North Carolina Fights Back Against Lexmark 412
ngrier writes "Seems that at least some aren't sitting idly by, while printer manufacturers try to assert total control. The North Carolina legislature just approved a measure which guarantees the consumer's right to refill ink cartridges. For history of the Lexmark DMCA-related story, involving the company placing copyright-protected code in their printer cartridges in order to prevent competitors from producing compatible cartridges, there are previous Slashdot posts about it here(1), here(2), and here(3)."
I like this (Score:5, Interesting)
I think if Ford Motor Company tried to completely control the aftermarket by trying to control the tire you put on your car by some device, I think this Legislature would act.
There are many areas of the market place that this should be applied.
The price of printers may go up, but we will still have Choice when it comes to ink. Ink is by far the higher cost in the long run.
Re:I like this (Score:2)
Very true...my Lexmark z23 cost me about $35...which is also the price for a new black ink cartridge.
Re:I like this (Score:3, Interesting)
And if $35 buys a black ink cartridge, and $35 buys a color ink cartridge, a black ink cartridge, AND a printer, electronic parts now have a negative cost when salvaged from a lexmark printer. Radio Shack should sue
Re:I like this (Score:4, Insightful)
Never ever buy from Lexmark again, and encourage others to follow suit.
Where are the environmentalists... (Score:4, Funny)
Printer ends up in landfill... I'm sure there are a lot of non-environmentally friendly components.
So why aren't/weren't the environmentalists all over Lexmark's ass for this... they know it's what happens?!
Re:so what is a good one... (Score:3, Insightful)
You can get a good b&w one for about $300, and the toner lasts damn near forever.
Re:so what is a good one... (Score:3, Interesting)
Gave it to one of my parents who has never once changed the toner cart on it, and it prints off roughly 200 pages a month every month for her billings, plus a few random pages here and there.
Text still comes out crisp and black, and it shows no signs of needing new toner anytime soon.
The things are built like tanks.
Re:I like this (Score:5, Informative)
Actually, I think this started to happen in the past. Ever heard of the Magnuson/Moss Warranty Act?
Neither did I, until I started putting aftermarket stuff on my truck and the Dodge dealer started getting pissy. In a nutshell, it says that no manufacturer can deny and warranty claim or make any warrany dependont on the use of any aftermarket parts, UNLESS that part can be proven to have caused the damage.
The same should apply to any other sane industry, of which computers does seem [sane] anymore.
We don't tolerate those practices anywhere else, except for computers/software. Nice to see someone pitching an official bitch about it.
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:3, Interesting)
Ever hear of a little company called Microsoft? They only sell the OS. Wait, check that, they only lease the OS. By leaving the hardware to clones, you sell more computers. Soon the profit from selling the OS will far, far eclipse the profit from hardware. In short, Apple would radically expand it's marketshare and make more money.
How will it benefit consumers?
Lower cost Macs with the same quality. You got a problem with that?
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:2)
Hmm, I could have sworn Apple had competition. They must have 100% of the personal computer market then.
The part I haven't heard about was how successful it was for the originators of the x86PC platform. Maybe you could enli
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:5, Informative)
Apple makes their money on hardware sales. Period. Remeber the clone wars? Power Computing, Umax and the others qucikly developed better and more powerful machines than Apple. This almost killed them. They spent more time and money updating the OS (no profit here) while everyone purchased everyone elses hardware. if Steve Jobs had not come back in the fold and killed the clones Apple wouldn't be here today. Don't get me wrong, I was as pissed off as everyone else when the clones were killed but in the long run I now see it was the right thing to do. This same reasoning goes to why you will never see OSX on x86.
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:5, Insightful)
If you buy a computer from SGI what OS choice do you have when you order it? For the workstation, it don't look like it
What Lexmark is doing and what Apple/Sun/SGI are doing is like comparing Apples and Oranges.
Yea, when you buy a G4 you get stuck with OS X and Classic. But Apple doesn't use the DMCA to keep you from installing Linux on the box.
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:3, Informative)
That's all I found from looking for Apple DMCA and Apple DMCA ROM
WRONG! (Score:3, Informative)
Apple doesn't license MacOS to OEMs. That's how they keep people from making
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:5, Insightful)
Apple doesn't prevent you from using a different OS, though. That's like saying Lexmark shouldn't include an ink cartridge with the printer when you buy it -- if nothing prevents you from changing it, I don't see why it would be a problem.
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:2)
The nice thing is, this is a state government taking action. Whether it's a "real good move" or not is slightly debatable, but it is good to see a state government doing what it should... responding to the needs / wants of it's constituents.
The whole idea of limiting the power of the federal government is based on the idea that most decision making should happen at a level that's close
Re:Let's do it with Apple! (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I like this (Score:4, Interesting)
Yep, that is convincing. A depression caused by the actions of governments proves laissez faire capitalism doesn't work, because it proves government cannot be trusted to not stick its hand in in an effort to "improve" things.
Re:I like this (Score:5, Insightful)
As long as corporations are given preferential tax and liability treatment, they should be subject to oversight and scrutiny. This is just and right.
I just wish it happened sometimes.
Re:I like this (Score:5, Insightful)
Since when is take it or leave it the only option in a free market? What is so wrong with wanting to be able to buy something and do whatever the hell you want with it? Absent corporate welfare laws like the DMCA, Lexmark will spend money developing more and more complicated technological lockouts while companies like Static Control will profit by selling workarounds. Eventually Lexmark will realize that it is wasting its time and put the effort into making higher quality products that people are willing to pay a little extra for. That is a free market.
Re:I like this (Score:3, Insightful)
Sometimes the public doesnt know about the dangers or mistakes of buying a product. The state needs from time to time, step in and regulate the market place. For the people and all that jazz..
Corporations steal its copyright infringment, people steal its called piracy.
Re:I like this (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, worked so well in curtailing Microsoft's behavior...
Re:I like this (Score:5, Insightful)
What's good for the goose. (Score:5, Insightful)
I would agree with you except for one thing. Lexmark is using the DMCA to stop people from refilling ink cartridges. There's a crypto widget in cartridge that contains copyrighted info. Can't duplicate it. Can't reset it. Do so and it's "legislated to death time". The best outcome would be taking the DMCA behind the barn and having either the Supreme Court or Congress shoot it through the head. Since the media conglomerates and electronics monopolists won't permit the death of their dream come true, I'll take what North Carolina is doing as a consolation prize.
Re:I like this (Score:3, Insightful)
The big problem with this argument is that corps are getting bigger and bigger. There's gotta be restraints on them here and there to prevent them from stifling progress in any given area of development.
I do half-agree with you, though. Here's the thing: If everybody does what Lexmark's been doing, what's to stop people from just buying laser printers? If something desperately needs to be in color, either
unlawful undercutting, DRM, DMCA, etc (Score:5, Interesting)
A take a couple issues with your statement:
1. Most, if not all, inkjet vendors practice this. In fact an inkjet vendor that didn't practice this would be cut out of the market because he would have to charge the real cost of the printer. Thus, everyone is undercutting each other and passing the cost in another form. This is arguably anti-competitve behavior and undercutting to drive someone out of business in many situations has been ruled to be anti-competitive.
2. The consumer may or may not know what ink really costs. Its important to know the mark-up and using ignorance to overcharge on such a level is ethically dubious. Worse, there is nothing the consumer can do except move onto other technologies like laser printers. Now, imagine if the $20 laser printer came out except toner was $150 and it had some BS DRM attached to it. Now what do you do? Move to a copy machine?
This is simply bad business and even in the US this can be seen as illegal undercutting.
3. Legislation like the DMCA gives DRM protected ink a ridiculous amount of legislative protections. In other words the law is part of the problem and claiming "dont change the laws" is silly when a law like the DMCA exists.
Re:unlawful undercutting, DRM, DMCA, etc (Score:3, Insightful)
The fact that a state, especially one of the most important IT states (North Carolina and RTP) is legislating local exceptions to the DMCA, would suggest great FLAWS in that law... Ones that a true DEMOCRATIC process (process not party) would not allow.
North Carolina has a LOT of in
Open Letter to Inkjet Printer Manufacturers (Score:5, Interesting)
Now, don't get me wrong. Everyone owning their own printing press is an important leap for free speech, and thus democracy,
but there's one tidbit the printer manufacturers have neglected...
The loss leader model in the printing technology business is a failure.
Sure money is pouring in now, but sooner or later your customers will reel from the pain caused by you ramming their asses.
Let's face it-- previous inkjet owners would rather print at Kinkos than buy a new inkjet printer. If you put yourself in your customers' shoes, it's not hard to see why:
1. Ink cartridges are too expensive. Boy, are they too expensive!
2. The cartridges have a short shelf life before they dry up and jam the print heads.
3. Printing regularly (or otherwise wasting ink) is the only way to combat the ink drying problem.
4. Consumers are reluctant to print anything unless absolutely necessary thanks to the artificially high price of ink.
Thus, inkjet printers are rarely excercised enough to maintain them and rarely work right when they are needed.
Ink cartridges have a short shelf life and no printer manufacturer has been able to solve that problem. Because of that, Gillette's give-away-the-razor-sell-the-blades-at-a-primium model does not adapt well to the printing consumables industry. In
the meantime, raping consumers on ink is a business model that will soon die, because consumers will find that inkjet printers are just not worth it. Joe Sixpack will learn soon enough that the printer bundled "free" with his PC is nothing but a money pit.
Because printers are sold cheaply (presumably at a loss), it's not surprising that printer reliability has gone down the shitter. Manufacturers are cutting corners when producing printers. Inkjet printers today are made out of cheap plastic where metal should be used, resulting in a fragile product likely to jam paper.
Let's face it, until printer manufacturers change their business model, inkjet printers are just not worth the hassle.
Re:Open Letter to Inkjet Printer Manufacturers (Score:2)
Re:Open Letter to Inkjet Printer Manufacturers (Score:5, Insightful)
Normally in the computer market, high end features trickle down into comsumer product features, I was hoping for a home printer that could hold a ream of paper and have separate trays for labels and envelopes and plug and play networking. Instead we have the mess that is the printer market today.
Re:Open Letter to Inkjet Printer Manufacturers (Score:2)
Re:Open Letter to Inkjet Printer Manufacturers (Score:2)
Re:Open Letter to Inkjet Printer Manufacturers (Score:3, Interesting)
Try getting that from an inkjet
Problem with the old beasts (Score:3, Interesting)
The problem with these old beasts is that they stayed powered up and hot to be able to print quickly at any time. OK if you are in an air conditioned office and really doing a lot of printing. However, if you have one one your home system you might not even print every day, but the electricity the thing will cost you to run day in and day out (not counting extra A/C costs) will be a lot more than the cost of a newer lower power printer.
Re:Open Letter to Inkjet Printer Manufacturers (Score:2, Interesting)
> 3. Printing regularly (or otherwise wasting ink) is the only way to combat the ink drying problem.
> 4. Consumers are reluctant to print anything unless absolutely necessary thanks to the artificially high price of ink.
> Thus, inkjet printers are rarely excercised enough to maintain them and rarely work right when they are needed.
I have and Epson Stylus Colour 800. It is approximately 5 years old. I purchased it when I worked f
Item you missed... (Score:4, Informative)
Consider printer ink which you "could" buy by the liter. Instead, now we've got to buy the box, the plastic sealing, and the heavy plastic ink cartridge.
Waste, pure waste. Lexmark should be held accountable!
Any effect? (Score:4, Interesting)
Well consumers have that right already - they are perfectly free to refill their cartridges; of course, it doesn't do them any good, because the chip ignores the new ink. Is this a ban on putting the chips in?
So state law... (Score:5, Insightful)
I doubt it, although Lexmark would be a fool to push it.
The Supremacy Clause (Score:2, Interesting)
Good point. Consider the application of Article VI of the Constitution, the Supremacy Clause:
Re:So state law... (Score:2)
I fail to see how preventing others from making ink cartridges promotes the progress of science and useful arts, therefore this should not fall under federal copyright law.
Re:So state law... (Score:2, Funny)
Hey- I just happen to be a struggling inkjet cartridge chip author. I've been working my ass off for years, holding down night jobs, working like a slave to support myself so I can write my chips. It's been a living hell, but I still hold on to my dream. One day I'm going to write an inkjet chip that hits the big time. And when I do, yo
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
doesn't have to (Score:3, Insightful)
important info about copyright law (Score:4, Interesting)
The thing is, it doesn't have to. Copyright law clearly has an exception for useful articles or things that provide a utilitarian function, so exactly the thing that Lexmark is trying to protect under a claim of copyright is likely voided by this exception. See more details of this here. [bitlaw.com]
Note also that this same exception might well exclude the "copyrighted" code that Microsoft claims is a copyright violation in X-box mod chips. Copyright was never intended for this sort of thing, and the exception makes it pretty clear that the writers of the law didn't want copyright to be abused this way.
Re:So state law... (Score:3, Interesting)
I doubt it, although Lexmark would be a fool to push it."
Yes they would.
The Feds only have the right to regulate INTERSTATE commerce. (much abused, BTW) Not INTRA-state.
So NC could make it completely legal to produce knock off inkjet carts and sell them *IN* NC.
I don't really see how the DMCA even protects Lexmark in this case. It DOES have a (weak) "interoperability" clause that would seem to make selling refills and compatible carts legal.
Re:So state law... (Score:2, Insightful)
The 10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Re:So state law... (Score:2)
Does this therefore apply to the whole USA? (Score:3, Interesting)
Is there a lot of this in the USA? States which have allowed things that are banned in other states gaining additional 'export' markets? I can think of people travelling to Vegas for one.
If you read the post above this parent... (Score:2)
Re:Does this therefore apply to the whole USA? (Score:4, Interesting)
Yes. Look at all the border stores that sell fireworks -- it's illegal to take them back home, but the store owners don't care because their state's laws apply.
And in Pennsylvania, until recently all liquor stores were closed on Sunday -- currently 10% of them are open Sundays, as a pilot program. Until that happened, people had to drive to neighboring states to buy hard liquor on a Sunday. This happens in plenty of other states too -- and in some states, it happens at the county level.
And whatever you do, don't ask people in Greenwich, Connecticut what they think about New Yorkers buying Powerball tickets there...
Re:Does this therefore apply to the whole USA? (Score:5, Interesting)
There is a lot of it. The states are sometimes called the "laboritories" for legislation. The U.S. was set up with way -- a relatively weak and powerless federal government that provides for the common defense, currency, bankruptcy, and a few other things in the "enumerated powers." The states were responsible for all other legislation, except in areas reserved exclusively to the people. Things like freedom of speech, religion and assembly, and the right to bear arms are in that category (see 9th and 10th amendments). These days, a lot of federal mandates are achieved through the federal government's power of taxation, rather than more direct (and unconstitutional) means.
I'm not sure if the U.S. federal government is all that constitutional these days. Before FDR, there was a "presumption of liberty" that favors individuals and the states. Post-FDR, there was a "presumption of constitutionality" which favors congress and the president, and disfavors states and individual citizens. This flies in the face of the 9th and 10th Amendments, which are supposed to be part of the "supreme law of the land" that places limitations on the power of the federal government.
Re:Does this therefore apply to the whole USA? (Score:2)
It was not really due to FDR. In reality, three things came together in the 20'th century to cause this.
First, the Great Depression needed to be ended and others like it prevented. This required a relatively strong central bank and a variety of social safety nets.
Next came WW II and the Cold War, requiring massive infusions of money and power into the federal gove
Re:Does this therefore apply to the whole USA? (Score:3, Interesting)
California has very liberal marijuana laws and many people exploit this. Alaska has even more liberal
Finally... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Finally... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Finally... (Score:2)
A bunch of toxic garbage (Score:5, Insightful)
The result of this is simply a great deal of garbage that consumers have to pay to haul away.
I doubt that toner and ink cartridges are really the most environmentally friendly things in the landfills. I suspect the fewer we toss out the better.
My brain fart du jour is that it would be great if industries had to pick up the tab for the garbage they create. Lenmark and other competitors in the industry would have to pay a disposal fee that could be distributed to landfills to cover costs.
If industry had to pay for the waste up front, there would be a hope that they would design products that create less waste product.
As you point out, the industry is really about putting ink (which is relatively inexpensive) on paper. All the extra packaging, cartridge parts, etc., that get produced and sold in this game are waste.
despite all the negative comments... (Score:3, Interesting)
What many people don't realize is that a lot of our environmental problems are caused by regulatory environments that allow companies to shove costs off onto the government. When a cost is exte
Re:Finally... (Score:2)
Not about choice (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh please....consumer choice doesn't have anything to do with this. A North Carolina company may get shut down, costing 1,200 jobs, which is why there is soon going to be a law protecting it.
I half expect Kentucky's government to jump in and ban the sale of replacement ink cartridges to protect Kentucky jobs or some other nonsense.
competition is good for the consumer... (Score:5, Informative)
More on topic, if this bill get's signed it'll be interesting to see if similar legislation is passed in other states.
Consumers do have *some* power. (Score:5, Interesting)
If people would *think* before they purchase and realize that Lexmark may have decent printer prices but their ink is absolutely ridiculous, such legislation would be largley unnecessary.
Re:Consumers do have *some* power. (Score:2)
That doesn't always work. I've still got a perfectly good HP Deskjet 500. When I bought it, the cartridges worked fine, lasted a reasonable time. I haven't been able to use it in years because HP's nu'n'inproved cartridges for it SUCK at a much higher price. I no longer buy printers that tie me a single source for ink/toner.
Re:Consumers do have *some* power. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Consumers do have *some* power. (Score:2, Insightful)
Special exemptions (Score:5, Insightful)
Toner vs. ink (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Toner vs. ink (Score:2)
No effect! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:No effect! (Score:2)
We live in a time and place of judges who ignore and break the law and who break their oaths to uphold the law!
Um, So what? (Score:4, Insightful)
Even though California or Oregon voters may be in favor of medical marijuana, the federal prohibition on marijuana trumps that.
Repeal DMCA on a federal level, or otherwise the efforts are meaningless.
Re:Um, So what? (Score:4, Insightful)
And what happens to people in California, when they're found guilty of growing or posessing medical marijuana? They get just one day in jail. [aegis.com]
Now, apply this to ink. Granted, it's a lot different that marijuana laws - but, the state will wind up doing nothing to help the federal government in this matter, which is a big win. And it'll turn a blind-eye to anyone who wants to keep producing 3rd-party ink. Another win.
The idea of nullification now'a'days is just to be such a pain in the ass that the federal government has to eventually rethink their position. Hell, look at all the anti-patriot act bills floating around.
Doesn't matter about federal law - no jurisdiction (Score:3, Insightful)
Why not? (Score:5, Interesting)
As long as they let the consumer know this in advance and you have a choice not to buy this product no one is in trouble are they?
Ofcourse you may not have much choice for buying from someone besides Lexmark & Canon & HP but then thats a DIFFERENT problem
Aren't there enough laws? (Score:5, Insightful)
Is it really the job of government to pass such narrow, precise laws like this? Or, instead, should they be passing higher-level laws which a) most of us can even keep in our heads to start with and b) cover a whole lot of smaller, more specific cases?
Thwack! (Score:2)
I hear ya though, there has to be a better way than addressing each and every case. Maybe, if law makers would go after the DMCA itself, rather than running around and trying to filter through all of its vast twisting tendrils individualy. This is a good first s
I wonder... (Score:3, Interesting)
I was in Best Buy yesterday, and they had an inkjet printer on sale for $39. It has been a while since I bought an inkjet cartridge (company supplied laser printer), but I believe it was almost that expensive.
That is the problem with a highly competitive razor/razor-blade model - as soon as the razors get really cheap due to competition, you get the the point where you start competing with the blades in price.
I wonder how long before you see "intro" ink cartridges (with only like 25% filled) being supplied with the original printer?
Re:I wonder... (Score:4, Informative)
I think three or four years ago?
Constitution be damned! (Score:2)
Simply put, NC can legislate all it wants, but as long as the DMCA (or other conflicting federal statute) is on the books, any laws they write aren't worth the refilled ink they are printed with. (Pardon the bad pun, but I couldn't resist.)
Getting around supremacy (Score:4, Interesting)
Seems like North Carolina forgot about a little thing in the Constitution called the Supremacy Clause.
In general, states can't nullify federal laws, but they can make federal laws much harder to enforce. For example, the City of Arcata banned compliance with the "optional" suggestions of the USAPATRIOT act [google.com].
Federal law, 17 USC 1201 [cornell.edu]: "No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof, that is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title." That is, you can't sell devices that defeat DRM.
Hypothetical state law: "No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof, that contains one or more technological measures that effectively control access to a work, as defined in Title 17, United States Code, section 1201, if the device's packaging does not carry a conspicuous label that discloses the restrictions enforced by such measures." That is, you can't sell DRM that isn't labeled.
I don't see a supremacy problem here. The federal law bans black boxes; the state law merely requires labeling.
abusing copyright for restraint of trade (Score:5, Interesting)
The Lexmark inkjet cartridge problem is based on abusing copyright rather than trademark, but it seems quite possible that a court would find that because Lexmark has unnecessarily forced their competitors to use their copyright in order to make a compatible cartridge, they are to blame for the resulting copyright infringement.
Wrong (Score:2)
The cartridges in question are sold at a discounted price, called a Prebate. You get a cheaper cartridge with the understanding that you will return it when empty, to Lexmark. If you pay for a full price cartridge, you're more than welcome to refill it, at will.
It's a prefectly legitmate means of enforcing the terms of sale that the consumer agreed to, when he bought the discounted ink.
Re:Wrong (Score:3, Insightful)
I've never seen these cartridges, but I tend to doubt that Lexmark has gone to a
Politics is finally always local - NC and Static (Score:3, Interesting)
It had to happen in North Carolina, because politics is ultimately about local issues. Static Control Components of Sanford, (close to Raleigh) employs 1200, and might even more if business grows. The Company had enough pull in the State to get the law passed.
And I think this should be a lesson for other issues too ... Abstractions have to come down to one or few test cases where the rubber hits the road .... guess RIAA's thousands points of lawsuits will also meet such a fate from the localities where the lawsuits draw first blood.
I would be foolish enough to say to RIAA "Bring 'em on" but I think that they should expect the unexpected when the finally go for it.
Just a thought (Score:5, Interesting)
& uses a seperate tank for each color (less waste)
& doesn't throw around the DMCA
& tells you to check your ink level by LOOKING AT THE CARTRIDGE (as it should be).
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but from my recent research I found Canon to be the most reasonable (yes, I hated them as much as everyone else 5 years ago).
Re:Just a thought (Score:3, Interesting)
Bill Doesn't Address DMCA Problem (Score:2, Informative)
It appears the bill doesn't address the DMCA problem. As the article states:
(emphasis added) http://www.heraldsun.com/state/6-371743.html
It appears the North Carolina law simply declares void contractual agreements not to refill printer ink cartridges as being against the public policy of the state
Still a silly fight (Score:4, Informative)
The chipped cartridges, are NOT the only option for these printers.
There are 2 sets of cartridges that Lexmark sells. One set, is chipped for single use, and then you're obligated to return the cartridge back to Lexmark for them to refurbish, etc. They call it a "pre-bate" basically they are rebating you for returning the empty, at the time of purchase.
If you want to reuse/refill, etc yourself, then you can buy the non-prebated inks. And then you can just go hog wild.
Caveat Emptor.
The NC legislature got it wrong (Score:2, Insightful)
I worked for a printer manufacturer (Score:2, Interesting)
My last ink jet screwed up because of the damn refillable cartridges. My current ink jet works great with name-brand cartridges.
Ink is the new gold (Score:2, Insightful)
It could be all of the companies in collusion with one another to keep the prices high.
We should boycott Lexmark and while we're at it boycott Epson for being
price of inkjet cartridges vs printer (Score:4, Insightful)
Do what was advocated with copy-protected CDs (Score:4, Interesting)
Get one at Wal-Mart and when the ink runs out - return it and get a new one, complete with a new ink cartridge. Wal-mart employees could care less. Just give some lame-ass excuse.
If manufacturers want to play this game, let's play! HP & Lexmark will have a new definition for "loss leader."
Protecting their Brand. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:HP's combo cartridges (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:HP's combo cartridges (Score:2)
There is, but it's not enforced well (Score:3, Insightful)
The DMCA does contain such a provision, codified as 17 USC 1201(f) [cornell.edu], but the courts have in effect nullified it in Universal v. Reimerdes by refusing to recognize DeCSS as having been "reverse engineered for purposes of interoperability".