
Slashback: Debianism, Nukes, Discretion 161

Slashback slung at you tonight from 36 deg 02.412N 083 deg 24.61W with Debian pictures, the word on KIllustrator (which is not "KIlladobe"), a vague promise from Psion that they will return with consumer devices eventually, and an interesting exchange regarding the proper choice of tracking database for your local nuclear materials facility.

Slashback: Mono, Names, Locking Up 254

Slashback tonight with just a few small items: an update on the AOL vs. Gaim brouhaha (good news), a slight return to the NSA's recommendations on securing that legacy Windows box, and oh, by the way, the official launch of the Free Software antidote to paying fealty forever to Redmond.

Slashback: Reconciliation, Passportation, Inflation 130

Tonight, Slashback brings you good news on the Gnome Front, news that's either sobering or annoying on the Passport patrol, and a very useful checklist for those caught outside, simulating space travel, and pretty much alone.

Slashback: Shooters, Ire, Boldness 117

More inspiration tonight for anyone planning a low-key entry to space, eyeball feed to celebrate Quake's semi-decennial, and a bit more on Scott McCloud's comic arguments.

Slashback: Shelter, Panic, Intrusion 110

Welcome to Slashback for the evening: Yes, another big security problem with the world's second-most popular web server, a slight revision of the plight of Silicon Valley's homeless, and good news from the Indymedia front.

Slashback: Carpal, Displays, Asylum 80

Slashback tonight with another word on eInk's color displays for portable computing, a temporarily happy ending for Keith Henson; a cool online-movie update, and a slight return to the subject of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Slashback: Cables, Kernels, Crackers 38

Information (yes, in English;)) below about superconducting cables in Denmark, more information on how not to get your server broken into (process, not product, naturally), and another update for the Linux Kernel Summit.

Slashback: Offshore, Oratory, Goals 129

More updates and links below on HavenCo, robots that kick balls, and what can already be said to be one of the millenium's most anticipated movies thus far. Oh, and some nice auditory/textual backup to the recent story about RMS vs. Goliath.

Slashback: Journaling, Batting, Securing 75

Slashback tonight with stuff to chew on re: XFS, the baseball-Everquest connection, and whether it's safe to login at SourceForge. Oh, and yet more on the state of HAL. Please read safely.

Slashback: Apple, Lawyers, Backbones 107

More below on improving OS X security, AOL GPL SNAFUs, Mandrake's reputed layoffs (short answer: No.), Big Daddy's control over gaming in Connecticut, and more. All below in tonight's episode of Slashback.

Slashback: Things, Stuff, Items 260

Slashback tonight with more on patents, Douglas Adams, and becoming a Jedi in New Zealand. Please read below for the details;)

Slashback: VIP, Makers, RMS 160

Slashbacked below are a handful of updates, corrections and followups, on topics ranging from Tito in space to who really developed the next-generation OS/2. Please enjoy.

Slashback: Profits, Marks, Secsh 82

Slashback tonight with more from hardware co-op Spindl3top; the name of that protocol which bests telnet in all sorts of ways; censorware discussion for Californians; and even bigger LAN party; and more. Please enjoy :)

Slashback: Reviews, Resources, Pogo 51

As usual, updates and tangents from previous stories in tonight's Slashback. Read on for more on toys from Pittsburgh, the newest iteration of the Magician-named distro, open source directory entries, and everyone's favorite trademark dispute. So hit the button.

Slashback: Toast, Cube, Light 114

Slashing back tonight are bits and pieces on optical transistors; a genuine linux toaster; words from Nintendo's president on the real status of the Gamecube; and another potentially nice push in the world of digital archives. Please enjoy.

Slashback: Protest, Similarities, Orbit 152

Slashback items tonight on India's satellite launch, a bi-coastal EFF-organized protest (yes, will involve leaving your cubicle, basement, silo, remote farm, etc.), Apple not falling far from the tree, and the death of Indrema. Read on below :)

Slashback: Flesh, Porn, Smells 177

Yahoo! says No! to Porn!; the iSmell fades away after lingering long; two books you might want to read (or think again about reading); and What Not To Do Should You Become A Corporate PR Flunky. All below, all in tonight's Slashback.

Slashback: Voting, Suing, Retiring 122

Slashback tonight brings you an update on Intel honcho Gordon Moore (whose famous observation will probably be written about in histories of the 20th century); more news on the state of 802.11 security; a word or three on Linuxgruven; and the odd link on election technologies to leave dimpled chads in the past.

Slashback: Hoaxery, New Math, Gestures 98

Updates and revisions for you on various and sundry stories you've seen here recently, from Parrot to Linux on handhelds to the recent judgement against MP3.com and more. Read on below to find them.

Slashback: Failure, Errors, Misery 78

Slashback tonight with bits on those things that go up coming down; those things meant to go up but which save the trip and just stay down; a nitpicking dissenter (kidding!) on the spelling and goodness of automated supervisory privileges for Canadian televisions; and a nostalgic look back at the ring-mice of yesteryear.

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