Yopy Running Game Boy And Heretic 93
Usquebaugh sent us a fairly impressive image -- this site shows several screenshots of the Yopy (the Samsung Linux-based PDA that we've covered a bit in the past). It's pretty similiar to most color handhelds, although the screenshots show it running Heretic and a Game Boy emulator.
Re:specs (Score:1)
Re:Does my child really need a Christian college? (Score:1)
Stil waiting fo rthe Yopy (Score:1)
New Color Handspring Way To Go (Score:1)
Doom, Xmame....and QUAKE! (Score:1)
Re:Compaq iPaq (Score:1)
Well, I do.
Re:Compaq iPaq (Score:1)
same time as going in a direction!
Re:Does my child really need a Christian college? (Score:1)
The Y Window system already exists (Score:1)
Re:Or...maybe they won't get the next model right (Score:1)
Heh, maybe they just sent out my version to the people posting on those "non-Compaq message boards." FWIW, mine was dated September 20 — what date do you have on the letter you saw?
Re:Hacking it for M$ Windows (Score:1)
Such hacks are a matter of reverse engenearing the hardware and publishing the results and hacking the accual software.
With Windows you'd have the additional step of reverse engenearing Windows and publishing the results.
It could be done but it may result in legal papers from Microsoft...
The makers of the Yopy might phone you and ask "Why?" but thats about all...
Re:Hacking it for M$ Windows (Score:1)
I understand the confusion.. Microsoft is using the Windows name to confuse people. NT and CE are not even remotely related to 9X. Thies are three diffrent operating systems sharing a look and feel interface.
To ferther the confusion Microsoft has damaged NT quite a bit...
While OS/2 was designed to run on nonIntel hardware IBM never took advantage of this sence OS/2 was not yet ready to do any heavy lifting hardware than running the office LAN (50 to 1,000 users vs Internet with a potetal of tens of thousands)
Microsoft tried to sell Windows NT for nonIntel machines but found people tech savy enough to use Risc servers are tech savy enough to stay away from Microsoft Windows (95,3.11). It made sence.. NT isn't Windows 95/3.11 it can do some heavy lifting but 95/3.11 for heavy work would be a joke. 95 for games becouse it's easy to lock up and nock out the rest of the operating system.. they do it and take over the system.. basicly reducing Windows 95 to that of a video game console.. with all the advatages of a PC keyboard, mouse and joystick.
Anyway... so Microsoft gave up on it and went the Intel optomisation route for NT.
When Alpha wanted to run NT it had to emulate the x86 to a degree becouse so many NT apps were not portable.
The Intel optomising made sence from Microsofts side.. However had Microsoft tryed to play that "NT is Windows" stunt techs wouldn't think "NT on Risc is a joke" when it wasn't.
They accadentally FUDed themselfs pritty badly... "If you don't know what you need NT for then you probably don't need NT at all" wops.. Great.. sence nobody knew what to do with NT at that time.. wonderful marketting...
Anyway yeah Microsoft can run NT and CE on non-x86 hardware but they didn't think that naming everything Windows users might give users the false impression that NT has all the defects of Windows... Being bond to X86 hardware being just one of many issues
Re:Hacking it for M$ Windows (Score:1)
Playable? (Score:1)
The way the game pad is set up I imagin it would be a pain to accually play this thing.
Ok neat that it can be done... But I just can't see me using it to play games
Re:Missing the point (Score:1)
But by very very little..
The games are unplayable on this thing.. so it seems.. Just a hack to see "Look.. see"
This thing is to expensive to be a gameboy clone anyway... But if you get a PDA then you can save a little by using this instead of a gameboy
(think.. 1,000 remote controlls... thats what your looking at with PDAs and portable game boxes really soon... this PDA for one thing.. this PDA for that.. etc etc etc)
As for color.. busness graphs etc and other details also easyer on the eyes when it's color. The trade off isn't cost but battery life.
Also it's nice to have photos of your kid in your PDA instead of your wallet.. update them more often.. that sort of thing..
Nude pictues of your GF also.. not so easy to get to when they are on your PDA instead of your wallet.
Anyway.. a color screen is useful for looking at data or images I wouldn't go so far as porting games to the thing...
But.. if you allready have a PDA.. then why buy a pocket game box?
It's not a replacement to your computer of course but it is a replacement to the 1,001 little busness gadgets made in the late 1980s early 1990s... GameBoy being only one exaple... not however the most importent one...
Re:Mirror (Score:1)
Re:W Windows? (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:1)
Is this thing ever going to be released? (Score:1)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:1)
Re:Heretic (Score:1)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:1)
Mirrors only flip sides not top/bottom, otherwise you'd be looking at your feet when you look in the miiror.
Re:Heretic (Score:1)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:1)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:1)
The thing is that I really prefer to read from left to right.
If you don't understand what I mean you should find a small mirror, hold it in front of your monitor... and look into the mirror from behind the monitor.
Then the Heretic game will look all right... but I wouldn't say that the logo says Yopy anymore...
Am I wrong?
Re:Whoopee! (Score:1)
Re:Whoopee! (Score:1)
Re:Whoopee! (Score:1)
Re:Why are the pictures backwards? A fraud? (Score:1)
Heretic (Score:1)
Anyone else? Man, one of my favourite PC games.
yopy topic (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:Heretic (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:#99 (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:#99 (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:Compaq iPaq (Score:1)
The Yopy looks like it has a lot more applications than the iPaq does but I imagine they could also run on the iPaq since they both use a StrongARM Processor.
how big is the screen (Score:1)
how big is the screen, could you even be able to read that xterm? What about playing a game boy in a 1/8 of the screen, could you see that?
I think this is very cool, but just wondering how much toll it would take on the eyes.
And how do you type into the xterm?
It is bad ass though, I want one
Yopi - available when and where (Score:1)
Who is anonymous coward who moderated this? (Score:1)
Re:Missing the point (Score:1)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:1)
Ok...ok... (Score:1)
I feel like I just explained a joke to the paranoid android. What was his name? Marvin?
Re:Whoopee! (Score:1)
Re:Missing the point (Score:1)
Re:W Windows? (Score:1)
Or W#
Wow (Score:1)
Easy answer… (Score:1)
You'll notice that EVERYTHING is mirrored perfectly. Looking at these graphics, I'd say that Heretic is being displayed backwards due to some development weirdness, rather than any kind any kind of foul play - most likely, the pictures where modified so that heretic would be displayed properly for all of us readers.
I'd be willing to bet that the guy who posted these caps actually plays in front of the mirror.
Re:slashdoted - Does any one have a mirror? (Score:1)
-- Sig (120 chars) --
Your friendly neighborhood mIRC scripter.
Re:slashdoted - Does any one have a mirror? (Score:1)
-- Sig (120 chars) --
Your friendly neighborhood mIRC scripter.
Re:KARMA WHORE (Score:1)
What browser are you using? Mozilla/Netscape 6?
Netscape 4.75 and IE5.5 both show the page fine for me.
-- Sig (120 chars) --
Your friendly neighborhood mIRC scripter.
Re:KARMA WHORE (Score:1)
-- Sig (120 chars) --
Your friendly neighborhood mIRC scripter.
Re:Mirror (Score:1)
This gives a totally new meaning to the term "mirror site".
-- Sig (120 chars) --
Your friendly neighborhood mIRC scripter.
Heretic (Score:1)
Re:Heretic (Score:1)
Re:Hacking it for M$ Windows (Score:1)
Re:Missing the point (Score:1)
And as for your response you didn't say this game only in your original post, you said "if you want to play games [you shouldn't use a PDA as that's not what they're for]".
That's just stupid.
-1 troll for the insult, guys!
Re:Missing the point (Score:1)
Cunt lips fuck knuckle penis squirm wanker wanker wanker.
Cmdrtaco's a sellout, he enjoys anal sex.
Hemos likes having sex with midgets.
And, finally, I hate moderators. Moderators enjoy anal sex.
Slashdotted (Score:1)
Re:Heretic (Score:1)
This thing really runs Heretic? (Score:1)
anybody know if there's ever going to be anouther ARM based desktop series?
anybody running linux on an archemedies?[sic!]
is it a joke?
Missing the point (Score:2)
Re:Portability... (Score:2)
Palm Computing has nearly "disposable" hardware; at least, I won't be crushed if a $150 M100 gets crushed...
CE like interface? Who is copying who? (Score:2)
Now if I could get a Game Boy emulator running on my iPaq, I'll be held over until the game expansion for it.
Don't hold your breath (Score:2)
The Game Boy emulator for CE shouldn't be a problem to port to the iPaq, but the gameplay for things like it and MAME-CE are very limited due to a serious flaw in the hardware (which will bite you no matter what OS you're running on the iPaq): The iPaq doesn't allow the joypad and any of the buttons to be pressed simultaneously, meaning that you can forget moving and jumping/firing at the same time. Pretty big limitation of you plan to use the GB emulator or MAME-CE, which works otherwise. Hopefully iPaq will get this right on their next models. FWIW, the Cassiopeias don't have this problem
Or...maybe they won't get the next model right (Score:2)
Doesn't seem like Compaq really cares about the issue. Here's the response that Compaq has been mailing some of their customers today:
Seems kind of odd that they would mention that there was discussion about this issue on "non-Compaq message boards," as if all those posts are somehow illegitimate and not worthy of consideration. Oh well...
Wait a minute... (Score:2)
Of course, if it is legitimate I can add wireless networking and use it as a remote X display. Heaven (or a mediocre simulation thereof) is at hand?
For the poster that busted my little bubble of sureality yesterday, please, please, please let me wallow in my self-delusion that a simple, wireless, remote, handheld X-display could be profitable.
Re:W Windows? (Score:2)
Wt [uni-frankfurt.de] programming toolkit.
Have fun!
Re: (Score:2)
specs (Score:2)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:2)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:2)
Anyone know the price this thing is aming for?
Re:Or...maybe they won't get the next model right (Score:2)
Re:Backward images!! (Score:2)
Another thing is that the Yopy actually has those 2 round buttons on the RIGHT side on all images I've seen of it!
Re:Compaq iPaq (Score:2)
W Windows? (Score:2)
Whoopee! (Score:2)
Re:Heretic (Score:2)
Re:Slashdotted (Score:2)
Re:DOOM on a digital camera. (Score:2)
Portability... (Score:3)
An AS/400 system uses the PowerPC processor, as do recent MVS systems, but this does not mean you can run MacOS software on them.
These machines are likely to become quite interesting when you can put something like 64MB-128MB of storage on them, but it is not obvious that software that runs on the iPaq will necessarily run on the Yopy merely because both computers have the same CPU.
For instance, if the iPaq is doing graphics via X, and the Yopy is running something like the "embedded Qt" or "FLTK lite, sans X," the programs that will work on both will merely be the daemons, and not anything graphical.
Frankly, the fact that WinCE has been a "bloated" platform (certainly compared to PalmOS) is a WONDERFUL thing; that encourages having vast quantities of RAM/other storage, which is very nice if you want to put some semblance of a fullscale Unix onto it...
Re:Compaq iPaq (Score:3)
If you have the $500 for a pda though I would definatly go for it.
Re:W Windows? (Score:3)
Which is good, because the W Window System that the Yopy [yopy.org] runs is not the predecessor to X. It's an entirely new project.
So while interesting, the history lesson has nothing to do with the Yopy. (Just figured I'd try to stamp out that meme before it germinated too much).
Backward images!! (Score:3)
Am I the only one that noticed the Heretic logos and other text are mirror-reversed? What's going on here?
As much as I hate raining on anyone's parade, this sure raises GIMP/Photoshop/whatever image-manipulation warning flags... dammit.
Say it isn't so! (If anyone has a good explanation for this, please prove me wrong...)
Left to right heresy (Score:3)
So what ? (Score:3)
I'm sorry but they'll need to show up more if they want me to be excited about a Linux PDA...
Re:W Windows? (Score:3)
---- ----
Re:W Windows? (Score:3)
All generalizations are false.
Re:W Windows? (Score:3)
"What is this W Windows of which they speak?"
Just search Google under the search term 'W" ;-)
Mirror (Score:4)
-- Sig (120 chars) --
Your friendly neighborhood mIRC scripter.
Compaq iPaq (Score:5)
Unlike the Yopy, the iPaq is actually shipping.
Unlike the Yopy, the iPaq has open development with rapid release. They are using the 2.4pre kernels, and might be fully supported in the main kernel tree when 2.4 is out.
The interface is open, and supports USB, serial, compact flash adapter ($40), and PC card (PCMCIA) adapter ($140). The PC card adapter has a battery that doubles the life (and the size almost) of the beast. This allows use of the 1 GB IBM CF microdrive, 2 GB PC card HD, wireless 10 Mbit PC cars, ethernet pc cards, etc.
USB will eventually be used for wired network, but no keyboard/mouse support.
They recently figured out how to restore CE, so you can go back and forth between win/lin.
The Helix guys here are working on porting parts of GNOME. Usability has a ways to go, but it looks sweet.
Check www.handhelds.org. You can use a guest account and log into one of the machine and do development. (Java and other things are already running)
I was amazed at how quickly development is coming along.
Only $500 bucks....
Re:W Windows? (Score:5)
---- ----
Finally! (Score:5)
Hacking it for M$ Windows (Score:5)
On a side note, slashdot and Ron Bacardi do not mix very well.