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Touchscreen, Chair & Wheel Case Mod 169

DarklordSatin writes "I can't read korean, but pictures sure are worth a thousand words (give or take some). This page has a really nifty case mod (or complete system mod perhaps). I just wish that I had the time and money to make something this cool."
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Touchscreen, Chair & Wheel Case Mod

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  • by cOdEgUru ( 181536 ) on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @11:24AM (#4070725) Homepage Journal
    fires at you point blank with a Rocket launcher in Quake3 and you jerk and you fall back..

    Looks like you gotta be damn careful falling on your back with that PC taking the weight of your Fall.

    • Luckily most geeks have a front counterweight to prevent this from happening, you know it is considered a marked evolutionary benifit to the transhumanist cube dweller. Chicks who wish to procreate, take notice.
  • alas it has been /.ed
  • Slashdotted (Score:5, Funny)

    by rbgaynor ( 537968 ) on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @11:25AM (#4070733)

    I can't read korean, but pictures sure are worth a thousand words (give or take some).

    ...unless its already slashdotted, in which case it's worth zero words...

  • or does this mod look like the chair from Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

    I guess if you want that game show feel when you surf the internet. :-)
    • or does this mod look like the chair from Who Wants to be a Millionaire? I guess if you want that game show feel when you surf the internet. :-)
      I can't tell, the site's slashdotted. I'll bet that chair's gettin' pretty hot right about now.
    • It kinda looks like an ejection seat to me...

      ...kinda makes me want to think twice before playing a flight sim. That damned MiG-29 tailing me could put me through the ceiling in my computer room :-\
  • What's going thru webdesigners minds when they have URLs that stretch about 7-8 inches on my monitor?

    Good luck posting that link on USENET.
  • /.ed But I'm guessing that it doesn't have wheels and a mini fridge.
  • Watching his site hit stats...
    Slashdotting occurs...
    Falls backwards...
    Crushed to death by his PC.

    Maybe the chair wasn't such a great idea
  • by Knightfall ( 558914 ) on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @11:30AM (#4070764)
    Here on Slashdot if you spend $$$$$$$$ doing case/chair/screen/fridge modifications you are heralded as an amazing person. Everybody for the moment wants to be/act like you and have what you have. Yet the second anything is mentioned about people spending money friviously, be it a baloon trip around the world or a diamond ring for your girlfriend (yes a few slashdot readers have girlfriends, amazing isn't it) there is immediate backlash. Sure these mods are cool, but how are they any more "non-frugal" than some of the other topics? Is there something in the cool geek factor that I now, in my late 20's no longer have a grasp on?
    • They aren't I was just about to post a diatribe about how /. was turning into a modders forum now myself! :)
    • Surely you've seen the project where a 40 something year old built a MechWarrior tree fort for his kids. That's major geek points right there. It's all about doing something different and unique without losing complete functionality of your project. Putting some instance of linux on unthinkable pieces of equipment gets you points too. That's something you can't do with other operating systems. Creativity doesn't have to cost grand $$. It's the think points you need. So go do something completely different from anything you've ever seen and let us all know what you've come up with and you too can get slashdotted.
    • no, it seems that more of those people complaining about the diamond ring were more interested in being selfish.

      They were saying, "well if she gets something, why don't I?" (ie a laptop)

      I am not a fan of having to fork over 2 months salary to get married but I am willing to do it (grandmom left me an amazing diamond ;)) b/c I love her.

      I have lived w/the same desktop since 1998 and I have lived w/the same laptop since 1996 (it's still serving MP3s to the stereo and gets use as a check for Word documents (resumes)).

      Case mods, laptops, new video games > anything else in a geeks life. Apparently us "geeks-with-gfs" are in the middle somewhere. Scary.
    • Here on Slashdot if you spend $$$$$$$$ doing case/chair/screen/fridge modifications you are heralded as an amazing person. Everybody for the moment wants to be/act like you and have what you have. Yet the second anything is mentioned about people spending money friviously, be it a baloon trip around the world or a diamond ring for your girlfriend (yes a few slashdot readers have girlfriends, amazing isn't it) there is immediate backlash.
      This is because, when you are making a wacky fridge mod, you are using your creativity, craftsmanship, and mad sk1Llz to make something. When you're buying a diamond ring, you're following a rather odd tradition. (My fiance loves her sapphire ring, BTW :-P) The slashdot community values the former over the latter. Pretty simple. Even an ancient 27 year old like me can understand it. It's not just technology, either. Note that the periodic table [] was very favorably received, despite its low techiness content.
    • Ah, but if you give your girlfriend a diamond ring that you can VNC into when you need her advice, *that* will get you major geek points.
    • When I use a computer, I tend to get immersed in whatever is on the screen. It doesn't matter to me if the cpu is in a shoebox or a golden articulated statue of Ganesh; I'm not paying attention to it. If anything, I think I'd find a cool case distracting, even annoying. I'd much rather see something functional, like serious liquid nitrogen cooled overclocking.
    • Because for the geeks something like this is not revered for its COST, but the geek skill to build it. A diamond, requires little knowledge or tweaking. You just dig a lot in the right place and sift carefully.

      I think the baloon trip is less clear. I think it's mostly a vocal few who arn't slightly interested, but I think it's mostly that the baloon trip is a LOT of money and because the press hasn't really focused on the technology in the baloon. Just him trying to make it
      • Diamonds require a tremendous amount of skill to cut. Have you ever even *seen* a raw diamond, much less seen someone cut one?

        Of course, buying one is easy.
        • But those are Hassidic Jew Sk1llz not geek skills

          But seriously who is the last person you knew who cut their own diamond (besides prefessional dimond cutters). Here we are talking about something that takes a fair amount of skill, motivation, resourcefulness, and sheer cruftitude; but is something that could be duplicated by any geek who felt he wanted to make this investment.
        • Good point, but there is little room for making "hacks"... which is what all these geek infatuations are. Not brilliantly thought out. Instead, they are usually revolutionary instead of evolutionary.
    • Ahhh, it's not the money you spend, it's the idea of getting something that would otherwise be ultra-expensive or impossible to get, for the cost of a lot of time and energy. Kind of like a unix-like operating system on top of 6 year old office equipment that's been thrown away by the local university.

      I haven't seen the chair (it's been slashdotted), but I'm assuming you wouldn't be able to drop by OfficeDepot and pick one up, hence the geek factor in modding one up for yourself.

      Diamond rings, balloon trips - they're for the masses. Now, if you were to forge your own ring out of titanium and gold, in your microwave, with a diamond bought wholesale off of ebay which you etched using a electron-beam-tomograph, proclaiming your love, which you then used an AI-controlled balloon running linux to drop off to your SO, then you would be the envy of geeks everywhere!

      Not for forging the ring or coding the balloon-control AI, but for having a SO...
      • Diamond rings, balloon trips - they're for the masses. Now, if you were to forge your own ring out of titanium and gold, in your microwave, with a diamond bought wholesale off of ebay which you etched using a electron-beam-tomograph, proclaiming your love, which you then used an AI-controlled balloon running linux to drop off to your SO, then you would be the envy of geeks everywhere!

        Just the fact that you have a SO, wouldnt that already make you the envy of geeks everywhere?
    • Are you trying to tell me my gold-studded computer case with built-in HDTV and DVD player, welded to the side of a mini-fridge that's screwed to my sofa isn't frugal?
      And you call yourself a geek..
    • Being a jackass is more likely to affect your cool geek factor than your age.

      I mean, one guy didn't want to support terrorism, so he asked for backup, and everyone said go to Wales or Canadia. That's hardly a backlash, is it?

      God forbid that the people posting about how cool a case mod is and the people objecting to spending money on a balloon trip might in fact not be the same people...
    • Subcultures & Image (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Ixohoxi ( 170656 )
      The more the image of the subculture matters to a particular "member", the less things they do for non-trivial reasons. Perception affects both the senser and the sensee, and therefore becomes the most synergetic way to influence subculture. As a subculture becomes more concerned with its own status hierarchies, as members become more concerned with their own status within that subculture - image becomes more about what you want people to think than an altruistic representation of how you are perceived. Status becomes less about merit and more about popularity.

      Yes, someone who doesn't give a crap about what people think about a contraption they built is more than likely doing it for the enjoyment and achievement on a purely personal level.

      Yes, someone who builds a contraption because they know that other members of their subculture will view them favorably is more than likely doing it merely to improve their image.

      Although certain subcultures are smaller than others, over time the same social dynamics usually evolve. At least within the U.S., being a "dominator" society, there are still subculture members who desire to be popular among that group. There are still those who will be jealous and spiteful towards members whose subculture status is perceived as higher. And there are *always* those for whom membership in that subculture would be virtually impossible.

      The classic example is the geek who wants to party with the cheerleaders and jocks. Conversely, even if a jock wanted to play chess with the geeks, his subculture may not be so forgiving. Sometimes, image is maintained not by what is done but by what is NOT done. In certain subcultures, acting contrary to the norms can be highly detrimental to one's status. A big part of what drives the dynamic is conformity - which in the end is no more than human nature - a desire to be liked.

      Lest we forget those whom often reject subculture, the individuals who base themselves in NON-conformity often coalesce into their own subcultures. I'm unfamiliar with the dynamics of this "type" of subculture, but my intuition tells me that by their very nature the members are more altruistic towards each other and themselves. Image exists, but it seems much more a result of what one thinks about onesself than a cause to influence what the group thinks.

      What the parent poster has graciously illustrated is the hypocracy within the "Slashdot" subculture to criticize other subcultures for their ingrained hierarchies and trivialities, but revere such qualities within their own. What often ends up hurting subcultures are the very things that enable them.

    • we are geeks. that mod is geeky. I personally have to make do with the old school hardware I can afford (my workstation is a celeron). I have confidence that any true /. reading geek (like the ones that used to read /. back when it was good) would agree that if some geek wants to experiment, and has a lot of money, and document it, that's perfectly OK. there is no room for "common sense economic judgment" in a technical environment like /. should be.
  • A flatscreen attached to a chair. Woo. And not even a good chair. Let me know when the mod an Aeron.
  • Does anybody have the google cache URL?
  • Mirror, mirror... (Score:5, Informative)

    by delta407 ( 518868 ) <{moc.xahjfrel} {ta} {todhsals}> on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @11:39AM (#4070792) Homepage
    No text (it's in Korean), but I have almost all of the pictures.

    See here [].
  • batman (Score:2, Funny)

    by nege ( 263655 )
    Holy NASCAR Batman!
  • by Reverend Beaker ( 590517 ) on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @11:49AM (#4070857)
    The system evening sunlight CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1700+ RAM: DDR 384MB MB: Abit NV7M (nForce 420-D and Micro-ATX 24.5 * 24.5cm) VGA: MB Onboard (Geforce 2 mx class) Sound: MB onboard (Dolbi 5.1 support) LAM: MB onboard HDD: 2.5Inch 20GB ODD: TEAC 24X Notebook CD-rom }power{: Enhance 125W MONITOR: LCD 15Inch Input: The present week mini keyboard, Samsung khu li su the hair storehouse mouth, it sprouts, screen It sprouts, screen (Touch Screen) Poem li el 4 line pressures of transmission method it sprouts, screen. Poem li el it is connected in the pot and the all the member leads and the }ps{2 it receives. 2T In the separation petal of degree thickness the side the film being to stick, pressure under perceiving cyo. With industry it is produced and is sold It purchased the product.. 15.1 inch LCD monitor The LCD the price of the monitor is expensive and em two degrees it buys in the price which wraps the LCD monitor liquid crystal panel when it does not put out, becoming, Also the remaining parts purchased separately. Abit NV7M Maine board It is a model which has not become the poem which it will dance from domestic. Fortune it bought the sample which from the wool company it carries in well with test. The nForce ci the gun su 2MX the graphic and stone monument 5.1 Channel future of the company of class tu the support and the LAN back are integrated with the 420-D micro ATX board and they use the DDR RAM.. Case of the Maine board where the graphic is had built-in frequently 3D the efficiency is not a condition and 3D the MARK 2001 benchmarking score stays in the some full mark unit, it will hang, it saw plentifully but 2600 pieces come out from the result basic set which test tries the system which it sees. The big score to come with is not but to in the VGA integrated elder brother board still and the board will not be. Intel thwu the egg it will count to belong to, the all affection width cooler right su the place where it is to stick with a bang be.. There is not a possibility of doing... Suitableness was to only that the security son-in-law.. The test result temperature was not comes to ascend a lot and it writes with it did that way. Is, heyn su 125W mini power Frequently the AMD that electric consuming is many, the printed style of writing power does not belong to B will not be, it worries considerably well with unexpected propped. That test bizarrely, in this power the }xp{1700+ and the HDD 2 thing, the CD-ROM 2RO, ci the gun su 2GTS, the t.v reception card and the CCFL 1 thing, 4 cooling pans it tried to be sweet it goes back. Of course petty eps canh Oh there is a feeling which is insecure but.. To initially khem it got the dignity LCD parts from the store and it insisted it put in and and and it used in the all display LCD monitor case and and, it makes rather to to appear to be recovering, it made with the acryl. In order to reduce the portion which it adheres with the bond in minimum it is possible at ten and it does it uses a paragraph music and and the screw, it fixed the acryl. The LCD the parts which except the panel picked up in support most and they put in and and from the monitor which breaks and they took off the fitting which it puts out in order they attached and to become the angle control. LCD thickness of panel portion 30mm (acryl thickness 10mm inclusion). To upper direction the handle it was sweet and the movement and angle control did to do ease. The place where the work rest portion is incompletion.. It does a flood control calculation by mistake and it does not put on the cover the nail e the bedspread. -; Main body inside features The case where the efficiency of the Intel affection width cooler is doubtful but it did not go over 50 degree test hour pool road charts without. The fact that it is visible in small quantity on upper direction of power li is the circuit which is the possibility of power with the wool cone the on-off.. The systems becoming the most all board, it was bold and it covered the agp and the pci slot and it threw away. Hour D ROM configured features It peeled the cover of the notebook hour D ROM and in order for hour D ROM going back to be visible. The IDE the temper head it was sick arrangement because of the cable and one it purchased the round cable The main body the features which is assembled Size 35* 26 * 6cm To above emission 60mm the pan is a cranium. Until power the gun 4 it will dance, le connects the place all control which is le with and the sound arresting so seriously. The pan of the CPU will draw with the BMW which it uses eym pul the RAM picked up from route, it hangs.. It searches for the method which will decorate the whole surface Reflection it cut, thing the letter which is a EXPRESS to attach the seat takes off from the refrigerator and it puts out, pwuth yess nine bedspreads.. -; The portion which has hour D ROM cuts and the features which goes back to inside e from operational hour is visible.. With the monitor and sameness it worked with paragraph music. The switch which is on upper direction is power and the reset switch. It connected the place power LED line where the LED is to listen to inside the switch and the HDD LED line. The features which attaches the main body after the monitor. In order for will burn to be possible easily tightly, it made. The photographs are arrangement example. The thickness 6cm with is thin and the space application does ease. It will be able to attach after the chair in order, it made, the main body it hangs The features which affixes the pc in the chair With option it is sold tyu it walked the main body in five white clothe hangers. When motion picture appreciating, quite wass the wall twa. To sprout in the monitor and to affix to draw, screen and and the direct picture in the monitor also it is possible. Even with the finger possibility but it uses the pen in order for the fingerprint to ask plentifully The side it does more considerably thought more After executing a art dealer keyboard program, like the keyboard it will knock the screen and there is a water service which will input a letter. The classification between height feels and support it is not and and under inconvenience it is long when but the tie phing it does with the eagle other law, the tie phing is possible even at considerably quick speed. ley sing Mode It made all and nwass ten the thing it won but the commotion printed style of writing it will open to the public too much language to peel, it hesitates and it draws out intentionally and nwass ten it is a photograph. The fact that it is added the tool one vibrating vest and the vibrating seat and the wing very gun which it purchases in medieval times myul the gun su the GP, and is telephone work rest in 56000 won. The vibrating vest was small too much in me and it put on it threw away in the chair back of chair and and. The fact that it props the monitor the telephone support broad way is the product which comes out. The LCD it tries to know the cancer stand it will write and the case 20 full house goes over. It purchases in 3 full house, it will be able to affix the monitor and petty it saw the hand. As well the cable arrangement problem more the army bedspread. Eight hanger and it tied Oh lays in portion of the chair and security this it did well but it will hang plentifully, li enemy distance the bedspread which is inconvenient. Becomes the radio anger early.. Starting the automobile is caught and when exhaust sound the tooth it is born, the vibrating seat and the vibrating vest vibrate, it starts. Thinking more the vibration ssey more the army bedspread. Only.. The seat the speaker ringing the place vest which rings together fixes in sound and ppi ppi it vibrates it trembles. The monitor petty Oh swip is long but riding in a car gratitude it is good quite. When ^ little more to feel the sense for the real, it does to sleep, the younger sibling it makes and it fixes when it is done to shake the chair in game and and. Main body and sul the rim it makes and the space application does and ease the main body and the monitor it will be able to arrange in the form which is various. The position which it assists with the matter and both faces thay to thanks it gives. Five monk exchange lumps.. it is magnificent
  • his wrists must kill after a while.

    btw its slashdotted, so see a cooler chair here

    the cool chair linky thing []

    • By the angle that the 17" (?) monitor is sitting on the tiny platform of your chair. I can imagine the fun you would have if you were sitting the whole day in that chair, being comfortable, when someone that is pissed with you enters the room and simply pushes that monitor forward.

      That thing sorta looks about as safe as bench-pressing without a spotter.

      I wouldn't attempt to sell that thing to anyone unless you do some serious re-engineering to make sure that there is NO possible way for the monitor to come flying at the user of that chair/desk.

    • This too, is slashdotted (sort of... exceeded data transfer limit or some such yahoo error)
    • Which is also slashdotted...

      So, does anyone have any cache, mirrors or anything for the main story or this?

  • And it wasn't really that expensive. There are lots of controller chips for resistive touch screen available out there. They cost almost nothing (OK, I thing I got mine as a sample...) and with a minimalistic circuit will talk directly to RS-232.

    Then the screen itself is ~100$

    Can't be much more than a day of work.

  • Not sure about the Korean thing, M$ IE 5.5 (yeah, I am posting from work...) doesn't render it correctly - looks like gobble-de-geek on my monitor! (gobble-de-gook is not PC in this case...)

    (for the humor impaired - Laugh. Its funny.)
  • At first glance, that chair is pretty damn cool. Definitely something that would be fun to design and build.
    Though, after looking at it for a bit I've noticed it isn't exactly functional. No room to use mouse and you have to get up from the chair to use the CDROM.
    However, it would make the hours and hours it takes to do anything in EQ much more... ummm... comfortable.

  • The BMW logo [] on the computer reminded me of this story [] about the BMW chair. Combine the two -- have a roaming leather seat out of a BMW and hook up the computer and touch screen flat panel monitor to it. Maybe make the system wireless..
    • *snaps fingers*

      That's where I saw this mod before. I was looking at the pictures and thought to myself, "Self, where have we seen these before?" Well, somewhere in that BMW chair mod someone posted a link to this one.

      Funny that the URL didn't get submitted sooner.
  • ....the /. effect could be counted as a "complete system mod" :)
  • I would have made it a bit thicker to use a real hard drive instead of a laptop drive.. Laptop drives are horribly slow and small. Jam a nice 40-9540 gig ATA100 7200 RPM drive in there (Hell with the nice polished aluminum top a aluminum heatsink that is stuck to the hard drive top sticking out would look cool too..)

    Major kudos to this hack, the case and monitor are cool on it's own...

    I just wish these people would take 40-100 photos during the construction phase to help newbies.
  • It's a chair. Okay, fine. Next time I want to see a toilet. Now that would be useful.

  • The heat from the unit catches the back of the chair on fire. Of course at this point, you're semi-locked into the chair by the touchscreen, so you're desperately scootching along the floor trying to wrench yourself free from a horrible death straight from Terry Gilliam's worst nightmare...
  • I know a korean who said "a picture is worth a thousand words is an american saying" but that only an American would believe it because a picture shows neither what preceeded the event, nor what followed. Thus a picture is pretty worthless.

    I though it was ironic. Of course these pictures to tell a lot. Mostly he was talking about action photos I think, but what do I know?
    • Like the historic photo of the soldiers raising the flag on Iwo Jima. Turns out, they'd already put up a flag earlier in the day, but the photographer missed it. So he convinced them to raise it again, and posed six soldiers so he could get a good shot. The battle for Iwo Jima continued for a while after that, and three of the six were later killed in action in that battle. One of them became a drunk, and as far as I know the other two lived relatively normal lives. (The longest surviving one died in 1994.)
      • Like the historic photo of the soldiers raising the flag on Iwo Jima. Turns out, they'd already put up a flag earlier in the day, but the photographer missed it. So he convinced them to raise it again, and posed six soldiers so he could get a good shot.

        Incorrect. First, the flag in the photo is not the same flag being re-raised. The first flag was a small one on a short pole. The second one (as photographed) was a large ship's flag on a 100lb pole (erected on the order of an unknown naval commander). Second, while a smaller flag had indeed already been raised earlier in the day, Joe Rosenthal's picture of the flag raising was not staged. He simply tagged along with the marines charged with erecting the larger, more visible flag. See here [] and here [] for more complete accounts of the event. I implore all of you to try a simple Google search [] before you mindlessly parrot unsubstatiated accusations of chicanery you heard through "a friend of a friend".
        • I'll admit I'm wrong on one count: The picture wasn't staged. I knew there were two flags, that part of my post was a typographical error more than anything. Not the number of flags matters much.

          But, I did do my faithful Slashdotter duty and ran a Google search [], and the top link did not contradict the information I had.
          • But, I did do my faithful Slashdotter duty and ran a Google search, and the top link did not contradict the information I had.

            So the first link you looked at didn't say it wasn't staged, therefore it must've been staged? I'm sorry, I don't follow your logic. I've searched the entire site for denials that GWB is an alien in a rubber mask, but found none. Therefore he must be an alien. (???)
  • Looks kind of impractical and outright silly to me from the one or two pictures I was able to view.

    1) Chair wheels and power cords don't mix. Unless he was hiding battery packs, this sucks. You now have to unplug if you want to move your chair, you're constantly rolling over the cord, etc.

    2) Your case is on the back of the chair. How are you supposed to reach it to put in a cd, dvd, etc.? You gotta stand up...

    3) There didn't look to be enough mousing space and the mouse was on an incline meaning it would roll down every time you take your hand off it.

    4) With the mouse and the keyboard at that angle, typing and using the mouse has to be incredibly awkward. Probably painful in short time...

    I could probably go on but it seems pointless... bad design...

    If you really want something cool, get one of those big arms that looks like a desk lamp and drop a nice big monitor onto it. Then get one of the smaller ones with a keyboard tray and mousing surface. Now you can position your monitor and keyboard in 3D space to whatever is comfortable for you. This is the setup that my old boss used. Not only did it look "cool" but it was extremely functional.
    • It does have a power cord, which you can see in a few of the pics. With the touch screen, you wouldn't need to use the mouse as often.
    • I have been thinking of that exact same thing for over a year now, but can't find a decent source of swivel-arms. I just need one to hang my midi controller out of the way, so I don't need to shift my keyboard & mouse around when trying to make noise. Do you know where your boss got his kit ?

  • Why is this modification getting praise? Beyond it being a nifty idea, and a lot of dedicated time to do's useless. Why would anyone want to do this?

    Ok, the small profile of the case is really cool. But attach it to something useful. A chair is hardly worth attaching a computer to. Why not stick the damn thing on a desk, and not sacrifice your ability to move around. So take the chair out of the picture.

    Assuming you wanted a good computer on the road for your MP3s, something to do at rest-stops...etc. Slap AC/DC converter in there, and bolt the thing into your car. That is useful.

    PC mods are cool, but when it gets to a point where its rediculous, or even more useless, than it's a pointless mod. Pointless mods lose points in my book. Make your case sound proof, make it clear, make it glow, make it project things on a wall...whatever -- those types of mods don't render the thing useless. This crossed the line, and it IS useless. I'm not impressed. You wish you had the time to do it? Aye...but I'd spend the time doing something else.

  • by Jonny 290 ( 260890 ) <brojames&ductape,net> on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @12:43PM (#4071198) Homepage
    From the story:

    I just wish that I had the time and money to make something this cool."

    You probably have plenty of time available; you just blow it all surfing Korean case-ricer sites and posting stories on Slashdot.
  • Well the link is obviously down but given the title of the article, mentally the first thing that flashed thru my mind was an Audrey duct taped to a wheel chair.
  • This "chair" has been on slashdot before, and I can't see what the item in the article looks like due to the slashdot effect, but this chair is the one I have been longing for......

    Poetic's Aura []

    lighting, heating, rotating sun tracking to prevent glare through the day, pre wired for its own two idependent 15amp circuts with 20 outlets, the list goes on and on.

    sure wish i could by one.


    • "lighting, heating, rotating sun..."

      There is a place where you can get a system that does all that and it is free! It is called the outdoors. Try it!
      • Dear sir,

        I tried your recommended "outdoors" product, and while pleasant looking and cheap, it was highly lacking in configurability. On the second day of my trial period, the sky began to leak and there was no way to disable this manually - I was forced to wait until the leaking ceased. The heating and lighting were wildly inconsistent with previous observations throughout this event.
        I was also astounded by the number of bugs in the system. Some of them got into our lunch and ruined it for everyone.

        Free? You get what you pay for, it seems. I can only hope that many of these issues are fixed in the next version, or I will be uninstalling it posthaste.

        Disgruntled user.
  • Chairs+Touchscreens (Score:3, Informative)

    by Leif_Bloomquist ( 311286 ) on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @01:01PM (#4071323) Homepage
    This (tacking a touchscreen onto a chair) is done a lot in industry, especially for joystick/teleoperated machines. Looks like this guy had fun with a low-budget version.

    Industry examples:

    Mining [] (my company, and we doubled the size of the touchscreen on the latest model.)

    Forestry [] (Simulator)
  • Reminds me of the professor []'s chair.
  • It isn't running linux.
  • That chair is seriously primitive. This chair [] is much more interesting, and the site's in English.

    Another interesting site rejected by /. is here [] which features cross-country robot racing.

    All hail Dubya! Bringing the worst of cold-war era eastern-block governments to a city near you.

  • by mkelley ( 411060 )
    How do you say slashdotted in korean?
  • I wonder - how hard would it be to write a script that checks Slashdot every minute, and upon finding a new story, automatically follow the link and copy it to a mirror?

    Hmmmm.... time to bring out the PHP reference.

  • You know what... If someone wants to come up with an orignal idea thats great. Most of the people who post on slashdot seem to think that they are the smartest person in the world... I.e. If it's not their idea then it's no good. For god sakes, just say you don't personally like the idea or say nothing at all. Arrfffggghhh!
  • Begin sarcasm

    Hey, I modded my baby sister! W00t! Strapped the toaster to her bum! Pure mobile functionality man! And see, in the pictures, that casserole on her head? I must admit that's just to make it look cooler. Cyborg man!

    Can I have my mod posted on slashdot? Please? I'll even make some pretty HTML pages for the pictures... I have just the tool... ...clickety click...

    Here! Frontpage!

    End Sarcasm

    Editors, enough silly mods please.

    Or I really will strap the toaster to my sister's bum. You've been warned.

  • Wouldn't it be even cooler if he built the entire thing inside a Teddy Bear? []
  • I hurt my back bad enough to end up building this []

"Engineering meets art in the parking lot and things explode." -- Garry Peterson, about Survival Research Labs
