Mouse Begone: Use Head Movements And IR Instead 185
Gonzodoggy writes: "Saw this on my local news last night. There's a company in Oregon that is trying to eliminate the mouse as we know it. The company is called Naturalpoint. Basically, you place a reflective dot on your forehead or, for laptop users, a plastic ring on your finger. Then when you move your head or your finger, the mouse goes where you point. The demo on the news showed a gamer making the game look where he looked, allowing him to keep both hands on the keyboard" Looks like a cool idea, but very Windows only for now. So I guess I'll have to rig up a trackball underfoot, and just fool my housemates into thinking I was controlling the cursor with my changing glances.
Digital gyroscopes (Score:1)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:2)
Depends on your monitor (Score:1)
Imagine the fun! (Score:2)
Ooops... (Score:5)
Re:Bad for business (Score:1)
Foot and Trackball disease (Score:1)
rig up a trackball underfoot...
Sounds like an old prank that my older brother played on me...
on our old atari 800xl, he wrote a program that would "identify" us by putting our hand in the cartridge slot. All he really did, though, was set it up so that if he was pushing down one key when he ran the program, it would say it was one person. If he pushed down a different one, it would say someone else.
To me, it was some bewitchment on our atari.
Note to self: Buy more Benadryl (Score:1)
Me: Ahhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhh-CHHHHHOOOOOOOO!
Neighbor: Gesundheit.
Guy down hall: Aw, frell! What happened to the server?!
We're not scare-mongering/This is really happening - Radiohead
Re:it's getting better all the time (Score:1)
You could get these for the old Sage (later Stride) computers. These were 68000 machines running the UCSD system back in the early 1980s
Art? (Score:1)
"Hey, J05H, why are you twitching?"
"I'm trying to smudge this part of the picture."
Just doesn't work, gimme a good Wacom any day!
Re:fun pranks (Score:2)
It'd be cool if... (Score:2)
Downside (Score:2)
This unit'll make it tough to listen to any music with decent beat and use your computer at the same time. ``Sorry boss. How could I have known that listening to Nine Inch Nails would delete all the files in the source directories?''
Gaming with this would suck (Score:2)
That's all fine and well, but many people have problems with motion sickness with FPS's - the generally accepted theory afaik is that if since your perceived vision doesn't correspond to your body movements, you're likely under the influence of a poison and start to feel ill. The only time you think you're moving when you're not tends to be under the influence of a lot poison - drink too much alcohol, room spins, makes you vomit, etc.
Imagine how much it would screw you up to turn your head 10 degrees and do a 360 - I imagine that this wouldn't be that far from normal usage, because you still need to be able to see the screen while you're doing all this head-wagging. Now you don't just have the discrepancy between movement and sight - you actually are moving your head and seeing your FOV change, but in a wildly exaggerated way, in both speed and accelleration.
I don't normally have any game sickness, but I think that would make me puke pretty quick. Oh yeah - also, picture what RSI would be like in a world where people used their heads as pointing devices instead of their hands
Deja Vu (Score:2)
Re:Bad for business (Score:2)
Doesn't everybody?
Bad for business (Score:5)
"No really honey, I wasn't looking at her, it just popped on the screen by a virus."
"uh huh"
They want *you* for Linux development (Score:1)
Very old tech. (Score:2)
I remember a serial device that you could get for your computer that did the same thing. This was back in 85-87 time frame. I know Stride Micro resold them to use with their Stride series boxes. You attached this box to the top of your terminal and it bounced an infrared signal off of a holographic patch you stuck on your head. It looked at the reflectance level. This then was used to control your cursor. I never bought one as I couldn't justify it. I think it was between $150 and $200, but my memory is foggy on stuff that far back.
Old idea.. maybe commercially viable now. (Score:1)
Which reminds me, have these people done a study on repetative stress injury for this head-tracking tech? I would imagine that there a lot of people out there who would suffer greatly from this kind of tech (a friend/fellow sysadmin is a paraplegic, but capable of head motion).
This technology sounds also sounds like a fast way to eyestrain/neck problems. How many of you out there don't wear glasses? I have enough problems staring at VDUs all day without having to tightly control the location that I am pointing my head/eyes.
Late night sessions (Score:1)
Seriously, though, what if you need to attend to something which is independant from the computer? Like if your toast is burning, and you need to whip your head around to see why it smells like your pantry exploded? What if you were lining up a shot with a sniping scope in Counterstrike just then? No good!
This could be cool.. (Score:2)
Re:fun pranks (Score:1)
xmodmap a lab computer from across campus.
Start slowly at first, of course...
How about Eye movement? (Score:1)
fun pranks (Score:3)
One fun prank with mice is to go to the computer lab and switch the cables for two adjacent computers. You sit at one computer with a mouse and wait for someone to sit next to you. Your mouse controls their cursor, and their mouse controls your cursor. You start out by watching what they are doing and trying to mimic their movements (and don't laugh!) Then you start randomly sliding one direction consistently, or moving to a different place on the screen whenever they look away. See how long it takes for them to figure it out!
Another fun time was when we discovered that by default our lab had X permissions for anyone in the lab to connect to any display. It was great fun sending "dialog boxes" to random users that told them weird things to do to "fix" the system. For example, "WARNING! Monitor Overheat. Your monitor is overheating, please turn it off and then back on before continuing." Or make a fake "ICQ" type message that purports to come from a cute girl also in the room - see if you can get the victim to go up to the cute girl and talk to her!
not going to work (Score:2)
Missed opportunity (Score:1)
Had the demo shown some geek looking at PrOn whilst "hands-free", there would have been a serious business opportunity there
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:2)
That's because your usually moving your *eyes*, not your entire head. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to stick thier little reflective dot on my eyeball...
this reminds me of... (Score:2)
"For years radios had been operated by means of pressing buttons and turning dials; then as the technology became more sophisticated the controls were made touch-sensitive -- you merely had to brush the panels with your fingers; now all you had to do was wave your hand in the general direction of the components and hope. It saved a lot of muscular ependiture, of course, but meant you had to sit infuriatingly still is you wanted to keep listening to the same program."
truth is stranger than fiction, right?
Not very prectical (Score:2)
Alright, now replacing the mouse with something that looks wherever you look is certainly cool, but this is not a promising solution. When I am using my computer, most of the time my head is stationary. It is my EYES that do the moving. It's going to get very tiring to precisely position my entire scull every time I want to move the mouse.
A better approch would be to follow my eye-movement in relation to my head and the monitor. This would require some pretty fancy cameras to get the detail level one would need, but it would be really cool, don't you think?
Foot controlled? (Score:1)
we will all have scarlet letters on our foreheads (Score:1)
Maybe Listers H was related to this...
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:1)
It doesn't seem to be available for Win2k, but TweakUI seems to be doing most of the PowerToys functions now.
Small Screen Problems (Score:1)
Repetitive Stress Neck Injuries (Score:1)
No. It's your EYES that move and THAT'S what needs to be tracked. Maybe a pair of reflective contact lenses? That would be too much trouble. Actually, the pupils are naturally reflective (hence red-eye in photographs). Could they key on those? That would seem most logical. The eyes are very good at tracking.
Been done (Score:1)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:1)
I don't need to because I can just move my eyes. Big difference.
This is going to wear out some necks! (Score:1)
windows only? But with Linux plans: (Score:1)
Task: Develop a driver for the Cypress EZ USBFX that works in conjunction with the system USB driver stack.
If you are interested in joining this team or have suggestions please email [mailto]
Obvious solution: Lip and Tongue Mouse (Score:1)
Well, actually, the lips and tongue would seem to offer the most axes of motion in the general area, and judging by many people I know they can be run continuously.
Surely, the indignity of sitting making monkey faces into a computer monitor for hours on end is preferable to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or in this case perhaps a sprained neck from playing Quake, as well as for ease and precise control alone. Though it might not help the public "geek" image much.
Imagine the new dawn that could be coming; the mouth contortions proud young computer users would display on greeting as a demonstration of their lingual dexterity; Tourette Syndrome sufferers no longer discriminated aganst in a world of functional facial tics and involuntary noises; special oral piercings and jewelry designed to give better tracking and S/N ratios all the rage.
Interface these to cellphones for WAP control, and there would be the added bonus of watching drivers or passers-by providing entertainment for others in nearly all modern social situations.
Heh heh heh. (Score:2)
OK, this actually sounds like a cool idea (Score:1)
Natural?? (Score:1)
Re:This could be cool.. (Score:1)
That would make it much more realistic. Same goes for the hiccups, coughing, sneezing, etc. When you are in a dangerous situation, any of these could get you killed.
Ease of Gaming? (Score:1)
What if you quickly want to execute a 180 degree turn? Do you whip your head around and then back again (I can just see a new wave of computer-related injuries)? Or do you have to look at the edge of the screen and wait for the view to turn around?
It wouldn't be much of an improvement over keyboard-only quake. Anyone that figures out how to use a mouse with a FPS quickly jumps ahead of most keyboard users.
This would be good in MechWarrior though. Your targeting crosshair would follow the enemy 'mech you're looking at on the screen.
Old.. for the Atari... (Score:1)
They said hi... (Score:1)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:1)
The underlieing technology doesn't seem the complicate. I think I/R triangulation is what they you. I think a glove setup might work better. To press a button you'd just click touch your finger to your palm and the I/R device would be on the top of your hand.
Ouch! (Score:1)
Just what I need... Thoracic Outlet Syndrome [nih.gov] (carpel tunnel of the neck)!
Re:Ooops... (Score:3)
Doulgas Adams foresaw this (Score:1)
Blatent story duplication (Score:1)
Posted on March 18th
http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/03/18/153820 2&mode=thread [slashdot.org]
Nothing like a bit of internal communication, huh.
Coupled with wraparound perhaps... (Score:1)
Useless crap. (Score:2)
Beyond that, if you are sitting in one place, constantly moving one's head around to view parts of a screen is a bit annoying.
Same thing without the dot (Score:1)
Ron Hay
Turing Machinist
Cybernet Systems Corp
Current project: Edge of Extinction [edgeofextinction.com] -- free massive-multiplayer game. Release in a couple of days.
Re:Already exists (Score:1)
Re:Which leads to the obvious question ... (Score:1)
pr0n (Score:2)
Carpal Tunnel (Score:1)
Sort flamy but, (Score:1)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:1)
Hmm... Seen before... (Score:1)
Didn't we see this before, only instead of IR, it used RF?? Anywho... I'd love to see someone in the middle of CS or Quake bobbing their head around with one of these... Prolly look like someone in anaphalactic(sp?) shock. heh.
Re:Already exists (Score:2)
Re:This could be cool.. (Score:1)
This won't work (Score:2)
Hey, that wand is a Photon Microlight! (Score:1)
Is it just me or does the wand look exactly like a Photon Microlight?
Great little design, I guess it was bound to be copied.
Dot on your forehead? (Score:2)
India has had this 'technology' for centuries. As this photo [yspark.com] proves.
Re:90 degrees? (Score:2)
> but then again, while I'm reading a webpage, my mouse would continually
> be hovering over the text I'm reading.
Interesting point. But would it be true. After all, any object that doesn't move around on the retina vanishes. I'd read about his in a couple of text books, but never experienced it until I was trying to out-stare a dog. We were gazing at each other for several minutes when slowly my vision started to fade to grey. The scene on my retna hadn't changed, so it was compensating for what it thought was an optical artifact.
So if your eye-tracking mouse was so good that it didn't shift or shimmer as you moved your eyes, I think it would vanish after a couple of minutes. Only to reappear in inverse colours the moment you look away from the screen.
Oh...that gives me an idea... (Score:1)
Going on means going far
Going far means returning
Re:Bad for business (Score:1)
Windows get around (Score:1)
I got an old 486 ans used it on that. I then connected to my other machines via VNC and was able to use the touch sensitive bit with Unix & plan9.
Another benefit is you can use any windows compatible VGA card too.
If you use soemthing beefier than a 486 you could run WeirdX (http://www.jcraft.com/weirdx/) which is a Java X Client
Another benefit is playing mp3s in Windows so you don't use those valuable cycles - no more choppy sound!
Ridiculous (Score:1)
This is ridiculous. Input devices need to move towards the more natural: stylus on screen, voice commands, eyeball tracking... not the bizarre.
When do we ever use our heads for anything like this? It's completely unnatural. The mouse is bad enough. My neck gets tired just thinking about this possibility.
Re:Already exists (Score:1)
Reflective dot on forehead? (Score:1)
I want to see how the marketing people deal with this little issue.
Of course... (Score:1)
Re:Of course... (Score:1)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:1)
Yes, you're quite right. I actually live in Corvallis where this technology is being created, and it was quite funny watching late night news at 11pm.... they actually had a story!
Anyway, both the demo and most of the info seem to imply that it's primary use would be games (read: Quake III and other FPS), since it adds a new level of excitement and realism. It's true that just doing day-to-day running of the operating system would be both painful and boring with it, although this isn't to say that nobody gets repitive movement injuries from using a mouse... also another use of the technology would be for those unable to use normal mice due to some sort of physical issue (no/disabled arms, etc.).
Hardware specs are on the site (Score:2)
Admitted, I've not written a driver before for Linux or BSD yet, but I assume it shouldn't be too hard if the specs are public available.
At least this makes it quite a lot easier than to write a driver for nvidea chipsets.
The wheels of progress (Score:2)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:1)
The big bonus is, you'ld have both hands on the keyboard.
Re:Not very prectical (Score:1)
I'm not sure why everyone one sem to waqnt eye traking. I think it would be very strange, and annoying in some cases to have to look exactly where u want ur mouse to go. Quite oftern, I fix my eyes on something, and move my mouse without looking at the curor, maily in grphic applications, when I'm looking at the object moving, and not the mouse cursor at all.
Also, I think alot of people think that using this new pointing device would involve you doing movments that resembled head banging to music or something.
I'm not sure where that comes from, casue with a mouse, you only make suttle movments, depending on ur mouse setting.
Already done at Microsoft research. (Score:2)
I first saw this type of thing in 1984 in Macworld (Score:1)
It is possible that the technology has progressed so that this type of contraption is useful, but tracking head movements are a bad way to input x:y data. Tracking eye movements is a much better idea.
When typing this comment, I moved my head hardly any, but my eyes were all over the place.
Re:This could be cool.. (Score:4)
To make things worse imagine having the hiccups while playing with this thing responding to your forehead.
"Dude. What the hell are you shooting at?"
"Shut up! I've got the fscking hiccups!"
Re:Of course... (Score:2)
Been in use for a while now... (Score:3)
While it has been a boon to those with disabiliies, a gadget like this for the rest of us would probably reduce RSI quite a bit. As much as people complain about keyboards, unergonomic mouse techniques are probably responsible for at least as many injuries.
Amazing! (Score:2)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:2)
That's why this technology is currently only being used by people with disabilities, and the "buttons" are huge.
Been around for a while! (Score:3)
I once saw an interview with somebody using one - they found it easier than a normal mouse for average (business) work, and alright for games like StarCraft. Clicking was done with your foot (too bad it wasn't by tilting your head forward into a blunt object). The only real complaint he had was when playing Quake: he couldn't look around 'cause then he couldn't aim - so he got fragged. And he couldn't aim because he had to look around to see if people were coming from other directions - he got fragged again!
I can't be karma whoring - I've already hit 50!
90 degrees? (Score:2)
The alignment process can't be too comfortable if you have something attached to your head. You can't move around in your chair.
I'd much rather have something that can watch my eyeballs, but then again, while I'm reading a webpage, my mouse would continually be hovering over the text I'm reading.
Re:90 degrees? (Score:2)
I've tested this product before, it scales the motion so that you don't need to move your head very far. By the time you reach the edge of the screen you can turn around two or three times in counter-strike. Every once in a while you need to shift yourself back over, but not very often.
The alignment process can't be too comfortable if you have something attached to your head. You can't move around in your chair.
The dot is very light weight and once you've had it on for a few minutes its easy to forget about it. The alignment process takes a total of five seconds, and so if you shift far in your chair then you just trigger it to realign. That part of the driver was working very well when I last saw it.
I'd much rather have something that can watch my eyeballs, but then again, while I'm reading a webpage, my mouse would continually be hovering over the text I'm reading.
There are precise eye tracking devices available, in fact this company has one that they sell to disabled people. But that kind of device has a price tag around $2000. They designed the dot tracker to be much cheaper: $50-$100 was the price estimate I heard when I was testing for them. (Side note: with a really precise eye tracking system, you don't need a mouse cursor. You know where you are looking, right? That's really cool to work with.) So while the dot tracker isn't the answer for total VR, it's pretty good and reasonably affordable.
The one place I think this device will be really handy is for console systems. The main reason I wouldn't ever want to play Quake/Half-Life/Any other 3D shooter on a PS2 or other system is the lack of a mouse. But I've played counter-strike using this for looking and a gravis game pad for movement and everything else, and that works very well.
Many rapid head movements? (Score:4)
Re:hotkeys (Score:2)
Re:Bad for business (Score:5)
gentleman and a scholar (Score:2)
anonyminity [antioffline.com]
Already exists (Score:3)
Re:Many rapid head movements? (Score:5)
Some good research [stanford.edu] from Stanford.
A practical demonstration [eyegaze.com].
Some people have no choice but to use such devices unfortunately.
Double-clicking is fun (Score:5)
Re:hotkeys (more) (Score:2)