
Slashback: StarOffice, Antennae, Handiness 143

Slashback with more on paying royalties for Web standards, Sun's newest office suite, securing your 802.11 network starting with the antenna(e), and another glove.

Slashback: Safety, Transmissions, Breakage 160

Slashback has updates tonight on nuclear-safe hosting facilities, the temporary return of Metricom's Ricochet service, and a possible problem with Apple's newest upgrade for anyone using Xfree86 under Mac OS X.

Slashback: Python, Giveaway, Collection 194

Slashback tonight with more on poseable Python figures (sorry Guido, the other Python -- your turn will come), Brian K. West (sigh), preserving transient websites for historical purposes, and giving away Free software.

Study Finds Low Use Of Steganography On Internet 291

schnippy writes: "New Scientist reports on new study from the University of Michigan that argues that steganography (the science of obfuscating communications) is not in wide use, or at least not on the 2 million images they scanned on eBay. Earlier this year, USA Today reported that Bin Laden was using steganography to disguise his communications. Full study is available here. Wonder how long before someone sets up a distributed computing client to help search for Bin Laden's secret communications? :p" Niels Provos' research was mentioned in Slashback not long ago, and this article is based on the same research.

Slashback: Snapshots, Amends, Bazaarity 388

Slashback brings you some follow-ups tonight about Gartner's recommendation to dump IIS, Charles Connell vs. Eric S. Raymond on Open Source project management, xStore and the GPL, and (yes) the results of Deep Space 1's latest Final Mission.

Slashback: Licensure, Restriction, Cometry 249

Slashback tonight with more on the continuing role of Mitchell Baker with the Mozilla project, flying through comet trails, gaming particulars, and the interesting Microsoft FrontPage EULA forbidding certain types of web pages be made with it.

Slashback: Heat, Thought, Time 204

More information on calls for Canadian Web regulation, the fate of the famous Israeli AI called HAL, (yes, again) Intel's continuing dance with Rambus and more, below in tonight's edition of Slashback.

Slashback: Errata, Futurity, Portality 193

Slashed back tonight: The (slight) return of the Y2K behemoth, good news for those locked out of port 80 by the recent unpleasantness, one interested party's response to Stephen Hawking's genetic-engineering ideas, and even an update on the Scarfo key-logging story.

Slashback: Bots, Time Travel, Turing 340

More on the Battlebots trademark dispute, proof that some of your are listening to Dr. Who on the Beeb, and a memorial -- finally -- for Alan Turing, in tonight's round of updates, corrections, and further info.

Slashback: Sale, Secrecy, Lasers 141

More details below in tonight's Slashback on the sale of Corel's Linux division, the public posting of the encryption scheme some bright young Irish whippersnapper has come up with, fun details on those toys you can roll around with your computer, and winners of another contest.

Slashback: Picnic, Sperling, Quickliness 116

Slashback tonight with more on the Linux anniversary (thanks to the guys from C4 Solutions for the microfeast celebration, at which we did mention that it was the anniversary), Brian K. West and the Good Samaritan story, booting really really fast, and more.

Slashback: Memory, Constancy, Triumph 278

Tonight's slashback with news of how you can help rebuild the foundations of the Internet (at least a small corner), more on slimming down the old Cathode Ray Tube, a new compiler which costs a bit more than GCC, and more.

Slashback: Letters, Time, Revision 130

Slashback brings you updates tonight on Brian K. West, Clockless computing, and the state of GCC -- hope you enjoy them. There's at least some good to take with the bad :)

Slashback: Subterfuge, Rejoinder, Caution 174

A desire for information on Code Red and full disclosure, steganography, old game music, and an interesting bit on software patents are the reason you're reading tonight's Slashback.

Slashback: Efficiency,Observation,WEP 99

Slashback brings you updates and additional notes on recent Slashdot stories. Tonight that means more on computers playing chess, on judges who don't like being monitored in the workplace (too bad!), and on the (less totally spectactular, still bad) cracking of 802-Errr, something.

Slashback: Mods, Books, Checkmate 335

Slashback tonight with more book reviews, more on the Human vs. Machine Duel in the Desert, more on the Star Wars sequel name -- just generally more.

Slashback: Exactitude, Fortitude, Picnic 149

Slashback tonight with another assortment of corrections, amplifications, looks backward (and even looks forward to looks backward). In this last case, it looks like you may even get fed.

Slashback: DCS 1000, Dmitry, Lizardry 137

Slashback tonight with updates on the long-absent Carnivore (which has so far failed to eat itself), David McOwen, Dmitry, and an alternative to the recently discussed Reptile.

Slashback: IPO, Protest, Ripping 156

More information below to update recent stories about MandrakeSoft's IPO, CDs designed to thwart the evil and insidious practices of convenient listening and fair use, and He-Man's favorite GNU/Linux distribution.

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