Cappuccino PC, Round 3 215
Simon (S2) writes "do you remember the cappuccino pc? There is a new release of it called Mocha.
The Mocha P4 PC size advantage makes it ideal for places where space is at a premium or for those who work in several fixed locations at once and want to be able to access the same data everywhere. Mocha P4 is a PC that is so flexible, efficient, compact and portable technically knocks down all existing desk top PCs. Choosing a big and bulky inappropriate PC has become an obsolete way of thinking. The over all technology of other mini-book PCs around is still far from our achievement today. Take advantage of the new breed PC of tomorrow and experience the next generation way of computing."
Yes.... (Score:1)
Why not just get a laptop? (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Why not just get a laptop? (Score:2)
Re:Why not just get a laptop? (Score:1)
and some kind of removeable HD, maybe one of those keyring/USB things. I know I'd still need monitors, but did anyone get a price on those Mocha devices before the website died?
Re:Why not just get a laptop? (Score:3, Informative)
* Not everyone needs a screen. If you just want something headless, it's much smaller.
* Contractor or other multi-site based role? Well, this gives you a full PC with network in a box not much bigger than a PDA. Take this round, plug it into their keyboard, mouse and monitor and you've got a PC with little carried round. Yes, that's dependent on them being there but how many offices don't have them spare somewhere? Also, means you get a proper one of each rather than the ergonomic nightmare that is a laptop.
Re:Why not just get a laptop? (Score:2)
I use my Xbox connected to my stereo as a jukebox. No TV. I have memorised the button sequence to get to the song list I want and start playing it.
Ad... (Score:4, Insightful)
This is cooler (Score:2)
Re:This is cooler (Score:2)
What did these suckers [] think of? The computer goes in the keyboard! It always has!
Let's start the movement for ex-Amiga slashdot keyboard linux computers agains Micro$oft tablet-PC's
Re:This is cooler - no it's not it's a 404 (Score:1)
The Specs suck the price sucks, and you still have the whole keyboard dies = dead computer thing, but it looks cool.
Commodore 256? (Score:2)
Hey Taco (Score:5, Insightful)
Why not make him buy a banner ad like everyone else? This isn't a product review or even an annoucement, it's blatant, and unsubstantiated, hype.
Re:Hey Taco (Score:2)
+1 : Correct (Score:1)
What's especially laughable, though, is looking at their heatsink (a large piece of copper) and seeing the phrase "patent pending". Give me a break: I think the cookware industry has some prior art on the use of metal to spread heat.
This is a blatant advertisement, and nothing less. Was Slashdot kidding when they had the april fools story stating that they'd intermix ads with real articles?
slashdotted! (Score:2, Insightful)
mandatory beowulf cluster of these included
Re:Hey Taco (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Hey Taco (Score:2, Offtopic)
Re:Hey Taco (Score:2, Offtopic)
Re:Hey Taco (Score:2)
Nice but... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Nice but... (Score:2)
Startling investigative journalism (Score:5, Interesting)
Dude. This is totally a press release. Couldn't somebody at least have stuck a snide comment at the end?? I come to Slashdot for... er... well, I forget, but anyway, adverts masquerading as news reports bomb.
Re:Startling investigative journalism (Score:1, Informative)
Looks like this is the press release. []
Hemos and the "Oooh shiny!" phenomenon (Score:2)
The "Oooh shiny!" phenomenon (aka ADD) strikes again...
So... (Score:2, Funny)
"PC of tomorrow", indeed.
Re:So... (Score:3, Funny)
I have to ask: An innocent typo, or a habit from conducting "research" off google?
Mod parent up! +3 (Funny) (Score:1)
A cool idea for a certain type of user (Score:3, Informative)
It's undeniably a cool bit of tech, but it's definitely for a niche market.
Re:A cool idea for a certain type of user (Score:1)
I might be in that niche! I travel to client sites with my ageing notebook and I really need to upgrade. But I don't really need a notebook - this thing is either plugged into a monitor and keyboard on-site or sitting at home. But I do want to carry my own environment around. So, if this thing is significantly cheaper than a notebook (I'm guessing it must be but the site is a little busy right now) then it would be just what I am looking for.
And would I be right in thinking I could upgrade the memory without paying horrible mobile memory prices?
Re:A cool idea for a certain type of user (Score:3, Interesting)
Problems, as I recall:
* NOISY! That cooling fan was, wow, loud. Not good.
* Messy. I know it's small, but I'd accept a slightly larger footprint if it meant all the cables came out in the same place.
* Icky floppy drive solution. If you want one, how about a docking station? Much tidier.
For us, it was a nice bit of kit but not that fantastic. Still, interesting.
So... (Score:1)
Or maybe it's just that they knew about the upcoming load, since they submitted the story?'s been /.'ed, here's a google cache link (Score:2)
Why buy this? (Score:1)
And an external hard drive cannot do that? Saves you about $1000
No appendages (Score:2)
Re:No appendages (Score:1)
Re:No appendages (Score:1)
Re:No appendages (Score:2)
Bad hard drives for a server (Score:2)
Having said that, if you used the Mocha with some sort of NAS device like a NetApp [] then you might have something. IMO, the RLX stuff is still a better solution, though. At least with those you can mirror the boot drive.
Of course, I'm just pulling all this outta the air, so take as many grains of salt as needed.
Next in Line... (Score:1)
RedBull PC
Crack PC
The Guide to Advertising By Stealth on Slashdot (Score:5, Insightful)
The Mocha P4 PC size advantage makes it ideal for places where space is at a premium or for those who work in several fixed locations at once and want to be able to access the same data everywhere
Really? Wow, that's a really new concept. I mean, I could just use the Internet to access the same data from multiple locations.. but no, instead I can lug around a whole PC with me instead! Hang on.. wouldn't I just buy a notebook if I wanted to do that?
2. Don't blind us with meaningless adjectives.
Mocha P4 is a PC that is so flexible, efficient, compact and portable technically knocks down all existing desk top PCs.
Gee whiz. Lots of adjectives. It must be good! How does the size of a computer make it more 'efficient' anyway?
3. Don't blatantly admit you're connected to the item you're promoting.
The over all technology of other mini-book PCs around is still far from our achievement today.
Hemos deserves a big slap down for posting this when this one sentence ADMITS it's just an ad! Other computers are still far from our achievement? Hello editors, this is an ad!
4. Don't sound so cheesy that anyone still reading will just ignore your ad anyway.
Take advantage of the new breed PC of tomorrow and experience the next generation way of computing.
This sounds just as corny as the fake ads in Grand Theft Auto 3 for 'The House of Tomorrow'.
Have the technology of tomorrow.. today!
Re:The Guide to Advertising By Stealth on Slashdot (Score:1)
5. Profit
Re:The Guide to Advertising By Stealth on Slashdot (Score:2)
Mocha P4 is a PC that is so flexible, efficient, compact and portable technically knocks down all existing desk top PCs.
Gee whiz. Lots of adjectives. It must be good! How does the size of a computer make it more 'efficient' anyway?
I don't think it's exactly flexible either.
(You see? It's a joke! You can't bend the product.)
500 server error (Score:2)
swell (Score:1)
Re:swell (Score:1)
Flap stand rocks! (Score:1)
E.g. It needs a better graphics card.
It will be a hit just because of that nifty "Open Flap Stand" feature/thingy. Until now I have used old books for that kind of problems with my old PC. Is the idea patented???
BTW where is the coffee pot to be placed?
Maybe good for servers? (Score:1)
And it would look pretty cool having a whole drawer full of little PCs...
Confusion.. (Score:1)
Seriously, Slashdot stories shouldn't consist purely of the advertising blurb at the top of the manufacturer's webste. Unless they're sponsoring
Yeah yeah, mod me down, I'm not being suitably impressed
Damned kids (Score:5, Funny)
Back in my day, all we had was inappropriate PCs. They'd show up for dinner in shorts, and make lewd comments about the hostess.
Seriously though, there was a time when choosing an inappropriate PC was, er, appropriate? Don't marketing people take English classes anymore?
LAN Parties (Score:1)
Re:LAN Parties (Score:1)
Press Release Prostitution (Score:1)
Re:Press Release Prostitution (Score:2)
And how totally appropriate it is, too.
Needed more Ad Revenue? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Needed more Ad Revenue? (Score:2, Insightful)
Don't know. Maybe you should ask Jon Katz?
Re:Needed more Ad Revenue? (Score:2, Funny)
Bah, I'll stick with my full tower (Score:4, Funny)
Like hell.
My A/V PC has 5 PCI devices and 4 IDE devices, my 3D workstation has 5 PCI back plates used up (various extenders from other cards) and 3 actual PCI slots in use, along with a mere 3 IDE devices (it is going to get a CDRW so make that 4 IDE devices soon now), and;
oh yah;
each one of my steel full muthafucking tower cases?
A stepladder.
Re:Bah, I'll stick with my full tower (Score:2)
Take a moment to read that sig before moving on, please.
Re:Bah, I'll stick with my full tower (Score:2)
Muahaha, excellent post. I agree completly. Although I don't plan on buying another full-tower case in the near future, my current one kicks ass and there are only a few mid-towers where you can hook up dual 10K rpm SCSI disks *and* still be able to cool them properly.
And yeah, I've used my computer as a seat, keyboard stand, etc, but it does kinda suck to lug it, along with a 19" monitor, to a lanparty.
Small PCs have their place, though. I'm looking at getting one of those cute little Shuttle cube jobs for use as a set-top box (NOT a PVR) that I'm designing. Then again, a whirring full-tower with loads of blinking lights next to the entertainment center might make quite a conversation piece for the living room...
Slashvertisements (Score:4, Funny)
What's that smell?Well here a steaming pile of s.. (Score:1)
Why bother (Score:1)
Why was this posted? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why was this posted? (Score:3, Insightful)
Whenever they're about:
1)The Next Big Thing(TM)
4)Star Wars
Ah! (Score:2)
Why get a laptop? (Score:1)
Well, a laptop can be less than ideal in some situations. I know video professionals who would prefer a small-space PC to a laptop because some of the cuts laptop manufacturers make for battery life. Slower hard drives, slower CPUs, etc.
A small-scale, otherwise full-fledged PC is a great idea. It's portable, in an Apple
And if you act now ... (Score:2)
/.ed (Score:1)
Sets off every anti-BS alarm in my body! (Score:5, Funny)
/.ed already. I dunno about this PC (Score:1)
Already Slashdotted... (Score:2)
Available in UK? (Score:2)
Anyone know where you can get one of these in the UK?
Re:Available in UK? (Score:2)
Yes, here [].
Regards, Ralph.
These are cool (Score:2)
MP3 Server in car
GPS navigation in car
Wearable (with proper battery pack)
Internet terminal in car for passengers
Telematic Solution (Voice navigation, MP3, Internet fed by a 3G cel phone providing all sorts of services with TTS for the driver and a LCD for passengers...ends the are we there yet questions of kids).
Stick it in your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom or hall closet.
Listen. Not everyone needs a fire breathing machine to surf the net or word process. Not everone plays quake (I'm a geek and I don't). Not everyone needs a 400 dollar video card. My neighbor has a 2-3 year old machine and is perfectly happy with it. It does everything he needs. Personally, I am ready for an upgrade myself, but not even to a top end machine. I need the processor power, but don't need a Geforce 4. I will be happy with something that just processes a hair faster then my Duron 700. I'd be happy with the 1.2 Ghz machine you threw out yesterday.
If you're gonna advertise it on slashdot.... (Score:2, Funny)
Yeah, and when you do an advertisement like this.. (Score:2)
However, if it was taken down by the slashdot effect, it proves that more people click on story links rather than banner ads...but everyone already knew that
The Brick! (Score:2)
The interesting thing is that it was a metal case, and the CPU had thermal gel to cool the CPU through the case.
Next Generation Web Server (Score:2, Informative)
No AGP ??? (Score:4, Insightful)
A couple days ago, Robin and I were playing Neverwinter Nights (yes, I broke down and rebooted, but I _still_ want the linux version). A friend called and we invited him over to play. He brought a low-end 1.1 GHz celeron machine he picked up at Fry's a couple months ago, and a fresh copy of NWN (yes, we're all very geeky... even Robin... see our website for more info about us)
Turns out he couldn't play. The on-board video was so slow you couldn't even navigate the menus. I had a machine (in need of some service) with a GeForce3 card in it, so we pulled the card and poped out his box... only to find that it lacked an AGP slot. I guess the $300 price tag for the box (it has linux pre-installed, he installed XP onto it) is a reasonable excuse, maybe.
But if you're slinging bullshit like:
Take advantage of the new breed PC of tomorrow and experience the next generation way of computing
and it can't even be upgraded with a (current) game-capable graphics card, how can anyone consider is an expereince of next generation computing.
and to add a bit of poetic justice, this shameful ad copy only got their site slashdotted, so potential customers for this lame "next generation way of computing" are getting nothing more than HTTP/1.1 Server Too Busy. Maybe they should have used a LARGER and more capable computer!
Re:No AGP ??? (Score:2)
You could have followed the link to our website, and then clicked on About Paul/Robin []. The message even says "(yes, we're all very geeky... even Robin... see our website for more info about us)".
Oh well.
Missing the point? (Score:4, Interesting)
But, what the hell do they mean, "next generation way of computing?" First, what does that even mean? And secondly, what have they done to back it up?
The answers: nothing, and nothing. In that order.
Seems they think the next generation of computers are merely smaller than the current generation. They don't do anything truly useful, like digitize you and put you on the game grid; they are the same as the bigger, current generation, only more restricted.
First, it uses 2.5" hard drives, which are slow and expensive, making it a bad choice for software development. Second, you can't simply use the latest video cards, rendering it useless for high-end gaming.
So, if the hard drive is too slow for development, and the video is too slow for high-end gaming, what use is it?
If it's merely small, I will use an ITX mobo and case, or a uATX if I want the latest processor.
I don't know why I just spent so much time responding to blatant advertising; I guess it's just a slow day.
and it still sucks (Score:2)
Druthers (Score:2)
sweet sweet transmeta chip with log lasting battery (I'd get the 10 hour battery).
OSDN is having a bad couple of days (Score:2)
Then, Taco reposts a story about a 'universal remote control' [] that timothy posted on Saturday [] (it's still listed on the front page of slashdot over on the right).
Then, Taco posts this very obvious press release/advertisement [] about a small form-factor PC and slashdots the poor manufacturer's web site []. I guess that's what you get for advertising on slashdot when you run IIS.
Does this have anything to do with OSDN's [] recent decision to close FreeCode []? I guess I would be a little jittery if my parent company closed down one of its subsidiaries. Of course, that wouldn't qualify as "News for nerds. Stuff that matters" as much as the CappucinoPC press release, so that won't be posted today.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. -- Gandhi
/. != News, Lather, Rinse, Repeat (Score:2)
Now for the naysayers complaining about journalistic integrity. Once again Slashdot is not a newspaper, it's a blog. CmdrTaco, Hemos, and the gang are not journalists, they're geeks. Yeah, the article is pretty much hyping something - I think the Cappucino line is pretty cool, just like the Shuttle line of mini-PCs. Is this an "ad" in disguise? Opinions are like assholes...that's why /. has a comments section. Sheesh.
Firewall Box (Score:2)
New Category Proposal (Score:2)
It may be an ad... (Score:2)
Almost every other news item!
You want "News for Nerds" to be exclusively about the RIAA, MPAA, and case mods?
Hell no.
Heat problems (Score:2)
In the end, I had to take the case off the Cappuccino, remove the proprietary heatsink/ducted fun, jury-rig an old Athlon heatsink and fan to the processor and splice the power cable into the motherboard. I also removed the metal casing around the hard drive, which was retaining heat. Now, with this massive heatsink bulging out of the top, my Cappuccino will run for about a week before it locks up. Still not terribly reliable.
If this new Mocha (which is actually the 5th-gen, not the 3rd) has a better cooling system, it'll be well worth the money. Otherwise, it's a total waste. Unfortunately the page is Slashdotted and there's no Google cache, so I can't get any details.
More info about this little advertisement... (Score:2)
Exactly what does a /. editor do? (Score:2)
Re:Not only (Score:1)
Too bad a lot of G4 owners have reported case-cracking due to the lack of fan, eh?
Note to Steve Jobs' flunkies: If you're gonna tear the fan out of a computer, make sure the case isn't made of some flimsy shit! A badass beige aluminum case would have been much more appropriate for a G4 than most PCs; it can take the pressure a lot better.
Re:Not only (Score:1)
Actually the tiny cracks some people reported are a manufacturing defect, and have absolutely nothing to do with heat or the lack of a fan. The cracks are mostly cosmetic, and do not really affect anything but the otherwise flawless appearance of the plastic.
The G4 Cube has been known to overheat, but usually because of a lack of ventilation or something. With no fan, it is rather sensitive to that sort of thing. Don't ever set anything on top of it, and you might not want to keep it in a hot room.
Re:Not only (Score:2)
Lack of ventilation = blocking the airflow by covering the holes somehow. Maybe I should have made that a little more clear. With a fan it would be more tolerant of that, but if you don't block it off, it works just fine without a fan. My mom is using hers in Guatemala City with no problems.
Re:Not only (Score:2)
This is much more Steve jobs than a fan. Steve has his various obsessions. I was reading that when the NeXT Cube came out, he wanted an absolute perfect cube. Sounds normal, until you realize that this is actually a bitch to manufacture. Normally you have an imperceptably wider mouth of the mold to make removal easier. Maybe a couple thousandths here or there. But no, Steve wanted perfect sides, baking extraction difficult. Cost a bunch more, he lots some cases because of scratches, but Steve got what he wanted. I remember hearing something similar with the G4 cube, but not exactly, cause i think he learned his lesson on the Black Cube NeXTs.
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
How is checking out WorldNetDaily gonna help? (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:OT: what is that server running? (Score:2)
Most of those people probably believed the microsoft documentation when it said that IIS would handle db connection pooling for them.
It doesn't.
Re: (Score:2)