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New "YEPP" MP3 player from Samsung 43

Joe Torre writes "The 4th commercial MP3 player I'm aware of was shown at CES. All the features of the Rio (except being available now!). Plus it has a magnesium metal case, and a fancy model with FM radio/Mic record. The encoder station apparently has analog stereo into an MP3 DSP encoder, into the YEPP player's memory, via the base station. Making the desktop optional."
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New "YEPP" MP3 player from Samsung

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  • Hmm. Puts those little locking diaries to shame, doesn't it? Some sweaty younger sibling tries to mess with your stuff and fst!

  • I had cheistry last year (High school.) And the reason Magnesium is flammable is that it is unstable. I'm sure that this is some sort of alloy in which case it kicks ass. Many sports car parts are magnesium, so are alot bicycle frames.

    You have to get unstable Magnesium such as a magensium ribbon and then hold up a blow torch or some sort of butane lighter to it. It burns green I beleive and you have to hold it in the flame for a while. When it does burn however if you look at it direclty and are close it will scar your corena or retnea or somthing.
  • by Skyshadow ( 508 )
    If memory serves, the NeXT cubes we made with a
    magnesium case...


  • Yes. If it were made of plastic and you held a blowtorch to it, it would also burn. Big deal.
  • by voidptr ( 609 )
    Campers are sold magnesium shards in which they scrape off shavings in order to light campfires

    Hmm, I wonder why they shave it first. Magnesium blocks won't light, it has to be a shaving, ribbon or powder to light. Magnesium in a large chunk is perfectly safe. Get one of those camper sticks and put it to a blowtorch, it won't light. It's mainly of value because it's lightweight, and soft enough to machine fairly easily.
  • Nice and flamable.

    Perfect for when you are carrying around illegal
    music in your Yepp. Just take out a match, and
    poof! No evidence.
  • I bet compact, high quality players like this will soon be in demand. I just wish these would include a built in lithium battery charger. Up to 6 hours on a battery seems like a hassle. I'd rather recycle the electrons than dispose of hazmat chemicals in the dumpster.

    Needless to say I want one. One for my car, too!
  • If you heat a block of magnesium to a nice color of a critical temperature, you will get a strong reaction. Also, fresh aluminum shavings are very explosive. Most metals that form a thin oxide layer in presence of oxegen can be a hazard when shaved.

    Shave some aluminum down in a bench grinder some time. It can be a deadly hazard.
  • I thought the whole reason the lawsuit against the RIO failed was that it was based on laws governing recording devices. And the RIO was clearly not a recording device.

    This one, however.... Well, we'll see. I'm sure the lawyers love it. They probably get samples. :-)
  • The lawsuit was attempting to stop the RIO based on laws which specifically prohibited that type of digital recording... sorry, I don't remember the details... but the reason the suit was thrown out was that the RIO was clearly not a recording device. I guess they decided that they'd have a pretty hard time going after everyone with an MP3 encoder on their hard drive, but they were willing to try to take down Diamond.
  • can't you only have a single IP address for the whole machine?

    No. At work, we had a Win 98 box with WinGate that had two NIC's and 2 modems. There were many times when all were connected and they each had their own IP address. That would be 4 IP addresses if you aren't keeping score at home.

    I'm no MS whore but a mis-statement of fact is a mis-statement of fact.

  • Anyone know if I can use Linux to load MP3's on one of these players? That's what I'd like to see--a MP3 player that supports loading via standard protocols (TCP-IP over a serial connection would work well).
  • It is my understanding that the value of magnesium (for starting fires) is that it burns very hot. However, it is difficult to light. That is why you have to scrape it into small filings.

  • Uhm... Magnesium isn't exactly EASY to light. If it were then I'm sure there'd be a problem with thousands of poor soul's wheelchairs suddenly bursting into flames every day.
  • Probably not (load MP3s from Linux). There is a guy who has done it for the MPman (from the command line). I just bought a Rio and will be snarfing from that project to make the Rio Linux-friendly. If anyone else is interested in helping, please email me. :)

  • It would be a shame if you dropped it and its cheapo plastic case shattered. Many laptops are now coming with magnesium cases also.
  • http://www.samsungelectronics.com/news/cgi-bin/sec news.cgi?app=print&key=221&

    Try this one.. seems to be informative... and in English :)
  • MP3 recorders/players are variable bitrate, unlike Minidisc, which insists upon using their proprietary codec and stereo or mono at a set bitrate. Just look on the back of a Rio box, it says you can fit 9+ hours on 32 megs at 16Khz, which is pretty good for voice. So, I'm assuming you can put at least 10+ hours on the YEPP at the same bitrate, seeing that it has 40 MB.

    And, when you're finished, just transfer all of the data back to your computer, and clear the memory. Simple. :)
  • Ooops... I meant 16kbps. :)
  • Since the Rio has a firmware revision that you can check by pushing a few buttons, I'm assuming that it's a relatively general-purpose DSP they're using, and all it would require is a firmware update. But they could have also soldered the firmware chip into the unit, and decided against a flash-rom. So who knows?
  • The teledock.de link seems dead. Here's some more data. Anyone speak Korean?

    YEPP home page (English, incl. pix):

    Samsung's music site, including playback s/w and what appears to be music securing and payment technology (SecuMAX/EMTS):

    There's also a 1.6M MP3 player available that appears to support (quote):
    - WAV (Windows 95/98 Support)
    - MPEG I Layer 2, 3 (mp2, mp3)
    - Secured MPEG I Layer 3 (sm3)
    - Secured MPEG II AAC (sm4)
    ... and skins. The Xmas skin is adorable.

    The third beta is available here:

  • If this new truely does have a record feature this will be an amazing new tool! Gone are the days of multi-tape college lectures, business speaches, dictation tapes, and concert bootlegs. Now if the quality is there....

  • Most people don't know this, but Discmans scratch cds. I'm not sure when, or how, I think its when it skips, but the Discman makes small circular scratches. I haven't had any problem with the scratches causes skips [yet], but I did have a problem with trying to sell my old cds to a used cd store. That's when I learned about this.

    Another reason why the RIO (or any portable mp3 player) is superior to a portable cd player is because cds do skip, and a RIO doesn't.
  • by chadc ( 250552 )
    I wonder if you'll be able to upgrade these things when mp4's are the biggest thing...

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