Look out Leatherman! 58
softwaregadgets writes "I use a
leatherman for most of my hardware work today (less then
optimal!), but its going in the bin this summer to leave space
in my pocket for this one."
I love my leatherman too, but crikey! That thing is just
crazy looking.
Don't like multiple pieces (Score:1)
piece to keep up with. If you are going to have
as many pieces as this spyderco tool you might
as well buy one of those toolkits that comes in
a little belt pouch so that you don't drop parts
trying to get to onther things....
You call that a knife review (Score:1)
Knife reviews by one crazy Frenchman who mangles English worse than some of you do. The ones where he attacks junk cars and other knife threatening inanimate objects are pretty funny. Also here's a link to another knife site. He's not really set up for web orders but is not so rambo-esque as most knife sites. http://www.chaicutlery.com/index.html
(this is a reply to the main posting. the button for that seems to have gone away)
Check out the SOG Toolclip too... (Score:1)
or the link at the bottom of this posting (better). Bad pictures, though... It's a really sturdy pair of pliars, although cutting thick wire hurts your hands.
By coincidence, I have just discovered that I lost it. My SOG Toolclip, that is! I might buy this new weird Spyderco thing, I will look at both Gerber and Leatherman. I do find the Leatherman pliars a bit wimpy, but the rest of the tool is nice. The Swisstool is not very impressive, IMHO.
And also, for those who feel anguish when they miss the toothpick from their Victorinox (Swiss army) knife; you'll go crazy when you drop torx bits all over the place as this weird Spyderco tool falls apart.
Check out this link [knifecenter.com] for more details about SOG tools. They're my personal favorites.
Hacker Multi-tool (Score:1)
Leatherman,Gerber HA! (Score:1)
What, no Multimeter? Oscilliscope? Logic Analyzer? (Score:1)
But what about small Oscilliscopes? Anyone seen any small, toolkit-sized Osc's out there? How about mini Logic Analyzer?
If Spyderco can fit those in on this tool, I'd buy 3.
Dear God (Score:1)
The only real advantage I see the Leatherman having is that this thing looks like it would be really uncomfortable to carry around in your pocket -- at least the Leatherman is fairly smooth when you fold it down.
Besides, to tell the truth, I don't think I'd ever need to *use* the extra tools (yeah, I know that's not the point -- it's just having them that makes you have GeekStatus(tm) ). I really only use my Leatherman for fixing hardware at home/work, so the needle-nose, the knife and the phillips are only tools that see a lot of action...
know when to say when (Score:1)
So you need to keep some kind of balance. Some pliers and a knife (or something like original leatherman) for those just-gotta-do-this-quick type jobs, and a toolbox full of real tools for serious work.
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
a good hacker has a good toolbox... (Score:1)
How do you hold it? (Score:2)
Leatherman vs. Gerber vs. Spyderco(?) (Score:1)
As to the Gerber Multiplier, the design of its locking mechanisms is much better. The pliers are much more comfortable to use and capable of greater force (suitable (in a pinch) for crimping). This comes at a cost, economy of size.
The "good ol'" Leatherman is much handier and definitely has size on its side. However, after lots of use the intergrated "locking spring" loses its strength. I can't count the number of times I've banged my fingers trying to loosen a tight phillips-head.
Spyderco... I got a Spyderco knife (as a gift), and where it is very wierd looking, the blade steel is high quality (good tensile, not brittle, keeps an edge). As far as the "Spyderco Wrench" goes, It looks like something straight out of R'lyeh (nearly went insane looking at it). This might make for a better knife, a better screwdriver, etc. than either the Leatherman or Gerber, but it sure doesn't look "handy".
Fully stocked toolboxes... Obviously better than any belt-device, albeit unwieldy to strap to one's waist. I guess the realy question is: "How far are you willing to go?" :)
Hmmmm ... (Score:1)
I wish emerson design would come up with a multi-tool device. I REFUSE to be located outside of a three foot radius from my CQC6. period. ever. If you don't have one of these and you want a real blade, buy one. I think emerson even has a web site up now ...
Not exactly ... (Score:1)
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
Swiss Army (Score:1)
But, I've got my eye on that Swiss Tool now, hehe.
Cool Tool (Score:1)
I am going to stick with my leatherman though. I've grown very found of it.
I may only have a wimpy Micra, but it rocks (Score:1)
When I was in my friend Rob's wedding a couple of years ago, he gave all the groomsmen engraved Leatherman tools. Now that's cool. Mine's in my car.
The Question Is: (Score:1)
Letherman Wave (Score:2)
btw, have you seen the new leatherman crunch [leatherman.com] ( closeup [leatherman.com] )? locking pliers...oh yeah...
Question for question (Score:1)
Something like that.
Also (Score:1)
anomoe'omery rare. f. Gr. anomoiomerh-j of dissimilar parts; cf. omoiomereia homoeomery (f. omoioj like + meroj part). The theory that the ultimate atoms of matter are dissimilar.
My 3rd New International Unabridged Webster's says, though ``The belief that the ultimate atoms of the universe are dissimilar.'' [emphasis mine].
Rock on.
Loosen them thar Leathermans out there! (Score:1)
I can now whip out the Wave pliars, or open either of the one-hand access knives instantly. Really quite slick. It scares people a lot.
a good hacker has a good toolbox... (Score:1)
I was thinking about purchasing a Leatherman Wave [leatherman.com] a while back, but I balked when I saw the $70 price tag. I purchased the micra [leatherman.com] for $15 instead, and for a little bit more cash ($250) I got myself a good toolbox and a nice set of tools. When I don't have my toolbox around, the micra might come in handy, but like the guy said, having the correct tool always beats using a multi-tool.
What every good hacker should have in their toolbox:
Obviously there is more I could add to this, but this is a start. If you are gonna spend $100 for a multi-purpose tool, considering making additions to your toolbox instead.
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
a good hacker has a good toolbox... (Score:1)
Personally, I carry my Leatherman Super Tool around all the time, and I also keep my toolbox handy. I am lucky, though. My dad is an Electrical Engineer, so I have a VERY complete toolbox that I got pretty much for free (discarded things from his workbench), so in addition to all that, I have a good soldering iron, solder sucker, digital multimeeter, regular wrench set, some breadboard, plus various tools for my Model RR, such as a mini mitre (sp?) box.
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
Huh??? (Score:1)
You don't need any of these things!!!
- Editor
- Compiler
- Linker
Beyond those, all else is superfluous.
- Sean
Leatherman Wave (Score:1)
As far as this Spyderco tool goes: bummer for you if you lose the parts!!!
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
Boy, I do like the look of dat dere Spyderco. I LIKE all the extra bits, and I'm clever enough to figure out how it works. : )
Leatherman, HA! (Score:1)
I personally carry a small pair of Snap-on combination pliers in one pocket, a good pocket knife in the other, and a mini flat bladed screwdriver in my breast pocket. Any jams that they won't get me out of are too big for a multi-tool anyways.
Leatherman vs. Gerber vs. Spyderco(?) (Score:1)
Seriously, the single-handed opening on the spyderco is really nice, and it's also one of the only knives with a clip on it that I can comfortably open, hold, and use (I'm a stinkin' lefty).
Kind of funny, left handed people seem to gravitate to computers. One of my contracts was implementing a new dispatch database; about ten guys were sitting around talking, and we realized we were all left handed. Is this a trend?
a good hacker has a good toolbox... (Score:1)
I have them, they are all necessities. Just don't forget the 10-lb. mallet for when a serious job needs to get done.
10-lb.'ers are great for the last ditch effort on getting the job done. When all else fails, give it a swift whack. I could mean the difference between a working and non-working 'puter.
Nothing crushes the competition like a 10-lb.'er. Nothing fixes an iMac like one. You thought they were multi-colored before...
10-lb.'ers are great, pick one up today. It is a must have for any good toolbox.
Topeak McGuyver (Score:1)
You just never know when your going to need a fish scaler AND a 15g spoke tool
Looks like a Klingon tool (Score:1)
Cool Tool (Score:1)
All these tools are good ones.
I use a hammer (Score:1)