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Education Programming Hardware News

From a NAND Gate To Tetris 103

mikejuk writes "Long before the current crop of MOOCs (Massive Online Open Course) there was a course that taught you all you needed to know about computers by starting from the NAND gate and working its way up through the logic circuits needed for a computer, on to an assembler, a compiler, an operating system, and finally Tetris. Recently one of the creators of the course, Shimon Schocken, gave a TED talk explaining how it all happened and why it is still relevant today. Once you have seen what is on offer at you will probably decide that it is not only still relevant but the only way to really understand what computers are all about."
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From a NAND Gate To Tetris

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Understanding is always the understanding of a smaller problem in relation to a bigger problem. -- P.D. Ouspensky
