Segway's Robotic Mobility Platform 90
XopherMV writes "USA Today reports a military project aimed at building smarter robots has given researchers the wheels they need to make their automatons go. Originally developed by New Hampshire-based Segway for a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program, the firm's Robotic Mobility Platform (RMP) allows robot developers to focus more on the thinking power of their machines while providing a quick mode of transportation.
Segway's self-balancing robot platform takes up about 2 square feet and comes equipped with software and interface electronics necessary to receive, process and execute commands from an onboard robot payload.
"It was a minor modification to what we had," Morrell said. "The challenges for us were largely in declining to get too fancy, and keeping it really simple."
Capable of carrying 100 pounds (45 kilograms) and moving about 8 miles (12 kilometers) an hour, the platform has two different modes. Researchers can choose between its standalone function as a robot's wheels or a tractor-like mode for towing trailers or other loads.
"The goal is not to have researchers worry about transportation," Morrell said. "That way, if [a robot's computer algorithms] work on an RMP, then you could put it on a Hummer or anything else.""
yikes! (Score:5, Funny)
keep it simple to start with! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:2)
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:1)
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:2, Insightful)
It seems as though it can be used in a four wheel configuration by towing for added carrying capacity. Seems as though it could have many uses while remaining simple.
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:1)
Consider "The Ghost in the Shell" combat tanks with wheels on jointed legs. A simple trolley of wheels does not compare to Segway at all. Where is the example of a wheeled vehicle which compares?
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:1)
I invite your caster-riding overlord out on the sidewalk or an average parking lot.
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:2)
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:2)
The two benefits mentioned by others above - you helpfully didn't mention any - are the
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:2)
Re:keep it simple to start with! (Score:1)
It's easier to tip a three wheeled vehicle an make it fall, whereas a self-stabilized two wheeled vehicle can handle different terrains.
100 pounds / 45 kg (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:100 pounds / 45 kg (Score:2, Informative)
Re:100 pounds / 45 kg (Score:5, Insightful)
The conflicts today and in the near future are not going to involve large scale movements; they will likely be in civilian areas and involve activities that are more akin to policing and patrol. M1A1 tanks and even Striker APC's will simply be too large to move around in the types of urban settings where are troops are likely to be needed.
These sorts of conflicts will require lots of ground troops to go in on foot and patrol in areas where they may not be able to tell enemy combatants from civilians and in these cases, a mobile robotic platform will be invaluable. Just imagine troops moving into an unsecured area. They will send in a few dozen segbots that will move ahead into position, see around corners and down alleys and even remotly fire tear gas. If a sniper fires a single shot, the units will automatically and instantly triangulate the position of the shooter and report it back so that the troops can quickly respond. If troops come under heavy fire, the units can be sent right to the enemy as a sort of ground strike force to quickly respond with any choice of weapons.
By using the segway platform as a base, the developers now have the entire mobility issue taken care from the start and instead can focus on the (more difficult) task of developing a robust navigation system. the segway is proven to be reliable so that is one less aspect to worry about on what is obviously a very complex project.
Re:100 pounds / 45 kg (Score:2)
Do try to RTFA before posting. At least RTF
It's a generic wheelbase for robots. It's intended that researchers (at this list of institutions who got them) will be able to work more efficiently if they are freed from the mechanical details of moving their robot around.
The subtler point is that Segway and others can then work on competing mobility platforms that outperform Segway's current model - giving Segway a leg up, er, or something like that.
(That's Read The Fine Article f
its a robot (Score:2)
It isn't meant to carry people. Put a gun on it, and you can send a bunch to places where you expect 90% casually rates, without worry. The few that make it take out the target, then people come latter, gather all the ones that didn't make it and fix them. No loss of life.
Issues like knowing who to shoot, telling the good guys from the bad, and the laws of robots are left as an exercise for the reader. :)
Re:its a robot (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:its a robot (Score:2)
Thats exactly the point. Any good general who knows that a target must be taken, but it will cost 90% of his men, will start looking for alternatives. Sending 1000 robots to get shot is a lot better than sending 500 men.
Re:its a robot (Score:2)
Scale it up (Score:3, Funny)
Monster Segway Robot Challenge! (Only this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!)
Re:Scale it up (Score:1)
Remember folks, (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Remember folks, (Score:2)
Re:Remember folks, (Score:2)
Seriously tho, I was wondering why someone hadn't done a robot based on a Segway yet since it seemed so obvious. Glad to see MIT's not gone totaly stale yet.
The real question is... (Score:1, Funny)
Modular design in action (Score:4, Interesting)
Anything that gets robots out to the consumer is good - I am still suprised that robots have taken such a lot time to be sellable. I want my drink retrieving, vaccuum cleaning, walking, talking robot - Damnit!!
Re:Modular design in action (Score:3, Funny)
These things have a scientific name in meatspace - they're known as "wives".
Re:Modular design in action (Score:2)
No - I meant the model with a mute button, and 'dont remind me again' checkbox
Re:Modular design in action (Score:1)
You put a tick in "Never remind me again".
Woman v1.0 going haywire, throwing your clothes in the street, changing the locks.
There are reports of possible security problems if your Woman 1.0 has local network access with other Woman devices. Though this problem may infact be a fundimental flaw.
To rectify this issue, you must perform the following steps*:
1) Disconnect all other Woman devices and concentrate 100% on your errant model.
2) Install Flowers v1.
Re:Modular design in action (Score:2)
I like this idea - I dont really care if Segway is the best method but its great that researchers (and hobbiests if the price goes down) can use a simple building block.
Exactly how is a Segway a simple building block compared to any other electric scooter that costs an order of magnitude less?
Re:Modular design in action (Score:1)
Re:Modular design in action (Score:1)
Now maybe you could build a robot with hands to move a throtttle and turn a steering wheel.
But tha'ts what this dos. Take that out of the developments so that others can work on the more specefic stuff.
Re:Modular design in action (Score:2)
The reason robots are slow to make it out into the public is because previous versions were found to eat old-people's medicine for fuel [robotcombat.com].
Nice above the article about failing tech in war (Score:4, Insightful)
I totally can't see the use for this.
Well actually I can, if I walk around the "battlefield training" areas where americans test their weapons. You know, like the bombing range where they tested the norton bomb sights. A location chosen for its all year around clear weather.
What can a segway possibly be used for. Well it is slow as well but about as fast as a marching soldier so it can save them energy. Well true. If the battle field is nice and smooth with a hard surface. No rain, mud, loose sand, rivers, streams, shell holes, trenches, fences, barbed wire, loose stones etc etc etc. None of the stuff in fact that makes up a battlefield
Even an urban battlefield doesn't stay clean enough for long for this thing to be practical.
Behind the battlefield? Ehm yeah the thing is still damn slow and your still standing. So no replament for a truck.
Carrying supplies or wounded? Same problem, at the battlefield where trucks and such are to big it can't move and behind the lines it is to slow.
Even a soldier on patrol is useless, he needs his hands on his weapon not on the controls of this thing, at least with a truck you got 1 driver and 2-3 passengers.
No I can see this as another way to make war look nicer and cleaner. This will not be the revolution that the jeep was.
Re:Nice above the article about failing tech in wa (Score:1)
Re:Nice above the article about failing tech in wa (Score:1)
read kilometers :P (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nice above the article about failing tech in wa (Score:2)
Re:Nice above the article about failing tech in wa (Score:1)
Sounds like mind-bogglingly good exercise.
Re:Nice above the article about failing tech in wa (Score:3, Insightful)
For example, there is no reason the software and sensors couldn't be added to a truck, to either deliver cargo between point A and B automatically, or to follow one lead vehicle in a convoy.
>Even a soldier on patrol is us
Military Robots (Score:2)
Follow politics, don't just listen to claims (Score:3, Insightful)
Bush has said often that there will not be a draft, there are enough troops. In fact more than enough, the military doesn't take everyone who walks through their doors trying to get in.
Kerry says we need 40,000 more troops. Where is he going to get them? True he can start with those who were refused, but is that enough?
Kerry has said that he would go to war in Iraq. He hasn't been real clear, and who knows what he would have really done, but there is a good chance that if he was president now there
Re:Follow politics, don't just listen to claims (Score:2)
Re:Follow politics, don't just listen to claims (Score:2)
"Bush has said often that there will not be a draft, there are enough troops."
Other than (another) verbal slip-ups a few nights ago, both Kerry and Bush have repetedly said there will be no draft. They have never left wiggle-room on the issue, they are ALWAYS very clearly against the idea, from both sides.
"Kerry says we need 40,000 more troops."
So does the General on the ground, I believe, who was quoted as saying we didn't have enough troops(correct me if I am wrong
Re:Follow politics, don't just listen to claims (Score:2)
by bluGill (862) on Saturday October 23, @07:30AM (#10608488)"
Props to your User ID, that has to be by far the lowest I have seen on /.
Draft in 2005 (Score:1)
It is true he said this, and it is also true that this is a lie on his part.
It will not be the first lie that he has told, and it wouldn't even be the biggest lie that he has told.
A vote for Bush will be a vote for 1) A military draft, 2) Massive social disruption and unrest as a result of the draft, and 3) Draconian supression of free-speech and free assembly in an attempt to enforce the draft.
If Bush is elected, expect a draft to begin no later t
Re:Draft in 2005 (Score:1)
Facts, not fear. (Score:1)
The US Army currently is almost completelly out of unutilized soldiers.
There are currently 500,000 Regular Army troops, and there are currently 500,000 total Army troops stationed overseas.
If it wasn't for the 200,000 Army reserve troops who are currently assigned "indefinately" to active service, we'd be OUT of foot soldiers.
As an example of how low manpower reserves are, they've reassigned the 11th ACR from the NTC at Ft. Irwin to duty in Iraq.
The unit that is tasked with
Re:Facts, not fear. (Score:1)
There are not 500,000 Regular army troops; it is closer to 750,000 down from a million.
There are not 500,000 Army troops stationed overseas, though there may well be 500,000 mixed forces troops overseas.
Yes, there have been many Reserve forces called up. That is exactly what they are there for; it is the entire reason for their existence. I know I was a corporal in the USMC Reserves.
The reason why PARTS of the 11th ACR have been sent on tour in Iraq, is that
My guy?? (Score:1)
I'll be voting for John Kerry, largely because Kerry had the good fortune to be born "Not Bush".
That's not a pro-Kerry stance, that's an Anti-Bush stance.
In fact, NOBODY should ever have to bring up even one word in defense of John Kerry or his record, because John Kerry and his record have ZERO relevance to the George Bush presidency.
Whether Kerry is too tall, too th
Re:My guy?? (Score:1)
Nuff said.
BTW. Do you know who actually wrote the words for the Patriot act. That would be John Kerry.
And I'm not Pro-Bush. I'm anti-Kerry.
Anyone but Kerry in '04
I notice that when confronted with real facts, and not just fear mongering blather, you dropped the entire Draft discusion and went to the only reason people have to vote for Kerry "Bush sucks". Kerry Edwards should have a button like that made up.
To address that point (draft) again. Not
So ... (Score:4, Funny)
This is sort of like when the RIAA discovered the disposable income of teenagers, but with added gore.
Well thats a little HYPOCRITICAL!!! (Score:1)
Here at CMU... (Score:2, Interesting)
The goal there is to have a team of humans on segways play segway robots in an actual soccer match.
The project's website, which has a movie page with a ton of movies of the thing in action is here. [cmu.edu]
Have you seen the Centaur? (Score:3, Interesting)
What is DARPA's goal? (Score:2)
If they want to trasport supplies, the ground-based is a requirement.
However, if they want Robot Scouts or Soldiers, I think that there are better ideas.
Closeup picture and more details ... (Score:2)
Re:Closeup picture and more details ... (Score:2)
NIce. But there are already many "platforms" (Score:3, Interesting)
But that's no longer the case. There are many good off the shelf bases. Cybermotion, iRobot, Arrick, ActiveMedia, Klephera, and Zagros all make wheeled robot bases. Even legged machines are available.
Right now, the big bottleneck is sensing. Visual processing still doesn't work (the hardware is fine, but the theory doesn't work), true 3D laser rangefingers aren't here yet (although I've seen one working on an optical bench) and submillimeter radar hasn't reached production yet (millimeter radar has limited resolution.) Most of the hobbyist world is still using 1980s ultrasonic devices, IR reflectance sensors, and feelers, which don't work any better than they did in the 1980s.
movies of Segway RMP at USC (Score:1)
Anyway, Here are some movies [usc.edu] of the RMP running the Player Robot Server [sourceforge.net](GPL, naturally). If you want to try programming a Segway RMP, but haven't got one sitting around, you can use the Gazebo robot simulator [sourceforge.net] with Player - your code won't know the difference.
(Please, please somebody mirror these movies before we brown-out Southern California. Sorry Andrew...
Sweet (Score:2)
Looks like trouble... (Score:2)
I can see it now: "World's Wildest Robot Chases"
Cool! (Score:1)
WTF? Use a motorcycle instead. (Score:1)
always the military (Score:1)
This mobility platform would be totally useful for firefighting, aid distribution, disaster relief, surveying...i'm sure there are other non violent use.
How about connecting a number of them in series to form a n-wheel drive cross country train, which can split into smaller parts and recombine as nessesary ?
Obligatory Simpsons quote... (Score:2)