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AMD 760MP Reviews Galore 78

Keith Whitsitt writes: "Well the NDA seems to be up on AMD's 760MP chipset, and several hardware sites have a review up. So far Anandtech, 2CPU, SimHQ, and Accelnation all have reviews up of this beast. It sure does look like the 760MP has shaped up to be all we expected it to be and more." Time-on-target hype.
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AMD 760MP Reviews Galore

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    But I've not even seen a rumor of an ABIT/ASUS/FIC/Iwill board yet.

    Well, no time like the present to start one, then. Psst, word on the street is that ABIT and ASUS are working on ATX-sized 760MP boards.

  • it has AGP Pro 110 support, this chipset is as much or more for high end PC workstations than low end servers.
  • Yabbut - what if you already have a bunch of perfectly good high quality 500W+ 100% ATX-compliant power supplies. Tyan has not yet, to my knowledge provided an sufficent explanation of the non-standard connectors on the board. Given that the PS they have been supplying to reviewers are in the low 400W range, and that 600W and larger standard ATX PSs are available, I have a hard time believing that delivering more power to the board is the reason.

  • by Wakko Warner ( 324 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @03:16AM (#176099) Homepage Journal
    The cheapest the Tyan Thunder K7 (dual AMD) board is going for on Pricewatch as of 4 minutes ago is $560.

    Let's see... car payment, or dual Athlons (which are $250 each...)

    - A.P.

    Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?

  • by Chaostrophy ( 925 ) <ronaldpottol AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @11:40AM (#176100) Homepage Journal
    What ever happened to Micron's SMP Athlon chipset, the one with the 8MB L3 cache on the chipset die? A flury of coverage a while back, and then nothing (I've looked).
  • One of the things that I've really liked about Linux is that it seems to "stretch" old hardware, in so far that you don't need to buy the "processor of the week" in order to run the latest and greatest software.

    My P1-233MMX has given yeoman service since I got it in 1997, and it has handled everything I've thrown at it just fine.

    But now that I've started doing some video editing, som CAD, and some other heavy lifting on it, it's started feeling "slow", so I've been keeping my eye out for something I can pick up that will last another four years or so. It sounds to me like Athlon SMP is just that. More computing HP than I can possibly use at the moment, and at a price that is comparable to what I paid for my Pentium system in '97.

    AMD, you'll be gettting my ducets.

  • >Let's see... car payment, or dual Athlons (which are $250 each...)

    Hah! I paid off my car years ago.

    hey, wait a minute. *I'm* not paying for this dual athlon system anywway . . . nor can I figure out what I'd do with one at home, anyway . . .


  • What's going wrong with DMA on your system? I had an S1590 last year, and had UDMA/33 working fine. I remember having to patch the (2.2) kernel originally, but I thought MVP3 support got folded into the later 2.2 versions. Aside from turning on MVP3 support in the kernel and running "hdparm --make-go-fast" there wasn't anything to it.

    What made me ditch the board was it's AGP slot that refused to supply AGP level power. Worked fine with a Millenium II, but crashed every two minutes (even in DOS or at the Linux console) with a GeForce 256.
  • This Tyan board is clearly targeted at the real high-end of the market. I mean 64 bit PCI slots, *dual channel* U160 card, dual port 3com 10/100 card, .... sounds yummy if you're building a big server. But what I'm looking for is a lower-end board, without the built-in SCSI, LAN, video, etc. so that I can build a really affordable SMP system for myself. Any info on when these things are coming?
  • Overall System Performance: 8.6% Slower**

    Your little "summary" seems to imply that *all* of the above tests are somehow included in the overall system performance. They are not. The overall system performance links to the SYSMark test which has nothing to do with any of the above tests. It is correct that Xeon does better on SYSMark because of Content Creation part of this benchmark (probably because of SSE optimizations and/or greater bandwidth of Rambus). But it is misleading to imply that 2 Athlon are slower than 2 Xeons overall. In fact, the benchmarks show the opposite picture.

  • I assume the non-standard power connectors are due to Athlons being such power-hungry beasts, so they need more power, which a standard ATX PS can't support.

    That said, it's still a pain that you have to have a new PS for the MB.

  • by larien ( 5608 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @03:33AM (#176107) Homepage Journal
    Nothing against AMD, but for servers, I'd wait a couple of month to make sure there aren't any 'gotchas' in the new systems. Given the delays in shipping, I'm assuming(hoping?) that AMD have waited until they ironed out all the problems before releasing, but it's still largely untested in the wild.

    That said, I'm glad to see extra competition in the marketplace; CPU power has ramped up considerably since the Athlon debued and gave Intel a scare.

    Also, I'll probably end up buying a 760MP fairly soon :)

  • Yabbut yer building a server when you buy one of these mobos. So you're gonna be willing to pay some coin for a big, reliable power supply -- or, probably, two of 'em, so you have redundancy.

    Hardware like this, you don't cheap out on the components!

  • "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy awarded AMD an ENERGY STAR® Certificate of Recognition for its energy-efficient processors, including the AMD Athlon MP processor. These processors help manufacturers meet stringent ENERGY STAR specifications for a variety of appliances, equipment and other products. Products with the ENERGY STAR label are designed to use less energy, save money and help protect the environment."

    From the pressrelase.
  • Sure, the BP6 was for Celerons, but it was a major hit amongst hardcore overclockers and hardware junkies.

    What would you say that the odds are that Abit has a "BP6" in development for the Palimino chips?

    Personally I would say that it is very good. Sure, it won't have the on board SCSI, or LAN or Video etc... It won't cost as much however, and knowing the softbios features of Abit, it will be very overclockable.

    In all honesty I have heard of NOTHING about a dual AMD board from Abit, but I would put money on one being in the wings.

    If a "BP6" for the Palimino comes out, you can be certain that it will be the board to have. Here is hoping...

    (Has anyone heard anything about dual AMD boards from other manufacturers other than Tyan?)
  • This box is an Athlon TBird-800, with an Abit KT7-RAID mobo (VIA KT133 chipset), and the only problem I have is an occasional hardlock on startup (not more than once every 15 boots)
    Other hardware: GF2 GTS, SBLive!. Busmastering PCI works fine, and problems, except for the shoddy WD drive that I'm replacing as soon as possible.
    (Yes, this box runs windows. Just a disclaimer)
  • but I can't seem to find a motherboard with a non-shared ISA slot and support for a Socket 370 Pentium III 933mhz chip. It seems that boards with seperate/non-shared ISA slots are no longer made, and the ones I've found don't support later chip generations .. can anyone here point me in the right direction?
  • I'm using the machine to power my arcade machine/emulator bit .. and ArcadeOS (and the emulators themselves) are really picky about sound cards, the one that seems to work best is an old ISA SB16. When I've tried it on a shared slot, I get crackles and hisses, etc, and I've tried all sorts of configurations to resolve the conflict, and nothing has worked.

  • What is the problem with a shared ISA slot? Do you really have that many PCI cards?

    I haven't seen a board for a long time that didn't have a shared ISA slot. Now, I'm glad to see the ISA slots going away totally. If we could just free up the IRQs from the PS/2 ports.

  • You don't need it. The demanding IO is on the PCI bus (North). I don't think the south bridge can feed more than 100MB/s. See set.html. It's only IDE (how much can the HDD MECANICS give you) plus USB. No big deal.
  • Most likely one wouldn't need a WTX case if the board doesn't support AGP Pro 110 (an extra 110W for the video card is more than consumer cards normally worry about)...

  • It would seem that one would prefer the AGP Pro 110W power to not be sucking off of the main power for the CPUs/memory, etc... That explains away a few lines. Easier power routing and regulation for some areas. That would seem to be the greatest separate need.
  • by ShoeHead ( 40158 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @04:26PM (#176118) Homepage
    I don't know about the Samurai, but

    Micron Mamba chipset (North Bridge only) for the AMD platform is expected to be released in Q3. In addition to DDR SDRAM support, Mamba will also feature 8Mb of L3 cache on the chipset die. The L3 cache will have a sustainable memory bandwidth of 9.6GB/s.

    Micron Scimitar chipset for the AMD platform is expected to be released in July. Scimitar is expected to feature a Mamba core with integrated on-die Rendition graphics.

    copied word for word from (an awesome site for not so publicized chipset/tech news)
  • You point out why it's always good to root for and support the underdog no matter who it is. If one day AMD becomes dominant then we should help out intel.

    Monopolies are bad for the consumer.
  • Does that Tyan dual PIII have 64-bit PCI?
    Does it have *dual* ethernet ports?

    Try the Tyan S2510NG: 64-bit PCI, video, dual ethernet, etc: $370

    Does the 3950 have dual U160 SCSI? I doubt it for $129. No, it is in fact an U2W card! Compare like with like! Try the Adaptec 39160, at $340!

    Of course, the best thing is to compare like with like as much as possible: the tyan S2510U3NG: Dual LAN, U160 (1 channel I think), ATA onboard video, etc: $470. Less than the AMD motherboard, but the AMD motherboard is new, and the processors cost less for more.

    Pricewatch sucks. No search within these results option.
  • by hattig ( 47930 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @02:29AM (#176121) Journal

    The Tyan is a more expensive board, but ~$200 boards are coming using the AMD760MP (or 760MPX) chipset.

    The MPX is the same as the MP, but does 64-bit PCI at 66MHz, not 64-bit PCI at 33MHz.

    I just want the good stuff from nForce with the good stuff from the 760MPX put together in one great chipset.
  • by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @03:57AM (#176122) Homepage Journal

    I'm not so sure about that. For a high end workstation, you would usually be correct, but this chipset is being touted for servers.

    It would not be at all uncommon for a database server to have a couple of the latest SCSI 320 cards running a farm of 15KRPM drives or external RAID chassis. It doesn't take that many of them to saturate a PCI66 I/O channel. Aside from that, you don't want saturated channels on a database server -- you want your I/Os scattered evenly in order to maximize parallelism.

    I'm guessing that 760MP boxen will be relatively competitive with some of the 2/4 way systems from Dell, IBM, et. al., but that is relatively low end competition. To really compete as a server, the systems will have to be configured with:

    • 2+ GB ECC memory, up to 8GB
    • Hot-swap RAID arrays
    • Dual fibre or ethernet controllers
    • Redundant power supplies
    • Hardware failure monitoring

    That said, I'm certainly looking into a box for home use. I don't need 5-9 reliability, so I'm just going to be waiting for sane prices...

  • Ace's Hardware posted [] what I feel is the best review yet of the 760MP. Instead of benching games and business apps, they go for the true workstation-class pieces of software. Caligari TrueSpace, Maya, 3DStudio MAX, SPEC APC, Microstation and Visual C++. They also do a bit of video editing and encoding. But on top of the benchmarks, they also go into detail on the architecture behind the 760MP. They look at how AMD's use of point to point topology is better than Intel's use of a shared bus topology. There's a lot more stuff there, but in regards to space, I'll ley you all find out for yourself.
  • ROFL! AMD is a big company just like Intel, and always was. If you think AMD's success started with x86 compatability you're dreaming. A linux analog? Well, maybe if Linux was produced by Oracle.
  • by Bilestoad ( 60385 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @03:48AM (#176125)
    The cost of the board isn't the only problem. For most people hoping to get SMP Athlons this will mean changing to a WTX case and the special power supply mentioned in the articles. Some ATX cases might be big enough, but not many. There's another $3-500 right there.

    If some company comes up with a SMP Athlon board no bigger than say, the ABIT VP6 SMP PIII board using a standard ATX power supply that might be the one that sells in volume. But I've not even seen a rumor of an ABIT/ASUS/FIC/Iwill board yet.
  • For god's sake, its MB/sec or MB/s, not MBps! (Unless you mean that the nForce's super cool new bus is slower than ATA/133!)
  • While ps is technically correct, the standard usage is MB/sec and Mbps. The main reason most people use it this way is because it is quite easy to mistype MBps as Mbps, and intoduces some ambiguity in the number. While the author may know perfectly well what he means, the reader doesn't know the author personally and thus thinks the author could have made a mistake (as they often do.) Secondly, the ATA-133 my mistake. I meant ATA-100.
  • It is at that point I see Alpha systems with dual 256bit busses and get a little jealous...
  • by cansecofan22 ( 62618 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @03:19AM (#176129) Homepage
    I think we should all support AMD products because they show the world that the underdog can suceed. AMD was, only 3 years ago, considered a little player in the CPU market. They had a K-6 CPU that the P-II was killing and Intel triedto squease them (and Cyrix) out of the business with a new slot for CPU's. Intel (like most LARGE companies) didnt think anyone would be upset that an upgrade to there product meant a complete rebuildof the system (MB, RAM, CPU). AMD kept going with the support of a few chipset manufacturers and brought socket 7 all the way to 550 MHz. They won customers that way and when the technology needed it, they had those customers buy there new line of CPU's. AMD is still gaining market share with the Duron and K-7 and I hope that they do just as well in the server market, although I think that will be a tougher fight than the desktop was. A company like AMD gives me hope that Linux (and all GNU software) will be able to someday take the desktop from another HUGE company.
  • What would you say that the odds are that Abit has a "BP6" in development for the Palimino chips?

    I'd say the odds are pretty good considering that their dual motherboards have been so successful... they've had the BP6 and the VP6 (which I would love). The BP6 is one of the best computers that I've ever had -- and I totally agree -- an Abit dual Athlon would rule.


  • What? Using a lower-case 'p' as an abbreviation of "per" is, as far as I know, pretty well recognized as an alternative to the slash. I don't quite get your reference to ATA/133 (whatever that is; perhaps you are thinking of ATA/33?), though...
  • <AOL>Yeah, me too!</AOL> I mean, it seems like such an obvious fit--nForce has dual-DDR 4.2 GBps goodness, and an AthlonMP needs 2.1 GBps maximum. 4.2/2.1 = 2! Heh. On second thought, it's not quite so perfect, since some bandwidth for I/O and graphics is good to have. Um, Nvidia, could you add another 2.1 GBps to that? Thank you. ;^)
  • by Emil Brink ( 69213 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @02:45AM (#176133) Homepage

    After spending yesterday reading about all the good stuff Nvidia has crammed into the nForce, including the nice 800 MBps "HyperTransport" link between their versions of the north and south bridges, I threw myself over these long-awaited 760MP exposes, to see what AMD use. I'm more than a little surprised (and disappointed) to find that they went with the "good-old" PCI interconnect, limited to a measly 266 MBps (if it's 64-bit). The weirdness increases when you realise that Nvidia didn't actually develop HyperTransport themselves--it's licensed from (wait for it) AMD!

    I guess the reason is that HyperTransport is too recent a development for AMD to include it in the 760MP, which has been under development and testing for like two years, but still... It's a shame. It seems that even the upcoming "mainstream" SMP chipset, the 760MPX, won't include HyperTransport.

  • You have to factor in the CPU prices.

    From PriceWatch:

    TYAN DUAL AMD $565
    (includes onboard video, lan, scsi)
    Duron 900Mhz $64 X 2

    Total $689

    (includes onboard video, lan)
    PIII 1Ghz $184 X 2
    Adaptec 3950 SCSI $129

    Total $719

    In early benchmarks, the Duron 900mhz is comparable to the 1Ghz PIII.

    Tyan is only painful if you have zero use for SCSI. (everyone needs LAN, and onboard video is just an cheap annoyance).

    (of course the flaw in this argument is RAM prices, but if you buy namebrand stuff, it turns out the registered isn't so much more)

  • Can you recommend another Dual Socket 370 board with onboard video and dual lan adapters that is substantially cheaper than the Tyan I was comparing it to?

    I don't think anyone is suggesting Tyan in general is drasticly overpriced, rather than this new Dual AMD board seems expensive to those familiar with the inexpensive PIII boards out there.

    But when you add up the processor, Dual LAN and SCSI the huge price difference disappears.

  • Unfortunately, the S2510U3NG has RAMBUS RAM, so that kind of kicks it out of the price running.

    It says it's the 7899W SCSI chip, that is the same one as the new Dual AMD board, so I assume the specs are identical.

    As we all know, PriceWatch is mostly Chaos, but that's why it's so great, the prices and descriptions are updated by the vendors, not by someone at PriceWatch.

    I was fooled by the 3950U2B description which said 160mb per second, which I guess is both 80mb channels running at the same time.

  • So when do I get one of these sweet boards with built in hardware IDE RAID?

    Anyone else interested?

    I don't have $$$ for scsi.
  • This is great, first AMD attacked Intel w/ a rival to it's PIII, the Athlon, then w/ the Duron vs. Celeron, which gave them major exposure in the desktop pc market, and now, w/ dual processor support, they are attacking the "big money" market, that of servers. I'm sure I speak for many here when i say, 'way to go AMD!'. They really deserve the credit. I for one will be switching our servers from dual PIII servers to dual athlons.


  • Uh, it's not an ATX motherboard, it's WTX, which has different standards.

    Don't worry, I'm sure once the 760MPX is released we'll see some very consumer oriented motherboards hit the market. MSI has already announced that they want to do a sub-$200 motherboard... Wait for that one! :-)
  • Well, the new core is supposed to run with something like 20% less power / 20% less heat.

  • o well for comparison a certain Major brand name motherboard that supports 4 gigs of ram and has basicly the same feature set and usesa serverworks chipset and supports dual intel procs of up to 1ghz cost 725 dollars this seems like a reasonable price to me, although that particular board does include support but I think that tyan is pretty reasonable

  • well the last time I checked the pinout on my powersupply it didn't include 110 volt wiresso I would imagine that is what the extra 4 wires are for

  • It doesn't use HyperTransport for lots of reasons...

    1) They didn't want to put an unproven tech in a server chipset...
    2) They are not used to designing chipsets at all (In all their years they've made 2), let alone a non-traditional one...
    3) It was designed quite awhile back (AMD760MP that is), it's just been tweaked & redesigned so that their wouldn't be any issues...
  • I'd wait a couple of month to make sure there aren't any 'gotchas' in the new systems.

    Maybe, but it has been in testing for over two years.

    Given the delays in shipping, I'm assuming(hoping?) that AMD have waited until they ironed out all the problems before releasing, but it's still largely untested in the wild.

    I think that was the big idea. The didn't want to screw up their chance to get a piece of the server market from Intel. And I imagine that 760MP has already been tested to limits far beyond where I would push mine.

    I'll probably end up buying a 760MP fairly soon :)

    Same here. I mean, an SMP system that basically beats a 2x1.7 P4 box hands down on every benchmark Anand threw at it, plus it's cheaper?!?
    I think it's about time to replace my P-II 350. :)
  • This is awesome. But it looks like is has special requirements for power supplies and chassis. Does anyone know of any compatible cases (preferably rack-mount with SCA hot swap bays) and power supplies for this baby?
  • MSI is showing an ATX 760MPX Board
  • >Slashdot as a whole needs to help itself out of this near total subservience to corporations through such bizarre personifications like "underdog"

    Someone with perspective and a clue. Mod his post up.

    BTW, the Nitzer Ebb .sig is nice. Cheers.
  • The review including the benchmarks on Tom's Hardware [] are detailed, of course, but what we really want to know is:

    what if we benchmarked a Beo... well, never mind.
  • Did you catch the thing about non-standard pinouts on the power connectors?


    As the owner of two Tyan (mid Rev4 Tomcat I, later Trinity 1590S) boards, they really $%^& this one up. Non-standard PS2 mouse connectors, non-standard serial port connectors, non-standard USB connectors.

    With these connectors it's not too bad, because the Tyan-pinout ones aren't much more, or it's not difficult to modify a standard one. But to mess up on the power supply connector...

    I still haven't been able to get DMA running on the 1590S, on either stock Redhat kernels or using the Jumbo IDE patch. At some level, others have their MVP3's running DMA.

    I have been pleased with the stability of Tyan boards, but between connector issues and the DMA troubles I've been having, it no longer feels safe as a 'default' decision.
  • I find it aboslutely amazing that your brain-dead rant stays at +1 meanwhile, my very on-topic and insightful (funny even) post gets knocked down so fast it triggers a Slashdot filter and I have to fetch myself a new IP address just to post anonymously... Well glad to see the Slashdot experiment is working out so very well.


  • ... time to break those piggybanks
  • by Lozzer ( 141543 )

    I was just reading yesterday's article on Crush and suddenly all the hardware sites slowed to a crawl


  • Why haven't anyone tested the motherboard (with all its features) under Linux?

    They have a cursory look at Linux on page 17 [] of the Anand article. Not as much info as you'd like, but enough to reckon they have it working on the Mobo with little problem

  • This may be true (though I'm not quite sure about the "licensed" part anymore). But AMD did something a lot of chipmakers could only dream about: they knocked the king off the top. Intel is still #1, but AMD has a slice of the mass-market processor pie that Motorola can only dream of.

    Admittedly Intel gave them the leeway; if the P3 mess hadn't gone down the way it did I suspect Athlon would be the Amiga of PC chips: everyone knows it's better, but nobody important wants to take the chance. But AMD also has a quickness on the draw that companies like Intel can't really match -- Transmeta wasn't ready (and Crusoe, let's face it, isn't even close to being a competitive product on the desktop -- it just doesn't have the speed to leave the laptop world behind yet) and Apple wasn't prepared to capitalize on the PC market vacancy (should have been, but cloning...). AMD did to Intel what nobody yet has been able to do to the Intel of software (Microsoft) -- they forced them to play with others.

    The end result -- AMD is moving into the dedicated-server market, and nVidia has decided that they can get away with ignoring Intel. I'd say AMD is more than a ray of hope -- it's a good-sized chunk of the (dear Lord, am I really about to say this?) Hope Sun itself.

  • So when do we get to see other multiprocessor Chipsets? Specifically, I want to see an nForceMP ... I really, really want to see that.


  • Take a look at the numbers on this graph at Anandtech: 60MP/linux.GIF (copy and paste the link yourselves) that the 2P configurations compiled the kernel even only using 1 thread at about +10% speed of the 1P setups. Now look at the performance of the single threaded 1P version versus the 2P two thread versions. There is a 101% increase in performance. I think we really ought to recognize the guys who contribute to the kernel that have written such efficient multithreading a little more.
  • I don't understand why this is never mentioned in the reviews. How did support for MP Athlon just appear? From my understanding, AMD is using the EV6 multiprocessor protocol which is incompatible Intel's patented APIC protocol. So how does Windows 2000 just work?
  • by Sebastopol ( 189276 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @12:21PM (#176158) Homepage

    A ray of hope for what?

    AMD would be doing the exact same thing to the market if they were in Intel's shoes. What makes you think AMD is so much more philanthropic? Same thing with Apple fanatics. Apple and AMD are both COMPANIES, bent on making a profit and dominating the market.

    Competition is good for everyone, but do you really think AMD wants to get 50% of the market, and say: "Ahhh, that's better, now the market is balanced, we can go home now knowing we've done a good job..." Yeah right. They'd immediately try to squeeze Intel out of the picture and control yet another monopoly.

    Slashdot as a whole needs to help itself out of this near total subservience to corporations through such bizarre personifications like "underdog". It's pretty scary from an outsider's point of view.

  • Your little "summary" seems to imply that *all* of the above tests are somehow included in the overall system performance...

    Actually, it wasn't meant to imply that at all. I merely took the content headings from the AnandTech Review as AnandTech had written them. If you recheck the review, that is what they are. The "Overall System Performance" numbers are actually a SYSMark 2001 result. It would perhaps have been better if AnandTech had titled that subsection of the review differently, but they did not. For all intents and purposes, Overall System Performance is correct, as that is what SYSMark 2001 measures. The fact that it doesn't actually measure it as accurately as it should is another story. Calling the summary a troll seems like quite an overreaction.
  • by CritterNYC ( 190163 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @08:23AM (#176160) Homepage
    Although benchmarks are always open to interpretation, I think some of the numbers are quite interesting here. The Dual Athlon 1.2GHz outperforms the Dual Pentium Xeon 1.7 GHz by 6 to 18% on almost all the tests they ran. Here's a rundown:
    * - The Xeons did outperform the Athlons on the Photoshop 4 portion of the workstation performace scores by 11.4%.
    ** - The Overall System Performance numbers ended up that way due to the Xeons' 20% advantage over the Athlons on the Internet Content Creation benchmarks and the basically even performance on the Office Productivity benchmarks.
  • even though it only operates at 200 mhz as opposed to 266 mhz, it rocks. I highly recommend the orbital cooling fan, though I had to modify it to get it to fit on the motherboard. I also recommend dual case fans, and air conditioning. even on a cold day it heats up my room. the other flaw with the gigabyte board is that it won't load windows 2000, and gigabyte has zilch for tech support.
  • CPU power has ramped up considerably since the Athlon debued and gave Intel a scare.

    mhz has ramped up considerably; the jury is still out on cpu power
  • by rabtech ( 223758 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @04:10AM (#176163) Homepage
    You nailed it. AMD wants the 760MP to be as rock-solid stable as anything Intel produces, if not more. If the AMD's first venture into the server marketplace is riddled with incompatibilities and reliability problems, then they won't be able to make another run at it for years, if not more.

    That's also why they didn't trust VIA to produce the chipset for this market -- they have proven too unreliable in the past with various PCI issues.

    nVidia is shaping up to be the king for the Home/workstation market, and AMD's chipset should hit the server market.

    Say.... I wonder if nVidia will ever produce an MP-chipset...
    -- russ
  • That's funny; you're trying to argue that Tyan isn't too expensive by comparing a Tyan board with... another Tyan board?

  • Yeah, I remember BP6.

    I bought one of those pieces of crap.

    Anyone remember the voltage regulator problems a good portion of them had? Anyone remember how Abit said that you had to send them your mobo FIRST and then they would process it and maybe send you a new one? (most hw companies send you a replacement and you send your hw in the same box the replacement shipped in) Do you remember how many WEEKS you would have to wait for the replacement to ship? I remember that someone over on figured out how to cut off the voltage regulator and replace it with the right unit. I love having to cut and solder my mobos just to get them to work properly. Forget overclocking...if you want to push the limit with your BP6, all you have to do is try to run it stock.

    Yeah I remember buying the bp6. I remember that model everytime I dont buy Abit (none of my other boards ever had those problems). Do yourself a favor and buy Asus or Supermicro (or any other brand).
  • I don't think anyone is suggesting Tyan in general is drasticly overpriced, rather than this new Dual AMD board seems expensive to those familiar with the inexpensive PIII boards out there.

    You seem to forget one thing... namely, that the "inexpensive PIII boards" have been around for some time, and the Dual AMD boards are just now starting to hit the market. New products are always more expensive. Just look how much prices on DDR Ram have dropped in the last 2 months... I think we'll see about the same thing happening with the dual AMD boards once they've become prominent throughout the market.
  • by dhamsaic ( 410174 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @04:22AM (#176167)
    i hear what you're saying, but compared to intel, amd was *nothing*. yes, they had money. they were a big company the way that apple is a big company. yes, they have lots of employees and big budgets, but they weren't considered to be a major player. just like apple isn't a major player. i like apple and i love amd (i've been using amd processors for as long as i can remember), but amd was never percieved to be the corporate threat that they are now.
  • ...did AMD/Tyan go for yet another PSU connector system? The P4 uses the normal ATX connector plus a second 4 pin block for more juice. Surely it'd be more economical to use this system as many PSUs have this connector already.

    BTW, is it me, or is the main connector location on the tyan board really bad .. ?

  • After nearly six months of trying to decide what brand of processor to purchase, I finally decided on an Athlon for my server upgrade last year. I was concerned about how well they would perform (as a company) against Intel, and it's absolutely great to see these kinds of articles.

    This is truly a very good example of why competition is important. Granted, we've seen drastic improvements in processors (even before AMD applied pressure), but most of that was just in clock speed. Now we're seeing some incredible advances in processor design beyond just the clock speed race. And consumers are starting to become aware that there is much more to be told about its processor than its clock speed.

    Way to go, AMD. Keep turning the screws. Things can only get better for the consumers.


  • Gotta hand it to em over at Anandtech ... they are doing the right thing. Either that, or the performance of the dual Athlons so overpowers whatever Intel can deliver -- or both :=)
  • I really miss my old dual pentium 100MHz. SMP really rocks, even when used in a workstation. Everything is "snappier" because other processes does not bug down a new one.

    But the price for a dual athlon 1GHz... I think I will wait until the price is reasonable for a dual "something" ~2GHz

    Why haven't anyone tested the motherboard (with all its features) under Linux? Does the SCSI work? What about the onboard sound stuff? Is the asic supported by which kernels? etc.
  • > Oh yeah, I never knew that the original Pentium could be SMP'ed

    Yes, I used this motherboard: /P 54np4d-i/index.html

    Right now it is humming away running a web server and qmail, and I use a test platform for multithreaded programs.

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
