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New Display Technology to Compete with LCDs? 368

NetRanger writes "C|Net's has a really interesting article to a new display technology that is based on interference of light patterns. The company, Iridigm, has a very compelling case for why their display method is far superior to LCD, including far brighter displays, far less power consumption... but the cool this is that the display actually works like RAM (it retains its state until voltage is applied to reset it) -- so what do you see when the driver crashes?"
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New Display Technology to Compete with LCDs?

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  • PSOD? (Score:2, Funny)

    by FreeLinux ( 555387 )
    - so what do you see when the driver crashes?"

    Porn Screen Of Death?
  • HMmm.... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Gorm the DBA ( 581373 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:08AM (#4578075) Journal
    So if it retains it's state...

    That's gonna make shutting off the monitor real fast to hide the porn from your (wife/boss/Priest/Teacher) a lot more difficult.

    Therefore, this tech will never fly.

  • by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:09AM (#4578087) Homepage
    So, if we can project this trend out, when do I need to start wearing sunglasses while I'm in the office?
  • Laptop Frame Buffers (Score:5, Interesting)

    by LWolenczak ( 10527 ) <> on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:10AM (#4578094) Homepage Journal
    I've noticed that some frame buffers on laptops tend to retain images from other modes in memory till you go into that mode. So if I like crash my laptop looking at a pr0n site, reboot, when X starts, I will see what I saw till X redraws the screen... normally about half a second....
    • I've had this happen on my PC as well. I think it's just because the memory in the frambe buffer was never cleared, and since power wasn't lost the last thing that was put there is still going to be displayed until reset.
    • I got a similar experience, a when we installed debian on a friend's machine, the first thing we say when we started X, was the last Windows screen (he scared like hell) of the last reboot (the one that says "Its safe to turn off the system" or something like that) the funny thing is that it wasnt a LCD, it was a CRT, and keep happening often. BTW that only happen when we dont turn off the monitor.
  • Like Ram? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Quasar1999 ( 520073 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:10AM (#4578095) Journal
    What speed? DDR? SDR? will it be adversely affected by magnetic fields? I know my LCD isn't phased by having my speaker right next to it, but my CRT sure as hell was... Will this thing be sensitive to EM?
    • by DaHat ( 247651 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:15AM (#4578131)
      Only like SRAM, not DRAM.

      SRAM is pretty much static until changes are made, DRAM you'll hear described like a leaky capacitor. When you give it a charge it will slowly loose it, so you need to refresh it... many many times per second.
      • by tomstdenis ( 446163 ) <{moc.liamg} {ta} {sinedtsmot}> on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:25AM (#4578202) Homepage

        Both SRAM and DRAM require constant power to reliably store data.

        SRAM differs from DRAM because the cells that hold bits are always charged [howstuffworks has a diagram, basically its 5 logical gates in feedback]. As a result SRAM takes more power but has no refresh delays [and is bigger]

        DRAM uses capacitors to store the data and requires refreshing. This makes DRAM smaller, less power instense but much slower.

        For example, cache inside processors is a version of SRAM. If SRAM were as cheap as DRAM we'd be seeing 2MB caches common place nowadays...

        Anyways... Peace out.
        • by Waffle Iron ( 339739 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @11:12AM (#4578500)
          Both SRAM and DRAM require constant power to reliably store data.

          SRAMs can be designed for raw speed (CPU caches) or low power (CMOS memory in old PCs before flash). High speed SRAMs can suck down a lot of power due to all of the gates and frequent logic transitions.

          OTOH, The low power SRAMs intended for nonvolatile storage use all CMOS FET transistors in their logic gates. These gates draw essentially zero current unless they are actually switching.

          Thus, while low power SRAMs require a voltage (typically supplied by a battery) to retain their state, they draw no current when idle. Therefore, in a technical sense, they don't actually require "power" (voltage*current) to keep their state, just a static potential.

          A hydraulic analogy would be rigging two toilet flush flap valves in series, then ensuring that they never open simultaneously. This setup could store one bit (1 - open/closed, 0 - closed/open) with just static water pressure and zero flow. (A little water would flow when the valves are actually flipped.)

          (btw, IAAEE)

    • Re:Like Ram? (Score:2, Informative)

      Not that I'm an expert, but my guess is that the display wouldn't be affected by magnetic fields.

      CRT's are sensitive because the electrons are moving with respect to the magnetic field, thus being deflected. This display works via a static charge... no way, that'll be affected by a magnetic field.

      EM? well, that depends on how they build the thing... but if they know what they're doing that DEFINITELY shouldn't be a problem.
  • Bad for gaming? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Allaria ( 547479 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:13AM (#4578110) Journal
    Quote the article:
    In theory, one of the key features of iMoD displays will be their ability to hold an image without consuming much power, because of pixel memory.
    Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but wouldn't that mean that high framerates would cause the voltage to skyrocket?
    It seems like it would *look* beautiful, but would be costly to operate.

    Of course, if you're going to shell out the cash for this, then you're probably not going to be worried about the electric bill.

    Still sticking to my CRT for now...
    • Re:Bad for gaming? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by ThrasherTT ( 87841 ) <> on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:26AM (#4578210) Homepage Journal
      I think this really depends on how much more/less power is needed to change the pixels compared to how much power it takes to display a pixel with other technologies. As for sticking with your CRT for now... it's not like you can go out and buy an iMoD display today... so I'm with ya there ;)

      Maybe once a third-party actually does a real comparison between the varying screen technologies, we can make an informed decision about the future of iMoD in the marketplace. Once again, PR's rule the day...
    • Re:Bad for gaming? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cybrangl ( 621520 )
      I think this will make the concept of framerat obsolete. Framerate occurs when the screen is updated. Because normal screens need to refresh the entire screen on a regular basis, the act like flipbooks (image changes slightly on each page). With this technology you don't need a framerate because you almost never change everything on the screen at once. I would assume it would draw more power since games typically change much more of the screen than office programs, but even so, you are still only updating what changes (at least I hope that is how these will work).
      • So really, it'll only use less power for those damned campers!
      • Re:Bad for gaming? (Score:4, Insightful)

        by WolfWithoutAClause ( 162946 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @11:00AM (#4578405) Homepage
        With this technology you don't need a framerate because you almost never change everything on the screen at once.

        You do in most FPS games- modern games have a lot of grayscale and textures, dynamic lighting etc. Therefore if you turn even a tiny bit, practically every pixel needs to change, or potentially can do anyway.

      • Uh, no. Framerate in general has nothing to do with the actual display, although the image will look better if the two are in synch at some multiple.

        Framerate, at least when you're talking about gaming, is how fast the game engine and graphics card can update memory. The refresh rate is how fast the electron beam is swept across a CRT. LCDs don't have refresh rates, but they do have response times And I would assume this thing would as well.

        The "frame rate" on an LCD or one of these things is 1/response time.
    • Re:Bad for gaming? (Score:3, Informative)

      by theduck ( 101668 )

      The company's website reports microsecond response times [] for their iMOD elements. Ten microseconds would support 100 FPS, which should be fine for gaming (isn't TV interlaced 50 FPS?)

    • Re:Bad for gaming? (Score:3, Informative)

      by javatips ( 66293 )
      Quote from this page [].

      Fast response allows artifact-free video and gaming.

      Now they don't seems to have any data on framerate you can achieve or power consumption when the complete screen is refreshed frequently.

      • Re:Bad for gaming? (Score:5, Informative)

        by srmalloy ( 263556 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @11:59AM (#4578680) Homepage
        Now they don't seems to have any data on framerate you can achieve or power consumption when the complete screen is refreshed frequently.

        Where an iMoD display wins isn't in framerate -- that's going to be driven by your graphics card, anyway -- but in the fact that it has no refresh per se, the way a CRT does. The problem with conventional CRTs is that the screen image is drawn in an essentially serial manner -- each pixel is displayed in scan line order, scan line by scan line. If you update the screen image data faster than the monitor can draw the whole image on the screen, you can wind up drawing the top part of the screen with data from frame X, the middle from frame X+1, and the bottom from frame X+2. If the screen image data is changing rapidly, the visible objects on the screen may not line up correctly across the whole frame; this is artifacting.

        The iMoD display, because the pixels are addressable randomly, the same way that LCD displays are, can 'back up' to the top of the display for each frame. The pixel update time is short enough that, unlike LCD displays, you're not going to get 'trails' (and the pixels can be updated many more times per second than either an LCD or conventional monitor), and the addressing electronics can be designed to allow more than one pixel to be updated at a time, making a whole-screen update even faster, so that it's not impossible that it might be able to obtain an order-of-magnitude increase in screen redraw rate over a 60Hz (read: rock-bottom) CRT.

        But the real advantage comes more from the fact that, without the screen redraw being tied to a fixed sweep rate, the actual display refresh rate can be exactly the same as the frame rate produced by your video card. With a CRT running at a refresh rate of 72Hz, no matter how many frames your video card can draw per second, you're only going to see 72 frames per second; having a video card that can draw 90 frames a second on the simple scenes only means that you can lose 18 fps due to scene complexity before you see any frame rate loss. With an iMoD display, if your video card can render 90 frames per second, you would be able to see all of them. On the other hand, since the display updates would be matched to the video card's frame rate, degradation of your frame rate due to scene complexity would be immediately visible (subject to the response of the human eye).
    • Re:Bad for gaming? (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      If you'd care to look a Iridigm's website, specifically the bit about power usage [], that does not seem to be the case. They give power usage for "video imagery".

      Granted, they don't give a lot of detail, and the graph doesn't even have a scale... but they claim that the technology uses little power even with moving images, and there is no basis to dispute that at this time.

      I would have a tough time believing that it uses more power than a CRT. Even if it does use substantially more power than they claim, it would still be well within laptop territory.
    • I think you meant "current". According to the site, there are only two voltages: "on" and "off". The C|NET article claimed that it only draws current during state changes. So higher framerates means higher current.
  • by jonatha ( 204526 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:13AM (#4578112)
    They're based on moving the membrane every time a pixel changes color. Wonder how many times you can do that before the membrane develops stress fractures.

    Wonder if fractures would cause a failure, too.

    I guess as long as it's at least as long as the expected useful life of an LCD backlight it's still a win.
  • by Bonker ( 243350 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:13AM (#4578115)
    Hmm... No product displays at the website. Just some diagrams and a a photoshopped display.

    That said, I'm currently tied to CRT technology because a lot of the media I have to deal with is color matched. Since color on a CRT screen is unreliable... it changes if you look at your screen from a different direction... this could offer a great deal of help to people like me who are tied to heavy, bulky displays rather than sweet flat-panels.

    Of course the key here is that they have to deliver everything they promise in the way of omni-directional viewing and color-correctness.
  • by marnerd ( 3934 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:13AM (#4578120)
    If my computer crashes, leaving something unpleasant on my screen, can I clear it by picking it up and shaking it?
  • nice, but (Score:2, Offtopic)

    by Knife_Edge ( 582068 )
    What I want is e-paper, paper that can be written on digitally, by people with the proper pens and machines with the proper hardware. This sounds a lot like a step in that direction.

    My idea for the use of this paper is for notebook computers to be like scrolls. Initially just a tube, you pull out the screen which is rolled up inside (and has a rigid piece across the top), and unfold two braces (on both sides) to hold it in place.

    They already have keyboards that you can roll up, why not screens? The scroll-book would do the same thing to store the keyboard as with the screen.

    Persistence of images when the power goes off is a big requirement for digital paper. But I'm waiting for the scroll-book, which please note could double as a book and notebook if you could write on it with a digital pen. Don't unfurl the keyboard if you don't want to type into it.
  • by cybrangl ( 621520 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:16AM (#4578140)
    The real potential comes when they can isolate sections of the screen to update. Since most screens remain, I would say, 80% the same, this could greatly increase the battery life of laptops since the screen is one of the largest power consumers. Isolating sections would allow only a small section to draw power when changed. The key would to make the sections as small as possible (pixel?) so that mouse movements don't cause un update to 1/4 the screen.
    • The real potential comes when they can isolate sections of the screen to update.

      This is the same concept that allows animated GIF's to have such small file size. Animated GIF's only redraw the portions of the frame which have changed since the last frame. While this doesn't work for hi-res color video, where just about every pixel changes every frame, it will be great for typical office applications, where all that is changing on your screen 90% of the time is the cursor, mouse, and whatever characters you are typing.
  • not quite (Score:4, Insightful)

    by mlong ( 160620 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:18AM (#4578156)

    I don't quite think the poster understood the article. From the article:

    Once a voltage has been applied to an iMoD element, it requires less power to hold the metallic layer in place than it does to move it.

    Looks to me that *some* power is still required to keep the display going. If it loses power the layers would go back to their default state (which while the article does not state, it would appear its white when its off).

    Likewise this statement:

    but the cool this is that the display actually works like RAM (it retains its state until voltage is applied to reset it)

    I'm no RAM expert but from my understanding (with current RAM), as soon as power is lost, so is the data. Unless you're talking about old magnetic RAM from the 50's and 60's, or IBM's upcoming MRAM, but I seriously doubt you were thinking of those.

    • Actually, the hysteresis [] in the MEMS position suggests that a residual image might be maintained if power is lost. It just won't retain the original colors.

    • LEP's (Score:3, Informative)

      by T-Kir ( 597145 )

      IIRC isn't this a property of Light Emitting Polymers? At least not the first incarnations, or the later revisions in that a charge is only needed to change the polymer state... so more power is used when viewing a constantly changing images (i.e. multimedia), whereas spreadsheet/office use would be on the lower end of the power scale.

      • Re:LEP's (Score:3, Insightful)

        by breadbot ( 147896 )
        If it's emitting light (LEP), I'll betcha it's consuming some energy :).

        Iridigm's displays, on the other hand, are reflective -- that is, not emitting (or generating) their own light. That's why they can claim zero power for a static display.

        pretty cool for a framed picture of grandkids that gets updated once a week, I'd say!

    • The statement about RAM is technically correct. It will retain its state untit the 'reset' input is set to '1'. I think the need to have power applied continuously is understood.
    • Re:not quite (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Phosphor3k ( 542747 )
      They are refering to the fact that with DRAM, once the bit has been set, you do not have to keep rewriting the actual value to that address every x seconds, you must merely reapply a smaller amount of voltage(in comparison to actually setting a value) every x (nano? mili?) seconds to keep the value in place.

      This is why it is possible to have motherboards that support STR - Suspend to RAM, wherein the system shuts off, but all data is still in memory because a very low voltage is used to refresh the values. Its kinda cool, cause when I turn my PC on, right after the BIOS is finished posting and the hard disk is spun up, I am instantly in windows, with any programs up that I left running when I turned the PC off. If I turned the PC off mid-song, that song will instantly continue playing right where it left off. Maybe I'm just easily impressed.
    • Sorry it wasn't quite clear -- I should have said, "only nominal power is required"...

      Something I think it would be interesting to do would be to use part of the screen to create assembler programs, and then, since the screen is technically very similar to RAM, you could use a section of the screen to mirror the registers, stack, etc. in the processor on a bit-by-bit basis. Would that be useful? Who knows, I sure don't program in assembler these days, but perhaps on a PDA...?
      • Sorry it wasn't quite clear -- I should have said, "only nominal power is required"...

        I could forsee this being very useful for businesses and the like for 24 hour displays...little power and no burn in.

        Although at home I would love to have this because my current 19" takes up my whole desk and puts out a whole lot of heat. I've been reluctant to get a LCD because of dead pixels and because the refresh is not good (for games), not to mention cost.

  • Extra long BSOD's! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Shanep ( 68243 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:19AM (#4578159) Homepage
    but the cool this is that the display actually works like RAM (it retains its state until voltage is applied to reset it)

    Cool, some people will get to watch their BSOD's a few seconds more.

    On a serious note, I wonder if this could actually cause video card makers to make cards that use memory that does not have to be dynamically refreshed, since the monitor pixels can hold the image. Might reduce memory latency for the frame buffers of the future.

  • by American AC in Paris ( 230456 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:20AM (#4578167) Homepage
    From the Iridigm website:

    The power of Iridigm displays derives from the replication of some of Mother Nature's most beautiful creations: Butterflies.

    ...and the power of the Iridigm PR department derives from the ingestion of some of Mother Nature's most bodacious plants...

  • by trevry ( 225903 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:21AM (#4578177) Homepage
    There are millions of CRTs out there helping businesses make money. Now these CRTs and to a lesser extent LCDs are also costing companies money through mainly power costs. There are also some health and safety issues that cost money through the running of lighting and cost of fixtures and fittings, but we'll let these out for now.
    So, where do you have a CRT monitor and an application environment where high performance in the frame rate isn't an issue? Hmmm, how about every call centre in the world. If an IT manager sees the cost benefits of getting low power consumption monitors he or she will bite. If an accountant sees the numbers they'll bite the arm off the salesman. I can see these taking off in a big way with Call Centres and programming shops.
    There's a market there for these things, I'd like to see how they do with CAD/CAM apps too.
  • Bad for games (Score:4, Informative)

    by Trusty Penfold ( 615679 ) <> on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:21AM (#4578180) Journal

    This technology is great for displaying text (and pictures of butterflies) but it is very bad for games.

    Look at the description [] of how it works. The colour is determined by the distance between glass layer and the metal plate. Big gap = red. Small gap = blue.

    This is fine for static images, but it means that it takes 5 times as long for a red pixel to change state as it does a blue one.

    When you have a quickly moving image, the result in severe ghosting for red objects. White objects will leave a rainbow trail - red at the far end, blue near the object. Blue objects are relatively unaffected.

    If you do use this for playing Quake 3, just make sure you're on the blue team.
    • Re:Bad for games (Score:4, Insightful)

      by dubious9 ( 580994 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:32AM (#4578249) Journal
      The distance we are talking here is nanometers. How long does it take to move something that far?

      Besides your logic is flawed. What happens if you put the rest state in the middle of the spectrum, say green? Then it has to move an equal distance to get to blue or red.

      However if you go from red to blue or blue to red, this would be the transition with the greatest delay. But again we are talking nanometers, how great can the delay be?
    • If you do use this for playing Quake 3, just make sure you're on the blue team.

      Actually, you would want to be on the red team, because the blue team would have a harder time tracking you.

    • If you do use this for playing Quake 3, just make sure you're on the blue team.

      Don't you mean that you should be on the red team? After all, with your description above, it would be really easy to see the blue team to target them using this monitor, while seeing red targets would be hard. Now if members of the blue team were using this monitor too, they would have a hard time seeing you, thereby increasing the red advantage even more!

    • Re:Bad for games (Score:3, Informative)

      by eyefish ( 324893 )

      Actually, it is not bad for games. Read their specs at, they clearly state "Fast response allows artifact-free video and gaming", which basically means fast frame rates for your Quake needs. ;-)
    • Re:Bad for games (Score:5, Insightful)

      by blakestah ( 91866 ) <> on Friday November 01, 2002 @11:09AM (#4578463) Homepage
      The distance moved is going to be on the order of the wavelength of light - 100 nanometers or so. In fact, this slide [] pretty much says so - less than a micron.

      But what does that say about time ? I don't think there is a real concern. As long as one of these babies can flip in less than 10 milliseconds (and it surely can), there will be no issue wrt speed. In fact, it can very likely be a LOT LOT faster than a CRT, because you merely need to change voltages on transistors, whereas a CRT has a scanning beam that has to traverse the whole screen.

      The other thing I found REALLY interesting is that such a display could be run native in a HSB (hue-saturation-brightness) mode. Instead of three colors, each pixel could be ANY hue, since you only have to change a voltage to a new value to change the color. Way cool (they are planning initially for full RGB compat). But in the future it could be a new sort of color scheme entirely.

      Of course, it's all vaporware until there are production models.

  • what about OLED (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ekephart ( 256467 )
    How does this compare to OLED displays, which are super cool. We've all been waiting for something without the pitfalls of LCD. This looks cool too. 400 - 1000 dpi? SWEET.

    Resisting LCDs until OLEDs or this Iridigm thing is like resisting the tape cassette and listening to vinyl until CDs came out.
    • Resisting LCDs until OLEDs or this Iridigm thing is like resisting the tape cassette and listening to vinyl until CDs came out.

      Huh? I've already got several CD-players, so I think it's safe to say, they are already out.

  • Good article.... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Lechter ( 205925 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:23AM (#4578190)

    You have to appreciate post-Dot.Com tech reporting:

    1. discuss how new technology's start-up company is innovative/doomed
    2. discuss how start-up relates to existing industry leaders (provide links to stock prices) - consult staff market analyst
    3. point out economic factors - consult staff economist
    4. discuss how economic factors will doom/promote new start-up - consult magic 8 ball
    5. discuss company's strategy for entering market and establishing foothold - mention start up's expected IPO date
    6. if more inches needed for copy
      provide breif overview of how new technology actually works - consult glossy side of start-up's brochure/PowerPoint presentation

    Thank you c|net for providing us all with that fine peice of tech journalism. Too bad Richard Shim couldn't fill more copy space by staring at Maria Bartiromo on CNBC, and had to resort to describing technology halfway through the article.

  • Anyone ever see an OLED, TOLED, SOLED or FOLED display? If you haven't then why not? I am perplexed as to why it isn't starting to take over or get more coverage. I think that even the current new stuff is going to be beaten hands down with these displays, when I first saw them.. yes they even exist and have been demonstrated on national tv (unlike ginger or whatever it was) I could not believe this stuff. It is definately going to be the wave of the future. I don't even work for any of these companies or own shares in them, although shares would be a good idea.

    Overview and demonstrations of these are available here ->
    Universal Display Corporation [] and Koda Research []

  • by HitchHik ( 103069 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:26AM (#4578207) Homepage
    To solve the problem of undesired residue on the screen the manufacturer could add a slider on the bottom of the unit that the user would slide from one side to the other - erasing the content :).
  • by CmdrTypo ( 603848 ) <> on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:26AM (#4578208)
    their primary focus is "mobile phones, Smart Phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), two-way pagers, game players, and other mobile appliances". It could be that these displays are impractical for some reason (perhaps fabrication) in larger sizes. As usual with technology like this, the real issue is scaling production.
  • If this tech can avoid dead pixels it would get my money. hell, I'd pay a premium for a flat display with no dead pixels. I just go a new computer that came with a LCD monitor and it has a dead pixel. I find it very distracting. I set the colors on my monitor dark to minimize eye strain and a bright white pixel glares at me. I loathe it. I use my CRT when I have serious work to do. Is there anything I can do about to minimize the distraction other than making my monitor look like I'm staring a lightbulb??
  • It sounds more like "e-paper" than a LCD replacement. It doesn't produce it's own illumination.
    • LCDs don't produce their own light either. They need backlights. Since these new screens are *much* more reflective than existing LCD screens, they have a reduced need for illumination anyway.
  • PDA Screens (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Christopher_G_Lewis ( 260977 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:41AM (#4578309) Homepage
    If you actually look through their site, it looks like they are aiming for the PDA market, not the desktop display. Perhaps a limitation of the technology, perhaps a really good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their product.

    Interesting that the site spouts off on touch screen technology. I've always loved the spontaneous change of LCD to LSD when you press on you LCD pannel, with these, you might just semi-permenantly change the pixel!

    And they are showing progress, definitely beyond the "vaporware" that some commentors have said. It appears that they *have* a working product that they demo'ed in May of 2000.

    Iridigm Demonstrates First Color iMoD Matrix(TM) Display
    SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - May 20, 2002 - - Iridigm(TM) Display Corporation, a developer of flat panel displays for mobile devices, will demonstrate its iMoD Matrix(TM) technology at the Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium in Boston, Massachusetts. During the Exhibition portion of the conference held May 21-23, 2002, Iridigm will demonstrate the color iMoD Matrix(TM) display in its booth #1805/1807. This is world's first direct-view color flat panel display based on MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems).

    Continued here []
    • Interesting that the site spouts off on touch screen technology. I've always loved the spontaneous change of LCD to LSD when you press on you LCD pannel, with these, you might just semi-permenantly change the pixel!
      Do you own a PDA? On every one I've owned or held, the touch screen layers are on top of a glass plate, and the LCD is under it. You'll break the glass before you deform the LCD enough to change the color.
  • 3 Bit Color? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:45AM (#4578334)
    How do they get color graduations? If the plates are bistable [], how do they get more than 8 colors (with each of red, green, and blue being either on or off)? Or can they make the plates hover in-between stable states by applying a current?
  • not like RAM. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by mnmn ( 145599 )
    If it were like RAM, voltage would have to be applied to maintain the display.. removal of voltage would mean loss of data. Did you mean EEPROM or Flash?
  • by ACK!! ( 10229 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:51AM (#4578368) Journal
    I heard on NPR the other day an even neater sounding alternative that is about five years off.

    It uses the fact that certain plastics when charged with electricity will emit light and certain colors. The screen would be flat and completely flexible.

    Literally you would have a screen (a TV for example) that could be rolled up and put into your backpack.

    Right now they are looking into small scale electronics applications of the technology in terms of putting in screens for car radios and such but they have the big plan of a flexible plastic tv or computer monitor.

    Of course if you pay attention is the fact that it needs no backlighting and can be extremely thin. Very neat stuff.

  • Since this display relys on the interference of light, would it work in the dark? With no light to interact with it wouldn't display. A backlight wouldn't seem to do the trick since the refraction has to be toward the user? I'm not a display guru by any stretch of the imagination, so maybe someone can explain this to me.
  • by theduck ( 101668 ) <> on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:56AM (#4578386)

    They claim [] that since the entire display is inorganic, it's insensitive to temperature variations. Looks like the marketing folks have gone a bit too far on this one. Metal and glass have very different coefficients of thermal expansion. That suggests that the metal layer will be under tension at cold temperatures and under compression at high temperatures. This should affect the interference layer thickness achieved at a particular voltage. I expect that this will, at the very least, affect the display colors since interference wavelength is very sensitive to the thickness of the interference layer.

    Anyone care to do the math?

  • by BigDaddy ( 28409 )
    I think these displays ring the death knell for screen savers. Consider that your power consumption will increase when you have the ubiquitous starfield or lame marquee scrolling across your screen. It kind of negates the benefits of low power consumption.

    (I might take this time to note that screen savers don't really have a place on a modern desktop other than eye-candy. But hey, I like eye-candy too.)

  • by limekiller4 ( 451497 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @10:59AM (#4578400) Homepage
    I'd really like to have some photographers chime in on this one.

    I'm a photographer myself and "amateur" would be an understatement. I've always been vexed by the inability of the camera to record what I see. For example, I went to the Boston Aquarium a few months back and while my shots were acceptable, the colors were nothing like what I was seeing in-person. Brilliant blues and yellows look painfully muted and boring in my results. I'm told that is a shortcoming of the photography medium and photographers have to use tricks to get those wonderful colors you see in mags like National Geographic, Photo, etc. Well ...why?

    So what I guess I'm asking is "can this technology be used to not only create and present colors in a 'natural' way but possibly capture them that way as well?"
    • by Java Ape ( 528857 ) <(mike.briggs) (at) (> on Friday November 01, 2002 @12:42PM (#4579033) Homepage
      First, let me state that your observations are 100% accurate. Film and CRT color reproduction is actually quite good for plain colors, but the ability to reproduce irridescence, chatoyance, metallics, and other forms of iterference-based color is notoriously poor.

      I used to work as an aquatic biologist, diving and photographing fishes from all over the globe. My photography skills are legendarily poor, but even the experts I worked with were continually frustrated with the inability of film to capture the brilliant metallic and irridescent colors we saw in person.

      Alas, while it may be possible for this display technology to duplicate some of the bright colors, interference colors are usually dependant upon binocular viewing for most of their spectacular effects, and the monitor will definately be mono.

      Finally, while I wish it were't so, this technology seems to be display only. I see no ready bridge to adopt this technology to CCD's or film (our two existing image capture options) or to use it directly as a capture device. More's the pity.

    • You have articulated a fundamental problem with any kind of recording process. its similar for sound, but humans have incredible visual acuity, so that's where we notice this most. No photographic process can reproduce what your eye sees. Not only can your eye handle ridiculous ranges of contrast, brightness, saturation, etc., but it does it dynamically. Never say never, but a process that can accuratly reproduce what your eye sees is probably harder than a process that reproduces what your mouth tastes.

      There was a great article years ago in the Wall Street Journal about a Japanese scientist that reproduced great French wines in his lab. He created exact chemical duplicates of Margaux and others. Through exacting objective chemical analysis, it was impossible to tell which was the original Margaux, and which was his lab-created Margaux. The only problem was his "wine" tasted horrible.

      Apart from technical issues, there is the problem of imagination. You look at your photos, and compare them not to the aquarium, but to your memory of the aquarium. Generally, you remember vivid perceptions, like strong smells, bright colours, loud or pleasing noises.

      Lastly, professional photographers take great pains to create photographs rather than take them. They know their materials and what the do, or do not do, best. Low-speed slide film is great for brilliant colours where exessive contrast will not be a problem. Super-fast film is good where grain and lack of maximum colour saturation is not a problem. The pro makes the trade-offs to get the picture they want. The National Geographic photographers either light the subject, use an appropriate type of film, or just look for subjects that suit the kind of film they are using.

      As an amateur, I would recommend you find the kind of pictures your equipment/film/tastes can best deal with. For example, I like my little Samsung point-and-shoot all-auto camera for snapshots. The Hassleblad takes better pictures, but is totally unsuited for the job. So I put people in front of bright colours, get close enough so that their belt-buckle, chest & head fills the frame and use a fill flash. Also, take lots of pictures. If you are going to take a shot, take three variations as well. Film is cheap.
  • SOunds like interesting tech. What I find interesting is that they have to join several of there elements together to make a "pixel" - presumably this is to avoid having to scrap every video driver in the known universe. BUT it also means they could run at much higher definition if each element is controled seperatley. Combien that with the more paper like look and you have somthing much much easier to read.

    Question though - I may have missed htis but how efficient is the manufacturing process? Isnt the main problem with LCDs that the manufacturing process is incredably inefficient?
  • by theduck ( 101668 )

    Looks like they might be giving up some of the lower voltage benefits in order to get higher pixel density []. Hence their claims about glossy magazine appearance?

  • by tyler_larson ( 558763 ) on Friday November 01, 2002 @08:25PM (#4582076) Homepage
    I Am Not a Physicist, but I do remember some of the basics about interference patterns. Correct me if I'm wrong:

    Light reflects off two surfaces, one just beneath the other. If the distance between the surfaces is such that the reflected light waves are perfectly out of phase, the waves will cancel eachother out, making it look like the surface actually absorbs that frequency range, producing color. That means that the distance the light travels between the plates is absolutely crucial in producing the right color. That's why butterfly wings shimmer. Your eyes are each viewing the wing at a different angle, each seeing a different color.

    When light hits the plates striaght on, the light travels a certain distace between the plates. But when light hits at an angle, it travels slightly farther, depending on the angle. So, for example, instead of being out of phase at 600nm, light at 620nm will be out of phase, making a different color appear if you look at a different angle.

    So unless I missed something, what we'll end up with is a display that "shimmers" like a butterfly wing. The hue of the display will shift when the screen is angled. That means that the effective viewable angle will suck a lot more than it does for LCDs, and it will be almost impossible to be perfectly sure what color you're looking at (particularly important for desktop publishing).

    Perhaps someone who knows more about physics can explain how they intend to make this actually work. For now, though, I'm going to wait till I see a working prototype before I sell the farm to invest in their product.

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
