Japanese PDA Hacks and Customizations 59
the80y writes "For some of us hacking everything we own is obligatory. Well for all of us of this nature who own a Palm or Visor check out this Japanese site @ 'Palm de COOL!' it has the most intense customizations i have yet to see. I just wish I was fluent in Japanese not every thing is mirrored in English. Does any one know if there are similar sights in English espeacialy relating to replacement cases (i.e. clear cases) available for the Palm IIIc?" My favorite is the crank to power a palm if your battery dies. Unfortunately I haven't watched enough anime to translate this stuff *grin*. Anyway, you can figure out a lot of this just from the pictures and the english parts.
Crank? (Score:4)
Me: "Damn, batteries out again. Well let's try this crank thingy... *grunt* Wow, this is tough. *grunt* *heave* *whiirrrrrrr* *grunt*"
Housemate: "Martin, what ya doin' in there?"
Me: "Just turnin' the old Palm crank."
Housemate: "Uh, have fun..."
My reputation is bad enough after the hamster incident, thank you very much.
Easier RAID hack instructions (Score:1)
Interesting site, who was the guy in the robe? (Score:2)
"Go ahead!"
"Looks like he's going for a "change the LED's to pink" modification. Oh no! Some solder's dripped down the side and marked up his Bad Batdz-Maru clear case! That'll cost him points!"
But tell me, who was the "Aunty" looking guy in the robe with the eyeliner?
Re:Hand-Cranked Power (Score:1)
1. Beware of vulture capitalists.
2. If you have a good idea, keep your mouth shut.
3. He was working on a clockwork power source for laptops.
Solar Pilots (Score:2)
You probably want to take a look at the Brass Cannon [nic.com] pages for information about a Solar recharging modification.
If you consider using the thin-film cells from Jade mountain [jademountain.com], you can mount them on a standard 3Com/Palm flip lid, by using ring crimp-on connectors, positioned over the ears of the lid and the holes on your Pilot.
Translation (Score:3)
http://www.perljam.net/whatsnew-en.html [perljam.net]
You're welcome.
PS if someone wants to go through and edit the html for grammar, they can email it to me and I'll repost it at the same location. email is slashdot-at-perljam.net
Re:Clear Case / Colors (Score:1)
Gotcher back. :)
Try Palm Colors [palmcolors.com] for solid-color and crystal cases for the Personal/Professional and III.
Or at least you can try them when they actually get around to shipping product. Or something. People have been waiting a while.
Re:Just say NO to plastic cases (Score:1)
Re:Easier RAID hack instructions (Score:1)
This is a tough one... (Score:1)
Re:Machined Aluminum (Score:1)
English translations: (Score:1)
The site does have english translation on it.
Hmmm. article submitters not reading the pages they are submitting. How cute.
Re:Machined Aluminum (Score:1)
I remember Slashdot had a quickie [slashdot.org] about his first custom case (I think the link is dead) that he did by hand. You would think he'd have the milling process automated to the point that he'd be able to just slap two aluminium blocks in a vice and walk away.
Re:Things to do to a color palm (Score:1)
From the L0pht description:
Taking a step back to the early age of computer pornography. HairyPalm is a collection of Apple ][ adult animation demos.
Ain't technology grand?
Clear Cases, Clear Lids (Score:1)
Oh, and a quick look on Deja found Palmmate [palmmate.site.gl], which sells semi-translucent III cases, and matching flip-covers in six diffrent colors.
Palm III aluminum cases! (Score:1)
Colored Cases (Score:1)
Crack. (Score:1)
Moderators, can I borrow your pipe? My bowl must be a lot smaller than yours, cause obviously you smoked a really big rock before moderating.
Please, pray tell, why the above (funny) comment was modded down as a 'troll'? This *is* an article about modifying Palms...
Re:Lego Motion (Score:1)
Re:Clear Case / Colors (Score:1)
It was also offered for a while as a sort of "back-to-school" special. I would imagine that you could probably dredge up one for pretty cheap on an auction site; they went for only $150 or so new, IIRC.
Re:Just say NO to plastic cases (Score:1)
Re:Just say NO to plastic cases (Score:1)
...however I don't know why the stylus wasn't documented better. If you unscrew the tip, it becomes a tool precicely engineered to hit the reset button. Try it some time, the measurements are precise.
I think maybe the instructions recommend a paperclip because some engineer snuck the feature in at the last minute.
(I didn't see it in any CAD files for the stylus either.)
Re:What does this say about Japanese psychology? (Score:2)
During the post WW2 reconstruction, there weren't many consumer goods to be had; Sony came up with tiny, reasonable quality, and affordable transistor radios. Up until WW2, "made in Japan" was a synonym for low quality, cheaply manufactured knock offs of western goods. Japan was able to turn its economic disadvantages into an unique capability to produce innovative, high quality, highly efficient, miniaturized goods. Quite possibly, this is a source of national pride, which could further explain the Japanese consumer preference for small goods.
i live in tokyo, willing to ship (Score:1)
Re:What does this say about Japanese psychology? (Score:1)
I commute by bike.
Re:OFFTOPIC: Physical random distribution of DeCSS (Score:1)
Clear Case / Colors (Score:1)
The palm 3e was offerred for a limited time with a clear case to palm developers. I haven't kept up with palm fashion lately, but I recall a few weeks ago seeing a company which was offerring translucent cases for the palm 3 form factor. If I had the link I'd post it.
The kids' palm (120m?) comes with a colored case, but I don't know of any factory 3s with color cases other than the 3e special.
Visors, on the other hand, come in all the colors of the rainbow.
Things to do to a color palm (Score:2)
Something about having a hairy palm pilot capable of viewing porn...
Japanese Translator... (Score:2)
also the register reports that sony's Palm PDA has sold out on its first day in Japan already:
Need source for clear *buttons* (Score:3)
The problem is, while such replacement buttons are all over Japan, they're just not available in the states as far as I can tell. Worse, nobody will ship such a low-cost item overseas - not worth the hassle for a single order.
So, /. readers, I'm asking you - anyone have a line on these in the states?
Re:Translate It (Score:1)
uh, who said anything about babelfish? Try Gist-In-Time [teletranslator.com]
Re:Hand-Cranked Power (Score:1)
Bowie J. Poag
Just say NO to plastic cases (Score:3)
Get a Palm V if you can afford it. If you can't afford it, save money until you can. It'll last longer, so you'll be better off in the long run. I just love my V; its rugged aluminum case has taken a beating without any ill effects. I've carried it for over a year now and it's as tight as the day it was new.
If you are absolutely hell-bent on replacing your original plastic case with something cooler, get one of those nuclear-hardened titanium jobs. Wicked, very wicked.
Re:Translate It (Score:1)
¥Û¼¥à¥Ú¼¥ home page (WWW); CO
¥Õ¥ì¼¥à a frame; ED
ÈÍÑ Úè¦Û (vs) use; application; employment; utilization; EP
¥Õ¥ì¼¥à a frame; ED
Âб Ú¦Û (vs) interaction; correspondence; coping with; dealing with; EP
¥Ö¥é¥¦¥ browser; ED
ÈÍÑÄǽ Úè¦Î¦Û available; enabled; ED
¼ë ÚÀëÛ (IV) (hon) to give; to confer; EP
And that is only the 'your browser must be frames enabled' message.
Re:Lego Motion (Score:1)
Japanese to English Translator (Score:1)
Before this [elingo.com], I'd never seen a translator that deals with japanese...
Avert your eyes! (Score:2)
Kevin Fox
Machined Aluminum (Score:2)
This guy http://www.dave.com [dave.com] makes machined aluminum casing for the PalmIII series organizer, very nice, though costly
Let me be a nitpick and say... (Score:2)
If you think this is cool... (Score:1)
If you live in the SF area, there is a good book/mag store in the Japan Town shopping center with such rags.
Fast Mirror (thanks to wget -r) (Score:1)
If you found the site slow as I did, try THIS. []
Re:How cool. (Score:1)
Re:Why on a disk? (Score:2)
Re:Translation (Score:1)
Re:Just say NO to plastic cases (Score:2)
The hack itself is only 18K, but the japanese fonts/dictionaries take about 200K. Do yourself a favor and make sure you get a 4MB model or higher if want to do serious multiligual stuff on it, as you will need to 'replace' most of the built-in english-only apps.
- Maikeru
Re:Translation (Score:1)
Re:Translation (Score:1)
Re:Hand-Cranked Power (Score:1)
-- Michael Chermside
Re:Need source for clear *buttons* (Score:2)
A friend of mine runs a small business in Japan called japanime.com. His company will purchase Japanese anime items on request. If you ask them nicely enough, they may be willing to look for clear plastic palm buttons...
Re:How cool. (Score:1)
If you want a cool and expensive toy:
a desktop RC articulated lorry with ALL the blinkenlights working.
an indoor electric heli. its not easy to fly though.
Both items are amazing pieces of technology.
How cool. (Score:1)
About the closest I've come to this is putting a GoldFingers on my Athlon, and that made me about as nervy and jumpy as you can. (Those exterior cases are hard as hell to pull off!)
-- Talonius
Re:How cool. (Score:1)
Does anyone know if there is anything like a solar cell for Palms or Visors? How about a modification to the screen so that you have to shine UV light to read the text? (That would insure a bit of privacy...)
Re:How cool. (Score:1)
No kidding! I remember one time someone described how to turn a regular IDE controller into a RAID controller by simply removing one resistor. The catch? The resistor was underneath a surface mount component that had to be removed and then resoldered on!
Other people can do that. I'll spend a little extra money to keep the warranty.
So somebody added that hand crank.. (Score:2)
Apple fans will remember when the rumor sites were claiming that the forthcoming portable (which turned out to be the iBook) was going to be powered by a hand crank. See this old As The Apple Turns article [appleturns.com].
It's not that ludicrous -- the wind-up generator technology is better than you might think, PowerPC's are very efficient, particularly G3s, and Apple did used to make the eMate, which might have been able to get away with hand-power with its flash memory and terrific battery life. Still, it was pretty ludicrous.
Re:So somebody added that hand crank.. (Score:3)
Translate It (Score:1)
Geeky.org [geeky.org]
What does this say about Japanese psychology? (Score:1)
what about...? (Score:2)
Re:Need source for clear *buttons* (Score:1)