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Apple Releases Rendezvous As Open Source 280

clarencek writes "Apple has released Rendezvous as Open Source, as promised. Excerpt: Starting today, developers can download Rendezvous as open source under the Apple Public Source License. Rendezvous is part of a broader Open Source release today from Apple which includes the Darwin 6.0.1 operating system and additional Open Directory plug-ins. Together, these underscore Apple's commitment to making core protocols freely available as open standards and open source."
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Apple Releases Rendezvous As Open Source

Comments Filter:
  • bad link... (Score:4, Informative)

    by NNland ( 110498 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @06:13PM (#4332062) Homepage
    I don't know what's up with the apple webservers, but they have a problem with;
    as listed in the link above. Switching it to;
    works fine though.
  • for what it's worth (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Cowrad ( 571322 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @06:15PM (#4332086)
    this is also being discussed on macslash.

    the article can be found here []

  • Does this mean ... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Vardamir ( 266484 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @06:22PM (#4332133)
    Does this mean it'll be easier for me to set up my new linksys 802.11b network components in linux?
  • Remember that the GPL requires that you publish source to derivitive works IF YOU RELEASE THEM. That requirement has caused a lot of heartburn and flamewars. Apple has carried it a bit farther. If you look here [] you'll see this:
    2.2 (c) You must make Source Code of all Your Deployed Modifications publicly available under the terms of this License, including the license grants set forth in Section 3 below, for as long as ...
    1.4 "Deploy" means to use, sublicense or distribute Covered Code other than for Your internal research and development (R&D) and/or Personal Use, and includes without limitation, any and all internal use or distribution of Covered Code within Your business or organization except for R&D use and/or Personal Use, as well as direct or indirect sublicensing or distribution of Covered Code by You to any third party in any form or manner.
    So, if you take this APL code and make a modification for use inside your company, you MUST release the source, where the GPL would allow you to keep your secret. I do hope that the usual suspects who flame away about the GPL will give this the same treatment.
    • Well, its there code there rules. Your post reminds me of child wanting an ice cream cone and when the parent gives it to them the child screems "Nooo, I wanted the bigger one!" (freakin little brat).

      Companies that want to use Apple's open code just have to take in acount its the rules that Apple made, and make the decision from there. What's the big deal? Seems to me that the company has one more option then they had before.

    • I do hope that the usual suspects who flame away about the GPL will give this the same treatment

      "The APL is not a zero-cost license. They force you to do more work than even the GPL does--"

      Oh, wait a minute--you mean that Apple *isn't* trying to say that it's "Free Software?" You mean that Apple Zealots don't post on /. trying to say that no one loses anything by using the APL? :) On a side note, I think the FSF and associated zealots would be a lot better off in phrasing their philosiphy in terms of a commons: If I take from the commons, I am required to give back to the commons as required. This isn't freebies; it's just plain ol' civic duty.

      (Does anyone else find it odd that proponents of the "bazzar" development model act like clowns so much?)
    • The big sticking point for RMS on this issue, in my opinion, is the definition of private versus public. RMS considers my deployment of the software on my coworker's computer to be a private affair, while the deployment of the same software on my friend's computer is a public affair.

      But what if my coworker is also my friend?
  • Help me understand (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Pahroza ( 24427 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @06:33PM (#4332216)
    Please help me understand why it is that when a company refuses to release anything, there's nothing but whining and complaining about it. Then a company that has until recent years been a completely closed company as far as software and hardware are concerned, steps up to the plate, they get flamed.

    Apple doesn't have to release anything under any license. They have chosen to release this, which is a great step in the right direction, albeit not the same direction a lot of you want to see.

    In the past, Apple has made mistakes, and will probably continue to do so with frivolous lawsuits against certain people or companies, but they are protecting the interests of their company, as well as those of their shareholders. Apple is a company like all others out there trying to make money, and doing a damn good job of it. They realize that tough times are ahead for them, and yet are still taking the initiative to move forward with releasing this as open source. The fact that it isn't exactly the license you want should not cause all this griping about it.

    I've seen enough arguments on /. over what the right license should be, and the open source communnity can't even agree on it, so why should Apple release under one of the many licenses that are out there instead of creating their own?

    Apple is not infallible, but they are doing more to help set standards and releasing quality software for all to use on top of it than most companies out there are.

    I personally applaud Apple for this decision and for carrying through with their promise.
    • by Arker ( 91948 )

      Maybe we're reading different posts. I've seen precious little that could be called whining, considering this is the new Slashdot of course... so expect a few whiny flames regardless of the subject.

      But the license problem is definately fair game for comment. Anyone who's tempted to start working on this or any code should think long and hard about the license. Hopefully the next version of the APSL will finally fix the privacy issue. In the meantime, those that have an absolutely compelling reason to use Apples code (there is, the best I can tell, no compelling reason to use Darwin instead of real BSD, but there may be a compelling reason for some to use the Rendezvous code) will have to cope with the license problems, and everyone else is probably better advised to use Free/Open/NetBSD or Linux instead.

      In the interest of full disclosure I should mention that I'm typing this in on a G4 TiBook, I like Macs a lot, and I'm not putting them down or trying to dissuade anyone from using them. Great hardware, and great software, I highly recommend Macs actually. But in terms of doing unpaid work to improve an 'Open Source' project, it makes sense to choose one that's actually Free, rather than one that is almost but not quite yet, maybe next year Free. No?

    • by g4dget ( 579145 )
      Please help me understand why it is that when a company refuses to release anything, there's nothing but whining and complaining about it.

      Why shouldn't people complain about it? Is Apple a little old lady to whom you have to be nice? Have they become a not-for-profit organization working for the good of humanity?

      I don't think so. Apple is a business. They release stuff under open source licenses when it makes sense for them to do so from a business point of view.

      And we have to look at Apple's record rationally. Not as in "are we grateful to them", but as in "do their current actions indicate that they really understand how open source fits into their business model"? Is there a possibility that they give out something open source and later retract it? Is this merely an attempt to hurt a competitor (keep in mind that Microsoft has its own answer to this)?

      APSL raises some questions and may not be suitable for inclusion in some Linux distributions, so the Rendezvous source code is probably not all that useful. And the actual protocols are already published as IETF memos.

      So, I think Apple didn't quite get it. If they want to use a Rendezvous source release to establish it as a widely used standard, they'd be better off releasing the code under a BSD license, or just putting it in the public domain.

      ZeroConf is simple enough anyway that Apple's release probably doesn't really matter much either way.

      • You raise some good points. Personally I think that Apple is releasing it as a free as in beer software package so that all their partners, potential partners and 3rd party developers out there who already do things for Apple's OS X will find it faster and more convenient to implement Rendezvous instead of rolling their own.

        Slashdot, being a venue for many x86 *nix programmers is of course a host to those thinking in terms of using it for their favorite OS. OSS isn't just for individuals or libre software developers though and really it seems to be intended for those mentioned above more.

        So it seems that Apples Open Source offerings are free but not libre and if that fits in to your plans then you should take note of it. Just remember that you have to publish all of your fun hacks and/or improvements. Not that it seems like such a big deal to me as most of the cool things out there don't rely on hacking protocols... it's the particular style of their implementation that is the interesting part. Look at P2P software... same old networking tech as a server - client/browser but a very novel approach (well it was in the beginning).

    • Please help me understand why it is that when a company refuses to release anything, there's nothing but whining and complaining about it. Then a company that has until recent years been a completely closed company as far as software and hardware are concerned, steps up to the plate, they get flamed.

      Apple doesn't have to release anything under any license. They have chosen to release this, which is a great step in the right direction, albeit not the same direction a lot of you want to see.

      First off, let's not forget what Apple is a business. When they release software, they are expecting some kind of return. Which is fine - users and developers should be getting something in the exchange too. Exactly what everybody is getting in the exchange is written out, in black and white, in the terms of the license. And that is why so much attention is paid to the license.

      The devil is in the details.

      Criticisms of Apple's chosen license may or may not have merrit. But criticizing the fact that people ARE taking a critical look at the license is short-sighted.
  • (Score:4, Insightful)

    by bherrmann7 ( 142154 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @06:39PM (#4332271) Journal

    I thought the trade marked community says Apple's license is open source. Can't we rely on them to police these licenses?

  • by marmoset ( 3738 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @06:42PM (#4332295) Homepage Journal

    So far we have several dozen posts complaining about licenses (so very Slashdot of you, really), and no one talking about why releasing the Releasing the Rendezvous source is so cool. Zeroconf is cool stuff. Imagine setting up a dozen machines at a conference or a LAN party and having them automatically self-configure their networking and discover each others services, without having to worry about subnet masks or a DHCP server. They already demoed a forthcoming version of iTunes that lets you play music from another 802.11 connected laptop without any configuration.

    Oh, but I forgot -- bitching about the license is more important.

    • yea, imagine a dozen machines at a LAN party (or in an airport terminal or in any other random place) automatically connecting to each other and spreading viruses around. the current linklocal address spec (currently awaiting review for final approval) insists on having linklocal addresses enabled all the time, and by default - and for some reason the working group insists on it being that way!

      for that matter imagine zeroconf breaking apps that expect addresses to be routable and stable.

      oh, but I forgot - having kewl broken technology out the door is more important than actually doing the engineering that is required to make it work well.
      • the current linklocal address spec (currently awaiting review for final approval) insists on having linklocal addresses enabled all the time, and by default - and for some reason the working group insists on it being that way!

        The reason is so that it has ZERO configuration. If you have to 'turn it on' it has a configuration step.

        Apps that expect addresses to be routable and stable will die with DHCP or NAT already. Networking code needs to cope with network failure.

        DNS records have durations and expiry for a reason. With ZeroConf you get a stable name to relookup for the address when you need it.

    • So far we have several dozen posts complaining about licenses (so very Slashdot of you, really), and no one talking about why releasing the Releasing the Rendezvous source is so cool.


      Oh, but I forgot -- bitching about the license is more important.

      The story here is that Apple is releasing some technology Open Source. Since Open Source is an issue of licensing... you'll have to forgive everyone for naturally assuming the license in question might actually be both on-topic and important.
  • by maggard ( 5579 ) <> on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @06:43PM (#4332305) Homepage Journal
    OK - complete karmawhore here (like I need it) but before there are a hundred what is it? posts here are links to the answers:

    Here's an overview of earlier Apple implementation called SLP (RFC 2608) also used by Novell:

    Finally, for completeness here is UPnP:

  • Whoa, Google News [] links to this story (actually an older version of it []) as a headline. Slashdot gathers news from around the web, Google gathers news from Slashdot. How meta is that?

  • Check out this page within Apple's site (this is the Darwin binaries page): 6. 0/release.html

    I just noticed that there's a section for an x86 binary, even if it does say "watch this space."
  • Darwin? Built with GCC 3.1? uses bash? RMS, did you hear that?
  • I keep hearing about apple's open source releases but I never hear about anyone doing anything with that source.

    has anyone got any Apple OSS project working?
    • no one will likely ever see this but I just need to bitch about moderation. I never do and I have super duper karma so I don't care really. but. calling a comment redundant means that that comment was already made in some form previous the comment being moderated. thats what redundant means. saying something that has already been said. ok got that figure out now? I know there were only about 15 comments when I made my post and none of them made the same comment I did. have you considered that you are reading a thread? just because you see 20 messages before mine doesn't mean they were written before mine. check the damn times you twits.

      ok sorry. just tired of messages being marked redundant when they are in fact original.
  • by Brat Food ( 9397 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2002 @10:52PM (#4334061) Homepage
    One thing that sems to be missing in all of this is that Apple is a public, for profit company, releasing code in to the public domain.

    While im sure the GPL et al. are great, what apple does is give themselves some protection, and try to make it so that their code doesnt get forked and messy with no way "keep up" with it. To illustrate the point, lets say rendevous is released under a "take it and do whatever the hell you like" liscense. CompanyA decides to add something, and releases a million widgets with their unpublised modification. Lets also say that this modificaiotn makes their produch not interroperate with anything else based on the standard. Now, while you may say "thats companyA's perogative", you are also probably not realizing that companyA is so often microsoft. So you see, the protection built in stops companyA form "embrace, extend, break" and gives OTHERS using the standard sort of a guarentee that they wont be left out in the cold. If i find a bug, i can be sure that my addition will work with the standard that everyone has. Its not perfect, its not the same on the outside, but, to all you detractors, it has its inherant merits, and should not be judged with tunnel vision.
  • I would really appreciate it if the Slashdot crew and link submitters would note the license that software is placed under when said software is released as open source. Anyone else agree?

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