DIY Ethernet Audio Receiver 229
geo writes "I created this site to describe my latest toy: a digital audio multicast receiver. LANPipe receives 16-bit, 44.1 kHz audio multicast from a PC based server. The server uses a Winamp plug-in, so LANPipe can play almost any source format (mp3, ogg, uncompressed). It even has a digital audio output. The receiver uses a custom CPU written in VHDL and implemented on a Xilinx FPGA. This was a fun project that is best appreciated by fellow hardware geeks."
Slashdotted (Score:4, Funny)
Not appreciated nearly as much as Web servers than can handle a Slashdotting.
Re:Slashdotted (Score:5, Informative)
Sorry about the being slashdotted. We're working on getting that fixed.
I'm a server administrator at the webhosting company that hosts that page. Today (at 1AM) two of our five T-1's went down (Qwest appearantly had a cable cut - bah, force majure). Of all days for our network capacity to be decreased by 40%...
At any rate, we just turned up MaxClients, MinSpareServers, and MaxSpareServers in the apache config. We're going to start really hounding Qwest. We'll get it back up as soon as possible. It is accessable right now, but slow.
Again, apologies.
Server Administrator,
Netmar inc [netmar.com]
Re:Slashdotted (Score:2)
Server Built: Nov 1 2002 02:25:45
Current Time: Wednesday, 08-Jan-2003 10:47:54 EST
Restart Time: Wednesday, 08-Jan-2003 10:44:25 EST
Parent Server Generation: 0
Server uptime: 3 minutes 29 seconds
Total accesses: 3729 - Total Traffic: 26.0 MB
CPU Usage: u14.56 s2.98 cu.27 cs.31 - 8.67% CPU load
17.8 requests/sec - 127.2 kB/second - 7.1 kB/request
153 requests currently being processed, 33 idle servers
be sure to restart. (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Pseudo Mirroring? (Score:3, Insightful)
After seeing this post at the top, what if the
Re:Pseudo Mirroring? (Score:2, Interesting)
Interesting thought, however in these days of huge law suits, has anyone considered the legal implications of just replicating a web site wholesale without your permision.
Even though the site is in the public domain, the author will still own the copywrite on the material. If you are making an income by duplicating his/her work then they should be entitied to a share of that income. In the case of slashdot, as the site is run as a buiness now, anybody who had their work duplicated by slashdot without permision might try to sue for adverstiving revenue gained on pages that displayed the content.
Yes you can replicate small sections for "fair use" and reporting purposes, but replicateing the whole site or any significant portion of it is probably dodgy
This isn't a comment on the rights and wrongs of copyright law and the law suit crazy world we live in - just an observation ;)
Re:Pseudo Mirroring? (Score:2)
Google Cache? (Score:2)
Re:Pseudo Mirroring? (Score:2)
Ummm...you don't understand how copyright works. If something is in the public domain, then nobody owns copyright on it. If somebody does own copryright on the material, then the material is NOT in the public domain. The concepts are mutually exclusive. Either someone owns copyright, OR it's in the public domain. It can't be both...that's like saying "even though program is platform independent, it only runs on Wintel."
Re:Pseudo Mirroring? (Score:2)
Re:Pseudo Mirroring? (Score:2)
And I could "easily" make the argument that a casting director who puts you in the lead role of a major motion picture was actually maliciously trying to get you stalked by paparazzi for the rest of your life.
But I'd rightly be considered an idiot.
PPOE (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:PPOE (Score:2)
Re:PPOE (Score:3, Informative)
by using the computer's noisy power supply for an audio device.
better would be to include a small power supply, or get power from the audio equipment's power somehow.
even better would be to opto-isolate the ethernet from the audio equipment to further remove any switching power supply hum from the computers.
A computer power supply and an audio power supply are designed for different problems. They might "work"
but it won't be as nice as a supply that fits.
Cool but not.... (Score:4, Insightful)
I understand the part of doing it for the learning fun and the "I DID IT" factor.. but overall it's pricey for what it is, and doesnt seem to be too open source so that I can duplicate it.
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:5, Insightful)
and you're right on about it not being open source. Until I can download the actual hardware for free, I'm sticking with my trusty Audiotron distro.
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
you obviousally dont know jack and never soldered a fpga to a board. how about made your own 2 sided Pc board? where was his link to the board layout? the FPGA sourcecode?
it will cost you at LEAST another $100.00 just to build it and then it's just a bare piece of circuitboard with parts on it...
where's it's LCD? oh wait buy that too....
It will cost more than the $250.00 that an audiotron costs if you buy it from someplace that isn't gouging on price like thinkgeek. and if you dont like that price get a rio reciever from ebay for $100.00
please, let me know when you have something smart to say... because I have yet to hear it.
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
There were no schematics.
There were no gerbers.
There was no FPGA sourcecode.
There was no driver sourcecode.
In fact, there was NOTHING there other than pictures.
My guess is that he was feeling to see if there's a market, and then if not, releasing everything. Personally I would've rather he released everything, THEN submitted it to Slashdot, rather than using Slashdot to feel for a market.
As for the actual cost of building it: it'll be under $100. The PCB is $26 from the vendor he got it from. The Xilinx FPGA is $14, and the rest of the parts probably total about $30, at best. LCD screens would be easy to add on, and they cost basically nothing ($20 or so). You could even add an infrared remote if you felt like it pretty easily. (be about $20 or so for the HSDL-1001 & 7001 pair, and then need to implement a UART).
If you can do the work, and put in the time, you can easily make it for far less than $250, and far less than $150, as well, with basically any features you want.
Download hardware for free? (Score:2)
Man I'm behind the times here.. I still download software.. and hardware specifications
Where can i download a new digital tv for free?
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Right now, I'm interested in the construction. I have a project going right now that uses a lot of surface-mount parts (robotic pan-tilt webcam mount, with a Motorola USB microcontroller and integrated USB hub). I had a few boards made, but the tough part is getting those flat-pack devices soldered down. No access to hot-air soldering equipment, so I do it with a fine-tip soldering iron (which is way too big) and a magnifier. I've heard rumors of solder paste and toaster ovens.
Unless he has access to hot-air soldering equipment, the construction cost was probably a bit more than $100. Especially with that etched, drilled, plated, silk-screened, and solder-masked circuit board.
Soldering these things really slows me down, I want to have this project done so I can show it off at interviews, and control/view it through my cell phone.
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Best way to do this is lots of solder, and lots of flux. You can cheat as well if you want - get it registered correctly (do the middles of each side) and then literally bathe each side in solder. Don't worry about bridging - you just want every joint made. Then go back with solder wick and very carefully remove the solder inbetween the pins. It's crufty, and you need to be a bit careful, but it is very quick and it does work.
BTW, circuit boards are cheap through the right vendors. CustomPCB for instance is $50 for a single-layer solder-masked circuit board (4 of them, to be specific) and Olimex (who I've never gone through) is even cheaper - $26 for double-layer with soldermask & silk.
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Considering I recently paid about $25 each for unscreened, unmasked boards from ExpressPCB, and that was a "buy three tiny boards for one low price" deal.
Olimex's site is pretty crappy, but the guy'd board doesn't look too bad. That $26 board is 6"x4" and my other boards were limited to 3.8" x 2.5".
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Hell, hot air soldering fine-pitch components doesn't work that well either. Fine pitch is just not easy without a fine hand and a microscope.
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
HMMMM. I work in a place that prints mass quantities of stuff. Wonder if flexographic or litho plate processes could be adapted to this.
The BOM could be brought down (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Cool but not.... (Score:2)
As a bonus, it doubles as a web client for quick googles, and since midori has ssh, I can also check my email with it.
On the flip side, I did absolutely zero hardware hacking. And the UI is not perfect. I've been meaning to write my own front end, but for now, opera + xmms work fine.
Very slick.. (Score:5, Interesting)
One feature I would like to see is the possiblilty of "multiple channels", so that I could stream several channels at once.. So my GF, who likes country, can listen in the livingroom, and I can listen to my stuff in the basement, without having a computer at each location...
Related to NCD's NAS? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Related to NCD's NAS? (Score:2)
Re:Related to NCD's NAS? (Score:2)
I have unfortunately dumped the last 2-3 I had, since space is getting scarce around the house. So I can see the point of shrinking the decoder down to a simple hardware box like the original poster has done. Kudos !
Pretty cool (Score:5, Interesting)
Slashdotters, before you slam this thing, please consider the following facts:
Re:Pretty cool (Score:5, Interesting)
If the geek value is not the main point, you can hook a small FM transmitter to your sound card and use standard FM receiver all around the house.
I'm quite sure that with sufficiently low power, it can be used unlicenced all over the world(check your local legislation).
It is not high-tech, but it could do the job for cheap, reusing existing infrastructure (the stereo). And if your Os can manage many souncards, you can transmit using different frequencies, for different music programs.
Re:Pretty cool (Score:2)
Re:Pretty cool (fun of hacking your own) (Score:3, Interesting)
No slamming here. Even if you could get something commercially, it is always fun to hack your own solution. That *IS* what hacking is all about. Fun first, to satisfy a need a very close second.
not everyone has a spare PC or two lying around the house
True. But I bought a PII-233 Dell Optiplex for $85 at a computer show. I am sure you can get one much cheaper now, I got mine a few years ago. I wanted one of these because they are fairly slim and quiet.
I run Knoppix off of a CD (quiet), so the PC has no hard drive. It displays through the TV via a cheap video card with TV-OUT. Sound card plays through the stereo. It accesses my MP3 collection on my GNUMP3D server on my LAN. (Mozilla/XMMS) Quiet, relatively unobtrusive solution for me. Was pretty cheap too, probably $100 total.
some people DON'T have their PC sitting in the middle of their family room, right next to the stereo.
Yeah, this does kind of suck, and the keyboard/mouse control on mine could be more elegant. I could go wireless I guess. Mine sits on the floor under the stereo rack, so it doesn't stick out too badly.
people value elegance
This is where a lot of hacks fail, and this one seems pretty good. There is always the balancing game between elegance and price though.
Re:Pretty cool (fun of hacking your own) (Score:2)
> between elegance and price though.
Not neccessarily, it's just that many (most?) hackers simply don't value or care about aesthetics. They only value functionality, and once the project is functional, it's finished. It's quite easy to find an old CD player on a dump, gut it and mount the mobo and PS in the empty shell. There, it already looks much more elegant. Next, add a simple IR receiver (e.g. IRMAN) and find some software that interfaces to the IR driver. That's the trickier bit, there's a scarcity of nice looking software that can be driven interely via IR. That's the second aspect of aesthetical indifference--not only is there a beige PC in the living room, but it's driven via a keyboard and shell or Perl scripts. MythTV and Freevo are working precisely in this direction to provide a hands-off appliance experience, so those are definite options. Once it's all said and done you haven't really spent any more, yet you have a much more visually and ergonomically pleasing result.
Re:Pretty cool (fun of hacking your own) (Score:2)
> There is always the balancing game
> between elegance and price though.
And you replied with:
Not neccessarily, it's just that many (most?) hackers simply don't value or care about aesthetics.
I would agree to some point, but there is always the cool factor. The very small PCs are elegant, but some would argue not worth the price. I consider elegance to include the slickness/cool factor. It does have some value to it, if not for the hacker market, then definitely for the general population. Trying to increase the elegance of products is what helps to improve them. A CRT is not as cool as flat panels, but they both do essentially the same thing. I still don't have a flat panel, but I will someday because the price will come down. Some people are willing to pay for that now.
All that is missing (IMHO) ... (Score:2)
Anyway, all this needs for me to want one in my living room is:
Re:All that is missing (IMHO) ... (Score:2)
Re:Pretty cool (Score:2)
Re:Pretty cool (Score:2, Insightful)
they could have sold it under the names like audiotron [turtlebeach.com] or Rio reciever [sonicblue.com]
what a great Idea! you are such a smart feller!
No, no, no. The Rio receiver and audiotron are more complicated devices, with displays and browser dials and all that. This is a simple receiver -- in a commercial device, it could be no bigger than a dongle with an Ethernet jack on one end and two RCA plugs (or a SPDIF port) on the other.
Re:Pretty cool (Score:2)
I haven't been in the market for a stereo for a long time, so perhaps this is already availalbe, but shoudln't something like this be built into new stereo receivers/amplifiers, etc? They've been saying for a decade that all our appliances will be internet devices, and this seems more immediately useful than a tcp/ip enabled refrigerator.
Also, let me add my thumbs up to the hack. I want one (since I probably won't be buying a new stereo for the next ten years, either.
The DMCA will make projects like this harder (Score:3, Interesting)
At the same time, this is a useful project - clearly, Ethernet is a common communications infrastructure component, and is probably one of the most flexible. This type of technology means that someone can plug a (commodity?) component into an unquestionably commodity network infrastructure, something not really available right now. There's no need to rewrite the home because the best place for the CD deck is in one room, and one place where the output might want to be listened to is another.
These two issues are important - a problem has been solved with open components, and it would be impossible to solve that problem without that open infrastructure. Yet various groups, lead by the MPAA (and to an extent cheered on by the RIAA, the representative of the recording industry which has concerns about unauthorized copying) have promoted laws that remove that ability to problem solve. In the end, the output of copyrighted material producers is being compromised by these actions, but this doesn't stop them as there's an assumption that open technologies are bad, and that technologies need to be centrally controlled and contain technologies to prevent not merely uses of copyright material that are clearly unfair to the content producers, but also of uses of that material that the producers have not heard of.
One company, Microsoft, has already proposed and demonstrated technologies that would make projects such as the above impossible. Content would not be copyable onto unprotected commodity components in Palladium, a digital restrictions mechanism that uses encryption and authorization at the hardware level to divide a world into "trusted" and "untrusted" realms. While Microsoft argues their technology is voluntarily, a content producer can restrict use of their content to only those who sign up for the technological restrictions.
This is a block on innovation. It's a block on personal freedom. In the end, it will cause damage not merely to consumers but also to those who produce content. We face a future of stagnant information growth, resembling more the state of Brewery development in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, than the technology industry during the same period.
Palladium is backed by entertainment industry promoted laws such as the DMCA, that make it illegal to bypass access control mechanisms, such as Palladium's Digital Restrictions Mechanisms.
This quagmire of a paranoid entertainment industry crippling the future both of content production and technology will not disappear by itself. Unless people are prepared to actually act, not just talk about it on Slashdot, nothing will ever get done. Apathy is not an option.
You can help by getting off your rear and writing to your congressman [house.gov] or senator [senate.gov]. Write also to the Jack Valenti [mpaa.org], the CEO and chair of the MPAA, whose address and telephone number can be found at the About the MPAA page [mpaa.org]. Write too to Bill Gates [mailto], Chief of Technologies and thus in overall charge of Palladium, at Microsoft. Tell them you understand the concerns content producers have about unauthorized copying, but that without an open technological infrastructure, the value of content will be lowered, and as the bar to entry into content production is raised more and more innovation will be sucked out of the industry. Tell them that technologies such as Palladium, DVD CSS, and other technological locks, will damage both the content and technology industries in ways that go well beyond anything reasonable. Tell them that you appreciate the work being done to create new ways of viewing and hearing content but that if those technologies are closed, you will be forced to use less and less secure and intelligently designed alternatives. Let them know that SMP may make or break whether you can efficiently deploy OpenBSD on your workstations and servers. Explain the concerns you have about freedom, openness, and choice, and how digital restrictions harms all three. Let your legislators know that this is an issue that effects YOU directly, that YOU vote, and that your vote will be influenced, indeed dependent, on their policies towards legally enforcing clearly damaging restrictions management systems.
You CAN make a difference. Don't treat voting as a right, treat it as a duty. Keep informed, keep your political representatives informed on how you feel. And, most importantly of all, vote.
Posted before (Score:3, Insightful)
The last part about "getting off your rear" has been used numerous times in his comments.
Not a stupid opinion, just troll.
Re:Posted before (Score:2)
Or do you feel technologies shouldn't be open? That the problems with keeping copyrighted material protected are such that it's legitimate to cripple all future technologies to save them? If so, why do you feel this way?
I made some important points which I believe to be entirely valid and very critical at this point. I also suggested the only obvious solution. Are you so blinded by the style as to ignore the content?
Re:Posted before (Score:2)
Oh yeah, now I see, you were right all along:
You can help by...writing to your congressman...Let them know that SMP may make or break whether you can efficiently deploy OpenBSD on your workstations and servers.
Yeah, that's what I oughta do. That'll surely teach'em. On the other hand they might just think I'm trolling...
Re:Posted before (Score:2)
It seems to be working for you though, what a wonderful moderation system.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Posted before (Score:2)
Yeah, but about openBSD SMP? I don't think so.
Btw, i have been talking to my legislators on the danish DMCA. Face to face. In a scheduled meeting. What have you done?
HomeDirector AudioPoint device, similar (Score:2, Interesting)
Nice "nifty" factor but they wanted far too much money for it (C$280) and it used Win-only proprietary software and protocol, and didn't have a digital out.
Broadcast Repeaters? (Score:2)
I work in a building where both AM and FM are impossible to receive. I guess my question is, waht are the legal implications of me setting up a server at home, then using a service such as noip.com [noip.com] to provide me some real audio feed --- as opposed to some of the ad-laden and in some cases, pay to play, internet feeds some radio stations and radio shows are offering?
Sorry about the slashdotting. (Score:4, Informative)
I'm a server administrator at the webhosting company that hosts that page. Today (at 1AM) two of our five T-1's went down (Qwest appearantly had a cable cut - bah, force majure). Of all days for our network capacity to be decreased by 40%...
At any rate, we just turned up MaxClients, MinSpareServers, and MaxSpareServers in the apache config. We're going to start really hounding Qwest. We'll get it back up as soon as possible. It is accessable right now, but slow.
Again, apologies.
Server Administrator,
Netmar inc [netmar.com]
Re:Sorry about the slashdotting. (Score:3, Funny)
Heard of SLIMP3? (Score:5, Informative)
Remote controlled, streams over Ethernet, GPL'd software [sourceforge.net] (Linux, Win, Mac)
250$ - a bit expensive, but I bet the price will come down...
Re:Heard of SLIMP3? (Score:2)
A wi-fi version would be nice though.
Re: SLIMP3 price coming down? (Score:3, Informative)
cost prohibitive (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:cost prohibitive (Score:2)
A nice list of FPGA dev boards and their prices [fpga-faq.com]
A nice cheap (and well loaded) dev board ($149) [xess.com]
I've got one of these, they are real nice for $99 [nuhorizons.com]
These guys have lots of good stuff too. Inexpensive, and nice. I own a bunch of stuff I bought from them. [digilentinc.com]
Re:Why FPGAs don't work for hobby projects (Score:2)
where's the vhdl? (Score:2, Insightful)
Somewhat limited, but limitations can be overcome. (Score:5, Interesting)
A quick fix is to use a switch or router instead of a hub ( which a good portion of people do now anyway), with the server on a 100baseT link.
Before making this commercial, though, I'd do three more things: Put the MAC on the FPGA, one for 100baseT, put a simple lossless decompressor in the FPGA, and provide for different bit rates and resolutions. This would raise the cost of the FPGA a little bit for more gates, but would remove the need for the MAC, and lighten the load of the network considerably.
My wishlist would include an audio in. This would enable one to use them as intercoms, speakerphones, etc. Lastly would be an IR interface, both in and out. Control components from the computer, and control the whole system from a remote, including all of your components.
The MAC, and decompressor could use simple (and freely available) fpga code. The audio in would simply be the reverse of audio out (require a ADC) with a compressor and FIFO. Definable bit rates would require new code, but shouldn't be too onerous. IR interface would be trivial.
If you put the FPGA on one side of the board, and the memory, rom, power, etc on the other side in smaller form facters with the connectors you could make this as small as an MP3 player. Use a larger FPGA and get rid of the memory, use a teeny serial eeprom for the ROM, and the entire thing would be very tiny indeed.
There's just the small problem of doing the work required.
But I'd buy one if the extra FPGA pins were brought to a header, and a socketted FPGA (so I could replace it with a more powerful one when I run out of room) were fitted. I wouldn't want to pay more than $150 for it though, since I can get essentially the same thing from XESS [xess.com] for about that much.
Cool project!
Re:Somewhat limited, but limitations can be overco (Score:2)
As in PERL, in electronics, there is more than one way to do it. An FPGA can be expensive, but it is much more powerful and expandable than the combo you describe above.
It would take a fairly fast microcontroller, 20MIPS or more, to handle a single datastream (176kBytes/second), nevermind decompressing one, etc. Ultimately, however, a microcontroller is lower cost, lower power, and smaller than an FPGA, and if the device's spec is closed and no further enhancments need to be added it's a good choice, especially for large commercialization.
Re:Somewhat limited, but limitations can be overco (Score:2)
Re:Somewhat limited, but limitations can be overco (Score:2)
I've also heard of people doing this same thing, but using the pic as an ide controller, and dropping ethernet.
Why? (Score:2)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
In a word, yes.
You'd also have to be careful to not run any audio cables in parallel with power cable.
Music Server in Knoppix Style Boot CD OS? (Score:3, Interesting)
Someone please tweak Knoppix boot CD OS [knopper.net] into a music server!
PC with, bootable CD drive, as well as Nic and sound cards. Hardisk with digital audio files, normally mounted read only, so hardpower off is no problem.
Samba and Netatalk for music via file sharing and play list creation, and LAN Pipe. Xmms with RF wireless remote [x10.com] and relevant plug in. [sourceforge.net] Also use a webinterface to control the sound card on the server via Xmms command line tool [sourceforge.net] and Web Control interface [joethielen.com]
LanPipe is nice, but FM Broadcast is MUCH cheaper. It uses existing home radios, and 1 piece serves all, and no pulling cables, with this $39.95 FM [ramseyelectronics.com] solution, or that $189 FM [netplayradio.com] solution.
First person to say "Knoppix" on slashdot? [slashdot.org]
Mac Refugee, Paper MCSE, Linux wanna be
Re:Music Server in Knoppix Style Boot CD OS? (Score:2)
There are several reasons against both of those solutions, which may or may not outweigh the advantages you've listed above.
For the Music Server (computer):
For the FM Transmitter:
Obviously there are good reasons to use either of the two solutions above (notably- you might already have an extra computer lying around doing nothing, and no need to wire if a network is not present).
Very Cool Project (Score:3, Interesting)
Does it have an address / addressable? (Score:2, Interesting)
Similar OpenSource project (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Similar OpenSource project (Score:2)
FM is cheaper! (Score:3, Informative)
But what if you don't have wires already? FM is MUCH cheaper!
Uses your existing home FM radios recievers in every room, or your walkman. Simply add one of these to your music server, and no pulling cables.
$39.95 FM [ramseyelectronics.com] solution, or that
$189 FM [netplayradio.com] solution.
First person to say "Knoppix" on slashdot? [slashdot.org]
Mac Refugee, Paper MCSE, Linux wanna be
What about Audiotron? (Score:2)
The developers at Turtle Beach are constantly adding new features such as a clock display that syncs through NTP and an alarm clock. In fact as we were watching the ball drop on New Years Eve, we noticed that the seconds were perfectly synced with the clock on the TV.
Not a bad little contraption, and I plan on getting another for the bedroom later on. Never know when you want some funky porno jam steaming from the Internet. =)
Programming an FPGA using Linux (Score:2)
This is lame (Score:3)
The source for this thing is not available. Thus, this is nothing more than some jpegs of a circuit board to you.
As you can tell from the poll, the guy is interested in selling the device and NOT releasing the code if enough people are interested...
Re:I love you guys (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I love you guys (Score:5, Insightful)
A project like this is very valuable. For one thing, it makes a great hobby. How much time does the average moron spend watching NFL? Take that time over a year and you can create some pretty cool (and valuable in many ways) technology. Even if nobody other than yourself ever uses it, it has value.
What is the value? Although you claim that employers don't care, it is projects like this that have made my career. I'm currently employed, making a decent living as an engineer, even though I have no degree (working on it still at age 29.95). I got a job offer from one of those top 100 employers who was looking for an engineer with a masters degree because they were so impressed with my portfolio of hardware/software projects I had 'hacked' together on my own. I actually didn't take the job because I was interested in pursuing a different job offer I got because of some software I had written and published online as a hobby. It got me attention, and the offers literally came pouring in.
If you are unemployed, by all means spend most of your time looking for a job....but there is a lot of value in showing that you are smart enough and motivated enough (even more rare) to complete a project like this on your own.
So you can go back to watching NFL while the rest of us do something useful.
Chill baby!!! (Score:2)
Also, all work and no play make Homer something something........GO CRAZY??? DON'T MIND IF I DOOOOO!!!!!
Re:I love you guys (Score:5, Funny)
I'm an apple picker, my job does grow on trees you insensitive bastard.
Sounds like he's working on it.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Sounds like he's working on it.... (Score:3, Informative)
Xilinx Spartan II FPGA (XC2S30) containing:
Custom 8-bit CPU (10 MIPS @ 20MHz) with 16-bit memory interface
64k x 16 hardware FIFO (using external SRAM)
I2S output (to DAC) and SPDIF output (digital audio out)
Hardware timer and RS-232 transmitter (for debug)
Firmware uses fewer than 200 assembly language instructions
Assembler and remote status monitor written in Java
It just accepts a digital audio stream from a pc running windows and winamp, or the prototype "driver" on the linux machine.
Re:Sounds like he's working on it.... (Score:2)
Re:I guess so (Score:3, Informative)
Multiroom audio without having to install wiring. I've got multiroom at home, between the lounge and the kitchen. Great for parties and such like, but it meant having to install wires between the rooms, hiding these was a long task that involved removing sideboards and putting wiring under the floor where possible. It was worth it, it's great to go between rooms and heart the same song playing.
Wireless solves this. My only question is on syncronisation. With multiroom audio, you need perfect timing, otherwise you'll hear an echo from the other room. With wires this isn't a problem, but as this uses packet data transfer, I'd dare say there was some buffering going on.
Re:I guess so (Score:2)
Multiple receivers would be cool as well.
Anyone working on a wireless version? ;-) That would be cool, you could make portable receivers that play what is on your main stereo. Good for the bathroom/garden.
Re:I guess so (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I guess so (Score:2)
Re:I guess so (Score:2)
The best way to explain is to give an example. Say you have two cards running from the same source. In order to get them syncronised, they would both need to be initialised at exactly the same time. If you didn't, it's possible that the first could be running with one second of audio in it's buffer, while the other has two seconds of audio.
This project raises more questions than answers! I'm not familiar with multicast, so I may be picking it up wrong, but as I see it, any media over ethernet is going to need some sort of buffering, to handle the times where the frames don't get through on time (congestion and collissions). Any design where sync playback is desired would probably need to design this in the the hardware.
Re:FM Tuner for Linux (Score:2)
Re:FM Tuner for Linux (Score:2)
Re:FM Tuner for Linux (Score:2)
By not modulating and demodulating the audio signal, you'd get better audio quality with this than you would with an FM transmitter/receiver pair. It's the same reason you hook your VCR to your TV with line-level audio and video cables instead of coax, but with the added benefit here that your audio stays digital until it hits the RCA jacks on this device. (Someone could do a digital wireless connection...then again, you could bridge this receiver (or an Audiotron or Rio Receiver) to WiFi.)
Re:FM Tuner for Linux (Score:2)
I'm not quite sure what you're saying. The original poster wants to pick up FM broadcasts and stream them. For this he needs an FM receiver. Now, instead of trying to find an FM tuner card that works with Linux, why not just use an ordinary FM tuner and an ordinary sound card?
The tuner demodulates the modulated signal in any case. I've no idea where you're modulating it again.
Re:So it's not *over* audio. (Score:2, Funny)
The Navy have had such technology for ages! Tho they only seem to support 'Ping' so far.
Re:Close - needs wireless capability (Score:2)