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Cuba Plunged Into an Island Wide Blackout As Power Grid Fails ( 79

Cuba's power grid failed on Friday, leaving 10 million people without electricity. NPR reports: One of the country's largest power plants, the Antonio Guiteras power plant in the western province of Matanzas, failed shortly before midday on Friday. The failure prompted a total breakdown of Cuba's electrical system. The power outage comes after days of rolling blackouts. Cuba's prime minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, blamed the problem on deteriorating infrastructure and fuel shortages exacerbated by Hurricane Milton, which has made it difficult for fuel deliveries to reach the island.

The prime minister made an address on state television on Thursday evening and said the government would prioritize providing electricity to residential areas and promised shipments of fuel would arrive on the island in the coming days. Cuban officials have not indicated a timeline for when the power grid will be operational again. The massive blackout is a new low in a country that has already been dealing with a deepening economic crisis and widespread food shortages.

Cuba Plunged Into an Island Wide Blackout As Power Grid Fails

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  • by iggymanz ( 596061 ) on Friday October 18, 2024 @05:50PM (#64875671)

    USA should lift sanctions, trade and tourism would fix Cuba's economy in a New York minute.

    Some dinosaurs living in the past keep wailing every time the idea is floated, their ridiculous objections don't apply now in 21st century.

    • by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 ) on Friday October 18, 2024 @06:01PM (#64875685)

      Yes, I agree. But the GOP wants to keep control of Florida. That matters to them more.

    • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Friday October 18, 2024 @06:05PM (#64875695)
      The reason those sanctions were imposed were for among other reasons the country nationalizing American owned assets in the country. Are they going to return what was taken? I would not be at all surprised if much of it has been reduced to worthlessness over the decades, but unless Cuba were to make considerable concessions about implementing democratic reforms and ensuring property rights for its people and Americans who would do business there, I don't see any reason why we should trade with them unless you're a true free market believer that is fine with people or companies making terrible business decisions and getting ripped off.

      Perhaps you could argue that over sixty years under communism is punishment enough, but without any guarantee of reforms I would be worried about a situation akin to China where they have a mixed economy with some market-oriented features but a government that is still otherwise very repressive.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Exactly. People complain about US trade with Cuba, but would you open a business there when it can be arbitrarily seized without any due process or compensation what-so-ever?
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Exactly right. Release all your political prisoners Cuba, then we'll talk.
        • because USA never kept and tortured political prisoners? never put its own citizens in concentration camps?

          • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

            by Anonymous Coward

            because USA never kept and tortured political prisoners?

            Yes, but mostly in Cuba.

      • by cusco ( 717999 )

        So when is the US going to return the money that it's stolen from Venezuela and Russia recently? Or from Cuba, Haiti, China, and a slew of other countries over time? Maybe return Texas to Mexico? The US is one of the largest thieves around, and when we aren't thieving ourselves we're aiding other thieves to loot their countries (we even flew Marcos' tons of gold stolen from their reserve bank out of the Philippines on Air Force planes and delivered it to Hawaii for them no charge).

      • ... going to return what was taken?

        Yes, let's forget that US's lapdog, Batista, stole those assets for the benefit of his 'boyfriend', USA: The behaviour was borderline sexual. It seems the USA likes homosexuals when they are doting, rich, criminals.

        ... getting ripped off.

        Yep, that's why the USA has true caller-Id., truth-in-advertising, and a lack of hidden fees in telephone, medical and insurance services: Wait a minute...

        ... very repressive.

        Exactly, what is this repression? I can't find any articles of that, possibly because, to throw you a bone, the truth about Cuba is censor

      • "government that is still otherwise very repressive." Kind of like what Trump is proposing for US citizens. 'You are either MAGA or expect the US military to point their guns at you'. Nevermind all of the historical oppression. The hypocrisy is so fucking off the charts, it's unreal. Yeah, maybe Cuba won't live up to to the higher standards than we set for ourselves as we sit on our sky high horse sneering down on them. But Cuba having real economic growth and real hope for their future will whittle away an
      • There never were American owned assets.
        It was MAFIA owned, stupid dumb ass.

        The whole revolution and other things in Cuba happened because the MAFIA owned everything and was a dictatorship. Killing people every day.

        And you think Communism is worse than being suppress/ruled by a MAFIA?

        Get a damn brain check.

      • "American owned assets in the country. Are they going to return what was taken? I would not be at all surprised if much of it has been reduced to worthlessness over the decades, " Spilled milk, time to get over it. The US wasn't just some sweet poor innocent grandma getting her purse stolen either.
    • by javaman235 ( 461502 ) on Friday October 18, 2024 @06:07PM (#64875701)

      That or go to China and beg for renewable tech. Basically it looks like this is about their inability to keep their Fossil Fuel power plants running due to trade embargo. People in that part of the world are in peril when the summer heat comes with no AC. They need to be digging deep holes, getting the greenhouses climate controlled passively, getting the nano particle paint for cooling, etc. Same as people in the US southeast, but the Caribbean people are in greater present danger.

    • I truly don't understand how "Trump Havana Hotel and Casino" doesn't have more appeal to him than neocon saber rattling.

      Maybe Musk will buy it to get the FAA and California Coastal Commission off his ass.

      I once had a part in Guys and Dolls, and it never made sense to an 80's kid how 50's kids looked at Cuba.

      What a damn shame.

      • I truly don't understand how "Trump Havana Hotel and Casino" doesn't have more appeal to him than neocon saber rattling.

        Lansky and Siegel tried that and then Castro just seized it. Why bother investing there when there's no rule of law?
      • I truly don't understand how "Trump Havana Hotel and Casino" doesn't have more appeal to him than neocon saber rattling.

        If he can't get another failing casino built in Moscow with the help of his Russian handler, why bother with Cuba?

    • by deKernel ( 65640 ) on Friday October 18, 2024 @06:23PM (#64875731)

      I just love how that little island that trades with every other country on this planet, but still is a 3rd-world shit-show. However, if they started trading with us, that people believe it will turn back into that magical paradise. The only way that island will return is if the citizens suffer enough to realize they need to physically get rid of the Communists and nothing short means they will eventually return to the shit-show they have now. Sorry for being a hard-ass, but that is the reality.

      • Don’t disagree with this, butyou underestimate the economic impact of being locked out of the US market. Take a look at GDP by country on Wikipedia. Ignoring China (which isn’t big on importing stuff), the US has an economy nearly SEVEN times bigger than the next best country. Every country in spitting distance of the US relies on export to their market for a massive amount of their economy. Imagine if Canada or Mexico were locked out of exporting to the US - they’d be nearly destroyed. I
        • I’ll add the greatest aspect of exporting to the US is when you send them goods they pay you in US dollars. Not only are those safe and good with any other trading partner, if you trade them back to your home currency you get one hell of a multiplier, which is why most countries suppress the value of their currency to the greenback (especially China).
          • Where is this modeled in mainstream economics, where arbitrage is assumed to minimize the cross-currency basis, and whole important equations like the fair pricing model of derivatives depend on this Covered Interest Parity assumption?

            But if that multiplier you mention exists, then their formulas show derivative prices can go negative and that makes their assumptions about the rationality of prices very, very suspect?

            In short why do we listen to economists any more than we listen to theologists?

      • ... get rid of the Communists ...

        Like happened in China, right? Economic leverage from US money forced change in that communist country, didn't it?

        Cuba is a shit-show, because that part of the world doesn't have a lot of resources. When the rest of world rushed to buy China's goods or Vietnam's good, the USA dropped its principles, with haste and silence. No-one helps Cuba, allowing the USA to continue a 65 year-long tantrum.

        While the Caribbean was settled for the farming of sugar, islands are not suitable for mechanized agriculture

        • Didn't Masanobu Fukuoka prove you could use natural farming techniques to produce yields that matched his industrial-farmer neighbors?

      • It does not trade with every country.
        Because it can't.

        Most of the the world is forced by the US to boycott them.

        FACEPALM. How can one be so stupid/ignorant?

        • The U.S. embargo on Cuba is limited solely to the export of U.S. products into Cuba and the export of Cuban goods into the U.S. It also prevents any U.S. aid money to be given to Cuba. The U.S. does not force any allies to honor our embargo.

          The entire embargo act is one page long, have a look:

          https://www.presidency.ucsb.ed... []

          The issue is Cuba has no money to buy any goods from anyone else, and Cuba has no exportable product that would sell in sufficient quantities to improve the Cuban economy.

          Cuba used to g

    • Being good communists they should shoot the grid for counter-revolutionary activities. That will fix it.

      I'm sure the Party elite have all the electrical power they want. The Proletariat is doubtlessly enjoying their equity.

    • My ex's grandparents were survivors of the Cuban revolution. Their parents, brothers, and sisters were not.

      You can imagine that they had some strong feelings about making nice with the Cuban government. Their children and grandchildren may not care as much, but they did grow up listening to horror stories. There are also a lot of Cuban refugees who have escaped to the USA. They have opinions that are less than favorable to the Cuban government.

      You will not convince them that we should all just let bygon

      • that would be dinosaurs view, wanting those there now to suffer for sins of those gone. Are you willing to suffer for injustices done to native americans, slaves, the u.s. native born Japanese put into U.S. concentration camps, those making tge mutilated by agent orange, etc?

        No? You're just vindictive hypocrite

        • But none of those things are still happening, in Cuba THEY ARE, the same family that seized power in the 70s because JFKâ(TM)s mishandling is still in power, talk about dinosaurs, they had 2 leaders in the last 65 years and the current one is the brother of the first one.

    • > USA should lift sanctions, trade and tourism would fix Cuba's economy in a New York minute. Some dinosaurs living in the past keep wailing every time the idea is floated, their ridiculous objections don't apply now in 21st century.

      We're not going to subsidize the Communist Party of Cuba.
      • But you are subsidizing the Republicans and Democrats in your country.
        What is the difference?

        I think subsidizing a single party would be cheaper!

      • The entire world, except the U.S., is free to travel to Cuba, sell their goods into Cuba, and buy all the Cuban goods they want. They are free to buy Korean automobiles, French wines, German chocolates, and all the Ukrainian produce/wheat/grain/etc they want... but they have no money to pay for it.

        Cuban tourism won't rescue the country - they already have a huge tourism industry, there's nothing stopping any non-American from taking their euros, yen, pesos, etc to Cuba when they travel.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    A great deal of the rural poor in cuba don't have electricity at all.
    >but anon, I just googled it and a website says their population has 100% electrical coverage!
    Yeah that's bullshit.

    I went on vacation to a resort in cuba and holy fuck is that place POOR outside of the resort. Like, the kind of poor that makes rural mexico look wealthy. I make more in an hour than their normal workers make in a month. I was so much more extravagantly wealthy than their hotel workers that I felt bad having them serve me.

    • But, somehow, if we open up US markets to sell our goods into Cuba it will all get better? I don't think that's how economics work -

      Oh wait, the issue is we need to allow the importation of Cuban-made products and goods, certainly that will improve their situation, right?

      No, they have nothing that the outside world needs, and they can't pay for the things they need.

  • "The prime minister made an address on state television" to a county without power?????
    • If you're an upper class Cuban, you have power. Oh, wait. There's not supposed to be any classes there.
    • by Bert64 ( 520050 )

      I imagine people have backup generators, or battery powered devices etc...

      • So yeah, if the COUNTRY doesn't have power, then everything used to run the Internet, video relays, etc has no power. Cuba overall is a very poor county. There's not going to be extra power generators laying around for everything.
      • Did you actually read the summary? Part of the problem is a fuel shortage.

        The other part is that most everyone is too poor to 'just have a backup generator'. Even if they had one, why would you waste any precious fuel you may still have to power a tv?

        I guess it was broadcast on radio too, but for some reason it was stated as national television.
    • by msauve ( 701917 )
      >"The prime minister made an address on state television" to a county without power?????

      The address was broadcast Thursday night, power went out on Friday. Reading is fundamental.
    • Do generators, batteries, and public venues with TVs in them exist in Cuba?
  • by steveb3210 ( 962811 ) on Friday October 18, 2024 @07:41PM (#64875927)

    Visted cuba in 2018 as part of a cruise...

    Yes the government is stupid.

    But the sanctions are only hurting the people who live there, who incidentally are fucking amazing people.

    Life the sanctions now.

    • the people who live there, who incidentally are fucking amazing people.

      Did you use that f-word as a verb or as a noun? It changes the meaning of that clause drastically.

      • ... a verb or as ...

        I think you meant, as an adjective. "Fucking" can be used as a noun, as "got a good fucking", although it's out-of-date English.

        ... changes the meaning ...

        It means there are two reasons for visiting Cuba, although one of them might not be accurate. Or, you might get lucky and experience both meanings.

    • It is a communist paradise, anyone voting for Kamala can go there and get their free healthcare.

      • "cOmMuNiSt" that word has been so over misused that it practically lost all meaning. But enjoy Trumpcare. Hope you never have to go in for anything more than a couple scrapes and bruises.
  • Cuba's prime minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, blamed the problem on deteriorating infrastructure and fuel shortages exacerbated by Hurricane Milton, which has made it difficult for fuel deliveries to reach the island.

    So what's the plan? The current situation is caused by a lack of fuel to generate electricity, period. The deteriorating infrastructure is worth fixing, but that will just be money down a rat hole until Cuba finds a way to generate electricity without relying on shipments of Oil, Natural Gas or Coal - I hear that solar is so much cheaper than the alternative, they should just go solar - oh, wait, solar is cheap when the Govt subsidizes the research, manufacturing, installation, and purchase of solar cells..

"Ahead warp factor 1" - Captain Kirk
