
Brian Hook joins Verant Interactive 41

Keeper wrote in with the report on Everquest Stratics web site, that Brian Hook, who lately left Id, has officially relocated to Verant Interactive. Click below to read the full release.

Feature: Getting DSL 306

Like many of us, Justin Beech struggled with the age old quest for high bandwidth. He's submitted a quite interesting feature which discusses issues surrounding many of the options (Sat, Cable, DSL, Modems) and where he ended up. It is a little different than typical Slashdot fare, but I think you'll like it if you've thought about DSL, but wanted more data to get started. You'll just wish it had a happy ending.

New York Times profiles John Romero & John Carmack 332

whiteprints writes "The New York Times has a great article about John Romero and John Carmack. Talks about the school shooting connection " It's getting on my nerves that so many people want to connect Doom and Quake to the shootings, and aren't willing to connect that simple fact that for millions of years, humans were hunters. And this is the NYT so you need to login to read the article.

Quake3 to go SMP 168

schmack writes "Surfing the Id plans, John Carmack mentions he's working on SMP support for Quake 3. Although initially developed for NT, he says "it should definately make its way to the linux port...". Look for a speed up of 20% [worst case] to 80% in frame rate over a single CPU. This will mean "it will also be possible to build a reletively cheap SMP system (say, dual 400's) that outperforms the best single processor system." "
United States

New School Shooting This Morning 7

Just weeks after Littleton, there's been another school shooting -- this time in Conyers, Georgia, where a sophomore student shot and injured (none-fatally) six students. The suspect profile is familiar. Classmates describe him as a "normal" kid with plenty of friends, and no associations with any particular "groups". These shootings will almost surely re-spark, at least in part, the post-Littleton hysteria, including the media notion that computer gamers and people who wear dark clothing are mass murderers. Here's some perspective. This week, the FBI announced that crime is dropping like a rock, to its lowest levels in half a century. Says a leading criminologist: "For most of our kids, school is the safest place to be."

Review: Civilization:Call To Power 75

As promised, we've taken a look under the hood and banged the tires on Lokisoft's port of Civilization:CTP to Linux. I've given my thoughts below, and included a review from James Brief-click below for the details. If you know you want it now, buy it at Handeye.com.

Denial of Service bounty hunters 64

lightPhoenix writes "Get this, John Carmack, god of id & quake 3 arena, is offering a bounty for exposure of game server exploits. Check it out. " It's down the page a bit-but it's there. That's a cool idea.

Mainstream (good) article on LAN game parties

Mr. Slurpee writes "The San Jose Mercury News has a good article on LAN parties (bunch of gamers get together with their computers, and frag away on LAN games - Quake, Starcraft, etc.). Puts gamers in a positive light, disputes that gaming causes violence, and talks about the growing international gaming leages. Well written, clear, and unbiased. "
The Internet

Virtual Property Revisited 138

Wednesday's column on Virtual Property brought a massive and fascinating outpouring of e-mail from gaming programmers and execs, Web architects, Cyber Movers and others transfixed by the idea of virtual property, an idea being dramatically advanced this week on eBay, where middle-class Americans are starting to shell out big bucks for virtual characters, potions and symbols. Quotes from a fraction of the enormous response to this idea, and some questions some of you might be able to answer (hopefully):
The Internet

eBay launches the era of Virtual Property 133

On eBay, people are shelling out thousands of dollars for gaming characters, symbols, armor, magical potions of trinkets. The media has missed the real story as usual: it isn't online violence, it's digital property. eBay may be even more significant than Mp3's. As the middle-class plunges into gaming, the Net is facing real world problems like housing costs and congestion. The result is another landmark in Net evolution: the owning of virtual property, something that may change the nature of Net economics and knock the gaming world for a loop.

The Price of Being Different 543

Since Littleton, the cost of being different has gone up. Thousands of powerful e-mail messages have chronicled an educational system that glorifies the traditional and the normal, and brutalizes and alienates people who are or who are perceived as different under various names -- geeks, freaks, nerds, Goths and oddballs. One of the powerful messages coming out of Colorado is that so many of these "different" kids say they find school boring, oppressive, and utterly hostile, feelings echoed by educational survivors, many of whom are now parents. The hysteria over Littleton has only made things worse. It's time geeks defined and lobbied for some new rights. From their own messages, here are some places to start.

Voices From The Hellmouth 1228

In the days after the Littleton, Colorado massacre, the country went on a panicked hunt the oddballs in High School, a profoundly ignorant and unthinking response to a tragedy that left geeks, nerds, non-conformists and the alienated in an even worse situation than before. Stories all over the country embarked on witchunts that amounted to little more than Geek Profiling. All weekend, after Friday's column here, these voiceless kids -- invisible in media and on TV talk shows and powerless in their own schools -- have been e-mailing me with stories of what has happened to them in the past few days. Here are some of those stories in their own words, with gratitude and admiration for their courage in sending them. The big story out of Littleton isn't about violence on the Internet, or whether or not video games are turning out kids into killers. It's about the fact that for some of the best, brightest and most interesting kids, high school is a nightmare of exclusion, cruelty, warped values and anger.
United States

Why Kids Kill 1087

Nightmarish high school massacres like the one in Littleton are now an almost ritualistic part of American life. And increasingly when they occur, journalists and educators blame new media like the Internet, computer games like Doom or violent movies. Why kids kill this way is an urgent and complicated question. But teenaged crime isn't rising, it's falling. And there's no evidence that the Net or other new media are the reason for massacres.
United States

Doom Causes Kid to Kill 458

Today's idiotic lawsuit...parents are suing Hollywood and some porn websites because some kid shot a bunch of his classmates. Here is an exceptionally choice quote: "The lawsuit claims that confessed shooter Michael Carneal, a 14-year-old freshman at Heath High School at the time of the Dec. 1, 1997, shootings, was influenced by the violence in ``The Basketball Diaries'' and by several violent computer games such as ``Doom,'' ``Quake,'' and ``Mortal Combat.''" The Mortal Combat techno track does make me want to kill whoever produced it, and I've never been fond of DiCaprio, but wow. What a great country we live in. Update: 04/13 02:11 by CT : several people sent us this story which says that 14 game companies will be sued. Guess who is among them?

Release Date for Civilization: CTP for Linux 70

Jeffrey Starr writes "Loki Entertainment Software is posting on their web site that Civilization: Call to Power for Linux will be released April 26. " Hemos got on the beta testers list so I played it a bit last night. Its a strange feeling- I haven't played a "real" (you know what I mean *grin*) game under Linux besides Quake and Doom. It gave me warm fuzzies. I hope everyone follows the trail the Loki is blazing over there. They did a good job.

Q3Test in "a few weeks" 56

Jacek Fedorynski writes "Graeme 'Zaphod' Devine of id Software updated his .plan, in which he wrote that the test of Q3A that everybody expected to be out in March will be out in a few weeks. I can't wait much longer. "

Display Doctor for Linux - Preview version available 106

Scitechsoft has released a preview release of their Display Doctor for Linux. It now supports more cards, an SVGAlib wrapper so you can use any card with any resolution and use SVGAlib based applications (Quake, Snes9X etc..), and a universal text mode driver to switch to any text mode you want and your card can support. Evaluation version is now available - worth a shot if I may recommend.

Quake 3 to be sold Retail for Linux 94

Jim P sent us a link to Shugashack which has a cool article talking about porting Quake to Linux. Its official though, there's gonna be a shrink wrapped box too.

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