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Hardware Hacking Sony Build

PS3 Jailbreaks Galore Released 167

YokimaSun writes "Following up on yesterday's story about the PS3 being hacked by one of its own official controllers, there's now a guide in English that details how to mod a Sixaxxis controller. But thanks to the very latest releases, if you don't like soldering you can now use an iPod, a Pandora console or even a Dingoo console. Finally, Jaicrab has released a USB firmware loader which will come in handy once the first custom firmware for the PS3 is released. Maybe then we will get region-free Blu-ray, PS1 and PS2 games."
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PS3 Jailbreaks Galore Released

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  • Yeah, not quite. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Goaway ( 82658 ) on Sunday September 26, 2010 @11:49AM (#33703890) Homepage

    Following up on yesterday's story about the PS3 being hacked by one of its own official controllers, there's now a guide in English that details how to mod a Sixaxxis controller.

    If by "official controllers" you mean "a microcontroller mounted inside the shell of an official controller", sure. Or you could save yourself the work and just keep the microcontroller outside by itself.

    (And the exploit is still blocked by new firmwares, so it's still not terribly exciting.)

    • by Simmeh ( 1320813 ) on Sunday September 26, 2010 @11:53AM (#33703912)
      Yeah this won't get exciting till I can hack my PS3 with Twitter...
    • by joaommp ( 685612 )

      Instead of a bunch of exploits and cracks and whatever, I'd currently settle for having the full functionality of my PS3 slim restored, so I can use sound over HDMI again, something I can no longer do since 3.42.

      • by chammy ( 1096007 )
        If you patched to 3.42 you're already out of luck. 3.41 was the last crackable version (until somebody figures out another exploit).
        • by joaommp ( 685612 )

          As I said, I don't care about the cracks, I just want my sound back.

        • I upgraded to 3.42 before taking the time to think about how much I've actually been using the PS3 for games this year. It's really just another media center for me at the moment.
          Since realizing that I'd rather use it as a retro gaming station than have PSN functionality, I've been frustrated by my own haste to accept the update to 3.42.


        • by LBt1st ( 709520 )

          He's not even wanting an exploit. He just wants his PS3 to work as it did when he bought it.
          Sony did a bait and switch on it's customers.

          • by chammy ( 1096007 )
            I'm not talking about exploits. Cracking a ps3 opens up the software to all sorts of modification - compare it to rooting an android phone and putting custom firmware on. If the hardware vendor won't fix their product, people will fix it on their own with mods.
            • by LBt1st ( 709520 )

              Ah, good point. And your right, it's just a matter of time before people find a way to make it do what they want.

    • i would dispute that the tutorial could be considered English and not a semi random group of english words
      could somebody please that has access to the original please do a proper translation??

    • Funny enough, this is exactly what I called it out as being yesterday. I got modded down for my trouble. :D
    • "(And the exploit is still blocked by new firmwares, so it's still not terribly exciting.)"

      But it means they will have to update the firmware, perhaps they will actually include something interesting.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Just punch this into the controller:

                    B A

  • by VMaN ( 164134 ) on Sunday September 26, 2010 @11:51AM (#33703898) Homepage

    The summary makes it sound like the ps3 controller was first, but there have been lots of compatible devices, especially android phones, also listed here.

    http://psfreedom.com/wiki/Device_compatibility_list [psfreedom.com]

    • by Nursie ( 632944 )

      I can't believe it hasn't had a mention in this thread -

      The PSFreedom hack started out with someone tinkering with their N900 - the full-fat linux phone.

      The Android, iPhone, dingoo and other PSFreedom ports originate there.

  • Um.. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Jethro ( 14165 ) on Sunday September 26, 2010 @11:56AM (#33703926) Homepage

    If you're going to make a guide telling people where to solder chips onto a board, you should really, REALLY make the effort to have those pictures be in focus.

    • Re:Um.. (Score:5, Informative)

      by EdIII ( 1114411 ) on Sunday September 26, 2010 @03:03PM (#33705028)

      Best possible advice I can give to anyone soldering is not do it stoned and/or naked. I know that may sound strange and unbelievable, but when you get stoned you tend to try to do your favorite hobbies in new and exciting ways.

      My particular mistake was being distracted by the awe and wonderment of solder turning into a liquid and not realizing that it had pooled on the table and then started a river of molten hot excitement over the edge, down my stomach, across my penis, and then a waterfall of exquisite, transcendental, and searing heat/pain/dear-fucking-god-thats-hot of solder across both my testicles.

      I realize this PSA might be for a small demographic here on Slashdot, but trust me, it's an important one.

  • Other OS? (Score:2, Informative)

    by vio ( 95817 )

    Haven't been following these developments too closely, but does anyone know if this jailbreak will eventually (or already does) allow installing a Linux distro on a jailbroken PS3?

    Removing the OtherOS option really pissed off a lot of people (including a friend of mine who wanted to try his hand at some Cell development) and while I admit the machine didn't quite seem powerful enough to run full-on X/* comfortably (and forget compiz/etc) it still had its uses for many of us tinkerers (yes yes, small crowd).

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Nursie ( 632944 )

      There are two options for linux on a Jailbroken PS3 -

      1. Re-enable OtherOS. Some progress seems to have been made in this direction, one guy managed to get linux to install to an existing OtherOS partition by running the OtherOS installer, which can be made to work on cracked machine. However there doesn't seem to be a way of activating it. Work is currently going on to crack PS3s running fw version 3.15, so that a firmware dump of those can be analysed to see what the differences are and find out if there's

  • by noidentity ( 188756 ) on Sunday September 26, 2010 @01:00PM (#33704304)
    I don't even own a PS3 and yet Sony has been thoughtful enough to entertain me lately with all these stories of them cutting off various appendages in order to spite their face.

    <leans back in easy chair and sips drink>

    • Sony has been thoughtful enough to entertain me lately with all these stories of them cutting off various appendages in order to spite their face.

      Only Sony...like no other.

"The pyramid is opening!" "Which one?" "The one with the ever-widening hole in it!" -- The Firesign Theatre
