
Oscar Wrapup (American Beauty and The Matrix win) 294

RobertPearse noted that the winners are on CNN. No surprise that American Beauty cleaned up (I watched it again on saturday: Wow). But The Matrix took Editing, Sound and FX (Edging out Phantom Menace). Sleepy Hollow took Art Direction. Update by nik: "Not a lot of people know that" many of the effects for The Matrix were generated on FreeBSD systems.
The Internet

LonelyNet (Part Two) 193

The responses were amazing to last week's LonelyNet Column about a Stanford University report which found that Internet use promotes isolation and loneliness. You speak for yourselves a lot better than anybody speaks for you. "What's going on?" asked many about the study. They also asked that the conversation continue, so it will. Read more:

Excerpt From "Geeks" 162

If you click the read-more link below you will be treated to an excerpt from our own Jon Katz's new book Geeks. Regular readers know my aversion to paper books, but I've read this one, and it's worth your while. Katz explores Geek culture by following a couple of geek kids from Idaho to Chicago. It's a true story, and Jesse and Eric are Slashdot regulars. We don't feel right writing a review of the book since we'd be sadly biased, so read this chapter, and make up your own minds about it... but I hope you enjoy it. This is a story that I think many of us will understand.

William Gibson Interview @ AICN 100

Well, the slashdot crew is all out killing time and brain cells giving away the Beanie Awards at LinuxWorld (Best Real Propeller Beanie: Jay Sulzberger of the NYLUG). Look for the chock-full-of-fun wrap-up tomorrow, but in the meantime, forge5 writes "Ain't It Cool News has an excellent article on Alexandra DuPont interviewing William "FREAKING" Gibson. They talk about The Matrix, his books, and his X-Files episode. Check it out! "
United States

Citizen Case, DVD-CCA, Napster, and MP3 296

Three organizations -- Microsoft, the WTO, and the AOL/Time-Warner incubus -- are revealing symbols of cultural and technological life at the beginning of the 21st century. They are also warnings. Corporatism is spawning a series of serious legal assaults on the open nature of the Net. These incursions directly challenge open source values, both technological and cultural. For some context, consider the organization soon to be headed by Citizen Case, our new national corporatist leader and spokesperson. Read below for more on this increasingly troubling problem and to offer some possible solutions.

The Matrix Movie Now in a College Course 287

koolade writes "It looks like The Matrix meant a lot to some people at the University of Washington in Seattle, since an introductory philosophy class is now being offered based on the movie. You can read about it here."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Geek Matrix Parody 110

jarv writes "While idle, a friend messaged me with the URL to an incredibly funny (geared towards us geeks of course) Matrix parody. It's not quite complete, one page is added each day. It's worth it. Go...read...laugh." We're posting this in case there's a Slashdot reader who hasn't seen (and submitted) it yet. It's been all over IRC for the last week.

Cool Matrix Filming Techniques 155

webword writes "Here's how those cool scenes from the Matrix were filmed (go here). Not that I want actually buy one of these cool cameras, but I hunted around to find out how to get one and how much they cost. You can get one here. This brings up a quick question: How are people keeping up with the latest and greatest filming techniques?" What? An advance in cinematography that doesn't involve a farm of Linux machines?

Mastering Algorithms with Perl 225

John Regehr sent us an excellent review of Mastering Algorithims with Perl, another O'Reilly & Associates effort. Written by Jon Orwant, Jarkko Hietaniemi, and John Macdonald, this is a book designed to take your Perl to a new level of wizardery.

What is Science Fiction? 26

ParadoXIII asks: "I would like to know what the /. community defines as science fiction. What separates it from fantasy or from regular stories? Where and when did the genre originate? What are the goals and purposes of its writers (if any)?" We've probably gone over this in several scattered articles from Star Wars to The Matrix, but I think it still deserves a dedicated discussion. In short, I define Science Fiction as: "fiction in which the characters react to fictional developments of science". But maybe you all think that's too generic. Thoughts?
The Media

Visual Effects Companies in NY and Elsewhere 123

Meghan Eckman asks: "I am wondering what Visual Effects companies there are which strive to bring filmmaking up to the cutting edge of technology. Particularly, I am interested in the visual effects similar to those used in 'The Matrix' (such as the virtual camera set-up). I am a fourth year University student with Linux, programming, and digital media experience, but with a strong desire to go into the filmmaking industry, particularly in New York. I'd like to combine my technical and media skills to create stunning visual effects for the next generation of filmmaking. Where should I look?"

IBM Selling 20" 2048x1536 LCD 158

starman97 writes "IBM will show a new 20.8 inch LCD active matrix display that boasts 2048x1536 pixels at Comdex this fall in Las Vegas " One word: Yum. A slightly related question: what is the maximum size for a portable computer screen? I would say 20" is a bit out there, but there are 15 and 16 inch laptop screens. Larger LCDs with larger production volumes will mean someone is gonna test the waters sooner or later.

What is a Good Printer for Linux? 38

mystik asks: "What would be a good printer for my linux system? I bought an HP712C for a great price, but was disappointed to find out that HP made the Protocol propriatary, and unanable to work without some siginificant hacking of my linux system. Hopefully I can get some good printers cheap... " Well, this is a rather broad question. It would help if folks would recommend several different printers covering as many of the printer classes (ie dot-matrix, bubble-jet, ink-jet, and lasers) as you can.

Geeks In Space: Easy Listening 47

Back again with a new episode, we talk about Matrix sequels, cellphone experiments, Echelon, and plenty other subjects. There are plenty of radio shows on the internet, but no one else would record this stuff. This amazing feat of bandwidth consumption can be had at TheSync.

Quickie Fu 104

Let's get the serious stuff out of the way: chrisd put up a survey to track what trade shows Linux Coders think are a good idea to go to. With the proliferation of cons, its nice to know what ones matter. Oh, and if you're looking for beer, you should try Heineken's BarTrek. its a PDA proggie with maps to bars and reviews of beer. And if you have GPS, it'll even lead you to it. My guess is after a few beers, it better be a really user friendly app or you might wind up in a desert or something. k-rist sent us linkage to Pulp Simpsons! which I highly recommend. An anonymous reader pointed us to a 15 pound Millenium Falcon made of legos. CK-2 pointed us to what looks like the most impressive real life light saber money can buy. dave pointed us to the site worth it. notjenni, a parody of jennicam. An AC pointed us to a Swedish site has a photo of the Daytrading Yucca plant. This plant is wired up to a computer to trade on the Swedish stock market in response to its electrical activity. If it makes a profit it is rewarded with water and light, if it makes a loss it is unwatered and sits in the dark. The plant has made an 18 percent profit in the last three months! God I hope this is true ;) Effugas pointed us to a pretty good parody of the Matrix. regs pointed us to MonkeyBagel which outta win an award for something. I don't really know what tho. Random merchandising: at0m noted that Copyleft now has Slashdot polos in grey and green. Finally, what would quickies be without some porn? Tolath sent us something graphic... if you happen to be an electrical cord.

More Info on Matrix Sequels 203

Mowser X writes "IGN.com has some more interesting news on the status of the sequels to The Matrix. Apparently, the next two movies will pick up right where the first one ended, with part of the movie taking place in Zion. " Neo, Morpheus and Trinity have also been signed, or are just about finished signing as well - and it still sounds like the brothers want to release back to back.

Short History of the 21st Century 407

First Prediction: January l, 2000. People will be ticked off to suddenly realize the Millenium is a year away. Join Sir Arthur Clarke, me, a Princeton plasma physicist and hopefully hordes of geeks and nerds in the first 21st century Slashdot Predict-A-Thon. Your history of the 21st century is as good -- and as welcome -- as anybody else's.
The Internet

Atlas of Cyberspaces 25

davepeck writes "The Atlas Of Cyberspaces is an interesting site containing a number of beautiful Internet and WWW visualizations, as well as links to the projects that generated them. " We've mentioned similiar pages in the past, but this one interests me because it does technical visualizations (like xtraceroute and similiar apps) as well as artistic ones (where it shows things like Tron and The Matrix).

Can Androids Feel Pain? 235

Computing has overtaken Sci-Fi. The evolution of UltraIntelligent (UI), Artifical Intelligence (AI) machines that are themselves a new species is just a few years away, predicts Dr. Arthur Clarke in his great new essay collection as do others in their writings and research. Today's kids will clearly witness the evolution of a species that's part machine, part human, or both. Humans need to scramble and learn in order to hold their own, says Clarke.

Guess what? They aren't.

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