Texas Instruments Announces New Calculator 235
S. Kinney writes "TI recently announced the development of a new calculator, known as the Voyage 200, to replace the TI-92+. The software changes are rather minor, as the device is designed to be compatible with the 92, though the addition of a clock makes the Voyage more functional for some, and the case of the device enjoys a new design. Perhaps the most useful upgrade to the 92+ is the addition of more memory, for a sum of 2.7 MB of storage. No word on release date, but it'll be interesting to see how this comes out. It may be one more step towards releasing a modern-day Avigo, their failed PDA from a few years back. "
TI Calculators saved my college career. (Score:5, Funny)
Tetris® on a calculator and how to make it (Score:3, Funny)
handy tetris playing calculator.
Which calculator is that? BPS has never authorized a TETRIS® game for the TI, Casio, or HP calculator platforms. You may have had a falling tetramino game (incidentally, here's how to make one [everything2.com]), but it wasn't Tetris brand (for instance, I remember playing "Jetris" on a TI-89 calculator, where the J was a reversed half-uncial T); if it was, the author infringed the trademark on Tetris [everything2.com]. We don't want ticalc.org to shut down again, do we?
Re:Tetris® on a calculator and how to make it (Score:1)
Re:Tetris® on a calculator and how to make it (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:TI Calculators saved my college career. (Score:1)
Almost all the power of the 92 but in the form of an 86... It's saved my life on multiple occassions.
Re:TI Calculators saved my college career. (Score:2)
It's incredibly arbitrary, that's for certain...
Re:TI Calculators saved my college career. (Score:2)
That's not funny lookin', that's a lowercase 'q'! (Score:2)
It does look a bit odd, you have to admit.
I'm probably still sad over HP's decision to disband their calculator division. Still, in comparison, the TI calculators don't look as classy as (say) the HP-28C or its ilk - at least to my eyes.
A USB connection does seem like a nice feature.
Not being a TI user, I can't speak for their functionality. Do they have a RPN mode? What are the keys like? Are they easy to code for?
Re:That's not funny lookin', that's a lowercase 'q (Score:1)
I learned to program on my calculator while sitting in boring English Literature and History classes in high school.
Re:That's not funny lookin', that's a lowercase 'q (Score:2)
Does it do RPN? (Score:2, Insightful)
I mourn for the HP calculator division. My 11C still works great after 20 years- I keep it in my flight bag for weight and balance calcs. My 28S died last year after 14 hard years of use through college, grad school, postdoc and 2 jobs. I suspect I'll still be using my 49G years after the last of these are sitting in landfills.
Re:Does it do RPN? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Does it do RPN? (Score:2)
Re:Does it do RPN? (Score:1)
HP = bash. TI = CMD.EXE (Score:2)
That's how we HP/RPN fans feel about TI calculators- working on a calculator without RPN is simply crippling. Until you really understand RPN, you have no idea how slow other methods are.
1 a sin() 2 ^ a cos() 2 ^ + = (Score:5, Funny)
0 1 e i Pi * ^ + =
u v * ' u ' v * v ' u * + =
in school....
resolution (Score:2, Insightful)
zooming and zooming and zooming to cheat when finding the intersections of lines on paraboli is much too time consuming.
double or triple the resolution, maybe you'll only have to zoom once.
Re:resolution (Score:1)
If I were still in school, I'd have to have one. I got a 92, and then the + module when it came out.
The TI-89/92 series are very powerful (sorry no native RPN, but you can always download a program) calculators if you take the time to learn to use them.
Re:resolution (Score:1)
I bought a TI-89 about 3 years ago for my high school calculus class. I could never use it, but I had it. I couldn't use it in my college calc classes...or my electrodynamics class...I finally pulled it out about a week ago to do some simple calculations I could have done with my trusty TI-30X, only because I didn't have a pen and paper handy. I've used my slide rule more in the last 3 years than I have my 89! And that slide rule was just a gag gift for my graduation...
I think having to actually do the problems and think about them is much better in the long run. You'll remember more of it than just punching buttons.
Re:resolution (Score:5, Interesting)
y = -0.437(x^3) - 1.42(x^2) + 4.84(x) - 12
y = 13.9 sin(8.16x) + 2.4
Note that a calculator geek will provide an answer with the appropriate number of significant digits in about five minutes. I imagine you will find this impossible given the restraints above. If not, then I want to shake your hand.
Traditional (ie non-calculator) textbooks and teaching techniques generally pick "nice" numbers for problems. They do this because it is unrealistic to expect the student to produce correct answers in a reasonable period of time, and to do that for all the odd problems on the page, and to do that in one evening, along with all your other homework. However, this is completely unrealistic; NO problems encountered outside the classroom have "nice" numbers unless they are specially constructed.
However, with calculators, you can solve "real-world" problems, using realistic (multi-digit, non-integral) numbers. This is useful both for practical reasons (students aren't shocked when they encounter REAL problems) and for motivational ones (no more students asking "When will we have to factor x^2-9 in the real world?")
Re:resolution (Score:2, Informative)
First, we can deduce pretty quickly that all of the valid solutions lie in x [-2pi,2pi]. Draw a graph and simply plot the two lines. The cubic formula tells us that the first equation has 1 real and 2 complex roots so there aren't any intercepts other than the one near -6. If you're very good at drawing graphs you can already determine that there are 7 intersections of the two curves although the positive solutions may require steady hands.
Since we want intersections, set the ys equal to each other and simplify until we have a polynomial on one side and a trigonometric on the other.
Next we use the continued fraction expansion for sin to give us the approximation
In our case do t=8.16x as a substition and we can truncate the expansion at a convenient point because it's good enough for the range -pi to pi which is essentially the range we're interested in from above.
Now, cross multiply until we have equality between two big honking polynomial expressions. Move one side over and we've got a polynomial in x equal to 0. Is this starting to look more solvable?
Take the first derivative and do a few iterations of Newton's method. You'll probably want to keep the graphs from the beginning around for your initial guesses. I did the leftmost solution since that one should have the least accuracy due to our approximation of sin. I got (-6.131,5.66) although you can of course carry these calculations out to any desired accuracies.
Re:resolution (Score:2)
I think the details are important, don't get me wrong, but at a certain point you move on to the next level of abstraction.
Me want! (Score:2, Funny)
Damn them, DAMN them for pre-announcing this!
connector cable ? (Score:3, Informative)
I can't remember how many times my 2 players, 2 calculators chess games crashed because the cable had moved a tiny bit.
Let's build a Beowulf Cluster !! (Score:1)
Imagine this: inverting a 10x10 matrix in *five* seconds !!!!!
Voyage 200 Does not have USB (Score:1)
I can't hold back my tears of joy! (Score:4, Insightful)
Symbollic integration is a beautiful thing and it came in damned handy in my Partial Differential Equations class. Thank you, TI, for making LaPlace transforms easier to handle.
And before you all jump on my back, I'm not saying I can't do the integrals myself (I did them just fine on all the tests, thank you very much), but it kept the homework from consuming months of my life.
So bad-mouth TI's stuff all you want, I'm still probably going to get this bad boy as soon as it comes out (still have quantum mechanics classes ahead of me).
Re:I can't hold back my tears of joy! (Score:1)
Re:I can't hold back my tears of joy! (Score:2)
This is a bit off-topic, but go with me on this. Why is it that Americans have the tendency so say "thank you very much" when they really mean "contrary to what you may think"? For instance, the above phrase could be alternatively worded as "I did them just fine on all the tests, contrary to what you may think".
What's the etymology to this beast?
Re:I can't hold back my tears of joy! (Score:2)
The benefits of RPN are somewhat similar to the benefits of Dvorak - you can do many things with one or two fewer keystrokes, or more efficiently, and you can lend your calculator to someone for a test with the full knowledge that they'll be screwed (like having an unfamiliar typist use Dvorak..."Hey, your calculator/keyboard is broken!"). In addition, now that I'm used to it, RPN seems easier and more logical than algebraic entry. I'm not really sure why, it just does
D'oh! (Score:1)
When I saw this story I was quite hopeful, until I clicked on the link. Oh well, maybe they will make a new one, better than this one, with the non-QWERTY layout, soon. I'm waiting, TI!
Dvorak layout? (Score:3, Funny)
Having the QWERTY, and thus the horizontal layout, prevents the calculator from being used on many college placement exams, and college exams themselves.
Watch a Dvorak Simplified Keyboard hack appear on ticalc.org.
Small and powerful (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Small and powerful (Score:4, Flamebait)
Of course, when I got mine my freshman year of college, it sure made doing homework while learning to drink a lot more bearable.
Re:Small and powerful (Score:2, Informative)
Maybe if I had an 89 in HS, I might have gone past Geometry (Algebra II was before that, had part I in middle school). Those same overworked, undermotivated teachers made me hate math so much. If I had the ability to automate away the 2 hours of homework each night, I might have stuck around to see what Trig and Calc held for me. As it was, I didn't get those until college.
Re:Small and powerful (Score:2)
What does this bearable stuff taste like? Where can I get some?
Re:Small and powerful (Score:2)
Slide Rule (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Slide Rule (Score:2)
Solvers, and higher functions, no. And there should be NO calculators in elementary or Jr. High.
Re:Slide Rule (Score:2)
Re:Slide Rule (Score:2)
So just because you didn't use one, you think that they can't be of any use?
It should be prohibited to use a device which undermines what is being taught at the time -- therefore, calculators shouldn't be used in elementary school, when you're being taught arithmetic. (Except in special circumstances, of course -- teaching them to know how to use a calculator is a decent idea.) That's common sense. However, as my HS math teacher put it, he trusted that if we had made it all the way to calculus, that we already knew how to add, subtract, do long division, manipulate algebraic expressions, and so forth. If we didn't, denying us calculators wouldn't do anything -- we wouldn't be able to do the math either way. And allowing calculators makes it possible to do a much wider variety of problems, and to concentrate on the concepts being taught, rather than worrying about low-level things that are secondary to the topic at hand.
Do you also claim that high-level programming languages should be abolished, because it's not necessary to use anything more advanced than assembly? It's really the same idea.
Re:Slide Rule (Score:2)
My first semester Calc in college, the instructors rules were simple. If you write the software your self you can use it. I got an HP-28C and procedded to write the software. Since professor Freed [hall.org] was a good programmer, he insisted I explain how things worked. Then he changed the rules, you had to build the hardware too. Got as far as booting the 32016 cpu but never got the second board built that would fit in a handheld case.
Does anyone know of a supplier of side rules? I want one. You would think "think geek" would have one. click here to search their site for one [thinkgeek.com]. maybe they will get the hint.
keys (Score:1)
Re:keys (Score:1)
Nice name (Score:1)
I realize there comes a point where you can't just call something like this a calculator, but Personal Learning Tool? Who thinks these names up? Is like a bad Japanese translation of the real name or something?
Re:Nice name (Score:2)
Gratutious Simpsons quotation. (Score:4, Funny)
Guess TI learned from Homer:
-- Homer Simpson, on the revolutionary baby translator of which he is presented with a prototype, which makes Maggie's baby-talk intelligible.
( Immediate source [snpp.com])
(Note that shameless, off-topic karma-whoring is done in AC mode! Recommend adoption of practice.)
What do people typically use these for? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What do people typically use these for? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What do people typically use these for? (Score:3, Insightful)
Unfortunately, this is one of the things that hurt a student's math career. I really don't see the place for calculators in high school math classes. Physics? Chemistry? Sure, but not math. High school math classes should be aimed at teaching the material, and making sure the students have a very intimate knowledge of how and why things work out as they do. If the students use calculators, vital intermediary steps are removed from the process, and most of the students will miss quite a bit from those steps.
That being said, yes, I used my 89 in high school. Not for repetative calculations, not for cheating, but I used it to teach myself. If I couldn't possibly understand why a certian derivative came out to be what my answer was on homework some night, I would punch it in, set the variable to an arbitrary number, and check the output value. It helped me verify that what I was doing was correct. After one or two verifications, I would not use the calculator again during that lesson.
However, I regret that I used it at all. I don't have a particularly good sense about numbers. I am fairly well apt at most mathematics, but admit that I can't do basic division in my head. I had my Chemistry teacher teach me how to do long division last year - MY SENIOR YEAR. He was amazed that I couldn't do it, as I was 4th in my class, and never complained about a math exam. It's all because I used my calculator earlier in life, and I lost my number sense.
So, the moral of the story is: do not use the calculator when you are still learning the very basics. It will rob you of something that you can never get back: the prima facia experience of the methods and solutions. After the material is learned, sure, use the calculator to simplify your life in your job, etc... I sure plan on it!
Re:What do people typically use these for? (Score:3, Insightful)
HOWEVER, the topic at hand is GRAPHING calculators. These, when used properly, are a joy to behold. Graphing 20 equations of the form y=mx+b is a good night's homework assignment, and you expect no intuition to develop from it except among the sharp students. However, with a graphing calculator to display the lines and mark the axes, you can have students graph 20 lines during class, and they can realize for themselves what m and b mean - the former describes the steepness of the line, the latter the 'height' of the line above the origin. You can do teach this concept without preceding it with the usual weeks of training in formal algebraic concepts. You can spend a single day on the slope-intercept form of linear equations and expect that students will retain more for longer than they would if you spent a week on it without graphing calculators.
Think of any form of graphing that you've ever done...without a calculator, it is a laborious and inaccurate task of plotting points and connecting the dots badly. With a graphing calculator, it is a matter of entering MANY equations and developing understanding of how varying parameters varies the graph, and creating a deep understanding of the relationship between the graph and the equation. Compare that with merely knowing that an equation with a squared term will probably be a parabola.
I could go on and on, but I'll simply restate my point: graphing calculators are powerful tools for developing intuitions about the relationship between equations and graphs. Without them, you simply can't do this. With them, you can still teach how to graph on graph paper, but having done so, you can move on to skipping the pointless (pun) manual labor and studying the equations and graphs themselves.
I had my Chemistry teacher teach me how to do long division last year - MY SENIOR YEAR. He was amazed that I couldn't do itBegin rant...Long division is an algorithm, one of many that can be used to divide multi-digit numbers. It's a poor teacher who expresses surprise at a students' ignorance. Ignorance of an algorithm does not equate to poor "number sense", as I use the phrase, but that's a topic for another day. Anyway, it's a poor teacher who expresses surprise at a student's ignorance. They are either making themselves feel superior, or they are so inexperienced with human nature that they have no understanding of the concept of forgetfulness. The fact that someone was supposed to stand up in front of you and explain an algorithm to you eight years ago has ZERO correlation with whether or not you remember that algorithm now. End rant...
Re:What do people typically use these for? (Score:2)
Perhaps I should have explicitly stated that time is a constraint. There's only 180 days in the school year. There are other things to learn. There is not sufficient time to get enough practice when graphing by hand. It is impossible to devote the time to graphing a class of equations by hand when you don't have a graphing utility; most of your time is spent plotting points rather than considering the graph and its relation to the equation.
and using calculus to graph them, it becomes simple to judge the shape of a graph
Using calculus is out of the question. Using a graphing calculator, I can teach slope-intercept concepts to 6th graders with no formal algebraic training. They can graph 20 lines in 20 minutes. Most will consider this overkill as they will 'get it' after 10-15 or so. They grasp the relevant concepts and we move on to another one. Those same 20 graphs, without a graphing calculator, are a long and onerous homework assignment which all but the math geeks resent. The negative emotions interfere with long-term retention.
Re:What do people typically use these for? (Score:2)
HOWEVER...well, you get my point; they can be a powerful and useful tool if used properly. I wouldn't hand a kid in gradeschool a calculator any more than I'd hand them a chain saw. Both are too powerful for the kid to manage.
I would still suggest that even when the kid has formal knowledge of algebra etc., a graphing calculator can be an excellent aid IF it is being used to remove drudgery. If the goal is to look at and consider the graph, and how changing A changed its shape (think y=Ax2+Bx+C), then why do I want to waste five minutes plotting ten points and joining them badly when the calculator will do it in a second? On the other hand, if I am introducing quadratic graphs for the first time (y=x2), I would rather see it graphed by hand.
You are wise not to rely on a calculator. I feel that if you approach calculator usage from that side you are more likely to learn more and have a better intuition for when to use a calculator and when to chug through the symbolic manipulation.
Re:What do people typically use these for? (Score:3, Insightful)
Unfortunately, this is one of the things that hurt a student's math career. I really don't see the place for calculators in high school math classes. Physics? Chemistry? Sure, but not math. High school math classes should be aimed at teaching the material, and making sure the students have a very intimate knowledge of how and why things work out as they do. If the students use calculators, vital intermediary steps are removed from the process, and most of the students will miss quite a bit from those steps.
The problem here isn't that calculators are used, it's how they are used. If the curriculum isn't designed to account for the strengths and weaknesses of the type of calculators being used (basic, scientific, and graphing, and yes, it does matter which type is selected for a course and all students must use the same type), then what you describe will take place. This has been the common result as calculators have been used more widely in schools in recent years, simply because there is a severe shortage of real teachers out there. Calculators have been used as a crutch to help poor students deal with poor teachers, allowing the educational system to claim improvement while the situation worsens. Beyond the quality of education issue, many teachers simply don't know how to properly integrate calculators into their curriculum, but find that they must due to the widespread social acceptance. I was shocked when the SAT II Math 1c and 2c tests came out, having taken the regular Math 1 test the year before and finding it to be reasonable (and not requiring a calculator at all). I took the Math 2c test the first year it was offered, ending up below the 90th percentile with a perfect score. That's right, over 10% of the people who took it got everything right. The exam was obviously not properly designed for calculators.
However, this does not mean that calculators can't be used properly in a high school setting. A course at that level that makes use of calculators but does not teach the use of the calculators is doing it wrong. A course that was taught successfully without calculators and adopts the use of calculators without a change in curriculum is doing it wrong. Calculator use must be limited to fundamentals that have already been learned - nothing beyond the basics should be needed before calculus for general use. The strengths and weaknesses of the calculator must also be taught - quick computation vs. time and effort spent on entering in numbers instead of solving the problem. Calculators allow people to make mistakes faster, so checking the results to make sure they make sense (which requires understanding the operations) must be emphasized. And of course, an occasional "no calculators" quiz or exam is good, as are equations that simplify quickly without a calculator but take forever with one. You can't just drop calculators into education and pretend they aren't there.
However, I regret that I used it at all. I don't have a particularly good sense about numbers. I am fairly well apt at most mathematics, but admit that I can't do basic division in my head. I had my Chemistry teacher teach me how to do long division last year - MY SENIOR YEAR. He was amazed that I couldn't do it, as I was 4th in my class, and never complained about a math exam. It's all because I used my calculator earlier in life, and I lost my number sense.
You seem very quick to blame the calculator. I would seriously question this unless you were a math whiz before using calculators - did you even learn long division before being corrupted by the evil calculator? Quite simply, not everyone understands math as well as everyone else. Some people can think in terms of even the most abstract concepts, some just can't work with basic numbers, some fall into both categories at the same time. Sometimes people just take a while to latch onto certain concepts - I'm still figuring out better ways of visualizing things and performing basic operations that I had trouble with in school. If your education was really impaired due to the use of calculators, I would place the blame on the school system and your parents for not teaching you properly (and yes, parents need to be involved in education, and I'm not just saying this because my father was a math teacher).
So, the moral of the story is: do not use the calculator when you are still learning the very basics. It will rob you of something that you can never get back: the prima facia experience of the methods and solutions.
One of my first toys was an ordinary pocket calculator. Later on, I got my first scientific calculator before I knew what most of the functions did. When I got a graphing calculator, I learned a lot about programming and algorithms that I never understood before (never having used a computer for programming despite growing up with at least one in the house at all times), while playing games during classes or just being creative (I had so much fun with my Space Invaders "game" that was just two alternating pictures - it took some people quite a while to realize that it was a trick). Having these tools never robbed me of anything. If anything, calculators allowed me to explore things before understanding them, helping me along and giving me insight that I may not have had the patience to discover otherwise (like the relationship between 9 and repeating decimals). I used calculators to supplement education and not replace it. Maybe I'm just an anomaly, but this is proof that calculators don't have to be harmful.
Re:What do people typically use these for? (Score:2)
That said, as someone else pointed out, long division is just an algorithm, and not a particularly important one at that. I'd bet that not one high schooler in a thousand could begin to explain why it works; they just know that it does. Doing division by hand is generally time consuming and error-prone, and so you might as well use a calculator. It's a handy thing to know, and good for those in elementary school to learn, but I'd hardly call someone a mathmatical failure if they don't know how to do it.
Rant about calculators.. (Score:1, Flamebait)
It's a good shortcut when you acctually know the math, but getting a calculator that will integrate (2x+1)/(1+x^2) (ok, that's easy, but you get the point) for you doesn't exactly encourage thinking. The problem with the superficial learning that you get from using calculators (especially symbolhandling) is that you can't really solve any problems. As soon as you go outside the boundaries of the calculator you're lost.
An analogy is that calculators is a bit like using windows: sure it's easy and nice, but you never gain understanding. While doing it by hand is more like unices: it's hard in the beginning, but all that is rewarded when you *understand* how it all fits together.
I have a ti-89, but i use it as little as possible. In my university no calculators are allowed during exams, and if you're stupid enough to use them in class you don't have much chance of passing the exam (simply because you wont understand)
While calculators are obviously good, lets keep 'em out of school!
Re:Rant about calculators.. (Score:1)
i think calculators with complex functionality like these do server a prupose...if i'm doing a physics problem that involves integrals, why should i not be allowed to use a calculator that makes the mathematics part easier...i've already taken calc...i know how to do it...i'm still thinking on the physics problem, i'm just using the calculator to simplify the actual math involved....
Re:Rant about calculators.. (Score:2)
Re:Rant about luddites... (Score:1)
I can calulate a square root by hand and do repetative arithmatic - but I don't. Same thing with calculus. The important part of a tool like these is to change the focus of the class. Don't spend three semesters learning the mechanics of calculus, spend more time _understanding_ what the math means and how to apply it to interesting problems (finding volumes, interest, control systems, etc.).
I agree it is the understanding that is important, but the calculator only handles the mechanics - it frees us to concentrate on the understanding.
Re:Rant about calculators.. (Score:2)
What university is that shortsighted? True, I can see forbidding a calculator when you're actually testing a student's ability to calculate. When a student is first learning about integrals and matrices and such, they'll appreciate the material more if they get a glimpse under the hood. But it doesn't take that many examples to get there, either.
And when you start dealing with actual math applications instead of the math itself -- as plenty of classes do -- complex or repetitive calculations just get in the way of abstract *thought*. When I'm solving a fluid dynamics problem in a physics class, I'll demonstrate *more* learning by choosing the correct expression to evaluate and letting my calculator handle the integration and unit conversions. And I'll be able to solve more problems in less time, increasing my curriculum exposure.
While calculators are obviously good, lets keep 'em out of school!
Nice contradiction.
Re:Rant about calculators.. (Score:2)
Re:Rant about calculators.. (Score:2)
At my university, the calculus classes were optimized for calculators, and you were lost if you didn't use one, because the answers weren't round. Not that it made it any easier, you still had to show every step of solving the problem; you just used the calculator for the sake of time. In fact, the professor had a TI-85 with an overhead projector attachment so he could show how integrations looked when plotted, slope fields of differential equations, etc. He would even let us transfer the programs on his calculator via a link cable (or give handouts with programs to type in if you had a TI-81 or whatever.) He said he knows all the tricks of graphing calculators, and that people often stored "crib" in the form of text files or bitmap images on them, but he didn't worry about that, because the problems were written so that if you had taken the time to learn the material rather than entering crib on your calculator, it would take less time to do the problem because you know how to do it than it would take to scroll through a text file of crib to find the right solution and not finishing the exam when time ran out.
Open Hardware calculator? (Score:2, Interesting)
It'd be possible to make kits for them, even to the point of doing injection molded plastic, if you were making a few hundred or a few thousand. Circuit boards would be dirt cheap in those quantities. Just use some low power processor with decent floating point and integer performance, and make it readily expandable/hackable.
Re:Open Hardware calculator? (Score:1)
Re:Open Hardware calculator? (Score:1)
Re:Open Hardware calculator? (Score:1)
Wouldn't the cheapest, lowest model of a Palm Pilot work for this? Can it not be used as a complex calculator like the others? Yes, I know it would need software to do this, but thats not all that complex and someone probably already has it. Ok, granted it might not be as quick to use the stylus to enter numbers as using a keypad but Im sure it wouldnt matter in the end. Or is it a problem in schools and not allowing the use of PDA's in the classroom?
palms? (Score:1)
Re:palms? (Score:1)
A laptop on the other hand is much larger in size and needs a long time for booting, so you cant use it for quick calculations. Also it is quite a lot more expensive and if you just need it for calculations this additional expence is not neccessary. In addition to this the power supply of a laptop is much worse than on a calculator. My TI-92+ can live on its battteries for 4-5 months. On a laptop I would have to recharge every few hours.
what they're actuaclly used for.. (Score:1)
simple as that...
i'll admit it...i (more then once) stored formulas, equations, etc, in the memory of my Ti-85 (in high school) and my Ti-92 (in college)...
they should forget all these high-tech upgrades that most people will never use, and slap some more memory in there, so the calculator can store some more "data"
A question about calcs... (Score:1)
My question is this: With TI firmly entrenched in the education market... all those schedule of classes reading "TI foo required...", does anyone outside of the student arena use these things? Sure they are feature packed, but I'd think once one wanted to do calculations which would actually use the calculator to it's fullest, they'd move to Mathmatica, or Mathcad.
Twice since leaving school have I seen the HP's used in the field... one is at my work, a weather prediction / ship routing company, and the other was on Junkyard Wars... I think they were carving a prop from a 2x4. As of yet, I haven't seen those TI behemoths outside the hands of students.
Oh, and for a touch of flaimbait, just try pi! on your TI82 ;-)
Failed Avigo (Score:3, Informative)
Texas Instruments is notorious for releasing excellent consumer electronics products and then either crippling them or letting them wither and die. Witness the Avigo and the TI99/4A.
In the case of the Avigo, it was arguably a better PDA than the Palm Pilot that it was competing against. The applications it sported were certainly better and more comprehensive than those Palm was offering. However, TI made the dev kit for the Avigo platform expensive and difficult to obtain, so nobody of consequence wrote any additional software for the Avigo.
You would think Texas Instruments would have learned their lesson after doing exactly the same thing with the TI99 home computer 15 years before. Both platforms were innovative, high quality products that became commercial failures due to poor marketing and dismal support.
I have to wonder why they even bother to develop these products. It's like consumer product development and manufacturing is a hobby for them, but marketing and support are too much of a pain in the ass, so they don't do it.
Change the icon? (Score:1)
Calculators.. (Score:1)
Calculators ruined my brain though. I was in 'experimental' math classes since 7th grade, previous to that i was in a private school that didn't stress mathematics.. all in all, i've used calculators since the late 1980's. When, much to my shock, as im preparing to re-enter school and get an AA, i found i could not properly solve a long division or long multiplication problem on paper or in my head, i felt incredibly stupid. I rectified that situation extremely quickly.
In 7th grade they let us use a calculator made by TI which actually had a modulus function - in other words, NO paper work for most problems! When Math for Business and Technology came along, all was done using calculators - everything. So, in conjunction with the fact that I hated school until my senior year, i think my brain may never do mathematics again.
I want a nice Color PDA before I go back. I don't know how they feel about these in class now - but since i can't read my own writing most of the time, i think it may be helpful - and i can write faster in graffiti-esque than in cursive or print.. Now if they'll only make a good calculator (WinXP Powertoys-like) for palm/wince
Re:Calculators.. (Score:2)
Long division is in many ways a waste of time in grade school (especially considering how long it takes to teach it to kids). The only real advantage I see to it is that it helps kids learn how to handle long complex tedious procedures (especially since you have to do a LOT of long division in grade school). If you really need the skill later in life it's not that hard to pick up (for someone who already has experiance with complex procedures).
Note, the above assumes you can already do simple division (IE, you know that 56 / 7 == 8). I recommend never letting kids look at a calculator until they have the multiplications tables (at least up to 10) memorzied fully.
Of course this is just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Calcuputer (Score:1, Redundant)
Mine work flawlessly until I moved out, left it there for a few weeks and my brother smashed it with a hammer. He didn't know it worked.
He opened the expansion drive and used it as a [heavy] garage to park his hotwheels.
But now as I want to get him into programming... I wish this machine was around so I could teach him basic.
Time for a TI92+ emulator for Palm (Score:2)
Re:Time for a TI92+ emulator for Palm (Score:1)
TI-89 is the best I've had (Score:1)
Opinions of a TI geek (Score:4, Insightful)
First of all I have to say that I'm glad they redesigned the 92(+). It's always been a great calculator but the thing is big as hell. It's thick, heavy, HUGE (which is why I like the 89). I'm sure that this one won't weight nearyly so much, which is a MAJOR plus.
It's good to hear that it's compatible with software made for the 92+. This means that tons and tons of games are all ready ready to go. If they don't work, chances are that they won't need much tweaking before they do.
Having more storage is also great. I've always fought with my calculators trying to put on all the games that I like without running out of memory. The flash on the 83+ and 89 is nice, but you can't run assembly programs out of it. You have to move them from flash to normal ram to play them, which is anoying. This is the one thing that I hope they change.
Over all looks good. I'm sorry I didn't write more, but I've got lots of surfing to do. I can't wait to get my hands on one in a store of find someone who buys one so I can check it out first hand.
calculators do nothing for number dyslexia (Score:2)
Good for TI-92 users, bad for HS students. (Score:3, Interesting)
A couple years later when I went to college, the TI-89 came out with all the functionality of a TI-92 PLUS in a TI-86 packaging---perfect I told myself. That would have made the ultimate calculator for High School or College.
Now they go back to the TI-92 type layout. This is probably good for professionals, and it is no doubt a good machine, but I would never use it when its already larger than my Sony 505 laptop. (Granted, no good Graphic Calculator software exists for PCs besides the XP powertoy which won't run on this laptop).
I wish they had kept the TI-xx naming string too, because those models already have an established market--and with this new name, that might be lost.
Anyone bet how long it'll be until we see the TI-90 with components from this new one but in a TI-90 formfactor?
Re:Good for TI-92 users, bad for HS students. (Score:2)
Re:Good for TI-92 users, bad for HS students. (Score:2)
I'm not looking for an emulation of another hardware platform....just a simple Graphing Calculator app for me to use, without having to dig up ROM images or anything of the like.
Macs have come with an amazing 3D graphing calculator for years...and for the first time, Windows users have something similar in the WinXP Powertoys' Graphing Calculator.
RPN or bust! (Score:1)
Why not just buy a Palm? (Score:2, Informative)
mp3 (Score:2, Troll)
TI vs. HP (Score:3, Funny)
My Turing machine is better than your Turing machine!
Back to the Abacus (Score:2)
In college, I was taking an introductory Electrical Engineering course which dealt primarily with the basics of circuits and such. Our second test of the semester (we only had two tests, so this was a biggie) required you to use complex algebra to solve all of the problems. Now, complex algebra is not difficult, rather its a pain in the ass, meticulous and time consuming. So I heard that the bookstore was selling this new calculator (HP x46 or something like that) that performed complex algebra with the press of a button. Sweet! I was able to convince my parents to cough up $100 so I could run down to the store and buy one of these technological wonders. I picked one up, and sure enough - it performed complex algebra with the press of a button. I took the test the next day (which was rather easy) in record time.
When I received the test back and my score was 5 out of 100, I realized that I had been pressing the WRONG BUTTON during the entire test. Damn. Drop class, do not collect $200, go directly to the Registrar's office.
Please - learn from my mistakes and read the manual (RTFM!). One more request - no "you stupid asshole" comments; I know it was retarded.
Re:Is this a joke? (Score:1)
Still, I can't get very excited over a new calculator announcement. Heh.
Defending RPN and HP calculators (Score:4, Offtopic)
I freely admit, when I was first introduced to RPN on a calculator, it seemed odd. Yet it's not some bizarre geek snobbery that has me say that it's worthwhile - after getting used to it (and it did not take long, really) it really is much more efficient.
Speaking of HP calculators in particular, they do or did have a couple of very strong points that tended to distinguish them from their peers:
The later HP graphic calculators also supported an algebraic entry mode for those who found it easier or more intuitive than RPN.
I'm glad your TI worked well for you! But there are good reasons why the HP calculators are so widely recommended.
Re:Defending RPN and HP calculators (Score:1)
However, as you hinted, the HP calculators suffer from a too small screen. Both on width and in height.
Besides with the TI you can copy and paste parts of formulas, I'm not sure it's that easy with RPN.
But I agree with a former poster that a plugin for RPN for the TI would be good. For some stuff it's just faster.
Re:Defending RPN and HP calculators (Score:2)
I bought it in 94, and all throughout college (grad in Dec 99) I was able to perform any calculation on it that was required while TI users had to get programs. Of course, I'm sure the 92 and the new one can do all that too, they just weren't around too much at the time, mostly TI 85s.
Re:Defending RPN and HP calculators (Score:1)
Re:Defending RPN and HP calculators (Score:2)
And programming the HP was indeed quite a chore, only did it once, and it was not fun. Lucky for us, it already does almost everything you can imagine.
I heard once of the lead designer of the 48 series at a conference was once asked if the calculator could do some sort of calculation. He responded, "Beats me, lets find out..." and sure enough, it did.
Re:Defending RPN and HP calculators (Score:3, Interesting)
As I understand it, the HP drawbacks are:
*butt slow chip
I had very robust TI and Casio calculators - one Casio survived being thrown into a ditch full of snow and being chewed some by a dog. They've all probably survived falls onto concrete.
I only use the graphing calculators for large operations as I can see the entire data set and order of operations on one screen, even after it has been solved, if I find an error I can recall the entire calculation, correct a number and reexecute the entire computation, as well as having more than one data point and operation per line - large display HPs still only have one, anything with more than what, 6 data points end up scrolling off the screen.
And now that I'm not in any type of school, I don't have the time to retrain myself into doing everything in RPN. I can do it but the learning curve, the cost and the cost of errors is too high to merit getting proficient in HPs.
HP's are for coders and those who think like them (Score:2)
This is very natural to the thinking of mathemeticians, engineers, and computer scientists. Furthermore, it allows you to do complex operations without needing to resort to using brackets or moving the cursor. If you need to quickly blow through a bunch of calculations, RPN is much faster than using traditional notation.
I can see not wanting to learn RPN if you aren't majoring in the above named disciplines. But if you are going into math, CS, or engineering, and RPM seems too hard for you, its time to switch majors.
Well in actuality (Score:2)
PS - as for doing multiple calculations, the TI-85 would let you copy and paste, or you could write a program in like 2 minutes that would go through everything automatically.
Re:Well in actuality (Score:1)
If thats the case, you would pick up the HP in no time. If you understand how stacks work(and you undoubtedly do) you can use an HP.
The really cool thing about HPs is that you can load a bunch of stuff onto the stack - then each time you hit an operator, it 'pops' values off the stack and 'pushes' the result back onto the stack. You can also do things like move values up and down the stack.
Although I must admit, copy and past sounds like it would be nice. But the HPs are also programmable, and you can store things like defined values and formulas that you can call up at any time.
Re:Not too excited... (Score:2)
Maybe at first...I got a 48SX my second year of college and that thing took a lot of getting used to. But, the more comfortable I got with RPN, the more I could do faster and more naturally.
I was able to upgrade to a 48GX (through the courtesy of Office Depot's Customer Service department) and I never looked back. I used that thing almost every day at school and even some at work after graduation.
I still have it here in my desk some 8+ years later and the thing works great. Now if I could find a 4MB card for less than 400 bucks...
- It's pretty sad when your *calculator* has a pkzip clone...
Re:Wow! (Score:2)