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Handhelds Hardware Adds Palm Themes Section 26

Anonymous Coward writes " announced a new section today: Palm Pilot themes! looks very promising, especially to those who have a color Palm Pilot. You can check out the news story here (which contains a link to the actual site)." The comments from early downloaders make it sound especially promising.
This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. Adds Palm Themes Section

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hello /. folks.

    Remember, "Loose" rhymes with Moose, and means the opposite of "tight" as in, "your shirt is too loose."

    "Lose" rhymes with "shoes" (not "nose" or "hose") and means 1. the opposite of "win" or 2. "to misplace."

    GOT IT MORONS? Or should I say, "LOSERS."

    Thank you, and apologies to all the winners who know "lose" is a four letter word.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    OK folks, let's clear something up.

    The above poster is not a troll. He/It doesn't even rise to the dignity of the term. The only reason he can be called a "troll" is because the moderation system doesn't have options for (Score -1, Lame) or (Score -1, Juvenile) or something such. There's only options for Flamebait, Troll, or Off Topic. And since he probably thinks it's cool to be a "Troll," even if he doesn't know what one is, he makes any lame attempt at all to get that name.

    The fault lies with the moderators, who should be labeling these types of things Offtopic, since that's what they are. Best idea: they shouldn't touch them at all, so they don't waste their moderator points. (but then again, maybe such dumb moderators *should* lose their points to these kinds of simple tricks)

    Proper Troll and Flamebait posts are actually _ON_topic, but deliberately go against the grain of the discussion either overtly and (perhaps) abusively (as in Flamebait) or somewhat subtly and/or passive/aggressively (as in Trolls). They are not posted to posit an opposing point of view, so much as to just push the buttons of the people who have any view at all, viz., a discussion of Fords and Chevys might be filled with some reasonable arguments on both sides, but with the occasional incendiary Flamebait or Troll post peppered throughout, trying to piss off one side or the other into a flamewar.

    But these people, the grits/supatroll/exploding/portman people are not trolls at all. They're just wannabes with nothing to do and no creativity either. Making a real, effective troll post is hard and requires some wit or cleverness, or both. What these people do is very much easier and lame besides.

    Especially, people who call themselves Trolls are not trolls. That's a label others give your post, not one you give yourself.

  • Not to mention the "Palm Vc" they have pictured.


  • no, that was the preliminary name, but we insisted to the author that it be instead of pilot because of the fore-mentioned copyright issues.
  • This was originally an April Fool's Day joke, (many of you really wanted to believe, didn't you?). But to our suprise [], there actually is a Palm theming site/utility [], however it is neither open source or free (shareware, expires in 15 days). Originally, garrett and I had no idea, so this is quite eerie.


  • Willie: Hand over the hose (pronounced to rhyme with noose)

    Nelson: The moose? (as he sprays Willie with the hose some more)

    Willie: I said turn off that nozzle (pronounced like noo-zle)
  • How it's possible ? When they released Palm IIIc they justified the bigger size because of the extra-hardware they had to put in and now they are releasing a Palm Vc ?

    I noticied that in the picture the screen isn't exactly equal to the Palm IIIc screen. The bottom is in normal green instead of the black one that appeared in Palm IIIc.
  • .

    (It is rather funny). But a standard palm pilot (up to Palm V and IIIe) can only display 4 shades of grey (or greenish), or 256 colors in the color version (not sure about how palettes work, as I don't have a color pilot).

    If you look at the gradient menus, they are undithered, smooth gradients. You can't do that, the hardware just won't drive it. In fact, the 2 greys had to be done with a direct hardware software hack in the earlier versions of the OS, as the APIs only supported black and clear.

    It's coming up on the end of April 1st, so I figure I'd tag this one.


  • Take a look at those "screenshots" at Recall that the palm only supports 4 bit greyscale (IIRC) or 8 bit color.

  • Check it out. [] It looks like Apple and Palm weren't messing around! I wonder how well it runs Quake....

  • I believe it's good for before 4/4/2000, and not NY FL residents for the beta test. According to the suppose rules, I wonder if I can "fake" the referal for my family and friends. Not that I can find 25 friends and family.


    ...I./. .......|
    ..J|/^.^.^ \..|.._//|
  • Download the co-pilot emulator and simply capture the screen to disk from the menu. see to download. yes, theres one for linux too.
  • I'm sorry, but I can't resist responding to this. Theming is not only for people that have too much time on their hands, it's also for people that think default "themes" are ugly, (witness win9x) I theme win9x to make it more useable (via litestep) and to make it not ugly (windowblinds) I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I just happen to like technology for both of the reasons you mentioned, the aren't mutually exclusive you know.

  • 'twas a prototype unit
  • My favorite way is to use daScrShot with a DA launcher. DA's are desk accessories, or little apps that run on top of other apps. You invoke it, press 'capture' and it creates an ImageViewer image on your Palm. Hotsync to get to it or use a viewer app to see it on your Palm. If you have trouble finding them at they are on my site, but may not be updated (and i ain't responsible for 'em. I just keep em there for easy access). Enjoy :)
    Josh Forman
  • The palm 'Vc' at the bottom is such a horrible paste job.... Damn. People should start preparing for april 1 a little bit sooner next time.

  • How does one go about creating screenshots from a Palm ? I am just curious and would like to try it.

  • Something very much like this does exist. It's not as good and it's not free (by any definition). But it's Here. []
  • Go to palm.t.o [], and scroll down to the aqua theme. Cool, ain't it? Now look at the things to do list - see the one that says "Ask about"? Now you know it's a joke, because Palm isn't allowed to call their device pilot!

    "The romance of Silicon Valley was about money - excuse me, about changing the world, one million dollars at a time."
  • Check out the Palm theme for WinAmp [], at the linked site (I had a link, but Mozilla [] crashed -- hey, a good excuse :-). There's also a MacOS X theme (pretty, my favorite actually).

    For us Linux folks, they all work perfectly in XMMS [] too!

  • theme."org adds palm" say the part in quotes really fast. at least the guys at slashdot have a sense of humor with THIER subliminal messages.
  • by roman_mir ( 125474 ) on Saturday April 01, 2000 @12:49PM (#1157204) Homepage Journal
    My favorite theme is the South Park the Movie - they just shot Bill Gates. Can the PDA show the whole thing?
  • I see the morphing of Slashdot into Palmdot continues...

  • DON'T CHEAT THEM! Cheating is what makes paying billz hard. You need 25 referrals (who complete registration; they don't even need to play) before 5/15/00. NY and FL residents are fine for signing up, but they just can't win prizes in the beta test (which ends today). If you have any type of webpage (which I see you do ^_^) you can plug a referral code on there, and even if you don't get 25 people, you get whatever they win. It's not a crappy deal either; out of the people I've referred I've made well over $100, close to $150! ^_^ I still haven't even gotten the 25... It's a great game and I recommend it. Anyway, this is off topic-ish so I'll leave it at that. If anyone wants to sign up under me so I can get a palm pilot and get desktop themes, go to my web page above. =)

    - Jeremy Fuller

  • I'm not gonna spam and put my referral code, but as officially billz payer I'm inclined to say this. If you refer 25 people to the free game at [] you get a free Palm Pilot. Billz Payer Out

    - Jeremy Fuller

  • Since the news was posted at a quarter to midnight, I gather it's not a joke. But if it is, it's a poor one. If it isn't, then why is it such great news? Theming is for people who have too much time on their hands - in fact, a very special kind of people - the homo technofilius: People who love technology because it is technology, not because it can sometimes relieve the burden of existing.

    Sorry about the ill-tempered reply, but I think it had to be said.

"Sometimes insanity is the only alternative" -- button at a Science Fiction convention.
