Parents Sue School Over Use of Wi-Fi Network 667
Iphtashu Fitz writes "Both news.com and
Wired are
reporting that an Illinois school district is being sued by parents over their use of
a Wi-Fi network at a local elementary school. Apparently the parents of 5 students
are concerned about potential health risks to their children by the Wi-Fi radio signals.
The parents are seeking class-action status for their suit, which seeks to halt the use
of wireless networks but does not ask for monetary damages. The complete complaint is also available for your reading pleasure on wifinetnews.com." I would never have guessed that the emissions from a wireless network are bad, unlike the healthy emissions given off by the now inescapable cell phones that are everywhere in public.
But these (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:But these (Score:2)
or stand 6 inches away from the microwave waiting for thier frozen dinner to cook.
And when it is cooked, they trot their lazy asses in front of the gigantic television to be bathed in its radiance for 6 hours while not reading or ding homework. NO they do not read or do homework. That is the point.
Sad (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Sad (Score:2, Insightful)
Imagine 30 1st graders with laptops and 1 teacher. Or, imagine a beowulf cluster of broken laptops with snot on them, it's the same thing.
Re:Sad (Score:2)
Indeed. My employer, a school district, just bought wireless labs for students. Already we've had a dozen in for repair that have been dropped/broken or otherwise destroyed.
please, please countersue (Score:2)
The actual class action mov
Re:Sad (Score:5, Informative)
Unfortunately this appears to be what happens when you combine a society fixated with junk science with a political class ruled by trial attorneys.
The State of Missouri had an issue a bit more than a year ago with a state legislator that was trying to get all communication towers banned. The reason? "It might harm children." A few folks did some research on the legislator pushing the bill and guess who one of his largest financial supporters was? Incumbant local telephone companies (the competition to wireless providers). Save the children unfortunately has become code for political and legal system payola.
Unfortunately this poster touches on the reality of the current US legal nightmare: many defendents cannot afford the fight for what is right due to the complete lack of financial accountability of irresponsible plantiff attorneys and their clients. I'm predicting the school will back out and turn off their wireless devices. Their students will lack the access to information that other students might have. Unless other parents get vocal and oppose this luddite activity, they'll further the progress of their children towards a future job at Burger King.
Per the allegation that the school has been ignoring evidence that electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi networks poses health risks, I'd invite the luddite parents and their attorneys to have a radiofrequency engineer show them what the airwaves in the classroom (or better, at home) look like. 802.11b/a/g is background noise [wlana.org] compared to many of the narrowband signals out there. Better shut off the FM, AM and TV broadcasters [osha-slc.gov] immediately. Throw away that cellphone [wow-com.com] (you don't hold that anywhere *near* your head, do you?) Better start packing candles in the kids lunch bag... those fluorescent lights are little RF monsters [inchem.org] ("to quote: while the intentional radiation of fluorescent light tubes lies in the visible light range, such tubes also generate very low levels of microwave and RF white noise (Mumford, 1949)... microwaves? That's not a classroom lit by fluorescents, it's a Easy Bake Oven from Hell [easybake.com]!). Lock up the school TV sets - what do you think that gunnplexer is firing at your eyeballs? Get weather, aviation and police radar shut off immediately (sure hope that speeder doesn't crash into the school bus). And god forbid you have one of those Air Force E-4B 747's [boeing.com] fly over your home as they do mine... one of those bastards wipes out my TV amplifier every time it flies over my farm! Heck, we haven't even thought about RF experiments like HAARP [alaska.edu] that can probably melt a human in milliseconds!
Of course, the final step for the trial attorneys and their luddite clients will be banning the ultimate producer of raw RF [noaa.gov]. Once that's done, we can all rest assured that no RF deathrays will harm us.
Re:Sad (Score:5, Funny)
We better shut off the electric grid. Start thinking of the children for God's sake.
Re:Sad (Score:3, Informative)
A typical (cheap) lighting dimmers is rated for about 600 watts of connected load. (You can get fancier ones rates for 1200 watts or more.) A rheostat capable of handling a 600 watt load is about 8" in diameter and 2" thick! (Hint: it wouldn't fit in the little rectangular J box used for home light switches and dimmers. Not to mention the fact that a high power rheostat dissipates the unused electrical current as heat - something it co
Re:Sad (Score:3, Funny)
It'd be amusing (though unlikely) if the school filed child abuse charges with the parents who brought up the case, citing that they owned cell phones.
Purity of Essence (Score:5, Funny)
I had a libertarian friend who liked to poke fun both at the right-wing nuts who were upset about fluoride along with the liberals who were in a big huff about how bad the conservatives were. He offered up the "fluoron" theory: fluorescent light bulbs emitted "fluorons", subatomic particles smaller than an electron so they were not yet detected by science, but they were shaped like a hammer and sickle (the Soviet emblem), and if one penetrated your skull it would explode a brain cell and turn it into a Communist idealogue. Light exposure (small number of Commie brain cells) turned you into a liberal while heavy doses turned you into a pinko -- and fluorescent lights were everywhere in public schools and government buildings.
I guess we have come full circle and now the loony Left has become what the loony Right once was.
*sigh* (Score:4, Insightful)
WiFi is limited to 80mW or less of power output. The leakage alone from a 900W microwave oven is considerably higher than this, and in the exact same frequency spectra. The power output of radar of various types dwarfs either, although the distance normally provides some protection (inverse squares and all). And don't even ask about the output from a 20,000W AM radio station.
The X-Rays from an average CRT (including that television set) are much more harmful, since, unlike the microwave radiation used by the above, X-Rays are ionizing radiation and *DO* cause cellular mutations (basically, anything longer wave than UV, including visible light and microwaves, doesn't have the energy to ionize the cells in a human body (photoelectric effect), anything shorter wave (including the deadly UVC, X-rays, and Gamma rays) will ionize cells, break down DNA, and other wonderful things).
Its a case of pay now or pay later (Score:2)
Things that are invisibly harmful provoke more superstitions of harm than things that are more well known, like sunlight (and by that I'm not just referring to the visible spectrum).
I wonder what currently educated children will complain about when they're adults? Photographs that steal people's souls (giving them cancer)? The evil, cancer-causing vo
Re:Sad (Score:2)
Remind me again why you aren't a super?
Re:Sad (Score:2)
literacy != knowledge (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Sad (Score:2)
Umm?? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Umm?? (Score:5, Funny)
All those hours of the day the poor baby was taking in the radio waves. Possibly right next to it's head. Bzzzzt..
Re:Umm?? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Umm?? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Umm?? (Score:5, Funny)
I don't know... but whatever it is, don't tell the kids. It might be bad influence.
Cordless phones (Score:2)
I fully expect that unless the parents can show they are NOT using any cordless appliances or cellphones they will loose this case HARD.
Usually it takes research but they seem to be saying, stop just because. You could challenge the flouride in the water too...
Roaches (Score:2)
Is our children learning?--George W. Bush
Tinfoil hats... (Score:4, Funny)
So just have the paranoid parents send their kids to school wrapped up like a baked potato. Sure, the resulting bullying might be unhealthy, but the kid won't be exposed to the evil 2.4GHz radiation.
I guess they should sue the FCC, too. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I guess they should sue the FCC, too. (Score:2)
Re:I guess they should sue the FCC, too. (Score:2)
I would expect they need to sue the FCC as well... Since the FCC has permitted the use of 2.4GHz for various purposes, doesn't that place the burden on this group of parents to demonstrate some direct health hazard?
Idiots, the lot of 'em.
Re:I guess they should sue the FCC, too. (Score:2)
Sound like technophobic luddite minivan-driving soccer moms to me. Have these people actually paused to think what might happen to the state of their health if a bunch of geeks' wireless toys got taken away as a direct result of their lawsuit? Like the dog chasing after a car's tires, suppose he actually ma
Welcome to the 21st (Score:4, Insightful)
Why not sue the sun because it's barraging Earth with all these bad rays, sue cell phone companies for placing cellphone towers where your children may be. Sue HOT 95.5! for transmitting that crappy music.
Go get your aluminum foil beanie already.
Re:Welcome to the 21st (Score:2)
Re:Welcome to the 21st (Score:2)
Are you crazy?! Didn't anyone ever tell you not to put metal objects in the microwave?!
Re:Welcome to the 21st (Score:2)
Um... Actually... [smh.com.au]
This is what happens... (Score:2)
soo...... (Score:2)
Tinfoil hats (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Tinfoil hats (Score:5, Insightful)
We had a WiFi network in-home before my son was born, but removed it during my wife's pregnancy. We *still* have a cordless phone, but stepped back to 900MHz. Why? Well, there's enough evidence out there to say that it's worth it to worry. We don't have a complete story, and that's the issue. Unfortunately, there were no equivalent localized high frequency sources in homes and schools 30 years ago. We don't have enough data to say definitively one way or another that something's safe or not.
And that's what scares the shit out of parents. We don't know enough to rule anything out yet. I know enough that I wouldn't live next to a cell tower, even though I'll risk holding a cell phone to my ear just about everyday. However, when it comes to my kids, I don't take that chance.
Re:Tinfoil hats (Score:3)
Re:Tinfoil hats (Score:3)
Re:Tinfoil hats (Score:3)
I would be more worried about flying saucers, for which there is about the same level of evidence. And there certainly is not enough evidence to rule them out as a danger, either. The good studies of non-ionizing radiation show no effect, the studies that show harm are small and generally show tiny effects of marginal statistical significance under circumstances where there are numerous potential artifacts and biases. And it is ver
Re:Tinfoil hats (Score:5, Insightful)
There's a lot of money to be made by scaring the shit out of you. When it comes to technology, the magic words are "there is not enough evidence that this product is safe". Remember when they were screaming that power lines were killing babies? Remember when saccharin was killing babies? Remember when Y2K was going to kill all of us and our babies?
Try this: "There may be a link between measles vaccinations and autism". Okay? Now, wrap your scientist mind around that word "may". It means non-zero probability, so good luck disproving the proposition. And I hope your math skills are up to the task of comparing the "may" above to the "may" in "measles vaccinations may prevent measles", because I made that up about autism. Scared you, though, didn't I? So welcome to the new era of parenting.
And the fearmongers are never going to shut up. Twenty year studies that turn up no statistically significant link between their pet fear and reality obviously didn't look long enough or hard enough. They like the attention, and their lawyers like the money.
Re:Tinfoil hats (Score:3, Insightful)
Truer words were never spoken. I remember when I first woke up to this fact. I was just a kid, watching Donohue's talk show. He was interviewing people who were imploring the public to be more cognizant of the possibility that their kids could go missing. Without specifics, they were giving the impression that there were pervy kidnappers around every corner, just waiting to snatch your kids, abuse them in unspeakable ways, and then sel
What a waste of money (Score:3, Interesting)
If we had serious tort reform in this country where the losing party had to pay the legal expenses of the winner, these kinds of stupid lawsuits would never be filed in the first place...
Radio waves (Score:2)
Nihil novi sub sole. (Score:2)
Ugh (Score:3, Insightful)
This is beyond ridiculous (Score:5, Insightful)
As I type this post right now, the monitor in my room, my radio, lights, cell phone, speakers are all giving off radiation. Not to mention, objects in my room (i.e. fork) are strengthening these signals.
Radiation is around us.. everywhere.. We can't stop it. The big question on hand is, do we sacrifice technology and all its benefits for the risk of potential radition which may or may not hinder ones health and/or possibly lead to cancer?
Please, out of all those parents sueing.. how many of them smoke, have 5 TV's in their house, drive a car, use a computer, etc.. you get my drift.
I hope there's somebody out there in Illinois who can smack those parents around a bit.. and I think I say this for most of the
Re:This is beyond ridiculous (Score:2)
I would tend to disagree. There are many cases in Europe where people have many more irrational fears of modern technology; power lines, cell phones (ever noticed how everyone has these shouldder bags with a special pocket for the cell phone, held away from the head?), GM foods, nuclear power, etc etc.
It's true that there is more litigation in the States; but the Luddite fears are a
Re:This is beyond ridiculous (Score:3, Insightful)
It's irrational to avoid GM foods, simply because they are GM. There may be specific instances of GM foods that are bad for you (e.g. if you're allergic to peanuts, and it has a peanut gene spliced in), but to avoid the entire class of food because "it's unnatural" simply shows a lack of biological understanding. Do you avoid all plants that were cross-bred, or selectively bred?
Re:This is beyond ridiculous (Score:2)
Only in this country are the odds of not being killed by a gun %99.994
Compare that with Brazil, where your chances of avoiding gun violence is only %99.975,
or Italy, where it's %99.999.
Yep, neither of those is %99.994. Truly this is a unique country.
-- this is not a
Cluelessness (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Cluelessness (Score:3, Informative)
It measures Cellular radiation (range:
I measured a Nokia 3360 of emitting ~8 mW/cm2 Cellular radiation and over 50 milliGauss EMF (outside the sensor's range). What else gives off 50+ milliGauss? 5.1 receiver, microwave in operation. Refrigerator gives off ~35 milliGauss and a table fan gives off ~40 milliGauss.
I didn't have a
Re:Cluelessness (Score:2)
Well... (Score:3, Insightful)
I would bet serious money that these are a bunch of Soccer Moms who drive like freakin' maniacs in their minivans and feed their fat lethargic kids fast food.
"Oooh... I don't want my child hurt by WiFi."
Meanwhile they're driving their freakin' POS minivan at 90 mph down the freeway zig zagging in and out of traffic as if they were driving a sports car while screaming at their morbidly obese kids in the back who are stuffing their faces full of fast food.
And you're worried about WiFi? Come on.
Sorry for the rant. I just had to get that off my chest. Yeah, maybe these parents are very health conscious... I dunno...
Ban Microwaves too! (Score:2)
much too much! (Score:2)
WiFi news? (Score:2)
Operated by school and effectively required (Score:2)
This is therefore, in the eyes of the law, a completely different case -- with a vastly different defendent -- than in the case of the potential issue of injury from the use of cell phones.
I assume then... (Score:3, Interesting)
Owww! My brain! (Score:2)
Stupid humans (Score:2)
The intergenerational propagation of stupidity (Score:2)
They should become Amish (Score:3, Interesting)
The parents need to be clued in on some wonderful news: It's impossible to escape RF radiation. As a beginning electronics hobbyist, one day I was playing with my new oscilloscope and touched the metal part of the probe, and a very rough waveform came up on the screen. Wondering what it was, and having a hunch, I plugged my function generator into the secondary inputs and set it to 60Hz sine, and guess what, they matched. My body was acting as a giant antenna for the RF waves coming off the electrical lines in my house. I'd write more, but I've decided to sue Socal Edison.
Comment removed (Score:3, Funny)
They have no idea (Score:3, Interesting)
I have to wonder that if someone evolved to be able to percieve more than just the visible light spectrum or regular sound waves, they'd go crazy, thinking they heard voices in their head. Then I have to wonder if at least some people who are "crazy" don't simply percieve some of these signals, and their brains don't know how to process the information.
So easily resolved.... (Score:2, Funny)
Tin foil... (Score:2)
lay knowledge (Score:2)
suburbanites (Score:2)
In the Spiffy town of "Oak Park" a few peon.... err parents have decieded to sue the local school district over the usage of a Wi-Fi network in the schools. The reason is unclear has to why they would sue the schools yet still have some wonderful things around the home that are far more damaging Such as:
1. Cell phones
2. Microwaves
3. TV. its eviillll
4. Themselves.
Think about it, exactly how harmfu
Any takers? (Score:2)
Oak Park District 97 (Score:3, Informative)
I wonder if the parents of students in the inner city are laughing or crying when they read about this lawsuit. "Hah! Our kids have a tough time getting textbooks, and the parents in Oak Park are worried about wireless networks?!"
Just waiting for the next logical step. (Score:2)
Specifically, I am waiting for the movement of concerned parents to ban WiFi on the grounds that it is beaming harmful pornography into their children
Dateline--Backwoods, AL (Score:5, Funny)
"Well, I think it's an outrage," said Patti Jo, a mother of two children in the school district and one of the plaintiffs in the suit. "It's becoming more and more obvious that they're maliciously subjecting our little boys and girls to a whole host of EMR [electro-magnetic radiation], simply so they can save a few pennies on their electricity bill." She started to cry softly. "We intend to petition for a criminal trial, too. We're claiming it's premeditated murder. The school board should fry," she added.
Although both sides are trying to reach an agreement on how best to contain the situation, a school board member we contacted, speaking on condition of anonymity, was resolute. "Sure, they get a little UV radiation burned at times," the anonymous boardmember stated. "But have you looked at the cost of fluorescent tubes lately?"
Punitive damages, if the plaintiffs succeed, are expected to be in the millions.
WHAT?! (Score:5, Informative)
Stuff like, "Since these run at low transmit power (.03 Watts), it's 1/10-1/20 the power of a cell phone." and "You'd have to hold a body part within 2cm of the antena for 30 minutes while the radio operated continuously at 100% capacity for that time."
Just look at IEEE C95.1 1991 [ieee.org], which details the maximum safe exposure for any EM radiation.
Or, gosh, here's a thought... what about OSHA [osha-slc.gov]?! They've got a bazillion links on the research involved.
I hope this gets thrown out of the courts faster than you can blink. The last thing students need is to be shoved back into the backwaters of technology.
I live nearby (Score:2)
I share their concerns but . . . (Score:2)
In the early days of public schools in America, each school was closely supervised by a relatively small number of parents with mostly compatible philosophy. Think Oklahoma! or Anne of Green Gables. This arrangement worked well. Public school today is a gi
People fear what they don't understand (Score:3, Informative)
I hope these parents get smacked down, because there is far more RF energy coming from other sources. What they MIGHT want to be concerned about is the placement of electical substation transformers for the power grid. Would they like to teach schools without electricity?
Ignorance brought us great things like witch burning and the inquisitions. I hope this doesn't turn into one..
I hope this bunch of morons don't win... (Score:2)
WiFi uses non-ionizing radiation. After so many tests over so many years, scientists have very easily found ionizing radiation to cause or accelerate cancers, yet they have never been able to find evidence of the same with non-ionizing radiation.
Their kids are at infinitely more risk playing in the playground, soaking up UV from the Sun or sitting in front of a CRT which emits small ammounts of x rays.
What's more, typical WiFi puts out no more than 0.2W! Even if you
Let's Take Some Action (Score:2, Flamebait)
The names and addresses of the parents weren't difficult to find. Let's give them a call or two and teach them a thing or two about radio waves. Or, if you aren't the talking type, write them a nice little letter.
PLAINTIFF #1: Baiman, Michelle & Rhon
(708) 445-9052
205 S Humphrey Ave
Oak Park, IL 60302
PLAINTIFF #2: parents of John Davis (good luck finding this)
PLAINTIFF #3: Cabral, John T
(708) 524-0205
134 Clinton Ave
Oak Park, IL 60302
quick! (Score:2)
Hand me my CELL PHONE so i can start a class action against it. I am glad that my kids are watching the safe TELEVISON and talking on the safe CORDLESS PHONE while resting on an ELECTRIC BLANKET wating for the food to heat up in the MICROWAVE OVEN.
They don't need wifi, though (Score:5, Informative)
Now the high school, on the other hand, could benefit from wifi. One student in my math class recently got a tablet PC, and we were talking a couple days ago about how nice it would be if there was a school-wide 802.11b network. Unfortunarly, our school is way behind the times as far as technology goes. We watched laserdiscs the other day in psych.
Money isn't an issue for either of them, though. Both the elementary schools and the high school have more money then they know what to do with. The middle schools just built two new buildings, and the high school got a new $3 million artificial turf football field, an artificial turf soccer field with stadium lighting, and built a parking garage. The issues are stupid parents and stupid administration.
(In case you couldn't tell, I attended the district the lawsuit was filed against)
come on (Score:3, Informative)
Are Wi-Fi signals all that different from standard radio signals? Aren't all of us being bombarded by stuff like this all the time that we're able to listen to good tunes on our AM/FM radios in our car?
I mean--I am basically clueless here--what's the issue? Is it the wavelength or what?
Okay, here's me actually clicking on some links, and I get this:
Now the only catch is that's from the Wi-Fi alliance and they cannot be taken to be entirely neutral in this affair. Can anyone not associated with them back them up on this claim? Is a Wi-Fi network really the same frequency as wireless home phones but 1/30 the power? 'Cause if so, I think we can just chock this one up to Standard American Paranoia (Concerned Mom Flavor) and move on.
Every time I read one of these stories... (Score:2)
simple solution (Score:5, Funny)
"Meat" of complaint (Score:3, Informative)
And later:
And finally:
Re:they worry about THIS?! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:they worry about THIS?! (Score:3, Insightful)
You don't consider personal health information sensitive? That disturbs me.
Re:These parents deserve congratulations... (Score:2)
RTFA (Score:4, Insightful)
That is the language you use when you are trying to get a few $million per kid. They are indeed seeking vast amounts of money, which is the only sane reason for this suit to begin with.
Re:How about Cordless Phones (Score:2)
Re:ZZZZZ.... (Score:2)
Woo, try 802.11a sometime...
Re: (Score:3, Funny)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Wow, They may not be crazy! (Score:2)
I don't think lead drain pipes were/are a problem. Now lead water pipes...
Al I know is that I don't Wi-Fi for one reason: I get Headaches from it. I know I sound like a member of the tinfoil mafia, but I have had it happen to me too many time to ignore it.
So, you must not use a microwave either. Or have a cordless phone. Or a cell phone. Or a baby monitor. Or go to any public places with WiFi access points. Or go to
Re:My school dsitrict (Score:2)
It made sense at the time :o/
Re:Stupid Parents (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Radiation... (Score:2)
Re:I wonder how many parents ... (Score:2, Funny)
Now a 2.4Ghz clock over the copper inside a cpu would be a 2.4Ghz RF signal [or a multiple of it]
Good thing you finished yer grade 8 science...
Are all trolls on
Re:I wonder how many parents ... (Score:3, Informative)
That said, modern clock distribution nets look more like big grid antennai with massive amplifiers (several watts of the 70W that an average CPU uses goes to clock distribution) powering it. So it does radiate quite substantially.
Re:I wonder how many parents ... (Score:3, Insightful)