Compaq Brings Back iPaq Music Center, Drops Price 123
scaramush writes: "After initially pulling it from the market, Compaq has re-released the iPaq Music Center, complete with a $600 price drop (was $999, now $399). The size of a 17" standard component, the music center features a 20 gig HD, or as the copy breathlessly enthuses, "Enough capacity for nearly 400 audio CDs or 5,000 individual songs". Slashdot has covered similar devices like the Rio Central, which (at the moment) costs $1500. Will this price point be enough to lure users?" The site doesn't mention whether there will be any onerous playback-restriction technology included as a free bonus.
$600 off? (Score:2, Interesting)
Rio (Score:2)
If Sonic could bring them back for $99 they'd sell a ton. All the ones people find sell very quickly now and the prices on Ebay are going up....
CD Burners, CD mp3 players (Score:2)
I can't see how any of these devices can compete with that in a market large enough for a company like Sony to give a damn, and I certainly wouldn't pay $99 for a Rio. Maybe two years ago, when skip protection on CD/mp3 players didn't work for some inexplicable reason, it would have been a going proposition, but not today.
Re:Rio (Score:1)
There is something like this still out.! (Score:1)
It's a little FM transmitter that plugs into your device's headphone jack then transmits it to one of four frequencies between 80.1 and 80.7 to any nearby radio.
The device could be an MP3 Player, a Tape Player, a portable CD player, and of course even a computer.
The radio could be your car's radio, the radio in the living room, you get the idea.
And it's only $30 bucks... (but the transmitter is to the radio, the better the quality. The best use of this is to hear MP3 Player music through your car's speakers. Many even have a tape deck so it's an excellent alternative to Car Casette Adapter--which iRock also makes..)
They sell these at Radio Shack.
Re:There is something like this still out.! (Score:2)
What you describe is merely an FM Modulator.
Rio Receiver's and the like play a file stored at a remote location (usually a hard drive on your local LAN) over ethernet or HPNA at their full quality.
FM will introduce lots of distortion and loss of audio signal.
Re:There is something like this still out.! (Score:1)
streaming (Score:2)
maybe 802.11 could use some more developers?
Re:streaming (Score:1)
I'm listening to Rhapsody radio right now. At the lo-fi setting, it has some sort of weird harmonics going on. At hi-fi, I'd be hogging a significant portion of the bandwidth at work.
Utility decides the pricepoint (Score:2)
Where or not $399 becomes _the_ pricepoint for people to start rushing in to buy Compaq's (isn't it HP already?) new toy, it all boils down to the utility of that toy.
Yes, it may be able to hold 400 songs. But if the RIAA has its way, it will make all the owners of the new toys PAY DEARLY for it - perhaps being tagged with labels like "pirates" or even worse, being charged in courts of "stealing intellectual properties".
It's us who have to be blamed, for we let scumbacks from RIAA and friends to RULE the world. We should have being pro-active, that is, even _before_ RIAA got its way, we should have make it IMPOSSIBLE for them to get their way through that stupid congress and the greedy son-of-the-bitch who lives in the White House.
The "greedy son-of-the bitch" (Score:1, Insightful)
So before you start your criticism, might as well aim it the right way.
Hackable? (Score:1)
How many CDs do you own? (Score:1)
20GB is cool, but 60GB would rock!
But remember, it doesn't need to keep a copy of the operating system and applications on the same drive, so you gain 5-10 GB right there vs. a PC solution.
Anyway, how many CDs do you have? At 192,000 bits per second (which has been shown to be transparent [r3mix.net] for stereo audio, even on good speakers), 20 metric GB equals 160 billion bits equals 833,333 seconds, or 231 hours. Assuming each CD is one hour long, I infer that you must have a huge collection. How big is it?
Re:How many CDs do you own? (Score:2)
Networking not yet available- (Score:3, Interesting)
Translation: If it works, you'll get it, and we'll update your software without telling you
Exact quote (Score:2)
I find a quote that reads:
Easy to share music from your PCs (available through an automatic future feature update)
I read this to mean that you can pull mp3s from your PC, but not send your mp3s to your pc. Thus, if you want them in both locations, you have to rip them on the PC and transfer.
Re:Exact quote (Score:2)
Re:Networking not yet available- (Score:2)
The price is attractive, maybe by christmas?
Re:Networking not yet available- (Score:2)
Of course, we all know from microsoft that it's much easier to sell systems on features that aren't really there than to actually build them in completely sometimes!
What about SliMP3? (Score:4, Interesting)
And get cool stuff and an even cooler open source project to participate in / benefit from.
And, no, I am not affiliated with Slim Devices in any way.
I just think it's neat.
Guess I just can't resist the bright, bright VFD...
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:4, Informative)
1 - needs to be plugged into a network
2 - needs a PC on to stream the music from
3 - needs a stero reciever in the room to drive the music.
Not saying the SliMP3 doesn't have a place, but for me, I'd perfer to have my music collection in a single unit that I can carry with me.
Now on the downside it appears as if (and this is looking at the flash demo) that they can track information about your music listening habits - and I see an ad on the top of a screen shot (buy 1 get 1 half off - on the Create Playlist screen shot).
I also wonder if I can select which CDDB I get my data from?
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:1)
Welcome to the future of music! The SliMP3 (Slim-'pE-'thrE) is a revolutionary approach to music playback, which frees you from the hassles of fragile, expensive Compact Discs. (emphasis is mine)
I was still under the impression that you were supposed to buy the music you store in a compressed format. At least thats what vendors of such devices usually claim. Converting my CDs to mp3s has not made them cheaper for me - after all I have to spend the time and harddisk space in adition to the purchase price.
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:2)
Converting my CDs to mp3s has not made them cheaper for me - after all I have to spend the time and harddisk space in adition to the purchase price.
Hi. I'm the guy who wrote that sentence.
I don't know about you, but I have a large collection of CDs that I've amassed over the years. They are fragile, and they are expensive. Converting my music to MP3 (and listening to them on the SliMP3) has certainly saved me money.
Rather than having to replace a CD when it gets lost, scratched, or "pitted", I now have a permanent archive of all the music I own (mirrored onto a pair of cheap 120G IDE drives FWIW). I no longer need to lug my CDs back and forth between the car and my office, living room, and bed room. Now I just fire up the SliMP3 and listen to whatever I want. If I want to enjoy my music in more than one room (RIAA forfend!) then I can do it without having to duplicate my music or carry storage media around. Just plunk it all on a big HD and access it anywhere on the network.
I think it's obvious that for anyone with at least a moderately sized music collection, who listens in more than one place, you're going to save a LOT of money and headaches... especially if you have a propensity for losing and scratching things like I do.
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:1)
I am not flaming your product. I think it looks really interesting and is actually something I might get sometime. For your car/office situation it doesn't help though, does it? You'd still need another product for that - another product that increases the total investment in MP3.
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:2)
1 - needs to be plugged into a network
2 - needs a PC on to stream the music from
3 - needs a stero reciever in the room to drive the music.
1 and 2 are also the main advantage of the slimp3. You can stream music to multiple slimp3's in your home, from one computer. This means you maintain one mp3 collection, and you can listen to it on your computer, out in the living room, upstairs in your bedroom, out in the backyard, or wherever else you put a slimp3. And each device can be listening to a different song, OR you can click a button on the slimp3 server, and sync up all devices to the same playlist, to have the same music playing all through your house.
As for #3, it doesn't require a stereo system, merely powered speakers. That's also why it costs $150 less than the rio (it's only $249).
The server is currently written in Perl, which makes it very easy to hack on multiple platforms. I coded in some cool functionality the day before a party so that I could do some custom stuff with the the playlists (allowing people to walk up to my laptop during the party, and request their favorite song to play next).
I love my slimp3! Now they just need a slightly higher-priced WiFi version, so I don't have to buy a separate ethernet-to-wifi device for each slimp3.
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:1)
I'm not being narrow minded, I was stating my opinion.
1) I do - I rather not bother my co-workers with my music and I like to jog with music, so headphones are a must for me.
2) True. I have a nice home unit that I enjoy every day. At home, not work, were oddly enough I spend at least 60 hours a week.
3). I was a DJ in college, my CD collection blew past 4000 discs back in '92 (full length CDs, not singles). Granted most of them where free from record companies. I'd love to have access to all of them at any time I want & I perfer to have it in something that I don't need half the house powered to listen to some music.
I don't own an MP3 player (yet). I've been looking at the iPod and Archos units very closely for some time now. As soon as they hit 60GB I'll break down and buy one.
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:1)
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:2)
10Mbps vs 320Kbps? (Score:2)
A 320kbps MP3 datastream requires (only) 320 thousand bits per second.
You could stream roughly thirty concurrent different music streams at 320kbps each over a 10baseT ethernet line.
There may be a bitrate limitation in the SliMP3 device itself, but the ethernet wire, even if it's "only" ten megabit line, connecting the SliMP3 to the server is not the bit-rate bottleneck.
-Mark, a 192Kbps kind of guy
Re:What about SliMP3? (Score:2)
WHA? 10 base T == 10,000,000 bits per second. MP3 at the highest quality == 320,000 bits per second.
Where, exactly, is the bottleneck? SliMP3 handles 320kbps, no prob whatsoever.
Mark up (Score:1)
Re:Mark up (Score:2)
Care to share more information on this? I've also been thinking about putting together an mp3 box, and would be interested to hear what hardware you're planning to use and what kind of setup you're making. Will it just stream mp3s from across your network, or will it include a big HDD to store them locally? Have you considered how noisy it will be? What measures have you taken to reduce this (choice of processor, fans, HDDs and so on)?
Re:Mark up (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Mark up (Score:2)
So, here's my solution: buy a used laptop [ebay.com] for between $250 and $700, or buy a Multia [ebay.com] for between $50 and $100.
Neither makes any noise, both support Linux/NT4, and both have minor expansion capabilities. The laptop is more portable, but the Multia is more powerful.
You know what would be really cool? An old iBook. Those things would be plenty fast enough for any job, plus you could run OS X on it. Then, if you wanted to take your music with you, you could. If you wanted to use it as a workstation, no problem. Or, if you wanted to stream music across the network, that'd work fine, too. You could even do it wireless using AirPort.
Well, anyways, that was my brainstorm. Lots of people say that you should never buy a used laptop, because they fall apart in several days or are always missing critical parts, like the battery. That's probably true, but everything in life is a chance. I've never gotten screwed too badly on eBay.
p.s. my definition of portable might be different than yours. Get a Sony DiscMan if you want to go jogging with your music.
Re:Mark up (Score:1)
A thousand Compact Discs? (Score:1)
I can spring the extra $200 for a >100g drive
A 100 GB drive will hold over 1,100 hours of MP3 audio at 192 kbps. Where did you buy your thousand CDs?
Re:A thousand Compact Discs? (Score:1)
I can't believe how many people in think that just because you have an excessively large music collection you stole it. (Downloaded, whatever)
Some people just collect music, and have been buying CDs for 8-10 years.
I didn't mean to call you a pirate (Score:1)
I can't believe how many people in think that just because you have an excessively large music collection you stole it.
I didn't assume that. Rather, my mistake was to assume that nobody had a CD collection five times larger than the largest CD collection in my circle of friends. I guess I have a lot to learn.
it seems like a good buy but.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:it seems like a good buy but.... (Score:2)
It doesn't necessarily tell us anything more than the price drops that accompany almost any technology out there.
Re:it seems like a good buy but.... (Score:1)
Let Y be the number of persons willing to purchase product at $399. Note that Y >= X.
From these assumptions and the other assumption that all product sellers wish to maximize profits:
1000 X + 399 (Y - X) > 399 Y
One word (Score:2)
Same price point, same features, but fits in your pocket.
Who would pay $1000 for a VCR-sized box when a pocket-sized one costs $300/400/500?
Mine's plugged into the hifi through the Aux input, and plugged inot the car vaiaan FM transmitter. Otherwise, its in my pocket wiht headphones attached.
I told them it was too expensive in a focus group (Score:3, Interesting)
My reasoning was that I could put together a cheap linux box for $300-400 (at the time I had done two like this) for playing mp3s on a stereo. $400 is much more reasonable than $1000 for this thing, but the difference in a $400 computer two years ago, and today is pretty significant. Though the form factor and (hopefully good) user interface may make this worth more.
Finally, I hadn't heard this was pulled from the market, but kicking people off the focus group when they say things that you don't want to hear is a good way of getting a false sense of the product. "Let's get rid of everybody who would pay less than $700, then we can tell the suites the price point is $1000."
I'm surprised (Score:2, Insightful)
Won't the RIAA attack them with legal killer drones ?
Well there is some "free" music out there, but this stuff is mainly free because noone would be so foolish to buy it.
Heh. (Score:2)
I've got a Rio Receiver so I can easily play random songs from my 1500-or-so CD collection.
Strangely enough, it does manage to play music that I bought from a store. The Compaq unit most likely would, too.
Re:Heh. (Score:2)
Re:Heh. (Score:1)
lost adjective
1 syn see DAMNED 1
rel incorrigible, irreclaimable, irredeemable, irreformable, unconverted, unregenerate; graceless
2 no longer possessed
CDs are lossy, and MP3 != 128 kbps MusicMatch (Score:2)
As soon as you hook an 'MP3 Player' up to a quality playback system (somthing better than your PC speakers)
What makes you think that my sound card isn't plugged into a medium-high-end receiver and speakers?
it become obvious that it's 'way worse' not 'way better.'
NO. Tests performed by r3mix [r3mix.net] show that 192 kbps LAME [sulaco.org] encoded audio is transparent to the human ear. Your concept of "mp3" seems to be stuck at "128 kbps encoded with MusicTrash Jukebox [musicmatch.com]".
Conversion of the original analog sounds into 44.1 kHz stereo 16-bit linear PCM is itself lossy. Even conversion into 2.8 MHz stereo 1-bit PCM (Sony Super Audio CD) is lossy. It's a matter of how much loss you are willing to accept. For instance, the median *NSYNC fan wouldn't care if her copy of her favorite song was 64 kbps mono MP3.
Re:Heh. (Score:2)
Like the auto industry where you can buy a porche, ferrari, etc or a toyota, ford, etc depending on your driving needs, the same applies to the audio industry. Heck, BetaMax is still used today because of the quality it presents....
Re:I'm surprised (Score:1)
What is illegal about making copies of my own CD collection for my own personal use? Is it illegal for me to make cassette copies of my CDs? To make CD copies of my old vinyl records? I guess I should forget about running for congress now, huh?
Re:I'm surprised (Score:1)
If you have to ask . . .
Multiple rooms (Score:4, Insightful)
But for me, there is one big thing missing from this setup: if you want music in the living room, and in the study, and in the bedroom, you have to buy three of these things, and rip your CDs three times each. If one of these boxes could feed a Rio Receiver or a SliMPEG [slimdevices.com] over ethernet (wireless perferred, of course), I'd be much more interested. Central storage, distributed independent playback.
Re:Multiple rooms (Score:1, Informative)
The great thing about the AudioTron is that it can can pull MP3 files from a Linux box running Samba. The Rio Receiver, on the other hand, needed Windows-based server software running on a Windows box in order to work.
It can also play Shoutcast and Icecast streams, and has a browser-based interface in addition to the front display. (No TV display, however...)
From their "Features" page:
Re:Multiple rooms (Score:2)
black. (Score:1)
You better get ready (Score:2, Funny)
Audio formats (Score:2, Insightful)
Does this mean that I can only use mp3 format? How about wav or Ogg Vorbis?
I would not spend $400 on one of these. I currently have 25 gigs of storage that I can use for whatever, and supports all music formats. Thanks to a Linux file server, and winamp, and free cd ripping software. Why would someone want to spend $400 when I put together a better file server that cost under $100?
Re:Audio formats (Score:1)
Perhaps people would buy one because it doesn't look like an ugly-ass pc with a nice noisy fan.
Re:Audio formats (Score:2)
This is for the masses and not geekdom but geeks can like it too. Maybe it's hackable.... Ogg anyone?
Re:Audio formats (Score:2)
Phatnoise [phatnoise.com] makes a car MP3 player that plays FLAC files. Of course, the words "car" and "audiophile" usually don't go together, unless we're talking about rich dudes who ride around in limousines, drinking champagne, listening to Beethoven, and ruling the world using a cell phone.
Re:Audio formats (Score:1)
Still doesn't match up against (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Still doesn't match up against (Score:1)
Re:Still doesn't match up against (Score:1)
Just build one yourself (Score:2, Interesting)
Since you probably don't want a video monitor atop your stereo, add an ehthernet card so you can remote manage it, or read the serial port console HOWTO. Install Linux, install mpg123 and cdparanoia, check out The linux remote control project [lirc.org] to learn how to add infrared remote capabilities, and there you have it. Since it's on a LAN, you can access songs over the network, and vice-versa.
You could even build this thing diskless and access everything over the LAN, which would make it really quiet. Check out The etherboot page [sourceforge.net] for booting over a LAN, or consider a flash memory drive (more money, but simpler to implement).
I'd have done it myself by now if there weren't 10^6 more important things to work on.
Oh yeah, and.... (Score:1)
Re:Just build one yourself (Score:2)
You've just illustrated why the linux route is patently stupid. It's time consuming and will actually end up being more expensive than just buying someone's $400 box that requires about an hour to buy, install and use.
Maybe once somebody develops a hi-res colour LCD touchscreen that can be mounted in a double-height drive bay, sells for $50 and can be programmed and driven without X windows the "linux pc as entertainment center" *might* actually be worthwhile.
Until then its something that's only practical for the 18-24 set who have the free time equivilent to that of a man stranded on a desert island.
Re:Just build one yourself (Score:2)
1) Get that old Pentium 120 out of the trash, add soundcard X or Y, a 50G HD, CD-R drive, NIC, IrDA(ttyS0), and LCD(ttyS1).
1a) cut power to PS fan and add low RPM/noise fan
2) insert bootable CDROM of GnuPAS(GNU Personal Audio System) and boot.
3) remove bootable CDROM and start feeding your own CD's and/or feed it MP3's via NIC.
You'd still have an ugly box though. If only I had the funding....
Re:Just build one yourself (Score:2)
DRM in the home (Score:1)
(2) Home network file transfers, analog recording of LPs, cassettes, etc., and S-Link changer control will be available via a free, automatic upgrade available in the near future.
So in other words it will be connected to the net, from which I think we can realistically infer that it will title all your tracks that you record into it, and send that information to persons unknown. Same Internet connection to be used for 'automatic updates' (and I think you can bet your life the thing will not work without a net connection).
So in other words, Say Hello to DRM.
Internet Radio from around the world? (Score:2, Funny)
Wait a minute (Score:2)
Re:Wait a minute (Score:1, Informative)
Oh, and some of us actually buy CDs instead of freely and illegally downloading them...
Re:Wait a minute (Score:2)
Evangenlize local music (Score:2)
The best defense against the RIAA is to ignore the products of their members!
this is a no brainer... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:this is a no brainer... (Score:2)
It's like everyone who gets "touched" by Microsoft gets really stupid. The infection started with Microsoft "infecting" DEC. DEC "infected" Compaq and not Compaq is "infecting" HP. Microsoft almost got HP about 5 years ago when they started pushing NT over HP-UX but HP was smart enough to pull back on that. Kinda like they had some initial immunity to the "infection".
They are really acting "stupid" again so this "infection" might be fatal... Let's see, they'll first spin off the printer business for $$$$ and then Dell will purchase HP. If they don't smarten up, I give them 5-6 years before it's obvious they're looking for a buyer.
And what is all this crap about Intels Titanicium?
You'd think that after HP bought Apollow and got their chip and software people that they could come up with something better than the Titanicium processor.... IBM and Sun are running circles around HP in the high end server space and HP teams up with Intel.... HP makes/made great hardware but their getting pretty "stupid" these days. IMHO.
BTW, the HP unit was really nice but way over priced for the market.
Network Players for the Home (Score:3, Interesting)
There are 3 network players that I know of, one which has been highly publicized on /. is the SliMP3 [slimdevices.com]. The other device, which has been around for quite some time is the Turtle Beach Audiotron [audiotron.net]. There is also one made by RIO.
I recently bought a network player after a few weeks of wrangling I decided to go with the Audiotron since I already had samba set up and I wanted and SPDIF connection which the Slimp3 does not offer. Anyway, you can check out my review [phataudio.org].
Re:Network Players for the Home (Score:1)
I don't agree. I've been looking into building an mp3-stereo-component and I'm sure I'll include a large HDD in it.
If it can only play from a network source, you'd always need a machine online to provide the music. I can't afford a separate pc for this, so it would mean the songs are played from my desktop machine. This would mean no music when the desktop-machine is offline (rebooting, installing, turned off because it makes to much moise, etc.). This would defeat the purpose I'm building the mp3 player for, to have a silent device that can play my music any time I want to. The device should at least be able to cache a few hours worth of music from the network. Ofcourse it will be able to read/write to the network too.
Lo-fi: the next revolution (Score:1)
wtf? (Score:1)
The reason these fail (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The reason these fail (Score:1)
Re:The reason these fail (Score:1)
Processor, display, and network interface are available for an additional charge...
OT: rant. (Score:1)
It's trivial to compete with the $4.99 price tag on your 'alternative solution.'
Just pick any equivalent connector/adaptor that isn't gold plated.
'Gold plated' is the stoooopid tax, dude.
They're already hacking these things (Score:1)
One thing that went unmentioned... (Score:1)
This would make it more difficult to pirate music, though it'd never really stop it.
had to be asked (Score:2)
I like audio books, how many Libraries of Congress does it hold?
Backward compatible with 8 tracks (802.11b?) (Score:1)
The one thing missing though is 802.11b connectivity. I don't have cat5 running to my hifi/video gear. Wireless connectivity would go a long way. Cringley has similar [pbs.org] ideas [pbs.org]
"Free bonus" might be included later. (Score:2)
Well, as a matter of fact, some of the key ADVERTISED capabilities will be "available via a free, automatic upgrade available in the near future.
So, whether or not playback-restrictions are currently in force, they could easily be added as a "free, automatic upgrade" in the near future.
There is precedent for this. For example, owners of the REB1100 eBook device at one point discovered that they could no longer download any commercial eBooks without an easy, automatic firmware upgrade--and the firmware upgrade just happened to disable the REB1100's previous capability of downloading personal content (e.g free Project Gutenberg eTexts, HTML content captured from the Web, etc).
Stereo sized computer cases (Score:1)
Audiotron (Score:1)
This thing is absolutely great, works with Windows, Linux, NAS devices, etc. You can rip your music anyway you like (mp3 and microsoft formats only), use shoutcast servers, etc......
Around $300.....
Product info: http://www.audiotron.net/audiotron/producthome.as
Mailing list archives: http://maillist.voyetra.com/audiotron.html
Obvious solution (Score:2)
The obvious solution to the copying issue is to require the user to insert the original CD into the unit while songs from that CD are played from the hard drive, as verification that the user has the correct rights to play songs from that CD.