NetBSD/Alpha goes multiprocessor 87
chaoskitty writes "Jason Thorpe has gotten multiprocessor NetBSD/Alpha to go multiuser! He has already done a kernel build and full userland build with the multiprocessor kernel. More details are in Jason's message to the NetBSD tech-smp list.
I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:2)
wow. (Score:1)
uhhh... (Score:1)
I'm an idiot (Score:1)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:1)
This summer... (Score:1)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:3)
To quote: "I got multiprocessor Alpha kernels to go multi-user, running both user and kernel code on multiple processors".
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:3)
Then again, they could be hitting a niche market.
(awaiting troll moderation)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:1)
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
I'm pretty sure the bsd's (except for openbsd, maybe) have had smp as long as linux or even longer, if you count being stable..
Italicized Slashdot! (Score:1)
Stupid question... (Score:1)
Do you have to rebuild your applications to take advantage of this? Will binary distributions still take advantage of the SMP speed boost, or do you need to recompile them with SMP support?
I know with Linux it's a mixed story, just wondering if it's the same deal with BSD...
beat me with clue stick, please.
Re:wow. (Score:1)
Looks like they're coming soon to a puter shop near you!
The power of </i> (Score:1)
BSD flavors (Score:1)
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
FreeBSD has SMP support [freebsd.org] and I'm pretty sure various BSDs have had SMP support on various architectures other than the Alpha.
NetBSD SMP On Alpha (Score:1)
I've used NetBSD on a wide variety of platforms, I can definately say that its been a lot more usable than other OS'es I've tried. Yes, its not a big deal in comparason to Tru64, which can run on a disgusting amount of CPU's on Alpha Hardware, but hey, its a start.
Alpha != Athlon (Score:2)
Your MP Athlon will be nice, but it won't be useful for NetBSD =)
Re:Well (Score:1)
Re:Stupid question... (Score:2)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:1)
Re:wow. (Score:1)
Both are Very BSD and they both run on X86 boxes with more than One CPU (and can use the other CPU's)
FreeBSD = SMP? (Score:1)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:1)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:1)
troll (Score:1)
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
Re:BSD flavors (Score:2)
So that's how we get the attention! (Score:1)
somewhat true, somewhat funny
Re:Well (Score:1)
I can't claim 32, but I do have more than a little experience in the 4 to 8 range...and the 2.2 Linux kernels don't use more than 4 processors all that well. Testing real-world stuff that does more than just crunch cycles didn't show a lot of improvement when going from 4 to 8 processors in the same box (a Compaq ProLiant 8500 with 8 GB RAM, only 2 GB of which was used in testing).
Even so, the lack of SMP support in the BSDs (and no, One Big Kernel Lock is *not* SMP support) has been a real drawback, so I'm happy to see this happen.
Clarity (Score:2)
1) This is news.
2) Alpha is a type of CPU. DEC made 'em and since spending US$9.5 Million on a Monday in 1998, Compaq make 'em.
3) NetBSD runs on many platforms
4) On this paricular platform (alpha), NetBSD has had Multiprocessor alpha for a little while, but it dosen't matter much until you can make it go multiuser.
5) This is news, because compaq make some "big-ass" alpha systems (32x Alpha = Floating Point like AMD and Intel dream of
6) Our sweet lil OS (I run it on Alpha and VAX DEC equipment) runs on even more big systems, this may even be the biggest.
If you have a spare alpha + vt320, then so the lil box a favor and see http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/alpha/ then join port-alpha@netbsd.org.
It clensed my soul.
Do they still make Alpha processors? (Score:1)
Somewhat Offtopic Question: Free/NetBSD (Score:1)
Is there technical merit to it? I'm just curious.
Re:FreeBSD = SMP? (Score:1)
Its been SMP capable since 3.0
Sure it wasn't great then, but during the 3.X-RELEASE branch its been pretty damn solid on the systems I used it on. 4.X I saw a lot of improvements, and now with 5.X its gone through a redo to make it even faster than before. FreeBSD/SMP was already really fast with the limitations it had, now it'll be even faster.
Re:Well (Score:1)
Re:Now they can fork another BSD derivative (Score:1)
Living in a Glass House (Score:3)
My Reply
It's about time someone posted a pro-MS article on this site - the only thing I'm dissapointed with is the number of troll statements posted in the comments.
And then yo did an extensve analysis of the article.
The problem is that the start of your comments were *cut off* well before the start of your commetary by the infamous line "Read the rest of this comment... ". In other words, what was visible was the most troll intensive portion of your article. This was very bad positioning for your comments, since some of them were mildly interesting. Probably such a post should be reorganized, and should have been saved for posting in reply to an appropriate article. Here it is best seen as a troll.
Now there is the matter of this bit:
Why would individuals encrypt their emails and other correspondence to each other? What is the rational explanation? The only reason I can see for day-to-day use of encryption is personal emails is that you have something to hide or you have a bad case of paranoia. No offence people - but what makes what you say so interesting that you are so concerned about other people reading it? If you are doing something illegal, or you are concerned about maintaining secrecy because other people may steal your original (and so far unpatented) ideas then maybe there is a point - but I have met some people who refuse to exchange email unless it is PGP encrypted - what's up with that?
Simply, PGP offers a way to ensure that the person sending you the email is the person they say they are. Not some one faking it.
The other issue is one of Privacy.
If you do not belive in privacy, then I can recommned a glass house for you.
After all, you are not doing anything illegal? And if all houses were made of glass we would be able to catch criminals alot easier. We could just watch them all of the time with TV cameras.
What are you doing that is so important that it would require secrecy and privacy 24 hours a day? You must have a criminal frame of mind, not wanting to live in a glass house.
This obsession with privacy is merely paranoia, y'know, and is easily fixed with one of several medications. Let us recommend a nice doctor who would be very willing to help you with medications.
Check out the Vinny the Vampire [eplugz.com] comic strip
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:2)
Both. Getting a multiprocessor kernel to boot is a pain. Getting it to do fsck and some other I/O is a pain. Getting it to run all the other userland boot code isn't so hard (once the I/O works). Going to multiuser mode isn't really hard, but then the network services start up and having anyone poke at them can be a chore. Having a user actually login and run crap is also another level of pain.
I think past that is an actual release :-)
Re:Somewhat Offtopic Question: Free/NetBSD (Score:2)
There's a lot of merit in that for various reasons. I grew tired of every yahoo out there tweaking the config files for a certain other freenix and calling it a 'new distribution.' It gets old after awhile.
Re:dreamcast (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:1)
Why do I see this every time a BSD/Linux argument comes up? Anyone who makes a choice based on how it will effect their image, or "leetness," is nothing but a lamb and should be shaved naked anyhow.
"openbsd might be marginally more secure as long as you don't install anything besides the defualt software, but then it only runs on 1 x86 processor, so using it as a serious server is pretty much out of the question."
I'm a big OpenBSD fan. Lack of SMP support is not going to drive me away from choosing OpenBSD for the majority of work that I do. There really is no reason that most servers would need multiple CPUs, unless the applications you run are constantly hitting over 80% or so usage on your current CPU.
If I was in some situation that required SMP support, I would evaulate which OS provided the best support for it, as well as check up on any other qualities I might like to have in that OS which I choose to use. I have used both Linux and FreeBSD on light dual Pentium 3 machines, and really haven't noticed much difference between the two. So, in that case, I obviously stayed with FreeBSD because it is my personal preference.
Honestly, I don't know where the argument is. Everyone seems to be arguing over how many CPUs which OS can run, and in the case of someone earlier stating that Linux could run on 32 CPUs, well, why are you all worried about such a thing when the majority of you will never own - or even see such a machine in your lifetime?
Re:Well (Score:2)
No special hardware required, apparently, with NetBsd, aside from the usual, like a computer. If you want proprietary hardware, you'll have to go to Microsoft, I guess
Check out the Vinny the Vampire [eplugz.com] comic strip
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
I bet you are subscribed to freebsd-current and freebsd-hackers and post to them often about how they could improve their code. With your vastly supierior knowledge of the way it is done. I know that you are only posting this because you have seen over and over again that your code patches, that would make FreeBSD (or any BSD for that matter) up to par with Linux, rejected by the FreeBSD team. And you are unwilling to split FreeBSD into another branch.
I bow before your holiness. Please teach me how to become as kernel literate as you.
Of course, in reality you probably couldn't tell SMP code from a device driver. So why don't you come back with actual knowledge of what you are talking about. Please note: as I am not deeply involved in either one of these kernel's SMP development I am not able to say which is better. Nor am I willing to make an ass of myself by trying.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins,
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:2)
Not even sure Linux ran on an Alpha back then.
Re:Remember (Score:2)
I was once present in a bar in Cambridge where there was scheduled to be a BSD user's group meeting. I was not paying much attention as I was with a group of friends from work and we are all Windows developers. Besides, they looked scary. So about I would guess halfway through their meeting, in walks ESR a group of his Linux lackeys. Well naturally the BSD elitists begin teasing the Linux guys, who pretty much just blow it off. But then one of the Linux guys, who was a kernel developer, I forget his name, says something to the BSD devil chick. I didn't hear what because there was a live band and it was pretty loud, but you know it wasn't good. So one of the BSD guys (one of the scarier of the bunch.. and this was in the presence of ESR, and you know how scary he looks..) starts getting all up in the face of the Linux guy. Well the Linux guy poors his beer over the BSD guy's head. Well, shit. There were also some foreign grad students from MIT in there. So one of them, who is a Pokemon master, gives a Pokeball to one of the BSD guys. So he throws it down in the middle of the bar, and what do you know, it's a charmander. Now I've learned this the hard way but in case you didn't know: alcohol and fire do not mix well. So the charmander breathes fire all over the Linux guys, two of them are set on fire (they were working on USB support...that explains that) but the rest are fucking pissed now. So one of them takes a baseball bat of the wall and underhandedly swings at one of the BSD guy's legs. So he breaks his knees. This was a shame since he was an olympic swimmer. Too bad. So the BSD kernel guy got pushed over the edge, and starts beating the shit out of the Linux kernel guys. Finally he hits him so hard his teeth fly all over floor, and he begins kicking his head. He probably would have died except then ESR took out of gun and blew his head in 'twain right there.
The lesson here is, it is a good idea to have ESR on your side in a fight, because while he looks scary but not that scary, he does carry a gun and is freakin' crazy.
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:1)
That pesky TURBOChannel bus.
(The one on my desk is running OSF/1 at the moment)
Re:Well (Score:2)
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:2)
¹Bus protocol (Score:1)
The article states NetBSD/Alpha, not NetBSD/x86... Your MP Athlon will be nice, but it won't be useful for NetBSD
But the SMP support will probably be relatively straightforward to port to x86, especially given that Alpha and recent Athlon processors share a bus protocol.
Re:FreeBSD SMPng is still going to kick ass!!! (Score:2)
Does it suck? As I said for slackware users it definitely does. Was it a surprise? No it was not.
BSD and LSD both from Berkeley (Score:2)
How about LSDUserBSD
That actually makes sense, given that both BSD and LSD were developed at UC Berkeley.
--Why do dataBASEs have ACID properties?
Re:I really don't think you meant multiuser (Score:5)
MacOS X is not "BSD all the way"... (Score:1)
MacOS X is a NeXT Mach kernel, derived from the CMU code, and that's where its MPU smarts come from, no BSD about it.
The BSD part is the process accounting, device model, init configuration, userland and etc., above Mach. This has been implemented as what is called a "Mach Server" in the old CMU stuff.
Re:Alpha != Athlon (Score:2)
Re:Ugh...of what possible value is this? (Score:2)
Actually, it does help make such inroads, but it's as an embedded OS, not an "enterprise" OS. Even the NetBSD folks will admit they aren't really shooting for the latter. But porting to "video game consoles and scientific calculators" proves how versatile NetBSD is as an embedded platform.
Alphas are used in high-end embedded systems such as those used for industrial and medical imaging, since they still beat Pentiums two-to-one or better in the computations involved in such tasks. And to reach the useful memory and I/O bandwidth of recent Alpha systems, you have to use exotic chipsets with Pentiums, which can offset some or all of their price advantage.
Wind River's purchase of BSDi suggests an important trend for the BSD's into the embedded market, a market that is expected to exceed the enterprise market in value in the years to come. Given Linux's problems in this area (lack of an integrated userland and what is often perceived as a corporation-unfriendly license) the BSD's have a pretty good shot at becoming open-source solutions for embedded systems.
Re:BSD flavors (Score:1)
Re:dreamcast (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:2)
Oh, oops, clustering is more cost effective.
Disclaimer: I personally don't like clustering databases, so your point has some validity to it
Re:Now they can fork another BSD derivative (Score:1)
Fuck yeah (Score:1)
So while NT won't replace UNIX anytime soon, companies everywhere are discovering what the RISC/UNIX Conspiracy doesn't want you to know: it may take several dozen NT/IA boxes to equal the power of one enterprise-level UNIX/RISC box, but the Intel hardware is so fucking cheap that you end up saving money anyway. Even when you add Microsoft Hidden Costs ("$800 per server license? Are you out of your Vulcan mind, Spock?"), you pay less. And because IA is IA, you'll pay thousands of dollars for memory upgrades, as opposed for hundreds of thousands. (Last week I was watching our IT guys add some RS/6000 boxes to our cluster, and they let me hold $400k -- holy shit, $400k -- worth of RAM. It's a funny feeling, realizing that you could run for the door, sell the RAM, and buy a house with the profit.)
Anyhoo, I think that the NetBSD freaks should stop trying to port to dying architectures and instead implement SMP on a certain lamer NetBSD-ripoff, [openbsd.org] whose lack of SMP is the only thing keeping it from attaining a level of mediocrity comparable to say, Cheese-Wiz. But hey, these are the guys that port software to fucking toasters for the hell of it, so we can't expact them to contribute anything valuable to the world.
Re:Somewhat Offtopic Question: Free/NetBSD (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:1)
>SMP support)
What a silly thing to claim, of course it is. In your opinion, how many "spinlocks" does the system have to use to have SMP-support? More than 1? More than 2? Is your limit the same for tiny message passing kernels as well?
Regards, Tommy
Re:Well (Score:1)
I had a 4CPU Compaq, and an 8CPU Compaq, each box had 4GB of ram. Linux couldn't address all of it, so it only ran with 2GB, I did find a patch that supposedly made it work with 4GB, but It didn't really seem to make a difference. Both the FreeBSD and Solaris systems supported 4GB, and probably would've used more had I tossed more ram into the machines. Those lovely removeable drives made it *super* easy to do comparasons between systems. I loaded up Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris X86. I have to admit, I didn't particularly get great SMP support out of FreeBSD, but it did work fine, was relatively quick, was stable, and yes could handle more load. Solaris X86 was *the* hands down winner. I got the boxes to finish load tests 2-3 times faster with SolX86 - No crashes, no burps. Linux crashed on me 5 times during the 6 hours testing period, so I didn't get really good results out of it. FreeBSD didn't do anything bad, nice solid stable performance. However, I did manage to get the Linux system to do some work for a continuous period of time before I finished up the test on it, however it corrupted ext2fs and I lost the data (whee). From what I saw of it before the data went *poof* the Linux box was marginally faster than the FreeBSD system (yes, even with the big giant lock). If FreeBSD's SMP support is that fast in the state its in now, I'll be very pleasantly treated to even better performance.
Re:Well (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:2)
Quite true. The vast majority of boxes are still uniprocessor, and probably will be for awhile.
FreeBSD and Slowaris both have had solid multiprocessing support for awhile. Sun of course makes their biggest margins on the boxes with lots of chips, so they are biased that way. FreeBSD produced excellent SMP early on compared to Linux, but unfortunately it wasn't portable enough to help the other BSDs. (OpenBSD and NetBSD are smaller projects with goals aside from application compatibility and performance, so it's natural their SMP code is developing more slowly.) Linux 2.2 kernel had some trouble going past 4, and wasn't all that good even at 4 or below, but 2.4 does much better. Pre 2.0 kernels had no SMP at all, or only severly broken patches for it, IIRC. So if you tried it again today, you should have less trouble (as long as you handle a kernel upgrade.)
"That old saw about the early bird just goes to show that the worm should have stayed in bed."
Sure... (Score:1)
Re:Just a minute... (Score:1)
(I think I read that on DDN.)
Re:dreamcast (Score:1)
There has been a slashdot storie about a webserver running NetBSD/dreamcast.
Re:Windows NewToy? Come on! (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:1)
UNIX rocks!
uhhh (Score:1)
Dude, what's that hair on my chair? Eeeewww!
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
at all? 8-)
SCNR, but it seems the assumption that FreeBSD does SMP on all platform it supports is wrong. (Don't worry, I made it myself too
- Hubert
Re:This summer... (Score:1)
Re:Apocalypse BSD (Score:1)
Since when is the Dreamcast obsolete? It came out about a year ago.
But it makes me wonder why people would expend effort banging their heads against old obsolete junk that no one is ever going to run? Old VAXStations and VMEBus junk? What masochist would even bother trying to get that stuff to run?
What are you talking about? Have you ever stepped outside of your x86 LAN of 5 computers in your bedroom? There are a TON of VAX's still in use today, especially at colleges. I know I would rather spend $30USD to get an old VAX that does the job up and running, instead of trying to convince the university to drop thousands of dollars on new equipment. Not to mention all the people that can't afford the latest and greatest hardware (schools, new businesses, etc...)
I wish these people would use their talents for productive things...they could be making their OS better, more stable and easier to use. Not to mention the fact that NetBSD, like the other BSD's is pretty thin on driver support for most modern hardware. Couldnt they be writing drivers for harware that matters?
You've obviously missed the point of NetBSD in general. Their core code has to be the cleanest code I have ever seen, and that's because it has to be in order to port to all different architectures. Driver support is awesome. NetBSD even officially supports devices like the Diamond Rio 500. How about you specifically tell us what you couldn't get working.. some awful proprietary piece of microsoft hardware?
And the whole ease-of-use thing is not something you can dismiss either...NetBSD is harder to get installed than six-year-old Slackware. I'd really -LIKE- NetBSD and OpenBSD to be more popular among users and hackers, but people like that want to program and run apps, not solve a Rubik's cube!
First of all, you say the installation program is too 'hard', and that it turns away normal users (understandable), but you also say hackers? If something is hard, the people to pick at it first will be hackers. Second of all, have you even installed NetBSD? I think NetBSD and OpenBSD are the _easiest_ to install. It's about as straightfoward as you can get. Not to mention their new installation program makes installing NetBSD even easier.
As for the Alpha hardware...well, Alpha has seen it's day come and go -- at least as far as hobbyist hardware is concerned.
Alpha hardware is very alive and well. I used to work at a place doing nothing but building Alpha boxen and putting Linux on them. I can't even remember how many clusters we put together for Bloomberg. Yes, that's right, BLOOMBERG. I'm talking clusters of 100-300 nodes, all being UP2000 boards with 2 750 Mhz Alphas, and 1 gig of RAM.
RISC along with NetBSD, and for that matter, *BSD in general, are dead.
Dictionary.com's definition of dead (business wise): Not commercially productive; idle. So what you're telling me, is that the *BSD's have been idle, and not productive in the past few months? Ha. Far from it. Face it, youre just another Troll that uses Linux because you heard it was 'cool'. I'll put money on the fact you posted your story using Internet Explorer running some release of Windows.
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:2)
but I've worked (in person) with core-level developers in both the netbsd and freebsd teams.
I used freebsd commercially at a high-end router company who makes its bread and butter living and patching freebsd.
and I've been lectured by those guys on how much more stable *bsd is over linux in terms of SMP and such.
so I probably do know more about it than you, mr. hissy fit.
I'm not sure what goal you had in mind when you flamed me, but I'd suggest you increase your medication; and you really shouldn't skip doses..
Parallerism superparallax (Score:1)
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
And I still need to check if Linux does SMP on Alphas anyway - I seem to recall it does, but I'm not 100% sure.
Re:Apocalypse BSD (Score:1)
If NetBSD is dead, why can they do things no other OS can do? Show me a Linux distro that runs flawlessly on two different processor architectures. I'll show you a more stable, more robust, and more secure OS that runs on 21!
Putting down BSD doesn't change anything - people will still develop it, ISPs, companies, and people will continue using it, and we'll all be happy.
Go see http://www.sixgirls.org/ and see what an obsolete Amiga can do with NetBSD. 100 users, more than 50 domains... What're you running on your Windows box?
Re:BSD flavors (Score:2)
No, not quite true. FreeBSD [freebsd.org] supports multiprocessor x86 and has for awhile, NetBSD [netbsd.org] is rolling out SMP on x86, alpha, sparc, and ppc (see this post [slashdot.org] for links.
NetBSD took longer, because portable code that will support many platforms easily is their grail. Writing that type of code naturally takes more time.
"That old saw about the early bird just goes to show that the worm should have stayed in bed."
Re:Well (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:1)
Re:Playing Catchup... (Score:1)
But seriously folks, you are still just talking out of your bum. Please I don't agree or disagree with you but some content would be wonderful. Word of mouth doesn't mean crap to me. So you have heard some people say somethings. Doesn't mean much. Why don't you find out some facts and post them. You say that 5.0 will bring FreeBSD equal to 2.2 Linux in SMP support. How, what have they added -- what have they ignored that makes it lag behind 2.4? Just what are they doing wrong that Linux is doing right? And are their goals even the same?
I am willing to admit that Linux probably has better SMP support than FBSD. I would admit this because FBSD is much more likely to provide a stable solution that is a little behind than a cutting edge solution that is not stable. Personally, I agree with FBSDs priorities myself -- but that doesn't make it better. Show me something as proof of your claim.
I am proud that you probably do know more than me. But you could show it by posting some of that knowledge and not just making unsupported claims. And my goal when I "flamed" you, was to try and encourage you to do just that. Support your statements. If you are going to pretend you have a good reason to feel a certain way, share that reason and be prepared to back it up.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins,
Re:dreamcast (Score:1)
(including *BSD and Linux) developers take over
its code and set a bunch of developers onto it
in order to complete the progress.
In case of *BSD this doesn't matter.
In case of Linux, they have the f... GPL, so
NetBSD people (and *BSD in general) can NOT
profit from the Linux peoples' efforts, but THEY
"stole" NetBSDs code (perfectly legally).
IIRC Linux developers have begun to dual-license
their code: GPL for the kernel, BSD for *BSD.