Proper Disposal Of Old PCs? 409
IMNTPC writes "Over the years, I've advanced from a 386DX-33 to a Celeron 1.3 Ghz system. I've slowly been accumulating enough old parts that now I think it's time to start disposing of anything that predates a Pentium 166. Does anyone know of a good place that will properly dispose/recycle of these old parts and PCs for little or no money? So far I've found pcdisposal.com, but anyone know of any others, either online or physical dropoff points in major metropolitan areas?"
EBAY!!! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:EBAY!!! (Score:4, Informative)
I've sold scsi cards on eBay for a dollar, and broke even on the shipping; and I am happy because I know the part is going to use and not into a land fill.
Re:EBAY!!! (Score:3, Interesting)
In keeping more with the discussion, maybe people should see if there are users in other countries that can make use of old computers? I hear people keep speaking about countries that can't afford the latest & greatest. Well, if they can afford the shipping, then they've got "free" computers.
Re:EBAY!!! (Score:3, Interesting)
I too am in favor of the e-bay solution. Not only did the parents make valid points on hard to find parts, but there is sometimes software / hardware that just doesn't run well on faster systems. Sloppy programing i'd imagine, taking the time from the cpu clock. Not to speak of some older ISA hardware that just won't play well on anything modern. Specificly...
1. E-prom programers... some people invested good money in a prom burner.... and why spend all that money ag
Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:5, Funny)
It's the American Dream.
Re:Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:5, Interesting)
We would get orders on occasion to clean out storage rooms, repo'd houses, old offices, etc. The problem was, usually there was a bunch of stuff and only one dumpster behind our headquarters. We tried the "fill the truck and cruise around and fill up some other branch's dumpster" trick, but that usually ended in shouting matches.
If we filled our dumpster, the cleaning people during the week would just toss the trash bags on the ground and make a huge mess.
What we started doing was, the big, bulky items like chairs, computers, desks, whatever....we would place one at a time on the sidewalk (we were located in an urban downtown area). The longest anything ever stayed on the sidewalk was 15 minutes. People would take anything.
It was actually a win-win for everyone, the people were happy, we were happy, the bank was happy. No one could sue (we figured we'd say the item was "stolen" off the sidewalk if they tried). This was not a sanctioned event by the bank, but they really didn't care because the task was completed (items disposed of).
So, especially if you are in an urban setting, try leaving it outside on the curb with a "take me" sign on it.
Re:Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:3, Interesting)
We wanted to give them to local elementary schools. But in order to do that, we needed permission from the state bureau...which took forever, took a ton of money, and was basically a major hassle..
So here's what we did: we befriended the guy in charge of the security camera on the loading dock.
Re:Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:2)
The funny thing was, I went to get some food soon after and when I got back, they were gone!!
We're still in shock over it lol
Re:Old run down neighborhoods are great places (Score:3, Funny)
Really? (Score:5, Insightful)
What makes you think differently about this?
Give them to schools (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Give them to schools (Score:2)
Schools don't want them (Score:3, Insightful)
They will turn you away at the parking lot, let alone allow you to drag that crap in through the front door.
Re:Schools don't want them (Score:4, Informative)
Licensing problems are only an issue if you insist on running Wintendos. A P100 makes a fine SOHO firewall.. Throw BSD, smoothwall, etc. on it with a spare ethernet card or two and you're flying for DSL/Cable.
They're also fine for all sorts of classroom uses that don't demand heavy computations. This would include things like doing word processing with AbiWord (Not sure about Open Office, though -- haven't tried it)
Re:Schools don't want them (Score:5, Insightful)
Actually, it doesn't. Back when a router cost $200, an old computer was a good way to run your net connection. Nowadays, you can get a router (with 802.11b AP and 4 port switch, no less) for as little as $30. The difference in electricity costs for running this 24/7 come to $5-10 per month. Not to mention the space savings, and the lack of noise or heat gain.
Re:Schools don't want them (Score:5, Informative)
Old PCs also make awesome little servers. Even a family of neophytes with multiple computers could use a shared file space, and us geeks can set up our own file/web/FTP/DNS/DHCP/time/backup/whatever servers. Personally, I have a P166 as a router, a P133 web server, and a P133 backup server. My file server is a Tbird900 only because I use it as a desktop sometimes.
Re:Give them to schools (Score:5, Insightful)
Please don't donate very old hardware to schools. Many schools have policies that require them to accept donations like this, and others might accept the computers because they don't realize how old and worthless they are (remember, the article mentioned "older than a Pentium-166").
All you're doing is shifting the disposal cost to the school, which may end up costing them more than the value of the computer itself.
Keep in mind that schools typically do not have a staff of IT people to repair computers, install software, train teachers, etc. I wouldn't argue if you wanted to take an old but perfectly working computer, load it up with educational software appropriate for a particular grade level, donate it to a specific teacher who's interested, and train him/her on how to use it. But my guess is that's not what you had in mind.
Re:Give them to schools (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Give them to schools (Score:5, Interesting)
Firstly software: Being On Microsoft Schools Agreement means that any PC will thus cost money each year in the per-PC fees EVEN IF ITS USED WITH LINUX/*BSD. Don't matter - as long as its a Pentium class PC its fee liable.
Most PCs that are handed in are slow, maybe of a motherboard brand thats not well know (meaning company gone bust so no BIOS updates) or of a unusual processor e.g. Intel in a AMD site or vis versa of uses old EDO memory (which now costs a lot to replace) or ....and it goes on.
Also the device has to be electrically tested (which costs money) and prepped with correct build (driver issues here) plus would usually have to have a optical mouse added (small kids and balled mice don't mix !) and usually a new (i.e. clean without coffee and food) keyboard. Sometimes the harddisk is just 1 Gig or so which was big a few years back but now doesn't fit our standard image (intended for 2.5 Gig or higher). We also get offered old 14 and 15 inch screens - waste of electricity and room now. I'm happy with 17inch or **flat** but not less than that.
This all takes up valuable time. Now in 3rd world and LDCs time is cheaper than parts but in any first world country time is the expensive component and taking old PCs is a false economy.
Now many companies are dumping PCs on schools: why because in the UK and EU PCs are deemed as hazardous waste and thus have expensive disposal costs. They see schools as a nice way of offloading dispoal costs. Yeh great thanks but no thanks - we have a room filled with old '386/P133s already ! Once you have one router/firewall/Nessus scanner PC then you don't need any more.
WTF? (Score:3, Insightful)
Am I understanding this correctly? That you have to pay a fee for every Pentium class PC you have, even if it doesn't have Microsoft crap on it?!
If so, find the moron responsible for signing such a contract, and slap him/her silly.
Re:WTF? (Score:2)
More like identify the morons who are responsible and vote them out of office.
Re:Give them to schools (Score:5, Informative)
Not true (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Not true (Score:2)
You could... (Score:5, Insightful)
I can imagine there are families out there that wouldn't consider a P166 [in working order] a "bad computer".
So I'd say as long as your older machines still work clean on up and offer it to someone needy.
That, or you could fill the thing with propane cylinders and explode it in a local abandonned quary. Make sure you tape it and post a url to your video later on!!!
Re:You could... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:You could... (Score:2)
There are other uses in schools, my typing class couldn't h
MOD UP (Score:2)
Here are my suggestions : Convert anything with 16mb of ram or more into an X-terminal; load FreeDOS and maybe Windows 3.1 and use it for old games and legacy apps; use it to experiment with weird operating systems; if you program, test your code on it - your own impatience will improve your algorithms; attach it to some sort of household device, like a coffee maker, so
Re:You could... (Score:2)
Some garbage tips have a place for them. (Score:5, Informative)
There seem to be many places that will take ancient working machinery too, and use it as donation equipment - for some people, a simple 386 is heaven. In 2001 I helped shuffle some of this stuff around, and for students who had absolutely no access to a computer for doing university work at home, a 386 that could edit text was a godsend. No, it's no use for software development or comp sci courses, but for those students who do only need to type up essays and the like, a simple machine with floppy is well appreciated and more than enough. Not every college course is comp.sci or IT.
Personally, I just get a new one and push the old ones to the side. They seem to become part of the furniture [danamania.com] and I don't notice they're there any more
Re:Some garbage tips have a place for them. (Score:2)
It wasn't far from the huge Macquarie Centre shopping complex, along the same main road I can't remember the name of. This was back in 1997
Ebay (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Ebay (Score:2, Funny)
If you've got any old Cisco 2501 routers be sure to put them on eBay too since NASA is especially looking for those for their shuttles... yea, their shuttles, that's the ticket. Make sure not to priced it more than $150 with the buy now option.
Re:Ebay (Score:2)
True, but not true. NASA was buying old test equipment on eBay to get the chips from them to use in the Shuttle's ground support equipment, not as flight equipment. (One of the myriad budget problems that NASA has it tha
Google, my friend... google. (Score:2, Informative)
Welll..... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Welll..... (Score:4, Interesting)
I think this varies by area. When we left Denver for Europe 2 years ago, Goodwill wanted to pick and choose - some clothes were ok, others weren't. 3 15" monitors were unacceptable. They wouldn't take dishes but some cookware was ok, we were combining 2 houses into one and leaving the country, basically everything redundant had to go. In the end, I ended up telling Goodwill to piss off and took everything to ARC (Assoc of retarted citizens) or the battered womens shelters. Same tax right off, less headaches.
Depends on where you live (Score:2, Informative)
Here in sunny Minneapolis ther are several places that will take them - my fav charges 10 cents a pound, and then they part them out and have a salvation army type store next door for the parts. I regularly dumb off my old carp, and then go shopping afterward. Managed to get some great deals on stuff and the monitor prices cant be beat -(17" for $20, 19 for $50) all good stuff too
Re:Depends on where you live (Score:2)
Re:Depends on where you live (Score:2)
Re:Depends on where you live (Score:3, Informative)
In sunny Minneapolis (Hennepin County), residential recycling pickups take computer gear for free. Monitors, computers, printers, cartons of dead keyboards and power supplies, everything. And if the weather's dry and you set the stuff out a week before recycle day, it will often vanish before the appointed time.
If you're near berzerkeley (Score:2)
industry barometer (Score:4, Insightful)
One weird thing is all the perfectly good monitors that end up in the trash. I've found two Dell Trinitron 17 inch units in the last few weeks alone. Not ragged out units but clean and in excellent working condition. I suspect the reason so many good monitors end up at the curbside is the move to flat screens.
The weeks after Christmas are a good time to keep an eye on your neighbors trash. They have to make room for their Christmas computer and the old one will end up by the curb. Happy hunting.
Dumpster Diving For Fun & Parts.. (Score:2)
I wont go out of my way to look very often, but I have a few spots behind certain engineering firms that I do look, and if I happen to see a box when I'm out and about I'll grab it. I can always throw it away again.
I've found decent SCSI controllers, small and medium SCSI drives, tons of decent size EDO and SDRAM, plenty of optical drives, several 17" good monitors tha
Re:Dumpster Diving For Fun & Parts.. (Score:2)
Sometimes even-older machines have stuff worth pilfering, like a 56k modem (which doesn't care if it's in a 386). If nothing else, there's always fans, screws, and cables.
You should start earlier (Score:5, Interesting)
If you sell the parts while someone still really wants them, and will pay good money, then you remove the whole problem of disposal. (Well, technically you push it on to someone else, but that's just as good) So next time you upgrade, go out and get those benjamins! It helps you rationalize the upgrade if you can get 50% of your costs back too
Re:You should start earlier (Score:2)
But *I* think it's "normal" to have a dozen systems around the house, mostly built from used and salvage parts. For someone who only needs one newish system at a tim
recycle tax (Score:5, Informative)
Austin Texas Info (Score:2)
Check with your state recycling program (Score:4, Informative)
If your state doesn't have one, push your legislators to start one too. Point at Delaware as an example! It beats it ending up in a common landfill without proper handling.
I too have been meaning to do this (Score:3, Interesting)
Why, oh God why do I keep 512KB SIMMs!! Someone just steal this stuff from me!
Give it to someone who needs it (Score:2)
When I have a computer that is looking a bit worn, I wipe the drive, reload the OS, adn give to a local group that needs it. So far, that has included a local lawn bowling club, a scout troop and a senior's home. These people don't need a fast machine. Just someone that can dial up to the internet and print newletters or raffle tickets. I get more
dell... (Score:2)
I just noticed in one of their recent corporate brochure mail-outs, that they actually offer you a rebate on new stuff if you send them your old hardware.
Maybe worth if if you're looking to upgrade...
Re:dell... (Score:2)
A similar question (Score:3)
Re:A similar question (Score:2)
Re:A similar question (Score:2)
Re:A similar question (Score:2)
Freegeek in Portland, OR (Score:3, Informative)
They take all kinds of computer equipment. They refurbish what they can and recycle the rest with "responsible vendors" - meaning places that don't just ship it off to China.
Drop-offs are free, except for monitors, which cost $10 because of the difficulty in handling all the metals and toxic materials in monitors.
People can also volunteer there in their different programs and get "free" computers for their work.
Re:Freegeek in Portland, OR (Score:3, Informative)
Free Geek charges $10 / monitor to cover the cost of shipping them to a recycler that can break them apart safely. People (and businesses) bring in their old systems and leave with a receipt that's of use at tax time. It is up to the donator to estimate the value of his donation.
Free Geek runs three programs that are kind of interesting:
Freak Boxen are currently spec'ed as: 200 - 2
Help the Third World (Score:2, Informative)
386 usage (Score:4, Insightful)
All you need is good, new monitor, because old one can be bad for your eyes. Other parts of computer are perfect to use with completly new software.
Send them to the 'third world' (Score:2)
It's your conscience what OS you use, and while they often think they want Windows, this is probably more harmful than good. It is important for people to learn how the machines work so Linux or BSD are far better choices. (Compile on your fast
easy... (Score:2)
*only profitable if you live out of easy travel distance
Dell Recycling (Score:2, Informative)
Furthermore, they have also launched a new Dell Donations program to benefit the National Cristina Foundation [cristina.org]. If you have hardware (ad says 'above Pentium I'--ambiguous as to whether or not your P-16
Dell Recycling (Score:2, Informative)
Check it out at the Dell [dell.com] site.
I've used this program to recycle a dead 17" monitor, and it worked like a charm.
pass it on... (Score:2, Interesting)
I donate my geek skills to a non-profit here in San Francisco (an experience which has given me new insight into the phrase "legacy systems")... I scavenge hardware for parts off the free listings on craigslist.org [craigslist.org]. The usability and quality is generally better than what we get from donations (usually from local businesses looking to get rid of ancient hardware at no cost, just like you).
If you live in an area covered by craigslist, just post a listing in the free section... someone will take it off your
Charityies (Score:2)
uk based stuff (Score:2)
besides the blokes running these projects are cool
Recycling center? (Score:2)
eBay (Score:2)
This way someone who still has some use for them can buy it really cheap too.
Re:eBay (Score:2)
please, send them to me. (Score:2)
Freecycle (Score:3, Informative)
the needy, the curb, the recycler (Score:2)
I'll ec
Heavy Salvage (Score:2)
Any suggestions on getting this thing out? Maybe a salvage dealer would come pick it up?
Prison (Score:2)
Unicor [unicor.gov]
don't underestimate the sidewalk (Score:4, Informative)
I was walking down the street with my gf at the time in Oakland and there were these old 486's and p60's laying around. I busted out the cybertool and started harvesting ethernet cards. People came by with tools who had seen them 15 minutes or so earlier than I did and I started helping them build machines and pick the best parts.
However, you can't just abandon the machines or leave them for the dept of sanitation. The amount of lead and other nasties in computers is environmentally hostile. One thing to do is advertise that you're doing this. I see this on craigslist.org (or any other location based classifieds) a lot. Postings like: "I'm gonna leave this stuff on the corner of this and that at 5pm" are common and get the word out to people who need parts and can't afford them.
After the compu-hyenas have picked the carrion clean you should take responsibility for what's left and decide, based on what's there if you want to recycle or find a place to dump that will do so ethically.
in the San Francisco/Oakland/Berkeley area (Score:5, Informative)
old linux machines never die... (Score:2)
Just because the machine is no longer fast enough to be a general purpose machine of modern standards doesn't mean it can't do one specific thing extremely well.
A school or nonprofit could make good use of a donated 386 as a print server, pbx etc. You can find your favorite needy organization, ask them what they sorely need and use your hardware macgyver skills to do some philanthropy.
Sell used parts? (Score:2)
E-bay. (Score:2)
Yet another reason software 'upgrades' are evil (Score:3, Flamebait)
We need, in the US, a system which charges the disposal fee upfront, so there are no hidden costs. In addition if anyone is looking to innovate, a truly recyclable computer would be a great goal.
Community service projects (Score:2)
Another organization I know of is Oakland Tech, a public high school in Oakland California. They run a training program t
check with your town/city about dropoff (Score:2)
I recycle PC's. I advertise and I dig. (Score:2)
I put up ads in all the stores (a sheet with tear off phone # strips) asking people to call me to pick their old computers rather than throw them in the trash piles. But I do drive around with my eye trained on every trash heap I see. I can spot a keyboard cable hanging out of a box at a 1,000 yards!
I pick them up for free
Re:major metropolitan area? (Score:2)
It costs them to have their dumpster emptied to the landfill. There is no profit in having to pay for dumpsters filled with completely unusable equipment.
The stuff I take to the goodwill is very much junk, where the best of the scroungers here would not want to look at it. It really is trash by time I'm ready to haul it off. (broken 10meg MFM driv
Re:major metropolitan area? (Score:3, Interesting)
I've mentioned this before, but... in Bozeman MT there is a circuit-board company that used to pitch out all their defective boards, til they noticed the horde of local artists scavenging their trash. After that, they started selling 'em at a buck or two apiece. Seems the boards were in demand as bases for
Re:Two options (Score:5, Informative)
The value of your old 386, when you donate it, is NOT the $3000 you originally paid for it. The value of your old 386, for tax donation purposes, is what a reasonable person would pay for it on the open market...in otherwords, maybe $20.
This applies to anything you donate that is used, not just computers. If that old junk heap of a vehicle in your front yard would only get $300 if sold, then that is its value for tax donation purposes. Giving it to the Goodwill does not allow you to write off the $17,000 purchase price when it was new. And the fact that organizations give you a blank receipt and allow you to write in your own value does not change tax law.
Will you get caught and busted for overstating the value? Probably not, unless you do it all the time. But still you should be aware of what you are doing when you put it on that tax form.
Usually here I would put the usual IANAL, but this case is different. Besides being a computer programmer, this time of year I also am a paid tax preparer with bookoo training on the subject, and my mommy works for the IRS.
Re:Two options (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Two options (Score:3, Interesting)
Was only a few years ago I saw a classified listing a "fully-loaded 286" for $80
Re:Destroy and despposal (Score:2)
BTW, if I try this, which part do I remove first for maximum runtime and maximum destruction.
Re:Destroy and despposal (Score:2)
Re:Valuable metals...? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:You lazy fucking American! (Score:2, Insightful)
And as far as laziness goes... America is the MOST productive country by far in the world. We work more hours per week than any other country (not sure about Japan... they are probably close to us). But Europeans? They are al
Re:You lazy fucking American! (Score:2)
Re:Destruction Fest (Score:3, Informative)
Please, please, please dispose of your monitors properly, if nothing else.