Playstation 3 CPU Almost Finished? 435
dnxthx writes "According to this ZDNet article the design of the Playstation 3 chip is nearly complete. The PS3 chip will have near "supercomputer capabilities" --- including 1 TFLOP. Reportedly, this chip is being engineered with Linux in mind."
Linux in mind? (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't see how that sentence translates to the statement by the submitter that the chip is designed with Linux in mind. Besides, shouldn't the OS adapt to the chip, not the reverse?
Re:Linux in mind? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Linux in mind? (Score:4, Informative)
Hrm.. (Score:5, Funny)
The PS3 chip will have near supercomputer capabilities --- including 1 TFLOP.
Wasn't the old PS2 a supercomputer, and there were export rules on it?
Saddam was rumored to buy some to control missles or something?
Re:Hrm.. (Score:2)
Re:Hrm.. (Score:2)
Re:Hrm.. (Score:3, Insightful)
Well. Considering that 8-bit computers were enough to send Voyager and Pioneer through millions of kms of space, precisely enough to still do close encounters with planets, and considering V-2 (II world war) were able to hit targets hundreds of KMs away with no computers (but brilliant engineering resulting in sophisticated non-electronic controlling system), one does NOT really need anything resembling super computer for controlling missiles.
Others have pointed out that the Saddam-and-superchips was mostly marketing hype, which is true enough... but there's really no need for super computers or chips for calculating missiles' flight paths. There are needs in nuclear simulations, but once again, first nuclear weapons were developed with reasonably modest computational resources.
export controls? (Score:5, Interesting)
TheJapanese government realised that the computers in the PS2s were very powerful for the time and could be networked to create a crude missile guidance system.
Re:export controls? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:export controls? (Score:2, Informative)
Or Nuke simulators
Here's more info on computer export laws []
Re:export controls? (Score:3, Insightful)
and nuclear explosion simmulations...
Re:export controls? (Score:2, Informative)
That was some marketing BS to promote the PS2. PC hardware was already more powerful than the PS2 at the time and far more accesible. Where, exactly, did they restrict it? Bagdad? I can't sent a piece of paper to Bagdad.
Yea, and the Mac is a "supercomputer"
Re:export controls? (Score:5, Funny)
Actually, the atari 2600 had this. It was called missile commander i do believe.
Re:export controls? (Score:2)
Re:export controls? (Score:2)
Yes ... and even if they did restrict the exporting, the stuff would still leak out. My friend went to Taiwan and saw a PS2 right after the Japan release, before it was officially exported to any other country. It probably got there in a civilian suitcase.
Thats it? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Thats it? (Score:5, Funny)
You saw it here first: The FIRST TOASTER VIRUS
if(Toast_Present == 1)
While(Toast.OnFire() = 0)
if(Lever.Manual_Eject() == 1)Lever.Jam();
if(Power.Unplug() == 1)Power.Source = reserve_battery;
Awesome! (Score:2)
Perfect for dropping off inconspicuous items [] in the workplace!
lara? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:lara? (Score:2, Funny)
until they can get a 3D lara to give me a lap-dance, i'm not impressed.
Now there's an interesting tie-in with the "force feedback controllers" article.
1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2, Funny)
And people will be plugging this thing to a TELEVISION?
O tempora, o mores...
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:5, Insightful)
I for one am getting kind of tired of all these technology pushes in gaming consoles while the games continue to go down hill in terms of enjoyability. Now, it may just be my age at the time, but when I remember back to being a kid and playing Nintendo, I remember more than half the games I ever played were REALLY, REALLY fun to play. I'm 23 years old and I can talk forever about old school Nintendo with friends that can remember the days. Too often these days we judge games based on their technological feats, giving a game credit for crap like "volumetric fog" and "real time shadows", etc. but we hardly ever just say "That game is just plain fun".
I think it may be time to pick up a Gamecube, especially with 3 old school classics getting a revamp(Metroid, Zelda, Starfox). Maybe then I can relive that joy from childhood.
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:5, Insightful)
To me, Crash Bandicoot is every bit as fun as Super Mario (not to mention that it has great attitude), Morrowind kicks Phantasy Star's ass and Grand Theft Auto III... well, there's nothing that really compares.
So, basically, I completely disagree with the idea that games aren't as good as they used to be. *Some* games are worthless tech showcases (I call these "Jurrasic Park games"), but then those were always around, weren't they?
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Do it. You'll have no regrets.
I bought one with Pikmin, Super Monkey Ball and Rogue Leader for exactly the reasons you describe. Rogue Leader has turned out to be a disappointment but the other two are simply fabulous.
I own a PS2 as well, but with the honourable exception of SSX and, to some extent, GT3 (not GTA3) I really haven't had all that much fun out of it. Worms is superb, but that's a PS1 game. Bomberman is good, but that's due out on Nintendo too (and that's a PS1 game too).
I had the choice of getting either an X-Box or a Gamecube, and I plumped for Gamecube because all the X-Box stuff just looked too serious. Getting back to your point, I personally believe the X-Box to be more powerful than the Gamecube and so buying on specs alone I should have bought an X-Box. The reason I didn't was the games line-up: nothing was just straightforward, bright-coloured fun. You're an ex-Nintendo gamer - you know what I mean.
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Re:1 TFLOP? (Score:2)
Re:1 TFLOP? (OT) (Score:2)
Oh god, I hope not. IIRC, there are going to be two elements critical to FPSes missing: aiming and ammo management. There will be some sort of auto aim and/or target locking to make aiming unnecessary. Most guns will have unlimited ammo (freeze beam et al), and if it is like the older Metroids, enemies will respawn constantly and give you plenty of chances to refill. Metroid was always about: exploration, item collecting, shooting, and platforming. Sadly, it looks like we'll be losing the platforming, but such is life.
Starfox: is actually being made by Rare ( ).
Re:1 TFLOP? (OT) (Score:2)
I actually meant the mario game coming *after* Mario Sunshine. Not that anything's been announced, just that more than one mario game for the gamecube has got to be a certainty, and if the cel shading works for Celda, they will hopefully have enough sense to give Mario the same treatment.
Sunshine looks way fun tho.
If you think the PS2 architecture is weird (Score:2, Interesting)
In terms of scalability, the uber-parallel-processing-pipelined PS2 makes a lot of sense, and will continue to get more powerful in the future as its software improves. In terms of usability though, the PS2 has irked a lot of console developers because it's an entirely different beast and doesn't behave like a PC when you get down to performance bottlenecks.
The PS3 and beyond can only continue this trend. Sony hopefully won't make the same mistake ease-of-use wise, but the PS3 will be getting tantalizingly close to the "do everything you ever cared to do in a game" performance.
The future of this technology is hugely dependant on software capability to make sense of and utilize it. This will be the biggest hurdle, and clearly nothing like it really exists today.
One of the next big steps may be carbon-nanotube based computing, because it will enable architectures with massive hierarchical processing power and near limitless involatile stupidly fast memory, all embedded everywhere. Carbon (and other) nanotubes will be used for both logic and memory (as well as actual display surfaces), and ultimately be laid out more like a brain than a serial system.
I look foward having a complete system in a display where you push morphing procedures in one end which ultimately get streamed into content on the output side.
The networked aspect will be important too, but not how it's colored in this article. Your games will ineveitably run graphics processing on your local machine, with non-realtime and background tasks offloaded to others on the network. However, distributed simulation of gaming environments will only really make sense when players become the content producers and the worlds expand procedurally to simulate whatever ideas of interest their imaginations have conjured.
Then I just have to ask, when game consoles power the realization of our imaginations, whose world are we going to be living in? [hint: this is rhetorical, don't answer, just think about it]
Re:If you think the PS2 architecture is weird (Score:2)
But if we think about it, won't it become the game? Our video gaming experience will be like some sort of existential nightmare about whether or not we're playing a game. You'll be trapped, unable to beat the level until you answer the question, but unable to answer the question until you beat the level. And we thought games were addictive now...
Re:If you think the PS2 architecture is weird (Score:4, Insightful)
Noooo, the PS2 irked a lot of ex-pc developers, because it wasn't a PC, and the poor lickle PC developers got very worried when they discovered they weren't in Kansas anymore, and big unka Bill wasn't holding their hand.
Existing console developers were already used to strange machines. You think the PS2's weird, you should have seen the Saturn, or the SNES (especially when you added in the SuperFX).
Load balance 16 parallel cores? BRING IT ON!
Re:If you think the PS2 architecture is weird (Score:3, Funny)
Now let me hear it from the vector display programmers out there... Someone give my Tempest brother some love!
Must be a good thing (Score:5, Funny)
Three words: (Score:2, Funny)
Late 2004? (Score:3, Interesting)
The article states they've merely got the pen and paper design almost complete. No working hardware, and it 'could' end up in the PS3
Toshiba and IBM have had more than their share of flops.
Remember the Toshiba MPACT [] chipset that was supposed to take over the 3D Graphics/Sound/Video market in the PC world?
Re:Late 2004? (Score:2, Interesting)
Microsoft will already have at least 2 more X-Box upgrades on the shelves by then.... virtually guaranteeing it will dominate over the outdated PS2.
If this "cell" gets used in a Playstation, I'd bet more on it being in a PS4 - with some other upgrade in-between as the PS3.
I already sold my PS2 (at a considerable loss, even) due to lack of interest. When I first saw Gran Turismo 3 - I thought I had to have it. After owning it a while and buying 14 more games for it, I realized that Gran Turismo 3 was about as good as it gets. Most games have considerably worse graphics, and some have worse gameplay too. I get much more out of my Pentium 4 system. In another year, PS2 will look pretty pathetic next to the current crop of PCs.
Re:Late 2004? (Score:2, Insightful)
Consoles dont work like that. The SNES had about a 7 year long run, the Original Playstation had about 6 years. You dont upgrade consoles every year like MS would like, people wont blow $300 every 18 months on a console when their old one still works fine.
MS _WONT_ be releasing upgrades for the XBox til the next line of console upgrades in 2005, and thats if they want to seriously piss off their customers, because that would be about 4 years with their console.
Re:Late 2004? (Score:2)
Which will completely fracture the X-box market, and make X-box development as much fun as pc-development is now. X-box 2, slightly better than the old one. Yeah, that's really going to sell.
Re:Late 2004? (Score:3, Interesting)
If all goes well for the XBox, it may catch up to the PS2 in sales by the end of the year, and maybe in userbase by the end of the following year, so Sony has plenty of time. And if they panic Microsoft into releasing Xbox upgrades, they may have even longer....
Re:Late 2004? (Score:3, Interesting)
For less than $400 you can buy a box that you hook to your receiver, you put games in and they work. They display on that nice big TV you already own, and you invite your friends over to drink some beers and play Blitz, and you all laugh your asses off as you take turns beating hookers with a bat in GTA3. When you get a new game, the only thing you do is put the disc in, and it works. You invite some friends over, trash talk each other, have a great time and in short, it's fucking awesome.
Compare that to the PC solution, and remember that non-computer geeks don't build PCs out of whitebox parts that they bought off of pricewatch. They go to dell. They pick a middle of the road model from the Dimension line and it says it's $989. Then they upgrade to Microsoft Office, splurge on a 21" monitor and a cd burner, and suddenly it's a $2300 computer. Then they have to keep this computer updated, and upgrade drivers and all sorts of other annoying shit. When they're done, they can now play games against people who aren't in the same room as them, on a display that's half the size of your TV. To a lot of people, that sounds quite gay.
In short, you should really try thinking before you make your arguments. Not everybody is you.
Re:Late 2004? (Score:5, Informative)
That said, it seemed like they were considering some pretty wild ideas. However, I remember hearing about plans for the Playstation 2 chip a couple of years before it shipped; at the time it was hard to fathom, but when it arrived it wasn't as big a leap as I thought it was going to be. (Though still quite impressive.)
I expect the Playstation 3 will be just as impressive, but not earth-shattering. They key will be how easy it is to write programs that take advantage of the raw computational power.
Chip With linux in mind eh? (Score:3, Interesting)
The main benifit of course would be having linus. Throw in the transmeta technology after that.
The really scary thing about the whole sony/linux relationship is the parent company Sony is also Sony Records, one of the biggest supporters of DRM and the DMCA. It's kind of odd that they would support an open O/S that will never have DRM in it, makes me wonder why?
Re:Chip With linux in mind eh? (Score:3, Interesting)
Thing is, if Gates actually programmed the XP kernel himself I think I could have more respect for him. I don't think he does anything anymore other than fly around buying up bikini babes at E3 shows and the like. I have to wonder if that man is totally detatched from coding now?
Linus on the other hand continues his work into the linux kernel and makes tremendous contributions to the world in computer science with both his OS and the philosophy of open source. Sort of goes without saying.
When it boils down to it, do you do it for yourself or the world? That is what these two mens moral fiber has been about. Bill is for himself, Linus isn't.
I think if Linus ever had the oppertunity to influence a megacorp like sony from the inside it would benifit the world, with the side effect of benifiting sony. As long as they gave him "free reign" I think he would be kept happy.
Imagine Linus turning sony into an "Open Source" megacorp. Every product, from camera's to robots would be completly open source. The current programming teams would have to learn to swim or sink, which is sorta bad but it would weed out the uglies.
Well, that's me retort. Fire away.
Welcome to the post bust! (Score:2, Insightful)
How would employing Linux benefit Sony? Your ideas sound like another one of those horrible scribbled on a napkin business plans that dotted the landscape so many years ago.
1. Hire Linus
2. ??????
3. Profit!
P.S. No, Gates no longer programs himself. Its also pretty frickin irrelevant. Larry Ellison was a programmer as well. I doubt he commited one line of code for the latest Oracle DB. Gates and those like him are multi-dimensional. They realize there's more to the world than simply banging out code. I don't think Mr. Torvalds, or his many blindly following minons realize that.
Learn from the last Sony hype-fest. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Learn from the last Sony hype-fest. (Score:2, Insightful)
The PS3 would be great if it had the power of a Geforce 4 (or some future generation, by then) with SVGA and DVI output. I hate having to go sit in front of TV to play a game.
Re:Learn from the last Sony hype-fest. (Score:2)
The PS2 also has the best controller by far. (/me ducks)
Re:Learn from the last Sony hype-fest. (Score:2)
I'll object to that. Owning both the PS2 and Gamecube I will say that both controllers are the nicest so far. But the best is Nintendo's Wavebird. You can't beat wireless gaming.
Not Revolutionary? (Score:2)
"It will have the ability to do north of 1 trillion mathematical calculations per second, roughly 100 times more than a single Pentium 4 chip running at 2.5GHz."
"I just don't see that Cell is revolutionary, except in its marketing impact, Glaskowsky said "
If the first statement is true, I would say that's quite revolutionary.
Slashdot in mind (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Slashdot in mind (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Slashdot in mind (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Slashdot in mind (Score:2)
Yeah, because otherwise, this place would never discuss a next-generation video game system.
Re:Slashdot in mind (Score:2)
More power to them, why reinvent the wheel etc.
A terraflop? (Score:5, Interesting)
The NERSC IBM SP RS/600 (the fifth most powerful computer in the world, according to located in Berkeley consists of 2,944 processors. The processors are distributed among 184 compute nodes with 16 processors per node. Each node has a common pool of between 16 and 64 GBytes of memory.
This machine is a 3 terraflop system. Although, I guess three PS3's could do the same...
Re:A terraflop? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:A terraflop? (Score:2)
Interestingly, the GAO has just completed an investigation into what constitutes a "supercomputer" these days and what the US is doing (or not doing) to control exports.
According to reuters [], the GAO report is critical of the Bush administration's decision to increase the limit last January "from 85,000 Millions of Theoretical Operations Per Second, or MTOPS, to 190,000 MTOPS." Not sure how MTOPS convert to FLOPS, but the article states that the average PC is about 2,100 MTOPS and that Unisys currently produces the only systems that exceed the 190,000 MTOPS limit.
The article also mentions that the State and Commerce departments believe that the limits on processor power needs rethinking to address networked systems of less powerful computers(imagine a beowulf cluster of these, etc.).
Several things (Score:5, Insightful)
Second the classification of a G4 as a "wepaon" or a "supercomputer" is not correct. The way that is done is based off of theortical operations per seconds (be they interger or floating point). In 1998 that was 2,000 MTOPS (million theoritical operations per second) or 2 Gflops if you want to look at it that way. That has since changed and currently the US can export up to 190,000 MTOPS computers to "Tier-3" countries (countries judged unsafe in terms of non-proliferation of mass destruction weapons) which are places like China, Russia, and most of the Middle-East.
Finally, Sony probably is telling the truth about Tflop perofrmance.... Sort of. I'm betting that the chip wiill have a theoritical max of 1 Tflop, which is not unheard of, provided we are talking about speical DSP operations for graphics type stuff. The GeForce 4 4600 gets about 1.23 Trillion ops per second according to nVidia. Thing is, the GeForce 4 is a graphics DSP, all it does is push pixels. It's subunits do things very fast, but can do only that one thing (ie vertex shaders ONLY do vertex transforms, not general work). A P4/G4, on the other hand, can do anything. It can do all the same kinds of calculations a GeForce 4 can, but can also do all the calculations any other DSP or system can, given enough time.
For a long time we've had the ability to design specialised chips that ar much faster, but more limited, than general purpose CPUs. That's the whole reason for ahaving a 3d accelerator. You just can't make a CPU that fast yet, it would take hundreds of CPUs working together to equal the power of a GPU, HOWEVER that GPU is good only for graphics. You still need a CPU for general purpose calculation.
In a video game console, the lines often become a bit more blurred. One chip may do many different things. Some of the functions traditonally on the GPU in computers might be on the same chip that happens to do CPU work as well.
Re:A terraflop? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:A terraflop? (Score:2)
They're probably adding up all the processors. The NV30 is supposed to be floating point all the way through the pipeline. You'd have to assume PS3 would be floating as well if it wasn't already. However, the 1TFLOP number still sounds like a whole bunch of poop.
Re:A terraflop? (Score:2, Insightful)
Moore's Law (Score:2, Interesting)
Moore's Law is not a law (Score:4, Interesting)
The cell is a highly parallel chip, it is outside the bounds of Moore's "law" because it doesn't follow the same design methodology. If I designed an FPGA today that had 1000 FPU's, and a simple CPU to control them, I could easily best a P4 in FLOPS. Trivial. Sony has done/will do in hardware what I have suggested, and given that they've been working on it for a couple of years, I think there may be more than just a couple of extra FPU's.
All it takes is a little thought....
Re:Moore's Law is not a law (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Moore's Law is not a law (Score:3, Informative)
Sony is pretty funny (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Sony is pretty funny (Score:2)
"Could" ? (Score:2, Insightful)
Like tricorders! (Score:2, Funny)
DRM Inclusion? (Score:2, Insightful)
From the article:
From earlier threads on here, even if it is geared towards Linux, I wonder if the impending inclusion of Palladium and other DRM would make it into a processor like this? It initially sounds like this would be an ideal candidate, since having different processes would make it easier to program just that one part to exclude your copied DVDs or your non-WMAs.
That, in itself, might derail this from being a powerful addition to the Linux arsenal, but then again, wouldn't that be exactly what M$ would want?
Regular PC idea? (Score:2)
If this system works out, there could be a lot of power here. Now, here's the kicker: if they're really working to make this run with Linux and the like, what's to stop some other applications? X86 emulation, for example, done on the hardware level? Or, even better, PCC emulation - now Apple has access to powerful chips that were made from the ground up for graphics processing, something they're moving OS X into big time. It been thought that Apple might move from the PPC to something else (unless Motorola has some plans nobody knows about to make a faster chip) - this could be their ticket to both high power and economy of scale.
Could this technology be used to challenge Intel/AMD? Probably not, and we'll have to wait until they announce more details. But since I'm working on some database programming, my mind is wandering a bit.
Great ... (Score:5, Interesting)
"It's like a beehive -- cell components can also be ganged together," he said.
Just when I thought programming the PS3 couldn't be any *worse* the then PS2 (lots of fun debugging the EE, VU0, VU1, GS, SPU, IOP all running simulatenously on the PS2
How long do we have to wait for Gran Turismo to show-case the PS3 ?
Programming for the PS3 (Score:4, Insightful)
"It's going to take an enormous amount of software really make it get up and dance."
*groans* Here we go again. One of the primary mistakes that these guys keep making is that every time they reinvent the wheel, we have to remake the cars, the highways, driver's training, etc! Having to relearn coding for the umpteenth time is going to actually shoot the PS3 in the foot severely.
Non-ADD suffers should remember that when the PS2 originally debuted, there were significant problems with it's anti-aliasing abilities. Every two-bit flamebaiter was crowing the latest 'clever' pun like "Tekken Jag Tournament." These problems eventually diminished when software companies discovered a poorly-documented workaround in the PS2 phonebook of "Programming 101 (again!)" The second generation of PS2 games that hit just before this last Xmas was friggin incredible (Devil May Cry, FF10, GTA!). This was because programmers had finally wangled out of the system the ability to make it do what they want. This allowed them to concentrate resources on that crucial element: Gameplay.
Moral of the story? Buy your PS3 a year after it comes out. That'll be when the games finally start getting good.
It does, but... (Score:2)
marketing tactic (Score:2)
Multiple processing cores... (Score:2)
Think systems on a chip vs. processors on a chip and the possibilities start poping up.
1 TFLOP CPU, 0 Tb/s memory bus (Score:3, Insightful)
Caches help for little problems, but you don't put a 1 TFLOP CPU onto a little problem.
I don't think the news writers worked on this (Score:2, Funny)
For example:
While the processor's design is still under wraps, the companies say Cell's capabilities will allow it to deliver one trillion calculations per second (teraflop) or more of floating-point calculations. It will have the ability to do north of 1 trillion mathematical calculations per second,
This was obviously from Zdnet's Division of Redundancy Division. It happens to be listed twice on the organizational chart.
Compare: Original Pentium... (Score:2)
The original Pentium had a floating point operation, FXCH [], which could be executed in zero cycles, since it only required that a register be renamed. Examples of FXCH code can be found here []. Zero cycles per operation makes an awful lot of teraflops...
I think we can therefore agree that the original Pentium whips the PS3 back into the depths of finite numbers from whence it came.
Re:Compare: Original Pentium... (Score:2)
Huh, how is this possible. It would take some time to fetch and decode right? And the renaming would take some time right? Read the Intel docs it seems that the instruction swaps a register with memory?
I think I'm missing something here, how can this possibly execute in zero cycles. The sample code simply says "no cost", which I don't necessarily equate to zero cycles. Please enlighten me, I'm confused.
He he he...Intel Lawsuit? (Score:2)
just two coppers worth of humorous memory...
Terrible article (Score:5, Interesting)
What have we really got? One statement:
But a teraflop from 16 CPUs? Not with anything like current fab technology. And there's no indication of a breakthrough at the gate and fab level; this is just architecture. There's a way to do it, though.
Suppose each CPU has a 4x4 matrix multiplier built in (reasonable enough in a game machine), and each multiply-add unit can do one multiply/add per nanosecond (the PPC G4 does slightly better than that.) So we've got 256 multiply/add units (16 CPUs, remember) cranking away. That's a peak speed of 0.5 teraflop. And that's with current technology; a 2x improvement on that in the next year or two is quite possible. So a teraflop graphics engine isn't totally out of reach.
It's not exactly general purpose, but it's a teraflop.
Is 256 multiply/adders on one piece of silicon, running at 0.25ns/cycle, within reach?
advertising = content ? (Score:2, Insightful)
So advertising is equavalent to sports and other forms of entertainment? Since when is advertising comparable to entertainment or a positive experience for the user? Ugh.
in mind? (Score:3, Funny)
My mind on Linux and Linux on my mind... (Score:2)
Interesting implications for other apps? (Score:3, Interesting)
"It's like a beehive -- cell components can also be ganged together," he said
So at the risk of sounding dumb, could this have implications for Artificial Neural Network technology? It sounds like that could be an application of the "Cell technology". As I understand, there are currently 3 major applications for Artificial Neural Networks:
Re:Interesting implications for other apps? (Score:3, Funny)
Malcolm: "When I have an idea it's like all this little explosions going off in my head."
New Kid: "My mind is like a behive with millions of bees, each one with a mind like yours."
Or....something like that
Advertising... (Score:3, Interesting)
Most likely, though, they mean some sort of dynamic ad generation, like billboards in games for advertising that change to target certain audiences. Anyone remember when games didn't have ads at all?
That TFLop won't be general (Score:2)
Almost ready? I think not... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Cell ?? (Score:2, Funny)
"I don't see the problem. When the reporters come, I'll just destroy them!"
Re:At last Doom at 1000fps (Score:2)
Re:At last Doom at 1000fps (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:1 TFLOP? Unlikely... (Score:2)
The poster did say that they had Linux in mind, so it's actually 1 Tera-BogoFLOP.
I think that translates to 27, or so, FLOPS.