
Slashback: Cookies, Germans, Art 75

More on privacy as seen by legislators; a hopefully luckfilled update on graphics software you may be waiting for; and a denial from Germany on the "getting rid of Microsoft software" claims touted not long ago. All below in tonight's episode of Slashback.

Slashback: Franklin, Head-Mounting, Timing 202

Slashback tonight with more on clockless computing; Benjamin Franklin on patents (!); and early notice to evacuate Zurich in advance of the ISWC Borg. (Read more below.)

Slashback: 2600, X-Many Bytes, Results 117

Tonight: Reactions and reductions of previous Slashdot appearances, including but not limited to: in-dash video gaming for the less upwardly mobile; a CSS descrambler you could scratch as a crib onto the side of your #2 pencil; and more on the engineers vs. scientists brouhaha. Enjoy!

Slashback: Indreams, Dejagain, Codrivel 80

Craving at least some small bit of followup to old stories? Well, sit comfortably in your thousand-dollar Relax-the-Back recliner and savor a (minor) update on the fabled and hopefully forthcoming Indrema console, again something to chew on regarding deja again, and more.

Slashback: Beetle, Reading, Streams 57

Slashback tonight brings you more on how to find good books, how to have your car snipped off the Golden Gate Bridge, and what's up in the world of Linux audio and video, through an interview with GStreamer developers. Enjoy!

Slashback: Stallman, Again, Wanderungen 126

Slashback, the semi-regular attempt to bring some new light to old stories, continues briskly tonight with just a few items: clarification about words from RMS, early vacation plan reminders for anyone up for a little Wanderungenmitpenguinenborkborkbierdrinkinundsoweiter, and more on Deja. Deja.

Slashback: Smallness, Blackouts, South Australia 118

Slashback is back this evening with more on censorship down under, games that you'll brag to your grandchildren you were glad to be beaten with a hot iron while playing, and more. Enjoy with care.

Slashback: Unenforceability, Conflagration, Cans 111

This is Slashback for the evening. Please be advised, through the following items, about ... how to turn that extra Pentium into a firewall running iptables; the state of the Symantec patent on software updates (uughh!); more on can satellites, and more.

Slashback: Antennae, Play, Book Larnin' 178

Slashback tonight brings you news, reminders and updates. Important things, like How to repair a busted Airport; more on Nevrax's gaming system; Games you probably won't talk your local football league into switching to; and more information about the Kent State Starcraft story. Enjoy!

Slashback: Palace, Perl, Coastalism 114

The webmaster responsible for putting Red Hat Linux in service for the Royal Family steps down, The A in ALS stands this year for "oAkland," DSS hackers can rejoice for the moment, and visions of Perl will soon adorn at least two continents. For more on these completely explicable statements, read on in tonight's episode of Slashback.

Slashback: Bindery, Locality, Gruviness 48

Much has happened in the world, some of it even worth reading about. For instance ... More on BIND and where it's headed regarding openness, licensing and other things; an update on Protozilla, and what is undoubtably not the final word on Linuxgruven, SAIR and company.

Slashback: Solidarity, Friction, Dreams 158

More on power woes in California; a ray of light to all the would-be Delux DVD players in the audience; snappy comebacks from Sega; and some updates on the ever-intriguing Project Pengachu. Mmmmmm. All below, so use that mouse finger.

Slashback: Blockage, Stripes, Upswings 84

If you seek updates this evening, you're in luck. Below, we have some additional information for you on: the state of the dot-com-economy; more information (and a link to a very neat site) about your private bar-coding adventures; more about the bad things that can result from farming out your spam prevention; and the threads being plucked ungently from the fabric of the Matrix sequels. Enjoy.

Slashback: Pronouns, Acronyms, Abbreviations 132

Slashback tonight brings you updates on: that silly plastic barcode scanner by that company, what's-it-called ... oh yeah, "Digital Convergence;" how to spread your genetic code the polite way; and why you won't be voting on an MS-Dell-Unisys machine unless things change from vapor to reality, soon.

Slashback: Scrambled, Dreams, Stars 87

Welcome to another dose of updates and trivia, which tonight means: some more on the large glob of egg on the face of Egghead.com; how to connect to the satellite world a little cheaper, and an unlikely (or maybe not unlikely) source of interest in NetBSD on the Dreamcast.

Slashback: Bass, Bomb, Deluxitude 131

A hefty handful of updates for you in tonight's Slashback, including: more information on how to make your plastic fish talk; more on the sounds-too-good-to-be-true Delux DVD player; and things that hopefully do not go boom in the woods. Also, shedding some more light on the Sun E10K review we ran a few days ago.

Slashback: Aptitude, Consolation, Security 154

A handful of updates and new nuggets await you below, on everything from Iraqi PlayStation purchases to package manager news of the week, in tonight's release of Slashback.

Slashback: HAMnation, Books, Criticism 105

An update on the health of troubled HAM satellite Oscar 40; a bit more on free online books -- but this time all good news; a nice in-depth report on the state of Mandrake's latest offering; and an earth-shattering change to the previously reported report from the Real-Time Linux Workshop. That (and absolutely no expression -- none whatsoever -- of wishes for you to experience a pleasant millenium turn) is what you'll find below in tonight's Slashback.

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