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First Person Shooters (Games) Input Devices PlayStation (Games) Games

PS3 Counter-Strike To Support Keyboard and Mouse 168

RogueyWon writes "Eurogamer reports some encouraging news for console-bound fans of online shooters. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the new stand-alone version of the wildly successful Half-Life mod recently announced by Valve, will support mouse and keyboard controls on the PlayStation 3. This isn't entirely unprecedented; 2007's Unreal Tournament 3 had a similar feature, but the idea has never gained momentum. If the idea of allowing PC-style controls on a console does catch on, could this help remove some of the stigma associated with first-person shooters on consoles?" Players of the Xbox 360 version will still be required to use controllers, and they won't be able to participate in cross-platform play. Valve boss Gabe Newell has had a hard time convincing Microsoft to open up Xbox Live enough to integrate services like Steamworks.
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PS3 Counter-Strike To Support Keyboard and Mouse

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  • Awesome. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by DeeEff ( 2370332 ) on Friday August 26, 2011 @12:23PM (#37220114)

    This is what the industry needs.

    speaking of what the industry needs... Where's my episode 3 Gabe!?

    • Re:Awesome. (Score:5, Informative)

      by Erioll ( 229536 ) on Friday August 26, 2011 @12:28PM (#37220164)

      There was a rumour a while back that the UT players on the PS3 using M+K were just destroying the controller players. Which is not a surprise to me in the least.

      I too hope this to become universal. It is the #1 reason I can't play FPSs on consoles, because I feel like I'm playing with one hand tied behind my back when using the controller.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Rockoon ( 1252108 )
        Even the really really bad Keyboard and Mouse players will be accused of cheating by the Controller players.
        • And, ironically, it will be the Controller players who have a (crippled) aimbot built into the game just to help them keep up...
        • Re:Awesome. (Score:5, Insightful)

          by robmv ( 855035 ) on Friday August 26, 2011 @01:36PM (#37220966)

          UT3 PS3 allow creation of games with restrictions to the kind of control used. It is the best solution, do you want to play only with controller? search for games that do not allow Keyboard and Mouse, you do not care? search any game. Controller player accuse keyboard player of cheating? tell him to learn to search and kick him

      • This is how it felt playing Quake 3 on the Dreamcast. If you opted for a mouse and keyboard setup it felted like the controllers players were just ROFL Stomped.
      • by skids ( 119237 )

        Well, as someone who plays UT3 with a controller, I can say that it is more challenging than K+M, however, almost 80% of the challenge is due to the completely assinine and untunable dead zone the coders put into the controller driver. Which is surprising in the case of UT3, given it allows a lot more controller tuning than 99% of the games out there. (You can tune the dead zone, BTW, the choices are 10 levels between "completely unusable" and "I have arthritis so please keep me from walking off cliffs"

      • by ildon ( 413912 )

        You're forgetting that this is Counter-Strike. Aiming has only a minimal effect on where your bullets will actually land. Except for the very first shot from the AK47, assuming you're crouched and not moving.

      • You can buy peripherals for the PS3 and 360 (and others) that allow M+K [www.xcm.cc] on games that support the controller only. There is even a PS3 controller emulator [technabob.com] that you can use on a Linux PC that allows you to use your PC's M+K on the PS3 via bluetooth.
        • DO NOT buy the XFPS.

          XIM3 >> XFPS on all accounts.

          Hell the XIM2 was better than the XFPS.

          If you are going to get something to use a K+M on your 360, make sure you get the XIM. This is from first hand experience playing on both. If you don't believe it, go check out the XIM forums & all the user submitted videos (Halo, COD, GOW, etc).

      • It is called the XIM3 [xim3.com]

        Get it, set it, then DESTROY.

    • Personally I would actually preffer MS's idea. Yes K&M players will take gamepad players to the cleaners every time, but sometimes you just want to relax and play the game on a comfortable couch, leaning back with a controller in your hand, in a closed ecosystem where players can only use gamepads, the controls being gimped isn't a huge flaw because the opponents controls are also gimped, you can still have a fair match with both sides being comfortable. You open up precision of a K&M, you take away
      • Re:Awesome. (Score:4, Informative)

        by Baloroth ( 2370816 ) on Friday August 26, 2011 @12:44PM (#37220352)
        Nothing stops your from sitting on a couch with a keyboard/ mouse combo and playing games. I've done it before, and on a wired system too. It's not bad, actually, and I imagine a wireless setup would make it almost completely painless. Much better than using a controller, IMO
        • Nothing stops your from sitting on a couch with a keyboard/ mouse combo and playing games.

          Except the fact that one to three other people in your house also want to play, and they didn't bring their own PS3, TV, and copy of the game. I've never seen any practical setup for split-screen gaming with a mouse and keyboard.

          • by h4rr4r ( 612664 )

            Why can it not be done exactly like the controller version?
            Hell, some players could use controller and some mouse and keyboard on the same ps3.

            • by tepples ( 727027 )

              Why can it not be done exactly like the controller version?

              Because either A. Sony's drivers might not allow more than one kb+m on one machine (similar to Windows without an obscure Raw Input API), or B. the developer might choose not to implement it on purpose to make more money by selling one copy of the game per person instead of per household.

      • by Erioll ( 229536 )

        I have not bought ANY fps games on consoles because of this issue (closest is metroid, and that at least had lock-on, and such, and so was OK). And there ARE exclusives, so no, I can't necessarily play some games, so the company is losing money because of this.

        If you want to put out separate matches for each type, then fine, have you able to set up matches with controller-only, K+M only, or mixed. But don't just cut it out entirely. They ARE losing sales from this policy.

      • Personally I would actually preffer MS's idea. Yes K&M players will take gamepad players to the cleaners every time, but sometimes you just want to relax and play the game on a comfortable couch, leaning back with a controller in your hand, in a closed ecosystem where players can only use gamepads, the controls being gimped isn't a huge flaw because the opponents controls are also gimped, you can still have a fair match with both sides being comfortable. You open up precision of a K&M, you take away the option to fairly compete while being comfortable. I don't really get the benefit of cross platform gaming, if you preffer K&M shouldn't you have the game on the PC anyway?

        You're right. Why go outside and play football when I can play foosball inside? I'm too tubby to fit out the door anyways...

        • You are missing the point, the point is having both options the same and knowing your opponents are playing by the same rules. If I want to play a FPS with my mouse and keyboard, I play it on my PC. If I feel like laying back and playing with a controller, I would play it on a console. Yes it is 2 different fields of gaming, but that dosn't make fooseball a bad game when that is what you feel like playing, but when one person wants to play fooseball, he should have the option to find other people who want t
          • You are missing the point, the point is having both options the same and knowing your opponents are playing by the same rules. If I want to play a FPS with my mouse and keyboard, I play it on my PC. If I feel like laying back and playing with a controller, I would play it on a console. Yes it is 2 different fields of gaming, but that dosn't make fooseball a bad game when that is what you feel like playing, but when one person wants to play fooseball, he should have the option to find other people who want to play fooseball, and not lose the game because one player is using the rules of football, and tackles him while he's opperating the fooseball table.

            ... You do realize that we're not talking about american football vs. fooseball. We're talking about real football vs. the tabletop kind. If you're going to attempt an argument, at least *try* to get with the program prior to posting?

            • and how was that post not clear that it was aware of that fact? I kind of thought the sentence "and not lose the game because one player is using the rules of football, and tackles him while he's opperating the fooseball table." was pretty obvious that I was indeed aware it was a tabletop game. The point I was making was that playing with a console and playing with a PC are 2 very different styles. The very point is sometimes people do actually want to play a fun game of fooseball, IE lounge back in a chair
              • ... congrats, but you totally missed the part where I was making fun of you for assuming that "football" means NFL. Because, well, only in a very small (but obnoxious) part of the world is this the case.

                So, I wasn't trolling you, but you totally over-reacted, and now I'm going to claim I was trolling you ... because I seriously cannot believe someone would be as thick as you. Let me guess, you'll now claim to be trolling me. Good job, nub. l2p and come back when you've hit puberty.
    • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *

      Where's my episode 3

      It's done. In fact, it's been done for years now. But the Valve got so tired of listening to all the whiny bitches complain about it not coming out, that they decided to shelve it permanently. A final gold copy of it sits in a special display case at Valve HQ, along with printouts of a bunch of quotes from fans screaming "WHEN IS IT COMING OUT?! WAAAHHH!!!" Every day employees at Valve walk in, see it and laugh--subtly reminded that whining about a release date won't make it come any sooner.

      It's a real sham

  • by Hatta ( 162192 ) on Friday August 26, 2011 @12:25PM (#37220142) Journal

    Prepare to see the superiority of mouse and keyboard controls demonstrated definitively.

    Of course, we don't really need to see that because it's been done before. Quake 3 on the Dreamcast supported keyboard and mouse controls, and they made a huge difference. Network games between K&M players and gamepad players are totally one sided.

    • This isn't how the universe was meant to work! Keyboard and mouse on a console will only lead less disappointing PC ports. When will people get it through their thick skulls that the universe meant for all console to PC ports to suck most awesomely.
    • Re:Nice (Score:4, Insightful)

      by kevinNCSU ( 1531307 ) on Friday August 26, 2011 @12:52PM (#37220474)

      Prepare to see the superiority of mouse and keyboard controls demonstrated definitively.

      I'm not sure I want to. I have no doubt they are, but I don't want to have to set up a table with a keyboard and mouse, and get extra ones for my friends, anytime I want to play a FPS console game in the future and not get destroyed by people using better input controls. Is the controller a perfect input control? Not at all. But it's comfortable, compact, easy to use and doesn't require furniture. I don't want to have to make the choice to either sacrifice all that or get get constantly pwned by people who have in an unfair fight.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Hatta ( 162192 )

        Well stay in the kiddie pool then. If you don't want to be competetive, don't play counterstrike.

        • Afuckingmen!
        • Right. Cause competitive and comfortable are mutually exclusive.

        • What's wrong with casual gameplay? Plenty of people play casually on their consoles with friends and then play competitively on their PCs.
          It'd be good if they had 2 lobbies. If using a KBM you go to the KBM lobby and if you use a gamepad you go to that lobby. It'd let you play however you damn well please.
        • Well stay in the kiddie pool then. If you don't want to be competetive, don't play counterstrike.

          Don't be ridiculous, you're responding like a die hard K&M fanboy with their panties in a twist

          "Ohhh, look at the stupid controller users floundering around in their kiddie pool while us real men use keyboards and mice at the SAME TIME in unthinkable feats of AGILITY and SKILL which we find impossible reconcile with our concurrent claims that keyboards with mice make things easier and indisputably more accurate."

          I realize keyboards and mice are more accurate, just as I realize a a Hobie Cat (catamaran

      • I don't want to have to set up a table with a keyboard and mouse

        I have a folding table that I've used for frozen dinners, a laptop, or a mouse and keyboard for the HTPC. Let me guess: in your household, nobody's allowed to eat outside the dining room.

        • Haven't set any such rules for myself or my renters. There's an end table in the common room that we use for food sometimes but it's kinda low. not a big deal to lean over to cut some food once in awhile while you watch TV or a movie but I wouldn't want to use it for a keyboard or mouse and be that hunched over for an hour or more. Plus I want to be sitting much closer to the TV for a FPS then the couch where the big end table is. Like I said, I don't want to have to deal with another piece of furniture
      • by tycoex ( 1832784 )

        I game with Keyboard and Mouse from my couch all the time.

        Wireless keyboard + mouse makes it easy. Of course, I do use a trackball so I don't have to actually be moving my mouse around on the couch. It might be a bit more difficult with a standard mouse.

  • Counter-Strike is about the most serious that games get. Playing against even a moderately-good CS player, while on a gamepad, is a fantastic way to get your ass kicked up and down. Keyboard and mouse is the only way they have a hope of being a challenge. There's just no way on a console to turn rapidly but precisely. You can turn quickly, but imperfectly - or slowly but precisely. You can't fling the mouse across your desk and stop at the right spot.

    So this is kind of a given for there to be any meaningful

    • Unless you "cheat" and give the gamepads aim assistance... in which case you certainly know a new generation of aimbots will pop up to exploit this functionality.

  • by madhatter256 ( 443326 ) on Friday August 26, 2011 @12:32PM (#37220198)

    "Cross-platform play between PC/Mac and PlayStation 3, as seen with Portal 2, is also confirmed."

    So what does this mean for hosting your own server with custom maps/mods????

    Any word if the multiplayer aspect is severly limited like in Left 4 Dead, BF: Bad Company 2, etc.??

    It seems like theres a growing trend in shrinking the mod community... :-(

    • I suspect it means that consoles will have some kind of "suck it" flag which excludes them from hosted content.

      Meanwhile PC modders will continue having fun.

      • by robmv ( 855035 )

        It depends the kind of mod, UT3 PS3 allows modding but no cross platform play. If you arrive to a host with a mod it download it, with the exception of maps that you need to download separately and install on your PS3 using UT3 UI.

  • Honestly, the USB ports can support a keyboard and mouse. WTF is wrong with them?

    if the FPS games sold on the Xbox platform supported Keyboard and mouse they would entice all the PC games to come on over.

    • by ildon ( 413912 )

      The 360 actually does accept keyboard input, but developers are only allowed to let users use it for text input. Works great for navigating the Guide (or whatever they call it now). Developers cannot allow users to use the keyboard for any gameplay operations.

      I'm guessing it has to do with not letting developers "do whatever they want" and "require" a keyboard indirectly (by supporting both and having one be superior) and to maintain a consistent and simplified user experience. I believe that's their reason

    • This isn't a key/mouse issue, it is an issue with Xbox Live being open to Steam players.

      XBL users pay to be on there, and in return on of the benefits is that cheaters & assholes can by smitten with the ban hammer. They would have no authority over Steam players.

      I used to be a big CS:S player on Steam, but now I enjoy using XBL & do all my gaming on there. I miss many things about PC gaming, and if I had the time & money I'd still do it. However, with the available time I have, XBL suits me fin

  • It's about time that the mouse was introduced to living room gaming. Today's wireless laser mice have the makings of an excellent controller not just for games, but also for living room media interfaces. And seriously, where are the downsides?
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  • With the release of the Xbox 360, Microsoft became much more controlling over the hosting of multiplayer services. As a developer, you are not allowed to run your own third-party servers. Any multiplayer experiences must be run by Microsoft. They seem to do this for a few reasons.

    1) It allows their Xbox subscription charges to cover all multiplayer games. So Xbox owners don't need to pay subscription fees to other providers.
    2) MS has full control of the servers. With some studios giving up on the multi

    • I almost wish Valve did the same with Steam multiplayer games. Who wants to use some BS Games for Windows system (for instance, one could also point out EA's Origin) on a game downloaded via Steam when Steam already has a (much) better multiplayer system builtin? But, of course, not being a monopoly on PC Valve can't do that. Unfortunately.

      • Steam has a better multiplayer system now. A few years ago it didn't (no player-to-player support, just client/server). And it still has an inferior achievements & storage system (requiring one copy of the game to be purchased per player, instead of allowing anybody in the house to have their own achievement progress/saved games/configuration files).

  • Prepare to be poon'd, consoles
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  • I had a thought. Dangerous, I know. But I wonder why Microsoft continues to fight having a keyboard/mouse hooked up to the 360.

    It occurs to me that Microsoft is primarily in the business of selling Windows and desktop software. If someone hooks up a keyboard and a mouse to their console, they might actually want to start using the 360 as a full featured computer. I bet that the misguided souls at Microsoft are trying to "protect" sales of Windows by not allowing the 360 to be a "real computer". Their r

  • "Valve boss Gabe Newell has had a hard time convincing Microsoft to open up Xbox Live enough to integrate services like Steamworks."... uh yeah, it's called competition

  • More options is always good. The funny thing is, this isn't really new news. Playstation hardware has had occasional keyboard and/or mouse support for PC ports, even on the PSone with the PSone mouse. As was pointed out, several FPS's on the PS2 have keyboard and mouse support, even Dirge of Cerberus has it. (none of those have internet multiplayer though)

    While personally you can take my analog stick movement from me only when you pry it from my cold dead hands (I dislike WASD immensely), I like mouse ai

  • And, I say this as a guy still playing Battlefield 2 almost daily.

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