Palm Reveals New Name 306
dmehus writes "Milpitas, Calif. based Palm Inc. announced Sunday afternoon the new name and moniker for its handheld hardware business. After almost two years in the planning and focus group stages, the company's Board of Directors and executives decided on PalmOne. PalmOne's ticker symbol will change from the current PALM to PLMO. Sister company PalmSource, which will be the operating system business, takes ticker symbol PSRC. According this report by CNET News.com's Ina Fried, the two companies will be publicly traded, but they will also be controlled by a new holding company. In addition, the Spring 2004 line of handhelds will adopt the PalmOne moniker. Devices that run the Palm OS can continue to say "Palm powered." The new ticker symbols and corporate name changes will take affect some time in late September or early October, once the Palm buyout of rival HandSpring is complete."
What about... (Score:5, Funny)
Well (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Well (Score:5, Funny)
It's a good thing they didn't just take one year to come up with that name or else it might have sucked!
Re:What about... (Score:5, Insightful)
But hey, they did make a compound word with an unnecessary infix capitalization.
(CitiGroup, MetLife, SunTrust, etc.) That's pretty CorpSpeak of them.
Re:What about... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What about... (Score:2)
Re:What about... (Score:2)
Re:What about... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:What about... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What about... (Score:2, Interesting)
Very dumb (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What about... (Score:2)
What's that squiggly little round letter at the end of the name 'PalmOne' then...?
Re:What about... (Score:4, Funny)
And no Extreme or Xtreme in the name .. I no longer buy products without Extreme in the name. Even my deoderant is Extreme.
Re:What about... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:What about... (Score:3, Funny)
Upon closer inspection (Score:5, Insightful)
Not to start a flame war over the incorrect use of irony, but isn't it ironic that their name, which is meant to show their solidarity and dominance, uses a term for "one" twice?
And if you disagree with my use of "irony" as a word, please replace "ironic" with "hilariously coincidental," pretend I said it the whole time, and don't flame me for it.
Isn't it odd that we get uptight about the use of "irony" but we allow people to write "lol" in posts and get away with it. "lol" isn't even a word. Without capitalization or periods, it's not even a proper acronym, but it's totally acceptable.
Well, there's another post that's gonna be modded down for being off-topic. Damn my train-of-thought writing style!
typical corporate double-speak (Score:3, Insightful)
what's in a name (Score:3, Funny)
Re:what's in a name (Score:2)
One question? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:One question? (Score:2)
Re:One question? (Score:5, Informative)
You can't get a Visor from Handspring now, and you haven't been able to for a long time. All their organizer-only devices have been discontinued, from the original Visor up to the recent Treo 90. The only way Handspring will sell you a Visor is if you buy a reconditioned unit [handspring.com] from them.
My guess is that PalmOne will continue this level of support for the Visor, but I strongly doubt that they'll start the production lines rolling again, especially when the bare-bones Zire and upcoming Zire 21 models are there for people who want a low-cost, monochrome organizer.
Handspring Treo lives on... (Score:2)
I remember reading at the time of the aquisition that the Handspring brand will still be used to label the Palm-based Smartphone Treos - a market Palm(One) tried to enter but failed, but which Handspring has a good foothold, in bo
Re:One question? (Score:2)
You can go on the website and see the product line right now...
See my earlier post [slashdot.org]before
Re: (Score:2)
Stage One of Going Down the Toilet (Score:5, Interesting)
Frequently employed when a company's market share or mind share begins to slip, in an irrational attempt to reverse said slipping.
Re:Stage One of Going Down the Toilet (Score:2, Interesting)
Actually, I think stage one goes like this:
Charge $299 for an Palm-based product which has less than half the processing power and half the capabilities of comparable PocketPC devices, and expect people to buy it.
Re:Stage One of Going Down the Toilet (Score:5, Insightful)
Good thing they have an OS and UI that people actually enjoy using.
Though I just bought a wonder $180 Sony SJ-22; terrific screen and the UI/OS I love. I think Sony is more of a threat to Palm hardware than the PocketPC is.
People DO buy it (Score:2, Interesting)
Oh, and it syncs with my Macs with no problem.
Oh, and it does just about anything a WinCE (or whatever it's called today) device can do. It only takes software. You need that on a non-Palm device, too.
Honestly, if I could put a color screen on my still-working Newton and shrink it to a reasonable size, I'd probably use it instead. Unfortunately it's no
Interesting? (Score:2)
The idea that calling palm two names both starting with palm will lead to people not knowing "who the hell they are dealing with" is stupid.
Who would know that PalmOne is the same as Palm? I assume it would require advanced skills like 'reading'
Is it just me... (Score:5, Funny)
Palm is so leet (Score:5, Interesting)
have chosen to use leetspeak in the form pa1mOne which seems to me to be a horrible mistake (it's also
worth knowing that palmOne did not buy the sites pa1mOne.com and pa1m0ne.com: pa1mone.com seems to have be
purchased by an employee of Palm just yesterday and does not take you to palmone.com
The real mistake though is that should we be referring to the company is palmOne or pa1mOne? It's just
confusing for no reason. I mean you don't see Microsoft changing its name to M1cro$0ft just to look cool.
Re:Palm is so leet (Score:3, Interesting)
What the hell is the point? "Palm" had some of the strongest name recongition in the business...it was impressive that they were able to stake out "Palm" (remember Microsot's "Palm PCs"?) Maybe they're worried about Xerox- or Kleenex-style dillution of their name?
Any way, that l -> 1 switch is awful. I have a touch of synthaenasia, and I'm not alone, so I "hear" the "1" in "pa1m" as "o", so it reads "paom one".
If this is for real, this is so lame.
Re:Palm is so leet (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Palm is so leet (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Palm is so leet (Score:5, Insightful)
I disagree... there are no serifs on any of the other letters in their logo. Someone was trying to go for the numeral reference.
Plus, the "p" is lowercase, which is somewhat odd. (Of course, whether they were purposely going for leetspeak or not is unknown, of course.)
Re:Palm is so leet (Score:2)
But still, I don't think it was leetspeak they were going for, it looks more like a binary computers-are-cool-and-complicated thing.
Re:Palm is so leet (Score:2)
Re:Palm is so leet (Score:3, Informative)
The sad part is... (Score:5, Funny)
Hell, I would have thought one up for 50 bucks. here's a freebie:
A million bucks? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:A million bucks? (Score:3, Interesting)
Which if course is what Sony calls firewire. It's even trademarked I believe. Well, our execs went nuts, they loved it and are still living in blissful ignorance.
Re:The sad part is... (Score:5, Funny)
That's sweet man! You should do marketing for open source projects, I think. Here's the first guys that need help: Xouvert [xouvert.org].
Name wouldn't fly (Score:4, Funny)
Re:The sad part is... (Score:3, Interesting)
Try these on: Palogica, Unizard, Zaticand, Apprecros. PayPal me my fees.
Works great for naming countries too. Who would ever forget the name Sertaintritativiroboweakeeterrying?
(only requires the time it takes to get to the end of the word)
So much for the importance of branding... (Score:4, Interesting)
Can I now use Palm myself? It is obviously not worth anything to Palm themself...
Stupid ? (Score:3, Funny)
GOD and it took them two freakin years ?????
Insert mandatory Dilbert joke below my sig.
I guess they figured hey... (Score:4, Funny)
PalmOne? (Score:2)
Does this mean they're going to take Handspring's OS, change a few strings, add some placeboware, call it a revolutionary new product, and go headfirst into IPO?
Or maybe i'm confusing them with someone else [businessweek.com]...
Handspring's OS is Palm OS (Score:3, Informative)
Hm, wildly successful brand name...LET'S CHANGE IT (Score:5, Interesting)
It seems that companies who are so successful that their name BECOMES the product would be happy.
I watched this happen to Digiboard. They were THE standard product in their line but then went & changed their name to Digi International. D'oh.
Re:Hm, wildly successful brand name...LET'S CHANGE (Score:2)
I don't understand why companies INSIST on doing this? Is this some sort of corporate fear that their brand name is watered-down by ubiquity?
Really! My favorite example...
Borland - A couple of years, ago, they changed their name to "Inprise" to sound more business-y elite, or something. This resulted in a lot of flak, so they decided to compromise by keeping the Borland name on certain products. So you had "Inprise Borland C++Builder 4 Standard". Yeah, that rolls off the tongue nicely. It was definite
It's usually personal ego... (Score:5, Insightful)
It's simple: if you only issue orders that have a rational reason, you can never tell whether your subordinates are obeying them because you actually hold power, or simply because the orders make sense.
On the other hand, if you issue orders that are irrational, you can tell whether or not you actually have power, but if people obey them it will hurt the company which, in the long run, could affect your career.
The only safe way to demonstrate your authority is by issuing an order that is _arbitrary_ and has no significant effect for better or for worse.
Of course, there's always a cover story about how the new name, color scheme, typography, etc. "projects a more contemporary corporate image." (In the case of a magazine, whenever a new editor takes over they always revamp the typeface and the amount of whitespace around things, and the stated reason is always "to help you find information faster.")
See Antoine de Saint Exupery's "The Little Prince"--the part where the Little Prince visits the tiny planet with the king who can command the sun to set, but only after checking an almanac to make sure that he issues the command at the right time.
Re:Hm, wildly successful brand name...LET'S CHANGE (Score:2)
Palm now run by 1337 h4xx0rz. (Score:2, Funny)
May I suggest TCFKAP? (Score:3, Funny)
The Company Formerly Known as Palm has also decided upon an unpronouncable glyph as their name. But it makes much sense, since in any case they will soon become a division of Sony and their name will be recast in Hirigana.
ParmOS, I saruta you!
about Prince (Score:5, Interesting)
Palm, on the other hand, are simply dumbasses.
Quick Change The Name! (Score:5, Funny)
JOHNSON::Do nothing sir.
PHB::Do nothing? You idiot Johnson YOU'RE FIRED! Cravenstone what do you have?
CRAVENSTONE::Let's change our name sir.
What is it with ONE? (Score:5, Interesting)
Netscape ONE
Is this synergy, coincidence, or lame marketing?
Re:What is it with ONE? (Score:2)
Re:What is it with ONE? (Score:5, Funny)
They're predicting how many employees they'll have left in three years :-)
they were so close to a better name (Score:2)
Re:What is it with ONE? (Score:2)
Re:What is it with ONE? (Score:3, Funny)
I'd appreciate it if you could drop me an e-mail if you're willing fill-in for me some time. The pay is pretty good but it's getting tedious, I could use some time away from the responsibility....
Re:What is it with ONE? (Score:3, Interesting)
When the cellular telephone networks were being built out, one enterprising company came up with the Cellular One (or CellularOne) name. Many non-wireline carriers got permission to use that name. Before 1990, and possibly a few years after, the Cellular One brand name was the most widely recognized brand name for cellular phone service in the country. Even markets not served by a Cellular One carrier recognized that name over the names of
Strange decision (Score:4, Insightful)
Therefor, i find it a bit silly. The split was made by the board that will control both company's (they did not sell one division as far as I know) and the new controlling company. The controlling company name is irrelevant, as no-one outside the Palm-offices and the financial world will know, or needs to know it.
It would be better to keep the name for the hardware division. They had a strong name, and I guess that they did a bad move. And two years to come up with "PalmOne"? For crying out loud...
As a sidenote, as a belgian, I guess that I'm not worried, as long as the name change does not influence the taste of a glass Palm [www.palm.be] beer.
Aww Damn! (Score:5, Funny)
"PalmSprings" of course!
Sure, you laugh now, but their new office digs woulda been SWEET.
How fucking pathetic... (Score:2, Funny)
What's the difference? Do they think people are going to buy more of their crappy, outdated and unimaginative products because they stuck a "One" at the end of their moniker? I doubt their daydreams are going to come true:
Husband: "Edna, look here at this here Palm pee-da thingy. I should get one of those."
Wife: "I don't know Clarence, it looks like those Sony and Microsoft ones over there have more features."
Husband: "Maybe you're right. I don't want a second-rate prod
palminfocenter has more... (Score:5, Interesting)
"The new name is characterized in two colors - deep red for the word 'palm' and vibrant orange for 'One,' reflecting the subbrand colors for the company's Tungsten line of solutions for mobile professionals and business and its Zire line of solutions for consumers and multimedia enthusiasts, respectively."
Come on, from Pro/Personal, III, V, Zire, Tungston, m, these guys have changed branding more often than their underwear. This is what they want to bank on?
No explanation given for the lame l->1 conversion.
Re:palminfocenter has more... (Score:5, Funny)
"Welcome Slashdot visitor! You have been redirected to a ligher version of our article in order to conserve bandwidth and keep the site running smoothly for everybody."
Clearly they are doing their best to avoid being Slashdotted, while not shutting out the Slashdotters completely. As intelligent and reasonable as this is, it still strikes me as amusing.
"Welcome Mongol horde visitor! You have been redirected to a ligher version of Rome in order to conserve food and water and keep the city running smoothly for everybody."
"Welcome O Pioneer! You have been redirected to a ligher version of Ohio/Illinois/Missouri/Kansas in order to conserve land rights and keep the state running smoothly for everybody."
I'm lost for words... (Score:3, Insightful)
> focus group stages, the company's Board of
> Directors and executives decided on PalmOne.
I can only chime in with previous posters and express my utter, utter bafflement at this. I can't believe how some people earn their money! (I use the word 'earn' very loosely.)
When is this marketroid-driven insanity going to stop?
Re:I'm lost for words... (Score:2)
If you want to kill the chance of anything happening in a short amount of time, ESPECIALLY in marketing, send it to commitee.
Pronounciation? (Score:2)
Re:Pronounciation? (Score:2)
I don't get it... (Score:4, Insightful)
Reminds me of the company Smiths, not named 'Lays'. Thay had a brand recognition at coca-cola level and yet some execs decided to wipe it all.
I really should have paid attention during marketing classes i guess.
Everyone misunderstands the branding change (Score:5, Funny)
Everyone's reading PalmOne like it was pronounced Palm-WON, but it's really pronounced Pahl-MOH-nay, which clearly is designed to appeal to the modern, hip Euro-style elite. Ooh, la la.
Re:Everyone misunderstands the branding change (Score:2)
Hmm... (Score:2)
On 2nd thought, we could already, but it makes more sense now.
This is great! (Score:5, Funny)
Dibbs on the PALM stock symbol so I can unload millions of shares of my fly-by-night IPO on the uneducated masses!
FuckedCompany.com (Score:3, Funny)
PalmOne and PalmSource?
Why not just HyperGlobalMegaMart?
Did they take out a super bowl ad too?
Pardon me while I go PalmOne.
Quote from article (Score:5, Funny)
I have the same problem. Gypsies always give me strange looks when I take a tropical plant into the caravan to have my fortune told, and I've been waiting for my hand to produce coconuts for 34 years now.
RealOne (Score:2)
But honestly... WTF was wrong with the name "Palm"?
If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT.
It doesn't make sense.... I hate the business world.
Silly move, if you ask me (Score:5, Insightful)
Bad idea.
What the press release really said: (Score:4, Funny)
(I didn't write this - I got it from a Palm message board. Still funny, though.)
Net result (Score:2)
When the dust settles, there will be fewer engineers, and more marketeers and obscenely overpaid CEO's at the cloven companies. Because, as we all know, it doesn't matter how good your product is, as long as you have decent market segmentation, and an CEO with a zillion share options.
The REAL reason... (Score:4, Funny)
Quick everyone, buy Palm shares cos they're about to shoot through the roof!
In an attempt to increase my stock with my wife... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:In an attempt to increase my stock with my wife (Score:2)
G3offreyOne ???
Better alternatives (Score:3, Funny)
Or, because of the buyback/out/up of Handspring, call it PalmSprings. That'd be cool.
corporate circle jerk (Score:3, Funny)
Ugly, ugly site (Score:2)
So all this planning has resulted in:
Way to go Palm*.
Crazy Apple Rumor (Score:2)
Tungsten T-3 (Score:2)
I really hope not as I have been holding out for one....
Oh well, good luck to them!
PalmOne (Score:3, Informative)
PalmOne [studio2f.com] - a unisex fragrance for geeks from ClavinKlein
Glad to see.... (Score:5, Funny)
"Palm Powered" (Score:2)
Make your own joke.
Seems like a bad move (Score:2, Interesting)
First, you already have excellent name recognition.
Second, you have to change all of your existing advertisement methods.
Third, you lose the product standard. What if Xerox became Xenix or something? We don't "Or-Something" or documents! We Xerox them.
Of course, most people have probably already said this.
I hope they kept their old trademarks. They'll probably regret this down the line.
As forseen by prophecy (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I don't know about you (Score:4, Informative)
I'll keep calling my Tungsten-W a "Palm" (though my wife refers to it as "your nag".)
Re:BeOS? (Score:4, Interesting)
Is BeOS still under the wings of Palm? Why don't they use the thing, or simply open the source?
When Palm bought Be, Inc. they promised there would never again be a BeOS release. They refused to license the IP or allow anyone to work on it ("Omigod, they killed the BeOS!" "You bastards!"). :P
However, a German company (yellowTab) which had wisely started negotiating to work on BeOS long before the sale (during the period where Be was "refocusing on Internet Appliances") and somehow had the rights to work on a BeOS, or something. Their version of events is here [yellowtab.com].
For some reason, none of the Be sites is linking to them, and googel does not like them either. I had to find the old slashdot article [slashdot.org] to find them at all. They also seem to be calling the OS Zeta instead of BeOS. Perhaps the people at Palm have the reverse midas touch w/r/t brands and anyone who has a good brand but associates with them loses it altogether. By the way can you tell I hate the new name and wonder why in the hell they would change the most recognized name in PDAs? Perhaps this is bad karma for trying to crush BeOS on purpose.
Still if you want you can buy zeta from yellowTab [yellowtab.com] and it does come with lots of software, apparently...