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The US's First Offshore Wind Farm Will Cut Local Power Prices By 40% 267

merbs writes: The U.S. is finally getting its first offshore wind farm. Deepwater Wind has announced that its Block Island project has been fully financed, passed the permitting process, and will begin putting "steel in water" this summer. For local residents, that means a 40% drop in electricity rates. The company has secured $290 million in financing, with funding from the likes of Key Bank and France's Société Générale, in part on the strength of its long-term power purchase agreement with US utility National Grid. Block Island has thus surpassed the much-publicized Cape Wind project, long touted as "the nation's first offshore wind farm," but that has been stalled out for over a decade in Massachusetts, held up by a tangle of clean power foes, regulatory and financing woes, and Cape Cod homeowners afraid it'd ruin the view.
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The US's First Offshore Wind Farm Will Cut Local Power Prices By 40%

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  • by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <damn.registrars@gmail.com> on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @12:08AM (#49178333) Homepage Journal
    Deepwater Wind, eh? That name should be great, because we all have fond memories of something whose name previously began with Deepwater [wikipedia.org].
    • Deepwater Wind, eh?

      Something like this: http://graphicleftovers.com/gr... [graphicleftovers.com]

    • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @04:47AM (#49179037) Homepage

      I have serious fears that we're facing an unduly high risk of a major wind spill [dailykos.com] here. :(

      • I wonder what the results would be of some electrical glitch putting 30 megawatts of electricity into the sea surrounding the wind turbines.

        Can any EE guys weigh in on the physics of this?

        • by orgelspieler ( 865795 ) <w0lfie AT mac DOT com> on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @01:42PM (#49182045) Journal

          IAAEE. Since sea water is a very good conductor, you would be hard pressed to put "30MW of into the sea." Assuming these are generating at 13.8 kV, and they somehow had their lineside terminals dunked in sea water, you would get a lot of noise and steam followed by the generator protection relays kicking in in like a cycle and a half. Call it 25 ms. The excitation to the generators would be shut off and the voltage would quickly dwindle. You'd have a bunch of fucked up equipment, and anybody in the immediate area might be exposed to electrocution and arc flash hazards, but there wouldn't be noticeable impact to the rest of the ocean. Hell, the generator itself would probably be OK.

          Short circuit calculations are something that any power generation place deals with all the time. When you are shorted, you get a lot of current, but not a lot of volts, so your power will go down substantially. Just like when you accidentally drop a screwdriver across a battery. You get a spark, damage the battery, maybe take out some ESD sensitive components, but by and large the rest of the components on the board are OK. There's just no way for the energy to get out to the rest of the world.

          In order to get 30MW of electricity actually into the sea water, well... I'm not exactly sure how you could do it. This sounds like a job for Randall Munroe, honestly. You'd probably have to only dunk one phase in the drink. Then you could at least get a little time before the ground fault and unbalanced load relays kick in. You could run the sea water through very long PVC pipes, essentially turning the water into a 30MW heater, and that would raise the temperature of the water. But that's not exactly what you have in mind. Besides, that's sort of like what other power plants do with their waste heat. They dump it into a cooling water body, although not quite at that level you're talking about.

  • by Rinikusu ( 28164 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @12:37AM (#49178427)

    To "preserve the view", I vote we erect the turbines, but make them look like giant penises sticking out of the ocean.

  • by FauxReal ( 653820 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @12:48AM (#49178465)
    From the politifact article:

    On Block Island, it’s the Block Island Power Company, whose on-island generators run on diesel fuel, which must be shipped to the island by boat.

    A 2010 Providence Journal story on the island’s power system noted that diesel fuel regularly costs $1 more per gallon on the island than on the mainland.

    In fiscal 2011, according to a report by the town’s Electric Utility Task Group on the fiscal costs and benefits of the wind-farm project, the average cost of electricity on the island was 47 cents per kilowatt hour. In the rest of Rhode Island it was 14.8 cents.

    Once the cable is laid and the wind farm project is on line, in 2014 or 2015, Block Island Power will be able to purchase electricity from the New England power network at much lower costs.

    The task group estimated that electric rates on the island -- based on a 20-year agreement between Deepwater Wind and National Grid -- would fall to 30.7 cents per kilowatt hour, a 35.4-percent decrease from 2011 rates.

    (The island’s rates would still be substantially higher than those on the mainland because its customers would be paying for a portion of the costs for installing the cable and for maintenance of the island’s power system.)

    The task group’s analysis noted that current power costs on Block Island have risen to 54 cents per kilowatt hour because of the increasing diesel costs. Based on that figure, the decrease would be a 42-percent drop -- about what Deepwater said in its Tweet.

    The other article doesn't mention anything about how much power and at what price the wind farm will be generating it. It sounds like the public relations department is doing all the talking.

  • by quenda ( 644621 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @12:49AM (#49178469)

    Headline is misleading. It is not the turbines, but the link to the national grid that is making power cheaper for the island.
    Until now, they depended on small local diesel generators.

    You can bet that the 30MW wind plant is a lot more expensive than the diesel generators were.
    I'd be interested to know the economics of the plant, but supplying cheaper power to the island will be an utterly trivial component.

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )

      You can bet that the 30MW wind plant is a lot more expensive than the diesel generators were

      Not over the long term including running costs. Let's assume a massive hurricane trashes those windmills in a decade and compare it with a decade worth of fuel - even with that artificial constraint the windmills are likely to win against tiny little things that make as much heat and noise as electricity. We're not comparing with 500MW of coal or 1GW of nuke in such a situation so anything without a lot of fuel per

      • A hurricane destroying such a windmill would need to be at least two times stronger than the strongest hurricane we have on records ...

        I really womder why the power that wind plant is generating is so expensive. Well, profits for the company, considering how high the current power price is, likely is the reason.

        Production cost of wind power per kWh is in germany meanwhile around or below coal.

        • by dbIII ( 701233 )

          A hurricane destroying such a windmill would need to be at least two times stronger than the strongest hurricane we have on records

          Yes, I'm just providing an artificial example of a short life for the windmills, but they still beat tiny diesel things even with such a short life.

          I really womder why the power that wind plant is generating is so expensive

          Yes, retail price not price of production. In Australia for an example we've got some of the cheapest to produce non-hydro electricity in the world but the r

    • Headline is technically correct. That's a large step up for /..

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      Unless they really screw up then the wind turbine and connection to the mainland is going to be cheaper than using diesel generators. There is an up-front cost but amortized over the life of the turbine and cable it will be less than the (rising) cost of diesel fuel.

    • I think you'll find that most "eco-friendly" headlines can't withstand a couple of difficult questions from people other than enviro-journalists (who are invariably activists posing as reporters).
  • by Anonymous Coward

    So much more efficient, in every sense of the word!

  • by KermodeBear ( 738243 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @12:58AM (#49178503) Homepage

    Any information on if this project is subsidized or not? I checked the articles briefly but I didn't see anything either way. If this project is being built without subsidies, that's great, it means that technology is catching up and this kind of energy is finally becoming economically viable on a large scale.

    • All wind is subsidized. Can't compete with natural gas electricity.
      Wind subsidies should be progressively cut over 10 years down to zero. This would greatly rationalize wind turbine installations, and make nuclear more interesting than wind long term. Nuclear is more expensive than natural gas or coal today, but coal is going away, and low natural gas prices are far from a sure thing long term. I wish natural gas suppliers were forced to offer long term fixed price contracts instead of floating as today. In

      • > All wind is subsidized. Can't compete with natural gas electricity.

        Unsubsidized (onshore) wind is less expensive than natural gas:


        Look on page 2.

        • Wind capacity factor 52%, that's a bold faced lie. Show me a single wind farm producing above 40%. typical is 20% - 35%.
          Those numbers are crazy, it a pretty report with unreliable or fabricated data.

      • Nuclear can't compete with anything.
        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

        The UK wholesale electricity price in 2013 is about £48 per megawatt-hour (MWh). EDF has negotiated a guaranteed fixed price â" a "strike price" â" for electricity from Hinkley Point C of £92.50 per megawatt-hour (in 2012 prices),[2][3][31] which will be adjusted (linked to inflation) during the construction period and over the subsequent 35 years tariff period. The price could fall to £89.50/

        • The plant you cited is a boondoggle of an outdated design, would expect it got built by highly motivated politicians. In general fission power is expensive due to excessive regulation, put there with the intent to make it expensive. Idiotic bits like things less radioactive than humans, being treated like deady contaminated objects.

        • Hinkley Point C is Areva EPR. If I could, I would kill that reactor from the market. The nuclear experts claim its the posterchild of doing nothing to decrease costs, rejecting any simplifications, and just adding costs with complex engineered safety instead of passive safety.
          Part of the problem is Areva buying that German nuclear supplier, and the engineers from both sides failing to agree on a rational solution, essentially having two solutions for everything. Insane.
          Post Chernobyl and Fukushima regulator

        • Think about this. A GE ESBWR should cost a few billion if you add up the rational costs expected. Instead its offered to a USA customer as a USD 10 billion project. Its the most economical reactors offered by North America and western Europe (Russia and India have cheaper designs, specially when they are built and installed locally).
          Westinghouse AP1000 are budgeted at US$ 4 billion for China installation.
          An ESBWR is 1.6GW, while an Areva EPR is closer to 2GW, so even at twice the GE projected cost with USA

    • 30MW is by no means large scale.
      That is the equivalent of 300 car engines, if I might pull a car analogy.
      Depending on what they plan it is 6 x 5MW wind turbines or even only a single oversized "25MW" turbine.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      All energy production is subsidised. Coal, nuclear, gas, wind, solar, everything. So yes, it is subsidised.

  • WIndfarms are great, but don't claim magic 40% numbers
    • by Firethorn ( 177587 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @01:22AM (#49178575) Homepage Journal

      Read the article a bit closer, they're talking about a 40% electricity drop for the 1800 or so residents of "Block Island", who are currently serviced by diesel generators(mostly). Additionally, part of the project would be running a power line to the mainland, that could transmit power not only from the wind farm to the mainland, but bring energy back when needed.

      Between the two, I can easily see a 40% drop. Diesel for electricity is expensive.

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      Competing against a monopoly that has small and expensive to run generators gives those magic 40% numbers.
  • From TFA:

    held up by a tangle of clean power foes, regulatory and financing woes, and Cape Cod homeowners afraid it'd ruin the view.

    Who exactly are "clean power foes"?

    This seems like using an epithet to delegitimize others.

    I'm sure there are people who oppose this project for stupid reasons, like "it'd ruin the view". But I am equally sure that absolutely nobody opposes this project because it is too clean.

    I suppose that if you looked and looked, you could find someone who is so certain that an ice age is c

  • Don't count your ergs before they are generated.

  • by Crashmarik ( 635988 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @02:24AM (#49178715)

    Block island has a population of 1051 people and has to ship in diesel for power generation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B... [wikipedia.org]

    So currently they using just about the worst system for commercial generation, paying high fuel and operating at a scale that is barely viable to begin with. The article also doesn't mention just what they are doing for energy storage or backup.

    Either way if that is what is needed to make wind viable I wouldn't hold my breath.

    • http://www.politifact.com/rhod... [politifact.com]

      The actual price for the power would be 30 cents/ KWHR.

      • In 10 years Li Ion battery storage will be cheap enough that above US$ 0.20/kWh it will be cheaper to go off grid. Most roof top solar PV is selling to the grid at US$ 0.03/kWh, but today storage is way more expensive than the solar panels.
        Plus compressed air energy storage will drop in price.
        That's the real purpose of the subsidies today, we have the base scientific knowledge to achieve lots of things, but investors don't put their money on hopes and dreams, they demand return on investment.
        Over the next 1

        • Well

          http://ilsr.org/technological-... [ilsr.org]

          http://ilsr.org/wp-content/upl... [ilsr.org]

          Lithium storage pricing / watt hour seems to have flatlined in recent years, but energy density still has a little positive slope to its curve. The cheap enough in 10 years looks like it needs more to support the statement.

          What prompts you to say compressed air storage will drop in price ? That process is very mature and has been for a very long time

          • Then why would have Elon Musk put billions towards the Giga Factory, with two essential goals:
            - Assure Li Ion supply for future growth
            - Achieve a substantial Li Ion US$/kWh drop
            This is a single plant with capacity equal to 2013 worldwide production.

            I've seen plenty of markets that seemed mature, but the fact those were stagnated due to lack of interest in innovating.
            We need thousands of GWh scale storage solutions. At costs closer to pumped hydro than Li Ion storage.
            Could be the chicken egg

            • > I've seen plenty of markets that seemed mature, but the fact those were stagnated due to lack of interest in innovating

              Or investment. PV is a clear example of this - panels are selling today below the cost that was predicted only a few years ago to be the lowest possible cost of product. The mad rush of money into the market raised production so much that supply/demand pressed all the input costs way down, while the manufacturers were slitting each other's throats squeezing costs out of their lines. I

              • I like rooftop solar PV. It's making good use of otherwise wasted roof space.
                But I don't like utility scale solar PV, way too expensive for wholesale generation.
                rooftop solar PV competes with retail electricity prices.
                grid scale solar PV competes with natural gas, nuclear, ...

        • In 10 years Li Ion battery storage will be cheap enough that above US$ 0.20/kWh it will be cheaper to go off grid.
          You forget that the price for lithium itself barely will fall, and that refining and transportation is the main reason for the battery prices.
          I really wonder why americans always think the price will approach zero if you simply built enough of the items.
          I have no clue what a kWh storage in lithium costs right now, but I doubt it will be ever cheaper than half the current price ... more likely i

          • Li Ion batteries is mostly Nickel, comparatively a cheap metal. Lithium has the spotlight because its the critical breakthrough, but very little is necessary.
            I'm Brazilian BTW.
            The bet has been that Li Ion cells will reach US$ 100/kWh anywhere between 2020-2025.
            That would mean an actual 20kWh storage system @ less than US$ 5000.
            20kWh allows people to fully live off grid in sunny areas.

            Look into why Tesla/Elon Musk is investing billions on the Li Ion Giga Factory. A big part of the gamble is economies of scal

            • But in your previous post you said lithium ion batteries would approach 20 cents per kWH storage, or did you typo?

              • What I hoped to say was that with retail electricity above 20 cents / kWh energy storage will soon be cheap enough to live off grid with solar + Li Ion storage in sunny places (like 30N to 30S lattitude). That's assuming USA price structure. Solar in Brazil is too expensive due to heavy import burden and in order to do net meterid we must have an outgoing meter sending everything we produce to the grid and pay state energy taxes including electricity we generate with solar, it pushes payback for solar over

  • by Roodvlees ( 2742853 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @07:49AM (#49179543)
    I've love the sight of an eco-friendly windmill on my horizon, don't understand why people complain so much about it.
    The sound would be unacceptable though, if that's still a problem.
  • wind farms or frack drills.

    Fuck it, you're getting both. One'll be a hundred foot white elephant every 200 feet, the other'll fuck up your water supply but you won't be able to sue anyone because your local government has already taken the backhander for the immunity.

[We] use bad software and bad machines for the wrong things. -- R.W. Hamming
