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Is This How to Carry Your Gadgets? 346

mightypie writes "What's the best way of carrying a Visor Prism, mobile phone, cybertool, digital camera, wallet & keys? I just don't like the vest solution Somebody here must have the solution" That is the most disturbing ad I've seen. Someday my phone/camera/pda/mp3 player will be one tiny happy box. As it stands my solution is baggy pants w/ big pockets.
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Is This How to Carry Your Gadgets?

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  • by rvenkat ( 258260 )
    In your purse, of course. :) - Radha
  • I've seen the Leatherman mentioned in several posts. What is it and where would I find it?
  • Clip it on in the morning, take it of in the evening.

    Mine has 2 mobile phones[1], mp3 player and Psion series 5 along with a pouch for spare batteries, hands free headsets and MultiMediaCard flash cards. All in all, about $1,500s worth of kit.

    [1] One business and one personal.

  • by magi ( 91730 ) on Monday August 06, 2001 @09:01AM (#2112667) Homepage Journal
    a blessed +1 butterfly knife (alternate weapon; not wielded)
    an uncursed +0 mini-axe
    an uncursed +0 laser pointer

    an uncursed waterproof +0 Goretex jacket

    an uncursed candybar

    an uncursed very expensive digital camera [0:340]
    4 uncursed rechargeable AA batteries
    an uncursed mini tripod
    an uncursed +3 rechargeable flashlight
    an uncursed Palm IIIxe PDA
    an uncursed Palm III keyboard
    2 uncursed AAA batteries
    an uncursed cellphone
    an uncursed wallet
    an uncursed 0.3mm pencil
    an uncursed 0.5mm pencil
    an uncursed mini-magnifying glass

    (Yeah, I really carry all that stuff every day in my backpack. Well, ok, not usually the axe.)
  • About 6 months ago I bought a shoulder sling (intended for a NATO gun holster, but whatever), attached a PockIts (leatherman cum maglight, plus other stuff, pocket). Then I built a quick release holster for my Palm and hooked my cell phone to the other side. I wear a shirt over it, and manage not to make a fashion statement of my tech-goodies.

    I was most amused to find the eHolster [], that'll cost three to four times what my rig did.

  • For out and out, retro cool, no aspiring geek is without his Chewbacca Bandolier Strap [].

    Just like the one that CHEWBACCA wore in the movie. But this bandolier strap is made for kids...not WOOKIEES. It holds 10 Action Figures and includes two pouches for accessories and/or secret messages (and/or Palm Pilots). Fits over the shoulder for play, even hangs for display. Action Figures sold separately. Ages 4 and up.

  • Otterbox (Score:3, Informative)

    by NavySpy ( 39494 ) on Monday August 06, 2001 @01:26AM (#2116394) Homepage
    I can't believe I am the only one mentioning and OtterBox []
  • didn't you every watch friends where joey carries a purse?

    Anyway that is something to try. Either a purse or a jacket with lots of pockets. I go for the bag myself. It holds pens, phones, pda, laptop, coffee mug.. usually not to a job interview though.. just to and from work so I have the things that make my life easier. many employers don't want you makeing personal phone call on their system.. thus the need for a cell. ocassionally I have to do buisiness (car friends etc)

  • Monday, 25 Jun 2001, after thinking about this problem I went to the ThinkGeek website []. I did not find this kind of product in the Work wear section but I found out that Willie [mailto] was responsible for new ideas []. So I sent him this mail.

    Subject: an idea..
    Hi Willie..

    Just had an idea for a new product..

    You got an excelent line of different t-shirts and
    golf-shirts. But there is something missing.

    Working with computers you quickly gather alot of
    different gadgets. Mobilephone, PDA, wallet,
    cybertool, mp3player, caffeine.. etc..

    Where do you put all that stuff when you want them
    handy and you don't want to carry a backpack all
    the time ?

    There are backpacks that have a nice pocket for
    the mobilephone on the "strap".. handy ? Yes..
    But I don't realy like the idea of having this
    thing too near my heart.. other alternative.. ?
    frontpocket.. well.. another Willie in the
    backpocket ? sit down and you have a puzzle..

    I have a pair of "suittrousers" with a nice
    mobilephone thighpocket..
    very handy and is not in the way..

    The ultimate GeekTrousers would be the army type
    with alot of pockets to put survivalgear..
    but going to work looking like Rambo will get
    management thinking of disgruntled employees and
    rampage shootings..
    Also it is hard to find a matching shirt for
    those important customer meetings.

    So go to an army surplus store nearby.
    stop by a carpentershop..
    Buy all different kinds of trousers..
    spend an afternoon in the warehouse trying to
    find the pair of trousers that will carry the
    most kinds of gadgets in a safe way..

    From that info, design a pair that would fit
    in the corporate world..

    Jackets or wests with the same properties would
    probably be ok too..

    Feel free to send me a pair filled with gadgets
    if the idea turns out to work.. ;)

    Time for the "Engineer suit".. The "Business suit"
    for Engineers..


    PS. Any misspelled words or gramatical errors are
    due to the long way this mail had to travel
    from Sweden to the US..
    alot of error sources on the way...

    I never heard from Willie or ThinkGeek so I guess they never thought this was a good idea. From the posts on Slashdot it seems that they would have made a buck if they had put a "suit" together.

  • by DougM ( 175616 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @04:29PM (#2126205)

    Follow the lead of the mobile telecoms industry: take a crud phone and add an awful PIM.

    May not do the job, but it sure helps keep the trousers up.

  • 'nuff said.
  • by bravehamster ( 44836 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @04:21PM (#2156156) Homepage Journal
    A vest as wired as you are!

    So they finally agreed to put in the Mountain Dew Camelbak? Excellent news! Now I can finally get a look at this "outside" that everyone keeps talking about.

  • by Telcontar ( 819 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @04:20PM (#2156178) Homepage
    I just couldn't help misreading their ad slogan :^)
  • I hate to say it, but the old L.L. Bean Deluxe School bag is the best I've found. It has a ton of small front pockets and a laptop fits perfectly in the center larger pocket. Plus you can put your clothes in the big pocket.

    Also, you can use it as a pillow if you don't have a hotel room and have to walk miles a day in the sun. a.k.a. my defcon experience last year. :)
    • I know. I'm on my second in seven years. They're about forty to sixty bucks and worth every penny. My old grey model was waterproof, and my current black model came that way, but the Pittsburgh acid rain seems to have eaten it off. There is one big pocket, a smaller pocket, and a *much* smaller pocket with an inside pouch that has pencil holders and a little zippered thingy, as well as a zippered flap on the outside of *that* pocket.

      Here's my cargo manifest (off the top of my head):

      Big pocket: Script, card stock, pencil case, notebook, garbage bag (everything goes in there and it stays in the big pocket when it pours buckets), after market Duo laptop case that holds my headphones, laptop power supply, and external HD. Enough space left over for a forty ounce of water and two CD wallets, when I need them. (when I do, the thing fits better- go figure).

      Second pocket: Sweater. Inside the sweater, Powerbook wrapped in plastic. Fits perfectly.

      Little pocket: Eraser, pencil sharpener, dagger, keys, swiss army knife, wallet, day planner ,asprin, ephedrine, sunglasses or spectacles (depending), goth makeup, work ID.

      Last pocket: Bus schedules.

      On the pack, as ornamentation: a Carcass pin and a Batman pin.

      If the bomb drops, I'm ready. Beat THAT with a stick.
  • by Cabby ( 39912 )
    Two words. Cargo-pants.
    • The BDU pant (Score:3, Interesting)

      by _Sprocket_ ( 42527 )
      I agree. But I specifically like military-issue BDU pants.

      All pockets are comfortable and fairly large. The side cargo pockets can accomodate a few small items like a PDA to large items such as your favorite beverage (each pocket can easily hold 12oz 3 cans). The pockets are sewen in a way that allows you to leave the forward buttons unbuttoned to easily slip items in and out without fear of them slipping out on their own.

      I tend to like the stereotypical black BDU, but you can get them in a number of other solid colors which don't stand out as much as the numerous cammo varients. You can get different "weights" - usually summer and winter. I prefer the lighter summer weights as they breath well and are even comfortable in the humid southern US. A cotton and polyester blend avoids fading as much as 100% cotton (which fades and wears fairly quickly). Otherwise, BDU pants are very well constructed and will take a good beating (although you have to take some scissors and de-string all the loose sewing threads).

      There are two problems with BDU pants. First, your items don't have much protection. You have to keep that in mind as you sit in a tight chair, lie down, or otherwise squeeze between things.

      The second issue is fashion. BDU pants won't be acceptable in more strict environments. However, they do look fine with both T-Shirts and polo shirts.

    • Cargo pants don't work if you're of, shall we say, a certain size. If your waist is bigger than your hips, too much weight in your pants means showing butt crack, something that's not going to help your popularity. Plus there's the little problem that some of us wear more than one pair of pants over the course of a work week, and you have to transfer all your stuff from pocket to pocket.

      I currently use a bum-bag for my Visor, my cell phone, my wallet, my mini-maglight, my car keys, my house keys, my airplane keys, my passport and green card, and other miscellaneous shit. I usually take it off as soon as I get to my desk or in the car or whatever because it's not that comfortable while sitting. But the vest idea looks good to me. I might try it.

      • by thanq ( 321486 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @09:18PM (#2162976)
        cell phone, my wallet, my mini-maglight, my car keys, my house keys, my airplane keys, my passport and green card, and other miscellaneous shit

        I thought that they were issuing all those things in a Casio watch. Oh wait.. this is not James Bond...

  • by i0lanthe ( 198512 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @04:18PM (#2156207) Homepage Journal
    My solution is a nice-looking yet deceptively large purse. ...'course, I suppose this is one of those times when it helps to be female.
    • It's all about the messenger bag [].

      I don't go anywhere without mine.

    • Or a... (Score:2, Funny)

      by dalinian ( 177437 )
    • Too bad 'European carry-alls' are not at all in vogue for American geeks. And to add to all this, why is it, when I already have, oh, 3 or 4 gadgets/crap to be carrying around and I find room for it, do I end up carrying my wife's lipstick/wallet/camera/keys everytime we go out, and she has a purse and no gadgets...
    • Doesn't help (Score:2, Informative)

      I just conferred with a female friend of mine who's into wearables and she says that purses w/computers are impractical and that other spaces on females tends to be not roomy enough if you don't want to run around DDD.
      • Helps lots (Score:3, Interesting)

        I just conferred with a female friend of mine who's into wearables and she says that purses w/computers are impractical and that other spaces on females tends to be not roomy enough if you don't want to run around DDD.

        Well, this female says that the right size purse/shoulder bag is fine. I mean, my teeny wallet/purse will only hold my swiss army knife, palm and tiny cell phone, but it doesn't hold my camera, bottle of excederin, first aid supplies, spare dog cookies, checkbook, book that I'm reading right now, hand lotion, charecter sheet and spell list, waterless hand sanitizer, palm folding heyboard, flashlight, interview tape recorder, small sewing kit, luna bars, bottle of water, pack of tissues or CDs I'm going to listen to at work. So unless I'm just going out for a specific time and goals, I carry my larger purse, big black bag or backpack.

        If you've got a bunch of stuff you need to carry, get a satchel, fanny pack, shoulder bag, backpack, sporanz or whatever you can wear without feeling that your masculinity is threatened. Or that vest could be cool when it isn't super hot out and you don't have to wear business wear.

        Kahuna Burger

        • ok, what is it with chicks and hand sanitizer? i wouldn't be asking on slashdot, except that it's 0030 on a work night =)

          is it just a "females have a sense of hygiene" thing, or something else? i have yet to meet a male that carries the stuff, but upon thinking about it, lots and lots of women carry it.
          • I had one that I kept on hand for after dealing with the horses or other stuff that can get messy.

            Granted, I didn't carry it with me though. I have a feeling the reason is because a girl might as well carry it with them, since they're already carrying everything else!
          • It might be somehow connected with the fact that men can pee standing up. If worst comes to worst, and you have to use one of those super-nasty gas station bathrooms, you can always just kick open the door, do your business, and go, all without having touched anything but your zipper. Women don't have that option.

            At least, that's my guess. You should probably ask a woman, and /. isn't the best place to find them (see that poll from a while ago).
    • And I'm a large scary man, and when I'm not carrying my Timbuk2 DeeDog [] I carry my Mountainsmith Tour Pack [] (which has been discontinued for some very nice looking newer versions). I've never been accused of being effeminate, and I ALWAYS have the gear that I (and everybody in my immediate vicinity) seems to need. I've got tools for everything from solving differential equations to rescuing stranded motorists, and room for a great big novel too.
  • Promo (Score:3, Insightful)

    by mlknowle ( 175506 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @05:18PM (#2162192) Homepage Journal
    Is it me, or did someone just find a great way to get free advertising on /. ?

    (i.e., say you don't like a product (yours), and provide a link - someone out there will like it!)
  • ...the only answer is cargo pants. Maybe they're out of fashion at the moment, but they live up to their name. I even used to be able to carry small textbooks to class in mine.
    • Re:Obviously... (Score:3, Informative)

      by HarlanC ( 472074 )
      See the new Dockers [] "mobile pant". According to the company, "The Mobile Pant is keeping in step with the needs of men and their high-tech, mobile lifestyle by providing them with a stylish way of carrying the tools of their trade." I'm not sure you can fit a textbook in them though. And apparently they are only for men. I guess women do not have a "high-tech mobile lifestyle."
      • Warning - to see the new pants linked above you need Flash and it launches a popup.

        That said, those things look pretty cool! Looks like you can't even see the pockets from the outside. Pretty unobtrusive.

      • And apparently they are only for men. I guess women do not have a "high-tech mobile lifestyle."

        however, we are perfectly capable of walking over to the men's section and picking out pants anyway - when I worked in an office setting I had only one "women's" suit because the men's suits I could find looked better and had more pocket space. Women with real hips I guess have more problems than I do, though.

        Kahuna Burger

      • by Moofie ( 22272 )
        Dammit. And I'm stuck with a closet full of non-mobile pants. No wonder I'm having so much trouble getting a job.
      • by Moofie ( 22272 )
        I love the "It's all in your pants" tagline. I mean, I know that's true for ME, but I wonder about those (male) models sometimes...
  • by blair1q ( 305137 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @05:19PM (#2162198) Journal
    I mean, it's obvious.

    Even if you only need room for a sonic screwdriver, a bag of jelly babies, and a key to the TARDIS.

  • by JoeShmoe ( 90109 ) <> on Sunday August 05, 2001 @05:24PM (#2162217)
    You know that strap across the chest with all the shotgun shells? Wouldn't that be perfect?

    You could have loops of various sizes (or preferably with velcro to size them yourself). They loops should have some kind of elastic strap that is rubber-coated to keep things in place. Or a series of pockets.

    Or, something like the shoulder holsters that law enforcement uses. You could wear it beneath a jacket and no one would be able to peg you for a geek. Just be sure not to reach for your pager when the cops pull you over.

    - JoeShmoe
    • You know that strap across the chest with all the shotgun shells? Wouldn't that be perfect?

      Like the eHolster? []

    • by jeko ( 179919 )
      You get double geek cred too, because Chewbacca wears one.

      The problem is walking around in public giving the appearance that yer totin' ammunition...

      Given today's climate and recent events, if I wuz getting a Big Mac or mailin' a letter and you walked in wearing one, I might jest hit the deck and return fire.

      Now, I'd feel bad about killin' yer Palm Pilot when I filled you full o'lead. But me feelin' bad wouldn't matter. The durn thing still wouldn't boot after havin' it's BIOS flashed with a .45 slug.

  • Most practical way (Score:2, Informative)

    by gweihir ( 88907 )
    is a backpack. I have a cybertool, pens, screwdriver, bootdisks, flashlight and, occasionally, an engineering emergency pack with more things like blowtorch, wires, cutter, etc. in it. Also assorted other things, I don't remember and don't need so often ;-)=)
    It is also great for shopping, if you use public transportation and do an evening walk through the city as a matter of habit.

    If you spend a little more and get a variant with a lot of pockets that is also rainproof, endless joy awaits you. If you take care that it is large enough to put a ring-binder or two into it, even better.
  • I hate belts. I hate people who put things on them, especially when it's a pice of electronics, particuarly cell phones. Cargo pants don't work for the same reason. They get heavy, not to mention that they're too damn hot if you plan to spend more than a minute outside during a Minnesota summer. The continental climate here cranks up the heat index much higher than you'd imagine.

    I use a backpack, and the one I have isn't too hot, even for biking. It has a metal arch that keeps the bag off your back, and copious pockets. The pockets for the helmet strap and rain fly are padded enough for electronics, and hidden well enough that you could probably sneak things past security guards. The brand is Vaude, and I think the URL is implied.
  • by jchristopher ( 198929 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @05:37PM (#2162278)
    Allright, you asked for it --> the eHolster. []

    By the way, I can't imagine that wearing one of these would be better than the vest solution you mention... but at least it exists.

    Please buy one, so we can all laugh at you.

  • My friends sometimes describe me as "the guy who carries more than the contents of many womens' purses in his pockets," and that tends to work rather well for me... Currently I have on me:
    visor (handspring, not g-funk upside-down hat-thingy)
    gerber (you know, like a leatherman, only stronger)
    It all tends to fit someplace with enough effort...
  • This shoulder-holster [] looks interesting. The 80's cop-show goodness is almost too much to pass up-- too bad I don't wear a suit jacket at work.
  • by TheMCP ( 121589 )
    I do tailoring for fun, so I tend to think of "how to carry large numbers of small objects" as a construction problem rather than a purchasing problem. It should be perfectly possible to make a jacket or shirt with a fairly large number of pockets, many of which could be subtly concealed. Also, by fastening the insides of the pockets to an interlining (a layer of fabric which comes between the outer, visible layer, and the interior lining) and using a good interfacing (a layer which stiffens and smooths the outer layer) it should also be possible to make the jacket ride in a way that doesn't look at all baggy and doesn't give a lot of clue to the volume of contents. Why isn't this on the market, then? Because it's a major pain in the ass to construct. Since everything would have to be subtle and hidden, all of the stitching would have to be done very carefully and a lot of extra work would have to be done to connect everything to the proper layers and connect all the layers to each other. (The alternative would be something like cargo pants, which have a lot of pockets on the surface, which is relatively easy to do.) So, if you really want clothes that let you carry a bunch of small electronic items in style, learn to sew.
    • How about pants pockets (this would work better on pleated front dockers type than on jeans) with little pouches (like patch pockets. but no flaps) so that you can stick your keys in one, your change in another, long stuff like pens and combs in another, instead of it all winding up as a huge lump at the bottom of the pocket?
      • I see that I failed to make it clear that I'm talking about starting with regular pockets, not visible from the outside patch pockets, and that the patch pockets inside these pockets wouldn't be so that you can carry more but rather so that what you carry can be distributed vertically so that you don't look as though you were smuggling oranges.
    • by JabberWokky ( 19442 ) <> on Sunday August 05, 2001 @06:47PM (#2162575) Homepage Journal
      So, if you really want clothes that let you carry a bunch of small electronic items in style, learn to sew.

      Damn right. I'm no tailor, however, I am big into costuming (Rocky Horror, the SCA, Cosplay, etc). My "trenchcoat of holding" is legendary - an Adolpho trench modified to carry even very heavy objects with loops, buttons, huge internal pockets, etc. At Anime Festival Orlando, in addition to the usual con equipment - first aid kit, toolkit, Palm, journal, two sandwiches, several Three Musketeers bars etc, I carried a large bottle of Skyy Vodka, a decent sized bottle of Tullimore Dew, Cuervo Gold, and a canister containing the five Thinkgeek shot glasses. Nobody guessed I had anything in the trench as I walked around the con. I walked around with no weight or "sag" problem, thanks to a nice over the shoulder, around the neck webbing system that displaces weight.

      I want to add a laptop, but the "flat and wide" dimensions creates a problem with making it hideable under the fabric - and the Picturebook, etc, seem to lack enough usefulness to justify buying one. When HMDs become decent (I have a Glasstron right now), I will probably use it, but attached to a laptop in my trench - I want a usable keyboard, dammit.


      • Shit man! Post plans! That would be perfect, and I could probably get my room mate to modify a leather trehcn coat to those specifications. It'd have the additional benefit of pissing off my boss, which is more than enough reason to wear a leather trench coat in the middle of summer...
        • by JabberWokky ( 19442 ) <> on Sunday August 05, 2001 @07:57PM (#2162781) Homepage Journal
          Post plans! That would be perfect,

          Okay... This seems to have struck enough of a chord to make it worth it to make a web page about it. I don't have my digital camera right now, but in the next few weeks, I'll take pictures and put together a site.

          I'll submit it to /. when done - hopefully it will at least show up as a quickie.

          As a quick and simple description, big, oversized buttons and gadget loops are your friends; every internal pocket should have horizontal elastic straps above it so oversized (long) items can be snapped into place (displacing weight), and the best bit was figuring out that nylon webbing (about an inch and a half, two inches wide) reinforcing across the interior keeps it looking like there are heavy items "sagging" pockets. Attach the nylon straps to a loop going around the back of the neck and to the armpits (of the trench, not *your* armpits, dummy). Both those locations can take weight without (and I'm no tailor, so don't flame me for misusing this phrase) disturbing the cut of the trench.

          Also, leave the waist down alone, and when you walk at a decent clip, the top stays closed (as it has weight), and the bottom flares open.

          Thinking about it, it's sorta like a backpack, only you're on the inside. Oh - and I tried using spring clips like the kind that some laptop bags have sewn in to keep you keys on... and they always dropped stuff.

          The biggest downside is you can't just toss your trench into the corner, and you wind up learning to pick it up by searching for the collar and lifting from there, rather than grabbing any part and picking it up.


  • Actually, it's a Burton DJ bag. P? CU=B25263030&PN=DJ+BAG

    I carry my G4 Titanium, Visor Prizim, cola, Cel phone and CDs for work in it.

    It's a nice tough bag with alot of pockets and pouches with good padding and a nice strap.

  • I sewed a huge segment of velcro onto the left sleeve of my jacket and a couple of informal shirts. I originally tried the self-adhesive velcro, but that stuff tends not to handle the washing machine very well. Anyway, the velcro is all along my forearm, and I used the self-adhesive stuff on the back of my Mako, Palm3C, and Jornada, as well as a few remote controls and my walkman. It looks a little odd, but I can do one-handed tasks very easily on my arm, and I always have whatever's on my velcro shirt scrolling weather, reminders, whatever. I'm planning to get a blackberry so I can have constant stock updates on my arm. I could just get a watch with text-messaging, but I hate the tiny screens.

  • by sakusha ( 441986 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @05:53PM (#2162340)
    If you want the ultimate computer geekware, let me clue you in. NOTHING. No phone, no PDA, no other crap. A real geek doesn't need toys. Wherever he goes, people hand him THEIR toys, all he needs is his mind. And besides, a real pro wants to be SHIELDED from all the annoying calls, pages, etc.
    I have often tested this principle when I do consulting gigs. I call it the "Naked Consultant Game." Whenever possible, I go in to the site carrying nothing but a pencil. Occasionally a client will be puzzled, asking where's my phone, laptop, etc. I ask them if they want me to fix their stuff, or if they'd rather look at a bunch of cheap plastic toys. I tell them I'd gladly carry a bunch of crap to gawk at, but it will cost them extra, and take me longer to get onsite carrying all that crap.
    • by Moofie ( 22272 ) <lee AT ringofsaturn DOT com> on Monday August 06, 2001 @01:58AM (#2147951) Homepage
      Yup. And if you want to be an ultra carpenter, or auto mechanic, or plumber, don't carry any tools. Use whatever is knocking around in your client's garage.

      This is ridiculous. Go into any situation prepared for all likely eventualities. The tools you carry make you more flexible, and therefore more valuable. I feel naked without my Leatherman...I don't use it every day, but when I need it, I NEED IT. Same thing with my Palm Pilot. I use it as a swap file for my brain. Man's major evolutionary accomplishment is that s/he has figured out how to use tools to make his environment more suitable. Turning your back on this fundamental advantage for an aesthetic consideration is absolutely laughable.
    • Bravo!

      I agree with you completely. If you see my post elsewhere off the main article, I said roughly the same thing about cell phones. I think you're right about the laptop as well; even the Palm V could be disposed of...

      Good luck and best wishes,

  • Two and a half years ago I found a jacket at the Gap which I haven't seen since, on the store or on a person. It was a test-market jacket made of a thick silver-grey nylon, and it has room for everything, while not seeming to be a 'cargo jacket'.

    Standard fill:
    • Palm V in the exterior vertical zipper chest pocket
    • Cellphone (nokia 8290) in the left zipper pocket next to the main zipper
    • Digital Elph in the interior right vest pocket (velcro closure).
    Leaving two deep exterior pockets at the bottom (mp3 jukebox, 20oz beverage, book, what have you, and an interior left pocket for sunglasses.
  • by Wintermancer ( 134128 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @06:09PM (#2162403)
    ...Now these [] are vests!

    Yup. Pouches for everything you could ever need and then some. Palm? Check. Phone? Check. Nerf-dart gun? Check. Junk food? Check.

    Best of all, you're ready to go in case you have an issue with the accounting department regading your IRS withholding taxes and such! Err, that is, out the door, not to switch with a Glock and scads of clips....
  • by ciurana ( 2603 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @06:14PM (#2162421) Homepage Journal


    During my last trip to Europe I resolved that I wouldn't take my Compaq notebook (it's a light machine but it requires carrying an extra bag). As an experiment, I tried taking with me only the following:

    • Standard Palm V
    • Palm V folding keyboard (same footpring as Palm V)
    • The Palm V universal recharger (110 - 220 VAC)
    • The Palm V analog modem
    • A set of wall adapters for Russian, German, and French wall and telephone outlets
    • Special software? A copy of Top Gun SSH for the Palm
    • Anything I was bound to need while meeting with customers (presentations, product samples, etc.) was pre-copied to a secure HTTP site in our network so I could download it upon my arrival using my customer's equipment.

    This was a 2-week trip. During this time, I scheduled things so that I didn't have to look at e-mail every single day. Added a vacation e-mail auto-reply just in case. Any notes that I might've needed for the duration of the trip were downloaded to the Palm as Memo documents (no extraneous formatting).

    I carried all these things in the external zippered pockets of my traveling leather jacket:

    • Palm V and passport: Left breast pocket
    • Keyboard: Right breast pocket
    • Modem: Left hip pocket
    • AC recharger and adapters: Right hip pocket

    I had excellent results. During the trip I had the option of connecting with the Palm and sending quick replies, or heading to an Internet café, install a copy of SSH, check my e-mail and optionally review documents on my server(s), etc. Not carrying a lot of stuff, and having a device with only limited capabilities allowed me to be more productive about what I was doing during the trip. I only had my carry-on bag with 2 weeks worth of clothes, so I was in-and-out of every airport I visited (SFO, DeGaulle, Frankfort, Sheremetyevo, Cheboksari, and Toronto [I can't remember its name]) in less than 20 minutes, including customs.

    I've been traveling for business for 12 years doing consulting and installing the software we produce worldwide. This trip taught me that it's not the quantity of what you carry but the quality and the planning what count. It was the first trip without my laptop/notebook since 1992.

    The hardest part was synchronizing all the materials I produced while I was gone with the rest of the work at the company. It took a lot of cutting and pasting and a couple of revisions.

    This experiment was an extension to my habit of not carrying a mobile phone. I own one but I don't even know the number, and I only carry it when I think I may have to call someone that I couldn't reach at any other time. I used to carry my phone at all times and spend lots of time using it. I realized then that my time is very precious and so is my customers's. No phone calls at all times means no interruptions while I'm taking care of business, dining out with my friends, at the movies or theatre, etc. I've never lost a deal because I couldn't take a call right that minute. If I'm expecting something critical, then I stay at my office where the phone and all other resources (including people in my staff) are available to take care of business.


  • by tb3 ( 313150 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @06:16PM (#2162431) Homepage
    Here, try this. Go on, I date you. []
  • but probably a good chunk of the /. readership are not allowed to wear belt chain clips longer than, say, 2 inches (After all, a 2 inch chain could be a lethal weapon, much worse than a standard #2 pencil, etc). I've seen many a geek walking around like some kind of strange electronics windchime collection. as for me, i own about 4 pairs of cargo shorts and 2 pairs of cargo pants. an unplanned trip through airport security can be a pain. i usually end up shouldering a laptop backpack just about everywhere (i hate big bulky laptop briefcases).
  • by absurd_spork ( 454513 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @06:32PM (#2162513) Homepage
    My preference for a wearable is the good old shoulder holster design. Not very roomy, but wearables should be small and lightweight. Wireless networking, CF Microdrive, Twiddler [] keyboard, and finally this amazing thing [] for display (this guy fits a HMD into normal sunglasses, and it looks 100% cool!!)
  • by unitron ( 5733 ) on Sunday August 05, 2001 @06:39PM (#2162541) Homepage Journal
    Well, if the Batman utility belt isn't an acceptable option, you'll just have to rely on a faithful sidekick who can also provide comic relief and draw minority viewers.
  • I use and recommend Timbuk2 messenger bags []. The one I have has lots of pockets for holding my iPAQ, iPAQ keyboard, Nomad jukebox, cell phone, laptop, books, etc. It slips over my shoulder like a book bag, and stays on well when riding a motorcycle or bicycle. They come with a few or a bunch of pockets depending on which one you purchase or how you want them to custom build one for you. They are essentially water resistant so I don't freak out too much if I have to brave the rain to any extent short of a heavy downpour.
    • The messenger bag has become the geek version of the purse. I'm not knocking this... I just switched to this solution over loading down my pants pockets. I wish it was socially acceptable for me (male) to wear a purse. That's exactly what I want.


  • Two words (Score:2, Insightful)

    by lavaforge ( 245529 )

    Yeah, it's not two words, but it's close enough...

  • I'm considering to getting a PCS-compatible Visor phone module []. Should be available next month for $250 through Sprint. Myself, I currently leave the PDA in the car and take along the mobile phone in my pocket. Pocket real estate is just too valuable.

    Of course, don't overlook Jerry from Parker Lewis Can't Lose -- a properly equipped trenchcoat can hold almost anything. Of course, you'll probably be subjected to excessive searches if you're even allowed to wear one at an American high school these days, but hey, you've got to suffer for fashion.

  • Think progressive sizes...
    Wallet and phone - pockets in my jeans.
    Leatherman, pens, small tools - jacket pockets.
    Larger tools, cables, camera, books etc. - In a small day-pack.
    Finally, for the bigger stuff, there's the tool box in the boot of my car. This frequently goes up to angle grinders, bearing presses and spring compressors. I've done some pretty hairy roadside DIY before now...
  • I have a mobile phone, Palm (TRGpro) and the odd other tool to carry around, here's how I do it.
    • My mobile is a T28 and I have the Bluetooth headset kit. The buttplug is goot at popping off, so you have to put it in something. I use a glasses case with a belt clip -- I just had to modify the lid a little so the antenna can stick out (The T28 is quite long when you count the antenna). The Headset holster also has a clip. In summer, with no jacket, the phone is clipped on my belt to the right, the headset is clipped on the front of my left pants pocket. In winter, both items go in my inside jacket pockets. If I want to travel light I drop the Bluetooth and just stuff the phone in my pocket.
    • My TRGpro spends most of its life with a PalmPix plugged on the bottom of it. In winter, like the T28, it goes in an inside jacket pocket. In summer it goes into a Lowepro Lumina Pounch 20. I can also fit my folding keyboard and Palm Gamepad in that pouch. I've put a large clip on that pouch that I can use to mount it on a belt loop. If I'm travelling light, I drop the PalmPix and I have a Slipper cover with a quick-release belt clip.
    • My wallet and keys are all in one thing. In there I also have a creditcard-sized Victorinox SwissCard. If I have room I also add in a big Victorinox swiss army knife with pliers, etc, but if I don't I just go with the card.
    Basically if I want to carry something it gets wrapped in leather and placed in a pocket or bag. No two metal or plastic things should touch directly. Hope This Helps.
  • Cargo pants seem pretty convenient for this. The Gap also has pleated pants with hidden pockets. Beyond that, get small gadgets.
  • Someday my phone/camera/pda/mp3 player will be one tiny happy box.

    Reallly? Why isn't it there today? I mean, both the iPaq and the Cassiopeia have performed all of those actions for about two years, and done so for a relatively decent price (figuring of course an extra $200 for the cell modem w/ voice hack, another $150 for the camera, still less than a grand).

    It's the Microsoft thing, isn't it? Closed source OS get you down? Like it matters with CE. CE has free dev tools and compiler, free emulator, and downloadable source files. And I guarantee you it's more open than your current cell phone, mp3 player, pda and camera. Hell, I was ticked at the low quality of the cassiopeia mp3 recorder, so I wrote my own VB app. Took all of thirty minutes and runs slow as hell (almost as slow as Perl), but I can record mp3s at 44.1k. With a little elbow grease it'd be even better.

    Furthurmore, though the Cassiopeia is a bit large, it's still small enough to fit in the back pocket of my loose fitting size 38 dockers...and there's less to keep track of when playing "mobile office." I intend on doing all my work remotely on my honeymoon via the Casiopeia...a copy of VNC, a cell modem and a solar recharger, and not even the Sangre de Cristos mountains will keep me from doing the programming thang.
    • Grr. WinCE has free dev tools that only produce binaries for v2.11 and above (guess which version I have). And the source is under MS's 'shared source' license.
  • My mind does not wander to the eternal hunting fields of gizmos. It's more like the ultimate professional wear for your typical "special deal" watch salesman. Open the vest [] and display your goods. Sir, how about this nice Visor, only 29.90? This Rolex is only 129.50. No, my gold rings and chains are NOT for sale.
  • I always used to get a great deal of milage out of a biker's leather jacket. Three pockets in the front and one on the sleeve provided plenty of room.

    The great thing is that leather can be worn even in pretty hot temperatures due to the breathing of the leather and the tendency for the jacket to hang away from the body when unzipped. You do get a lot of people asking you if you're hot.

    When it finally does get to hot, just take it off and sling it over your shoulder.

    Unfortunately, some bugger stole mine from my car. I hope to get another sometime soon though.


  • by alexburke ( 119254 ) <> on Monday August 06, 2001 @12:28AM (#2163484)
    As it stands my solution is baggy pants w/ big pockets.

    Well, Rob, I can see precisely one flaw in your solution:

    Best Buy Security Guard: Excuse me, sir. I'd like a word with you.

    Rob Malda: Me?

    Best Buy Security Guard: Yes, you. Please empty out your pockets onto this table.

    Rob Malda: Okay. [empties them out]

    Best Buy Security Guard: Uh-huh. A Visor Prism, an iPaq, two cell phones, a pager, a 256MB CompactFlash card, and a package of AA batteries.

    Rob Malda: But they're mine!

    Best Buy Security Guard: You were hoping they'd be yours.

    Rob Malda: No, they're really mine! I bought them! Well, in actual fact, I didn't buy them--

    Best Buy Security Guard: Now we're getting somewhere.

    Rob Malda No, no! My employer, Andover.Net -- uhh, make that VA Linux -- bought them for me!

    Best Buy Security Guard: Can't even keep your story straight, eh, sonny?

    Rob Malda: Don't you know who I am? I'm Commander Taco! Haven't you ever heard of Dave Barry?! []

    Best Buy Security Guard: Uh-huh. Sit here until the real police arrive...
  • Every day, my rather ample 42-inch waistline has belted onto it:

    1) Sprint PCS cellphone in leather black belt-clip case
    2) Handspring Visor Deluxe in black Neoprene belt-clip pouch
    3) Magnetic Corporate Employee ID badge on retractable belt-clip tether (to get me where I need to go)
    4) Two-way text/email pager unit with built-in mini keyboard... in black belt-clip of course

    ...and the most useful tool ever invented...

    5) The Leatherman SuperTool ($49.95 at your local WalMart) in black leather pouch.

    I have looked at many other options, but nothing else seems as practical and cost-effective. I may be ridiculed by the suits... and yes, I *DO* look like a certain episode of Dilbert... but I'm always ready to go. I do a quick "feeling" checklist on my way out the door every morning, to make sure I have everything.

    I could probably make it through any given day without all of the "toys," EXCEPT the Leatherman. I have used it at least once every day since I purchased it 18 months ago.

  • Correct link (Score:3, Informative)

    by alexburke ( 119254 ) <> on Monday August 06, 2001 @12:49AM (#2163506)

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
