Dell Notebooks Catch On Fire! 188
Mr_Person writes "Dell Computer will recall about 284,000 notebook batteries due to a flaw in batteries incorporated in Inspiron 5000 and 5000(e) notebooks. The flaw causes the batteries to produce excessive amounts of heat, in fact,
at least one notebook has even gotten to the point of
catching on fire!" I thought the worst part of Dell Laptops was the fact that they broke all the time, and that they billed me for months after I shipped them the laptop back claiming they never got it. Maybe you could use Dell Laptops as an alternate heat source, what with rising gas prices *rimshot*
Anectodal and Flaimbait Topic (Score:1)
Also this week in the Slashdot Enquirer (Score:1)
Aliens land in Wyoming, Ship Uses Linux
Larry Ellison is the Anti-Christ, Bible Scholars Say
CmdrTaco Uses Windows at Home- say sources
Re:lol (Score:1)
As I recall, Mr. Dell made a comment about Apple's flaming powerbooks a few years back. Maybe instead of jabbing them he should have asked Apple how not to create a flaming notebook.
I can hardly wait for all of the payback.
Re:Please... (Score:1)
Re:Yet another example of Apple leadership (Score:1)
What would be the point? Linux is a time sharing system. Most laptops have one, or at most two serial ports. Where would you hook up the banks of dumb terminals?
Re:Please... (Score:5)
If Dell eus this recall like they did the previous battery recall, it will work like this:
It worked out pretty well then.
Re:Oh, shut up already... (Score:2)
Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
Re:Please... (Score:2)
There's another side to this. Laptop batteries degrade slowly over time. I certainly noticed this. When I first got my laptop I could play a full DVD and half of another one before the battery would start getting low. Now I'm only barely finishing the first one before it's time to swap batteries. Too bad the battery charger puts so much noise on the audio lines (there is a definate warbling hum on the speakers when I plug the laptop into the TV) and I have to run it off of battery power to watch DVDs.
Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
Re:FIRE! (Score:2)
Re:Know your facts... (Score:1)
Self imolation using laptops (Score:1)
Maybe with the later versions of laptops, they'll bundle a package of marshmallows rather than Microsoft Works. You might get more done in the long run anyway with the marshmallows. :)
Inspiron Owner Tips (Score:5)
(I own a 5000)
Tip #1 Never place your laptop on a bed, on cushy upholstery, soft carpet, comforter, etc. for long periods of time or operation
If you want to fry your laptop, your couch, or your own leg (i.e. under a comforter), that's the fastest way. From what I can gather, the laptop is designed to radiate heat downward. When you place it on an insulator like a carpet, a bed, or a comforter, it gets hot REALLY fast.
Yes, it is a laptop. But I wouldn't recommend curling up with it on a cold night with your favorite quilt--unless your heat is out.
Tip #2 Fan == "Danger Will Robinson!"
Shortly after owning my laptop, I noticed that the little fan in the back would come on and turn off. One day, the area under the Enter key was super hot--I could feel it through my keyboard. I ejected my modem and ethernet cards and I couldn't hold them they were so hot! I grew worried (I really love this laptop) and so I called support thinking my fan was busted. The info I go was shocking.
The standard operating temperature for the processor is 150F. The fan kicks on only if the processor is starting to operate out of the spec'd range of "standard". If your processor starts getting up around 180F, the fan kicks on to cool it off.
Those numbers are based on memory, but they feel right (i.e. by how hot my cards get ).
Now, I don't care how many assurance that Dell tech gave me--180F is not a Good Thing[tm]. When I hear my fan kick on, I usually give my laptop a quick look-over to make sure I can't do anything to help it cool down. Proping the back end up on a book *might* help.
Needless to say, if your fan is on for a long time, you might want to check on your laptop. OTOH, maybe your just cracking distribited.net blocks ;-)
(disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for anything stupid or reasonable you do with your own laptop; take or ignore this advice at your own risk)
All that being said, I really dig my 5000. I loaded it up with a crap load of memory and a big HDD--it is a great development tool on the Commuter rail. I just always make sure to score a table in the middle of the double-decker cars. My right leg is getting scorched (kidding).
Re:Oh, shut up already... (Score:1)
Yeah, they're good, but not perfect. They just recalled a RAID controller because it could randomly corrupt data. You know how much fun it is to call up a client and let them know the system will be down while we fix something that may have been randomly scrambling their data over the past few months?
Re:Where were you in 1995... (Score:1)
That sounds suspiciously like a problem I've run into in NT4.0 (on non-Dell machines), rather than a problem with any particular Dell.
Re:Are there others? (Score:1)
One long last dream finally becomes reality. (Score:2)
For nearly 20 years people often dreamed, after long hours of hard work, about eating some snack right on the workplace. This dream was frequently remarked by the claiming that the "comp is so hot that one can fry some bacon with eggs". However the real temperatures where still well below the desired values. It was hard even to boil water and only a few brave overclockers could manage to achieve this. So one had always to rise his a.. to get some hot food.
Today that dream is reality...
Re:No offense, but /. mods are hypocrites (Score:1)
I've only had moderator points once, and it was quite some time ago, but it seems to me that people will go through the entire list of comments before clicking the "Moderate" button. This means that they don't see that many of the good posts have already been moderated up while they were reading the list.
This has the benefit of seeing which posts were well-liked by many, but it does lead to other good posts being lost in the cracks while a few get high points.
What might prove interesting (at least, for a trial period) would be a secondary confirmation page that pops up when the moderator clicks the "Moderate" button and shows him what the results of his moderation will be on the posts that he's chosen to moderate. If it takes information from the Slashdot server, and not the previous page, the moderator can then see whether someone has already moderated them and can decide accordingly.
I dunno. Just a thought :)
Re:That's hot! (Score:1)
Re:Where were you in 1995... (Score:2)
Dell is hardly just a "me too" cloner. The fact of the matter is that they dominate the OEM computer market. It is not accident. They have excellent manufacturing systems, very low inventory (a huge issue in the industry), testing technology, high reliability, etc. In short, they're an economic powerhouse that is worthy of considerable respect. Sure, they have had a few slipups, but so have other manufacturers. They, unlike others, have quickly and fairly resolved the problems, so what's the beef?
Furthermore, not all of their systems require zero innovation, their laptops and servers are all significantly customized and require a fair amout of engineering efforts.
Not how it works. (Score:2)
They send me a new one.
I send back my potentially pyrotechnic one.
When they get my old one, they send me *another* one.
So, I get two batteries out of this recall.
I'm happy.
Re:highly unfair representation (Score:1)
since 2 months owning an dell inspiron 4000, no problems at all, battery lasts ~ 5 hours (at least that's what the linux kernel apm says), and lasts at least 2 hours under heavy load (watching DVD video). performance is good enough for UT or CS @ 800x600 under windows, or Q3A @ 640x480 under linux, the linux DRI for ATI chips is not very good yet... Also I know several people owning all kind of dell machines and never had any problems...
What I think is: the people who don't have problems with any given kind of hardware/software/VCR/whatever are never known, but the people wh got the (few?) bad ones complain everywhere...
Re:lol (Score:5)
After the week-long recall, Apple replaced the LiIon battery with a NiMH one and cut the price by $100.
The PowerBook 5300 might be one of the worst computers Apple ever released. Everything that could go wrong with a design did go wrong. The original System software was so buggy, Apple posted an entire updated disk set for the 5300 up on its web site. The hinges broke, the power adapters would snap off, the casing around the screen would separate, the PC cards wouldn't eject properly...it was a mess. To top it off, performance sucked. No L2 cache meant that the CPU was constantly starved. Add in a 33MHz system bus, and you've got one heck of a problem computer.
Before my 5300 developed problems, I had been a huge proponent of them, but after my 5300 broke many, many times (something like 8 times in 18 months), I was disgusted and called Apple, demanding that they do something about it. They did. I was sent, for free, a PowerBook 1400 in exchange for that defective 5300. Apple won me as a permanent fan that day.
The 1400 is still working today. I've upgraded the CPU and hard drive, added Ethernet and Wireless cards, and it keeps on humming along well enough to prevent me from buying a new laptop to replace it (I did buy a new iMac, but portability is nice). That new iBook is looking awfully tempting, though.
Dell Laptop Road-surfs.... film at 11 (Score:2)
My Lattitude Cpx 500 caught fire also... (Score:1)
Dell's response? They sent a tech to us and replaced everything but the shell, not even a new laptop
Re:One Notebook on fire does not deserve this head (Score:2)
The hypocracy is so glaring, i'm putting on my sunglasses.
Dell should take as much shit as Apple had to take... for once in their lives.
I like my Dell (Score:2)
When the laptop arrived, I immediately stopped using my desktop machine. I also stopped using my machine at work. I now do absolutely everything on this laptop because it is simply amazing and wonderful and good in every possible way. It does get fairly warm after extended use, but it's not what I'd call hot.
So far, I'm extremely pleased with this machine. It's never failed me once.
CmdrTaco: a rimshot is not what you're looking for (Score:2)
Re:DEC had a famous problem with these (Score:1)
Not my experience. (Score:1)
The cool thing is that I told them where I would be when the laptop came in, at my parents' house, visiting. They shipped it to that address without any problems. I was working as a consultant at the time and the morning that the tech was supposed to come out and fix it, I had just changed workplaces. I gave him the new address, and he was there a couple of hours later.
Definately the best service I've ever had. I build my own machines, but I buy/recommend Dell whenever a friend needs one, and when I need to buy them for businesses.
Amen (Score:2)
As a result, I now order Dell exclusively when I need new machines. I recently placed on order for a Dimension 4100 on a late Saturday afternoon, and it arrived on my doorstep the following Friday morning. Four business days for processing, building, testing, and shipping a new desktop. Pretty damned impressive, if you ask me.
Sure, there are plenty of companies in this business that deserve to be harassed and poked fun at, but Dell is not one of them.
Re:Are there others? (Score:1)
Yes, Dell is not the only manufacturer suffering the wrath of this little problem. I saw the "Battery Recall Information" link on many other sites while I was laptop shopping over the past two weeks.
I can't recall offhand the other companies, but it seems like Compaq and/or HP also were recalling batteries.
Re:Where were you in 1995... (Score:1)
Actually, Dell doesn't just assemble parts, I was offered a design engineering job for the 4-processor and above systems. I didn't take the job, but I did find out that they actually do a lot of design work, some with the OEMs, some with custom parts.
Oh, and I don't think this is the first time they've had laptops that catch fire. At their interview, I heard a vague reference to them cutting their first line of laptops because they had a tendancy to catch fire.
As a side note, their corporate culture was VERY "we wanna be #1 at EVERYTHING." I've seen employees that love their work, but some of them were just a little to psychotic about beating Compaq and their other competitors. Kinda freaky.
Dell Latitude (Score:2)
Now not to diminish Dell's fault or anything like that in this matter, but Apple had a similar issue a long while back. I believe the faulty batteries were in the PowerBook 5300 line that was introduced over 5.5 years ago. The problem was found quickly and the faulty type of batteries were replaced with another type. They didn't cause a fire but they could get hot enough under the right conditions to melt the battery casing or the case of the laptop. I've got a Sparc laptop at home (we call it the Sparcable) that weighs like 30lbs. Basically it's an IPC in a slightly smaller case with a battery and a screen attached. You cannot stand to have that thing on your laptop. Your legs will be nice and tanned after five minutes with that puppy.
Re:Oh, shut up already... (Score:2)
People rag on MSNBC for their Microsoft coverage, but every single MSNBC article I've read on Microsoft properly discloses their part-ownership by MS --this despite that the name of the site is a compound of "Microsoft".
Oh, shut up already... (Score:5)
But interestingly enough, I am typing this on a broken Dell laptop --ironic isn't it? This machine is completely hosed, it will BSOD if you move it an inch (external keyboards rule).
Anyway, it's my first truly broken Dell machine --ever. A corporate machine, purchased in Minneapolis for our company office in Atlanta. I am sitting right now in an apartment in Thessaloniki, Greece, 7,000 miles away from this machine's "home". I hang up the phone with US Dell Support an hour ago (collect). Dell has promised me that they will have a technician *on site* with a new motherboard *tomorrow morning*.
I will be sure to post Dell's performance here tomorrow. In the mean time, CmdrT., you may want to go tell VA that they have a long way to go to compete with these guys...
I have a dell inspiron 5000 and it rocks (Score:2)
about Dell laptops. I have had this laptop
for over a year now. It has performed flawlessly.
I had to have the keyboard and mouse buttons
replaced a while ago, because I plain wore them out.
They came out 48 hours after my initial call and replaced them in 5
minutes.. no questions asked. Yes the notebook does get a bit warm but
I dont think it would ever catch fire. After a year+ the battery still lasts 3 1/2
hours which is pretty good considering it originally lasted 4 hours. I am very
pleased how dell is handeling this recall. The fact that I am going to
get two batteries for the one I return is amazing. I will definatly buy all
my future laptops from dell and recommend them to all my friends.
Yahoo as a news source. (Score:3)
Sentences like "Dell agreed to replace the memory was replaced free of charge." do not help the crediblity of Yahoo and Cnet.
I am not a grammar nazi. It's quite likely that this post contains grammatical errors. I, however, am not claiming to be a news source. Your mileage may vary. Removing this screw may void your warranty. MSRP based on standard package. Power windows, air, and seats extra. #include
Heat (Score:1)
Re:Break? (Score:1)
Same here Inspiron 3800 (Score:1)
They replaced the battery and all has been well since (had to have to keyboard replaced after 9 months).
Two weeks later I saw the notice on their website regarding a battery recall. When I checked the other notebook's battery, it was completely dead. The user never noticed as he kept it in the docking station 24x7.
My beef with Dell (Score:1)
What I don't like is their policy of using refurbished parts for replacements. My hard drive crashed a few years back on a Dell PC under full warranty. They quickly shipped me a 'new' drive. The refurbished sticker on it gave it away however. When I called to complain they said it was now their policy to use returned parts. I wasn't too happy having a 'fixed like new' drive as my storage medium. It took a strongly worded letter to our regional Dell office to get a factory new drive.
As a side note, my co-workers secretly opened the box and replaced the drive with an even more decrepid one, wrapped in plastic wrap.
I was incredulus! They got me good...
ouch (Score:1)
Dell's legendary warranty service (Score:1)
Re:highly unfair representation (Score:1)
highly unfair representation (Score:1)
Re:Break? (Score:1)
You know I don't think I did anything special - I may have turned off ACPI in the Bios - and I'm running a 2.2.'something early' kernel. There is an obvious Bios bug in save-to-disk which means that it doesn't restore the video context correctly - you can get around this by flipping to a virual terminal (ctrl-alt-f3 etc) and back to force X to do it - also it WILL lock up if you dock/undock it without suspending first.
I write the KDE laptop support - my APM usage is really pretty simple - KDE polls /proc/apm for current battery state and exec's /usr/bin/apm to cause suspend/standby transitions. I almost never power off/reboot my laptop - it lives in the dock and I carry it around suspended (lasts a couple of days at least) so I get virtually instant-on - I only ever use save-to-disk when I get on/off an airplane.
Oh, and I do know what a taniwha is: only a kiwi would right?
Yup - that would be right ....
Break? (Score:3)
Re:That's hot! (Score:1)
"Everything you know is wrong. (And stupid.)"
Re:huck huck (Score:2)
I looked over dozens of laptops before I bought mine, and the Dell won out in EVERY catagory, without even a close second contender.
Not even CLOSE.
It was a bit more expensive, but IMHO it was worth the money.
In the end, I only have three complains about my Insperon 5000e.
The first of which is that it's very loud... the fan and the hard drive clicking... I can't stand it. It's louder than my deskdop. But it's a minor complaint.
The scond complaint is that the built in speakers aren't that good. They're not as bad as some that I've heard, but they could be much better.
The last complaint is that I have to keep a fire extinguisher next to my laptop.
"Everything you know is wrong. (And stupid.)"
Re:One Notebook on fire does not deserve this head (Score:2)
Re:Oh, shut up already... (Score:2)
Obligitory Slashdot Joke... (Score:3)
I thought Apple had this award (Score:2)
Well, it was a first for Apple [go2mac.com]... sadly of course.
huck huck (Score:3)
I'm still trying to decide why everyone hates Dell laptops.
Bump to #2 (Score:2)
1. Jamie Presley
2. Dell Laptop - new with built in survivor kit!
3. Fresh water
OT: No offense, but /. mods are hypocrites (Score:2)
The Good Reverend
I'm different, just like everybody else. [michris.com]
That's hot! (Score:3)
The Good Reverend
I'm different, just like everybody else. [michris.com]
Mine laptop gets hot, too... (Score:3)
Re:Oh, shut up already... (Score:2)
The only gripe I do have is that the price has dropped about $500 since then *grumble*.
So yeah, keep your VA fud to yourself.
What about the Inspiron 5000's "clones"? (Score:2)
Broken Dells (Score:2)
Yeah, I'm on my 3rd keyboard and LCD screen on my 1 year old Inspirion 3700. The current LCD (#3) is broken and only works intermittently, but I just hooked up an old monitor I had lying around and am using that when the LCD is illegible. The keyboard seems to have stayed fixed this time though so hooray for that.
So, in short, don't but Dell laptops. It the like the computer version of Russian Roulette.
HCF (Score:3)
Looks like I'll be buying the Dell Inspiron 5000.. (Score:4)
haha! ok that didn't make any sence...
Not the first battery recall for Dell! (Score:3)
Re:One Notebook on fire does not deserve this head (Score:2)
That said, Dell did offer a warranty and does seem to be making good on it.
Yet another example of Apple leadership (Score:5)
Apple had flaming Mac PowerBooks years ago. PC vendors are just now getting around to copying.
Re:Oh, shut up already... (Score:2)
I've worked tech support for a fairly large company. For three years we'd have dell in a couple times a month to fix laptops. Dell is very happy to come, to wherever you are, tommorow morning and replace a piece of hardware. If that piece of hardware doesn't fix the problem, they'll come out with Another piece of hardware (let's try the CPU now...), and if the problem persists, they'll be at your door the next day replacing something else (memory this time?), and if you still have a problem (my laptop freezes up) they'll come out and try again (maybe the second motherboard was faulty).
In the end, if they do fix the problem, you're set. If it isn't hardware problem though, they waste so much time of your time trying to replace the hardware. The repair guys usually won't even look at the software to fix the problem.
Of course, support.dell.com is an awsome support site. And dell shows up at your door ASAP with parts. And if you break the tab off your lid, they'll come out and replace it. And if you phone them and tell them the display is too dim, they'll come replace that too (do that before your warrenty expires.. they tend to fade with time) Dirty keyboard? Call dell for a new one.. keyboard sticks. Trackball/Pad sucks? They'll come fix that too.
But, if you have a computer that "locks up randomly" you're pretty much scrwed. m$ won't support you because it is OEM and Dell will just keep replacing harware.
Maybe running linux on dell is better than windows, unfortunatly the company i worked at wasn't ready for that...
Re:HCF (Score:2)
Innovation? (Score:2)
Re:Please... (Score:2)
I'm not the biggest fan of Dell as a whole, but they do make decent laptops and they have kick-ass customer service, at least in my experience.
A gift for someone you hate. (Score:2)
They leave it plugged in long enough and burn down their house or office. It's not your fault -- you were only being nice and giving them a free computer
iSchadenfreude or, Michael Dell: no karma whore he (Score:2)
Re:Looks like a job for.....Tech support! (Score:2)
lol (Score:5)
Apple wasn't happy :-P
One Notebook on fire does not deserve this headlin (Score:5)
Furthermore it is not completly Dells Fault. These batteries were completely manufactured by another company. Come-on slashdot. Are we trying to do News For nerds or is this site going the way of other journalistic sites where they put up whatever will sell more papers/get more page views.
Re:Geez...How old is this article? (Score:3)
Re:FIRE! (Score:2)
Once again, an Apple innovation [lowendmac.com] is stolen by a PC company six years later.
Inspiron 4000 is rather hot (Score:2)
When I'm just doing it to do basic compilations, however, the laptop stays as cool as a frozen cucumber.
It's a feature, not a flaw. (Score:3)
3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!
Re:One Notebook on fire does not deserve this head (Score:2)
You don't think one notebook PC BURSTING INTO FLAMES is any cause for alarm? It's completely Dell's fault, as they were the ones who designed a system that can CATCH FIRE when used under normal circumstances, because they failed to do adequate research into the specs on the batteries. A massive recall of the faulty batteries is the LEAST that should be expected of them.
Furthermore, you shouldn't complain about bad journalism until you learn proper spelling and punctuation.
Exploding PowerBooks (Score:2)
Re:lol (5300) (Score:3)
Re:FIRE! (Score:2)
Are there others? (Score:2)
Where were you in 1995... (Score:2)
Personally, I think Dell and its big-mouthed, "I think Apple should close down and return the shareholders' money" CEO are long overdue for a taste of overblown, bad publicity. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Ah, yes, Dell, so very proud of wresting the education sales crown from Apple, I just can't wait until the first schoolkid gets burned by one of their laptops and the hordes of lawyers descend.
Also gotta love that they are continuing their stringent QC from a year or two ago when they shipped CD-ROM modules for their Latitudes that did not fit any Dell laptop that was in production at the time. That was a real fun time for me where I worked. What I don't understand is, when Dell is just a me-too cloner bolting parts together and not innovating a thing, how can they not even be able to do that right and still stay in business?
Flamebait? (Score:2)
Re:lol (Score:2)
points in Apple's defence:
1. It was generally an overheating problem
(Mine used to get *incredibly* hot sometimes)
2. Precisely 1 (one) machine caught fire, and,
3. It was in Apple's posession at the time.
Now back to the lousy 'really
Re:No offense, but /. mods are hypocrites (Score:2)
The bulk of the moderators use their moderation points to reinforce their views rather than reward good commentary. It's been that way for quite a while which is what allowed karma whores to operate. If you can figure out what to post to increase your chances of upwards moderation you'll get moderated up.
I browse at -1, I no longer moderate though. I got tired of being hammered in metamoderation for doing what the moderation FAQ asked for: Reward good commentary, not views you sympathize with. Since I don't post often moderation put me in danger of ending up with negative karma.
Re:Please... (Score:3)
"Customers will receive one replacement battery for each battery identified as subject to recall. Upon return of a recalled battery, customers will receive an additional battery at no cost."
Thats TWO brand spankin new batteries, one upon registering the defective one and one upon receipt of it... I just ordered an Inspiron 8000 two days ago, and service like this make me damn glad I went with Dell.
An Ex insiders view (Score:2)
Re:OT: No offense, but /. mods are hypocrites (Score:2)
I even went so far as to Ask Slashdot:
* 2001-04-29 23:19:38 What's up with the moderating? (askslashdot,slashdot) (rejected)
I guess we'll never know.
Ryan T. Sammartino
Re:No offense, but /. mods are hypocrites (Score:4)
So saying they're hypocrites is a bit silly, as its impossible to generalize. If you want to complain about anything, complain about how the
If you really want to see all the "SPORK!" messages, just change your setting to browse at -1 - you'll see everything that's been posted. Me, I'm glad the idiot comments get modded down and the intelligent ones get modded up (I browse at +3)... it makes
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.
Re:Geez...How old is this article? (Score:2)
Note, links are in text so nobody is Goatse paranoid this far up:
C|Net's version of this story the day BEFORE yahoo ran it:
Oct-2000 Dell Fire Recall:
Oct-2000 Compaq fire recall
FIRE! (Score:4)
Know your facts... (Score:4)
Even so, not *everything* works correctly all the time. If this was the case, we wouldn't have this thing called innovation.
w00t w00t raise da r00f!
Please... (Score:2)
That's like sending your gas tank back to your car manufacturer and waiting while they UPS you a new one =) well, kinda.
FORD vs. DELL (Score:2)
Re:FIRE! (Score:2)
And while on the subject... What the hell is a "laptop"? Shouldn't that just be a "lap"? Surely there is no "lap bottom" or "lap side"? Please call it a "lap" or "notebook" and let's phase out this redundant shit once and for all.
"Fuck your mama."
Looks like a job for.....Tech support! (Score:5)
It's all a marketing ploy... (Score:4)
"Notebooks & Desktops
Harnessing the power of emerging technology for blazing performance, serious multitasking & high productivity."