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Alien Case Mod 183

apatheticloser writes "The Ultimate Computer Case Mod Website has a casemod inspired by the movie Alien. The website gives specifics about the computer but doesn't give instructions on how to build it. I think its a great way to show appreciation for a classic film."
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Alien Case Mod

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  • by roalt ( 534265 ) < r o a l t . com> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:35AM (#6089075) Homepage Journal
    I do not see green slime oozing out of the drive bay...
  • Does... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Pinguu ( 677142 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:36AM (#6089080)
    The hard-disk rip out of the case? :)
  • to bad .... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by cyrax777 ( 633996 )
    he didnt mention that alot of that is in Gigers Alien a artbook by the artist that desgined the Alien. That Case looks awsome.
    • Re:to bad .... (Score:2, Informative)

      by BardicStorm ( 181005 )
      You mean, like this sentence on the home page:

      "Inspired by the drawings of HR Giger and the creative artists and visionaries that brought us the Alien®"
    • I disagree. I am a huge Giger fan, and I think the case looks like a cheap amateur rip off. If you want to see something really cool, check out Giger's bar:
  • Flash... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bjpirt ( 251795 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:37AM (#6089083)
    you know, unlike a lot of other people on slashdot i don't usually mind flash, but when it's used just to display a bunch of images and they use lame sound effects with no option to turn them off it just pisses me off.

    Sucks when you've got music coming from your computer in a room full of people :-/

    anyone else think casemods are just a bit lame or am I just feeling particularly negative today?
    • Re:Flash... (Score:2, Informative)

      by TheBadger ( 131644 )
      There is a HTML version here [] [] - auto-check your UK lottery results
      • This HTML version is a lot better. In the time it took to get rid of the Flash popup window and kill the volume on the Flash screen, I'd already viewed a few of the images of the case on the HTML version.

        Call Flashbusters!

      • Re:Flash... (Score:4, Insightful)

        by digitalsushi ( 137809 ) * <> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @10:01AM (#6089843) Journal
        Ok, I've seen enough of these that I think we officially need a -1, spammer moderation. That "check yer sex" guy was the worst cause the link text was always different, but this sort of thing belongs in a sig alone. Leading useful information into self-promo information is abusive and ruins the experience of reading a flow of converstation. Keeping it in your sig isnt too much to ask; those of us with sig dashes mentally divide it into another subject and don't take offence when you use what the sig was meant for. And eventually more will start doing it because it works well, and that's why we need another moderation type.
    • This particular page would have worked fine with just HTML, no flash. There is nothing that Flash add to the display of the mod case shots, and there are ways that Flash makes the page worse (noises that get around the noises-off setting on the browser, and those annoying upgrade Flash popups).

      This page is an excellent illustration of a page that does not need Flash and is made worse by it.
      • To make matters worse, my browser is Netscape 4.7. This page shows all of the upper left portion of the page with no scrollbars to look at the rest.

        Now for a serious question.

        If this case mod was done to a G4 without Steve Jobs' express written permission, would it be an illegal alien?
    • So *that*'s what the blank spaces in that page were supposed to be...

      Regrettably, the "here's an HTML version" link doesn't seem to work - 404. Anyone else?
    • Re:Flash... (Score:3, Informative)

      anyone else think casemods are just a bit lame or am I just feeling particularly negative today?

      My personal opinion is that case mods are silly. The phenomenon reminds me of people who buy cars (usually Hondas and Mitsubishis around here) and put lots of unnecessary aftermarket items and product logos on them that do nothing to improve their functionality or performance. There is a long tradition of people who do this. I wish these people had better things to do with their time and money.

      Here's what
  • by Arker ( 91948 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:38AM (#6089086) Homepage

    But I guess some people like it that way, fine.

    But that website is positively hideous.

  • One word...

    • Re:Don't get it. (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Baumi ( 148744 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:51AM (#6089126) Homepage
      I never understood what people like about case-modding anyway.

      IMHO it's the IT equivalent of air-brushing your car with stripes and flashes - doesn't improve it in any way, but hey, it's expensive.

      (That said I must admit that there certainly went a lot of work and love into this particular mod - however I still wouldn't want one.)
      • Re:Don't get it. (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Microlith ( 54737 )
        Because a casemod like this is a purely artistic mod.

        In fact, all casemods are purely visual, and convey no meaning relative to the speed of the PC.

        Whereas, people who do all that funny stuff to their cars are TRYING to make them look and sound all fast and powerful so people think they are. Unless of course they ARE but that's kinda rare.
        • Because a casemod like this is a purely artistic mod.

          Oh absolutely. A pure design classic. Unlike that nasty piece-of-shit Coolermaster that currently houses my CPU, this will look perfect alongside my Eames chairs and Courbusier sofa. In fact, if I get one of these, tear down my Irving Penn photographs and replace them with a Lord of the Rings poster, I might even make next months Home and Garden!
      • IMHO it's the IT equivalent of air-brushing your car with stripes and flashes - doesn't improve it in any way, but hey, it's expensive.

        Yeah. Why bother with all that effort when you can make any old case look cool by punching a few 'speed holes' into it?
      • Re:Don't get it. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by John_Booty ( 149925 ) <johnbooty@bo[ ]p ... g ['oty' in gap]> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @07:53AM (#6089376) Homepage
        I never understood what people like about case-modding anyway.

        I always said the same thing. Recently however, I got the bug to mod my case! I got tired of looking at that boring thing and felt like doing something creative with my hands (no jokes please!) as opposed to tapping on a keyboard all day.

        Having completed the project, it was a lot of fun. Ridiculous and completely impractical? YES. Good Lord, yes. But it was a lot of fun. Sanding and painting the case, cafefully using masking tape to create the flame pattern design (that's right, flames- I was going to maximum sillyness), cutting the window port in the side, installing a light inside, and so on.

        Definitely one of those things where it's more about the journey than the destination. Obviously my new-looking computer doesn't run any faster, but it was a lot of fun to do. And pretty cheap, too- $15-20 for paint, $15 for the window, $20 for the light and bulbs. But it was a lot of fun to do!! It looks great now in a ridiculous way, but it was more about the fun of doing it.

        Also, I don't know if I'd directly compare it to car-modding. Car-modding is tons more expensive and seems to be geared more towards showing off to others since you're driving around in public all day. Some people show off their cases at LAN parties and shit, but mine just sits under my desk. It wasn't to show off... it was just for fun. :)
        • Ah, well, maybe the fact that I'm an all brainy person with absolutely no talent for arts and crafts might influence my opinion a litte bit. :-)
          • Ah, well, maybe the fact that I'm an all brainy person with absolutely no talent for arts and crafts might influence my opinion a litte bit. :-)

            Haha, nothing wrong with that. Myself I have always had some degree of artistic talent, but real experience painting or working with tools. Computer case modding and building props for cosplay (haha, dont laugh please!) have given me a chance to have fun cutting, sanding, and so on. :P
        • Look at the Alien Side Panel. Is it me or does it look like somebody else is doing something "creative" with their hands?

          Is this how the alien became blind?

          Ironic, if the box is being used to download pr0n, yes?
    • Two words...

      "Game Over (man)...Game Over!"

      • "Game Over (man)...Game Over!"

        For anyone who's interested:

        What: Aliens, 3hr directors cut(commercial free, and uncensored)
        Where: Encore channel, check your listings.

        I've been wanting to see the full version of the film for years, but never had the opportunity. Just saw it tonite for the first time on cable. Some elements of the 3hr version are pretty cool, like the sentry guns. But I appreciate the editing of the theatre version more for having seen what they left out. Anyway check out the Enco
    • ya but i bet it made him quake faster
  • by fredrikj ( 629833 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:39AM (#6089088) Homepage
    Skull []
    Window side []
    Egg closeup []
    Alien side []
    Runner []
    Runner closeup []
    Egg detail []
    Insect closeup []
  • by gantrep ( 627089 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:43AM (#6089097)
    Nobody cares. Casemodding is a fine example of uptardation. []

    Why would I want a riceburner for a computer, and why would I care if others do?

  • Obviously, you build it by leaning over the Egg side. Then, for a while, you'll start building it.
  • If you use GKrellM (MacOS X, Linux, and Windows) and love Alien movies, then check out this skin/theme [].
  • Fox... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by antdude ( 79039 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:50AM (#6089123) Homepage Journal
    I don't think Fox [] will like this. I smell a cease and desist soon. :)
  • Call me silly (Score:5, Insightful)

    by zakezuke ( 229119 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:53AM (#6089133)
    Ok, I have to admit, that case looks kinda cool, but is something i'd expect a 14 year old kid to own.

    I have NOT done much in the way of aesthetical modifications with the exceptions of spraypaint, but I have done much in the way of internal case modifiction. I'm really no stranger to the hacksaw, hammer, and blowtorch upgrade.

    Part of my belief is that a computer case is much like a piece of furnature. It is what you see after all. And in many cases i'm willing to put in a little elbow greese in order to achive a pleasing mellow effect. While I would give this alien case some serious points, it would be the first thing i'd toss out in case I saw it.

    One of the things I'd enjoy seeing in the computer case world is the old black and silver look. It was a style that was most popular pre 1982 before we switched to that awful fleshtone. There was a time when the high tech look was brushed metal face, accented with black plastic.
  • Hmm... (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by lvdrproject ( 626577 )
    I'm not one of the people on here that thinks all cases mods are retarded wastes of time (i only hate them when they look really stupid, or didn't provide any sort of challenge), but....

    There's no question that that took a LOT of time, and that it achieved the effect that he was going for. But aren't case mods supposed to make the case look... better?

  • by Squarewav ( 241189 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:55AM (#6089136)
    paint case black with gray spots, buy alien "action" figures [] glue figures to case. cut holes in case in a strange alien look, cover with green plexiglass and thats about it realy, its not much of a case mod just typical paint and glue things to the case, the only real modding Is ware they cut a hole in the top of the case and installed a fan under some decorations
    • Actually the decorations over the blow hole at the top are from a Deep Space 9 model kit. You can see the habitat ring along the edge connected to the promenade. Above that in the center he took the fusion reactor from the bottom of the station and glued it in below ops, he left off the shield generators though.

      It's probably really sad that I noticed that so readily..
  • by Pall Agamemnides ( 673074 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @05:59AM (#6089145)
    Dallas: Something has attached itself to him. We have to get him to the infirmary right away.
    Ripley: What kind of thing? I need a clear definition.
    Dallas: An attachment. Open the email!
    Ripley: Wait a minute. If we let it in, the computer could be infected. You know the quarantine procedure. Twenty-four hours for decontamination.
    Dallas: He could die in twenty-four hours. Open the email!
    Ripley: Listen to me, if we break quarantine, we could all die.
    Lambert: Could you open the damned email? We have to get him inside.
    Ripley: No! I can't do that and if you were in my position, you'd do the same.
    Dallas: Ripley, this is an order. Open that email right now, do you hear me?
    Ripley: Yes.
    Dallas: Ripley! This is an order! Do you hear me?
    Ripley: Yes. I read you. The answer is negative.
  • by FrostedWheat ( 172733 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @06:00AM (#6089152)
    But I blew it out the Goddamn airlock.
  • Art, pure and simple (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Knife_Edge ( 582068 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @06:02AM (#6089160)
    This is the single most inspired and creative case mod I have ever seen. I see some posts from people scorning it. Maybe you would not want to own one, but that's only because it would be better off in a museum or something.
    • by pipingguy ( 566974 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @06:30AM (#6089218)
      Yeah, but this one [] is more practical (for some people).
    • by Dark Lord Seth ( 584963 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @07:03AM (#6089273) Journal

      Good point there; personally, I think the case is ugly as hell and that it'll be a cold day in hell I'll ever buy something like that. However, that doesn't mean others might like it, or the fact that even despite difference in taste between the person who created it and me, it's still quite a feat to make something like that. It's definitely art for sure, way better then most silly "standard plexiglass window, standard aluminium fanguard and a huge amount of standard light blue LEDs" casemods that flood the net lately. Even if you disagree with me on the fact it's art, you'll at least have to agree it's true case modding; case modding when instant window kits weren't around and all equipment can to be custom made. (As opposed to prefab cases with windows and all that.)

    • I give props to the guy for sculpting the case, for sure. I think it looks great, for what it is. I wouldn't want it, but that's just my taste. I think he did a good job and I'm impressed with his skill and planning.

      Naysayers are just jealous, methinks.
    • This is the single most inspired and creative case mod I have ever seen. I see some posts from people scorning it. Maybe you would not want to own one, but that's only because it would be better off in a museum or something.

      Which Museum?

      "Museum for Proof that Geeks have too much Time on their Hands", or perhaps the
      "Museum for Geeks who can't get Laid"?

      I think it's pretty cool in the same way that the Mech in the guys backyard is cool. I would never do it, I would never own it, I wouldn't go see it in a
  • Why (Score:2, Funny)

    by Timesprout ( 579035 )
    bother with a mod. Just pop over to planet LV-426 and get the real aliens to do it for you.
  • by Millbuddah ( 677912 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @06:08AM (#6089173)
    Bleh, I'd still take the coffee maker mod over this anyday.
  • This is certainly one of the best mods I've seen. Awesome detail. I have to wonder though, what is the point of putting in so much work to something that very few people besides the owner will see. The whole purpose of case mods is to show them off, innit? This sort of stuff would be so much cooler on laptops. However I haven't seen any of those. A quick search [] on google didn't yield much either. Does anyone know of a site that showcases laptop case mods?
    • Given the state of many of the mods that appear here, the smaller the audience the better. If you are going to make a tit of yourself its better to do it in the privacy of your own home rather than become the prime target for all your colleagues jokes.
    • Who needs a laptop mod when the original Toilet Seat Powerbook [] from Apple is available?

      Isn't this what everyone wanted: a bright-green toilet seat? A pity Apple never went forward with the idea of a G4 Cube shaped like a chamber pot.

      I word of advice: never leave a toilet-seat powerbook sitting out in a public lavatory.
    • Do you think maybe that's why he has a website, so he can show it to everyone?
  • by randomErr ( 172078 ) < minus bsd> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @06:38AM (#6089228) Journal
    Remember, whenver your power up this system to keep your mouth closed.
  • I remember seeing one that looked better...

    Go here ( and then click on Articles / Alien Case Mod... (dumb site won't let me link directly.

    This girls' (yes, it was confirmed on a UK forum that the modder was female) case shows much more talent (and restraint) I think...
  • In the 70's and 80's my uncles modded their cars to cruise down the streets and pick up "chicks and sheilas"
    I guess this is to entice the girls once in your room ?? Nahh you need to get them there first !!
    • I guess this is to entice the girls once in your room

      Girls? No girl that I've ever met would be enticed by this. Teenage boys, perhaps.

      The author of that Linux/Slashdot is a gay conspiracy FAQ should get onto this thread straight away as more evidence in support of his thesis.
  • by AtariAmarok ( 451306 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @07:08AM (#6089281)

    10. "The Matrix". Get an old Toshiba Infinia ("Darth Vader's Toilet Tank") black case, cover it with grease, place green magnetic letters on the sides, and sit back and watch them ooze down the black background

    9. "Attack of the Clones". All you need is a lot of PC clone boxes (Columbia, Gateway, Leading Edge, Zenith, Dell, etc. Put stormtrooper helmets on top of them.

    8. "Lord of the Rings". This one's pretty easy. Just clear out a space on the desk and tell people there is an invisible computer there wearing the One Ring.

    7. "The Hulk". 89 cent green spraypaint case at Wal*Mart, that's it.

    6. "Indiana Jones". Everything must be wireless, no cables. Indy hates snakes.

    5. "The Empire Strikes Back". Just slap the IBM logo on your box.

    4. "The Fully Monty". Just remove the case shell.

    3. "Christine". To honor the final scene of this fine Stephen King movie, you need to take it down to the local junkyard and ask to use the crusher.

    2. "Battlefield Earth". Just make it ugly. Real ugly, so bad no one will want to see it.

    1. "Firestarter". Another Stephen King inspired mod: a flaming PC! Please visit to find out how to cause your PC to burst into flame. []

  • You guys should advertise some decent products instead of going through all this trouble to link the TWO slashdotters out of hundreds of thousands who will now purchase his case, and no doubt feed him for a year.

    I think this is pretty ridiculous, he just glued stuff to his case and dry brushed it. There are people out there that make case art that transforms the CASE into sculpture; doesn't just use it as a medium to glue shit onto and stand action figures on. If he had embedded the computer into an Alie
  • by f00Dave ( 251755 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @07:15AM (#6089295) Homepage
    This isn't an Aliens theme so much as it's an H.R. Giger [] tribute. The alien theme was only one of his works...
    • by gripdamage ( 529664 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @08:40AM (#6089503)
      This isn't an Aliens theme so much as it's an H.R. Giger tribute. The alien theme was only one of his works...

      Exactly what I was thinking, but this guy manages to mention Giger only once... You have to click on "Front/Door Closed" to see it. He says "the blend of mechanical and organic is reminiscent of Giger's early paintings."

      The whole thing is Giger.

      On the main page he says "...I decided to blend a bit of James Cameron's futuristic military look-and-feel into the piece. Worn steel, subtle detail and well-used armor all played a part in my inspiration."

      So the guy who directed Titanic gets a front page nod as an influence while Giger is relegated to a secondary link, where we learn his "early paintings" had an influence on the front. I don't even see any Terminator in it. Where the hell does Cameran come in? Is he planning to put a steam-outlined handprint on the case window or something?

      Maybe he thinks Cameran directed Alien? But that was Ridley Scott, and even crediting with inventing the Alien look would be, well, wrong anyway. I don't get it.
      • by AtariAmarok ( 451306 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @08:44AM (#6089525)
        "So the guy who directed Titanic gets a front page nod as an influence while Giger is relegated to a secondary link...
        Maybe he thinks Cameran directed Alien? But that was Ridley Scott"

        I can see the reason for his confusion. Ridley Scott did "Alien", but Cameron directed the sequel "Aliens". This second film recycled some of Giger's work from the first film. Most people I talk to think "Aliens" (the sequel) is the far better film, which is something I do not agree with.

        • Okay you caught me. I had forgotten that Cameron directed the sequel. Still, the guy who directed the sequel gets the credit for the look of this case? It still doesn't make sense.

          Most people I talk to think "Aliens" (the sequel) is the far better film, which is something I do not agree with.


          "Aliens" lacks subtlety and any sense of restraint. For instance, remember how powerful the acid blood was in the first film? It ate through several decks of the ship. Just attempting to kill the creature wa
      • Bingo. I'd mod you up if I could, but guess what? I already posted. Silly moderation rules. =)
  • It's *art* people! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Like2Byte ( 542992 ) <Like2Byte&yahoo,com> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @07:18AM (#6089301) Homepage
    OK, after reading all the comments and seeing the case for myself I've got to say that the commercials on TV about kids not getting enough art are true.

    You know, the one where the little girl wants her father to read to her a history lesson, one where a girl reads CS books to relax and the one where the boy tells the acordian player to 'get a job.'

    So this guys case mod can't be made by most of the slashdot crowd even if they did have the knowledge of how use the tools to create it. It's the creative ability of the artist that makes a medium art.

    I'm not surprised, though, that the /. crowd just didn't get this one. On one hand we have very creative & clever IT people. On the other, they can't see the beauty in something that doesn't have two black webbed feet dressed in a tuxedo that doesn't compile the lastest kernel.

    Shesh! To quote 'The Matrix': "Free your mind."

    mod away!
    • "they can't see the beauty in something that doesn't have two black webbed feet dressed in a tuxedo that doesn't compile the lastest kernel."

      Last time I saw, the little fellow [] had yellow feet.

      Maybe this is a new Blackfoot distro I've not heard of before.
      • Dammit! ;) I almost said yellow feet, too! Of course, I had to think of Emperor Penguins, which have black feet.

        Oh, well. Thanks for pointing it out.
        • No problem. Although, considering the requirements of traditional formalwear, it would appear that as is, Tux would not be allowed into a formal event. Black shoes are after all required, not yellow.
    • OK, after reading all the comments and seeing the case for myself I've got to say that the commercials on TV about kids not getting enough art are true.

      And nowhere in this whole thread is that tendency more evident than in this post.

      It's the creative ability of the artist that makes a medium art.

      In your high school art class, perhaps. That's about the only level at which such a thing could even remotely be considered as 'art'.

      Yes, there's a certain degree of craft facility involved, and the crea
      • The problem with something that changes the way we see the world, casts new light on the human condition, or expands our visual or conceptual vocabularies (art or otherwise) is that it is *subjective* and open to interpretation.

        A man impaled on a cross with his bowels on display certainly qualifies for all of the above, but for some it is not art, it is disgusting.

        A flower in a certain light at a certain time of day also qualifies for some people, but not for others.

        I'm arrogant enough to believe that I
  • by 192939495969798999 ( 58312 ) <> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @07:27AM (#6089320) Homepage Journal
    like the kind used for movie special effects... i doubt it is injection-molded plastic. As an artist, I've seen stuff like that before, but never on a computer. If you want to make one, look at this suppler [] for more info.
  • It's art, damn it... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ndogg ( 158021 ) <> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @07:31AM (#6089326) Homepage Journal
    So what if it's not "functional" or seems "pointless." So what if it "goes over the top" for case modding. It's supposed to be art, which is the point of most case modding. If case modding was meant to be functional, the most we would ever do is add a few fans to our cases or some other such piece of hardware. The bland tan colored boxes wouldn't bother us.

    Judge it for its aesthetic appeal, not for its functionalness or whether or not you would want to buy it (even if you did want to, I would doubt you would be able to.) Judging it by any other context is off topic.
    • I agree that it is art. Some kind of art. Functionally useless art which in no way affects the performance or capabilities of the hardware inside the elaborately decorated box. Which is why decoration topics such as this shouldn't be posted as an "hardware" item. Can we please have a separate topic for mods?
  • Top exhaust vent (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Ambush ( 120586 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @08:17AM (#6089442)
    The top exhaust vent is made from a model of the space station from ST:DS9. In the bottem-left of the picture you can even see the landing pad for the shuttle crafts.

    It's the same model as I have hanging from my ceiling.

    So obviously he's either consolidating a number of his hobbies, or he's supposed to be cleaning out his garage. :-)

  • What in the name of hell is this alien [] doing?...

    I know that casemods are a geeky and all but they dont need to be mixed up with the other things geeks do.
  • I expected to see the alien hatchling erupting out of the CPU.
  • Come on, a post about a case mod? Get real.
  • How do you turn off the sound in shockwave? I'd like to take a look at this while listening to a CD. Please tell me Macromedia isn't so retarded that they don't have a way to disable audio...
  • Interesting that among all of the film and or TV series with a really devoted following - (The Matrix, Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR to name a few) the Alien films have slipped under the radar for media attention. You just never hear or see anything in the mainstream media about Alien film fans, but there they are, writing fan fiction, constructing webrings, and undertaking interesting projects like this case mod. The attention to detail given by fans often outstrips that by show creators and filmmakers, but
  • My Alien Case Mod (Score:4, Informative)

    by TheBestCaseScenario ( 677941 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @11:19AM (#6090149)
    Thanks to all for taking the time out to discuss my Alien Case Mod. I'm enjoying both the criticism and the praise. IMHO you can't take art too seriously. Some may argue whether this case even falls under the category of "art" or just someone kitbashing a few model pieces onto a pc case. The case for me was a spiritual cleansing, a way to keep my mind and my hands busy doing something I love (model building/computer building) in the days following September 11. After I cleansed my Brooklyn apartment of WTC dust and debris, I found out I would have no telephone or DSL service for several weeks. To keep busy I casted, carved and painted this case. I made this case mod for myself, and no one else, as all artists should. As I was building, my mind was free to wander and think of my childhood, and the good memories of magic and movies, imagination and inspiration. The model store I bought the parts from on Mott Street in Chinatown was hard-hit physically and economicaly by the devastation at the WTC. I had been going to that store for 15 years, just a hole in the wall place with a friendly owner and rare model kits. He has closed his store after 25 years, unable to recover. Take from this what you will, If you want to search for meaning in true art, you must to look inside the heart and from the eyes of the artist. My art will not change the world, but it will change the way I see my world. Peace Out.
    • Re:My Alien Case Mod (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Tojosan ( 641739 )
      Though it is obvious that you put a lot of work into the case mod, and now you've made it obvious why, many of us just can't appreciate it. I'm not a big 'Alien' movie fan, but the artwork is killer.

      Perhaps this whole posting to /. would have been better directed to part of a thread on tech head responses and reactions to 9/11. Then your work would be presented in a more respected light.

      For what its worth....
  • Why do some websites insist on serving static images as plugins? This is idiotic, how can all browsers be expected to render this properly? If its a JPG or PNG file on the other hand, everyone can see it. Ugh, the death of the Web.
  • Learn to tell them apart.

    I'm no expert, but I don't think this is Art, its his brother.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -- Arthur C. Clarke
