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Power News

After Second Power Outage, 10 Million Cubans Endure Saturday Afternoon Blackout (msn.com) 83

The Miami Herald reports: Cuba's electrical grid shut down again early Saturday, leaving the island without electricity after authorities tried but failed to restore power following an earlier nationwide blackout on Friday. The island's Electric Union reported a second "total outage" at 6:15 a.m., just hours after officials reported they had restored power in a few "microsystems" all over the island... The country has been going through its worst economic crisis since the fall of the Soviet Union, and the government lacks money to buy oil in the international market to meet domestic demand.

Cubans irked by the daily blackouts defied the country's Draconian laws punishing criticism of the government and left several comments in official news outlets calling for government officials to resign. The second outage will likely exacerbate public frustration as food begins to spoil because of the lack of refrigeration.

Two hours ago, Reuters reported that Cuba's government "said on Saturday it had made some progress in gradually re-establishing electrical service across the island, including to hospitals and parts of the capital Havana..."

"Most of Cuba's 10 million people, however, remained without electricity on Saturday afternoon." Traffic lights were dark at intersections throughout Havana, and most commerce was halted...

Cuban officials have said even if the immediate grid collapse is resolved, the electricity crisis will continue. Cuba produces little of its own crude oil, and fuel deliveries to the island have dropped significantly this year, as Venezuela, Russia and Mexico, once important suppliers, have reduced their exports to Cuba.

Mexico experienced a historic drop in production, according to the New York Times, while Venezuela is selling its oil to foreign companies to ease its own economic crisis: The experts had warned for years: Cuba's power grid was on the verge of collapse, relying on plants nearly a half-century old and importing fuel that the cash strapped Communist government could barely afford... Cuban economists and foreign analysts blamed the crisis on several factors: the government's failure to tackle the island's aging infrastructure; the decline in fuel supplies from Venezuela, Mexico and Russia; and a lack of capital investment in badly needed renewable systems, such as wind and solar.

Jorge Piñon, a Cuban-born energy expert at the University of Texas at Austin, highlighted that Cuba's electricity grid relies on eight very large power plants that are close to 50 years old. "They have not received any operational maintenance much less capital maintenance in the last 12 to 15 years," he said, adding that they have a lifetime of only 25-30 years. "So, number one, it's a structural problem, they are breaking down all the time and that has a domino effect," he said. Compounding the problems, Cuba burns crude oil as a fuel for its plants. Experts said Cuba's own crude oil production is very heavy in sulfur and metals that can impair the thermoelectric combustion process. "So they have to be constantly repairing them, and they're repairing them with Band-Aids," said Mr. Piñon...

"If they can't turn these plants back on there is a concern that this could turn into another mass exodus," said Ricardo Herrero, the director of the Cuba Study Group in Washington. "They are really short on options," he added.

After Second Power Outage, 10 Million Cubans Endure Saturday Afternoon Blackout

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward

    They should get solar panels from China!

    • They should get solar panels from China!

      Solar and wind in an island state ravaged by hurricanes?... Sure you jest. Geotermal and tidal for the win.

      • Has there ever been a serious attempt to normalize relations between the 2 countries?

        The most sensible option, politics aside, would be for a US company to lay an undersea power cable connecting the main island to the North American grid.

        Here, Basslink supplies bidirectional power from Victoria to Tasmania via a 370km connection.

        • Has there ever been a serious attempt to normalize relations between the 2 countries?

          Not really. Obama made the first steps toward ending some of the embargos and sanctions, but Trump put them all back into place and then Biden actually added restrictions.

          The most sensible option, politics aside, would be for a US company to lay an undersea power cable connecting the main island to the North American grid.

          That would make a huge difference for Cuba, but it's literally illegal for any company to do it thanks to the embargos that have been in place since the late 1960s.

  • In a few more years most of the formerly Cuban population will be living in the United states, might as well join the US entirely then.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Nope, Cuba is Russian's North Korea. A brutal, puppet regime propped up by a superpower whose only reason for existing is a distraction and potentially a base for attack against the West. This is why the current regime hasn't been toppled because if it does get weak, Wagner will be sending people there to make opposition leaders disappear.

      • North Korea has a peasant population less exposed to modern mass media and less connected to foreign family. It will be a long long time before Cuba has a similarly indoctrinated population. Also Russia is no super power. Pooh keeps the lights on in North Korea, Putler can't manage that for Cuba.

        • Also Russia is no super power.

          You can say that again. They're using artillery produced in the 40s [newsweek.com] in their two week operation.

        • by burni2 ( 1643061 )

          "North Korea has a peasant population less exposed to modern mass media .."

          Because that those expose themself to modern media, get executed - especially if they watch K-Pop!

      • Nope, Cuba is Russian's North Korea. A brutal, puppet regime propped up by a superpower whose only reason for existing is a distraction and potentially a base for attack against the West.

        Uh, define those “super” powers in that superpower.

        The current state of Cuba tends to question their ability or even desire to “prop” them up.

      • That tiny island state with a population of just over 11 million, which is a founder member of the UN, which has excellent diplomatic relations with most countries in the Americas and Africa, which has so far resisted crippling US sanctions, which have lead to widespread malnutrition, US military invasions, CIA assassination attempts, & is home to the USA's extreme rendition & torture programme in Guantanomo Bay? Is that the brutal regime you're talking about?

        Maybe the USA should adopt their univ
    • Only if they bring their delicious recipes.

    • Why would the US take them. They are resource poor and bring no assets besides people, of which the US has plenty. They would be an economic drain.
      • Since when does the US get a choice of who immigrates? Hundreds of thousands were caught trying to come in last year, including the ones not caught it won't be too long before most of them are in the US regardless.

        • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

          by larryjoe ( 135075 )

          Since when does the US get a choice of who immigrates? Hundreds of thousands were caught trying to come in last year, including the ones not caught it won't be too long before most of them are in the US regardless.

          Uh, the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Immigration Act of 1917, the Immigration Act of 1924, etc. Europeans have essentially always gotten a free pass, aside from occasionally turning away a few undesired poor Europeans. But Asians have always been turned away aside from the few times when cheap laborers were needed.

      • Why would the US take them. They are resource poor and bring no assets besides people, of which the US has plenty. They would be an economic drain.

        Cuba was vegas before vegas, and can be Vegas II again, but no, the cubans want to go at it alone, but under a momre modern non-communist western type govt.

        • The Cubans are all coming to the US at a very rapid pace.

          • Pinky's Brain writes:

            The Cubans are all coming to the US at a very rapid pace.

            About half a million people in 4 years is 125,000 per year, which works out to 0.00037 of US population.
            I swear to GOD I am going to install fire extinguishers at head height so people coming in the door with their hair on fire can be immediately served with what they so desperately need; a bucket of ice water in the face. Besides, if you want to talk about who "belongs" somewhere, justify your presents in the US.

      • Why would the US take them. They are resource poor and bring no assets besides people, of which the US has plenty. They would be an economic drain.

        You are unaware of the "Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966"? Cuban refugees have special status. It's legacy of the cold war.

        For years all Cuban refugees were accepted into the US, no questions. There was a "readjustment" of the act in 2017 (part of the efforts to normalize political relations with Cuba), but Cuban refugees still have a preferred status on admission to the US.

      • Why would the US take them. They are resource poor and bring no assets besides people, of which the US has plenty. They would be an economic drain.

        The US already made that decision, soon after acquiring Cuba from Spain after the War of 1898. We kept Puerto Rico and for a while Philippines, but we decided to cut Cuba loose . The one asset be retained was a lease on a 75 sq mile tract of land "for the defense of the Panama Canal." We know that as Guantánamo today.

    • In a few more years most of the formerly Cuban population will be living in the United states, might as well join the US entirely then.

      It went so well for puerto rico....

      The will probably go at it alone, but under a more efficent non-communist govt. Or so they hope.

      I live in venezuela, and have a few cuban friends, both emigrants, as well as professionals temporarily here by bilateral agreements in the health sector... and that seems to be the prevalent opinion.

  • The summary manages to tell us about Cuba's problems, without a mention to the elephant in the room: The US embargo.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by ichthus ( 72442 )
      Why should that matter? Communism should be able to stand on its own two feet, no?

      Maybe the other communist countries could come to Cuba's rescue. The Soviet Union, or East Germany? Ok, I'm obviously joking there. Surely, North Korea will swoop in and affect the necessary repairs to get their comrades back up and running, though.
      • Cuba wants to join BRICS. It's not clear if BRICS will let them in, though.

      • Why should that matter? Communism should be able to stand on its own two feet, no?

        Maybe the other communist countries could come to Cuba's rescue. The Soviet Union, or East Germany? Ok, I'm obviously joking there. Surely, North Korea will swoop in and affect the necessary repairs to get their comrades back up and running, though.

        The rest of the world vacations in Cuba. The main thing hurting Cuba is not being able to sell their main export (sugar) to the USA. Hell, Texas has serious power grid problems and nearly had a complete failure https://www.usatoday.com/story... [usatoday.com]

        The bottom line with Texas is the power companies won't spend the money to properly winterize their plants. The regulatory body who oversees these plants is headed by cronies and is toothless by design. They can only recommend grid improvements, not mandate them.

  • Cuba "burns crude oil as a fuel" to generate electricity, and it all has to be imported. Could they have built solar farms and wind? Sure. Does their failure to do that have anything to do with the US embargo? No.

    • Cuba "burns crude oil as a fuel" to generate electricity, and it all has to be imported. Could they have built solar farms and wind? Sure. Does their failure to do that have anything to do with the US embargo? No.

      Wind and solar are not practical in an island state ravaged by hurricanes. Tides and geothermal for the win!

      Also, they had (in cooperation with Venezuela) a plan to expand and modernize the "refineria cienfuegos", but more than 1 milliard U$D got lost on the road. If the project had completed, instead of burning crude, they could have burnty the less desireable refined product instead, and export the desirable ones for more U$D to keep the infrastructure running.

      They have hydro, but most of the 162 plants a

      • >> Wind and solar are not practical in an island state ravaged by hurricanes

        Yeah they are. And burning imported oil to generate electricity is incredibly foolish.

        • And burning imported oil to generate electricity is incredibly corrupt, and therefore expected.

          FTFY. In case anyone else was thinking the same “wait, they’re STILL doing THAT stupi..but fucking WHY?!?” shit.

          Communism. Can’t fault the consistency, even if you can fault everything else.

          • by sxpert ( 139117 )

            funny that, importing crude oil from Saudi Arabia, an incredibly corrupt regime that was, for a very long time, subservient to the US, is what the US have been doing for that same long time... go figure

      • Cuba "burns crude oil as a fuel" to generate electricity, and it all has to be imported. Could they have built solar farms and wind? Sure. Does their failure to do that have anything to do with the US embargo? No.

        Wind and solar are not practical in an island state ravaged by hurricanes.

        *looks at Florida*

        Hey uh, you DO know there’s 987 million metric fucktons of solar panels down in the Sunshine State, 90 miles north of there, right?

        • by sxpert ( 139117 )

          they could have, just like Haiti. pumped the crude oil from the gulf... but the US makes sure that those 2 countries can't do shit with illegal sanctions on the first and fomenting revolutions every now and then in the second as soon as someone that is not subservient to US interest shows up to control it

        • Cuba "burns crude oil as a fuel" to generate electricity, and it all has to be imported. Could they have built solar farms and wind? Sure. Does their failure to do that have anything to do with the US embargo? No.

          Wind and solar are not practical in an island state ravaged by hurricanes.

          *looks at Florida*

          Hey uh, you DO know there’s 987 million metric fucktons of solar panels down in the Sunshine State, 90 miles north of there, right?

          One main difference. Florida is not an Island, and is connected to the rest of the US grid.

          Aside from Wind and solar, florida, also has nuclear:

          https://mynews13.com/fl/orland... [mynews13.com]

          Finally, take a look on what happens to solar in extreme weather:

          https://www.pv-magazine.com/20... [pv-magazine.com]

          Wind and solar are cool and all in places where the weather is moderate, or places that have other things in their energy mix that can whitstand the extreme weather, or that are big enough to have the damage spread around. Cuba does not

      • by burni2 ( 1643061 )

        You make it look like storms devastate each and everything to the ground in Cuba, which is not true.

        However yes solar would need to be build with much more sturdy structures, but already in contrast wind turbines designed for such areas (also South-China, Japan and so on) will withstand storms quite well - with a few damages, but these would also happen to every other structure.

        There is virtually no country other than Island that uses geothermal extensively and "tides" well simply spoken, and its good that

      • Wind and solar are not practical in an island state ravaged by hurricanes.

        Don't make things up [wikipedia.org].

  • Watching Americans enjoy this, while California and friends cans provide enough power.


  • Please explain me how the US, with their illegal unilateral sanctions that have been going on for 50+ years, are not largely responsible for the current state of affairs...
    All because cuban decided at some point that they were fed up with US imperialistic multinational companies raping the country

    • Do you realize you just jumped to a conclusion? There are many possible reasons for this, you could have gone out and investigated them.

      Also you sound rather emotional which clouds your judgement.

The rate at which a disease spreads through a corn field is a precise measurement of the speed of blight.
