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Nintendo Hardware

Fully Functional Nintendo Controller Coffee Table 49

techfun89 writes "Ever wished that you could defeat Bowser literally right from your coffee table with giant built in buttons? Well, your dreams have come true with the fully-functional Nintendo Controller Coffee Table. This is the creation of Charles Lushear that has combined old school entertainment with maple wood and craftsmanship. Simply plug into an existing classic NES system and go to town. The table also features a removable glass top with retractable cord to use the furniture as just a table when you are done playing Mario."
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Fully Functional Nintendo Controller Coffee Table

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  • For Sale (Score:4, Funny)

    by jgtg32a ( 1173373 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2012 @04:22PM (#39649019)
    Oh, they're selling it now. I was wondering because this is years old.
    • Yep, and G4's AOTS did a similar thing when the show first started.

    • Yeah, for $3500. For that price, the are definitely build to order. They are probably making quite a bit off each sale, but there's probably a lot of time spent making even a single table. For $500 and a lot of hard work you could easily build this thing yourself.
      • Yeah, for $3500. For that price, the are definitely build to order. They are probably making quite a bit off each sale, but there's probably a lot of time spent making even a single table. For $500 and a lot of hard work you could easily build this thing yourself.

        3500 smackers? For that, I could buy a toolshed, fill it with the tools I need to do this, and still have 1000 smackers or more left over. That, and I'd still have the pride that I'd made it myself! (not to mention, being able to fix it on the fly, and, hey, I'd have a lot of power tools)

      • by hipp5 ( 1635263 )
        I doubt you could do it out of maple wood for $500. Good hardwood is frickin' expensive.
        • by EdIII ( 1114411 )

          Why does it have to be good hardwood?

          It's not a coffee table you are going to bequeath to your progeny so that in a hundred years they can go on Antiques Roadshow.

          Considering the application, I would think you could get away with much less expensive wood, stain it, and still have a nice conversation piece. Certainly not worth $3500, unless you are really really into both Nintendo and fine furniture.

          It looks to me like there is no more than $150 worth a wood at HomeDepot. Positive you could get all the woo

          • by jandrese ( 485 )
            Home Depot sells mahogany?
            • by EdIII ( 1114411 )

              It sells the stain. My point is not to use expensive hardwood for that kind of application. You could do it much cheaper

              • by Inda ( 580031 )
                So the extreme is stained pine?

                C'mon, there's a reason for using nice hardwood. It looks nice and it's nice to work with. Nice.
          • by hipp5 ( 1635263 )
            Sooooooo basically you're saying I can build myself a top-notch gaming computer for only $250 instead of $1500 if I simply switch out my Intel i7 for a celeron and my GeForce 680 for a Voodoo 2.
            • by EdIII ( 1114411 )


              You are using hyberbole and an inappropriate comparison.

              Hardwoods are extremely expensive. It is the difference between a multithousand dollar piece of furniture, or a decent coffee table for a couple hundred dollars. You can even go so far as p.o.s ikea crap you assemble yourself.

              If you pick up some regular wood at homedepot, say poplar or pine, and just stain it you have something reasonably nice and wont break the bank. That is real wood too, not plywood or some other compressed crap.


              • Also, they sell hardwood flooring material for under $5.00 a square foot, with a table that's 3 feet x 6 feet, that's 18 sq feet. For $90 you could do the table top itself in real hardwood. Wood isn't that expensive.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Make it a PS3 controller with rumble functionality and then we can start talking.
    • if my friend had a table with a vibrator in it, i would NEVER eat a skittle off that table. evar.

      • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

        by Sketchly ( 1354369 )
        I have this dream where I'm lying under a glass-topped coffee table while a hot chick defecates onto it. It'd kinda spoil it if she was playing SuperMarioCart at the same time.
  • Seriously, $3500 for that? There really are people with too much money to spend.

    Granted, it would be a nice woodworking project to build one.
    But looking at the size of it, the wood would probably cost less than $200, throw in extra $100 for lacquer/varnish.
    • Re:$3500 for that? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by digitalsushi ( 137809 ) <> on Wednesday April 11, 2012 @04:55PM (#39649485) Journal

      If you're regularly doing stuff like this guy us, it would be a portion of that for the finishes, since he'd already have them. But the wood is definitely going to cost more than 200 bucks. That's some nice wood he used. Mahogany and walnut are middle of the road woods, like 8 to 12 dollars per board foot. It's reasonable that he spent 600 dollars on the wood, and the bulk of the cost in this is definitely his time carefully designing the piece. If you stripped the cheap electronics out, this thing is still a 3400 dollar piece of furniture, non functional. In fact, the odds are good that whomever ends up purchasing this thing will put it in a corner and never plug it into a nes. It's a really gorgeous piece of work. I am definitely not a master wood worker but I have putzed around enough to know this isn't a weekend hack job.

    • Wait, you mean a product costs more than the sum if its intrinsic parts? STOP THE PRESSES!
    • by Leuf ( 918654 )

      How about we don't have woodworkers price IT projects and don't have IT workers price woodworking projects? You are apparently expecting the wood to cut and assemble itself into a finished product, not consume any electricity in the process or require any rent to be paid on the facility it's building itself in. All of the tools required also purchased themselves and did not wear at all during the process. No other consumables like glue and sandpaper were needed. Further Etsy didn't take 3.5% and Paypal

      • You are apparently expecting the wood to cut and assemble itself into a finished product

        Which is ridiculous because Nano-assembler-board would cost way more than $200!

  • coffee table about coffee table anyone?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Thought this sounded familiar. Similar project back in 2008:

  • Nice woodworking job, can't help but wonder why he skimped and put such crappy legs on it though.

  • You look at the picture in the article and you have to wonder why people in that apartment would drop $3500 on a controller coffee table. We need a /. article about financial responsibility.

  • oh, you said Bowser

  • This is awesome. It would be a great way to introduce the kids to retro gaming.
  • by Osgeld ( 1900440 ) on Wednesday April 11, 2012 @09:53PM (#39652843)

    ""Ever wished that you could defeat Bowser literally right from your coffee table with giant built in buttons?"

    No, why the hell would I want to do that, that sounds like a really bad controller, and frankly its a dumb thing to ask. Ever wish you could drive a car with a 90 foot steering wheel?

  • As hard as NES games were, I don't see anyone getting very far with the playable function of a giant controller...

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
