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Power AI

US Will Fall Behind In the AI Race Without Natural Gas, Says Williams Companies CEO 212

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: The U.S. will fall behind in the artificial intelligence race if it does not embrace natural gas to help meet surging electricity demand from data centers, the CEO of one of the nation's largest pipeline operators told CNBC. "The only way we're going to be able to keep up with the kind of power demand and the electrification that's already afoot is natural gas," Williams Companies CEO Alan Armstrong said in an interview Thursday. "If we deny ourselves that we're going to fall behind in the AI race." Williams Companies handles about one-third of the natural gas in the U.S. through a pipeline network that spans more than 30,000 miles. Williams' network includes the 10,000 mile Transcontinental Pipeline, or Transco, a crucial artery that serves virtually the entire eastern seaboard including Virginia, the world's largest data center hub, and fast growing Southeast markets such as Georgia.

The tech sector's expansion of data centers to support AI and the adoption of electric vehicles is projected to add 290 terawatt hours of electricity demand by the end of the decade in the U.S., according to a recent report by the energy consulting firm Rystad. This load growth is equivalent to the entire electricity demand of Turkey, the world's 18th largest economy. Executives at some the nation's largest utilities have warned that failure to meet this surging electricity demand will jeopardize not just the artificial intelligence revolution, but economic growth across the board in the U.S. The role natural gas in helping to meet that demand is controversial as the country is simultaneously trying to transition to a clean energy economy through the rapid expansion of renewables.
"We are going to run right up against a brick wall here and pretty quickly in terms of not having enough power available to do what we want to do on the AI side," Armstrong said. "I actually see this as a huge national security issue," the CEO said. "We're going to have to get out of our own way or we're going to accidentally keep ourselves from being the power we can be in the AI space."

"Those groups that have very much had their brand be all green have come to us and said, 'We got to work with you guys. We've run out of alternatives -- we can't meet the needs of our customers without using natural gas,'" Armstrong said. "We're completely out of capacity ourselves," Armstrong added. "So we just have to kind of beg, borrow and steal from other people's capacity to do our best to make gas available."
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US Will Fall Behind In the AI Race Without Natural Gas, Says Williams Companies CEO

Comments Filter:
  • Even for a CEO (Score:5, Insightful)

    by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @11:32PM (#64639740)
    That’s pretty shameless.
    • That’s pretty shameless.

      It's funny because it's true. []

    • The solution is obvious, even to that CEO - just don't bother with AI, energy saved, everybody wins!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 19, 2024 @11:33PM (#64639746)

    The US is doomed if it doesn't embrace [insert product here] said supplier of [insert product here].

    • by nikkipolya ( 718326 ) on Saturday July 20, 2024 @12:23AM (#64639812)

      An example:
      The US is doomed if it doesn't embrace 'Fart Spray' said supplier of 'Fart Spray'.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)


        The US is doomed if it doesn't embrace MAGA ideology, said the supplier of MAGA ideology.

  • Or not (Score:5, Insightful)

    by paul_engr ( 6280294 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @11:45PM (#64639760)
    Sounds like a bunch of oil industry bullshit to me
    • I guess we can drop the word 'oil' from that sentence to make it more generic and accurate:

      'Sounds like a bunch of industry bullshit to me'

      • Or you can just leave it as "oil industry" and righteously call out the boogeymen that the oil jackasses are
      • The oil industry is especially venomous though, and natural gas is slowly inheriting its political power structure. People are dropping like flies from climate change and this ghoulish imbecile and lapdog CNBC talks about expanding their operations.
  • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @11:53PM (#64639772) Journal
    In the article, he doesn't have a lot of deep reasoning as to why, but he does have one good piece of evidence: he says that data center owners have come to him telling him they need more natural gas. Obviously if batteries become cheap enough, we can switch to those (when solar and wind don't work), but they are not cheap enough for that yet.
    • by q_e_t ( 5104099 )
      I thought data centers used electricity rather than gas.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The issue is not really that they want gas, they want electricity. Cheap electricity, and gas is relatively cheap.

      China is installing the equivalent of 5 large nuclear plants worth of renewables PER WEEK. If you want loads of cheap energy, do that. They also have the longest transmission lines the world to get it where it needs to be.

      • Ok but you still have to answer the question of what happens when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining.
        • You use energy provided by your nuclear plants, obviously

        • "The longest transmission lines [in] the world".

          That plus batteries. That leaves season variation which we currently cannot account for. Options: compressed gas, thermal store (not for electricity), hydrogen stores with gas turbines, or biofuel/gas. All stored using geological stores. All in development.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          They are installing such vast amounts of it that they never have periods where it can't supply a certain amount of base load. Just build more until you have enough.

          They also have massive amounts of battery storage. Again, we missed the boat on that. Korea and Japan are the only other major players, and they are small compared to China.

  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Saturday July 20, 2024 @12:05AM (#64639782)

    Nuclear power time?

    • by chuckugly ( 2030942 ) on Saturday July 20, 2024 @12:11AM (#64639790)

      I came here to see if anyone would mention this. We really should have been aggressively working on Gen4 designs and have them into service years ago, potentially even using them to consume and reduce the waste made by earlier gen reactors. But nope, of course we stick with coal.

      • But we earn valuable Forex by exporting the ash to Africa.

      • We really should have been aggressively working on Gen4 designs and have them into service years ago, potentially even using them to consume and reduce the waste made by earlier gen reactors. But nope, of course we stick with coal.

        "We" (actually Westinghouse) did almost exactly that. They developed the AP1000 reactor - an inherently safe design with many fewer moving parts (but it is only counted as a "GenII+" design rather than your "Gen4" for which no precise definition exists).

        And Westinghouse went bankrupt while completing two of them in Georgia at more than twice the expected cost. Eight others that were licensed were cancelled due to high costs. They licensed the design to China which is successfully building them. With the ban

    • Nuclear power time?

      If a technological innovation doesn't appreciably improve humanity's standard of living in proportion to the amount of resources it consumes, perhaps what it's really time for is pressing the "off" button.

    • Nuclear power time?

      'Fraid not.

      Battery technology was a little behind photovoltaic, but (initially driven by market from the ramp-up of practical EV autos) has similarly:
      - Gone through the "explosion of breathroughs that don't get deployed because they'll probably be obsoleted by better breakthroughs before you make back the cost of the new plant" stage,
      - Is well into the "got some that are so profitable it's time for the race through the window" stage,
      - And is starting to transition

      • IMHO Nuclear time comes when we get practical power plants based on fusion, Oppenheimer-Phillips (O-P) stripping, or mirror O-P stripping.

  • I give up! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by methano ( 519830 ) on Saturday July 20, 2024 @12:21AM (#64639808)
    You would think that if AI was worth something, it would certainly be useful for helping us figure out how to be more efficient. That means burning less carbon. But instead, everybody is saying if we're gonna be successful in this AI battle, we're gonna have to burn this damn world down to a cinder. We're gonna have to spend every bit of energy we can muster to generate better AI models. Otherwise, the Chinese are going to do it first. Well, I'd say, let them have it. That way we can spend all of our energy making BitCoin.
    • BLOT:
      US and China will burn themselves to the cinder mining BitCoin and creating AI models respectively.

  • by locater16 ( 2326718 ) on Saturday July 20, 2024 @12:31AM (#64639826)
    Like, totally you guys AI is like, so done. Even my old stink dad is like, into it now and that's how you just know it's like, over.
    • I heard that AI has become self aware and is now experimenting with MySpace.

      • I heard that AI has become self aware and is now experimenting with MySpace.

        No doubt curious about the significant anomaly in the human social media fabric with some fucking guy named "Tom" walking about with 200 million friends in an unheard-of era of Mass Narcissism.

  • I’ll eat more beans for better AI.
    Organic beans so it’s more natural.
    Does that help?

    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      If we're going that route, we may need to start a fast track educational program for proctologists.

  • This is proof.

    I now look forward to AI tooth whitening, deodorant, dish washing liquid, breath mints, dietary supplements, exercise routines, and dog food.

    • I have it on pretty good authority that AI headphones are going to be out for Xmas. Makes the whole "digital" headphones craze seem sane.

      • Just ship turds in a box labeled "Uber meta cyber digital wireless AI crypto solutions." Be very popular with early adopters.
        • by q_e_t ( 5104099 )
          I need to know if they also have a holistic sound stage before I'll consider them.
        • Just ship turds in a box labeled "Uber meta cyber digital wireless AI crypto solutions." Be very popular with early adopters.

          Early adopters? Pfft. What kind of amateur marketing crap is that?

          I'd stamp that shit with a fake-gold-plated Limited Edition placard and claim we're only making 1,000 of them to be sold exclusively during the next solar eclipse limited to 3 zip codes. And then triple that weak-ass price tag to sell to the real chumps; collectors.

          Next design meeting is at the Taco Bell bathroom, stall 3.

  • Bananas (Score:5, Funny)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Saturday July 20, 2024 @12:57AM (#64639856)

    Without bananas, the US will lose its lead in AI. Many of the world's top AI researchers depend on bananas for their daily nutritional needs. Bananas have vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is needed for brain health. Unfortunately what we're seeing is a trend of banana shortages. We just don't have the farm capacity. That's why we've had to increase the price of bananas 75% over the last year. The good news though, is that with a modest government subsidy of $10 billion we're prepared to take the lead in enabling the AI driven future by doubling our banana supply. In fact, shareholders will be pleased to know that as the CEO of Chiquita banana we're changing our company name to Chiquita.AI.

    • by evanh ( 627108 )

      Makes as much sense as the rhetoric floating around.

      Hasn't there been a couple of headlines recently saying AI doesn't really use any significant electricity? So who's right?

    • Without bananas, the US will lose its lead in AI.

      Well, I was going to vote for a legalized cocaine industry if AI is slowing that much, but yeah. We can go with “bananas” if it looks better on the executive finance report.

  • CEO of Evil Juice LLC advises that you buy more evil juice (tm), says the robotic genocide may be delayed without enough evil juice(tm).
  • Not only should every fossil fuel plant be shut down, it should be demolished so some dickbag opportunist can't restart them in the future without heavy cost.
  • Obviously, the best way to power AI is with Clean Coal(TM). It's got carbonites. It's what AI craves!
  • The power consumed by AI is brand new demand. It has no historical analog that is being retired. It's simply added on top. You can't build renewable sources or nuclear quickly enough so, yes, it'll have to come from fossil fuels. It's the only thing that can scale that fast. The dodgy claim here is the existential one. It must be done, and damn the consequences. Well, depending what you believe, you might conclude that we're exchanging a possible threat for a certain one.

    How about we shut down all the stupi

  • Told you so. AI is fucking GREAT for the economy. 10x energy consumption. Move over Bitcoin! We have a new reason to burn everything!

    Also this creates competition between the fossil fuel industry and the nuclear power industry.
    We're not going to stand around with our hands on our hips and let the Chinese get ahead on this are we?
    Best news for the energy sector since the war in Ukraine.

    Who said war wasn't good for the economy? Bullshit.
  • Here's some facts: Training an AI model uses a lot of compute and a lot of electricity. It can be done on thousands of GPUs in a distributed fashion. You can stop and restart it. You can run it when electricity is cheapest. There are really two costs ignoring the programming costs, 1) the capital cost of the GPUs, or the rental of those GPUs on the cloud and 2) the electricity. Where I live, electricity is very cheap at night and can be very expensive at peak time. If you skipped training at the tim
    • If AI provides a tangible value to society then a trade off worth considering. Such as evaluating options to lessen climate degradation. Faster vaccines or other medical advances. Not really entertainment or market manipulations. Military applications help keep ahead of adversaries who will leverage AI as well.
  • we are doomed unless we buy his product. fuck that guy.

  • My guess is he just heavily invested in natural gas.

  • Nah, I'm pretty sure all future demand can be met by mice running on treadmills.

  • Instead of simultaneously complaining about power shortages and putting huge tariffs on insanely cheap Chinese solar panels, we just buy and use them?

  • Fear! Uncertainty! Doubt!

    "We are going to run right up against a brick wall here and pretty quickly in terms of not having enough power available to do what we want to do on the AI side," Armstrong said. "I actually see this as a huge national security issue," the CEO said.

    "Mr. President, we must not allow... a mine shaft gap!" -Doctor Strangelove

I have a very small mind and must live with it. -- E. Dijkstra
