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Handhelds Hardware

Michael Ethetton - Special Guest in #Palm 26

Smev writes: "Today, (Friday) Michael Ethetton (a.k.a. 'Maven') of Gambit Studios, author of Liberty for PalmOS, will make a special guest appearence in #palm (efnet). Not only will you be able chat with him, but he will be giving away 2 copies of the Liberty GameBoy emulator as well. This will be happening after 9pm Central. You can connect via or connect to any efnet server with an IRC client and join #Palm. Connect to #Palm for more information."
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Michael Ethetton - Special Guest in #Palm

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Awfully damned hypocritical of someone to write an emulator that's only use is to play infringing games then to use a trojan to punish those who copy it.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    It was actually a Liberty developer that created the Trojan; and it was disguised as a crack for Liberty.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I don't have much time, so I can't register...but I thought some people would find this humorous...I have people joining the DALnet #Palm....they're all in the wrong place...There's around 60 people on the EFnet #Palm, and 2 in my #Palm, me and my friend, who isn't even there. I wish I got famous people on my channel...
  • Yeah, someone did. The author of the real Liberty. Wrote a little "crack" for liberty that wiped anyone's Palm who installed it. The guy is a real asshole, don't support him or his software....
  • by jjr ( 6873 ) on Friday September 01, 2000 @03:11PM (#810006) Homepage
    Emulators threaten companies like Nintendo, Sega, Sony ... etc. They are scared of this technology instead they should embrace it they would increase thier sales have them start selling ROMS of old games they can create a new market for themselves or try to fight this. I doubt they would try and create a new market.
  • I mean, the Gameboy system and its interfaces and protocols are the property of Nintendo. The games are the property of whoever puts them out. Why does /. publicize, and thus legitimize, criminals?

    Whoa... hold on a second... the Gameboy system is the property of Nintendo, yes. That's about all that you've got right.

    Let's start out easy - the games are not the sole property of those who wrote them, as Nintendo licenses each and every one, and has quite a say in what is allowed to be put out as a "Gameboy Game". Does this seem fair? Let's put it this way: what if Intel charged thousands of dollars for every piece of hardware that interfaces to, and every piece of software that runs on the 80x86 series and demanded royalties.

    Well, hell, you say... Intel can so this if they want (just like Nintendo's "right" to?). The Pentium's interfaces and protocols are the property of Intel, right? Then Slashdot has criminal CATEGORIES on this site... AMD, Cyrix and Transmeta are all thevin' stinkin' criminals.

    Damn those high paid engineers that work for AMD. Nobody should publicize, and thus legitimize those criminals, eh?

    And Transmeta even does it with software emulation running on custom chips. Dirty bastards.

    One of these days, someone will come along with a perfect emulator that runs Linux, Mac and Windows binaries on any processor. We can only hope that the governments of the world will have come to their senses and the creators will be shot in bed.

    Evan (Who is really getting tired of people confusing the *ability* to commit a crime with *committing* a crime, owns loads of NES carts, and enjoys tuxnes).

  • As I say in another message above, explain to me how AMD processors are an artifact whose main use is software piracy, and then we could have a rational discussion. Since you can't, your analogy stutters and dies.

    Apparantly you are unaware of the thriving GameBoy programming culture that are all producing home-brew rom images. Nintendo tries to suppress this activity, but the general consensus (back by prior court rulings) is that if anybody stood up to Nintendo (like Connectix did to Sony), then they would win.

    After all, it is your code that you are writing, free of any license, and you are running it on a program that someone else (hopefully) clean room replicated.

    You are also probably unaware of the fact that Nintendo considers romdumpers illegal (devices that allow you to use your legally purchaced roms on your legally purchaced emulator on your legally purchaced computer or handheld). This is despite the fact that the (US) courts have upheld that it is a consumer right to change the format (CD to tape or minidisc, for example, or Cable to VHS tape), that you are buying a copy of the information, and it is not tied to the media in the courts' eyes.

    I'm hoping that you're not a troll, and this won't turn into a flamefest. Please tell me how Nintendo and its product is different than any other company who produces a product that is duplicated by another company, like IBM's BIOS roms and Phoenix.

    (Ironically, I don't think I've ever played a GameBoy. My SO has a NeoGeo Pocket Color, though, and I own an NES).


  • Publicize and thus legitimize? Come on now. They are informing us, people in search for "News for nerds, stuff that matters" about a programmer appearing on a chat channel. Nothing more nothing less.
  • by DanMcS ( 68838 ) on Friday September 01, 2000 @03:09PM (#810010)
    Well, it doesn't happen for an hour yet, so I guess it's not too late to post this. Didn't someone make a palm trojan that came in the guise of this same program, Liberty? Here [] is one link I found, on zdnet. So if you go to this chat, and someone offers to send you a file, well, caveat emptor.
  • by jesser ( 77961 )
    anyone know an efnet server doesn't require identd? most of the servers require it, and apparently only lets you through if you're not .edu.


  • *** Banned: Cuz You Suck...Go Away! (2000/04/12 13.28)

    oh well, thanks anyways


  • OMG, you're gonna /. the Internet Retard Collector!

    In all seriousness, this is pretty cool that he's going to be there to chat. How quick is GameBoy EMU on the 16mhz DragonBall chip though? I had run one on an old Philps Velo 1 (36Mhz MIPS) and it was almost as fast as a real GB in 1/2size mode, then again it could have just been WinCE.

  • Your argument relies on the idea that creating and or selling an emulator is illegal. It's not. The courts have already [] ruled on it.
  • I believe that the companies that make the hardware don't own the rights to the greater majority of old roms in many cases.

    Thus, they see no great incentive to support the emu market, but instead (rightfully) see roms as being a 'competitor' of sorts to titles that are being published for their current platform.

  • by Alexius ( 148791 )
    I, a bonafied IRC Addict (on the undernet, I'm there now), seriously think that not enough companies are taking advantage of IRC. How much easier would it be for large companies to put a tech support channel on one of the 'nets instead of a phone line, thus being able to send software as well, and have on tech support a few people at once? By the same token, advertisers could throw a bot in the channels to explain what new products are coming out. Game channels (like #acro) could toss a one line ad into the game and probably make a fortune.

    IRC seems like one of the most untapped resources of the internet.

    Then again, it would be very easy to annoy/ruin/nullify any channel set up by a company you don't like (poor #Microsoft) with the usual assortment of clonebots, chatterbots, and efnet lamers, and that's probably what stops them.


  • Apparently Swedish Palm developer and University of Gävle lecturer Aaron Ardiri, one of the original authors of Liberty, was the one who wrote the Palm Trojan, disguised as a Liberty crack. What does Mr. Ethetton think about that?

    Of course, I'd be really impressed if the trojan could upload to Reuters false press releases concerning Microsoft earnings while at the same time automatically selling Microsoft short on my eTrade account.

  • You can download Liberty from [] (and be sure you're avoiding the Liberty trojan floating around). They suggest using an overclocker for best performance. The site has some fun screenshots of the emulator running Tetris, Zelda and Pokemon *groan*, too. Oh, and if you have a Palm IIIc, you even get to play em in color.
  • [] for those of you who are too lazy to copy and paste the url :p
  • doesnt i dont think
  • hmm.. they used to.. well there have been a couple of new ones recently added to efnet that may not care if you have identd running..,,, those two last ones havent been working for me though.
  • I have posted the logs here... they will be updated every few minutes until the interview is over (not real-time update)
  • Publicize and thus legitimize? Come on now. They are informing us, people in search for "News for nerds, stuff that matters" about a programmer appearing on a chat channel. Nothing more nothing less.

    This is an ideological statement of the sort of which the "free press" hides behind. "We're just informing people; we don't bow to any ideology." The truth of the matter is that the media has only a finite amount of space and time, and that by choosing some stories over others they indeed take an ideological stand.

    The extreme example is, of course, when the press covers terrorist and extremist groups. Terrorist and extremist groups are by definition minuscule; their sole means to advance their causes is by using the media. Thus when the media covers a bombing attack, they promote terrorism. Of course, though you see stories about terrorist bombings, you see no stories criticizing the media for covering terrorist attacks. The gross result is that the media promotes terrorism.

    The argument can be made in and exactly parallel manner about this /. story.

  • Well, hell, you say... Intel can so this if they want (just like Nintendo's "right" to?). The Pentium's interfaces and protocols are the property of Intel, right? Then Slashdot has criminal CATEGORIES on this site... AMD, Cyrix and Transmeta are all thevin' stinkin' criminals.

    Strawman argument. As I say in another message above, explain to me how AMD processors are an artifact whose main use is software piracy, and then we could have a rational discussion. Since you can't, your analogy stutters and dies.

    My assault rifle analogy completely escaped you, right? Read it again.

  • We're here for ya Penis Bird Man

    ( \
  • Gee, that sucks
    sounds like you need a penis bird

    ( \
  • heh

    ( \
    8===D []
    hello, my bird will be happy to help.

"It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling" - R. Frost
