of their games. Or at least, no use that requires that kind of power.
It's worth it to spend a few thousand dollars to have a better experience playing a couple of video games. To some of us, it
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:2)
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:2)
Not that I'm going to tell someone else how to live, but I would feel re
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:2)
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:5, Funny)
So between games you can post on /.
I plug my console's video into my LCD monitor... (Score:2)
It's great, I don't even have to destabilize my game with Alt+tab, I just hit the button on my monitor that switches between composite video and DVI. Ain't technology grand?
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:2)
Re:Why game on a PC and not a console? (Score:5, Insightful)
Sigh. This isn't even an apples and oranges comparison at this point. It's an apples and bicycles comparison.
To go to the heart of the argument -- console vs PC gaming. The two are completely different and serve different markets and needs. The PC is somewhat more expensive (yes... somewhat. I can build a PC capable of running all current games, as well as all games planned for release in the next couple years, for $617 ($525 w/o OS)), but can do considerably more than just play games. It also runs those games at resolutions and polygon counts that console gamers can only dream of -- even the Xbox on a HDTV is lower res. Some games -- FPS, most RTS or turn-based strategy games, and MMORPGs -- are simply best on PCs due to the better controls available. The networking, upgradability, and mod scene is far better on PCs as well (although consoles like the Xbox are making strides on those). Games are cheaper on PCs (which is countered by the lack of a rental or resale market, but not everyone rents or resells console games either).
Consoles are easy to setup and play, have a lower initial investment, and are far better for head-to-head playing. Some game types are far better on consoles -- particularly fighting games, platformers, driving games, and most sports games in general. The downsides are largely covered above (poor graphics, poor online support, poor/non-existent patching or mods, higher long-term cost).
But why, you ask, did I say it was an absurd comparison? Because you're trying to compare a console to a highly specialized laptop. Take that console, put a 15-17" LCD screen on it and then make it run purely from battery power for 1-3 hours. You might want to contemplate wireless networking too, in order to try and level the playing field a bit more. Let me know what the cost is then.
Oh, and a perfectly capable gaming laptop can be had for about $1500, as several people have posted. To be fair, a console is $99-$179... unless, of course, you want a memory card or more than one controller, or online support...
Re:Monster laptop (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Monster laptop (Score:3, Interesting)
I've got a Sager 5660 [icantfocus.com] and it's been rock solid compared to any of the name brands I've owned. And it spits out UT2003/2004 FPS like no tomorrow.
I snagged mine last year from PowerNotebooks.com and they been the best laptop vendor I've dealt with so far. One of the hightest ratings on ResellerRatings.com for Sager dealers.
Yes, I'm whoreing, but it's rare I'm pleased with hardware and the buyer experience.
The other nice thing about