Super-small Voice-controlled Wireless Phone 133
The phone comes in two pieces, (much like other cordless phones). The earset weighs only 1.1oz (including the lithium polymer battery, smaller than a pack of gum), and only has a single button on it. The base station plugs into your analog phone line, and connects to your computer via USB. The included software runs a custom copy of IBM's ViaVoice speech engine to interpret your voice commands; right now the software only runs on Windows.
The software integrates into Outlook, ACT! and Windows Address Book. At boot-up, the software looks at the list of contacts, and loads their names into a custom speech dictionary. If you want to call John Public, you press the button on the earset and say "Call John Public at work." The software matches your speech to John's name, looks up John's information, finds his Work number, and dials it for you. (Very cool). Dialing by numbers is done by pressing the button, and saying "Dial" and announcing the digits you want to dial, (i.e. "Dial one eight-hundred five five five one two one two").
All the other telephone functions are also handled via voice command, (answer, hang up, flash, mute, hold, volume, etc).
Right now the software only works with telephony functions, but they have just released an add-on package that lets you use the phone as a wireless headset for your computer, (for voice-dictation, IP Telephony, other voice-recognition software, etc). They say they want to extend the software to handle home-automation and entertainment, (can anyone say voice-controlled X10?!?)
The phones are priced at $300, which is targeted at the business crowd. It's a little steep for home use.
I happened to find a deal on mine, and have been using it for about a month now. I work out of my home for a software company on the other side of the country. It is very handy to be able to talk to my co-workers simply by saying their name. The size and form factor are also very nice. I can wear it around all day, and am able to take a call from anywhere near the house, (office, back deck, breakfast table, neighbor's house, changing a diaper, etc).
I know this doesn't have much to do w/ Linux, but the geek in me couldn't keep my mouth shut! I thought this might be an interesting story, simply for the application of voice technology and miniaturization.
Slashdot welcomes reader-submitted hardware reviews.
This.. (Score:4, Interesting)
The only concern I would have in the business application is what frequencies it uses and how secure it is. Most companies I know dislike cordless phones for this exact reason, and usually stay with in building lines. But they probably have a solution for this already.
Re:This.. (Score:1)
Re:This.. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:This.. (Score:1)
Even the cellular phones that I've tried which contain voice-controlled speed-dial are speaker dependent.
Re:This.. (Score:2)
Well then, you've tried the wrong ones, because my Mom's Sprint cellphone is speaker independant and only takes more than one try if you're standing directly adjacent to a sound that is almost as loud as your voice (air conditioner, open car window at 65mph, etc.).
Re:This.. (Score:1)
See, english is considered the hardest language to learn for many reason including the inconsistances in their rules. If you want a proof of this ask someone to say the word the, then ask someone who is native in another language to say the word comprabale word in their language. When you have asked enough people, you will see the drastic differences on how english dialects vs. foreign dialects.
This is why all speach programs require user orientation, and have errors, unlike the Japaneese conterparts, where the only difference is the local slang.
Sorry I ranted, and misspelled a lot... but i just left work.
X10 (Score:3, Funny)
Damn popup ads...
Product or add-on (Score:1, Insightful)
If it requires Windows to run, then its really not a seperate product is it? Its more of just an add-on for Windows?
If its useless without a particular brand of some other product, then its useless.
Re:Product or add-on (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Product or add-on (Score:1)
Seems to me you validated his point. Those things can all be used with other machines. Unless you were trying to say they can be used standalone in which case I'm really struggling to come up with uses for a disconnected printer or modem and if I read this right you can't use voice commands unless hooked up to a Windows box so this is worthless as a standalone device.
Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1, Offtopic)
This ArialPhone uses a base station as the actual phone bit, as having the phone actually right next to your ear like that all the time would probably give you cancer. So... this is absolutely no different to a standard Bluetooth phone with a Bluetooth headset.
Infact, it's worse, this uses 900Mhz spread spectrum, whereas Bluetooth is better because it has a cool name and better branding.
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
This isn't a cell phone. But it still sucks because you have to hook it up to windows in order for it to work.
Does anyone make any cell phone base station/desktop phones? Since many people are opting for cell phones instead of normal land line phones, this may be something useful for those of us who would rather use a regular handset, especially when at home. For example, if Nokia or Ericsson made one, a person could plug in the cell phone into the base station and use a normal full sized dialpad and handset while the portable charges. Maybe even an option to use a roof mounted antenna.
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1, Informative)
or maybe these? [vox2.com]
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
Yes! Thank you very much!
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
From http://www.ericsson.com/enterprise/products/mobex
"For truly mobile professionals
Mobile phones, allowing you to move around and still be able to call or be called, is a fundamental element of mobility. But supporting mobile behavior requires much more. The mobile professional also require access to the applications, services, support, and flexibility that your communication system provides.
What if your mobile phone was connected to your PBX just like any other office extension? Ericsson MD110 Mobile Extension will give you this unique service. Ericsson MD110 Mobile Extension integrates mobile phones into the PBX, providing all services needed to allow your employees to become truly mobile professionals."
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
I like the number idea though.
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
The one that are water logged brains are more likely to absorb? if that's what you meant by cancer.
I personally would like something that strapped to one of my hips and was shielded well on the side towards my body with a wire running up to a small ear/mouth piece combo, but I am also probably overly worried about the cancer risk and at the same time overly naive to think that there isn't so much cancerous radio transmission in the air already to think it matters.
Anyway I do agree with your comments that got you modded as flame bait (I want more damned gadgets here in America, yet they don't come).
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:2)
obviously you don't ever intend to have kids ;)
You say that like it would bad. :^P
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
Where you get antanna from wire running to is beyond me though.
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:2)
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:2)
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
Sad but true America is *way* behind in this field - how many bluetooth enabled phones do you guys have on the market - last I remember reading (NYTimes last week) you could "count them on three fingers"
here in Scotland the available coverage and terrifs mean that the difference between lanline and cellphone is moot - personally I only use my fixed line for the TiVo, voice calls all go through my (Bluetooth enabled, GPRS) Mobile.
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:2, Insightful)
Well, first off, the radio radiation given off by cellphones is extremely small, to say the least, and because its so small its extremely difficult to prove that there's any link between cellphone use and cancer that actually involves the use of the cellphone, and not the lifestyle of people who can afford cellphones.
Next, a portable phone like this would probably come under the sub 100 mW transmission laws in the US. Cellphones transmit 700 mW to 3000 mW of power, which means that if (for example) 1 sq in. of your face were exposed to the radio waves, you would have to hold the cellphone over 3 inches from your face. This makes a huge difference.
So don't worry about getting cancer from your portable phone. It just isn't powerful enough to matter!
Re:Interesting, but Bluetooth beat it. (Score:1)
I think basically almost all (from mid-range upwards) cell phones do have a voice/speach recognition system for dialing. This would be usefull if you are using a mike or a car set. Anyway, typically the phone has memory reserved for 10-20 names (at least the old one I have).
Hmmm (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Hmmm (Score:1)
Of course, if you check out this Noah Bergevin's [slashdot.org] user info you will see that he is a well respected member of the slashdot community and would never do such a thing. (end sarcasm)
Re:Hmmm (Score:1)
Sounds like early dilbert logic. (Score:1)
"It's not that it's difficult, it's unnecessary."
Re:Sounds like early dilbert logic. (Score:1)
"Is it that difficult to push the buttons?"
"I'd like to see you do it, mister!"
Re:Sounds like early dilbert logic. (Score:2)
What about the health risks (Score:5, Funny)
Yes, it's a parody.
Re: Health risks (Score:1)
I'm also interested in what the health risks might be. I understand that mobile phones are pretty dodgy, but the US are doing their best to hide this research. Are there any decent studies showing the long-term effects of mobile phones on the brain?
Re:McSiemens (Score:1)
+1 in the book of trolls!
Hmmm... (Score:1)
"Call Barry at work."
"Yes, who is this?"
"Oh, hi, Barry, it's me, Drew."
"Um, I'm not Barry. And I'm not at work, either. I think you have a wrong number."
"Who is this?"
"This is Garry. I was busy playing Solitare."
And also, does it integrate with my 3rd party emailer (Turnpike)? And three hundred dollars for something that automates dialling a number? I know this is aimed at business, but $300 is still a bit steep when all I have to do anyway is look up John's name in my little black book, dial his number and talk.
Re:Hmmm... (Score:1)
"Yes, who is this?"
"Oh, hi, Barry, it's me, Drew."
"Um, I'm not Barry. And I'm not at work, either. I think you have a wrong number."
Wait! How does Gary know you were calling Barry at work??
Hang up now and begin probing your orifaces looking for where they have hidden the microphone!!
Re:Hmmm... (Score:2)
I've got a few friends with phones that do this. They got the phone free with their 12 month contract, and have voice dial for upto 10 numbers. No fancy recognition, just record your voice.
But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:3, Interesting)
Students of this sort of thing are taught all about the problems of getting speech recognition to work in noisy environments, in a car, in a restaurant, in a busy street etc. On top of the noise compensation problems, you have something called the Lombard effect, which means that when they're in a noisy environment PEOPLE TEND TO SHOUT INTO THEIR PHONE to try and make themselves heard. And this means that the speech you used to train your phone in your nice quiet office no longer matches the aggressive shouty tone of voice you're currently using.
True, there are ways and means round both of these problems. But they're by no means 100%, or even 95% reliable. And if I buy a phone that has speech recognition as its primary (its only?) interface, I'd want to make pretty damn sure I can use it anywhere.
So, the question for Noah - you can use this phone while changing a diaper, or around the breakfast table, but can you use it in the middle of Grand Central Station?
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:2)
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:2)
I have a Samsung wireless phone from Srint PCS and the voice recognition seems to work at least some of the time when I'm in a crowded room. If there's too much background noise, it won't work no matter what. But in an average restaurant it seems to work fine, it's when you go to a bar with noisy music and people talking loudly that it tends not to work, shouting or no shouting.
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:1)
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:2, Insightful)
Speech recognition, as used here, is used to figure out atomic words, such as names and numbers. At least I myself often get these wrong (when spoken to me) and need to ask again if I heard correctly.
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:1)
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:1)
Hmm. I'd avoid a spelling recognition phone if it comes out then.
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:1)
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:1)
Troll calls are too expensive.
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:1)
Re:But does the speech recognition actually work? (Score:1)
X10 + Voice Recognition is already available (Score:1)
Re:X10 + Voice Recognition is already available (Score:1)
This hardware can be used to pipe sound from the ArialPhone into the Windows box to interface with the MisterHouse Voice Interface.
ArialPhone has recently release a software package that will let the ArialPhone act as a wireless headset mic to pump sound to and from the computer. Any Voice software can be used with the ArialPhone hardware.
- Noah
Another way.. (Score:2, Informative)
I have one of those bluetooth phones (ericsson T-38) (around 100-150 dollars). And it works great!
Unintended consequences (Score:4, Funny)
Bob: "So, you really like that tiny phone?"
Ted: "It's fantastic. It's so light I barely notice I'm wearing it. I bought it right after that horrible stuff in New York."
Bob: "You mean the nine-eleven attacks?"
Ted: "Yeah, although I hear you're supposed to call them 'nine-one-one.'"
Alice (911 Operator): "Hello. Please tell me what the nature of the emergency is."
Bob: "Hey, aren't you wearing your phone now?"
Ted: "uh-oh..."
Alice: "Sir, abusing the Emergency Response line is *not* funny..."
(And I won't even get into what happens if you badmouth an ex by name while wearing one... although 911 might come in handy)
Re:Unintended consequences (Score:1)
But I think they thought of that - you have to push the button while saying the command (at least that's the impression I got)
Re:Unintended consequences (Score:1)
Saw it on TV (Score:2, Interesting)
I'd prefer something that used a small in-ear speaker/mic combination (something like my pair of Sony EX70LPs, although those don't have mics) and a small pager-sized beltpack.
Besides looking like a spy, I think it would be less intrusive and not look like you had become a borg drone.
Startrek (Score:1)
Re-design [starland.com] it and you'll have everyone at slashdot buying it!
Not made for the following. (Score:5, Funny)
Karma Scores? (Score:1)
Here's what I said:
To be perfectly honest mine didn't do anything strange after this. Maybe you should your defective one back to the manufacturer and try to get a new one."not about linux" (Score:2, Informative)
"There are many components to the Slashdot Omelette. Stories about Linux. Tech stories. Science. Legos. Book Reviews. Yes, even Jon Katz. By mixing and matching these things each and every day, we bring you what I call Slashdot."
Just a random thought...
hate to be a spoilsport... (Score:1)
in fact, aside from the voice recognition - which some mobile phones have - how is this all that different from
bluetooth headsets for mobile phones?
they're not any larger and they work with you mobile phone
Voice Recognition? (Score:2, Interesting)
I have a mid-range priced phone by Verizon that supports voice recognition. The thing is ok, but it isn't very accurate... especially with multiple words.
For example, when I tried to call "Rob cell"... I got back:
Automated voice: "Did you say 'Rob Work'?"
Automated voice: "Did you say 'Rob home'?"
Automated voice: "Did you say 'Robert apartment'?"
Automated voice: "Did you say 'Robert cell'?"
Automated voice: "Calling: 'Robert cell'"
Re:Voice Recognition? (Score:1)
If this thing relies almost solely (if not completely) on voice recognition, how accurate are the results?
I think with the current technology you will have to put some thought into your cell phone naming conventions. For starters you may not want to use the first names. I use the initials in mine and it seems to work fine.
great... (Score:1)
now I'm going to need my Super-large(tm) microscope to press the buttons or tweak the insides...
Wake me up (Score:1)
Questions for the reviewer: (Score:2, Interesting)
What is the sound quality like?
How does the headset respond to sources of interference like running microwave ovens?
How long does a charged battery last compared to the manufacturer's claim?
Re:Questions for the reviewer: (Score:1)
- Noah
ArialPhone Range (Re:Questions for the reviewer:) (Score:1)
350 feet was more reliable. I got a few gaps in sound here and there, but it was ok.
250-300 feet was just fine. I would get sound gaps if I was walking towards or away from my house, (doppler effect...).
I would say the effective range is 250-300 feet, (I live in a semi-rural area, so your results may vary...)
- Noah
Thanks much Noah! (no text) (Score:1)
Microphones are so 20th century (Score:1)
Personally, I can't wait until I can get CD-quality stereo out of two little earpieces like that. I guess the bandwidth is a bit low now, but surely Bluetooth 2.0 could do it.
I can't wait! (Score:1)
Huh? Oh, I can't wait to get one to hook to my Linux box!
I guess I can wait.
Voice features (Score:2)
Dialing by saying numbers is something I wish my cell phone had. It should be very simple to implement, and very useful.
I think it's good that they're making them smaller (Score:1)
and the news is? (Score:2)
Hey we have them here!! (Score:1)
"Secretary! Get Bob from Company A on the line now and put him through to me"
A couple questions (Score:3, Insightful)
2. I thought the whole point of pressing a mute button was to be discrete about it. Not yell "MUTE!" into the ear of the person you -don't- want to hear you.
3. "So, I was standing there, then there's this great flash of light, and in the muted silence that followed...."
How does it know that I didn't just want to a) switch lines and b) shut off my mouthpiece?
Re:A couple questions (Score:2, Informative)
1. You press the button and say "dial one"
2. You press the button, muting the phone so you are able to do your voice command (like mute, volume,..)
3. You -need- to press the button to enter a command
You can wear it all the time? (Score:1)
Did anyone notice... (Score:1, Insightful)
Try Bluetooth and a mobile phone (Score:3, Informative)
And of course I can do GPRS, which is very useful for small web pages and email, even though I've clocked it recently at just 10 Kbps when doing a timed HTTP download...
Good and bad points (Score:1)
900 MHz and GSM (and other fun solutions) (Score:1)
Hmm.. i think the phone won't be too popular here in Europe; at least not while the system is on the same frequency as GSM. On the other hand, it's not on the "free" overpopulated 2.4 GHz (microwave, WLAN) area.
What i'd like to see is this phone working with a Bluetooth or DECT link instead. DECT would be better for range, but Bluetooth would be, well, niftier ;)
Major privacy concern (Score:2)
Cybergenie (Score:1)
These things can be picked up for less than this product is selling also at around 100 dollars used.
Amazon Cyber Genie [amazon.com]
Title is deceptive (Score:2)
Somewhat interesting product. Fairly weak review.
When this is applied to cell phones (yes, "wireless") it will really be interesting. I foresaw this as an inevitable result of voice recognition and cell technology miniaturization a couple years ago and have been waiting for it ever since. Guess I'll have to wait a while longer.
All things to all people... (Score:1)
To start out with, I'd like to set the record straight. I don't work for ArialPhone, and I haven't and will not receive one red cent from anyone for my opinions.
I've been using this product for about a month and a half, and I like it. It suits my needs in my home-office environment.
I think a few of the readers are missing some key points.
First off, the ArialPhone isn't all things to all people. Every situation has a different need, and a different set of solutions. This one seems to fit my needs and my situation.
It isn't a cell phone. It's a cordless phone. How often do you take a cordless phone to a noisy environment like Grand Central Station? Some cell phones do have voice dialing, but how many rely almost completely on voice commands for operating the phone?
It isn't Bluetooth. I'm a big fan of Bluetooth, and am eagerly awaiting it's acceptance into the mainstream. However, I don't think Bluetooth would make a very good cordless phone; I think it would have the range of a $15 pair of walkie-talkies. Bluetooth is meant to be the RF link in a Personal Area Network in the 2.4ghz spectrum, amongst other devices fighting for bandwidth, (802.11b, HomeRF, Microwave Lighting, etc). 900mhz digital cordless phones have proven themselves as being able to "play nice with each other" for quite some time.
Voice Recognition isn't perfect, but there are some things you can do to make it useable. First off, the Voice Recognition software that comes with the ArialPhone doesn't have the full Oxford English Dictionary to try to guess what you are trying to say. It has a very simple dictionary, composed only of the phone commands, numbers, and the names of the Contacts from your address book. Voice Recognition does a lot better on a multiple-choice test than a sort essay, (as do the rest of us). If it knows that the first word you are going to say is either "Call", "Dial", "Hang-Up", "Mute", "Hold", "Press", "Flash", or "Cancel", it has a pretty good chance of getting it right. I also have a scaled-down list of contacts in my address book instead of everyone in my Outlook Contacts; fewer choices mean it has a better chance of getting a good match, and during a normal work day you probably only call a handful of people on a regular basis. Sure, it has a hard time hearing you with the kid screaming in your ear, but the person on the other end probably can't hear you very well either; it's time to take a second and find out what's wrong with the kid before continuing w/ your conversaion.
Yes, it does require Windows. It was a business call that ArialPhone made as a Startup Company, and who is to say that down the road they won't decide to release a Linux/Mac verion of the software.
This really isn't a home phone, (unless you can shell out the cash). It's an Office tool. It's designed for helping with the day-to-day communications needed to complete whatever business process you're into. It is useful for not only automating the process, but being able to improve on the form factor, (I don't know how many times I've yanked the earpiece out of my other cordless phone while walking past the chair...). I can wear the earpiece around all day comfortably, and not have to worry about where I left the old bulky cordless.
Lastly, this isn't the end-all-be-all of Telephony. There are already phones that do much the same thing - talk to people seperated by some distance. But, why didn't we stop at the two-tin-cans-and-string? This is just a step in the evolutionary process of communication devices. This will die out in it's time, and another newer, fancier, more technilogically advanced verion will take it's place. I'm just glad to see it moving in an upwards direction.
Just my $0.02.
- Noah Bergevin