IBM Increases HD Density with "Pixie Dust" 126
jeffsenter writes "CNET and the AP have stories on IBM's latest major advance of HD density. "Technically called antiferromagnetically-coupled (AFC) media and informally referred to as "pixie dust" at IBM, the innovation introduces a thin layer of the element ruthenium onto the disks inside hard drives where data is stored."" I knew it. Everyone told me through was no pixie dust in computers - but The Truth shall set you free!
electron dust (Score:2)
Re:Don't expect large numbers of these (Score:1)
That sounds promising, you won't need to a thermite charge sitting above your hard drive when it might decide to melt of its own accord when its gets a little to warm.
Re:36Z15 (Score:1)
Re:Don't expect large numbers of these (Score:2)
Don't expect large numbers of these (Score:4)
Re:Goes with the Magic Blue Smoke (Score:1)
DED (Dark Emitting Diode)
More info on Ruthenium (Score:3)
Found a good page on Ruthenium, for those curious about it's uses, who discovered it, etc. 8-)
And it's only $30/g.Off Topic??? (Score:2)
I guess they won't be open sourcing this (Score:2)
How to get rich (Score:2)
So, something doesn't make sense. If Ru was really that rare, wouldn't someone have played that trick on us already?
Re:electron dust (Score:2)
Re:I wonder how fast they're going to be (Score:3)
It's all fine and well, but... (Score:2)
100 hour portable mp3 players (Score:2)
minutes of music, 2000 photographs, six hours
of video, and so on.
Re:The only sad thing is... (Score:5)
The core code of most games probably doesn't take up much more than a few megabytes (I'm at work, so I can't check
The reason that games need more and more disk space is that people like me demand ever larger, prettier and better sounding games. It has nothing to do with programmers not bothering to space-optimise their code. (Indeed, you often have a choice between optimising for speed or space usage; given that choice, I know which will be done)
Re:Size to speed (Score:2)
Well, as you increase storage density on rotating media, your sequential read speed also increases.
Re:You won't be impressed so soon (Score:2)
Then dropped it about 3 feet.
I've seen normal hard disks go wacko over this.
My point being is that mechanical things wear out. I notice over time that the hard disk in my IBM Thinkpad gets louder. There's definitely wear going on, and after a drive dies, we buy another.
Just because a hard disk manufacturer gets 100$ from you for that 40gig drive doesn't mean they wouldn't like another 100$ in 2-3 years.
Patents? (Score:2)
This is a real advance, they know their competitors can rip their drives apart to find out what they've done and I'm sure they could have found a way to patent it to stop them using that knowledge. But they haven't - they even admit that they expect their competitors to produce drives with this shortly.
Well done, IBM. Patents have their place but you've chosen not to take one out and use it as a weapon - even though it would give you market control. That's good for us all and I thank you.
Re:Patents? (Score:2)
Sounds like a defensive patent to me
Anyway. The thrust of my point stands. They know their competitors are going to copy this new development of their and they don't mind. In fact, they're expecting it and not taking any steps to block it. A new player gaining a foothold in a market I don't mind using patents on this sort of thing, but IBM are in a position where, if they felt like it, they could crush their competitors with this sort of thing. But they're not going to.
That is a shining example and good for us all. I don't care if they're doing it to stop another antitrust trial against them, it's the right way to play ball.
Congratulations IBM.
Re:Patents? (Score:2)
IBM are a company who are well used to the power a monopoly gives. They've had one and created another. They know they could crush a market with this.
But they're being friendly. They'll still get their payback, it'll be some time before the rest of the world figures out how to make drives this way and equips for it. While that's happening, they have a lead.
Crushing markets harms competition and harms the economy as a whole. By forcing up prices (inevitable result of the damaged market) they'd reduce computer sales as a whole which doesn't help them at all. Plus, they saw what happened to them last time they got too big and don't want that again.
Patent rules sort of fall down with large entities like IBM. If Greg's HDs limited (for example
IBM are already well established and could do serious harm by enforcing licensing on this sort of patent. Well done to them for recognising this, accepting the short-term advantage is actually what's best and only taking that.
Re:You are both right (Score:2)
It's the same reason CD's contain uncompressed data. At the point of conception, it was cheaper to use the space than to use the processing horse power.
Re:Solid State Recycling! (Score:1)
Like caching, or different? Sounds like the system you describe is just persistent caching that restores upon login. And if it has to restore, then you're hitting the disk upon login, and all you're doing is trading login time for cache loading time later. Interesting idea, though.
Re:Solid State Recycling! (Score:2)
Sure, if you don't mind losing all your data when the power goes out. Me, personally, that's not my cup of cake, though. Besides, your huge handful of simms adds up to what, 256mb? You could get a 256mb ram chip for $50. The price of the IDE bay with simm slots would cost at least that much, and you'd still end up with a bunch of old ram chips in a drive you couldn't upgrade.
I'm guessing not feasible.
Re:The only sad thing is... SAD?!? As if. (Score:3)
What?!? So, back in the day, did your game have full-motion video clips? Support for 1600x1200 resolution? Speech clips? Support for force-feedback joysticks and mice? Oh, it didn't? Gee, I wonder why the game sizes are so much bigger these days. Hmmm. Must be because of those sloppy game programmers.
So help me, if somebody mods that post up as insightful, I'll...I'll...
Cease and Desist (Score:2)
Dear god... (Score:2)
"Today, many PCs come with hard drives ranging from 10 gigabytes to 20 gigabytes." - the AP article.
20 gig is the smallest size of hard drive you can buy! at least, not used! Just on Saturday, I needed to replace a 2 gig on an old server, and I had to go with a 20 gig as that is the only one with an over 1 year warranty. *sigh* old data is so sad...
Gonzo Granzeau
Re:Cute name... how the heck does it work? (Score:2)
The problem with increasing data density is that neighbouring bits get closer together. There is an interaction between the bits, and the closer they get, the stronger it is.
The antiferromagnetic coupling introduced by the ruthenium (as metalic layer, btw, not as dust), make it more difficult for a bit to be flipped by a neighbour. This allows neigbouring bits to be place closer together, because they can now withstand higher field while maintaining data integrety.
Re:I wonder how fast they're going to be (Score:2)
Just an idea (Score:4)
Re:You won't be impressed so soon (Score:1)
Re:I wonder how fast they're going to be (Score:1)
But, the cool part of this tech is that they are overcoming what was thought to be a limitation in magnetic film technology: the minimum grain size of the media. AFC reduces the grain size lower than was previously thought possible, extending the life of magnetic film hard drives. Before too much longer, we'll be out of headroom and have to develop new storage technologies to get more dense and faster data storage.
Re:Patents? (Score:2)
I disagree. This is exactly what patents are designed to protect. This technology isn't "one-click buying" nor "hyperlink page transition." Significant work was required to develop the technology. IBM hires some of the brightest scientists in the world and pumps billions into blue sky research. Many technologies go nowhere, and the money is shot. Others can be productized and make enough money to allow the research arm to operate at a profit. Let's be honest: IBM isn't NASA. If research stopped driving a profit to IBM's bottom line, they'd shut it down.
they even admit that they expect their competitors to produce drives with this shortly
This is because IBM Research operates as a seperate entity from IBM Storage. I'm sure they will license the technology to all of the platter manufacturers to maximize the profit to the company. Although keeping it proprietary would no doubt help Storage, Research has no charter to help them out. They'll probably make more money licensing it anyway.
IBM is a business. For-profit businesses are supposed to make money. What differentiates some businesses from others is how they play the game. I happen to think IBM is a Good Thing (tm). They make money (for the most part now) responsibly and fairly and give back to the community. They took the risk when they funded the resereach-- they should definitely reap the rewards.
I have this vision (Score:3)
How soon? (Score:3)
Re:The only sad thing is... SAD?!? As if. (Score:2)
Do you need those capabilities for Tetris, Lode Runner, or Arkanoid? :-) There's more to gaming than the flavor-of-the-month FPS.
(FWIW, the game I play most anymore is a Tetris clone called Block Party on my Palm III, and that's only to kill time. I have too much other stuff going on to waste time shooting at computer images; if I want to shoot things, I'll grab my Glock and go to the nearest target range.)
Re:Solid State Recycling! (Score:2)
For instance. How about we take this guys idea, and write an algorithem to check which commands and apps a person runs. Each of them is given a priority, based on how often they are executed. Copy those commands onto the ram disk, and let the user execute them faster from there, without the need for disk i/o. Save the settings in a simple file, and upon log in, the user's frequenty loaded commands are quietly loaded into the ram disk.
I'd be pretty easy to make it work for multi user systems I would think. I guess mounting the ramdisk on like
Okay, so I have 384 megs of ram in this box and I don't need it all, but like hell am I gonna share it!
Re:Solid State Recycling! (Score:2)
Re:Hell, why not swapfiles? (Score:2)
And that's not exactly what I wanna do anyways. Ya close a program, it leaves memory. Open it again, it has to load from the disk. That's slow. So, why not, load it the first time from the disk, and while I am running the program, it copies in the background to this "buffer" level between the disk and ram. So, when I close the app, it leaves memory, but opening it again later results in it being loaded from this weird ram disk array of simms.
I dunno, with today's computers, it might be almost unoticable. Closest I have done to this way using a small ramdisk in a similer way (that required a lot of micromanagement, but it did make stuff faster). Most of my interest in this idea is due to a love of putting old hardware to use, and just to see if it can be done.
Zero Tolerance (Score:1)
Uh-oh, this could get into big trouble. Pixie Dust is a schedule II controlled substance - why do you think it makes you fly? Tink is doing hard time for posession, and the Supreme Court just said "no" to medical use of Mary Jane. You think they're going to allow 'dust in hard drives? No way that's going to fly.
So to speak.
Thanks! (Score:1)
Okay, that makes more sense. I appreciate it.
Cute name... how the heck does it work? (Score:5)
The only clue as to what this stuff does is this tidbit in the AP article:
So, I take it that antiferromagnetically-coupled dust mites increase the blargle factor of a magnetic region? (For some suitable meaning/value of blargle.)
Ok, so.... (Score:2)
I'm not too surprised that they found a new way to increase data density. IBM has a great research department and they sell a lot of hard drives. I am curious to see if my computer can handle a 300 gig hard drive. And it will be cool to see their microdrive benifit from this also.
All I really want to know is WHEN? When do they expect these new drives to hit the market? How much testing do they have to do until they tool up for mass production?
Re:IBM strikes again (Score:2)
Hell, why not swapfiles? (Score:1)
The volatility of the ram wouldn't be a problem; a swapfile isn't really very useful after the system has shutdown. And, you wouldn't have to worry about having incriminating stuff or passwords left in the swapspace for some nosy Hacker, bent on destruction (as we well know they all are), to go peeking through
The only real possible problem is that the datarate could be somewhat slow. But, the benefit of the extremely fast seek time (plus having the swapfile be on a different drive than the actual application/data) i suppose would make up for the slower overall throughput.
Just an idea... (it's probably redundant by now, too... oh well)
Re:Don't expect large numbers of these (Score:1)
Re: Question about that MRAM stuff (Score:2)
I'll also buy that this would be really helpful for situations like a notebook where the computer it's used in is frequently shut down in a controlled fashion. Does it buy you any quicker boot in the case of a power failure? My PC running Linux is a complex system in which the processor (registers and pipeline), the cache controller, the cache, the main memory, and the disk (virtual memory) all have to be in a coherent state. Does the non-volatile nature of MRAM really make it possible to recover that complete state, or do I still need to go through something like a reboot? Commercial power failure is far and away the most common cause of a "shutdown" on my desktop system...
Shouldn't /. BREAK these kind of stories? (Score:3)
Right now, Slashdot in some ways resembles The Drudge Report [drudgereport.com]. Drudge himself is hardly even a hack in the news space. He is, at best, a right-leaning news filtration system, with a taste for lurid sensationalism (hence his willingness to constantly link to stories which many in the right-wing would call immoral, perverse, and/or otherwise not worth calling news...). He is, at worst, a launderer of political gossip for extreme wings of either political party, most especially the right. (Again, his love of the lurid will often lead him to be used as a tool for spreading gossip for the left-wing, normally against political opponents on the right... But such is the lot of a tool and slave of scandal and gossip.)
Point being: Drudge barely participates in traditional journalism (and thank the heavens for that, considering his absolutely cringe-inducing grandstanding). His existence is truly parasitical. He depends solely on real journalists working for other news organizations, magazines, etc. to create his own brand of "news".
Slashdot differs from Drudge Report in many ways obvious to any reader of this message board. The very fact that there is a "community" component to Slashdot, with peer-review of comments, and further reviews of those reviews, is substantially more engaging to the news reader than Drudge's gossip post. Yet the two news sites share a common trait- namely, that they fashion their own "source" of news that is itself simply a filtered bias towards other news, administered dutifully every day by human decision-makers who understand the values / interests / worldviews of the demographic they are serving.
Now, fast-forward to my point about "Pixie Dust", so I can tie this sprawling mess into one universal point and walk to my fridge and grab myself a Bawls or two...
It seems to me that there would be an incentive for companies like IBM to cultivate a direct relationship with top-tier tech-news outlets like Slashdot, so that they could break news of their own breakthroughs even faster than they currently do. (Just as political operatives have incentives to break news on DrudgeReport, for instant penetration of the radars of the community...) It seems a marginal effort would be required to get releases about such breakthroughs DIRECTLY to slashdot, so that we would be able to see it here FIRST, rather than see it first on CNN, then a couple of other sites, and FINALLY breaking on Slashdot (the "news for nerds, stuff that matters" network) after it is already soon to be pulled from front page rotation on CNN, etc. I'd prefer that my specialized news sources, like Slashdot, were breaking stories about their field of specialty (technogeek news, in this case) rather than rehashing the geek ephemera that generalized news powerhouses like CNN are producing.
I want to see Slashdot evolve so that it doesn't continue to subsist in the purely parasitical manner that Drudge does.
I want to see whatever clout you've created as a news brand parlayed into better access to breaking news, right from the source.
I want to see some evidence that the successes you've had are leading to growth not only in awareness about you but in your power and sophistication as a news site.
Most importantly, after saying all this, please consider my last request as carefully as anything else you've seen in this entreaty, should the fates smile on me and moderate me upward into your scrutiny.
As you grow more and more like a news organization, gaining in power and might, for the love of all that is good to us your readers, please oh please don't put another Jon Katz on your payroll.
That is all.
Re:Ok, so.... (Score:1)
Re:Ok, so.... (Score:2)
Re:You won't be impressed so soon (Score:1)
As long as it isn't CPRM enabled (Score:2)
Yes, I am joking. I hope...
Re:Cute name... how the heck does it work? (Score:5)
when will they stop bloody spinning (Score:1)
Re:The only sad thing is... (Score:1)
Power Off? What's That? (Score:2)
*instant-on* computers (Score:1)
maybe hard drives this size will be a first real step towards computers that *snap* on like lights...
just keep that pixie dust away from microsoft's code!!!
Set you free? (Score:2)
Get it right, Hemos - The Truth shall make ye fret!
Re:Network Elves (Score:2)
Re:Ruthenium (Score:1)
From the Merck Index
Re:Don't expect large numbers of these (Score:2)
The small amount used in the IBM drives will have essentially no effect on availability.
Re:You are both right (Score:1)
The game programmer has a finite ammount of time to spend on a project before the deadline hits. He can spend that time optimizing HD space usage _or_ he can spend that time making the enemy AI smarter and the game faster. In the best of worlds he could do both, but in this reality he has to chose. What do you prefer this programmer choses?
Wonderful stuff, that dust! (Score:5)
The monkeys appear to be related to this dust, but the exact nature of the relationship lies just beyond my grasp. Perhaps they have something to do with the genetic experiments conducted by one IBM's former business associates, Germans I believe.
Hopefully these HITS of dust will be available to the mass market soon!
Ruthenium (Score:3)
This message brought to you by the Carpatho-Rusyn Liberation Front. Accept no substitutes.
Re:Solid State Recycling! (Score:1)
Does anybody know about the intelligence of Linux disk caching routines? Are there patches out there that will adapt themselves over time to minimise hard disk usage (like noflushd but cleverer) and thus make my system quieter?
Re:It's all fine and well, but... (Score:1)
Re:Flash Memory Storage? (Score:1)
Re:The only sad thing is... (Score:1)
Thats the idea. Unfortunately, this idea is not backed up by any games i`ve seen in the last few years.
You are both right (Score:2)
You won't be impressed so soon (Score:3)
Today, an entirely solid state computer seems to be still very far in the future. They are even making PCMCIA hard disks for cameras and PDAs, so the trend seems to be moving in the opposite direction.
Re:The only sad thing is... (Score:1)
And I won't even bring up my Apple ][.
Re:Patents? (Score:3)
IBM continues "lawbreaking" streak (Score:1)
Definitely won't sell well in China (Score:1)
Re:Ruthenium (Score:1)
Make sure to keep all potassium chlorate away from these drives!! "The metal is not attacked by hot or cold acids or aqua regia, but when potassium chlorate is added to the solution, it oxidises explosively. "
Re:Shouldn't /. BREAK these kind of stories? (Score:1)
Of course, I'm not saying that slashdot does it well -- but I think it's more useful to complain about how slashdot does what it does, rather than what they do...
Re:IBM strikes again (Score:1)
AND YET AGAIN... (Score:1)
You can buy one (Score:1)
Re:IBM strikes again (Score:1)
Wavy-Gravy (Score:1)
Goes with the Magic Blue Smoke (Score:4)
Solid State Recycling! (Score:2)
Oh...wait...so was I...Well I know I've got a huge handful of old 30 and 72 pin memory simms...No, they aren't as fast as a new DIMM @PC133, but I'll but they're a Helluva lot faster than any old spinning hard-drive...and if I'VE got a couple o handfuls...I can only imagine what some other people have, let alone anyone who has been specifically collecting this stuff....
So what I'm thinking about is like an external drive bay that has NOTHING but SIMM slots in it-and a LOT of em....capable of maybe 20 gigs...okay-maybe 5 gigs...Connect up through a PCI card or even an existing ide cable or something...
Does this sound feasible???
Flash Memory Storage? (Score:2)
Seams to me that Kingston (and probably others) sell flash memory modules up to 512MB. With a little bit of hardware know-how, I think it would be possible to finagle an array of a few of these (let's say, oh, I dunno, 8 should do it) for a grand total of 4.096 GB. Expensive? Yes. At current prices, (mpsuperstore.com says $600 per 256 MB) this is... um... $4800. Yikes!
Anyhow, that's about $1.17 per megabyte. Cnet says I can get a 4.3 gig HD for $91. This is about $.02 per megabyte.
Just from a quick google search, I found out that generically, 512 Mb flash mem supports a r/w speed of 3.0/1.5 Mb/s. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that "seek time" would be something like 200 nanosecs. Our 4.3 gigger, on the other hand, maxes out at around 12/6 Mb/s, but only an "average" seek time of 9.5 milisecs. Comparatively speaking, the flash memory wins the seek time test (almost 50 times as fast) while the hard drive is four times as fast reading and writing. Tortoise and the hare, anyone?
The only other thing I can think of is to some how support an array of standard, EDO or SDRAM memory with a keep-alive voltage with a hard disk only for backup. I mean, I certainly wouldn't want to store any important data on volatile memory, but for Quake and the like, you probably couldn't beat it.
Just another random thought: I wonder how fast a computer would be able to boot up using pure solid state? I don't have one of those palm-thingies yet...
Please feel free to correct my math or my (ahem) facts, this was just a quick search during one of my numerous "email catch-up breaks". Thanks.
Well I never! (Score:2)
Re:The only sad thing is... (Score:2)
It is too that programmers are getting sloppy. Take Playstation save files, for instance: The original Playstation had a 128kB memory card divided into 8kB blocks, and the majority of games used just 1 block (some used 2), for a save file size of 8-16kB. Now we come to the Playstation 2, with an 8MB memory card, and all of a sudden save file sizes have jumped to 100kB or more. You'll never convince me that's not sloppy programming (or over-design, which is the same thing), at least in the cases I've seen.
Though I won't dispute the argument that game engines don't grow to 60GB... (:
Re:Network Elves (Score:4)
They get it from EverQuest? (Score:2)
Re:How to get rich (Score:4)
At this density and with a molecular weight of 101.07 grams/mole then a 3.5 inch disk 3 atoms thick would require 0.0000552 grams of Ruthenium. IBM could make a million disks for $1700 worth of Ruthenium
Three weeks ago... (Score:2)
Geek dating! [bunnyhop.com]
Oops (Score:2)
Geek dating! [bunnyhop.com]
More Deep Background (Score:3)
Re:IMB Always has been doing great things (Score:5)
What is going on at IBM? (Score:5)
"Our new hard drives have pixie dust in them!"
Whats next? IBM OpenAcidTab 1.0?
Network Elves (Score:2)
Solid State and the Pixie Dust Whitepaper (Score:4)
IBM Research's announcement w/ a link to the whitepaper on the new tech:
IBM Think Research article on Solid-State RAM (eventually storage, too?):
Pixie dust? (Score:2)
I wonder how fast they're going to be (Score:2)
Leading the pack once again (Score:2)
IBM is great. Lately they seem to always be on the forefront of Hard Drive Technology. Although I do have to agree with an earlier posting about Solid State Hard Drives. Heck, if I had the money I would definately invest in about a dozen of those 3Gig Solid State drives. Of course at something like $5,000 a pop I do not believe that I will be running those in my PC anytime soon.
This is a Bad Thing (Score:3)
Size to speed (Score:3)