Open Source Robot for Household Tasks 99
bednarz brings us a NetworkWorld story about the development of a robot through an open source project. The objective of the project is to "take robotics from research into homes." Quoting:
"One of its immediate goals is to build 10 robots and make them available to university researchers as a common platform that can be tinkered with and improved. Willow Garage will also supply 'an open-source code base integrated from the best open-source robotics software available,' President and CEO Steve Cousins said. In Cousins' video presentation, the first version of the robot could be seen vacuuming, picking up toys off the floor of a living room, taking dishes out of a dishwasher, and most importantly of all, using a bottle opener to crack open a cold, refreshing brew."
One step closer to the singularity (Score:4, Funny)
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Human level AIs are never going to be practical for real world problems because they'll have just as many ways of going wrong as human geniuses do. People who are ca
Re:One step closer to the singularity (Score:5, Insightful)
Singularity is likely going to remain in the realm of "coming soon" forever.
What is intelligence? (Score:5, Informative)
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Well, Charles Darwin had a certain opinion about that didn't he ? And oh, whether it involves war, like in the movies, or merely
And to the people who think the matrix is "realistic" : the human body cannot function like a battery in any serious ca
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Well, Charles Darwin had a certain opinion about that didn't he ? And oh, whether it involves war, like in the movies, or merely ... "being outcompeted for resources" (starving) ... personally I'd prefer war. It hurts but at least it's interesting. The end result is the same either way.
I'm always amazed at human arrogance --- it is simply colossal :) Being intelligent is a bonus for survival, I'd say, nothing more. Many, many species have no intelligence worth mentioning (say, grass) and yet is vastly more successful in the Darwin game by most metrics. On the other hand, being intelligent does not automatically mean a robot would have the drive or desire to breed, or even the means to. Which would leave them in a pretty poor position in the Darwins game against humans.
Somehow, the tea
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Yes, and the first robot that DOES have a drive to breed will, by Darwinian fitness, quickly reproduce and dominate the population of robots. Lather, rinse, repeat. Getting that first urge to reproduce may take a long time and many false starts, but eventually one robot will have some sort of imperative t
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See, now, you are chopping lumber with an axe :)
Doesn't have to be a robot, either. However, the robots would have to compete with humans. Could be interesting!
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a religion
Ever wonder how atheism lost to an opponent that refused to fight it in the classical period ? How it lost to christianity, despite constantly attacking and murdering their opponents ? Imho the answer is in the writings of cicero and what happened when the romans lost their religion, as exemplified by, f
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You know you make a very good point ... but the solution will be the exact same as it is for humans. What robots need, simply put, in order to be successfull on earth, is a very, very old concept :
a religion
Maybe, maybe not. I'm inclined to not. But first and foremost they need to exists in a self-reproducing form.
Ever wonder how atheism lost to an opponent that refused to fight it in the classical period ? How it lost to christianity, despite constantly attacking and murdering their opponents ? Imho the answer is in the writings of cicero and what happened when the romans lost their religion, as exemplified by, for example, the catilina incident.
I'm no history buff. Atheism have very ill conditions in a poorly educated world, which might be why it only popped up during "spikes" in education.
Making robots believe will be, to be sure, as big a challenge as making a human believe. But clearly some people have no trouble doing that. And as soon as we find this to be necessary in order to get an AGI to function (and I do "believe" we will find this a necessity) ...
But why would the constructor bother to? Religion is just a parasite, wasting resources that could used otherwise.
Why do all atheists have this ridiculous opinion robots' AI will be atheist ?
They do not. I am an atheist, and have no such opinion, so your statement is false.
Are you truly that delusional about your ideas being the ultimate truth for everybody ?
Does the thief believe every man steal? :p I find it
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You seem to have missed
I'm no history buff. Atheism have very ill conditions in a poorly educated
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[snipped senseless garbage]
To that, I will only say that might does not make right. Whether you have the courage to face the world as it is, rather than as you wish it is, is your road.
But why would the constructor bother to? Religion is just a parasite, wasting resources that could used otherwise.
Because otherwise robots will just shutdown. No purpose in life, the problem that was to be resolved.
Yet I don't shutdown, so you hypothesis is false. Again.
The problem that was the subject of this thread.
No, it was whether robots would out-compete humans. Specifically, my point is that self-reproducing was the most important trait there to even be in the game. Then you started on some crusade against atheist. Are you perhaps a bit insecure?
And atheism is a collection of ideologies,
And nihilism, the prevalent form of atheism on the internet it seems, is basically polytheism, a "natural" religion.
You need to read up a bit. Nihilism is a philosop
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Again you come off with the subtle social reasons. You should be an atheist because it's the "default position". The default position, in any subject really, is nothing but a popular idea, and in fact, I tend to think different. The default position is that the titanic is unsinkable. The default position is that hitler is a champion of the poor, protecting them from big scary jewish arms merchants. The default position is that Bush is a racist dictator, enriching himself, and Chavez is a champion of the poor, improving the life of venezuelans, and that he'll somehow behave different from all past communists, even when more and more news items say he is behaving exactly as might be predicted.
Nice strawman. It is the default position to not believe in any particular god just like it is the default position to not have any hobbies. A newborn is, e.g. an atheist,just like it doesn't have any hobbies yet.
These are "default positions",
No, they are not. You are just wildly inventing. You don't have to feel bad about not taking the default position, there is nothing that makes a default position better.
Second argument ... atheism is supposedly courageous. Well, yes, active, proselytizing atheism in Saudi Arabia ... THAT I might consider courageous. Atheism inside a liberal state with guaranteed human rights filled with agnosts and atheist ... that's not courageous, that's going with the flow, becoming an unnoticeable nobody, safe in a mass of like-minded people. In fact, in most universities (certainly in mine) it's belief that is the courageous position.
I did not say it was courageous to be an atheist. To become one, though, you have to face that there is no purpose in life, n
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We do not know anything definite about the forces of nature, except that in the past they've been remarkably trustworthy
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Except that I don't hold with deism wordage, as it is too easy to confuse the deistic god-as-the-natural-world with the god-the-listener-to-prayers, I don't disagree, except this.
Christianity, the core of it, is simply the addition of "we are as good as we treat eachother" to the scientific principle that specifies the validity of doing experiments.
That is one view, and hopefully a popular one. However, this requires discarding most of the contents of the bible. Indeed, I have been told that if you take a pair of scissors, and cut out everything that we know to be not true (no, Jesus cannot have been born in Nazarath, Jesus was not born to a virgin if born at all, a lot of
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One step closer to the singularity (42) (Score:1)
They will control the world. .
Not AI. .
Unless the AI is somehow based on 42.
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I recently read an interesting book by Marian Dawkins, Through Our Eyes Only (The Search for Consciousness). The majority of the book actually dealt with intelligence. The book takes you through various behaviors, arguing that there is a spectrum of intelligence.
For example, insects appear clever when they are placed in normal insect circumstances, but they act inappropriately -- cannot adapt -- when faced with abnormal circumstances. For example, digger wasps drag their dead cricket up to the edge of the
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BTW, this was the missing rat anecdote. That shows me skipping the preview :/
Rats can count, at least up to three. When trained, rats can select the Nth tunnel (N less than 5) where food can be found, regardless of the position of the tunnel, even if each tunnel is out of sight of the other. I say up to three because in the experiments, when food is placed in the 4th tunnel, the rats race to the end of the tunnel sequence, and count backwards by one, as if counting to 4 isn't possible. This is somewhat hi
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People who are capable of making intuitive leaps don't always make the right ones and even when they do solve problems, they may not be solving the problems you asked them to.
The "leaps" are recognition of previously unrecognized patterns. They might be detectable mathematically. More often than not, this is a result of making conclusions from incomplete data. Recognizing that fact (ie skepticism) is the process of identifying unknown parameters. This is automatable. If the "problem" they solved is not the one you asked to solve, then you either didn't state your objective concretely enough or your didn't narrow the parameters of a desired solution enough. People who "get
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I'd like to see proof of that.
Can't there be an entity using induction to choose an optimal path to check for validity deductively?
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It will need to be able to rewrite its
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And therefore humans are also never going to practical for real world problems?
I know some of us don't have that high an opinion of the human race, but I think that's going a bit far...
Your bullshit flag is bullshit (Score:2)
Obviously intelligence can contribute to increasing intelligence: Von Neumann laid some of the foundation for modern computing, and modern computing obviously makes
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Anyone (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Anyone (Score:5, Funny)
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You don't need hightech then; for a vacuum cleaner will satisfy....I mean suffice.
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I have a question... (Score:2)
This GPL business will get out of hand, and we'll find all our things published on the Internet for anyone to use.
You have been warned.
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And then... (Score:1)
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No one would need one of these (Score:5, Funny)
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Also, FTFS: "vacuuming, picking up toys off the floor of a living room, taking dishes out of a dishwasher, and most importantly of all, using a bottle opener to crack open a cold, refreshing brew." I would think the most important of all would be the price of the thing... and/or the ability to understand spoken double killer select delete select.
Marry? (Score:1)
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Ultimately, I decided she was too high maintenance.
I for one... (Score:1)
Hire a housekeeper (Score:2)
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Which costs money.
Which has to be recovered from customers.
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And then there's this [] to consider.
Good housekeepers can cost well into five figures per year if you're not ripping them off. The robot doesn't sound so bad.
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Same with if you expect they might be stealing.
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The robot probably won't try stuff like that...
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To men that read and post on Slashdot? Please post the price list sir. My place is a mess.
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Open Source Robot (Score:5, Funny)
One Day (Score:1)
Data. (Score:1)
Mayan's knew what was up. (Score:1)
Good news for slashdotters (Score:1)
It's nice to have the idea but are we ready? (Score:1)
GNU General Robot Licence (Score:1)
Lisp Macro Bites Dog (Score:1)
Patents? (Score:2)
As soon as these robots hit the shelves... (Score:1)
crack open a cold, refreshing brew? (Score:5, Funny)
Human: "I didn't know robots neede to drink"
Robot: "I don't need to drink. I can quit anytime I want to."
All in a day's work (Score:3, Informative)
OOPS (Score:1)
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Those exist already. They're called "toddlers".
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Now that I gotta see on youtube
The world is vatching up ... (Score:2)
Just reminds me
"Our hero is Gallegher, an inventor who can only invent when dead drunk. Upon sobering up in this story, he finds himself in possession of a perfectly useless and perfectly vain robot. He has all sorts of contractual obligations that he has to fulfill, but he can't do a darn thing sober, and can't get the robot to help him unless he can figure out what its actual purpose is. (It turns out it's the world's most complex and o
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i wish this story was posted one week ago.. (Score:1, Offtopic)
Robots (Score:1)
My, what a marvelous idea! []
Privacy (Score:1)
I've seen it. (Score:2)
I've seen the thing. Right now, it's a nice teleoperator, but can't do much if anything autonomously. Great platform, though. There's also Anybots [], which does beautiful mechanical engineering. That, too, is a teleoperator right now.
It's nice to see the mechanical engineering problems of mobile robots being solved. The mechanics need to be done in the private sector to move research forward. University CS departments are terrible at cutting metal.
This will go mainstream for Xmas 2009, when the firs
And yet no DVD Burner Changer for under $500 (Score:1)