
Slashback: Bugfixed, Attribution, Atkins 423

Slashback brings you another flurry of updates (below) on the recently reported Mozilla security leak, the Greek gaming ban (you'll never guess), the mega-hour TiVO mod mentioned earlier today, the long-term healthiness of the Atkins Diet, and more. Read on for the details.

Slashback: Courseware, Warranties, Subscraption 316

Slashback brings you word on open courseware, The Big Switch as seen by Tim O'Reilly, another update on the man-made "moon," more on the in-progress clampdown on Chinese Internet searchers, and a disheartening note about hard drive warranties. Get 'em before they disappear completely ;) Read on for the details.

Slashback: Segwait, Farscape, Leg-pulling 264

Slashback tonight with news of the Farscape backlash, an explanation for the slight shipping delay on your hypothetical new Human Transporter, an amusing chapter in the long and boring Nigerian spam book (check out the passport), and some tips on getting Linux on an Xbox. Enjoy! Update: 09/13 00:34 GMT by T : And a late add as well below with some important information for anyone intrigued by yesterday's mention of discarded AT&T microwave towers for sale.

Slashback: GameBand, Nexia, Lunarocks 217

Slashback is loaded with updates to recent (and not-recent) Slashdot postings. More opportunity to hot-rod your Dreamcast with an ethernet adapter, continuing seed-patent madness, more stolen moon rock, an update to Chrisd's favorite MP3 player and more, all below.

Slashback: Google, Prince, Bayesian 424

Updates from the field on Google access in the People's Republic of China, Lance Bass's space-shot (shot down), the gaming ban in Greece, recording artists and Internet music downloads, and more. Read on for the details.

Slashback: Galeon, Forgent, Platformation 175

Slashback's blizzard of updates, corrections and amplifications includes some more information about Win2K and HIPAA, another notch on the Browser Progress Chart, Dreamcast ethernet jacks, the Hoopla'd Red Hat Menace and more. Read on.

Slashback: Brainwaves, MPnothin', Telescopy 244

Slashback tonight with a few words on forcing Open software, NASA mind-reading tricks, a reminder of one nice way not to pay for an MP3 decoder, and more. Read on for the details. Update: 08/28 00:36 GMT by T : Oops -- No DoubleClick news tonight, as the original headline implied. Regrets.

Slashback: Pop-Ups, Books, Qmail 365

Slashback tonight is loaded with updates and addenda to previous stories on Bayesian spam-prevention, pop-up ad blocking, and celebratory picnics as well as an inquiry into the other side of visionary literature. Read on below for the details.

Slashback: Activism, VOIP, Ivies 165

Slashback tonight brings you a response to Declan McCullagh's approach to political activism (and tangentially related, evidence of Bruce Perens' very different way of doing things), a link to a few more VOIP Blasters, tantalizing news from the Blender front, and more -- all below.

Slashback: Futurama, Shattering, Footage 192

Slashback items tonight include a hopeful picture of the Futurama future, good news for Ziff-Davis fans worried about bankruptcy, video-release updates for two films reviewed on Slashdot, and more -- read on for the details.

Slashback: Picnic, Neonapster, Microsoft 122

Slashback tonight with some good news about Linux Weekly News, an annual update for interested picnic-goers, a followup on Neonapster, and a few words of caution on Microsoft's approach to code disclosure. Read on below for the details.

Slashback: Assembly, Avoidance, Civility 340

With the usual round of updates, corrections, reactions and related stories, Slashback tonight has word of yet another giant Euronerd conclave, as well as some news on the odds of being smashed into a pulp in the year 2019, and a gentle response from Richard M. Stallman on appropriate behavior in absurd circumstances.

Slashback: Arch, Bubbles, Keystrokes 112

Slashback with updates tonight on keystroke tracking (but not spying), OddTodd's interesting approach to unemployment, cold fusion, and an appeal from the Arch folks. Read on below for the details.

Slashback: Apache, DRM, Limbo 175

Slashback tonight has an important correction about the role of the Apache Foundation (none) vis a vis yesterday's ".NET for Apache" post. Also, another view of the recent DRM (stacked) roundtable in Washington, a review of Red Hat's new beta, and more. Anyone who has successfully downloaded the new Mandrake beta want to comment on that?

Slashback: Alternatives, Ads, Apple 455

Slashback tonight with word on what you can use instead of JPEG, the return of AdCritic.com as payware, NCR vs. Handspring, and more. Read on for the details.

Slashback: Legislation, Samplification, Knaves 111

More information this evening (below) on Daniel Gomez-Ibanez' digital turntable, the Coble-Berman [T: not "Sherman," sorry] bill, moral-free domain registrars, Gator's un-requested link substitutions, and more. Enjoy!

Slashback: Stapler, Interface, Gaming 295

Slashback tonight (read on below) has updates on next-generation aircraft, KDE user-interface improvements and suggestions, a special warning for those obsessed with Milton's stapler from Office Space, SmartFilter's attitude toward SourceForge, and more.

Slashback: Zoning, Linking, Fooling 170

Tonight Slashback brings you updates (below) on the video card ATi isn't really putting out, home-brewed electronic multi-room temperature control, NPR's linking policy, and more. Enjoy!

Slashback: Armed, Cracked, Cables 223

Slashback this holiday evening with just a few quick updates and follow-ups (below) -- I hope those to whom the Fourth of July is a significant holiday are out (responsibly) making things explode.

Slashback: Disclosure, Maricopa, Telecoms 376

Slashback tonight with another round of updates and errata regarding recent Slashdot stories. Read on for more on domain slamming, the process behind fixing and revealing the recent OpenSSH vulnerability, early photography, and a special note for residents of Maricopa County, Arizona.

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