Scrounging for Fun and Profit 145
Guinnessy writes: "According to Toni Feder on Physics Today, scrounging used equipment is worthwhile if you can avoid the pitfalls of wasting time and compromising scientific goals. Feder interviews experimenters who have dug up everything from dewars to nuclear reactors."
Scrounging or no? (Score:1)
Inheritance... (Score:3, Funny)
Man, I wish my rich uncle would die and leave me a 2-trillion-watt pulsed-power machine!
Re:Inheritance... (Score:2, Interesting)
Scrounging Junk - Eimac Radio Transmitter Tubes? (Score:2)
Speaking of neat junk I've scrounged, anyone want three Eimac 450TH transmitting tubes? 450 watts RMS in class A mode (lots more in class C), thoriated filament directly heated. Filaments are good, no shorts with an ohmmeter, were replaced from a big Toronto radio station as part of a normal maintenance cycle.
Want 'em? Visit my site! [glowingplate.com]
Free Dewars? (Score:2, Funny)
Although...you suppose they didn't mean Scotch?
dumpster diving (Score:1, Funny)
(some people just don't appreciate legitimate scientific inquiry!)
Re:dumpster diving (Score:1)
Cyclotron (Score:4, Interesting)
He purchased it for just a few hundred dollars from the lab which had been clearing out their parts warehouse. It took him a few months to get it working again, but a few weeks ago I was present when he performed his first successful "atom smashing" in his upstate New York backyard.
A glorious experience, to say the least.
Re:Cyclotron (Score:5, Interesting)
After all, this scavenging activity causes lost sales for new equipment and supplies. By their reasoning, recycling old gear is the same thing as theft. Of course, if they stated it that way, everyone would just laugh, so maybe they would try to couch it in terms of public safety or "the children".
Is this farfetched? Well, yes. But keep an eye on companies that want to lease you a product (from cars to computers) or license it (software, music, movies). The next step is month-to-month rental, with extra points if you become dependent on their service for your livelihood or well-being.
And it must really be cool to have a home cyclotron
Re:Cyclotron (Score:1)
Re:Cyclotron (Score:2)
Re:Cyclotron (Score:1)
"unreliable and weak" (Score:1)
I'm willing to bet that it can be made far more reliable than the big accelerators of today: it has many fewer parts, and they are all much more accessible. You're also not subject to overbearing safety rules that make everything take much longer than it really needs to (without providing much improvement in safety). For reference, during operating periods, the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory [bnl.gov] tries to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On average, beam is delivered successfully for about 100 out of those 168 hours.
If your friend is going to run this cyclotron, I recommend that he learn about radiation safety and put together a radiation monitoring system.
Whuhu, dumpster diving (Score:2)
University dumpsters (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:University dumpsters (Score:1)
It is absolutely freaking unbelievable what students will throw out at the end of a semester!
Re:University dumpsters (Score:1)
Petawatt Laser! (Score:1)
Heh.... (Score:4, Funny)
Eric Gearman
Re:Heh.... (Score:3, Funny)
(Anyone else excited about the new season airing in the US on September 12?)
Re:Heh.... (Score:1)
Re:Heh.... (Score:1)
Also, do you know if Cathy will be with us again next season?
Dewars? (Score:1)
who woulda thunk (Score:3, Funny)
research scientists scrounge around for stuff?
It makes perfect sense, i know a few researchers who go out every weekend to scrounge for some Dewars [dewars.com].
Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:3, Informative)
Little tip to junk lovers everywhere: Every physics department has a room or two that they don't use for anything. What happens is that equipment that no one needs gets stashed there and forgotten. I've dug up everything from high precision mirrors to fiber optic by the yard, and bits of machined metal I couldn't identify but thought looked cool. It helps if your department hasn't redecorated and refurbished its digs in a long, long time.
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:1)
I use to work in the physics dept at my school (JHU). The phyiscs department building is brand new (it's this crazy fortess), but nonetheless I get the feeling there are tens of thousands of strange artifacts waiting to be discovered in the rooms in the basement. This is probably influenced by going into the room with the VBNS routers, and finding hundreds of
Actually when the local ACM chapter changed rooms, we inherited maybe 100+ feet of fiber. Didn't have any use for it, but it was kind of odd...
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:3, Interesting)
Yeah, that's pretty much true here in Bloomberg. one of the Condensed-Matter physicists retired recently, and a bunch of his stuff is still lying around. We're (C.L.Chien's group) contemplating assimilating his old MBE for our group, but there's alot of other unused stuff. Actually, one guy from our group is salvaging a good LHe dewar from an old Mossbauer Spectroscopy setup, which should save us some cash.
There's also some crazy old electronics around the building. In the undergrad lounge/lab, there's one of the oldest oscilloscopes I've ever seen (and I've seen my share of REALLY old scopes). It's the size of a large desk, takes banana-plug-like inputs (not coax). I don't even think it could generate the horizontal sawtooth waveform, and that you had to do that externally. This thing was definitely ANCIENT, maybe one of the first commercially-produced CRT screens.
My old school (U.Penn) had alot of old/random devices around, especially in some obscure storage closets that appeared like they hadn't been disturbed in decades. Although it gets kind of scary when you're exploring a closet and you see barrels filled with random chemicals you've never heard of.
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:2)
I agree... and who says they can't be in fashion again? A terribly cool hack that I've always wanted to do is to take an old, original Bell, black and heavy and ugly, rotary phone, and turn it into a cellphone and carry it around. Bonus points if you do like I've been planning and put a socket in the bottom for a stock cell phone, and make the handset and dial work. That way, you just drop your regular cell in before you walk into Dennys, and then start making calls.
Re:Go check out rotary phones (Score:1)
I doubt if it worked though...
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:2)
Well, you could get your amateur radio operator's license, build your own radio with DTMF capabilities. Then join a local repeater club that maintains an operable phone-patch.
HAM's used to be hot-sh*t back in the day, before cell phones, when they could call people from nearly anywhere with their radios.
Also cool is using HF to communicate up to thousands of miles, and sometimes you can find someone willing to phone-patch you (a collect call, of course) so you can keep-in-touch even if you're in the middle of nowhere. My uncle used to do this from his sailboat when he was going between Hawaii and San Diego. He'd be able to contact some guy in California and get him to patch the transmission and call us collect to update us on his status. Pretty cool stuff.
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:2)
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:1)
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:1)
I have a heavy glass front surface mirror, a couple of cm thick and cut on a slant so that its face is elliptical in shape, on a little stand on the desk of my cube at work. It looks ornamental, but it serves the vital function of letting me see who's lurking at my threshold also.
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Go check out your physics dept's unused rooms (Score:2)
Of course, the really scary thing is the amount of ancient artifacts still in *use*... the control computers for the cyclotron itself apparently just got upgraded to VMS about four years ago...
We've seen this (Score:2)
God Yes! (Score:4, Insightful)
Scrounging and scavenging equipment is a vital skill for all experimental scientists. It's usually more along the lines of finding the unused goodies that somebody has stashed in the back of their lab than finding the expensive stuff described in the article, but everyone without military-class bugets learns to do it. (Actually, I'll bet that even the best funded darlings do a lot of scrounging, too) Figuring out how to use the components is sometimes a bit of a trick, but there are few things as fun as finding a pile of junk and figuring out how how those components are going to help your next project.
Re:God Yes! (Score:1)
You should have seen our nuclear grade stainless steel joystick attached to an Apple II.
ObProliferation - we had to inventory our reactor core once a quarter, and our commanding officer had to sign the ineventory to verify it was still in our possesion.
Sumbitted for your approval... (Score:1, Informative)
guarenteed goatse free : http://dir.yahoo.com/Recreation/Hobbies/Dumpster_
Computers are the most useless (Score:1)
This is so true. Although people tend to get nostalgic about computers, especially in the Linux crowd - let's face it - a computer older than 4 years is certainly useless, drains electricity for no aparent reason; at nowadays prices you can cheaply replace it with something many times more powerful.... Just reminded me of a thing I saw on TV - some sort of university in the US was giving old, used computers to schools in Africa, so kids there are not so distanced from the Internet age. The old crap they showed was competely useless junk. When I imagined the shipping cost they paid for these things.....
Re:Computers are the most useless (Score:2, Interesting)
Example: The early-90's vintage Sun "Lunchboxes" (the SPARC IPC, IPX, Classic, and LX) make wonderful small web or mail servers. I should know; My 'net presence depends on them. Electrical-wise, you can easily run a pair of them on what a single PC pulls. Reliability-wise, they're light-years ahead of most PCs outside the big server-class systems.
Processing power? Heck, does it really matter? They get the job done, and they get it done pretty darn quick. Remember that SPARC architecture is radically different from any PC, and NetBSD runs pretty darned efficient no matter what platform it's on.
Best of all, I acquired a whole stack of them for less than $100.00. Beat THAT with a stick!
The same holds true of some of the later MicroVAX systems. Right now, I'm working on cleaning up a VAX 4000/200 minitower, getting it ready for NetBSD, and to be an NIS master and boot server for my domain. Its power drain at full load (which I won't ever reach) is about the same as a mid-sized PC.
In short: Yes, the vast majority of retired PCs are not very versatile. Then again, IBM never designed the PC to be a long-lifer. The success of the entire PC line surprised the crap out of IBM as much as it did many in the industry.
HOWEVER -- Don't expect minicomputers, workstations, or other such equipment, ESPECIALLY in the non-PC realm, to follow the same pattern.
Older computers are useful! (Score:1)
heh... (Score:2)
Re:Computers are the most useless (Score:2)
It annoys me when people go and spend a fortune on upgrading a computer to the latest spec, then simply use it to play Solitaire and check email. Why do you need a 1GHz Athlon to play cards?
In my physics student days... (Score:2, Interesting)
Television (Score:3, Funny)
Great Stuff (Score:1)
Most of my computer stuff:
A dual proc PIII 650 soon to be upgraded with 60
GB of hardware raid.
2 sparc20s
My friend has gotten some even cooler stuff.
He has an old centrifuge (which he hasn't found a use for yet.
He also got a still which had previously only been used for distilling distilled water (they needed really pure water for this experiment). Now he uses it to make moonshine
Re:Your sig (Score:1)
In spherical coordinates, there are certain triangles( ie isocelese triangles with lengths = 1/4 the circumfrence of the sphere which actually have 3 right angles)
Here's a US govt surplus auction site (Score:2)
Re:Here's a US govt surplus auction site (Score:1)
F7 & F
Economically reparable material which requires repair, overhaul, or reconditioning. Includes reparable items which are radioactivity contaminated.
I don't think I want to roll those dice.
look smart (Score:5, Interesting)
"If you get a 100-kV power supply built in 1950, chances are you'll be happy. There is continual improvement, but no quantum leaps. Computers are the most useless--they are right up there with disposable diapers in landfill."
Oh, how true that is. And it applies on a personal level. I have a basement full of computer crap to prove it. I thought "Oh, I'll put them together and make some usable systems for a local charity." BZZZTT! The local charities won't even take anything less than a P5 or pm601 system. They say 486's and 040's cost more to test than they can sell them for. Frankly, it's hard to find a place to dispose of them.
But peripherals, cable and infrastructure stuff? That's a different matter. I picked up three fiber transceivers from Value Village a month ago for $5ea. Ditto ($7) for a HP Deskjet 1600 (the big 9ppm postcript color inkjet w/jetdirect). IMHO, local thrift stores are great for this sort of stuff IF you don't get sucked into buying more stuff to fix the great deal you got.
Looking for little stuff like power adapters, modems, printers, etc? Head for the local thrift store. Looking for wiring or shielding? Check out industrial supply places (like Pacific Iron & Metal [recycle.net] in Seattle, where you can get castoff spools from the local telcos). Looking for bigger infrastructure bits? You can get rackmount cases, cable, sensors, and all manner of interesting bits directly from telco salvage units, places like re-pc [repc.com], or if you're nearby, places like Boeing Surplus [boeing.com]
A little time spent doing some smart looking can save a lot of cash. Otoh, A lot of time looking can be a huge waste. You just gotta know when to stop and pay retail.
Re:look smart (Score:2, Informative)
Local universities. Ours sells everything from office furnature to autoclaves(sp) and there's plenty of power cubes and misc cables for free or cheap.
Self storage companies: Many of the local ones have auctions on a regular basis to sell off the stuff from the storage lockers that wern't paid up. With both a jail and University near by there's lots of interesting unclaimed stuff:)
The local thrift store is pretty worthless though since wife of another local geek works there and grabs all the good stuff right away.
Re:look smart (Score:2)
Scrounge -- New Tangent (Score:2, Insightful)
How often has a chance encounter or off-topic exploration resulted in a true find. That dohickey may lead you to something great.
yea ... (Score:1)
UW Madison Plasma Physics Group (Score:1, Interesting)
Dale is the king of surplus equipment. Glad to see he's still there.
recycle, reduce, reuse (Score:1)
Re:recycle, reduce, reuse (Score:1)
Scrounged Equipment (Score:1)
Shades of Austin Powers (Score:2)
Just once, I'd like for someone to have a sense of humor and say, "our plan is use this L-A-S-E-R to destroy cities unless you pay us one hundred billion dollars..."
(Translation) (Score:2)
While I was a hobbyist, many moons ago, I used a lot of scrounged eq (some of it looked a heck of a lot better than they stuff they had in the college physics labs, to boot!) and did pretty well. As a result, however, I have a tendency to scrounge before I'll actually fork over the really big zorkmids for new stuff. (Hmm, could that be a problem?)
Revealed: Jar Jar after having his ears bobbed! [yahoo.com]
store (Score:2)
Need a bunch of Teddy Ruxpin heads?(just the guts) Go to Axman.
where's a good friend when you need one (Score:2)
"Bauer landed both Zebra and the Petawatt laser through personal contacts"
DAMN I know the wrong kind of people...
Sometimes I think... (Score:4, Interesting)
Here in Phoenix, AZ - I scrounge on everything (hell, just yesterday I managed to obtain a couple of old PCs from my work - nothing of great interest in them, but the cases are nice - they were headed for the trash, from what I understand). I have several sources - both in the "pay-as-little-as-you-can" to "free-for-the-taking":
1. My work (free old junk)
2. Apache Reclamation and Electronics (cheap small and LARGE junk)
3. Electronic Materials and Computers (E^3) also known as Elitech (sometimes get ripped off here)
4. Dave's Computers (still checking this place out - owned by a guy who got shafted at E^3)
5. Some place on 9th Ave and Madison (Westech or something - want to check this place out soon)
6. Global Recycling (still need to check this place out - they are only B2B, so need EIN or something)
7. Equipment Exchange (behind BOB on Grant or Lincoln - great place for strange and big manufacturing stuff)
8. There is also a metals company off of (Washington?) across from Greyhound Park that is cool
For everything else - late night Friday/Saturday runs through dumpsters! Behind Nortel, Honeywell, many business/industrial office parks - great fun. Just bring a flashlight, some gloves, and throw a few boxes in the truck (to tell security guards you are moving and looking for boxes - most of the time they will leave you alone, or at worst, ask you politely to leave - don't hassle 'em, don't stick around - just apologize, thank them, and LEAVE).
I remember one time near Metro Center finding a stash of old computer equipment, another time behind a Honeywell finding some old minicomputers and terminals, and a big winchester drive (all the stuff was too big to even THINK about lifting). One time over at a Nortel my friends and I found some kind of telephone equipment rack - we grabbed that real quick. Another time we found a bunch of Narcotics Monthly magazines (funny thing, this was in a business park - not sure WHY these were there, unless some PI had an office there).
For the rest, there is always online retailers of used/surplus junk (I have a ton of links, too many to list here). Of course, the final place to check is Ebay.
Great fun buying and finding used stuff...
Re:Sometimes I think... (Score:1)
thanks for the places to check out in phx
Re:Sometimes I think... (Score:2)
I definitely recommend going to ARE - just wear old clothes (and depending on what you are doing and when, heavy boots, jeans and gloves). Be prepared for a VERY dirty place (as in, you go in, and the dirt gravitates toward you - I mean your hands get dirty just by being there) - but it is worth it to find the funkier stuff (I recently found this small LCD panel and control buttons - didn't know if it was dot-matrix addressable, etc - started looking into the chip, a bit of documentation from a dude in Germany (no kidding!), and had it all traced out - turned out to be a multi segment display for a piece of med equipment - a little cleaning, maybe it will be useful). Sometimes they get REALLY cool stuff in (one time, an industrial robot arm, in crate, no controller - for $200.00 - you just had to figure out how to haul it away!). Also, be careful as you look - I have seen chemicals and biostuff (well, it was marked biohazard, and it had little vials of liquid in a small case - scary) laying out/around - but sometimes you can get good deals on the stuff (currently they are selling big tubes of heat sink grease for a buck or two, and they used to have a good stash of, get this, acetone markers - yeah, that's right - magic markers filled, not with ink, but with acetone! Great for removing inks - like on address labels - paint, or cleaning small areas on a circuit board. I am sure you could use them for other nefarious things, but you would have to be more of a psycho than a geek to go that far with em).
Equipment Exchange is cool just to browse around - they sell to the public, but most of the stuff they have is either too large to haul off (like conveyor baking ovens for wafer manufacturing), or most people wouldn't have a real use for it (they had an old Unimate industrial robot there last time I visited - big as a car). But it is fun to explore. It is situated inside a very old Phoenix warehouse, had two floors - ground level (with a 20 foot, at least, ceiling) and a basement level. The basement has all the small stuff (I found a cache of old Apple IIe software floppies there once - probably still there - included the staples, plus what looked like a complete version of Eamon). It is kinda spookie, since they don't get many walkins - just you, and the stuff. You go down into the basement, and all the windows are painted over - and it can be dark in areas. I went once near closing time - and I had to make sure to leave the basement before they closed, cause no doubt they would've locked and left without knowing I was down there.
Global Recycling sounds promising to me, and it is just down the way from my house (it is located off of Deer Valley Rd, west off of Cave Creek Rd). It's drawback is it is B2B only, so you need an EIN or business license (maybe your employer will let you use theirs if you are buying only), but they also sell part by part, or any quantity. However, they are open only 7am to 4pm, M-F - which makes it tough for me to check them out (I am going to have to take a vacation day sometime just to do this).
Re:Sometimes I think... (Score:3, Informative)
Electronic Goldmine [goldmine-elec.com]
Prof. Morse at UCB (Score:1)
Think what *I* could do with that thing... (Score:3, Funny)
--and nobody's yet proposed taking charge of it for the sole purpose of world domination? What's wrong with these geeks??
The things I would do with a petawatt laser combined with, say, a small collection of orbiting satellites simply boggle the mind....
Warning about scrounging (Score:4, Informative)
When I was in high school me and a buddy of mine helped the chemistry department head "inventory" the stock during a big move. We got everything under the sun. Unfortunately, we found out that some of the containers were mislabelled, and nearly blew our heads off opening a can of ether.
Just a warning that scrounging isn't risk-free.
Re:Warning about scrounging (Score:4, Funny)
Not only did we find a bunch of mystery chemicals with no labels, but we found herring sperm.
Unfortunately it was expired. Oh, the things I could have done with the herring sperm.
That's got to be quite a job, working in the herring sperm factory.
*wakes up in the morning*
"Dammit, If I have to whack off one more herring, I'm going to die. I'll just die."
"oh lord, when will you dry up this river of herring sperm I see before me?"
the National Labs... (Score:1)
Re:the National Labs... (Score:1)
Re:the National Labs... (Score:1)
How about this one [spacedaily.com]?
It looks like it also took a trip down to Sydney [nla.gov.au] last August for the Olympics.
Gimme Gimme (Score:1)
holy shiznuts! (Score:2)
PETAWATT laser?? God damn! Do you hear me? God damn!
Nice to see (Score:1)
Too late (Score:1)
Actually, I won the MacGuyver Challenge Award at this years LepreCon (www.leprecon.org/lep27/) in Scottsdale, AZ. I didn't do anything nearly this cool though...
Unit II, yes nuclear, kaput :_( (Score:2)
Unit I had longes first run of it's type and has been 1GW onto the grid for 15 years. Unit II scrap and large multi million dollar hole.
just my 2 cents per kilo watt hour.
Supercomputer made of old diapers (Score:2, Redundant)
One of the scientists in the article claims (and a lot of commenters seem to agree) that old computers are as useless as disposable diapers. The researchers at Oak Ridge, TN would probably not agree. There was an article in the latest issue of Scientific American describing the Stone SouperComputer that was built at Oak Ridge National Labs because they needed a supercomputer to model environmental regions, but they couldn't afford one. They cobbled together a Beowulf cluster out of a bunch of obsolete surplus PCs that the lab had laying around.
The article can be found online at: www.sciam.com/2001/0801issue/0801hargrove.html
The photos that accompany the article are great.
Not bad for a bunch of "disposable diapers."
Interesting finds in "old computing" (Score:2)
Re:Interesting finds in "old computing" (Score:2)
I tried to grab this one [ofdoom.com] a couple of years ago when MSU [msu.edu] was getting rid of it.
Someone beat me to it, but later that day, I got a call offering it to me, as it wouldn't fit through the door of my friend's apartment!
I snapped it up, as I had plenty of room, and was working at a place where I had easy access to Irix disksets.
Re:Interesting finds in "old computing" (Score:2)
In fact, the *whole point* of skip diving and gear scrounging is to get something cool that you're not quite sure what it is...
disposables? (Score:1)
Trashing? (Score:2)
It was always `trashing' up at UConn...
-grendel drago
Re:Trashing? (Score:1)
Lovely huh?
Re:Trashing? (Score:2, Informative)
"Don't ask." -The best response when asked how you scrounged a particularly difficult to find part.
SRI Auctions (Score:1)
If you want a glovebox for your living room, a pallet of old Macintosh SE computers, old test instruments, a radar dish, or my favorite, the contents of a prototype intercept station with about 30 mil-grade HF recievers - this is the place to go.
We picked up a large jar-bath which we put a life-sized plastic brain into that now reposes in our living room.
http://www.sri.com/ (I think they should have one in a few months).
-- Jamie
My Fav Scrounge point. (Score:1)
I grew up in Los Alamos, NM, and am used to being in the shadow of the Lab. It is very much a "company town." As you would expect, LANL gets all of the cool toys and when it gets better toys, a lot of the stuff goes out to salvage. One of the town's more "colorful" residents, Ed Grothus, has been going to the Lab's salvage sales for decades and collecting anything he can get his hands on. He has *warehouses* full, and has collected the best bits into a "showroom" (read: a converted ex-supermarket that is stacked floor to ceiling with mounds of oscilliscopes, heaps of cable, PDP-11's, crates of microscopes, piles of office chairs, racks of test equipment, slides of test detonations, etc.) that he calls the Black Hole.
It is *quite* something to see and enough to make any geek drool. *THIS* is the place to hold _Junkyard Wars_.
I found this article [clui.org] on it. [NOTE: Author claims Black Hole was around since '69. Not true. The building was a "Shop & Go" (?? been a few years) until sometime after I graduated. I don't think he was open to the public (he did sell privately to movie makers and the like) until the supermarket was "converted".]
I wish I had some of my photos of the place on-line to show y'all.
There is a documentary out there that Ed sat me down to watch last time I was there called "Atomic Ed and the Black Hole" that gives you some pretty good glimpses into some of the stuff he has there. I have heard from friends that the film is in a few film festivals around the country.
Los Alamos Sales Company Inc. : +1 (505) 662 7438.
Private schools are best (Score:1)
When I was going to IIT, CNS (their network administrators) would throw out all kinds of stuff. They'd just leave it in piles in the corridors in the basement; it would get picked up later by whatever junk disposal service they had.
Talk about geek-friendly. There were at least thirty of us down there every night, looking through the piles of sliced coax, battered 386s, and 70s-era printers for something that others might have overlooked. I scored some sw33t terminals off there...;)
State schools, on the other hand...:(...I go to Portland State now, and they don't throw anything away. Since they're a state agency, it goes to a warehouse somewhere in Salem for "re-apportionment" to other agencies unlucky enough to be last in line for funding. Like they're going to use even half of that stuff!
I also thought I could do some dumpster-diving here at work, but this is a FEDERAL agency, so no can do! I asked my boss where it all gets put. Her answer: "Remember that scene at the end of 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', where the ark's getting put away in that huge warehouse?" So sad...think of all the electronics that only a geek could put to good use...rusting in the warehouse for two decades, until some droid decides to sell them...
In the meantime, I'm thinking of checking out some other universities...in my experience, it's the private schools that usually just send the stuff away. Public schools usually have a program in place to see that it doesn't get "wasted".
High school shop class (Score:1)
like most of you (Score:1)
You know your a real geek when these two conditions are met
1. They know you by name
2. You dumpster dive their bin.
Toni Feder in Physics Today (Score:2)
hardware hackers not scroungers (Score:1)
PHILADELPHIA: CARP/Reuse Collective (Score:1)
I am involved in a non-profit org. that does just this. (CARP - the Creative Arts Reuse Project) our major project has been the Please Take M.E. (Materials Exchange) -- which in two years saved 7 tons of materials with only a 3000 sq. ft warehouse. The Please Take is run in conjuction with a local Dumpster Diving group (yes, and the DDers are 40+ people strong). While our major interest is in the Arts (and the environment, of course) our finds/materials are definitely cool for science teachers, home improvement, computing both vintage and current, robotics, and all sorts of other geek/nerd hobbies. We also work in conjunction with a very vibrant local computer-reuse community. Right now we're looking for a new warehouse space, but we have new office space and are really ramping up activity again. There is recent talk of white LEDs, lots of welding, cat5 cable, and 5,000 watt bulbs. Anyways, if you're in the Philadelphia region (or not) and are interested in ANY sorts of creative reuse of materials, scrounging, arts, the environment, dumpster diving, curb crawling, etc etc etc.. feel free to check out our (basic) website above, and by all means drop me an email.
Oh, and if you just happen to need a tax deduction, we are an official 501(c)3 nonprofit
My AE-ms is true.
A Pleasant Sunday Morning. (Score:1)
Re:Also consider (Score:1, Offtopic)
OT::Dot Bombs (Score:1)